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Finding unicorn’s new home!

1. Core Competence
Memahami pengetahuan (factual, konseptual, dan procedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

2. Basic Competence
3.12 Menganalisis sifatsifat cahaya, pembentukan bayangan pada bidang datar dan lengkung,serta
penerapannya untuk menjelaskan proses penglihatan manusia, mata serangga, dan prinsip kerja
alat optic.

4.12 Menyajikan hasil percobaan tentang pembentukan bayangan pada cermin dan lensa.

3. Objective
After conducting the experiment, student will be able to explain about three characteristic of

4. Question

1. What is rainbow? Rinbow is a meterological phenomenon that is caused by ‘reflection’,

refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light
appering in the sky

2. How could rainbow exist? Rainbow caused by sunlight always appear in the section of
sky directly opposite the sun.

3. How could the colors mix separatedly? That is because light mixing is additive while
pigment mixing is subtractive . When light passes from one medium to another medium
of a different density (e.g. from air to water), the light bends. This is known
as refraction of light

5. Background
light is electromagnetic radiation whithin certain portion of the electromagnetic sprectum.
There are 3 characterictics of light:
6. Material Apparatuses
 a clear glass
 small mirror
 water
 sunlight

7. Procedure
1. Fill the glass with water.
2. Put the mirror into the water inside the glass at an angle.
3. Position the glass so that sunlight shines directly at the mirror. You may have to
shift the mirror to find the right angle.
4. Look for a reflection on the wall.  It would be easier to see if the room is dark.
5. Adjust the angle of the mirror until you see a rainbow on the wall.

8. Result

9. Discussion

How much a light is refracted depends on the wavelength of the light. The shorter the wavelength,
the more it bends. Because lights of different colors have different wavelengths, each color is
refracted by different amounts.
Therefore, white light is split up after passing from air to water and the individual colors become
visible. This dispersion of light  allows us to see the spectrum of colors that form a rainbow.

In nature, a rainbow is formed when sunlight is refracted on entering a droplet of water,

reflected inside the back of the droplet and finally refracted again on leaving the droplet.

10. Conclusion
After we conduct the experiment, we know that there are three characteristics of thr light, which are:
Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion. All of those can be proven by Rainbow Phenomena.

11. References

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