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AR323 ARCH32S1


6 Nature of Lights are the following:

1. Reflection - one of the six reflections of light that occur when light waves collide with a
surface or another boundary that does not absorb the energy of the radiation there is a
possibility that the waves will bounce away from the surface. When a light or even a
sound hits a space, particularly a smooth surface, the angle of incidence will be equal to
the angle of reflection.
In the picture below it shows that When a ray of light strikes a surface, it is
reflected back to the source. Furthermore, an Incident ray is a ray of light that strikes the
surface, whereas a Reflected ray is a ray of light that is reflected back.

2. Diffusion - It occurs when a light strikes on a surface that has irregular space like the
material of opaque glass, frosted glass or even a coated light bulb. Even materials that
have some scratches, dents or marks can cause a light to be diffused since it restricts
brightness and quality of light coming from its source.
3. Absorption - At the interface between two different materials, waves can be absorbed.
The energy of the wave is passed to the particles in the surface when it is absorbed by
the material while, the internal energy of the particles is frequently increased as a result
of this.
Absorption also occurs when a wavelength or color of light is being absorbed due
to the whitel lights that's been striking on an opaque object. These kinds of wavelengths
are unable to be received by the human eye but the other wavelengths that are reflected
to it can be seen by the human eyes.

4. Refraction - It happens when light waves travel through one medium to a different and
due to the various density of various materials, a bending occurs. Light refraction is one
in every of the foremost well-known phenomena, but other waves, like sound and water
waves, may refract. We may use optical equipment like magnifying glasses, lenses, and
prisms due to refraction, and also we can focus light on our retina because of refraction
of the sunlight.
When a lightweight ray travels at an angle into a medium with a differing index of
refraction, it refracts. This shift in speed causes a shift in direction. Consider the flow of
air into water as an example. As light continues to travel at a unique angle, then when it
hits the medium its speed drops.
5. Transmission in Light - Occurs when the vibrations of the electrons are passed on to the
nearby atoms and re-emitted from the other side of the item if the object is transparent.
The light is said to be transferred in such instances. If the item is opaque, the electrons'
vibrations are not transferred in bulk; rather, the atoms' electrons vibrate for a short time
before being re-emitted as a reflected light wave from the object's surface.

The transmittance of a fabric is when the proportion of the approaching light

moves all the way through to the opposite side. The transmittance of a fabric depends
on its thickness, but it also depends on the sort of sunshine or electromagnetic wave
you're using. The transmittance of a fabric depends on its thickness, but it also depends
on the sort of electromagnetic waves that pass through it.

6. Diffraction - Nature of light that occurs when light waves bend around obstacles in their
path, causing them to bend into the shadow zone.It is the characteristic of all waves.
Diffraction happens when a light wave passes through a corner or a hole or slit that is
the same size as, or even smaller than, the wavelength of that light.

Diffraction is a sort of light scattering in which an item (such as a diffraction

grating) produces an orderly diffraction pattern. Most real-world objects have a complex
shape and should be considered to be made up of multiple discrete diffraction features
that, when combined, can generate a random dispersion of light.

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