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Document Development Exposition: Instructions and Usability Test Script

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

My set of instructions was on how to make a veggie rice bowl from scratch. I want the audience to
come in with no expectations. I will provide visuals and detailed descriptions for everything that they
will need. Providing visuals and measurements will help the audience understand the process more
and better understand how every ingredient makes the bowl taste much better. Overall, I plan to
explain to the general audience is simple steps on how to make a veggie rice bowl. I will go over from
how to cook rice to what can they can add to make it spicy and tasty.

First Draft (for peer editing)

The instructions were a bit fizzy to me, but I included a bit of an introduction, ingredients, notes on
the way to help the audience able to understand what was going on, if there were confused. But I
felt like it was pretty self-explanatory. I also added the questionnaire to help the audience
understand what they are reading and to kind of get their feedback on if what they read was
organized and clear.

Second Draft (for your packet)

For my usability testing script, I didn’t get peer feedback, so I was about confused on what to
improve on and how to make it better. So, I fixed the grammar mistakes and a bit of formatting. For
my instructions overall, I was able to get great replies from my peer editing group. I ended up adding
more visual aids for the instructions fixed a bit of formatting as well before I turn it in.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For my final draft after getting the Feedback from the professor I was able to fix the formatting of it
as well as well as changing some things around for the usability test script.

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