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Steve Jobs

Today, I am going to present about Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs, in full Steve Paul Jobs was born
on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He was an
American businessman and inventor who played a key role in the success of Apple
computers. In 1976, Steve Jobs' career with Apple Inc. started when he created it with Steve
Wozniak. In the process, he helped transform seven industries: personal computing, animated
movies, music, phones, tablets, retail stores, and digital publishing. His influence on the
technology industry, entertainment, advertising, and pop culture was significant and he left
behind an empire that changed how people interact with technology. The development of
revolutionary new technology such as the iPod, iPad and MacBook.
The key competency which I believe have contributed towards that Steve Jobs success in his
career is team competency. Steve Jobs said, "Great things will never be done by one person;
they are done by a team. "He emphasized the importance of teamwork for his employees
because teamwork enables the workforce to split difficult tasks into simpler ones, then work
together to complete them faster and develop specialized skills, so that the best person for
each task can do it better and faster. Although he made the final decision on product design,
he knew that the right employee would be the company's biggest asset. At the same time, he
knew he must be the best leader in the team. He was both a role model leader and a master
who empowers and motivates his employees to complete tasks. He serves as a role model for
employees by showing what he wants to see. For example, he was meticulous about the
Steve Jobs always motivates his employees and resolving the conflict between employees.
Steve Jobs fit in the transactional leadership description. He directed the efforts of others
through tasks and structures. Steve influenced his employees for a strong desire to work,
shared his passion with the staff, and provided the vision. Steve Jobs was eager to create
high-quality products that he likes, not just products that bring profits to Apple. The
employees of Steve Jobs know that he is not making money, but is eager to build great things.
He was always convinced employees that they could do well and motivate them because
employees are the company's biggest asset. For example, Steve Jobs also pitched ideas to his
ad team with a similar passion to “ensure that almost every ad they produced was infused
with his emotion.” Steve Jobs not always make the right decision but he always picked
himself up, learned from his mistakes, and tried again.
Steve Jobs has set clear goals and he was famous for his high standards. In fact, those
impossible targets he set for his team made Apple the innovative powerhouse it is today. He
formed a strong team to share his vision with them and understand the technical and aesthetic
characteristics that Jobs wanted in Apple products.
Another key competency which I believe has contributed towards that Steve Jobs success in
his career is self-competency. Steve Job was taking responsibility for managing himself and
his career and through stressful circumstances. Steve is different from other traditional
leaders, he always placed himself at the same level as his employees. He just didn’t sit in his
office swinging on his chair as the employees worked their brains off. He worked every day
from 7 am to 9 pm from Monday to Monday. Even when he developed kidney stones, that
did not hinder him from pursuing his goal of pushing his company to greater heights.
He always understanding own and others personality and attitudes. The better part was that
he also influenced his employees and the people around him to become their better versions.
He always saw the good and the potential in everyone which earn him respect and
admiration. And another thing that I admire from Steve was that even when one could
imagine that he had gotten to the climax of his career and maybe he should have taken a
break, he never did.
Steve Jobs was a skilled problem solver, good at the social judgment when he wanted, with
astounding knowledge skills. He was very adaptable in changing situations and had the innate
ability to read social cues very well. Jobs grew up with his adoptive parents and they inspired
him to learn and experiment, so he started out life with probably a higher cognitive ability in
general. However, he excelled at his crystallized cognitive ability as he was able to use his
knowledge to become more adept in his profession.
Effective teamwork is the secret behind the growth and success of the most successful
companies in the world. Teamwork is an incredibly important ingredient of the ‘successful
business’ recipe. For example, Apple are well aware of the importance of teamwork. They
work hard to promote teamwork and encourage collaboration among their employees.
Everyone has stress in their lives, but not everyone deals with it in a constructive way. Steve
Jobs learn how to manage their stress effectively so that their companies, employees and their
own personal lives don’t end up eroding as a consequence.

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