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ii Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look


Klyushin Ya.G. Electricity, Gravity, Heat – Another Look. Space Time Analyses. 2019
ISBN 978-1-7335453-0-3

Space Time Analyses, Ltd

11660 239th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98053-5613, USA
phone +1 (425) 968-8851

Yaroslav Gr. Klyushin

phone +7 (812) 386-1395

© Space Time Analyses 2019

© Yaroslav Gr. Klyushin 2019
Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look iii

This book was conceived as a challenge to the crestfallen conformism in science. And any
such challenge is addressed first of all to the youth cognizant of the laws of nature for the first
time, and therefore potentially more inclined to perceive non-standard ideas.
My words are to you, student and postgraduate. Your life will not be devoted to
specification of the hundredth digit of a well-known constant. The very foundation of modern
physics has collapsed, and its edifice is tumbling down. You will have space to develop, and
subject to think over. To realize and formulate ideas... What can be more worthy? And what can
give greater joy of life? I have lived my life, and I can say: neither money, nor power, nor even
love (I do not even speak about wine and drugs) can give you the wonderful, keen feeling that
embrace a person when the heap of discrepant and seemingly unrelated facts suddenly find just
proportion, simplicity, and you begin feeling harmony of the universe. I believe that something
like this is felt by a woman who keeps healthy and crying baby against her breast after a long
and difficult pregnancy and childbirth. Creative work is the only way for a person to experience
this feeling.
But my words are also for venerable scientists of my own generation. You are knowledge
curators. It is impossible without you to create hierarchy, canon so important for the science of
the coming millennium, so necessary to construct “Beads game” on the place where today we
observe a mixture of strange fantasies called physical concepts. So let us not become like
politicians who put their personal ambitions higher than the interests of our common pursuit.
In the great evolution movement the Lord prescribed to us the role of the humanity brain. So let
us be worthy of our destination.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everybody who directly or indirectly
helped in my difficult journey to modern physics. And first of my thanks are addressed to I.V.
Prohorzev. This book could not have appeared at all without his attention and support. I am
very grateful to all my colleagues in the St. Petersburg Physical Society seminar, and first of all
to the seminar curator A.P. Smirnov, and to the ‘first between equals’, V.A. Fogel, who attracted
my attention to electrodynamics and persistently revived that interest, sometimes even despite
my resistance.
As always professional was Svetlana Begacheva who typeset the earlier Russian edition of
this book. As always forbearing and benevolent was my wife, Alena, about my love to whom I
would like to speak here because I seldom pronounce this in everyday life. My thanks to my
teachers – professors of Leningrad State University who has given the habit for quantitative
investigations and perhaps naive believe in the final victory of truth to me, also to all my
friends, and first of all to A.N. Proszenko who always found strength to support me in my
foolhardy initiatives.


Associate Editor to Galilean Electrodynamics
iv Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look

I believe that Physics is presently in an unrecognized crisis. The problem begins early in the
twentieth century, with the advent of Special Relativity Theory (SRT). At that time, there was a
great deal of confusion and uncertainty, and Einstein sought to cut through it all by starting a
new mathematical analysis based on clearly stated new Postulates concerning the propagation
of light. Signals. His new First Postulate was that the laws of Nature should be the same for all
observes in all inertial reference frames, and his new Second Postulate was that the speed of
light should be the same for all observers in all inertial reference frames.
Einstein’s first Postulate seems reasonably unobjectionable, although one could quibble a
little bit that observers in inertial reference frames do not actually exist, inasmuch as all real ob-
servers have mass, and their instruments have mass, sometimes quite a lot of mass, so any
reference frame in which observers and their instruments reside is not really inertial. So one has
to think of the word ‘inertial’ as being to Physics what the words ‘infinitesimal’ and ‘infinite’ are
to Mathematics: limits that one can talk about, but not actual physical states about which one
can do experiments.
Einstein’s Second Postulate seems potentially more objec-tionable. The problem there is that
the little word ‘in’. It really means the big word ‘throughout’. The speed of light is pre-sumed to
have the same reference over the entire propagation path. That is, c is c relative to the receiver of
the light, not just at or near the receiver, but all the way back to the source. You can tell that this
is the meaning by looking at the subsequent math expressions. Everywhere you see 1/c. The c is
clearly meant to meant to be a constant throughout the problem domain. There is nothing to
indicate any variation, even in reference, for c. It is a constant throughout the coordinate frame
in which the particular problem is presented.
This Second Postulate is very bold indeed. Compare it to the more typical sort of statement
used for a math problem. Typically, there are differential equations, and one or more families of
solutions, and some boundary conditions. But this Second Postulate is not a boundary
condition. Instead, it is a whole space commandment. It is likely to constitute an over-
constraint. So it is likely to cause conflicts and Paradoxes.
Paradoxes: those seem to be what SRT is most loved for! In the ancient world, and even in
the pre-Einstein modern world, mathematicians worked hard to avoid Paradoxes. The goal was
to develop ideas upon which different people could agree. The belief was that people could
arrive at a shared vision of Reality.
The word ‘Relativity’ sounds very close to the word ‘Reality’, but actually it is not
conceptually close at all! In embracing Relativity, we inevitably renounce the notion of shared
One way to restore Reality would be to find some kind of experimental evidence that
something is not right with SRT. Many experimenters have applied their talent to this task. This
book takes note of such individuals and celebrates their efforts.
Electrodynamics is the main area in which the experimenters have worked. And so the book
begins with Electrodynamics. A few of the people involved have been recent enough that
Klyushin and/or I have known them personally. Heroes all!
One thing leads to another. Electrodynamics involves signals of attractive nature, and so
does gravity. So whatever imperfections we have had in our understanding of light signals very
likely afflicts our understanding of gravitational signals as well. So the book proceeds to
And then there is Thermodynamics. I am especially fond of Statistical Mechanics and
Statistical Communication Theory, both of which employ Entropy, the child of
Thermodynamics, as their explanatory core.
Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look v

Then we have Elementary Particles. There are so many that it seems ludicrous to call them
elementary. But maybe a less perverse formulation of SRT could bring more order.
Finally, there is Aether. With SRT, we sent Aether to Purga-tory. But do we need Aether
after all? Until SRT banished it, Aether was imagined as a candidate reference for light speed.
We still seem to need something for that job. Alternatively, if we would just clean up SRT, we
would always have two boundaries, Source and Receiver, and we wouldn’t need the name
Aether, as such, for any un-manned job.
To be fair about SRT: It was a very good idea to organize the thought process into formal
Postulates. But it was not a good idea to state the Postulates so very briefly, and especially not a
good idea to leave unclear how very strong the Second Postulate really was, and maybe how
over-constraining it was, and how that would affect whatever problems would be at hand to


Editor in Chief for Galilean Electrodynamics
vi Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look

Introduction .......................................................................................... 1 10. On Logarithm Principle ............................................................ 61
Chapter 1: Electrodynamics ............................................................... 3 10.1. The Basis for the Logarithm Principle .............................. 61
1. Preface to Chapter 1 ..................................................................... 3 10.2. The Scientific and Practical Use of the Logarithm
2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics ................... 3 Principle ........................................................................................ 62
2.1. Historical Review of Electrodynamics Theories ................. 3 Chapter 3: Thermodynamics............................................................. 64
2.2. Generalized Maxwell Equations ........................................... 9 11. Introduction to Chapter 3 ......................................................... 64
2.3. The Field Formula ................................................................ 12 12. On the Vector Angle ................................................................. 64
2.4. The Final Correlation ........................................................... 13 12.1. Necessary Mathematical Apparatus ................................. 64
2.5. Example Applications .......................................................... 15 12.2. Definition of the term ‘Vector Angle’ ............................... 65
2.6. Charge 2 Distributed Along Infinite Straight Line ........... 16 12.3. The Link between the Descriptions of Movement
2.7. More Examples of GE vs. Traditional Results .................. 16 in the Space of Lengths and the Space of Angles ..................... 66
2.8. Charged Plane ....................................................................... 17 12.4. Vector product of vectors from the length space
2.9. Fields That Exist Inside a Charged Sphere ........................ 21 and the angle space. ..................................................................... 66
2.10. Energy, Impulse, Force Momentum ................................. 23 12.5. Examples .............................................................................. 67
2.11. Summary of Argument ...................................................... 24 13. The Field View on Thermodynamics...................................... 68
3. Mechanical Dimensions in Electrodynamics, Electron 13.1. Necessary Mathematical Apparatus ................................. 68
Construction and Plank's Constant .............................................. 24 13.2. Mechanical Dimensions the Thermodynamic
3.1. Systems of Units ................................................................... 25 Variables ........................................................................................ 70
3.2. Mechanic System of Units in Electrodynamics and 13.3. The Thermodynamic Field ................................................. 71
Electron Construction ................................................................. 25 13.4. What is Entropy? ................................................................. 72
3.3. The Magnetic Moment of the Electron .............................. 27 13.5. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. ............................. 73
3.4. Plank's Constant ................................................................... 28 13.6. Absolute Black Body Radiation ......................................... 75
4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and 13.7. Gibbs Paradox...................................................................... 76
Quantum Mechanics ...................................................................... 30 14. The Cycles of the Thermodynamic Field................................ 76
4.1. Gravitational Model of the Electron ................................... 30 14.1. Introduction ......................................................................... 76
4.2. Wave Form of Generalized Maxwell Equations ............... 30 14.2. Thermodynamic Field Cycles ............................................ 78
4.3. The Photon ............................................................................ 31 14.3. Comparison with Carnot Cycle ......................................... 79
4.4. Interaction Energy, Momentum, and Force for 14.4. Conclusion about Such Cycles........................................... 80
Two Photons ................................................................................ 33 15. Hydrodynamic Model for Electron Motion ........................... 80
4.5. Interaction Energy, Momentum, and Force for 15.1. Main Equation ..................................................................... 80
Two Electrons .............................................................................. 35 15.2. Case 1: Subluminal Movement Motion ............................ 81
4.6. Conclusion ............................................................................. 38 15.3. Case 2: Superluminal Movement Motion ........................ 82
Chapter 2: Gravidynamics ................................................................ 40 15.4. Summary of the Argument ................................................ 82
5. Preface to Chapter 2 ................................................................... 40 16. Elementary Particles ................................................................. 83
6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity ............................................... 40 16.1. An Experimental Approach to Proton Structure ............ 83
6.1. The Main Equations ............................................................. 41 16.2. A ‘non-Bhor’ Approach to the Hydrogen Atom
6.2. Examples of Gravicurrent.................................................... 42 Construction ................................................................................. 84
6.3. The Gravimagnetic Field ..................................................... 45 16.3. On Gravitational Belts in Atoms ....................................... 86
6.4. Cosmic Manifestation of Gravimagnetic Field ................. 46 16.4. Neutron Construction ......................................................... 88
6.5. Perihelion Displacement, Red Shift, Ray Deviation 17. Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Element
in the Sun Gravimagnetic Field ................................................. 47 Helium .............................................................................................. 90
6.6. Analogies between Gravitational and Electric 17.1. Ideal Gas Characteristics .................................................... 90
Fields ............................................................................................. 49 17.2. Liquid Helium Characteristic ............................................ 91
6.7. Boundary Problem for Potentials ....................................... 50 17.3. Conclusion on Helium ........................................................ 92
6.8. Rotation on Circumference. Dependence on Space 18. The Structure of Light Waves .................................................. 92
Coordinates .................................................................................. 52 18.1. Preliminary Information .................................................... 92
6.9. Rotation on Circumference. Dependence on Time .......... 54 18.2. Light Wave Kinematics ...................................................... 92
7. On the Connection between Electricity and Gravity ............. 55 18.3. Conclusion on Light ............................................................ 93
7.1. Introduction........................................................................... 55 19. Cosmic Background Radiation and Ether .............................. 93
7.2. Historical Review ................................................................. 55 19.1. The Second Plank’s Constant............................................. 93
7.3. On the Gravidynamic Field and Force............................... 56 19.2. The Field Heat Equation and Structure of the
8. On Gravidynamic Forces ........................................................... 56 Eather-1 ......................................................................................... 95
8.1. Equations of Gravidynamic field........................................ 57 19.3. Cosmic Background Radiation is Just the Liquid-
8.2. Examples................................................................................ 59 Like Phase of the Ether-2 ............................................................. 97
9. The Second Continuity Equation .............................................. 60 Conclusion for the Book .................................................................... 99
Ether’s Characteristics ..................................................................... 100
References.......................................................................................... 101
Introduction 1

All of the sciences can be divided into two classes: sciences law? Only if we have three independent definitions: force F, mass
“long” and sciences “wide”. Mathematics is an example of a m and acceleration a. Only after this can a clever man after sitting
“long” science: it constructs long chains from initial axioms- under apple or plane tree come to us and say: “All of you old
assumptions and to conclusions. Examples of “wide” science are chaps thought that these things are not connected with each
provided by History and Economics. In these sciences, there exist other and I tell you there is the equality here, let us come to
a lot of different and not clearly related facts, from which small experiments”.
“pig tails” (conclusions) emerge. But the situation is actually quite different. In a pinch we can
In accord with widely spread opinion, Physics is a “long” say that we understand what a is, if we understand what space
science: just see how many facts follow from it. But more and time are. Then Poincare shows that all mass definitions he
attentive analysis shows that in this respect modern Physics is knows are flawed in this or that aspect. And already completely,
much closer to Economics than to Mathematics. Multiplicity and – Poincare goes on, – we do not understand what force is. The
semantic confusion of what appear to be fundamental terms, use conclusion: the assertion we call the second law of Newton is
of mathematics, not to clear up, but rather to obscure, the essence definition at best: if mass velocity changes as a result of external
of the problems, citation of authority as a proof – all these are causes and the mass is accelerated we assert that a force acts on
birth-marks of wide sciences, and are also characteristics of the mass.
Physics nowadays. The author is sure that modern Physics is in But let us turn further the pages of physical textbooks. We see
crisis – a crisis more profound even than a hundred years ago. the very mass in gravitational field with potential Φ. A new
One can call it the “lengthening” crisis. definition appears: force F = m∇Φ. Technically, these definitions
This situation in Physics means that it is useful to look at how are completely different. Are the definitions equivalent, or do
other sciences, and especially the first-of-all pattern for other they differ in some aspects? We shall consider Lorentz and
sciences, Mathematics, have passed through such times of crisis. Weber forces in electrodynamics below. How are these concepts
One can say that the last crisis of mathematics began from linked with the one mentioned above? I have not found an
realization of the problem of Euclid’s fifth postulate in the second answer in the textbooks I know.
half of the XIXth century, and ended in the beginning of XXth The following passages are typical in modern textbooks. A
century by formulation of the “axiomatic method” in long discussion takes place concerning electromagnetic forces
mathematics. acting on an electron. Then they remember: ah but the force is the
And what was realized in this Mathematics crisis process? impulse time derivative, let us equalize these concepts. And why
First of all it was realized that it was impossible to define is the force not potential gradient? And who has given us right to
everything with the help of everything. Some notions should be equalize things of different origin? And who said to us that
given to the scientist’s intuition. For instance, the notion of “set” electrically charged body reaction to the force is the same as of
is not defined in mathematics, but there exists a set theory. But electrically neutral? As a minimum, the validity such assertions
there should not be too many such non-defined notions. must be grounded for a long time. But any consequence can
Otherwise, different persons may have different understanding follow from a false premise. Therefore, they sometimes come to
of the same assertion. Later on, construction of new theory must valid conclusions.
begin with formulation of axioms. These axioms are not But let us return to the Physics crisis. What seems to be the
compelled to be “self-evident truth”. The set of axioms certainly first and most important step? It is to enumerate and minimize
must satisfy some demands of non-contradiction and the number of non-defined notions. Perhaps we should limit
completeness, etc. But these assumptions can be absolutely free in ourselves to the intuitively clear concepts of space, time, mass…
other senses. Perhaps 3 or 4 notions in addition are needed. I am afraid that
What can Physics of new millennium take from this many spades will be broken in this battle. Because one of the
mathematical tradition? I believe first of all that it is necessity to greatest losses Relativity Theory inflicted upon physics is the
essentially decrease the number of non-defined notions. habit to behave in a familiar way with notions of space and time:
Nowadays there are tens, if not hundreds, of such notions in to mix them up with corresponding concepts in mathematics.
Physics. Conservation of energy is enunciated as a “principle”, Metric, topology for a mathematician is just a convenient way for
but nobody knows what energy is. They write textbooks on field him to build his logical construction. He attaches no physical
theory, but nobody knows the field’s definition. They call meaning to them. Although physical space and time in which we
“equation” everything where an equality sign appears, although live may be supplied with some qualities of mathematical metric,
half of these “equations” are really identities and definitions. actually it is linked with no logic definitions. This is something
One example follows. Apparently the first one who spoke given us by the Lord who also supplied us with the capability to
about this was Lagrange. Kirchhoff was the first one who put the orientate ourselves. Meanwhile there are amateurs proposing to
question point-blank. The reasoning of A. Poincare in his consider physical space as a general topological space, and even
“Lectures on Mechanics” [1] is reproduced below, in a slightly a fiber space.
free manner perhaps. Poincare wrote approximately the Thus the first task is to select and reach common
following: In what case may the correlation F = ma is called a understanding of fundamental notions in physics. The second
2 Electricity, Gravity, Heat. Another Look

step would be formulation of main postulates. Certainly desires And what should the physical axioms look like? Apparently,
for mathematical axioms are not sufficient for physical the equations of fundamental fields must become such axioms.
postulates. We must demand that the corollaries of axioms be There has already being been such a tradition in physics. But
corroborated by experiments. The problem of what experiment is today the theorems, i.e., the corollaries, the consequences from
correct, and above all what its interpretation is, certainly will the equations are constructed completely unsatisfactorily using
need long discussions. vague and previously non-defined notions. Therefore it seems
Here we only note that capability for a theory to explain an that physics development during the near future years must look
experiment cannot yet be the ground to proclaim the theory as follows. Fundamental filed equations are written, for instance
correct. For almost two millennia, Ptolemy’s astronomy and equations of electrodynamic, gravidynamic, or thermodynamic
Aristotle’s belief that movement with constant speed must be fields. All the consequences from these equations are looked
maintained by external force were confirmed by experiments. over. It is ascertained why some facts cannot be understood as
But nowadays we do not believe in that. For almost a century, consequences from the equations. After that, either initial
some experiments were considered to be confirmation of Special equations are generalized or new postulates are introduced.
Relativity theory. Nowadays they found explanation within the
framework of other theories that explain dozens of other facts
that cannot be explained in the framework of SRT, and up until
recently were explained either ad hoc or were not explained at all.
It seems that the English root in modern physics proclaiming
primacy of experiments prevails also in the current science, and
suppresses the French root demanding transparent logic and
elegant theory construction. The future for physics apparently
lies in the prospect of somehow harmonizing these principles.
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 3

1. Preface to Chapter 1 one. The very Ampere formula is an item in the generalized
electrodynamics considered below.
Electricity and everything connected with it is the most The second problem of today electrodynamics as just
important part in modern physics. Its experimental base and thermodynamics as well is absence of natural formula
theory are considered a pattern for the other section of physics. connections with other part of physics and especially with the
But the experiments of G.V. Nikolaev [38] and Graneau [39] “mother of all sciences” classic mechanics. The reason is simple:
and many others show that an essential part of electrodynamic these parts use different languages to describe similar and
effects is not covered by today theory. But such experimental sometimes even identical problems. Introduction of common
facts are not verified and rejected by official science. We can language for different parts of physics would greatly facilitate of
assert this not only about experiments set today but also about successful methods of work from one part of physics to another
experiments put by electrodynamics fathers Ampere, Weber and one and clear the essence of the problems. This author widely
Gauss. Their experiments perhaps have become a sacrifice of uses mechanic dimension in electrodynamics and
discussions between supporters and opponents of the long-range thermodynamics and it greatly helps me in my work and
and close-range theories. Field theory victory has brought not understanding of the problems from different parts of physics. I
only success in some aspects but also oblivion of some ideas of am sure that the reader who find time to reformulate his
our scientific grandfathers. See real problem are solved with the investigations in mechanic dimension would understand the
help of formulas for charges’ interaction force. Therefore 90% feeling of working with “clarified optics”. Therefore perhaps it is
effects of Maxwell equations are lost if Lorentz force formula is more useful to begin reading not with generalized
used. It is lost because Grassmann’s equations are not necessary electrodynamics but with mechanic dimensions in
and which needs only the charges’ characteristics. Already electrodynamics (§3).
Maxwell notes that Grassmann’s formula is a term in the Ampere

2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

2.1. Historical Review of Electrodynamics Theories
Electrodynamics is considered to be truly a fine example for force: the force is radial and directed along the radius going from
the other branches of physics, as far as its logical aspects, as well charge 2 to charge 1. Its proportionality to the radius vector r21,
as its experimental proof are concerned. Houses are lit by the going from charge 2 to charge 1 accounts for the directionality.
bulbs; electric power stations work; we communicate by means Value r, the modulus of radius vector r21, is in the denominator
of Internet. What more can there be? of the fraction.
However, if we make a more detailed examination, we will We will further use the Descartes’ three-dimensional
find out that everything is all right only in some special cases, rectangular system of coordinates, points of which will be
like parallel wires with electric current. And yet, the present denoted as x(x1, x2, x3), t be time and i, j, k be unit vectors. So, we
explanation of induction raises a number of objections, which we have the following (in Descartes’ rectangular three-dimensional
shall only mention here. Doctorovich [2] documents the more coordinate system):
detailed considerations.
r21  (( x11  x12 ),( x21  x22 ),( x31  x32 )), (2.1.2)
A great many, or even all, problems in electrodynamics arise
from the fact that in modern terms the theory was formulated as r  ( x11  x12 ) 2 ( x21  x22 ) 2 ( x31  x32 ) 2 . (2.1.3)
a result of sometimes very different approaches to the
description of phenomena. Those approaches were consequently The upper indices denote numbers of the charges. So, for
being matched to each other without a unifying train of a example, ( x11  x12 ) means the distance between the charge 1 and
thought. The logical flaws were exacerbated by artificial,
charge 2 along the axis x1. It is supposed here that the size of
sometimes apparently non-symmetric, definitions.
charges is negligible in comparison with r. If it is not mentioned
Let us mention here the basic stages of formation of
to be untrue, we will suppose it to be true, below. The formula
electrodynamics, which are usually rendered in present-day
(2.1.1) contains a radius, as the vector, which stands in the
university courses. The attraction of electrified objects,
numerator, and the third power of its scalar value, which stands
experimentally known since the ancient times, was formulated in
in the denominator. This means that the value of a force
terms of rigid mathematical definition, known as Coulomb’s law:
decreases as the square of a distance.
the force of interaction of two electric charges q1 and q2
Some more values, besides the distance, appear in (2.1.1).
q1q2 First of all, these are the charges q1 and q2. The modern manuals
F21  r21 . (2.1.1)
4πε0r 3 consider the conception of any electric charge as some primary
essence. We will return in Appendix 1 to the question of the
Let us investigate this formula. What does it say? First of all, physical meaning of the charge. Here we will follow this
the force F21 is a vector, and (2.1.1) points out the direction of this traditional point of view, mentioning only the fact that in the SI-
4 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

system, which we will apply, the unit of the charge is Coulomb. simplification stemmed up a certain ideology, which is natural
And, even now, we encounter some problem making a correct for modern manuals on physics. As a matter of fact, it brought to
definition. simplistic understanding of the notion of “electric field”, as a
The next approach would be natural. Of course, we do not force, which acts on the test charge. Let us start from the very
understand the exact meaning of the conception “charge”, but we beginning.
are sure, that there are particles, carrying minimum quantity of The Weber’s formula for the case of two charges is:
this quality. So, one can assume the charge of electron, proton, or
some quantity of these charges, to be equal to a unit charge, for q1q2r21 q1q2r21  dr  q1q2r21  d 2r 
F21    dt     . (2.1.5)
example 6.25×1018 e, where e means a charge of electron. One 4πε0r 3 8πε0r c   4πε0r 2c 2  dt 2 
3 2

usually proceeds this way. But at the same time, one does not
determine the unit of a charge, which is equal to the previously Let us summarize what is said above:
written number of elementary charges, and called “Coulomb” (in 1. The force (2.1.5) is radial. It is clear psychologically because
SI-system). Instead, at the beginning the speed of changing of the all of the fundamental forces that were known at that time were
charge e “Coulomb per second” is defined. This value is called radial. It is widely adopted that radial character of force is the
the “Ampere”, and it is defined as a force of constant current, if it condition for the third Newton's law condition validness. We
goes through a pair of parallel straight conductors of infinite assert that this is not so. We shall return to this problem in
length and infinitesimally small cross-section, provided the section 10.
distance between the conductors placed in vacuum equals 1m, so 2. The force, which was added to the Coulomb’s force,
the current induces the force between these conductors, which is depends on the relative velocities and accelerations of the
equal to 2×10–7 Newton per meter. charges; that is, formula (2.1.5) predict the presence of a force in
What is interesting here for our discussion? One wants to addition to Coulomb’s force, even if one of the charges (for
determine the unit of a charge and the force of current in terms of example the “test charge” 1) is at rest.
force, but not vice versa: such-and-such force corresponds to such- 3. Formula (2.1.5) satisfies Newton’s third law: the force with
and-such quantity of resting or moving charges. Such which charge 2 acts on the charge 1 is of magnitude equal to and
inconsistent determinations seem to be natural from the direction opposite to the force with which the charge 1 acts on
historical point of view. charge 2. Both forces are directed along the same straight line.
As a matter of fact, even now, all the electrical devices that 4. Formula (2.1.5) accounts for interaction of charges, saying
measure electrodynamic characteristics measure the force, or nothing about the mechanism of propagation of such interaction
angular momentum of the force. We will mention, before coming in space.
to the discussion of the main stages of the development of The last statement made physicists at the middle of the
electrodynamics, that there is one more value present in (2.1.1); former century feel rather ambivalent, because interaction had
namely, ε0. This constant is usually called the “electric constant” “contact character” in mechanics – the queen of science in that
or “permittivity” of free space. It characterizes interaction of day. This statement is a matter of discussion for scientists
charges in vacuum. It can be measured experimentally: nowadays though.
In 1782, in order to overcome difficulties of long-range
1 interaction, Laplace suggested replacing gravitation law with the
ε0  C2N 1m2 . (2.1.4)
4π  9  109 differential equation for some parameter, named the “field”.
Under such an approach, one can consider that the differential
This constant indicates that the force of interacting charges is not
equation describes the short distance interaction between the
equal to, and only proportional to, the product of charges, as well
neighboring elements of the field.
as inversely proportional to the square of distance. This constant
The introduction of this field substitutes the problem of
arises only in SI-system. If one changes the value and dimension
“long-range” interaction between the real charges by the problem
of an electric charge, the constant can be equal to unity, which
of “short-range” interaction between the neighboring regions of
happens in CGSE-system. Although, it is convenient sometimes
space, which is filled in with some artificially invented field. We
for calculation process, we will see that it obscures very much the
are obliged to Laplace for the idea of introducing the equations of
physical meaning of electrodynamic expressions, whereas ε0 has
the field – equations that act everywhere outside the points at
a fundamental mechanical meaning of free ether mass density
which the charges are placed.
(§3, 10).
Maxwell suggested his famous system of equations for
So, in the middle of the 40th of the XIX century, physics knew
electromagnetic field, having used the idea of field for the
two fundamental laws: the law of gravitation and the Coulomb’s
problems of electrodynamics and generalizing the results of
law. Both laws predicted the existence of radial force of
experiments, accomplished first of all by Faraday in terms of the
interaction between two charges, the magnitude of which
field. Let's write the equations. We shall do this one Heaviside’s
decreases as the square of distance.
interpretation which had become traditional in the XXth century.
In 1846, Wilhelm Weber offered the generalization of
Let us stress that the very Maxwell used total time derivatives in
Coulomb’s law for the case of moving charges, when the passive
these equations although this is not widely known ([4], section
charge equals unity. Weber probably took the value of the
passive charge equal to unity just as a matter of convenience.
Nevertheless, as we will see later, this inconspicuous
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 5

ρ But Eqs. (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) contain in addition the magnetic field

E  , (2.1.6)
ε0 B which must also somehow influence on the test charge q1.
B Apparently, Heaviside was the first person to propose the
 E   , (2.1.7) formula later called Lorentz force. Here is the force:
 B  0, (2.1.8) F21  q1E2   q1 v1  B2  , (2.1.11)
j E
c2 B   . (2.1.9)
ε0 t with which moving charge q2 is said to act on moving charge q1.
Here test charge q1 appears explicitly. The charge q2 action is
Here E and B are fields called electric and magnetic ones, ρ is concealed in the fields E2 and B2 that it creates.
electric charges’ density, j = ρv is electric current density, i.e., the What do these fields look like? In order to answer this
charges’ density propagation with velocity v, ε0 is previously question we must solve equations (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) for q2 and
mentioned electric constant. It will be shown that ε0 means free substitute these solutions into (2.1.11). But we do not know
ether density. But what is the physical meaning of the E and B Maxwell’s system solution for separate charges. We can find
fields? them in some special partial cases. One of such cases is the case
A partial answer is obtained when (2.1.6) is integrated under of long beam of moving electrons. In this case
I 2  r21
 E  0. (2.1.7a) B2  , (2.1.12)
2πε0c 2r 2
One obtains having integrated (2.1.6)
where I2 is current, i.e., the charge quantity intersecting the beam
q2 transverse section per second, c is light speed. Eq. (2.1.12) may be
E r, (2.1.10)
4πε0r 3 transformed if the charges’ velocity in the beam v2 is written
where q2 is the charge quantity in the integration volume and r
is radius-vector from charge 2 to the observation point. λ 2 ( v 2  r21 )
B2  . (2.1.13)
This correlation is very similar to Coulomb’s law (2.1.1). It is 2πε0c 2r 2
just supposed in Coulomb law that charge q1 is situated in the
Here λ2 is linear charge density in the beam. Eq. (2.1.11) for this
observation point. We shall obtain force from (2.1.10) if multiply
case looks as follows:
it by charge q1, i.e., Eq1 is the force with which static charge q2
acts on static charge q1.

q1 λ 2r21 q1 λ 2 qλ r q1 λ 2
F21    v1   v 2  r21   1 2 21   v 2  r21  v1   r21  v1  v 2  . (2.1.14)
2πε0r 2 2πε0r 2c2  2πε0r 2 2πε0c 2r 2 

Let us compare this formula with the Weber’s (2.1.5). appears: isn’t it our wrong intuition that leads us to the problem
1. Force (2.1.14) has not only force directed along the radius of long- and short-range action?
r21, but also force directed along the velocity v2. 5. Eq. (2.1.14) does not predict a force induced by the charge’s
2. The radial force additional to Coulomb’s force depends on acceleration, but the Eq. (2.1.5) force depends upon it.
the velocity product v1·v2. Therefore it is zero if at least one Let us repeat once more that the very idea of formula (2.1.14)
charge is at rest. This conclusion compels modern physics, which is to find interaction force knowing the fields created by charge q2
limits itself with this formula, and asserts that only Coulomb and the characteristics of the charge q1.
force acts between a moving charge and a charge at rest, even But the problems with finding solutions to the Maxwell to the
though simple experiments show the invalidity of such an system made it necessary to reverse the situation. There is a
assertion. characteristic example in the textbook by Prof. E.M. Purcell ([5],
3. Eq. (2.1.14) does not satisfy Newton’s third law. If for p. 182). Having written our equation (2.1.11) he writes: “…we
instance r21v1, r21v2, v1v2, i.e., v2(r21·v1) ≠ 0, r21(v1·v2) = 0, accept it (formula (2.1.11)) as a definition of Electric and
then changing indices we obtain expression for the reaction force: Magnetic field in this space point.”
v1(r12·v2) = 0, r12(v1·v2) = 0, i.e., in this case the action force is In other words, we are proposed, not interaction force to
non-zero and the reaction force is zero. define with the help of the fields (the idea initially incorporated
4. The interaction between charges in (2.1.11) is explained in into the formula), but rather, having adopted the formula to be
terms of the fields E2 and B2 that charge q2 creates in the universal and exhaustive, to define fields with the help of
surrounding space. For all this E2 acts on the “static part” of the measured force. But such an attempt meets many problems. Let
test charge, and B2 acts on the component depending on the test us pin-point some of them.
charge velocity. Let us note that this means that the test charge is Generally speaking, four unknown variables appear in
as if it does not have fields of its own. The external fields act formula (2.1.11):
directly on it. But this short-range action disappears in formula 1. The first two are the value and velocity of the test charge.
(2.1.14), which is equivalent to (2.1.11). In other words, a question Usually (but not always) the way out is found accepting that test
charge is unit and the velocity is known.
6 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

2. The second two are fields E2 and B2 created by charge q2. seems as more general as more natural. It is more general
Purcell writes further: “We have proved that the force acting because it pin points one limitation of today approach: (2.1.6)
on the test charge is completely independent with respect to its supposes stability of the electric charge distribution, its static
velocity if the other charges are at rest. This means that character.
Eq. (2.1.11) is valid everywhere that B2 = 0”. Just because of this we can obtain Coulomb law from (2.1.6).
But even if we accept the proof, which is very non-evident But system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) cannot describe the field created by
because it incorporates many unnatural assumptions, the pulsating charge for instance. The dynamic approach would
problem is that Eq. (2.1.11) must be valid also in the case when yield changing the equity (2.1.6) for an equation in which the
B2 ≠ 0, because E2 changes as well when B2 changes. But in right part (charge) depends on time. We shall restrain with the
accord with the idea of Purcell himself, immobility of the charge first point of view in this investigation.
q2, i.e., condition B2 = 0, is a necessary condition for the validity Let us note that accurate following of this understanding
of the first item. meets a certain problem: the right hand part of the divergent
But perhaps the greatest problem is that formula (2.1.11) is correlations must describe the process of “charge generation” by
not universal. Therefore we lose many very important partial ether particles. Mathematically, this means that angular velocity
cases incorporated into Maxwell equations if we define the field of the ether particles must appear there.
with the help of (2.1.11). We tried to construct such a theory in section 6. This led to a
In practice, this means that E2 is understood as the charge q2 necessity to describe fields in terms of complex functions. The
static field (the dynamic part of E2 is lost); i.e., the special case field energy turned out to be equally distributed between real
(2.1.7a), but not general case (2.1.7), is considered. and imaginary parts of the field. In particular, just because of this
Thus the Lorentz force formula cannot replace Maxwell elementary particles energy is equal mc2 and not ½mc2. Some
equations and asymmetric definitions proposed in text-books other useful results were obtained, and I am sure others can be
cannot describe Electric and Magnetic fields which we must obtained in addition. But this needs quite a new theory.
obtain as solutions of the Maxwell system. Therefore they often Here we limit ourselves with only real functions. Therefore
strive to obtain force manipulating with (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) equations the following interpretation of (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) is possible here. In
in particular integrating them over volumes or surfaces. But let accordance with the well-known theorem by Helmholtz, any
us try to understand the mathematical meaning of the system field consists of a divergent part and a curl part. Thus scalar
(2.1.6)–(2.1.9). correlations (2.1.6), (2.1.8) define the divergent part, and (2.1.7),
If these are the equations, then what do they determine? It is (2.1.9) define the curl part. But purely a mathematical problem
usually assumed that charge and current densities are known. appears here: how to find a vector function with the help of a
The answer looks evident: this is equation system in which E and scalar equation.
B are unknown. But in order to find two vector-functions we Actually we have got the vector function (2.1.10) from the
need two vector equations [(2.1.7) and (2.1.9)], not more, and not scalar correlation (2.1.6) with the help of mathematical forgery.
less. But system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) incorporates two scalar equations We cannot do this strictly logically. Physical textbooks obtain this
in addition. Does this mean that the system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) is over result “repeating some physical words”. We are not going to
determined? devote too much space to this problem here. But, dear reader, try
It is strange, but the only book in which I found a certain to calculate the divergence of the vector function (2.1.10) in order
perplexity inspired by this fact is the magnificent monograph on to evaluate reliability of such “physical words” in general. Have
continuous media mechanics by L.I. Sedov [6]. In all other books you got zero? But let us return to our narration.
I read, including books written by mathematicians, such a Historically, many formulas for interaction force between
strange fact astonishes nobody. Rushing a little bit forward, one charges were proposed as generalizations of some experimental
can say that when system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) is generalized it becomes facts, without any concept of field. One of them, the Weber one,
clear that the equations, i.e., equalities valid only with some was mentioned above. Weber’s formula (2.1.5) depends on
values of the unknown variables, are vector correlations (2.1.7) relative velocities and accelerations of the charges. Formulas
and (2.1.9). Equalities (2.1.6) and (2.1.8) define initial conditions, depending on the product of absolute velocities of the charges
i.e., they are definitions or identities. were also proposed. All of them were based on experiments with
Apparently two different points of view are acceptable in currents in neutral conductors and formulated in terms of current
when we consider (2.1.6) and (2.1.8) equities. differentials. For reference, we reproduce them below in terms of
The first is that they determine initial data. It will be shown in separate charges and their velocities, which will be used in
§3 electric values can’t be expressed in mechanic terms Section 2.
(dimensions). Neumann formula [7]:
Thus (2.1.6) just characterizes electric charge distribution in
the initial time. (2.1.8) equality just describes the supposition of F21   r21  v1  v 2  . (2.1.14a)
4πε0c2r 3
magnetic charge absence. We shall return to this problem in the
next part of this paragraph. Grassmann formula [8]:
The second approach arises from Helmholtz theorem that any
“reasonable” field is at sum of its divergent and curl parts. Thus q1q2
F21    v 2  r21  v1   r21  v1  v 2  . (2.1.14b)
we can believe that (2.1.6) and (2.1.8) define the divergent part of 4πε0c2r 3 
the solution and (2.1.7) and (2.1.9) define its curl part. This point
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 7

Ampere formula [9]: The left hand part of equality (2.1.7b) is believed to be
determined by the charges in the loop, and the right hand part by
F21   3  r21  v 1    r21  v 2   the external charges, creating external magnetic field.
4πε0c 2r 5  (2.1.14c) Let us repeat once more: such a partition of the fields
 2  v 1  v 2  r 2  r21 . contradicts the essence of equality (2.1.7b), which actually just
informs us about identity of the electric field circulation and time
Whittaker formula [10]: derivative of the magnetic field flow, created by the same charge
q1q2 distribution.
F21    v 1  r21  v 2   The Lorentz force formula (2.1.11) works correctly when the
4πε0c 2r 3  (2.1.14d)
current loop moves in constant magnetic field. But it fails to
 v 2  r21  v 1   r21  v 1  v 2   . describe the effect observed when current loop is at rest in an
alternative magnetic field. To explain just this case equality
But let us return to the problem of how system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) is
(2.1.7b) was used. It helped to obtain the necessary result, and
used, and for explanation of what phenomena. Eq. (2.1.7) is
logical jumps on this way were not noticed. But not by all; some
usually used to explain induction. Its integral form is often used:
felt certain discomfort here. Let us cite the corresponding
 discourse by R. Feynman [11, p.53]: “The two possibilities –
 Edl   t  Bds.
“circuit moves” or “field changes” are not distinguished in the
statement of the rules. Yet in our explanation of the rule we have
Here L is a certain closed contour, and S is an arbitrary surface used two completely distinct laws for the two cases: v×B for
bounded by L. “circuit moves” and ∇×E = –B/t for “field changes”. “We
To my regret, we are compelled to concentrate on the know of no other place in physics where such a simple and
mathematical side of integral transformations. In order not to accurate general principle requires for its real understanding an
burden our conversation with distracting details, we shall not analysis in terms of two different phenomena. Usually such a
consider formulas for spatial integrals; they can be found in any beautiful generalization is found to stem from a single deep
textbook on mathematical analyses and physics. But we must pay underlying principle. Nevertheless, in this case there does not
attention to some peculiarities of differential and integral appear to be any profound implication. We have to understand
transformation. We must remember that we have no right to the rules as the combined effects of two quite separate
differentiate or integrate equations under equivalent phenomena.”
transformations. For instance equation 2x + 1 = 0 is the No, Mr. Feynman, we should not combine two separate
derivative of the equation x2 + x + 5 = 0. But not many physicists phenomena; we had better use the generalized Lorentz force
would dare say that they are equivalent. formula, which will appear in this book, Section 2, because the
We have right to differentiate and integrate such equations phenomena are really different.
only when we substituted solutions in them, i.e., converted them But why does correlation (2.1.7b) in modern-day
into identities. Therefore we do not need any additional interpretation so luckily bridge the gaps in Lorentz force formula
suppositions in order to come from (2.1.6) to (2.1.10). But in order (2.1.11)? We shall see below that generalized Lorentz force
to come from (2.1.7) to (2.1.7b), we are compelled to suppose that formula in the case of changing fields comes to very similar
already solutions of the system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) figure in (2.1.7b). correlation, but for two different charge distributions; i.e., E in
For better understanding, E and B in (2.1.7b) should be marked the left hand part of (2.1.7b) is determined by one distribution
somehow to emphasize that they are already-known functions, in and B in the right hand part by another one.
contrast to E and B in (2.1.7), which are unknown, and must be Not aiming to investigate the problem of the Poynting vector,
found. let us mention it as an example of a symmetric logical mistake.
This is said in order to stress that E and B in (2.1.7b) are The Lorentz force formula is used to deduce Poynting formula
certain functions determined by charge density ρ and current [11, p. 289]. We have already said that this formula describes
density j. The problem of how other charges react on such fields interaction of the fields originated by two different charges
must be solved by some additional axiom; for instance, the distributions. But these fields are identified when the Poynting
Lorentz force formula. We shall see that this formula is not formula is obtained; therefore, using the Poynting vector
universal enough, and it must be generalized, but in principle it sometimes leads us to very strange conclusions.
plays role of such an axiom that defines the rule of interaction The Poynting vector was introduced to describe the flow of
between the fields induced by two different charges. But the energy density in an electromagnetic wave. And there it works
Lorentz force formula does not cover some important cases. quite satisfactorily because it links electric and magnetic fields of
Therefore the idea has appeared to describe interaction between photons. Certainly it is applicable to fields created by a separate
two charges with the help of so called “flow rule”. charge or set of charges. But its application to the interaction of
That very rule is described in every textbook. We shall not the fields created by different charges is wrong. Such interaction
spare time for it. It appeared as an attempt to describe the case will be defined in Section 2, and we shall need special axioms for
when a loop moves in constant magnetic field or is at rest in that.
alternating one. Therefore, complaints that the Poynting vector does not
describe, for instance, a static case seem strange. It would be
surprising if the Poynting vector described a static case; the
8 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

magnetic field of static charge is zero, and only a devoted The result (2.1.15) can be understood if Feynman uses the rule
relativist can create it by running around with tremendous for differentiating composite functions. In this case the right
speed! hand part in (2.1.15) is just total time derivative or to be more
Therefore Feynman is not right when he comes to conclusion accurate its convective part. Soon we shall see that total time
[11, p. 289] that the Poynting vector is directed from outside into derivative is very essential in electrodynamics. Therefore some
a conductor with current, and predicts energy influx into it Feynman’s conclusions later are correct and coincide with the
through a lateral area. The mistake is that he calculates a results in our next papers. But the cause lies in actual usage of
Poynting vector by substituting into it the external electric field total time derivative while retardation turns to be just a pretext to
that is directed along the conductor and pushes electrons in it. use forbidden in to day mainstream physics total time derivative
The electrons’ electric field should be substituted into instead of partial one.
corresponding product. This is the electrons’ Coulomb force To the point: some words about the partial time derivative in
directed along the radius. And such a flow is directed along (2.1.7b). It is written because today orthodox theory demands
conductor, just as Feynman’s intuition tells him. this. But when we are really drawing the conclusion we are
One more strange conclusion is made when it is asserted that compelled to write total time derivative. Wise Prof. Feynman
(2.1.7b) predicts “energy pumping in light wave from electric finds a very good and simple way out: somewhere he writes total
field to magnetic one and vice versa”, and that this allegedly and somewhere partial time derivative, leaving the problem to
sustains the fields vectors’ rotation in the light wave. We are the reader: either this is typesetter misprint or the author’s
compelled to declare that (2.1.7b) cannot predict such a pumping mistake.
because this is an identity in any space–time point; i.e., this The authors of other textbooks are more straightforward. We
description is just different names for the same physical reality. cite Purcell’s textbook here only because it is at hand. One can
This assertion certainly does not mean that we object that energy find similar assertions in many others. On page 233 in his
is pumped from one field to another one in light wave. We just textbook [5], Purcell comes to his formula 29, which coincides
declare that it cannot be the consequence of the (2.1.7b) identity. with (2.1.7b), but total time derivative. Then he writes word for
Let us also pin point one problem or better to say one word: “Because B may depend on position and time us write
problem of interpretation in the theory of retarded potentials. B/t instead of dB/dt”. And that’s all, no explanation in
The theory of retarded potentials strives to take into account the addition. And this is for all that some lines earlier he writes
every fact that light signal needs some time to pass from source down different combinations of partial derivatives with respect
to receiver and sometimes t is really essential. But already at first to spatial coordinates. And here he proposes to exclude these
glance it becomes clear that this is important only for some very coordinates and limit with only time, which was not even
rapidly changing processes, or for very distantly situated objects. mentioned explicitly before. It is typical: the necessity to get the
But the theory declares result to be essential for all cases. desired answer compels one to constrain logic.
Therefore the question appears: isn’t there any problem in such Coming to the end of this historical part, let us say some
declaration? words about Relativity Theory, because it dominates today’s
Let us consider the problem citing an abstract from Feynman physics and our results will be compared with its predictions. I
textbook [11, eq.21.20 and 21.22]. He considers the velocity of shall not reproduce all indistinct and paradoxical considerations
dipole moment p changing not in the current time t, but in the on which it is based, but only dare declare my deep belief that
previous moment (t – r/c), where r is the distance from the the “king is nude”, and note that many serious scientists in the
source and c is light speed. He calculates derivative of p(t – r /c) USA, Russia, and other countries, pinpoint multiple logical
with respect to spatial coordinate y and obtains contradictions in it. Let us also note that direct experiments to
verify the main its assumptions, time dilation and space
  r y  r contraction, showed negative results [12, 13].
pt     pt  , (2.1.15)
y  c  cr  c  But certainly RT could not exist so long if it did not predict
correct results at least in some cases. One could note here that
where p is partial time derivative. This result seems strange.
Ptolemaic astronomy based on the idea of 7 crystal spheres had
Where partial time derivative could appear from? The correct
existed for almost two millennia, certainly because it correctly
result must be
predicted many observable facts. Really, Copernicus and Galileo
  r y   r had already said their words, the three Kepler laws had already
p t  p t . (2.1.16)
y  c  r r  c  been well known, but the majority of astronomers were going on
calculating in accord with Ptolemaic astronomy. And, by the
See, when we calculate partial derivative the other way, they got better results. I believe no comments are needed
parameters must be fixed. Let us fix time to spatial coordinate x0, here.
z0, then partial derivative with respect to y is the limit Let us finish this Section with some deductions:
1. Different, non-coincident formulas were proposed to
x02  ( y  Δy)2  z02 x 2  y2  z02 describe electrodynamic forces, and all of them were based on
p(t0  )  p(t0  0 )
lim c c . (2.1.17) the experiments. One can find the review of these formulae in
Δy 0 Δy Marinov paper [7, p.186]. Does this not mean that a general
formula incorporating all these force laws exists?
It is clear that time derivative here can appear from nowhere.
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 9

2. The force interpretation of the Maxwell system is invalid. Relativity Theory, on indistinct initial definitions of fundamental
Therefore, the field explanation of induction, “flow rule”, the notions of space and time. But all of them successfully explain
very concept of field, turn out to be suspended. Apparently, some experimental facts. Any theory claiming to substitute for
fields must be understood just as Maxwell equations’ solutions. them must explain all these experiments and propose
There should be proposed additional axiom (formula) that explanation of many others that are today explained ad hoc, or are
constructs interaction force from such solutions. not explained at all.
3. Theories of Poynting vector, retarded potentials, are based
on logical mistakes, incorrect calculations, or, as in the case of

2.2. Generalized Maxwell Equations

An approach that the author believes could overcome the the force definition with the help of Newton’s second law must
drawbacks of present-day electrodynamics that were mentioned be admitted to be non-satisfactory. Apparently Newton himself
in the previous Section is proposed in the present Section. felt this, and therefore supplemented it with the third law, which
Let q1 and q2 be electric charges 1 and 2, v1, v2 and a1, a2 be include the second object. This supposition has been already
their velocities and accelerations. For simplicity, assume the included in (2.2.1) definition. We shall return to this problem in
charges to be distributed evenly in a ball of radius r0. Let E1, E2, section to this paragraph.
B1, B2 be electric and magnetic field intensities generated by the The meaning of formula (2.2.1) is the following: each of the
charges in space (ether). In the development below, a double charges moves, creating fields in the surrounding space (ether).
index means field intensity created by the charge whose index Any of these fields depends on some charge’s value, its velocity,
goes first evaluated at the point where the charge whose index and its radius vector. The fields may be found as solutions of
goes second is situated. For instance, E21 means the electric field some equations (for instance Maxwell’s system). We construct
intensity created by the second charge at the point where the first interaction energy and interaction impulse as a certain
charge is situated. Let r21 be the radius vector from charge 2 to combination of these fields. Such combination depends already
charge 1, r be its modulus, with r ≫ r0. on two charges’ values, their velocities, and the distance between
We have mentioned axiomatic method adopted in modern them. The gradient of the interaction energy supplies us with
mathematics above: to formulate initial general suppositions Huygens interaction force, and the total time derivative of the
(postulates) and deduct conclusions (theorems) from them. interaction impulse supplies us with the Newton dynamic force,
We shall try to follow this principle expanding it to physics already including Newton’s third law in explicit form: the force
with additional demand that our conclusions (theorem) obtained with which the charge 1 acts on the charge 2 is equal in
from such suppositions do not contradict experiment. magnitude and opposite in direction to the force with which the
Generalized formula for Lorentz force. Charge 2 produces the charge 2 acts on the charge 1.
following force on charge 1 Perhaps it is useful to note that those forces are directed not
only along radius-vector but along charges’ velocities as well. So
F21   4πε0cr 3  B12  E21   4πε0cr 3  B12  B21  . (2.2.1) constructed forces are not equivalent, but are two items in a
dt  
generalized understanding of force. Formula (2.2.1) unites these
Here and everywhere below c = c0[i×j]·k, where c0 is light speed. two concepts. The scalar product of the passive charge 1
This quantity is called “pseudo-scalar light velocity”. magnetic field and the active charge 2 electric field describes
Supposition about axial character of the light velocity does their interaction energy density, which is written under the
change anything in habitual electrodynamic theory and add idea gradient symbol. The vector product of the passive charge 1
about curling component of photo. We shall return to this magnetic field and the active charge 2 magnetic field describes
problem below (also look at §3). their interaction impulse, which is written under the total time
Two notions of force are used in modern physics: the idea derivative symbol. If we change the charges’ roles (the passive
inherited from Newton and Descartes as an impulse derivative becomes active and vice-versa) we obtain the same force with the
with respect to time, and the idea inherited from Huygens and opposite sign, i.e., (2.2.1) describe action and equal to it
Leibnitz as energy gradient. It is believed that these definitions antiaction.
are equivalent. And this is really so if we mean a separate body To realize this approach, we need certain system of equations.
of constant mass, as it was in the discussed above force definition The Maxwell system is used to describe fields in traditional
in the second Newton law. We came to the conclusion there that theory. Here, we are compelled to modify Maxwell system in
it was not a law but force definition. We are compelled to assert order to coordinate it to formula (2.2.1).
now that such a definition is, for some reasons, not satisfactory. Generalized Maxwell equations. Electric charge q, distributed in
One of them is the following: the very notion of force means the space with density ρ, originates electric and magnetic fields
interaction between at least two objects. We cannot describe that are solutions of following system:
collision force between two cars while limiting ourselves with the
characteristics of only one of them. Therefore, we must E  , (2.2.2)
acknowledge force definition in the static law of gravity, where
two masses participate, or of Coulomb law, where two charges dB
 E   , (2.2.3)
are used, to be natural and understandable. For the same reason, dt
10 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

ρ The E and the B in (2.2.2)–(2.2.3) may be defined by means of

B   , (2.2.4)
cε0 potentials. Let A and φ be the vector and scalar potentials of the
dE electric field, and let them satisfy the following equations
c 2 B  . (2.2.5)
dt 1 d2 A
 A   0, (2.2.8)
Let us begin our explanations with the equation (2.2.5) c 2 dt 2
dE E  φ   . (2.2.9)
  v   E  . (2.2.6) ε0
dt t
Let us assume the following gauge conditions
We assume that velocity depends only on time, and does not
depend on spatial coordinates. The first item in the right hand 1 dφ
 A    0. (2.2.10)
part of (2.2.6) generalizes the idea of a current in classical theory c2 dt
and comes to it if E satisfies some additional conditions
Equations (2.2.10) means that A is the curl of a certain vector
( v )E  v( E)    E  v     (E  v ), (2.2.6a) function. If φ is imagined as a density of a certain “electric
ε0 liquid”, and A determines the velocity of such a liquid, then the
first part of (2.2.10) is revealed to be a continuity equation for φ
where j is current density, j = ρv. So the right hand part of (2.2.5)
and the second part of (2.2.10) becomes a condition of
contains a curl component in addition to the classical one. This
incompressibility for φ.
item is manifested for instance in a light wave.
If we define
Equation (2.2.4) means that equations (2.2.3)–(2.2.5)
generalize the idea of magnetic field. A magnetic field B that is φ
B   A , (2.2.11)
the solution of (2.2.3)–(2.2.5) possesses not only a curl but also a c
divergence component as well. The divergence component of B dA
E  φ  , (2.2.12)
is defined by pseudo-scalar electric charge (defined as usual dt
electric charge divided by a mixed product of unit vectors and
light velocity). The B appears to be a pseudo-vector, just as in then (2.2.8)–(2.2.10) comes to (2.2.3)–(2.2.5).
classical theory. Now we are compelled to concentrate on the point to which
The right hand part of (2.2.4) may be considered as another modern physics prescribes great importance. This is Maxwell
“incarnation” for electric charge, because the existence of electric equations invariance with respect to Galilean and Lorentz
charge is both necessary and sufficient for its existence. transformation.
One may consider it as a “magnetic charge” as well. But it is Equations (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) are non-invariant under the Galilean
necessary to emphasize that such a “magnetic charge” does not transformation. The letter asserts that
coincide with Dirac’s monopole. Let us pinpoint some of the r  r  ut , t  t , (2.2.13)
1. Such a magnetic charge is a pseudo-scalar, i.e., its sign for inertial transformation between unprimed and primed
changes when a right-handed coordinate triple is changed for a system which moves with constant velocity u with respect to the
left-handed one. unprimed one
2. It is с times less than electric charge; correspondingly its What is the physical meaning of this velocity u? The most
dimension differs from the electric charge dimension. typical case in hydrodynamics is media movement: previously
3. And last but not least, (2.2.1) implies that two static we observed water particle in a lake (and partial time derivative
“magnetic charges” do not interact, because the second term in was enough for us) and we now strive to obtain the same picture
(2.2.1) responsible for magnetic interaction is zero in this case. I in a river where water moves with velocity u. Certainly we can
ask the reader to pay attention to this fact because “ordinary observe not only water movement but for instance sand particles
physical mentality” usually identifies field and force, two which water carries. In the last case u will be sand particles
charges and their inevitable static interaction. We shall see that velocity in the water with respect to the bank and not water
Newtonian (second) part in (2.2.1) does not contain a static item. velocity.
Equality (2.2.2) coincides with the classical equation, but How does hydrodynamics take this problem into account?
(2.2.3) expands as When the process is described in Euler coordinates (as it is in
Electrodynamics) total time derivative (2.2.6) is calculated
dB B instead of the partial one. We interpreted v in (2.2.6) as charge
 ( v )B  . (2.2.7)
dt t velocity in stationary ether. And what to do if the ether moves as
So it includes a conventional derivative of B originated by well? Then we assume that the charge will move with velocity
electric charge (and correspondingly “magnetic charge”) v + u.
movement with velocity v. Classical theory associates the About 10 years before Lorentz used his transformation in
appearance of magnetic field just with the movement of electric electrodynamics, Voigt [15] proposed the same transformation in
charges, but does not include the originating movement into hydrodynamics.
(2.2.3) equation. Let us return to water movement in a river. Voigt proposed
not to calculate total time derivative, but to come to new
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 11

reference frame linked not with the bank but rather with the moving ether, and correspondingly the uselessness of total time
water in the river. Really, if we produce our experiments on a raft derivatives in Maxwell system.
moving with velocity of river water, we can limit ourselves with We shall return to Eichenwald’s experiments and their
only partial derivatives. It is clear that everything said above is interpretation in Section 8. Here we just repeat the assertion
applicable to the movement of sand particles: their velocity in the formulated above: total time derivatives are useful not only for
lake is v with respect to as water as bank, and their velocity in the description of moving ether, but also in the case of stable ether.
river is v + u with respect to bank and v with respect to water. With their help, we not only naturally introduce conductivity
But what will observer on the bank see? He will see the current, but also obtain curl current. We shall see that this current
picture so scrupulously described in physical textbooks when is very essential for explanation of many electrodynamic
Lorentz transformation is commented: he will see that bodies on phenomena.
the raft are contracted in the movement direction and time is But this or that way, the fact is that concept of total time
dilated. Of course, no a sober hydrodynamicist believes that derivatives was buried, and the relativistic approach triumphed.
persons on the raft have lost their flesh and their dying day has Hydrodynamically, this meant that movement of a medium and
been put off. Any sane person understands that this is just a of particles in this medium were taken into account not with the
“mathematical mirage”. But for believers of relativity theory, help of convective derivative but rather with the Voigt method:
such an idea not only does not seem insane, but they declare coming to a moving reference frame.
insane everybody who does not agree with it. God save their Everything said above helps us to go to the mathematical side
mentality! of the problem. System (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) is not Galileo invariant
Therefore let us return to electrodynamics. System (2.1.6)– because the partial time derivative in (2.2.13) does not conserve r
(2.1.9) is not invariant with respect to Galilean transformation and r′, but conserves velocity u. Therefore, it is impossible to
(2.2.13). All the textbooks known to the author declare but do not obtain equality in (2.1.7) and (2.1.9) for moving media, and it is
explain this fact. Therefore, let us say some explanatory words. In necessary to use the Voigt–Lorentz method, which gives us the
Maxwell’s time magnetic field was lintred with only electric desired result by “scratching the left ear with the right hand”.
charges’ movement which was introduced by “hands” into the Let us show that system (2.2.2)–(2.2.5) is Galileo invariant
right part of (2.1.9). The “problem of capacitor” compelled (and certainly Lorentz non-invariant). Not to forget, let us
Maxwell to introduce also “by hand” the concept of “shift mention that system (2.2.2)–(2.2.5) is non-linear, and generally
current”, i.e., electric field partial time derivative. This means that speaking it does not satisfy superposition principle. But we shall
Maxwell did not understand that electric current concept is not go too far with this question, and postpone it for a separate
included into the notion of convective part, although as we have discussion. Let us come to mathematics. We shall do this
already mentioned he used just the total time derivative in the following T. Phipps, Jr. [18].
corresponding part of his work (p. 595). No kind of current was The electric and magnetic fields are:
introduced into Eq. (2.1.7) because nothing that could be
E  E( x1 , x2 , x3 ,t ), (2.2.14)
interpreted as magnetic charge was observed in experiments of
that time. Therefore, the appearance of the magnetic field was B  B( x1 , x2 , x3 ,t ). (2.2.15)
linked with electric charges movement only. The existence of
magnetic charges was negated. This negation was manifested in If (2.2.13) is valid, how are derivatives in primed and unprimed
correlations (2.1.7) and (2.1.8). Dirac’s failure to introduce such system connected? We are going to show that
charges finally buried the idea. Summing up, one can say that  
  ,   (u ). (2.2.16)
Maxwell formulated his equations for the case of stable ether, t  t
and electric current was introduced into it as an axiom based on
experiment. Really one obtains using the chain rule:
Therefore, when experiments that could be interpreted as dx3 d
d dx d dx2 d dt  d d
ether movement were produced, a problem of generalizing the  1     . (2.2.16a)
dx1 dx1 dx1 dx1 dx2 dx1 dx3 dx1 dt  dx1
Maxwell system appeared. Hertz was apparently the first one
who thought about it. He solved the problem by introducing the After repeating the procedure for other coordinates, one obtains
total time derivative into Maxwell’s system. Velocity v in its
convective part was interpreted by him as velocity of ether   , (2.2.17)
movement [16]. Thus he had to assume some ether qualities in if (2.2.13) is valid.
his model. In particular, he supposed that any ether movement x1
must induce electric phenomena. The ether at that time was Similarly, since x1  x1  ux1 t ,  u x1 , etc, we have
believed to be barely connected with electrodynamics, and was
even called “light-carrying”: the media in which light   
  (u )   (u ). (2.2.18)
propagates. Only today we begin understanding that ether t t  t 
determines gravi- and thermodynamic phenomena as well.
One can see that traditional Maxwell system (2.1.6)–(2.1.9) is
But this Hertz idea was not lucky. Soon after his early death,
not invariant under Galilean transformation. For instance, when
Eichenwald [17] produced an experiment with rotating
we have come to another inertial system moving with constant
capacitors that he interpreted as a proof of Lorentz theory of
velocity u, the additional term (u·∇) appears in the right hand
stable ether, and correspondingly refutation of Hertz concept of
12 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

part of (2.1.7), and this term is not compensated in the left hand Based on purely mathematical reasoning, the right hand part
part of (2.1.7). In today’s physics, the problem was solved by of (2.2.4) must be a pseudoscalar. But what is physical essence of
usage of Lorentz transformation. Identity (2.2.6) shows that this this demand?
problem also disappears if total time derivative is used: It will be shown in §3 that the dielectric constant ε0 means
additional terms are annihilated. free ether mass density, and the magnetic constant μ0 means free
Vector v in (2.2.6) is interpreted as charge velocity. It appears ether compressibility. Therefore, it is more natural to speak not
even in immovable media, i.e., in the fixed frame reference. And only about light speed, but also about the whole coefficient 1/ε0c;
it remains invariant if we come to another inertial frame moving i.e., about free ether impedance.
with constant velocity u. In this case (2.2.6) will look as follows The equality c2 = 1/ε0μ0 means that we can write μ0 /ε0
dE E E instead of 1/ε0c. Thus the magnetic field divergence is
 (u  v )   E  (u )E   ( v )E  . (2.2.19)
dt t t proportional to free ether impedance, in contrast to electric field
divergence, which is ε0 inverse, and does not depend on μ0. The
But we cannot agree with the Dr. Phipps’ idea that field
pseudo scalar character of the μ0 /ε0 coefficient means that if
equations must include sink or detector velocity. Another charge
plays role of sink, or detector. How this sinking and detection we use right hand coordinate triple, we must take the radical
takes place must be defined by special additional postulate and sign minus in the right hand part of (2.2.4), and in the opposite
cannot be obtained from the equations describing fields case, we must take plus. The only explanation of this fact that I
originated by one charge. Therefore we cannot obtain charges’ can imagine is that ether polarization is manifested when a
interaction formulas (either Lorentz or any other) from Maxwell magnetic field extends. And this polarization makes left hand
equations. Formula (2.2.1) is just such an axiom that describes the and right hand rotations non-equivalent. This non-equivalence
interaction between “source” and “sink”. The following Sections does not influence electric field divergence. The situation is vice
will be devoted to revealing it. versa for rotational parts of the fields: ether polarization
influences the electric field and does not influence magnetic field.

2.3. The Field Formula

Equations (2.2.2)–(2.2.5) define in differential form the fields In other words, our assumption concerning ρ yields in addition
E and B originated by moving charges. They are just the fields that the partial time derivative
one needs in order to use formula (2.2.1).
Mathematically, the system (2.2.2)–(2.2.5) dissociates into two  0. (2.3.6)
groups. Equations (2.2.3) and (2.2.5) define the E and the B fields
that are their solutions. And this is enough: in order to find two We also assume that v is independent of spatial coordinates; i.e.,
vector-functions E and B we need only two vector equations, not
v  v(t ). (2.3.7)
more, and not less. But system (2.2.2)–(2.2.5) contains two scalar
(divergence) equations in addition. Does this mean that system Under conditions (2.3.4a)–(2.3.7) one can find a partial
(2.2.2)–(2.2.5) is over-determined? Accurate analysis shows that solution of (2.2.2)–(2.2.5). This is
correlations (2.2.2) and (2.2.4) are actually initial conditions for E
and B; i.e., (2.2.2) and (2.2.4) may by written: ρ  r  v  
E   r , (2.3.8)
3ε0  c 
E(0, r)  r; (2.3.1)
3ε0 ρ  r  v  
B   r , (2.3.9)
ρ 3ε0c  c 
B(0, r )   r; (2.3.2)
where r is the radius-vector from the charge to the observation
ρ ρ point. Let us verify (2.3.8) and (2.3.9) by direct substitution, and
 E(0, r)   (ρ)  r; (2.3.3)
ε0 3ε0 show that they are really solutions of the modified Maxwell’s
ρ 1 equations (2.2.2)–(2.2.5).
 B(0, r)    (ρ)  r. (2.3.4)
ε0c 3ε0c
ρ  (r  v )  ρ  (r  v )  ρ
 E     r     r  . (2.3.10)
We assumed above that charge q was evenly distributed in a 3ε0  c  cε0  c  ε0
ball of radius r0; i.e.,
In just the same way
ρ  0. (2.3.4a)
B   . (2.3.11)
We have thus come to (2.2.2) and (2.2.4). One can verify that ε 0c
(2.2.2) and (2.2.5) imply that
Let us calculate left and right hand parts of (2.2.3)
dρ ρ
  v  (ρ)  0. (2.3.5)
dt t
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 13

dB 1 dρ  r  v r  ρ  v  v r  a  1  ρ  rv 
ε0   2
     v  ε0 E       r 
dt 3 dt  c c  3c  c c  2 3  c 
(2.3.12) (2.3.14)
ρ ra  ρ  ρv
 
3c  c
 v.   ( v )r  (r )v  (  v )r  (  r )v    .
 3c  3c
In the text below we assume that the first item in the last Here we have assumed the definition of “∇×” as one half of the
expression here is zero; i.e., we assume that either the radius corresponding combination of partial derivatives because such
vector is perpendicular to the acceleration a, or else a is zero; i.e., definition is adopted in the Russian Mathematical Encyclopedia
the velocity is constant. One obtains finally [19]. Equation (2.2.5) is verified in the same way. If “∇×” is
dB ρv defined without this factor of one half, a 2 appears in vector
 . (2.3.13) product items in (2.3.8) and (2.3.9). Equation (2.2.5) is verified in
dt 3cε0
the same way.
On the other hand

2.4. The Final Correlation

Let us write down in explicit form the items appearing in the formula (2.2.1):

1. B12  
q1  r12  v1
4πε0r 3c  c

 r12 

4πε r
 r21  v1
3c 
 c

 r21  ;

q2  r21  v 2 
2. E21  3    r21  .
4πε0r  c 
Let us find the gradient of the scalar product of these fields:
q1q2  (r21  v1 )  (r21  v 2 ) 2 
3. B12  E21    r  r;
16π2ε20r 6c  c2 
qq  3r (r  v )  (r  v ) v  (r21  v 2 )  v 2  (r21  v1 ) 
4.  4πε0r 3c  B12  E21   1 2 3 r21  21 21 21 2 21 2  1 .
4πε0r  r c c2 
Now the second item in (2.2.1) is found
q2  r21  v 2 
5. B12    r21  ;
4πε0r 3c  c 
q1  r21  v1 
6. B12   r21  ;
4πε0r 3c  c 
q1q2  (r21  v 2 )  (r21  v1 ) r  ( v1  v 2 ) 
7. 4πε0r 3c  B12  B21    r21  21 .
4πε0r 3c  c2 c 
The first and second time derivatives of the radius vector are
dr21 d 2r21
 v1  v 2 ,  a1  a2 .
dt dt 2
If the problem conditions are essentially independent of the signal retardation, the derivatives are calculated at the time t. If
retardation is essential, the derivatives are calculated at the previous time τ = t – r/c0.
The second term in (2.2.1) appears as follows
8. 4πε0r 3c  B12  B21  
dt  
q1q2  3r  ( v  v 2 )
    v 1  v 2    r21  ( v 1  v 2 )   21 21 r21   r21  ( v 1  v 2 )   r21  r21  (a1  a2 ) 
4πε0r c 2 r

 v1  v 2   (r21  v1 )  (r21  v 2 )  (r21  v 2 )  (r21  a1 )  (r21  v 1 )  (r21  a2 )  3r21  ( v 1  v 2 )  (r21  v 2 )  (r21  v 1 ) .

c c r 2c 

Finally one obtains the force the second charge exerts on the first one:

q1q2 q1q2  3r
F21  r21    v 1  (r21  v 2 )  v 2  (r21  v 1 )  221 (r21  v 1 )(r21  v 2 )    v 1  v 2    r21  ( v 1  v 2 )   
4πε0r 3 4πε0r 3c 2  r
3r21  ( v 1  v 2 ) ( v  v 2 )  (r21  v 1 )  (r21  v 2 )
 r21   r21  ( v 1  v 2 )    r21   r21  (a1  a2 )    1  (2.4.1)
r2 c
(r  v 2 )  (r21  a1 )  (r21  v1 )  (r21  a2 )  3r21   v1  v 2 (r21  v1 )  (r21  v 2 ) .
 21 
c r 2c 
14 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

By revealing triple vector products one obtains another expression for the same force

q1q2 q1q2  3r 
F21  3
r21  3 2
  2r21 ( v 1  v 2 )  v 1 (r21  v 2 )  v 2 (r21  v 1 )  221 (r21  v 1 )(r21  v 2 )   
4πε0r 4πε0r c   r 
3r ( v  v 2 )
 r21  v 1  v 2    v 1  v 2  r21 ( v 1  v 2 )     21 21
r21  r21 ( v 1  v 2 )    v 1  v 2  r 2  
  r  
 r21  r21 (a1  a2 )    a1  a2  r 2  
 v 2  v1  r21 ( v1  v 2 )  r21 (r21  v 2 )a1  (r21  v1 )a2  
c c
3r  r ( v  v 2 )r21 ( v 1  v 2 ) 
 21 21 1 .
r 2c 

Let us find another form of the force (2.4.2) explicitly introducing the angles between the vectors.
θ1 – be the angle between r21 and v1;
θ2 – be the angle between r21 and v2;
θ3 – be the angle between v1 and v2;
θ4 – be the angle between r21 and (v1 – v2);
θ5 – be the angle between r21 and (a1 – a2);
θ6 – be the angle between r21 and (v1×v2);
θ7 – be the angle between (r21×v2) and a1;
θ8 – be the angle between (r21×v1) and a2.
Then (2.4.2) appears as follows

q1q2 q1q2 
F21 
4πε0r 3
r21 
4πε0r 3c 2  

    v 1 v2r cosθ1  v 2v1r cosθ2  r21v1 v2 2cosθ3  3cosθ1 cosθ2   
 
 r21  v 1  v 2  1  3cos2 θ4  2( v 1  v 2 ). r v 1  v 2 cosθ4   r21r a1  a2 cosθ5   a1  a2  r 2  

 v 2  v1  rv1v2 cosθ6 sinθ3 r21  ra1v2 sinθ2 cosθ7  ra2v1 sinθ1 cosθ8  3r21  (v1  v2 )(v1  v2 ) cosθ4 cosθ6 

   .
c c c 

One can see that Neumann, Grassmann, Ampere and Let us return to functions (2.3.8) and (2.3.9). The second terms
Whittaker formulas mentioned in paragraph 1 are special cases in their right hand sides define static components that are
of the gradient part of formula (2.4.2). They are all terms in the manifested only for “bare charges”:
first square brackets. Really (2.1.14a) is just the first item there, The first terms define dynamic components, and they are
(2.1.14b) is the first and the third items, (2.1.14c) is the doubled manifested not only for charged currents but for neutral ones as
first and the forth ones, (2.1.14d) is the first, the second and the well. This quality is inherited when these components are
third items. It is worthwhile to note that Grassmann’s formula multiplied and when derivatives are calculated in formula (2.2.1).
(2.1.14b) accurately coincides with Lorentz’s formula (2.1.14) For instance the first item in (2.4.1)–(2.4.3) in obtained as a
when integrated over current contour. It is understandable that gradient of the static components’ product. Therefore it is valid
all the above mentioned authors proposed terms from the first only for “bare charges” (Coulomb law). On the contrary, the first
square bracket in (2.4.2). They all experimented with current square bracket is a result of the product of dynamic components.
loops, i.e., with neutral currents, for which as we shall see the So it is valid for neutral currents’ as well. One can easily see that
second, third and fourth square brackets in (2.4.2) are zero. this square bracket is a symmetrization of the classical Lorentz
But Weber [20] somehow managed to come to the items in force in a way such that it begins satisfying the third Newtonian
the second, the third and the forth brackets in (2.4.2). Perhaps he law plus Ampere force.
experimented just with charged currents, but he came to the The second square bracket in (2.4.1)–(2.4.3) is a product of
radial items in the brackets. The first square bracket coincides dynamic and static components. So it is equal to zero between
with New Gaussian formula (2.1.5) if time is calculated in accord two neutral currents. It is valid if at least one of the currents is
with universal time postulate. In contrast to Weber’s formula, it charged. This square bracket depends on the difference between
contains not only radial terms, but also terms directed along the charges velocities, and predicts all experimentally verified effects
velocity difference. of Relativity Theory without “time dilation” and “space
Let us try to clarify the physical essence of the formula contraction”. It also predicts a force produced on a “bare charge”
obtained. All the derivatives here are calculated with respect to at rest near a neutral current.
the laboratory frame of reference. The third square bracket depends on the charges
accelerations and describes field radiation. It is valid for all kinds
of currents because the radiated field should be considered as a
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 15

“nude” one. It often predicts the same result as classical theory, The last three terms in braces are proportional to inverse c3.
but Example 2 in Section 5 shows that it predicts no radiation for They are apparently essential in electro-weak interactions.
an electron rotating around positive charge.

2.5. Example Applications

Example 1. Comparison with relativity Theory. The force is maximum when θ = 0 (longitudinal direction). When
Let test charge q1 be evenly distributed along the q1q2
θ is in the interval [0, 90°], the force decreases from β2 to
circumference of a circle of radius R0 situated in the (x1, x2) plane 4πε0 R02
at the center in the coordinate system origin. The charge q2 is at zero, and when θ is in the interval [90°, 180°], Fv goes on
rest in the center of the circle. The classical Lorentz formula and qq
the formula (2.4.3) predict only a Coulomb force directed along decreasing from zero to  1 2 2 β2 . The overall force produced
4πε0 R0
the radius. Let q2 move with constant velocity v along the x1 axis.
Today theory predicts that relativistic effects exist in this case. on a charged circumference is the sum
They are believed to change the Coulomb force magnitude but to Fk  Fv  Fr . (2.5.4)
preserve its radial character. This force is considered to be
Fv originates tangential to the circumferential force. If q2 is a
q1q2 (1  β2 ) negative charge and the circumference is a neutral conductor,
Fe   , (2.5.1)
4πε0 R02 (1  β2 sin2 θ)3 2 then free electrons gather in the region where the circumference
crosses x1 axis. Correspondingly, the x3 axis and the
where β = ν/c, and θ is the angle between v the and radius-vector
circumference intersection are charged positively. This charging
to q1.
goes on until the mechanical moment due to the Coulomb force
When β is small enough that it is possible to expand (2.5.1) in
balances the moment transferred to the system by the external
a series, one gets
forces that give velocity “v” to the charge (see details in Sect. 10).
q1q2 qq β2 If the velocity of charge q2 is not constant, i.e., q2 has some
Fe  2
 1 2 2  (1  3cos2 θ). (2.5.1a) acceleration a, an additional force [the third square bracket in
4πε0 R0 4πε0 R0 2
(2.4.3)] is produced on the circumferential charges. Its magnitude
When θ = 0, (2.5.1a) predicts Coulomb force multiplication by is
a factor of β2; i.e., force decrease. When (1 – cos2θ) = 0 (at about
55° and 125°), the second term in (2.5.1a) is zero. The Coulomb Fa   sinθ.
4πε0c2 R02
force acts on the points where the additional force changes its
sign. When θ = 90° (2.5.1a) predicts force factor β2/2; i.e., overall If the directions of velocity and acceleration coincide, then this
force increase. When β increases, other terms in the series force is maximal at the intersection of the circumference and the
expansion become essential, so (2.5.1a) becomes incorrect and we x3 axis (θ = 90°). On the intervals [0°, 90°], [90°, 180°], it
must use (2.5.1). decreases without changing its sign. One can compare it with the
Let us see predictions of the (2.4.3) formula. Only the second Fv, which decreases on the interval [0°, 180°], and has different
square bracket in (2.4.3) is nonzero for the small β case. The signs on the intervals mentioned.
bracket predicts two forces: a force Fr that is radial, and a force Fv Some deductions follow:
that is directed along the velocity. 1. Formula (2.4.3) predicts two (or in the case of accelerated
One obtains for the radial force magnitude: movement – three) forces produced on a test charge.
q1q2 qq 2. The acceleration force coincides with the classical one. The
Fr   1 2  β2 (1  3cos2 θ). (2.5.2) radial force is close to relativity theory predictions in a wide
4πε0 R02 4πε0 R02
range of velocities. But the velocity force is not predicted by
One can see that, in comparison with (2.5.1a), (2.5.2) predicts for today electrodynamics, and may be used for experimental
small β a result that is qualitatively similar, but twice greater. The verification of the proposed scheme.
difference with (2.5.1) in the transverse direction (θ = 90°)
Example 2. A Rotating charge does not radiate.
decreases with increasing β. When β2 ≈ 3/4, (2.5.1) is already
Let a positive charge q2 be al rest, i.e., v2 = 0, a2 = 0. A
bigger than (2.5.2). And when β→1, Fe→∞ and Fr approaches
negative charge q1 rotates around q2 with constant speed v1 and
double the Coulomb force in the direction perpendicular to v
correspondingly with constant centripetal acceleration
(θ = 90°). Let us note that (2.5.2) is also valid when one of the
magnitude a1. What effects does (2.4.3) predict?
currents is neutral (for instance, q1 is distributed in a neutral
The first square bracket in (2.4.3) is zero because v2 = 0. The
third square bracket is zero because a1 is parallel to r21. (One can
The velocity force has magnitude
see this especially clearly in (2.4.1)), θ4 = 90°, i.e., cosθ4 = 0. One
q1q2 gets finally
Fv   β2 cosθ. (2.5.3)
4πε0 R02
q1q2 q q v2
F21  3
r21  1 2 31 2 r21 . (2.5.5)
4πε0r 4πε0r c
16 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics
Eq. (2.5.5) predicts no force produced on q1 because of When 2 – 3cos2θ = 0 (approximately 35.3° and 144.7°), the
centripetal acceleration, hence q1 does not radiate. Such radiation radial force Fr is zero. When θ is in the interval [0°, 35.3°) and θ
takes place only if q1 is accelerated tangentially. is in the interval (144.7°, 180°] Fr is positive and augments the
Eq. (2.5.5) predicts radial force that augments the Coulomb Coulomb force. When θ is in the interval (35.3°, 144.7°), Fr is
force. In the case of an elliptic orbit, this force leads to orbit negative, and “weakens” the Coulomb force. The velocity force is
rotation as a unit (pericenter shift). It is just an accurate analogue equal to zero when θ = 90°, i.e., charges fly “side by side”. When
to the case of pericenter shift of the planetary orbits in gravity. θ is in the interval (90°, 180°) (the first charge is behind the
second one), Fv is directed along the first charge velocity and
Example 3. A non-traditional force arises.
accelerates it (the second charge “helps” its partner to fly). When
Let two charges of the same sign, q1 and q2, move along
θ is in the interval (0°, 90°) (the first charge is before the second
parallel straight lines with equal constant velocities; i.e.,
one), Fv is directed against the velocity of the first charge (the
v1 = v2 = v, θ1 = θ2 = θ, cosθ3 = 1, and only the first bracket is
second charge breaks the first one movement). A force equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction is produced on the second
q1q2 q q v2 (2  3cos2 θ) 2q q v cosθ charge. So the equilibrium point for the charge is going “side by
F21  3
r21  1 2 r21  1 2 2 2 v. (2.5.6) side”.
4πε0r 4πε0r 3c 2 4πε0r c
If there are two beams instead of two separate charges, the
Force (2.5.6) implies that in addition to the Coulomb force (the velocity force Fv separates the beams into clusters that strive to
second term) the radial force Fr directed along radius r and the move “side by side”. We observe a “cluster effect”. The force Fr
force Fv directed along velocity (the third term) are produced on weakens the Coulomb force between charges.
charge 1.

2.6. Charge 2 Distributed Along Infinite Straight Line

Let q2 be distributed with constant density λ along the x3 axis.
λ  r21  v 2 
This means that boundary conditions (2.2.2) and (2.2.4) must be E21   r21  .
changed. We assume that initial condition (2.2.2) is 2πε0r 2  c 

λ In the same way

  E2   , r  r0 . (2.6.1)
2πε0r 2
λ  r21  v 2 
B21    r21  .
where 2πε0r 2c  c 

λ If the calculations of Section 4 are repeated for the charge q1,

E2   .
2πε0r one finds

and r0 is the wire radius. Instead of item 2 of Sect. 4, one obtains

q1 λ q1 λ 
  2(r21  v 1 )(r21  v 2 )  (r21  v 1 )(r21  v 2 )  
F21  2
r21  2 2
   ( v 1  v 2 )   r21  v 1 (r21  v 2 )  v 2 (r21  v 1 )
2πε0r 2πε0r c    r2   (2.6.2)
2r  ( v  v 2 ) 
  v1  v 2    r21  ( v 1  v 2 )   21 21 r21   r21  ( v 1  v 2 )   r21   r21  (a1  a2 )   .
r 

Let us assume that the charged straight wire (axis x3) does not let us reveal the triple vector product in (2.6.2) while taking this
move as a unit, i.e., v2 = 0, a2 = 0, so (r21·v2) = 0, (r21·a2) = 0. And condition into account

F21 
q1 λ
2πε0r 2
r21 
q1 λ
2πε0r 2c 2 

 v1 v2 cosθ3r21  rv1 cosθ1 v 2   ( v 1  v 2 )2  (1  2cos2 θ4 ) r21 
 
 2r v 1  v 2 cosθ4   v1  v 2   ra1 cosθ5r21  (a1  a2 )r 2  . 
Let us note that the first square bracket in (2.6.3) coincides field of the charged straight line (charged wire) is revealed with
with dynamic part of traditional Lorentz force, if the magnetic respect to velocities of charges creating it.

2.7. More Examples of GE vs. Traditional Results

Example 1. The Lorentz force is a special case of GE. All the square brackets in (2.6.3) are equal to zero except for
The Lorentz force law is a special case of Generalized the first one, in which cosθ1 = 0, cosθ3 = 1. One obtains finally
Electrodynamics (GE). Let charge q1 move parallel to x3 with the
same velocity as charge q2 along x3, i.e., v1 = v2 = v.
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 17

q1 λ q1 λv2 q1 λ q λv2
F21  2
r21  r21 . (2.7.1) F21  r21  1 r21 . (2.7.2)
2πε0r 2πε0r 2c 2 2πε0r 2 2πε0rc 2

This formula coincides with the prediction of the Lorentz force again we have got coincidence with classical case.
Example 3. A new force appears.
Example 2. GE predicts the traditional effect again.
Let the first charge move perpendicular to the x3 axis, going
In the previous Example 1, let v1 = –v2 = v, i.e., let q1 move
away from the wire along a radius vector. The first two square
anti-parallel to the charges in the wire. The first and the second
brackets in (2.6.3) are nonzero, cosθ1 = 1, cosθ3 = 0,
square brackets in (2.6.3) are nonzero for the case that cosθ1 = 0,
cosθ4 = cosθ1 = 1. The force produced on q1 is
cosθ3 = –1

q1 λ q λ v1  v 2 2q λ v1  v 2 q λv
F21  2
r21  1 2 2
r21  1 ( v1  v 2 )  1 1 2 v 2 . (2.7.3)
2πε0r 2πε0r c 2πε0c2r 2πε0rc

The last two terms here are not predicted by the Lorentz
Example 4. GE Contradicts traditional predictions
formula. Let us investigate more deeply the physical meaning of
Let λv2 be a steady neutral current and let “bare” charge q1 be
these terms for the case when the speed v2 of the charge in the
at rest in the laboratory reference frame; i.e., v1 =a1 = 0.
beam is much less than the speed of the separate charge v1, i.e.,
Traditional theory predicts no force produced on q1, but the
v1≪v2. Then the force
second square bracket in (2.6.3) is nonzero, and it predicts
d 2G
a2 D  , (2.7.3a) q1 λv22 q λv
dt 2 F21   2 2
r21  1 22 v 2 . (2.7.4)
2πε0r c πε0c r
But r21 and v1 are parallel. Therefore one obtains in this case that
if v2≪v1 the force (2.7.3a) is directed along the radius and Eqs. (2.7.3) and (2.7.4) may be used for experimental testing of
the proposed theory. The velocities of electrons in conductors are
q1 λ(1  3β2 ) small. Therefore in order to test (2.7.4), it is more convenient to
F21  r21 , (2.7.3b)
2πε0r 2 use a beam of rapid charges than to observe electrons’ behavior
in a conductor. The Coulomb force in this example is zero
where β2  v12 /c2 . Let us note that when v12  c2 /3 , force (2.7.3b) because one of the objects is electrically neutral.
changes its sign; i.e., when velocity v1 is big enough, repulsion of
the charges of the same sign changes to attraction.

2.8. Charged Plane

Let the plane (x1, x2) be charged with density σ. Generally The formula for the magnetic field of the passive charge q1 is
speaking, these charges can move with velocity v2 and preserved:
acceleration a2. The static part of the electric field satisfying the
q1  r21  v1 
initial condition B12   r21  . (2.8.5)
4πεr 3c  c 
 E2 |x3 0  0, (2.8.1)
The ε that appears in (2.8.1)–(2.8.5) is assumed to be function
appears as follows of space and time coordinates, ε(x1, x2, x3, t), and not the constant
ε0. In our case it is natural to understand ε0 as ether density in a
σ substance. We are interested here in the analyses of the behavior
E2  , (2.8.2)
2ε of ε(x1, x2, x3, t) on boundaries between two substances, and
and the electric field created by the charged plane in the vicinity especially in the transition space between substance and free
of the charge q1 is ether, or to be more accurate, in the ε gradient function near static
or moving bodies. In using ε(x1, x2, x3, t) instead of ε0 we aim to
σ  r21  v 2  take into account the case when a dielectric is introduced
E21     r21  . (2.8.3)
2εr  c  between the charged plane and q1. Thus we strive to investigate
the cases that are explained in present-day physics by the
where r21 is the radius-vector from plane (x1, x2) to the point
polarization of dielectrics. The proposed theory links
nearest to the charge q1.
ε(x1, x2, x3, t) with different ether density in different substances,
In just the same way
thus overcoming many problems of present-day theory of electric
σ  r21  v 2  fields in media.
B21     r21  . (2.8.4)
2εrc  c  We must also take into account the fact that the magnetic
constant μ0, which has meaning of free ether compressibility, also
becomes a function of space and time coordinates μ(x1, x2, x3, t).
18 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

The speed of light in matter c2 = 1/εμ also turns out to be Taking into account that μ = 1/εc2, one obtains
function of spatial coordinates.

q1σ  r 2ε  μq1σ   (r  v )  (r  v 2 )  

 4πεr 2c  B12  E21    r12     2( v 1  v 2 )  21 1 2 21  r21  v 1 (r21  v 2 )  v 2 (r21  v 1 ) 
2εr  ε  2r   r   (2.8.6)
q1σ 2
 r ( v 1  v 2 )  (r21  v 1 )  (r21  v 2 ) μ.
2r  

A peculiarity of formula (2.8.6) is that the second item in the first derivative. Displacement current was used to explain the fact
square bracket and the last item depend on the distribution in that the magnetic field does not end on one of the capacitor’s
space of ether mass density and compressibility. The gradient plates, but overcomes the space between plates even though
term in the first bracket predicts the appearance of force directed electrons do not travel from one plate to the other.
along the gradient of ether density. Therefore a dielectric plate is The following explanation was proposed. Ether particles
drawn into capacitors: ether density ε0 in a hollow capacitor is between the plates are polarized by the electric field and
bigger than ε in dielectric. This force grows with r: distance of q1 displaced. This polarization creates in the ether the conductivity
from the charged plane. In the case of a capacitor, this means that that is manifested as the electric field partial time derivative.
force is bigger when the dielectric plate is thicker. It is interesting that present-day physics denying ether
These effects are observed only when the charges are “bare”. actually preserves this explanation just as the very name of the
It is well known that when a dielectric is brought between current. And today it becomes completely inexplicable that
capacitor’s plates, its capacity is enlarged or, which is the same, electric field changes independently of space coordinates, and
the strength of attraction between plates is lowered. What is the dependence on time manifests only between capacitor plates,
cause of this effect? and does not manifest along conductors and in substance.
Today this effect is explained by “polarization of the But let us return to Eichenwald’s first experiment. If such a
dielectrics”. It is believed that molecular dipoles are shifted as a polarization of the ether particles takes place, it must lessen the
reaction to the external field action. Such a shift partly neutralizes charge on the plates, and correspondingly the magnetic field
the charge on the plates and thus weakens the Coulomb force. created by rotating the capacitor should be less than the magnetic
Let us investigate this problem in greater detail, returning to field created by a conductivity current. But the experiment
the views of the physicists of the XIXth century, and discussing showed complete equivalence of these fields.
Eichenwald’s experiments. As was mentioned in Section 2, those Eichenwald himself [17], and some other scientists,
experiments are believed to disprove Hertz electrodynamics, interpreted this fact as stability of ether and its polarized
which include total time derivatives. At that time physicists particles: the capacitor’s rotation does not carry them along.
believed that ether polarization between the capacitor plates led It is impossible to understand today how Eichenwald could
to the observed effects. They often spoke about one Eichenwald’s come to such a conclusion. Certainly it is difficult to come to any
experiment, although he set up a lot of different experiments, conclusion about behavior of such a substance as exotic as ether
and many conclusions were deduced from his experiments. We on the basis of only one experiment, and Eichenwald’s second
shall consider some of them referring to our discussion. experiment shows that ether contained in dielectric is carried
In the first experiment, round capacitors plates were rotated. along, but the effect remains.
The induced magnetic field was measured. The experiment In one way or in another, Eichenwald supported Lorentz’
showed that such movement of electrons creates the same theory of stable ether and declared that his experiment refutes
magnetic field as their movement in a conductor. Hertz’s idea of moving ether. Today one can hear for the very
In the second experiment, the same capacitor with dielectric same experiment an interpretation very different from its
between the plates was rotated. Such rotation created the same interpretation by Eichenwald. Many educated persons assert that
magnetic field as in the first experiment, i.e., the same as without Eichenwald showed that it is prohibited to use total time
dielectric. derivatives in electrodynamics. Some very educated persons, for
In the third experiment, the capacitor plates were immovable, instance [17], believe that Eichenwald proves ether nonexistence,
but the dielectric was rotated. Such rotation also induced a but that total time derivatives in electrodynamics are necessary.
magnetic field. Its direction did not change when the rotation Let us consider Phipps’ monograph [17] in greater detail. I
direction changed, but it did change when the plates were recommend the reader to read this book if possible. This is sum
charged oppositely. total of many years of meditation on electrodynamics problems
Let us consider the conclusions that were drawn from these written by a very clever man with very keen insight. Therefore
experiments. These conclusions were incorporated into the his even erroneous, as we believe, ideas characterize the scatter
foundation of modern physics. coefficient in the interpretation of Eichenwald’s experiments.
There was also another question that excited physicists at that Dr. Phipps is a supporter of the idea of introducing total time
time. This was the problem of the physical meaning of the derivatives into Maxwell equations. He scrupulously investigates
displacement current introduced by Maxwell into his equations how Hertz did this [17, p. 24]: “He (Hertz) conceived of his
in addition to conductivity current. Displacement current was theory…as describing an electrodynamics of “moving media,”
mathematically realized as the electric field partial time and interpreted his new velocity parameter (appearing in total
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 19

time derivative) as ether velocity. This was a serious mistake, a They already did not speak about polarization of ether
false interpretation. He compounded that error by postulating particles, but rather attributed this idea to molecules. They
Stokesian ether 100% convicted by ponderable matter. This made believed that charges in the dielectric are shifted, and the shift
his theory testable, because it reified the ether – giving it “hooks” enlarges the capacitance, and partly neutralizes the charges on
to observable matter…Soon after Hertz death an experimentalist, the capacitor plates, thus lessening attraction between them.
Eichenwald went into his laboratory and disconfirmed Hertz’s But why does the dielectric influence the capacitance? And
predictions. The invariant theory was thus discredited and what is the essence of capacitance? And is capacitance linked
relegated to history’s trash bin.” with polarization of the dielectrics? And why doesn’t this shift
Such an understanding of Eichenwald’s experiments leads neutralize all the charges on the capacitor plates?
Dr. Phipps to negation of ether altogether, and to his semi- They usually answer that there are not enough dipoles in
relativistic theory, although, we repeat, he insists on total time dielectric. But if so, when there are a small number of charges on
derivatives in electrodynamics. the plates, for which there are enough dipoles in dielectric, all
We here cite Dr. Phipps only to illustrate that Eichenwald’s such charges should be neutralized. But experience does not
experiment can be interpreted very differently, and to propose show such an effect. Coulomb’s force is just lessened in ε/ε0
our own interpretation. First of all, let me express my deep times, either for a small or for a large amount of charges. And let
conviction that the main problem of experimental physics during us note that direct measurements to determine the shift of
this millennium will be ascertaining the qualities of ether. dipoles in the dielectrics were not produced, to the best of this
Therefore, we cannot be completely certain in declaring its author’s knowledge.
qualities today. Nevertheless, we have some foundation for some What explanation for the corresponding experiments can be
conclusions. proposed? Let us begin with capacitance. It was mentioned that
We cannot say for sure if ether is carried along in the first the physical meaning of free ether dielectric permeability ε0 is
experiment. But we are sure that ether in dielectric is carried free ether mass density. Correspondingly, we interpret absolute
along with it, because the dielectric’s ether density ρ and dielectric permeability ε as ether density in dielectric. This means
compressibility μ are not changed. And this urges us to the that the introduction of dielectric between the capacitor plates
conclusion that ether is carried along in the first experiment as just changes the ether density between them. Correspondingly,
well. the Coulomb force is lessened: it depends not only on the value
But the most interesting point for us here is that, in contrast to of charges but also on the quality of the substance filling the
Mr. Phipps interpretation, we need total time derivatives in space separating them. Therefore, the dielectric between plates
electrodynamics not only to describe ether movement, but also to does not influence the magnetic field of the rotating capacitor: its
describe conductivity current without having to introduce it introduction conserves charges on the plates. Thus we could
axiomatically. And the main result of their usage is introduction predict the result of the second Eichenwald’s experiment.
of the curl current [second item in Eq. (2.2.6a)]. This current And what is the physical meaning of the capacitance? If C is
moves in the conductor as well, and not with the speed of the capacitance, d is the distance between the plates, and A is the
electrons, but with the speed of light. Therefore, a knife-switch area of the plates, then
switched on in Europe lights a lamp in America immediately,
and not some years later when electrons arrive there over a cable. C ,
Just this curl current overcomes the space between the
capacitor plates and extends, moving along the conductor, i.e., the capacitance is the average surface mass density of the
carrying electrons along and creating magnetic field. Just this ether in the dielectric.
curl current is responsible for all the effects attributed to current What other effects detected in Eichenwald’s experiments does
nowadays. Just this curl current induces ether rotation in the formula (2.8.6) predict? Ether density between the capacitor
dielectric while electrons cannot penetrate dielectric. And the plates does not change. This means that Coulomb force is ε0
electrons’ movement in conductor is rather a consequence of curl inverse in the first experiment and ε inverse in the second one,
current in the same way in which sand’s movement in river is a although charges on the plates are conserved. Ether densities ε0
consequence of water movement in it. and ε are constant, and therefore the second item in the first
Let us note that a partial time derivative cannot be a cause for square bracket in (2.8.6) is zero, because ∇ε = 0.
current to overcome space between capacitor’s plates, just The velocities of the charges on the plates are parallel. These
because there is no time dependence in the changes of the fields velocities are perpendicular to the radius vector. This means that
between capacitor’s plates, in comparison with the fields in a only radial force remains in braces. This force is μ proportional;
conductor. These changes depend only on space coordinates. i.e., it is v2/c2 weaker than the Coulomb force, but is co-directed
But let us return to the second of Eichenwald’s experiments, with it and enlarges it. Eichenwald did not measure it, but it
where the capacitor rotates together with the dielectric, and would be interesting to produce the corresponding experiment
correspondingly the ether filling the dielectric also rotates. We and answer the question: “Is it correct that the attraction force
need more accurate consideration of this experiment because between rotating plates of a capacitor is greater than between
modern physics, in this case not hindered by disbelief in ether, stable ones?”
accurately reproduces for the dielectric the ideas of the XIXth We have analyzed the effects predicted by the first item in
century concerning ether. Eq. (2.8.6). The physical meaning of the third, gradient item in
(2.8.6) (the second square brackets in braces is analogous to the
20 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

physical meaning of the gradient item in the static part. But it is assert that the magnetic field also increases along the radius. This
linked with another ether characteristic: its compressibility. We should be determined by experiment. But we can assert that
observe its action when paramagnetics are pulled in and paramagnetics will be pulled into the capacitor, and
diamagnetics are pushed out of a solenoid. The force is directed diamagnetics pushed out of it, if the magnetic field inside the
along the gradient of the ether compressibility μ, which increases capacitor increases along the radius. The sign of the assertion is
from the solenoid’s ends to its midpoint. The static gradient part opposite in the opposite case. It is also opposite if the charges on
is also directed along the gradient of ε. This force always expels the plates are of the same sign. In the last case, a picture similar
dielectric from free ether because ε0 is always less than the ether to that of solenoid is predicted.
density in substance. But in the case of a capacitor, charges of We observe here just an accurate analog to the electric field.
opposite sign are induced on its plates. Therefore ∇ε is directed Rotation of two plates charged with the charges of the same sign
into the capacitor. will induce a traditional effect: diamagnetics will be pushed out
Current in the solenoid’s coils are induced by charges of the and paramagnetics pulled in.
same sign. And ether compressibility in different substances can Let us formulate the main result of our consideration of
be bigger than in free ether (paramagnetics), or smaller formula (2.8.6). Although apparently a certain polarization of
(diamagnetics). Therefore, paramagnetics are pulled into, and dielectrics in capacitors takes place, the main effects are
diamagnetics are pushed out of, the solenoid. determined by the fall of ether mass density ε and ether
What does the first Eichenwald’s experiment shows us in this compressibility μ on the boundary between different materials,
respect? Let us note that square brackets in the third item in or free-space ether and ether in substance
(2.8.6) is always positive because v1 and v2 (tangential velocities If the charged plane is immovable, then the following
of the charges on the rotating plates) are co-directed. Charges correlations are valid:
opposite sign are induced on the plates. Therefore the third item
r21  v2 , r21  a2 , i.e.,  r21  v2   0,  r21  a2   0.
produces force directed against ∇μ, i.e., in the direction of
magnetic field decrease. In this case (2.8.6) grows simpler
Charges’ velocities increase along the radius of the plates, but
magnetic fields may overcross each other. Therefore, we cannot

q1σ  r 2ε  μq1σ

 4πεr 3c  B12  E21   r12   2r21 ( v1  v2 )  v2 (r21  v1 ). (2.8.7)
2εr  ε  2r

We have calculated the Huygens part of the force. The Newton part appears as follows:

d q σμ
4πεr 3c  B12  B21    1  r21  v 1  v 2 2   v 1  v 2  r21  ( v 1  v 2 )  
dt   2r 
q σ dμ
r21  r21  (a1  a2 )   a1  a2  r 2   1 r21  r21  ( v1  v 2 )    v1  v 2  r 2  .
2r dt  

The static part is absent from this formula, and consequently i.e., for this case, Huygens’ and Newtons’ surface force density
force depending on ε gradient is absent as well. The whole part are directed against the Coulomb surface force density, and the
depends not on velocities’ product but on their difference sum surface force density appears as follows:
product. Therefore it is null in the first and the second
Eichenwald experiments: the plates’ velocities are modulo equal 5σ 2μv2
FN  FH   r21 . (2.8.11)
and codirected. Let us suppose the following modification of the 2r
second Eichenwald experiment: capacitor’s plates uniformly Below we shall use term “force” instead of “surface force
rotate in opposite directions around dielectric. Radius-vector in density” to simplify the narration.
such experiment is perpendicular to velocities. Therefore all the The forces defined by the second and the fourth square
items containing (r21·(v1 – v2)), all the item containing brackets are c times less than the other forces here. They could be
accelerations and the last item in (2.8.8) will be zero. Only radial essential in the processes combined by the idea of “electroweak
force is preserved in (2.8.8). Thus Newton’s part of force density interaction”. They need special investigation, which we
postpone. Let us investigate the force defined by the third square
4σ 2μv2
FN   r21 . (2.8.9) bracket. Its coefficient depends on time derivative of μ, i.e., ether
compressibility in dielectric. We can detect this force if, for
The velocities in the experiment are oppositely directed. instance, we put a substance with periodically changing ether
Therefore the braces in (2.8.6) for the case will appear as follows compressibility among oppositely rotating plates of a capacitor.
σ 2μv2
FH   r21 , (2.8.10)
2r μ  μ0 cosωt , (2.8.12)
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 21
i.e., Assumption: ∇μ near the surface of a rotating dielectric is
directed along tangential velocity, i.e., μ increases in this

 ωμ0 sin ωt . (2.8.13) direction.
The adopted assumption means that total time derivative
Here μ0 is average ether compressibility in the substance, ω is convective part (v1·∇)μ is always positive and does not depend
frequency. on the direction of the dielectric rotation. The force with which
Then the force appearing between the capacitor plates the plates act on each other
because of μ changing in time and acting from plate 2 on plate 1
is F21  σ 2r( v1 )μv1 , (2.8.16)
F21  σ2ωμ0r sin(ωt )v1 . (2.8.14) 1
F12  F21  σ 2r( v 2 )μv 2 . (2.8.17)
This force is proportional to square surface charges density σ on
the plates and linear on ω, μ0, r; i.e., it increases with increase of Let us return to the third Eichenwald experiment. In this
these parameters. It periodically untwists and brakes plate 1 in experiment the capacitor plates were at rest, and only an ebonite
accordance with the sin law. The force with which plate 1 acts on disc rotated. Sudden for Eichenwald and expected for us was
plate 2 is: that the magnetic field direction did not depend on the rotation
direction. Eichenwald himself explained this by invoking
F12  F21 , (2.8.15) qualities of ebonite. We are sure that it is really the ether
qualities: when ether jumps from its more dense state in
Plate 1 acts on plate 2 in the same way.
dielectric into its more rarefied state in free space, the rotation
Let us consider an additional modification of this experiment:
movement drags it. Therefore, its compressibility gradient vector
the dielectric does not rest between oppositely rotating plates,
is directed along the tangential velocity vector, and their scalar
but rotates with one of them. In this case, μ does not depend on
product is always positive.
time explicitly, but, generally speaking, the convective part of the
The last two items here are non-zero if µ and ε depend on
total time derivative (v1·∇)μ is not null. Under what conditions?
time. The previous items are consequences of general formulas
Apparently when tangential velocity v1 and ∇μ are not
(2.4.1)–(2.4.3). The general formula is the sum of the Huygens
perpendicular. Is this condition valid for this case? Perhaps not.
and Newton forces
Note that in the static case ∇μ is apparently directed
perpendicular to the dielectric surface. We know too little about F21  FH  FN . (2.8.18)
ether qualities to assert something with certainty. But we can
adopt the following:

2.9. Fields That Exist Inside a Charged Sphere

Our aim in this Section is to find force that acts on charge q1 because the interaction energy inside such a sphere is constant,
inside sphere of radius R0 charged with density σ. The initial and therefore its gradient is zero.
condition If the charges on the sphere move with velocity v2, they create
the following field at the point where charge q1 is situated:
  E2  , r  R0 (2.9.1)
ε0 R02 σr  r21  v 2 
E21  2    r21  , r  R0 . (2.9.3)
ε0 R0  c 
supplies us with the static part of the field inside the sphere
In just the same way
E2  r21 , r  R0 . (2.9.2)
ε0 R02 σr  r21  v 2 
B21    r21  , r  R0 . (2.9.4)
ε 0 R02c  c 
One can see that the field (2.9.2) is proportional to r 2;
i.e., it
decreases to zero when r decreases to zero. This means that the The magnetic field created by moving charge q1 is traditional:
field is not constant and not zero, as is believed nowadays,
because “electric field” is defined as “a force acting on a charge”. q1  r21  v1 
B12   r21  , r  R0 . (2.9.5)
It has been said already that such a definition is not satisfactory. 4πε 0 r 3c  c 
Does this mean that our conclusion contradicts well-known
The Huygens force acting on q1 inside the sphere is
experimental facts? We shall see below that there is really no
force acting on a charge inside a charged sphere in the static case,
but not because there is no field inside the sphere, but rather

[4πε0 R03c(B12  E21 )  [r21v1v2 (cosθ3  cosθ1  cosθ2 )  v 2v1r cosθ2  v1 v2r cosθ1 ], r  R0 . (2.9.6)
22 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

Here θ1 is the angle between radius vector r21 and velocity v1, θ2 q2
E2  , r  R0 . (2.9.8)
is the angle between r21 and v2, θ3 is the angle between v1 and v2. 4πε 0 r 2
This force acts on q1 from every point of the charged sphere.
Let us note that the Coulomb force is absent: its contribution into Let us return to Eq. (2.9.6). It does not exhaust the forces
the interaction energy between the charge and the sphere is acting on charge inside the sphere. In addition we must find the
constant, and so its energy gradient is zero. Newtonian part of the force; i.e., the time derivative of the vector
This example shows the problems of the present-day product of the magnetic fields:
understanding of the electric field as force acting on a charge. The coefficient before the square bracket in Eq. (2.9.6) can
Such a definition compels us to believe that the field inside the create the impression that the force is proportional to the sphere
sphere is zero. Because the field exists outside the sphere, it must radius R0. But charge density σ is R02 inverse; therefore, the force
be discontinuous at the surface of the sphere. And what is going (2.9.6) is R0 inverse. All the terms in the square bracket depend
on at the surface of the sphere? And will any force act on a on the product of the velocities of charges on sphere and the
charge moving inside a static charged sphere? charge inside the sphere. Therefore the whole force is zero if at
Let us demonstrate that we can obtain reasonable answers on least one of the charges is at rest. The radius vector inside the
all these questions within the framework of the proposed square bracket links any charge on the sphere with the charge q1
q inside. This bracket coefficient radius vector is modulo inverse,
approach. Charge density on the sphere is σ  2 2 , where q2 is
4πR0 i.e., the whole force does not depend on the distance between q1
the common charge of the sphere. Having integrated over the and particular charges on the sphere. But it essentially depends
sphere, we obtain from (2.9.2) on the angles between the radius vector and the charges’
velocities and on the angle between velocities of the charges on
q2 the sphere and q1.
E2 r  R  . (2.9.7)
0 4πε 0 Usually we are interested not in the interaction force between
q1 and any particular point on the sphere. We usually want to
And without any discontinuity,
understand how the whole sphere influences q1. In this case we
must integrate (2.9.6) over the whole sphere.
Let us find Newton’s force in our case:

d 
dt  
q σR
ε0rc    
4πε0 R03c(B12  B21 )  1 20 r21  v1  v 2 (1  cosθ4 )  r21r a1  a2 cosθ5  (a1  a2 )r 2  , r  R0 .

Here θ4 is the angle between r21 and (v1 – v2), θ5 is the angle contradicts the well-known theorem that magnetic field
between r21 and (a1 – a2). One can see that the velocity- circulation over a curve not enveloping current is zero. The cause
dependent part of the formula does not depend on the distance is that present-day electrodynamics does not take into account
from q1 to the points on the sphere, but the acceleration the curl current [Eq. (2.2.6a)] and the radial part of magnetic field
dependent part increases with this distance. This force is not zero [Eq. (2.2.4)]. Formula (2.9.4) shows that in a charged sphere,
even if the charges on the sphere or q1 are at rest. magnetic field decreases as r2 to the center of the sphere, and is
Let us consider the case of stable current on the sphere and directed from this center to the sphere along the radius.
constant velocity of q1; i.e., we put to zero the second square Concentric spheres are level surfaces of the field. This field exists
bracket in (2.9.9). The angle between r21 and (v1 – v2) is never even if the charges on the sphere are at rest: the static part of
null for any movement of q1, i.e., cosθ4 is never equal to 1. This (2.9.4) and magnetic field of moving charge q1 interact and create
means that radial force directed from sphere must be observed observable effects contradicting present-day theory. The general
because (v1 – v2)2 and (1 – cosθ4) are always positive. In other formula of force acting on q1 inside charged sphere appears as
terms, there is a magnetic field inside the charged sphere. This follows

F21 
ε0rc 
r21  v1  v 2 (1  cosθ4 )  v1 v2 cosθ1 cosθ2  

 v 1rv2 cosθ2  v 2rv1 cosθ1  r21r a1  a2 cosθ5  (a1  a2 )r 2  .

In particular when the charge q1 inside the sphere is at rest, i.e., If the charges in and on the sphere are immovable, (2.9.10) is
when v1 = 0, a1 = 0 zero. There is an electric field inside the sphere but there is no
force acting on the charge.
F21 

r21 | v 2 |2 (1  cosθ4 ) 
ε0rc 2  
Let us illustrate (2.9.10) by the example of when direct current
is brought to a diameter end of the sphere (the first pole) and
a2r 2  r21r a2 cosθ5 .  drawn aside from the other end of the diameter (the second
pole). The current flows over the sphere between these points.
How will force lines look?
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 23

Present-day physics asserts that the circulation of the magnetic field comes to maximum on the big sphere; i.e., it
magnetic field over a curve that does not envelop the current is enlarges with the distance from the big circumference center.
zero. But formula (2.9.10) predicts that a force acts on a charge in The situation with the force is different. Formula (2.9.10)
our case; i.e., it predicts a magnetic field inside the sphere. Not shows that it does not depend on the distance from the sphere,
going into mathematical details, I just pinpoint the cause of this but rather essentially depends on the angle between velocities
contradiction. The cause is that Eq. (2.1.9) contains only and the radius vector from points on the surface to the point
conductivity current, and does not contain curl item ∇×(E×v) inside (we assume acceleration equal to zero). One force is radial.
that appears in Eq. (2.2.6a). Just this item creates a magnetic field It depends on squared difference between velocities of the charge
and a corresponding force (2.9.11) inside the sphere. on the surface and inside, the product of these velocities, and
The magnetic field (2.9.4) is proportional r2, i.e., the squared angles between the radius vector and these velocities. The second
distance from any point on the sphere to the point inside it. It is force is directed along velocities. If the charge inside is at rest, the
minimal and equal to zero when r21⊥v2; i.e., it is minimal at the force is proportional v22 , and is maximal at the center, where
center of the sphere. It increases along the radius. Small spheres cosθ2 = 0 because r21⊥v2 there.
with centers coinciding with the center of the big one are level
curves for magnetic field created by current over the sphere. The

2.10. Energy, Impulse, Force Momentum

Let us clear up mechanical qualities of the two-charges couple are directed along lines that are not just parallel, but
system under consideration. Let us emphasize that (2.4.1)–(2.4.3) identical. Only the special case of a zero couple does not influence
suppose that external forces which induce charges’ velocities and solid body movement.
accelerations acts on the system. Formulas for F12 and F21 contain We can interpret theorem 3 as application of the force couple
non-central terms, and therefore classical mechanical theorems idea to radius vector, or to be more accurate to its ends. This
cannot be transferred directly on the system under our force couple not only rotates the radius vector, but also deforms
consideration. The aim of this section is to show that all these it: expands or compress it when the forces are directed along the
theorems are valid in our case as well. same straight line. Just this case corresponds radial forces. This
The principle force vector means that in our case, a force couple with zero arm also has
understandable physical meaning.
Fint  F12  F21  0. (2.10.1)
Charges are situated on the ends of a radius vector. Thus we
Integrating this identity with respect to time and along an come to the connection between theorem 3 and Newton’s third
arbitrary trajectory in space, one obtains law in mechanics.
It is widely accepted that the assertion that action and

int dt  const, (2.10.2) counteraction forces are directed oppositely means that they are
directed along the same straight line. The author has heard such
assertions from mechanics professors. Therefore, they believe
int dx  0. (2.10.3) that all non-radial forces cannot satisfy Newton’s third law. They
assert that, for instance, the Lorentz force formula cannot satisfy
Equalities (2.10.2) and (2.10.3) imply the validity of two Newton’s third law because it contains a non-radial term (look
theorems: for instance in [10]). Certainly when we speak about point-like
Theorem 1. Internal forces do not change the system impulse. masses, we have no other choice. But the situation essentially
Theorem 2. Internal forces do not produce work. changes when we speak about real physical bodies.
Let us find the moment of internal forces. Let O be an It was mentioned in Section 1 that all the forces in XVIII and
arbitrary point in space, r1 be radius vector from O to q1 and r2 be XIX century physics were radial. This tradition comes to us as we
radius vector from O to q2. The internal forces’ principal moment see. But it is difficult to agree with such an understanding of
with respect to O is Newton’s third law. If that understanding were correct, then, for
instance, the billiard game could not exist. The passive ball
Mint  r1  F21  r2  F12  (r1  r2 )  F21  would just continue the trajectory of the active one, not changing
 (r2  r1 )  F12  r21  F21  r12  F12 . it. In other words, such an understanding for interaction of
mechanical bodies leaves only head-on collision, and excludes
Eq. (2.10.4) implies the validity of: oblique collisions.
Theorem 3. A moment of force transferred to the system by At first I thought that theorem 3 generalized the third
external forces does not depend on the point of its application, Newton law for general electrodynamics. But recently I read its
and creates two moments of force acting on the charges. These formulation in a textbook [21]. The author Putilov just stresses
moments are modulo equal and codirected. They can be that in general the action and counteraction forces in the third
considered as a force couple applied to radius vector. Newton law are directed along parallel straight lines. As an
The notion of “force couple” is used in mechanics to describe example, he proposes interaction of “magnetic poles”. Thus we
solid body movement. It determines solid body rotation if the can assert now that theorem 3 just corroborates validity of
couple arm is not zero. Zero occurs only if the forces in the Newton’s third law in general electrodynamics.
24 2. Some Fundamental Problems in Electrodynamics

But the very law should be formulated as follows: in q1 λv1

r21  F21   r21  v 2  
collisions of real mechanical bodies, action and counteraction 2πε0rc 2  (2.10.6)
moments of force are modulo equal and co-directed.
  r21  (v 1  v 2 ) v 1  v 2    r12  F12 .
Example 1.
Let us find the force moment produced on the charge in Only the first equality here is valid in accordance to Lorentz
example 3 of Section 5. The force F21 is defined by (2.5.6) force, i.e., only one arm works if we limit ourselves with present-
day electrodynamics.
2q1q2v cosθ The Lorentz force predicts appearance of not only radial
r21  F21  (r21  v )  r12  F12 . (2.10.5)
2πε0r 2c2 force, but also force directed along velocity as well; i.e.,
mechanically it describes oblique impact, but predicts rotation of
Eq. (2.10.5) means that both arms work the same.
only one of the interacting bodies, and not of the second one.
Example 2.
Let us find the force moment produced on the charges in
Example 3 of Section 7. The force F21 is defined by (2.7.3).

2.11. Summary of Argument

Let us briefly repeat the main points to which we have come Maxwell equations have a good mathematical peculiarity: in
above: contrast to traditional equations, they have solution in the case of
1. Certain generalizations of the traditional Maxwell “bare” charge.
equations have been proposed here. The new aspects of these 2. The last mathematical peculiarity of the Generalized
generalizations are: Maxwell equations enables us to propose some new approaches
1.1. The divergence of the magnetic field is assumed to be to the concepts of the fields and their interaction.
non-zero; i.e., the existence of magnetic charge is accepted. But 2.1. Fields are defined not in terms of force acting on a charge,
such charge does not coincide with Dirac’s monopole in many but rather just as a solution of the Generalized System. It is
aspects. It is closely connected with the magnetic moment of the shown in Appendix 1 that the electric field has the mechanical
electrically charged particles, and in this sense it may be dimension of velocity, and the magnetic field is non-dimensional
considered as another incarnation of the electric charge. But in and means rotation angle.
contrast to electric charges, no force similar to the Coulomb one 2.2. Thus we turn out to be able to describe the interaction
appears between two magnetic charges at rest. They begin between charges with the help of interaction between fields
interact only in motion. induced by these charges. Interaction energy and interaction
1.2. Total time derivatives instead of the partial ones are used impulse are constructed with the help of the fields. The gradient
in the equations. Physically this means that we can take into of interaction energy supplies us with the Huygens part of the
account the ether, i.e., the medium in which electromagnetic force, and the time derivative of the interaction impulse gives us
waves propagate. For this, the direct current that is introduced the Newtonian part of it. The formula obtained describes all the
into the traditional Maxwell equations “by hand” turns out to be experimental results known to the author.
one of the two items forming the convective part of the total time 3. Some examples are investigated.
derivative. The second part of it is a curl expression that appears 3.1. A case usually investigated nowadays within the
when an electric wave is described, and which was not explicitly framework of Relativity theory is examined. An alternative
a subject of investigation in the Maxwell system. formula is proposed.
Mathematically, this means that the generalized Maxwell 3.2. A peculiarity of the interaction between two electrically
system is Galileo invariant, and we do not need to use Lorentz charged beams is investigated. The existence of a “cluster effect”
transformations: the total time derivatives take it into is predicted.
consideration automatically. In addition, the generalized

3. Mechanical Dimensions in Electrodynamics, Electron Construction and Plank's Constant

Today theoretical physics uses many systems of units same dimension. Such physical value as electric charge magnetic
differing by main units’ dimensions of physical value. This leads mass electric displacement flow magnetic flow have identical
to different writing for equations describing identical processes. dimension in Gaussian CGS system as well.
There are more than dozen widely used different systems and Frivolity in dimension systems’ construction leads to
many authors prefer to use systems of their own. This increases situation when ε (vacuum permittivity) and μ (vacuum
their number to some dozens. permeability) have zero dimensions in Coulomb law, i.e., symbol
Many compilations appear in electric and magnetic ε from CGSE system and symbol μ from CGSM system are
investigations because of different systems’ usage. For instance thrown out. Thus we obtain that electromagnetic values have
the following four values: electric field strength, magnetic field different dimension in CGSE and CGSM systems [22].
strength, electric displacement and magnetic induction have the
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 25

3.1. Systems of Units

Gauss C.F. was the father of today dimensions’ system. In express with the help of initial concepts (meter, kilogram,
1832 he supposed in his paper “Intensitas vis magneticae second) which were sufficient for mechanics.
terrestris ad mensuram absolutam revocata”, that dimensions at Therefore seven units: second, kilogram, meter, Ampere,
all physical characteristics can be established if only some main Kelvin, mole, candela were adopted as initial. They are believed
physical values are defined. Taking into account Pythagorean to be fundamental and incapable to be expressed with the help of
principle of triadal description of unity Gauss took dimensions of each other.
triad “space (L) – mass (M) – time (T)” as fundamental one. These authors cannot agree with such assertion. In our
William Thompson (Lord Kelvin) continued elaborating LMT everyday work we often observe in electrodynamics their
Gauss “absolute system” in 1860’s. His CGS system is also used accurate mechanic analog. The aim of this article is to express
today. In 1881 International Congress of electricians adopted Ampere in mechanic terms. This will help us to explicitly
common unity system for electric and magnetic measurements. It formulate connections between electricity and mechanics.
was adopted that electric and magnetic units was not possible to

3.2. Mechanic System of Units in Electrodynamics and Electron Construction

The Static law of gravity means that mass M at distance r we better express our ideas better, and we understand other
creates the static gravitational field: persons better. This is our native language.
Do physicists have such a language? I am sure they have.
G . This language is language of mechanics. Therefore, the method of
gravity description mentioned above should be considered
Taking into account that the gravitational constant γ has natural and understandable, and all dimensionality systems used
mechanical dimensionality m3/kg·s2, one obtains that in modern electrodynamics should be recognized as artificial and
gravitational field has dimensionality of acceleration m/s2. inconvenient. If the electric field has dimensionality of velocity,
The Electric charge at distance r creates static Coulomb field: then all electrodynamic values obtain mechanical
dimensionalities. In particular, electric charge has dimensionality
E . kg/s, i.e., mass time derivative.
4πε0r 2 In different times, different authors have come to this
conclusion, although starting from different concepts. Papers by
But we can say nothing about the mechanical dimensionality
Aszukovsky [23] and Prussov [24] must be mentioned in this
of E until the mechanical dimensionality of electric charge q is
connection. But it is not enough for us to know dimensionalities
defined. If we could do this, we would obtain a clear formal
of the described objects. We must translate electrodynamic
relationship with mechanics, and between gravity and electricity.
values used in present-day terms into terms of mechanics.
In §6 it is shown that the electric charge has dimensionality
That is what V.A. Aszukovsky writes in discussing this
kg/s, and the electric field has dimensionality of velocity, i.e.,
problem in his paper [23] (p. 49). He comes to conclusion that the
m/s. The electric constant ε0 has dimensionality of mass density,
electric constant ε0 means mass density ρ of ether, and that
i.e., kg/m3. Its physical meaning is mass density of free ether. The
dimensionality “Farad” corresponds mechanical dimensionality
aim of this Appendix is to extend these results on electrodynamic
kg/m2. He concludes from here that ether mass density must be
and gravidynamic fields. It was proposed to describe the gravity
equal to 8.85×10–12 kg/m3 because ε0 = 8.85×10–12 F/m. But this
field with the help of Maxwell type equations in which the first
conclusion is wrong because it rests on a logical flaw. The fact
time derivatives are changed for the second time derivatives.
that capacitance is measured in Farad and kg/m2 does not mean
This means, in particular, that gravitation is understood as a field
that 1 F = 1 kg/m2. And just such a correlation between units we
of accelerations, in contrast to electricity, which is a field of
must find in order to transform one dimensionality into another
velocities. Respectively, these fields are characterized with
one. One easily sees that the assertion that mass may be
constants that have the dimensionality of acceleration for gravity
measured in grams and kilograms does not mean that 1 g = 1 kg.
and the dimensionality of velocity (light speed c) for electricity.
Therefore, other quantitative evaluations in Aszukovsky book
Gravity preserves its one natural mechanical dimensionality.
[23] seem to be unnatural.
It has dimensionality of acceleration, and its charge is mass. But
It is known that the ration of the electric repulsion and
several dimensionality systems are used in electrodynamics. To
gravitational attraction of two electrons is
my knowledge, scientists who use a certain system are its
devoted supporters, and do not see any problems with its usage. Fe q2
All can agree on the following point. Really, physics in   4.1659  1042. (3.2.1)
Fg 4πγε0m2
general, and electricity in particular, may be studied in any
language: in English, Chinese, or even Russian. But for every In order to use this equality, we must adopt a certain model of
individual, there is among all of them a unique, preferred elementary particles in general and of the electron in particular.
language. In this language, our intuition works better, we Some authors (in addition to above-mentioned Aszukovsky and
understand the interdependence of different phenomena better, Prussov, F.M. Kanarev [26] should be mentioned) proposed
models of elementary particles as follows: ether particles form a
26 3. Mechanical Dimensions in Electrodynamics, Electron Construction and Plank's Constant

torus performing two curling movements: in equatorial and c m

re   3.8616  1013 , (3.2.8)
meridional planes. The Similarity between models of this author ωC rad
and the above-mentioned authors stop here, as these rotations
are prescribed different physical meanings. The present author i.e., Compton’s electrons wave length. The rotation in meridional
believes that the equatorial rotation determines electric charge, planes creates electron’s spin. The radius of this vortex is
and the meridional rotation determines the spin of the particle. m
The electron’s charge is: ρe  re 2  1.9308  1013 . (3.2.9)
q  meω, (3.2.2) Its angular velocity is
where me is its mass and ω is the equatorial rotation angular c
Ωe   1.5527  1021 rad/s. (3.2.10)
velocity. It avers that electric current ρe
Je  qV  meωeV (3.2.3) The velocity of the greater and less circumferences are
has dimension kg·m/s, i.e., is a special kind of gravicurrent. One Ce  reωe  3.1443  108 m/s, (3.2.11)
can say that electric field is a special kind of gravifield.
ce  ρe Ωe  2.9979  108 m/s. (3.2.12)
Such a description of the charge is a natural consequence of
the idea of translational movement in kinematics. As my reader correspondingly.
may remember, the velocity of translational movement of a Let us find numerical value of electron’s spin (magnetic
massive point is linked with rotation, and described there with moment)
the help of vector product of the radius vector and the angular
velocity vector. kg  m2
meρ2e Ωe  5.2729  1035  . (3.2.13)
Substituting (3.2.2) into (3.2.1) one obtains: s  rad 2

ω2 It coincides with the experimental one.

 4.1659  1042. (3.2.4)
4πγε0 Magnetic moment of the ring rotation (the smaller ring)

We are compelled now to adopt some suppositions linking meω2e re2 mec2
μe   (3.2.14)
the gravitational constant γ and electric constant ε0. In our next 2 2
papers we show that the electric field is a special case of the is just kinetic energy of the ring.
gravitational one. This means that ε0 and 1/γ must be The moment of the ring impulse
numerically equal (perhaps with the accuracy of 2π). The
difference in dimensionalities is a consequence of the Le  meωere2
dimensionality difference between electric charge and mass. The
difference in static gravitational and electric forces is determined is just gyromagnetic ratio
by the angular velocity value ω in (3.2.4). 1/γ has dimension μ e ωe
 .
kg/m3s2, and the mechanical dimension of ε0 is kg/m3. Le 2
One obtain for the meridional rotation of the ring
8π2 γε0  1 . (3.2.5)
s2 me Ω2e re2 me c 2
μs   ,
2 2
Angular velocity squared unit is in the right hand part here. In
Ls  me Ω eρ2e , (3.2.15)
other words, we suppose that 1/4πγ and ε0 are numerically equal
with the accuracy of 2π. μ s Ωe
  ωe .
Mass me crating electron performs vortical movement Ls 2
drawing torus. It is a topological product of two circumferences
Gyromagnetic ratio for the ring is twice less than for the
of re and re/2 radius. This rotational movement creates electric
meridional vortex. And this is coordinated to experiment. Let us
charge. Taking (3.2.5) and (3.2.4) into account, one obtains the
note that (3.2.14) and (3.2.15) are equal to Bohr’s magneton. But
angular ring rotation
in (3.2.15) μs must have two projections of different sign, because
ωe  8.1426  1020 rad/s. (3.2.6) two vortexes of the opposite sign exist in any section of
meridional rotation. The sum magnetic moment of electron (its
This number is close to the Compton electron angular velocity kinetic energy) is
c rad μ  μe  μ s  mec2 . (3.2.16)
ωC   7.7634  1020 , (3.2.7)
λC s
Electric charge of only one sign is defined in this section. The
where λC is Compton wavelength of the electron. The radius of positive sign of proton will be find in Chapter 3.
the greater electron’s circle is Electron’s mass is
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 27

me  9.1094  1031 kg. (3.2.17) Polarity A∙s/m2 = C/m2 kg∙rad/(s∙m2) 4.414×109

Capacitance A2∙s4/(kg∙m2) = с/Ω = F kg∙rad2/m2 1.948×1019
One obtains
Current density A/m2 kg∙rad/(s2∙m2) 4.414×109
kg  rad
q  7.072  10–10 . (3.2.18) Electrical resistance kg∙m2/(A2∙s3) = V/A = Ω m2∙s/(kg∙rad2) 5.133×10–20
A2∙s3/(kg∙m2) = 1/Ω = Sm kg∙rad2/(m2∙s) 1.948×1019
One electron is 1.6022×10–19 of Coulomb. Therefore conductance
Electrical resistivity kg∙m3/(A2∙s3) = Ω∙m m3∙s/(kg∙rad2) 5.133×10–20
kg  rad Electrical
1 C  4.414  109 . (3.2.19) A2∙s3/(kg∙m2) = Sm/m kg∙rad2/(m3∙s) 1.948×1019
s conductivity
Apparent power 0.99
Electric constant ε0 in SI is kg∙m2/s3 = V∙A = W kg∙m2/s3
Real power
s4 A 2
ε0  8.8542  1012 . (3.2.20) Reactive power kg∙m2/s3 = var kg∙m2/s3 0.99
Table 2. Magnetic values
One Ampere is numerically equal one Coulomb. Thus
Units of Mechanical
SI system Value
kg  rad2 measurement system
ε0  1.7251  108 . (3.2.21) Magnetic flux
m3 kg∙m2/(A∙s2) = V∙s = Wb m2/rad 2.266×10–10
Magnetic field
Electric field has dimension m/s·rad, i.e., it is velocity field. kg/(A∙s2) = V∙s/m2 = T 1/rad 2.266×10–10
One can find other values in tables 1 and 2. Absolute
kg∙m/(A2∙s2) = H/m m∙s2/(kg∙rad2) 5.133×10–20
Table 1. Electric values Magnetic moment A∙m2 kg∙m2∙rad/s2 4.414×109
Units of Mechanical Magnetization A/m kg∙rad/(m∙s2) 4.414×109
SI system Value
measurement system
Magnetic field A/m kg∙rad/(m∙s2) 4.414×109
Electric current A kg∙rad/s2 4.414×109
Inductance kg∙m2/(A2∙s2) = Ω∙s = H m2∙s2/(kg∙rad2) 5.133×10–20
Electric charge A∙s = C kg∙rad/s 4.414×109
Electric potential, A kg∙rad/s2 4.414×109
voltage, kg∙m2/(A∙s3) = V m2/(s∙rad) 2.227×10–10
electromotive force s2∙A2/(m2∙kg) = A/Wb kg∙rad2/(m2∙s2) 1.948×1019
Electric field kg∙m/(A∙s3) = V/m m/(c∙rad) 2.266×10–10
Permeance m2∙kg/(s2∙A2) = H m2∙s2/(kg∙rad2) 5.133×10–20
A2∙s4/(kg∙m3) = F/m kg∙rad2/m3 1.948×1019 Magnetic vector
permittivity kg∙m/(A∙s2) = Wb/m m/rad 2.266×10–10
Electric dipole
A∙s∙m = C∙m kg∙m∙rad/s 4.414×109
moment Radian is often omitted in papers. We consider it essential
A∙s/m2 = C/m2 kg∙rad/(s∙m2) 4.414×109 and as important as meters and seconds. Therefore we included
displacement field
it into all formulas manifestly.

3.3. The Magnetic Moment of the Electron

Electric field is a special case of gravidynamic field and where μ0 is the magnetic constant, e is electron charge, u is its
magnetic field is manifestation of just gravidynamic field velocity on Bohr orbit, r is a radius-vector. If we put:
actually. In other terms if a certain particle displays possession of
a magnetic field it does not mean yet that it is electrically u r  (3.3.3)
charged. Magnetic moment of neutron corroborates this. For us
here this means that when we try to describe magnetic moment then:
of particles we must not link it with electric field but only with
gravidynamic one. μ0 e
Mе   1.15  1029 V  m  s. (3.3.4)
In today physics defines the magnetic moment of a small 2 me
current loop as pseudovector directed normally to the loop plane
Taking Table 1 into account, one obtains:
and modulo equal to:
M  IS , (3.3.1) Mе  2.6402  1039 m3 . (3.3.5)

where I is a current in the loop and S is the area. The mechanic A difference in dimensionalities from (3.3.1) appears because
dimension of (3.3.1) is kg·m2/s2, because the ampere dimension is magnetic constant μ0 was introduced into definition (3.3.2). One
kg/s2. Nowadays the magnetic moment of electron in the obtains dividing by μ0:
hydrogen atom is defined as pseudovector.
e kg  m2  rad2
Mе   4.0936  1014 . (3.3.6)
μ0 2me s2
Mе  e(u  r ), (3.3.2)
28 3. Mechanical Dimensions in Electrodynamics, Electron Construction and Plank's Constant

This is Bohr magneton in mechanical dimensionalities. We assume that positive νe corresponds to parallel direction
Experiment shows that electron magnetic moment is a little more of Me and spin and negative νe to their antiparallel direction.
actually: Comparing definitions (3.3.4) and (3.3.6) we begin to understand
why electron magnetic moment is not equal to Bohr magneton
kg  m2  rad2
Me  1.0011 Mе  4.0981  1014 . (3.3.7) accurately. Definition (3.3.4) includes compressibility of free
s2 ether μ0 but in the body of electron it is apparently bigger:
Let us consider a certain smaller circumference of torus and
m  s2
prescribe to it elementary mass dm such that integral over bigger μ  1.0011μ0  6.4569  1026 . (3.3.10)
kg  rad
circumference is equal to electron mass.
Assumption. Particles of this elementary massive Using numerical evaluation (3.3.9) we are able to find local light
circumference perform curling movement around tangent to this velocity in electron body:
circumference with angular velocity νe.
Thus electron surface turns to consist of elementary vortexes, m
сm  ρe νe  1.1967  108 . (3.3.11)
which may be imagined as a wire winded on torus. In other s
words we liken electron to toroidal solenoid. Nevertheless it is Rotation velocity of the lesser circumference:
necessary to mention that there is no electric current here in
macroscopic sense. Today current is understood as electrons m
сe  ρe Ωe  2.9979  108 , (3.3.12)
movement. But just electron we try to describe now. Magnetic s
effect is also not linked with equatorial rotation of the torus, сe
 2.5. (3.3.13)
which defines electric charge. сm
Definition. Magnetic moment of electron is a pseudovector
From here ether mass density in torus body:
directed normally to lesser torus circumference and modulo
equal to product of ν2e and torus lesser circle square and electron 1 kg
ε  1.0815  109 . (3.3.14)
mass. с2mμ m3

Me  meπρ2e ν2e . (3.3.8) We are here on the verge of round off mistakes.
Some words follow on the gyromagnetic ratio.
Here we actually reproduce definition (3.3.1). Expression me ν2e
2 Me rad
is an accurate analogue of macroscopic current in toroidal  7.772  1020  ωe , (3.3.15)
ћ s
induction coil. One obtains using (3.3.7) and (3.3.8):
This just shows that electron charge to its mass ratio is equal to
νe  6.1978  1020 . (3.3.9) ωe.

3.4. Plank's Constant

Dimension “radian” appears in all the formulas (3.2.18)–
kg  m2
(3.2.21). It shows that a rotational process is described by them. h  6.5626  1034  2πћ. (3.4.2)
Not enough attention is paid to rotation movement in s
modern physics. This ignorance is motivated in particular in But numerously different values can describe the same physical
lighting habit not to mention dimension “radian” in formulas. value only if they depend on one parameter in addition and this
One cannot agree with such situation. Supposition that all parameter compensates their digital difference. Such parameter
physical values in mechanics can be described with the help of for (3.4.1) and (3.4.2) naturally becomes “angle” and units with
three main values: kg (mass), m (length) and s (time) is based on which this angle is measured. h and ħ describe the same physical
ancient metaphysical principle that any essence can be described value only if
with three variables. But nowadays “rotation angle” has actually
entered into mechanics as the fourth main variable. Its absence in kg  m2 6.5626 kg  m2
h  6.5626  1034   1034 
formulas where it is necessary essentially hampers their s  rev 2π s  rad
understanding. Therefore “radian” will appear everywhere kg  m2
 1.0544  1034  ћ.
where it is necessary. s  rad
Some problems appear on this way. Let us consider some of
them. In modern physical papers two constants both called General Assembly on Measures and Weights (1960) classified
Planck’s ones are used as equal in rights: SI unit “radian” intentionally not answering the question: did it
consider plain angle as main or as a derivative value. Here and in
kg  m2 other our papers these authors consider angle as the main value –
ћ  1.0544  1034 (3.4.1)
s vector in threedimensional space of plain coordinates.
Considering angle as the forth main value in mechanics
compels us to more accurately consider the used mathematical
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 29

One example. How should we understand strictly harmonic We are compelled to formulate problem in other way if we
oscillations: want, for instance, to find velocity or acceleration of the wave
created by electron. Electron’s Compton wave length has
x  A sinωt , (3.4.3)
dimension [m/rad]. For this problem we have:
where A is an amplitude, ω is an angle velocity, t is a time, x is a
d λ  λ 
coordinate? Eq. (3.4.3) is often understand as identity. Identity (λφ)   φ  φ  λφ  ω  φλ (3.4.10)
can be differentiated. One obtains having differentiated (3.4.3): dt φ  φ 
wave movement velocity instead of (3.4.8). All items here have dimension [m/s], i.e.
dx (3.4.10) defines space (linear) wave velocity and not tangential
 v  Aωcosωt . (3.4.4)
dt one as in (3.4.7). If we calculate the second derivative we obtain
dimension [m/s2], i.e. space acceleration of the wave.
Taking into account angle as a main value we can immediately But let us return to (3.2.21). Dimension of ε0 shows that a
see our mistake: the dimension of the left hand part in (3.4.4) is certain medium exists between two charges in Coulomb formula.
[m/s]. The dimension of the right hand part is [m⋅rad/s]. We And this medium influences on the value of the force between
have equaled two values of different dimensions. Conclusion: charges. Someone calls this medium ether someone – physical
(3.4.3) is an equation. We have no right to differentiate equation. vacuum. We shall use term ether having mentioned preliminary
Interaction of different values in physics also compels us to that “our ether” not inevitably coincides with the ideas of XIXth
more accurately put problems. century scientists although do not exclude some coincides with
Electron’s Compton wave length is defined as Maxwell’s ether for instance. Evaluation (3.2.21) shows that ether
is a very dense medium. Sometimes they say that such density
λ  ћ/ωec  3.8615  1013 m/rad=
(3.4.5) hinders for the planets to move in space. Let us remind that not
 2π  3.8615  1013 m/rev. medium’s density but its viscosity hinders our movement and
Dimension “radian” appears here because ħ depends on angle. Is not Newtonian dynamic which is universe density. Thus big
this correct? Yes, it is. When we describe radian and oscillation value (3.2.21) is a witness for the defense for the free movement
we must take into account that wave length is an angle function. in space.
Therefore for instance definition of “wave number”: But can we come from qualitative evaluations to quantitative
ones? Yes, we can. The value we need was under cover of “nick”
dφ  rad  impedance. Impedance has dimension of viscosity per one
k (3.4.6)
dr  m  ampere. Mechanic value of impedance is

is correct. 1 m2  s
I  1.9336  1017 . (3.4.11)
When we describe rotational movement as a product of cε0 kg  rad2
angular velocity and radius:
If we multiply it by 1 Ampere we obtain:
v  ω  r, (3.4.7)
kg  rad
we must take into account that ω has dimension [rad/s]. If r just a ν  I  4.414  109 
length, expressed in meters we obtain tangential velocity v (3.4.12)
[m⋅rad/s]. If we want to describe movement of a load on needle  8.5349  108  376.73 Ω.
s  rad
winding around a pencil, we must start not from equity (3.4.7)
but from equity Eqs. (3.4.11) and (3.4.12) are apparently just another version
of the Hubble’s constant. If we multiply (3.4.12) by the ether’s
(rφ)  rφ  φr  vφ  ωr , (3.4.8) density (3.2.21) we obtain
kg  rad
Here φ is angle, r and φ are time derivatives. In (3.4.8) we η  νε0  14.7235 . (3.4.13)
consider one dimensional (plain) rotation. In general when r and
φ are vectors it is necessary to use formulas for vector product High density (3.2.21) is qualitative in agreement with one
[§12, IV]. But here we are interested only in the problem of ether’s quality in addition: light wave has normal component. In
dimensional. In the case of a load on a needle we should consider the media habitual to us we observe normal component only in
the second time derivative because the load is accelerated: the waves in rigid bodies.
Big value of light velocity means that ether must be very
d2 elastic or this is the same almost not contracted. Magnetic
(rφ)  rφ  2rφ  rφ  dφ  2vω  rε, (3.4.9)
dt 2 constant gives us the quantitative value of the ether’s
where v and a are space velocity and acceleration and ω and ε compressibility
are angular velocity and acceleration. The dimension of items in m  s2
(3.4.8) is [m⋅rad/s] and in (3.4.9) is [m⋅rad/s2]. We deviated μ0  6.4498  1026 . (3.4.14)
kg  rad2
contradiction because we started with identities and not
equations. Thus we again obtain evaluations our a priori demands for ether.
30 4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics

4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics

4.1. Gravitational Model of the Electron
Let R be the radius vector from the greater circumference to
1 1
its points, and ρ be the radius vector from the center of the lesser K2  mρ2Ω2  mc2 .
2 2
circumference to points such that it extends vector R. And let
pseudo-vectors ω and vector Ω be angular velocities of these The sum kinetic energy is
circumferences. Let us introduce the main characteristics of K  K1  K2  mc2 .
The angular momentum We find the same result in another way:
1 1
S  R  (ω  ρ)  ω  (R  ρ)  ω  R2  ћ, (4.1.1) ћ  ω  mc2 . (4.1.4)
2 2
S  0.527  1034 kg  m2 /s. (4.1.2) Let us introduce some additional notions that will be
necessary in later Sections. It was noted above that |R| coincides
Let us note that P.M. Kanarev was apparently the first person with the Compton wavelength of the electron. Let
who raised a problem of vector interpretation of Planck’s
R  ( R1 , R2 , R3 ). (4.1.5)
constant [27].
The vector ħ in (4.1.1) is directed along the angular velocity Ω
If the wave created by the electron were monochromatic, we
of the torus lesser circumference rotation, and is proportional to
should introduce the wave vector parallel to electron’s velocity v.
it. It will be shown below that ω is always directed parallel or
The vortical character of electron forces makes us introduce a
anti-parallel to the electron’s velocity and perpendicular to Ω.
normal vector
Therefore ħ is modulo constant, and takes only two values: plus
or minus. It depends on the screw that Ω constitutes with  2π 2π 2π  2π
p , , , p  , p||R. (4.1.6)
electron velocity: it is left or right. This explains well-known  R1 R2 R3  R
 
problems of interpreting Planck’s constant. The torus electric
charge This is convenient because hydrodynamic considerations lead us
to conclude that torus vortex of the above defined type must
ω Ω
e  m (4.1.3) move along normal to its equatorial plane. We shall not prove
this concept but just declare it, as:
Plus or minus is taken depending on whether ω constitutes a Assumption 1. The velocity of an electron’s movement is
right or left screw with Ω. Let us note that Ω is a polar vector. always perpendicular to its equatorial plane. Hence
The electric charge is polar vector modulo constant, and takes p  v. (4.1.7)
only two values: parallel or anti-parallel to radius R. This
characteristic is independent with respect to electron’s movement Assumption 2.
and presents its inner quality. And this is in contrast to pseudo- v  const. (4.1.8)
vector ħ, which is defined only with respect to electron’s
velocity. It is problem for future experiments to define which This assumption is very restrictive for electrons but rather
sign in (4.1.3) corresponds to the electron. We assume sign plus. natural for photons, which are perhaps the main objects of
Sometimes we shall not mention radian following not the best consideration here. Assumption 1 let us distinguish notions of
tradition and considering magnetic field as nondimesional one. charge and spin more accurately. They are both proportional to
The electromagnetic field in general turns out to be a special case angular speed ω. But spin sign is not defined for a static electron.
of gravity. This means that spin is an external quality of electron.
Let us calculate the electron’s kinetic energy. The kinetic Charge (4.1.3) is directed along radius R inside or outside; i.e.,
energy of its equatorial rotation is along normal vector p. It can also possess only two signs. But this
is an inner characteristic of electron, a characteristic not
1 1
K1  mR2ω2  mc2 . dependent on its movement. Therefore, charge is adequately
2 2
characterized with the help of scalar quantity: by vector modulus
The kinetic energy of its meridional rotation is and its sign.

4.2. Wave Form of Generalized Maxwell Equations

Now we are to pass from the description of fields created by dB
 E   , (4.2.2)
moving electrons to the description of waves created by such dt
movement. In order to fulfill this task, we pass from real iω
 B   expi( p  r) , (4.2.3)
equations (2.2.2)–(2.2.5) to the following system of complex c
equations: dE
c 2 B  . (4.2.4)
 E  iωexpi( p  r), (4.2.1) dt
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 31

Here i is the imaginary unit, ω is the angular speed of the ω  p v v  ω p

electron torus; i.e., the De-Broglie frequency of the electron at rest B exp i( p  r  ωt )  2    exp i( p  r) 2 .
c  p c ω  c p
(mc2/ħ), r is the radius vector from the coordinate triple origin to
the electron, p is the normal vector defined in the previous
Section. Functions (4.2.5)–(4.2.6) define two waves: 1) a traveling wave
One can verify by direct substitution that the system (4.2.1)– whose amplitude is the sum of two mutually perpendicular
(4.2.4) is satisfied by the functions vectors, one is directed along velocity vector and the other one is
perpendicular to it; and 2) a standing wave whose oscillations are
 p v v  ω p
E  ωexp i( p  r  ωt )  2    exp i( p  r) 2 , independent of time. The vector amplitude of this wave is
 p c ω  c p directed perpendicular to the plane defined by traveling wave
(4.2.5) amplitude.
Let us verify by direct substitution that functions (4.2.5) and
(4.2.6) are really solutions of (4.2.1)–(4.2.4) system. For (4.2.1),

 p v v  pp
 E  iωexp i( p  r  ωt )  2    p  iωexp i(p  r) 2  iωexp i( p  r). (4.2.7)
 p c ω  p

The first item here is null because p is perpendicular to both vectors in brackets. Equality (4.2.3) is verified in the same way. Let us
verify the (4.2.2) equality:

 p v v  p p
 E  iωexp i( p  r  ωt ) p   2    iωexp i(p  r) 2 . (4.2.8)
 p c ω p

dB ω 
  p v v  ω p  iω2  p v v 
  ( v ) exp i( p  r  ωt )  2    expi(p  r ) 2   exp i( p  r  ωt )  2   . (4.2.9)
dt c 
  p c ω  c p  c  p c ω

The first item here is a convective derivative of B. It is null Longitudinal and transverse oscillations take place in the
because traveling wave defined by the first items in (4.2.5) and (4.2.6).
This wave is null if electron is in rest (v = 0). The standing wave
  expi(p  r  ωt )  ip  expi(p  r  ωt ) .
defined by the second items in (4.2.5) and (4.2.6) depends only on
spatial coordinates. It does not move with any velocity in space,
and vector p is perpendicular to v. This means that when t is
but exists eternally. Just this item originates the Coulomb
fixed, the wave moves along level curves E(x1, x2, x3, t) = const
interaction. Therefore one can say that the Coulomb force is a
and B(x1, x2, x3, t) = const. The condition p·r = const defines a
long-range one, in contrast to interactions connected with
surface for any t. In our case, this is just a plane. Let us note that
charges’ movement, which spread with light velocity. Waves
the trajectory lies in this plane, in contrast to the planar wave
(4.2.5) and (4.2.6) as a whole are essentially three-dimensional,
trajectory, which is perpendicular to such a plane. The only
and cannot be described by plane monochromatic wave.
nonzero item in (4.2.9) is the second one, which is partial
We have verified that functions (4.2.5)–(4.2.6) yields eq. (4.2.1)
derivative of B with respect to time. One gets equality to (4.2.8) if
–(4.2.2). The eq. (4.2.3)–(4.2.4) are verified in the same way.
multiplier ω/c multiplies vector amplitude in the square brackets
because ω/p2c2 = 1/ω. Equality (4.2.4) is verified in the same way.

4.3. The Photon

The fundamental distinction between the photon and the 2. Electron and positron equatorial rotation directions are
electron is the lack of electric charge in the photon. Let us opposite. Tori are torn because of oppositely directed equatorial
consider experiments on electron-positron annihilation in order rotations at the contact point. Two cylinders rotating around
to imagine the photon visually. It was assumed above that their axes are created.
electrons and positrons differ in their meridional rotation with Instead of (4.1.1), one gets for photon spin
respect to their equatorial one. They both move along normal to
S  R  (ω  R )  ωR 2  ћ.
their equatorial planes. Contacts of the following kinds are
possible for them: So we are compelled to accept as a photon model a cylinder
1. Their equatorial rotation directions coincide, i.e., their spins rotating around its axis and oscillating along it. Let us stress that
are anti-directed. When they turn to be in contact, tori must be this model is no more than a visual image, which just provides a
broken because of the opposite direction of their meridional certain “visual hook” for the reader. The formal mathematical
rotations. The number of new cylinders (particles) created in apparatus, the description of which we are passing to, works
such collisions increase with increasing collision energy. independent of this image; for instance, if the photon is a torus
without equatorial rotation. In this case, longitudinal oscillation
32 4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics

takes the meaning of the lesser torus radial oscillation. I believe  pc c 
that an adequate model may be constructed only in terms of EE*  ω2  2    2c 2 . (4.3.9)
complex functions, or even quaternions.  p c ω
Let us describe the photon’s content mathematically. It does The kinetic energy of the electric field is
not possess electric charge. Therefore its initial conditions
(divergence equalities) should be null. We have 1
K  mEE*  mc 2 . (4.3.10)
 E  0, (4.3.1)
dB Magnetic field energy should be summed with K. Or, to be
 E   , (4.3.2) accurate, energy originated by magnetic field projection on E
 B  0, (4.3.3) should be added to (4.3.10) because force perpendicular to E
does not produce work.
c 2 B  . (4.3.4) Eqs. (4.3.5) and (4.3.6) look as if they are collinear. Let us
verify this supposition. The scalar production of vector
As was done in the previous Section, we can use direct amplitudes in (4.3.5) and (4.3.6) is
substitution to verify that solutions for this system are provided
by the functions  p  c c   p  c c   (p  c )2 c2   1 1 
 2     2     4 2  2    2  2   0,
 p c ω  p c ω  p c ω  p p 
 pc c 
E  ωexp i( p  r  ωt )  2   , (4.3.5)
 p c ω i.e., E is perpendicular to B, and the force created by B does not
produce work and does not manifest itself in experiments. In
ω  pc c 
B exp i( p  r  ωt )  2   . (4.3.6) other words, photon energy is defined by formula (4.3.10).
c  p c ω Certainly we could begin from magnetic field energy,
Bold c here means photon’s vector speed. Only the traveling
wave is preserved in (4.3.5)–(4.3.6), in contrast with the electron 2
 pc c 
wave. The waves define torsion oscillations in the plane c 2BB*  ω2  2    2c 2 .
perpendicular velocity and longitudinal oscillations along it, just  p c ω
as in (4.2.5) and (4.2.6) waves. One can imagine it visually as Here already electric field energy turns to be not revealed. Again
cylinder-photon rotation around its axis and longitudinal we come to formula (4.3.10). If we take arbitrary direction and
oscillations along it. The cylinder axis is directed along velocity. add vector electric and magnetic fields’ projections on this
Certainly photons are originated not only in the process of direction, produce we come to the same result mc2. Its physical
charge annihilation. The necessary and sufficient conditions for meaning is also clear: the photon’s kinetic energy is doubled
photon origination should be found in the future. In general one because of its oscillations in two perpendicular dimensions. Let
can assert that photons are ether vortexes, which appear from us compare it with electron’s energy. One gets using (4.2.5)
many different causes. Therefore, different masses from ether are formula for electron’s electric field:
drawn into vortexes, and photons are created possessing
different sizes and frequencies. Let us try to understand how  p  v v  ω2
these parameters should look in order to satisfy well-known EE*  ω2  2    2  2v2  c 2 . (4.3.11)
 p c ω p
experimental facts. Photon is not electrically charged, i.e., only
angular velocity of cylinder rotation is left for photon. Just this The kinetic energy of electron’s electric field is
rotation originals spin. First of all, the following equality should
1 1
hold K  mEE*  mv2  mc2 . (4.3.12)
2 2
ω  ћ. (4.3.7) But electron’s electric and magnetic fields (4.2.5) and (4.2.6)
contain a collinear part in addition: stable field directed along p
Here m is photon mass drawn into the vortex when it was which should be added to electric field energy. This magnetic
created in ether, p is normal vector directed from cylinder axis field component is
perpendicular velocity, ω is angular velocity (frequency), ħ is
ω p
vector Planck constant. We accept equality (4.3.7) as non- B exp i(p  r ) 2 ,
c p
deductive fact justified by experiments.
When (4.3.7) is scalar-multiplied by ω one gets. 1
c 2B  B*  mc2 .
 mc 2  ћ  ω. (4.3.8) Its kinetic energy is
1 1
We can come to this result starting from (4.3.5) and (4.3.6) fields. K  mB  B*  mc2 . (4.3.13)
2 2
Let us find work produced by these fields. This work defines
photon energy (4.3.8) got from (4.3.7). When (4.3.13) and (4.3.12) are summed, one gets for the electron
Let E* be function complex conjugate to E. Then as a whole
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 33

K  mv2  mc2 . (4.3.14) when an analyzer passing photons polarized in only one plane is
turned through angle π/2, the light disappears. The reasoning is
We could begin, not with electric field, but with magnetic as follows. If photons would have longitudinal oscillations, the
field, and we would come to the same result just as in the case of light should not disappear. But waves (4.3.5) and (4.3.6) are
photon. The first item in (4.3.14) defines the electron motion similar to waves on a boundary surface of two different media:
contribution into its energy. It is originated by the electron’s longitudinal and transverse oscillations in such waves are
velocity. This result is in good accord with De-Broglie’s concept connected. Suppression of oscillations of one type means
about matter waves. Let us consider these approaches in greater immediate suppression of the other type of oscillations. The very
details. De-Broglie’s formula for the electron’s energy is idea that electromagnetic waves must be similar to boundary
1 surface waves was proposed first by P.D. Prusov in his
K  mc2  mv2  I ,
2 monograph [28].
Let us compare functions (4.3.5) and (4.3.6) with the waves
where I is a potential energy, which is not defined explicitly.
traditionally considered in electrodynamics. The traditional form
One can say that (4.3.14) defines potential energy in explicit form:
of Maxwell equations for light is
it is equal to kinetic energy.
The second item in (4.3.14) is electron energy at rest.  E  0, (4.3.15)
Numerically it is equal to energy of photon with electron mass. B
 E   , (4.3.16)
But their physical essence is different. In the case of electron this t
is energy of two fields oscillating in one dimension. Photon  B  0, (4.3.17)
energy mc2 corresponds to electron energy mv2. Equality holds E
just because v = c for the case. But photon possesses no energy of c 2 B  . (4.3.18)
rest in contrast to electron.
The reader may feel certain dissatisfaction: why one field in The following functions are usually considered as solutions of
traveling wave does not deposit into total energy. The answer is: this system
imaginary part was essentially included into all our
E  E0 expi(k  r  ωt ), (4.3.19)
computations. We should not get accord with experiment if we
took into account only real parts of fields. This means that B  B0 expi(k  r  ωt ). (4.3.20)
imaginary part should be essentially included into fields’
Let us recall that wave vector k is modulo equal to our normal
characteristics and nowadays it is completely ignored by
vector p, but is directed along the velocity vector, in contrast to p
physicists. One can call imaginary part of a field potential or
which is directed perpendicular to the velocity vector.
nonrevealed one. In other terms (4.3.10) may be understood as
The convective derivatives of the functions in (4.3.5) and
kinetic and potential energy sum. Let us assert that potential
(4.3.6) are zero. Therefore these functions are also solutions not
energy notion is very vaguely defined in modern physics.
only for the (4.3.1)–(4.3.4) system, but also for the (4.3.15)–(4.3.18)
Although the derived results sometimes lead to new
system. Thus for a long time already, they could be considered as
questions, nevertheless they solve some problems of modern
descriptions for electrodynamic waves. Apparently, the tradition
physics, such as the electron’s “electrodynamic mass”, the
for describing waves in habitual media made scientists consider
electron’s electric field energy infinity, the electron’s self-action,
only the functions (4.3.19) and (4.3.20) as solutions for the (4.3.15)
etc. All these problems are solved because the electron is
–(4.3.18) system. But the plane wave description (4.3.19)–(4.3.20)
understood as rotation of a certain mass and the electric field is
does not take into account the torsion character of
understood as a special case of gravity.
electromagnetic waves. Mathematically this is manifested in the
Let us consider one additional point. Photon “polarization” is
fact that waves (4.3.19)– (4.3.20) do not satisfy generalized
defined most naturally in terms of the left or right screw that
Maxwell equations (4.3.1)–(4.3.4). Plane waves describe
photon rotation forms with photon velocity. Linear polarization
electromagnetic waves only very inadequately. And this is
corresponds to oscillations in a fixed plane, along the p×v vector.
manifested in well-known paradoxes of quantum mechanics.
A linearly polarized photon beam was used for experimental
proof for alleged absence of longitudinal oscillations in photons:

4.4. Interaction Energy, Momentum, and Force for Two Photons

It was shown in §2 that energy and momentum of interaction Here c1 is the vector speed of photon 1, |c1| = c the scalar light
should be found as a preliminary to calculate the interaction speed. Let the electric and magnetic fields the second photon be
force for elementary particles. We begin with two photons. Let represented by
the electric and magnetic fields for photon 1 be represented by
 p c c 
E*2  ω2 exp i(( p2  r)  ω2t )  2 2 2  2  , (4.4.3)
 p c c  ω
E1  ω1 exp i(( p1  r)  ω1t )  1 2 1  1  . (4.4.1)  p2 c 2
 p1 c ω1
ω2  p c c 
B*2   exp i(( p2  r)  ω2t )  2 2 2  2  . (4.4.4)
ω  p c c  c p c ω
B1   1 exp i(( p1  r)  ω1t )  1 2 1  1  . (4.4.2)  2 2
c  1p c ω1
where star denotes complex conjugate.
34 4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics

The interaction energy of the two photons is defined by polarization difference. The Δp is analogous to phase remainder
formula (2.2.1), modified for two photons. Recall that the unique for transverse waves, and expresses polarization difference. If
photon energy is constant, but the interaction energy oscillates p1 = p2, i.e., in addition to the photon’s coherency, their
and behaves like a wave. As a preliminary, let us calculate the polarizations coincide. Then Δp = 0 and the whole force (4.4.8) is
following function defining energy oscillations: null. But the interaction energy (4.4.6) is not null. L21 does not
oscillate because Δω = (ω1 – ω2) = 0, and (4.4.6) remains constant,
K 21  cE1  B2*  ω1ω2 exp i(( p1  p2 )  r)  (ω1  ω2 ))t  and
 (p  c )  (p  c ) c (p  c ) c (p  c ) c  c  (4.4.5)
  1 12 2 22 2  1 2 2 2  2 1 2 1  1 2  . m2 c 2
 p1 p2 c ω1 p1 c ω2 p2 c ω1ω2  L21  . (4.4.9)
The function
The equality |ω1| = |ω2| yields m1 = m2 = m.
m m Let now p1 = –p2, i.e., let the photons be anti-polarized. Then
L12  1 2 K 21 (4.4.6)
ε0 Δp = 2p1. The spatial oscillation period is maximal, and

is called “integral”, or simply “interaction” energy if m 2c 2

L21  exp i(2p1  r) , (4.4.10)
misunderstanding is impossible. It has dimension of energy ε0
multiplied by volume. Here m1 and m2 are the masses of the 2im2c 2
photons and ε0 is the electric constant, the physical meaning of
1 
F21 exp i(2p1  r ) p1 . (4.4.11)
which is mass density of free ether. Photon 1 and photon 2 radius
vectors r1 and r2 do not coincide, so certainly the exponent index The interference picture is stable for the two cases considered.
in (4.4.5) should contain not (p1 – p2)·r, but rather (p1·r1 – p2·r2). In general when general formulas (4.4.6) and (4.4.8) are valid, this
But here we speak about energy interaction in a certain picture becomes a function of space coordinates and time.
interaction volume. Therefore one can define this volume by In modern physics, two force definitions are considered
radius vector equivalent: force as momentum derivative with respect to time
and force as energy gradient. Let us verify this assertion. Let mv
r  (r1  r2 )/2. (4.4.7)
be the momentum of a body and ½mv2 its kinetic energy.
Then d m v
(mv )  m( v )v  v( v m)  vm , (4.4.12)
im1m2ω1ω2 dt t t
L21   Δp  exp i(Δp  r  Δωt )  1 1
ε0 ( mv2 )  m( v )v  v2m. (4.4.13)
(4.4.8) 2 2
 (p  c )  (p  c ) c (p  c ) c (p  c ) c  c 
  1 12 2 22 2  1 2 2 2  2 1 2 1  1 2  . Only the first item coincides in the right hand parts of these
 p1 p2 c ω1 p1 c ω2 p2 c ω1ω2 
equalities. One can see that (4.4.12) and (4.4.13) coincide only if
Here Δp = (p1 – p2), Δω = (ω1 – ω2). m = const and v does not depend explicitly on time. Just this case
Eq. (4.4.8) has dimension of force multiplied by a volume, i.e., is usually considered in textbooks. When interaction force is
force integrated with respect to volume. In a certain respect, this defined, this coincidence is also absent: the first item in (4.4.13)
is symmetric to the concept of force density, which is force turns out to depend on the photons’ velocities, and the first one
derivative with respect to volume. Eq. (4.4.8) will be called in (4.4.12) depends on the photons’ velocity vector difference.
“integral” or simply “interaction” force. It describes the Therefore the generalized Lorentz force (2.2.1) contains two
integrated action of photon 2 on photon 1 as an energy gradient. items: interaction energy gradient and interaction momentum
Let us consider the physical meaning of functions (4.4.6) and derivative. We have found the first item. Now let us find the
(4.4.8) in some special cases. Let c1 = c2; i.e., let the photon second one. The interaction momentum in free ether is
velocities be co-directed, and let |ω1| = |ω2|. Also let ω = ±|ω1|. cm1m2
P21  B1  B2*  . (4.4.14)
The case ω = +|ω1| corresponds the situation with co-directed ε0  
spins and the case ω = –|ω1| corresponds the case of anti-directed
spins. With ω = ω1, the photons are coherent. If c1 = c2, then Substituting fields from (4.4.2) and (4.4.4), one gets:
vectors p1 and p2 are co-planar. But generally speaking, they are
not collinear. The angle between them is defined by the photons’

m1m2ω1ω2  (p  c )  (p  c ) c  (p  c ) c  (p  c ) c  c 
P21  expi(Δp  r  Δωt )   1 12 2 22 2  2 2 1 1  1 2 2 2  1 2  , (4.4.15)
ε0c  p1 p2 c p1 ω2c p2 ω1c ω1ω2 

d P
P21  (Δv )P21  21 , (4.4.16)
dt t

where Δv = v1 – v2. Taking into account (4.4.15), one gets:

Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 35

d  
2  im1m2ω1ω2 (Δv  Δp  Δω)exp i(Δp  r  Δωt ) (p1  c1 )  (p2  c 2 )  c 2  (p1  c1 )  c1  (p2  c 2 )  c1  c 2 . (4.4.17)
P21  F21   2 2 2 2 2 
dt ε0c  p1 p2 c p1 ω2c p2 ω1c ω1ω2 

Δv  Δp  ( v1  v2 )  (p1  p2 )  v1p1  p1 v 2 p2 v1  v2p2 . (4.4.18)

The extreme items here are null by definition. But generally In general (4.4.15) and (4.4.17) are not null and describe a
speaking, the middle ones are not null. Hence certain wave or to be strict a certain torsional oscillation carrying
mass or an oscillating vortex moving with light velocity in ether.
ΔvΔp  (p1 v 2 p2 v1 ) , (4.4.19)
The latter property attaches a particle quality to the photon. The
( p1  c1 )  (p2  c2 )  following interaction force appears between two photons:
 p2 (c 2  (p1  c1 ))  c 2 (p2  ( p1  c1 )).
1  F2 ,
F21  F21 (4.4.21)
Let us consider some examples:
1. c1 = ±c2. where items are defined by (4.4.8) and (4.4.17). If this force is
The square brackets are null for this case. Hence momentum null, then the two photons move “without hindering each other”
(4.4.15) and force (4.4.17) is null. (coherent photons with coinciding normal vectors p1 and p2 is
2. Δp·Δv – Δω = 0. the case). If the force (4.4.21) is not null, an interaction force
1 is directed
directed to the velocity at a certain angle appears. F21
The parentheses are null for this case and force (4.4.17) is null but
momentum (4.4.15) is not null, it is stable. 2 is directed along vector in square brackets in
along Δp and F21
(4.4.17). As a result a photons beam becomes cone shaped.

4.5. Interaction Energy, Momentum, and Force for Two Electrons

Let us consider the interaction of two electrons. The formulas Let the electric and magnetic fields of the first electron and the
we are going to consider are similar to the ones we got in the complex conjugate electric and magnetic fields of the second
previous Section, but additional items appear because electron be:
oscillations along normal vector p take place. Let p12  p22  p2 .

p v v  p
E1  ω1 exp i( p1  r  ω1t )  1 2 1  1   ω1 exp i( p1  r) 21 , (4.5.1)
 p c ω1  p
ω1 p v v  ω p
B1   expi( p1  r  ω1t )  1 2 1  1   1 expi( p1  r) 21 (4.5.2)
c  p c ω1 c p
p v v  p
E*2  ω2 exp i( p2  r  ω2t )  2 2 2  2   ω2 exp i( p2  r) 22 , (4.5.3)
 p c ω2  p
ω2 p v v  ω p
B*2  expi( p2  r  ω2t )  2 2 2  2   2 exp i( p2  r) 22 (4.5.4)
c  p c ω2 c p

The integral interaction energy for these two electrons is:

m1m2ω1ω2   (p1  v 1 )  (p2  v 2 ) v 1  (p2  v 2 ) v 2  (p1  v 1 ) v 1  v 2 

L21  exp i(( p1  p2 )  r  (ω1  ω2 )t )     
ε0   p 4c 2 ω1 p2c ω2 p12c ω1ω2 
 p  (p2  v 2 ) p1  v 2   p  (p  v ) p  v 
 exp i(( p1  p2 )  r  ω2t )   1 4
 2   exp i( p1  p2 )  r  ω1t )   2 41 1  2 2 1   (4.5.5)
 p c p c   p c p c 
p p 
 exp i(( p1  p2 )  r )  1 4 2  .
p 

Let us explain (4.5.5) with the help of a rather a special but very
important example. Let L21  . (4.5.7)
ε0 p2
v1  v2  0, p1  p2 , ω1  ω2 . (4.5.6)
The reader certainly remembers that m1ω1 = q1, m2ω2 = q2 are
Conditions (4.5.6) mean that all the items in (4.5.5) are null except charges, the signs of which are defined by the signs of ω1 and ω2.
the last one, and the last item does not oscillate. One finds that Also 1/p2 = R2, where R is radius of the greater circumference
the integral energy of two electrons at rest is defining a torus and ρ = R/2 is the smaller circumference radius.
The condition p1 = p2 in (4.5.6) implies that the equatorial
planes of the charges (tori) are parallel. Function (4.5.7) is the
36 4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics

integral energy acting in the volume between the equatorial where r21 is radius- vector from charge 2 to charge 1. We have
section of the tori and the redoubled radius of the smaller derived the usual Coulomb potential (4.5.11) and Coulomb force
circumference. Let us find it. The torus equatorial section square (4.5.12).
is Let us weaken the first condition in (4.5.6), i.e., let

 R   R   2πR . v1  v2  v, p1  p2 , ω1  ω2 , (4.5.13)
3 2 1 2
S  π 2 (4.5.8)
2 2
 In other words, the charges move “side by side” with equal
The interaction volume is velocities. Taking into account that ω2/p2 = c2 one gets

V  S  R  2πR3 . (4.5.9) q1q2  v2 

E21  1   , (4.5.14)
4πε0r  c 2 
Inside this volume, energy (4.5.7) is constant hence interaction
force is null. We would like to understand how the charges q1q2  v2 
f21  1   r21 , (4.5.15)
interact at a distance r > R. The interaction energy for this case is 4πε0r 3  c 2 

V  2πR2  r. (4.5.10) Eq. (4.5.15) is the traditional Lorentz force law. It weakens the
The formula for interaction energy also changes. It was Coulomb repulsion between two parallel beams of electrons, and
shown above that in contact, interaction energy is redoubled. displays an attractive force between two neutral conductors with
When remote charges are under consideration, we must use the parallel currents.
classical formula for kinetic energy. In other words, we must Let
divide integral energy (4.5.7) by volume (4.5.10) and by 2 in v1  v2  v2 cosφ (4.5.16)
addition. One finally gets for this case that the usual, but not
integral, energy is with cosφ = 1 for parallel currents and cosφ = –1 for anti-parallel
currents. Therefore for
E21  . (4.5.11)
4πε0r v1  v2 , p1  p2 , ω1  ω2 , (4.5.17)

Calculating minus gradient of this energy, one finds that the the second item in square brackets changes its sign.
already usual and not integral interaction force is Let us find the gradient part of interaction force between two
f21  r21 , (4.5.12)
4πε0r 3

im1m2ω1ω2 
  (p  v )  (p  v ) v  (p2  v 2 ) v 2  (p1  v 1 ) v 1  v 2 
L21   Δp exp i(Δp  r  Δωt )  1 1 4 2 2 2  1   
ε0 
  p c ω1 p12c ω2 p12c ω1ω2 
 (p  v )  p2 p2  v 1   p  (p2  v 2 ) p1  v 2  p p  
 exp i(Δp  r  ω1t )   1 41  2   exp i(Δp  r  ω2t )   1 4
 2   exp i(Δp  r )  1 4 2  .
 p c p c   p c p c  p  

This force depends on the electrons’ absolute velocities with respect to ether. It was shown above that interaction force expressed as
momentum total derivative with respect to time should be added to this force. Let us find it:

ω1ω2 
  (p1  v 1 )  (p2  v 2 ) v 2  (p1  v 1 ) v 1  (p2  v 2 ) v 1  v 2 
B1  B2*   exp i(Δp  r  Δωt )     
c2   p 4c 2 p12cω2 p2cω1 ω1ω2 
 (p  v )  p2 p2  v 1   p1  (p2  v 2 ) p1  v 2  p1  p2 
 exp i(Δp  r  ω1t )  1 41  2   exp i(Δp  r  ω2t )  4
 2   exp i(Δp  r ) .
 p c p ω1   p c p ω2  p4 

Let Δv = v1 – v2 be electrons’ velocities difference. Then

Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 37

d  m1m2c    (p  v )  (p  v 2 ) v 2  (p1  v 1 )

dt  ε0
 ε 0c

im m ω ω
B1  B2*    1 2 1 2 (Δv  Δp)  exp i  Δp  r  Δωt   1 1 4 2 2
p c


  
v 1  (p2  v 2 ) v 1  v 2   (p1  v 1 )  p2 p2  v 1 
 2
   exp i(Δp  r  ω1t )    2   exp i(Δp  r  ω2t ) 
p cω1 ω1 ω 2   p 4c p ω1 
 p  (p2  v 2 ) p1  v 2  p1  p2  im1m2ω1ω2 Δω   (p1  v 1 )  (p2  v 2 )
 1 4c
 2   exp i(Δp  r )  4 
 exp i  Δp  r  Δωt     (4.5.20)
 p p ω 2  p  ε 0 c   p 4c 2

v 2  (p1  v 1 ) v 1  (p2  v 2 ) v 1  v 2   im1m2ω1ω2   (p1  v 1 )  p2 p2  v 1  

     exp i(Δp  r  ω1t )   2  
p12cω2 p2cω1 ω1ω2   ε 0c   p 4c p ω1  

im1m2ω1ω2   p1  (p2  v 2 ) p1  v 2  
 exp i(Δp  r  ω2t )   2  .
ε 0c   p 4c p ω2  

The item in the first braces here is the convective derivative. It is Momentum forces amplitudes are vectors, in contrast to
null only if velocities coincide (Δv = 0) or polarizations are equal gradient forces which oscillation directions are defined by
(Δp = 0). The items in the second the third and the fourth braces polarization difference Δp. The interaction momentum between
are partial derivatives with respect to time. The second item photon and electron is a special case of (4.5.19). Let us investigate
depends on the frequency difference (ω1 – ω2), and this case separately because it is connected with famous
correspondingly the third and the fourth ones depend on the Compton experiment.
product (ω1·ω2). These force amplitudes are defined by vectors in Let B1 be photon’s magnetic field defined by (4.4.2) and B*2
square brackets attached to exponents. be complex conjugate magnetic field of an electron defined by

ω1ω2 
  (p1  c1 )  (p2  v 2 ) v 2  (p1  c1 ) c1  (p2  v 2 ) c1  v 2 

c B1  B2*    c 
exp i  Δp  r  Δωt  
p12 p22c 2



ω1ω2 
 
 (p  c )  p p  c  
 exp i(Δp  r  ω1t )  1 2 1 2 2  22 1   .
 p1 p2 c p2 ω1  

When triple vector products are revealed, one gets:

 p (v  (p1  c1 ))  v 2 (p2  (p1  c1 )) p1 (c1  v 2 )  c1 ( p1  v 2 )

c B1  B2*    ω1ω2

exp i  Δp  r  Δωt    2 2
p12 p22c 2


p (c  v )  v ( p  v ) c  v 2   p1 (p2  c1 )  c1 (p1  p2 ) p2  c 1  

 2 1 22 2 2 1  1   exp i(Δp  r  ω1t )  2 p2 c 2
 2  .
p2 cω1 ω1ω2   p 1 2 p ω
2 1  

When Eqs. (4.5.21) and (4.5.22) are multiplied by (m1·m2)/ε0, where φ is the angle between v2 and (p1×c1). The second the
where m1 is photon mass, m2 is electron mass, ε0 is ether density, third and the fourth items here are constant vectors independent
they define the momentum increase that the electron transfers to with respect to collision angle φ. Only the first item depends on
the photon. Because of photon and electron construction, it. When vectors v2 and (p1×c1) are perpendicular, this item is
null. All the items depend on photon’s characteristics p1 and ω1.
p1  c1 , p2  v2 . (4.5.23)
Let us introduce an additional velocity vector for the photon:
Let us assume in addition that ω1 p1
v1  , v 1  c. (4.5.27)
p1 || p2 , v2  c1 . (4.5.24) p12

Hence and from (4.5.23) condition one gets This is the oscillation velocity for a linearly polarized photon
along normal vector p1. The v1 designation is introduced in order
p1  v2 , p2  c1 . (4.5.25) to distinguish this velocity from the electron translational
movement speed c1.
Taking into account (4.5.23)–(4.5.25), one gets the first square
Let us multiply the square brackets (4.5.26) by the factor
brackets in the right hand part of (4.5.22):
ω1ω2/c standing before the braces. One gets
 v 2 p1 cos φ v2 v2 c1  v 2 
 1   p2  p1  p2   , (4.5.26) 
 1  p2
v 2 ω2
(1  cosφ)  v1

c1  v 2 
 p12 p22c p12ω2 p22ω1 ω1ω2  . (4.5.28)
 p22c c c 
38 4. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics
The coefficient attached to parentheses is proportional to the  ω2 
Compton wavelength of the electron R  p2 /p22 and the
 2  c1  (c1  p2 ) . (4.5.29)
 p22c 
electron’s frequency ω2. Just this item appears in textbooks where
These brackets consist only of stable vectors dependent only on
Compton’s experiment is explained. Eq. (4.5.28) contains two
photon’s movement direction and independent of its individual
additional vectors. They define a certain drift in the reflected
characteristics: polarization and frequency. One gets finally: the
photons’ distribution, i.e., a certain asymmetry in their spatial
additional momentum transferred by the electron to the photon
distribution. This drift is not taken into account when Compton’s
under the mentioned conditions is
experiment is described in textbooks as a collision of rigid balls.
One has for the second square brackets

 v ω v c  v2 
ΔP21 
 mm
 
B1  B2*  1 2 exp i  Δp  r  Δωt    p2 2 2 2 (1  cos φ)  v 1 2  1
p c c c 
 2
 ω  
 exp i  Δp  r  Δω1t   c1  (c1  p2 ) 22   .
 p c
2  

The normal vector drift whose modulus define wave length drift is obtained if (4.5.30) is divided by (m1m2|v2|ω2)/(ε0c):

p v c v   1 
ΔP21  expi  Δp  r  Δωt    22 (1  cosφ)  1  1 2   expi  Δp  r  Δω1t   c1  (c1  p2 ) 2 . (4.5.31)
 p2 c ω2 v 2 ω2   p2 v 2 

The vectors in square brackets define oscillation amplitudes of perpendicular to it. This interpretation is not accurate, because of
the exponents attached to them. The physical meaning of the first simplifying conditions (4.5.24) assumed above. In the general
brackets has been already discussed. The second oscillation is case, the (4.5.22) “side oscillation” is weakened because in
directed “forward” along the photon’s velocity vector c1 and general c1 and v2, c1 and p2 are not perpendicular.

4.6. Conclusion
Let us summarize the main results. The wave solution for the and the angular velocity of its equatorial rotation. If it constitutes
Generalized Maxwell equations led us to the concept of the wave right hand screw with meridional angle velocity, one gets charge
created by a moving electron as an essentially three-dimensional of one sign, and of opposite sign in the opposite case. This screw
torsional oscillation. This oscillation takes place in longitudinal also defines the sign of the above-mentioned standing wave.
(along speed) and transverse (perpendicular) directions. This Charge is vector modulo stable and directed along the greater
oscillation defines a traveling wave with amplitudes in circumference radius. It can be directed either in or out of the
longitudinal and transverse directions that are connected. circumference. Therefore it can be described by scalar. Charge is
Therefore, suppression of oscillation in one direction leads to an inner characteristic of electron independent of its movement.
suppression of oscillation in the other direction. The electron’s spin is proportional to its meridional angular
In addition to this two-dimensional oscillation, the electron’s velocity. It is also a vector taking only two values depending on
wave oscillates in the third dimension creating a standing wave the screw it constitutes with the electron’s velocity. Therefore the
independent with respect to time and the electron’s own currently accepted spin definition as a vector with discrete
movement, in contrast to the above mentioned-traveling wave. projections on any direction in space looks doubtful. Spin also
This standing wave defines the electron’s charge and Coulomb characterizes the electron, but reveals itself only in movement. In
interaction force with other charges. Therefore the Coulomb force other words, spin is an external, dynamic characteristic of the
turns to be a long range one, in contrast to the Lorentz force, electron.
which is defined by a traveling wave that moves with electron’s The photon does not possess charge, i.e., it does not have
velocity. One can say this in another way. The wave creating equatorial rotation. It can be imagined as a cylinder moving
Coulomb force exists I ether from time immemorial. But the along its axis and performing longitudinal and in general torsion
generalized Lorentz force is generated by movement and oscillations along its directrix.
disappears with it. A positron possesses a similar standing wave In particular, for linearly polarized light, these torsion
with opposite sign. In an electron-positron collision, the standing oscillations become transverse. The photon’s movement is
waves are mutually annihilated, which means charge completely similar to an electron’s traveling wave. In other
annihilation. words, the photon is a two-dimensional object, in contrast to the
These waves can appear only being “repulsed” by each other. electron. One can say that the photon is a longitudinally
Therefore electric charges appear only in couples: positive and oscillating vortex carrying mass with light velocity. The photon’s
negative ones. A certain visual notion about the electron as a energy redoubling (mc2 instead of ½mc2) becomes
massive torus rotating in equatorial and meridional planes is understandable: in every oscillation, longitudinal and torsion
proposed. Charge magnitude is defined by the electron’s mass halves add to the total sum.
Chapter 1. Electrodynamics 39
For the same reason, the two-dimensional wave of a moving The last Sections of the article are devoted to interactions of
electron possesses mv2 and not ½mv2 energy. In the third elementary particles. Such interaction turns out to be wave-like
direction, oscillation gives redoubled energy ½mc2 because as well. Interaction and oscilations in ensembles of particles are
magnetic and electric fields are parallel in this direction. null only between coherent photons with codirected spins. Such
Oscillations of elementary particles are described with photons fly in parallel lines. In general photon beams diverge
essential utilization of complex functions. Essential utilization because of such oscillations. Photons interfere, and this is
means that if we limited ourselves to only real parts, we would interpreted today as a wave quality of individual photons.
not only complicate computations (as textbooks often assert), but Individual photons oscillate and possesses wave quality, but not
we would also not get correspondence to experiment. In other because photons ensembles oscillate.
words, imaginary parts of electric and magnetic fields contribute The derived results naturally explain some difficult problems
to energy and momentum of elementary particles. Therefore, the of modern quantum mechanics such as the electron’s self-action,
electron and photon models as torus and cylinder are its energy infinity, electromagnetic mass, etc. In philosophical
conventional. We shall not get their adequate description if we aspect, the proposed approach is very close to Newtonian light
don’t take into consideration their rotation in complex plane, or corpuscular ideas, sometimes even in its details.
perhaps their movement in the space of quaternions.
40 5. Preface to Chapter 2

5. Preface to Chapter 2 equations with the second time derivative and light velocity
(sound speed in ether) must be changed for another constant, the
General Relativity Theory considers gravity as a very special acceleration with which gravitational field moves in ether.
type of field. They believe that gravity curves space in contrast to And how electric field is connected with gravity? The answer
other fields, electricity in particular. Epigoni prescribe additional is given by electric charge dimension kg·rad/s, i.e., it is the mass
qualities to it for instance space twisting. changing speed. Therefore electric charge movement originates
Such postulates actually makes impossible to find analogy in ether the same effects as mass moving with acceleration. In
between gravity and electricity and excludes this powerful other words electricity may be considered as a special case of
method of investigation. Meanwhile analogy often helps us to gravity.
link different areas of science which previously seemed very far I’d like to attract the reader’s attention to one problem in
from each other. Philosophically analogy reflects our belief into addition. Vertical movement of the mass originating electric
fundamental unity of universe. charge leads to creation charges of two types: with left- and
Today understanding of gravity seems especially strange right-handed rotation. And this yields the problem which
because electricity and gravity are evidently similar, it is confused many scientists and Maxwell in particular: two similar
sufficient to compare Coulomb and Newton laws. Certainly this electric charges are repelled and two masses are attracted.
fact is evident. And Einstein himself understood this when he Formula for generalized Lorentz force (2.2.1) takes this into
transformed the problem of Lorentz invariance for velocities in account: not two electric fields but electric field of one charge and
electrodynamics for invariance for accelerations in gravity. magnetic field of another charge figure in static part of the
Apparently other scientists including Weber went more formula. But two gravitational fields appear in the corresponding
natural path: gravity dynamic formulas for electric charges they formula for gravitational force.
tried to expand on. This problem is considered in grater details in Gravidynamic force formula has turned to be much more
§8. These section the greater part of the scientists (if not all) cumbrous than generalized Lorentz one. It is understandable
considered gravity as a special type of electrodynamics values mathematically: the second derivative is always more bulky than
(§3, previous section) clears up the problem: gravity has the first one. The problem is in physical sense of these additional
dimension of acceleration. Thus it must be generated by mass items. Apparently “dark matter”, Pioneer-11 and Pioneer-12
moving with acceleration. Electric field has dimension of problems, accelerated movement of galaxies and many other
velocity. It is determined by electric charge velocity. One can say gravitational effects are linked with the second, third and fourth
that electricity is velocity field and gravity is acceleration field or derivatives appearing in the gravidynamic force formula.
the same in other wards: gravity is described by Maxwell type

6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

Chronologically this investigation appeared earlier than the They are: Phobos falling on Mars, the differential rotation of
other parts of this book. At that time this author had not yet the Sun and gasoliquid planets, the proximity of natural
realized the importance of total time derivatives in fields’ satellites’ orbits to equatorial planes of central bodies, the Earth’s
description. Therefore partial time derivative figure in eq. (6.1.4)– continental drift, the observed type of atmosphere and ocean
(6.1.7) below, although gravitational current is defined as the currents, the source of energy for the Earth’s magnetic field etc.
total time derivative. Only later the essence of the total time Authors “Logarithm principle” [29] gives a possibility to
derivative was understood. This understanding was embodied in write out the equations of the field of gravity which are
gravidynamic force description [§8]. All the results of §6 and §7 investigated here. These equations are partly similar to that of
can be obtained as corollaries of §8. Maxwell for electric field. They imply three facts now considered
It was decided to include §6 and §7 into this book because as experimental proof of general relativity theory, that is: rotation
they contain some actual problems of modern gravitational of planets’ perihelium, gravitational red shift, and ray deviation
theory. And perhaps not all our reader have time and endurance in the Sun field. In addition they give a uniform explanation of
to obtain the corresponding assertions from §8. It addition §6 and some facts which now are explained ad hoc or are not explained
§7 are natural introduction to formal calculations in §8. at all. They are: Phobos falling on Mars, the differential rotation
This below equations of gravidynamic field with partial time of the Sun and gasoliquid planets, the proximity of natural
derivatives are written. They were obtained by this author on the satellites’ orbits to equatorial plane of the central body, the
basis of variational “Logarithm Principle” [29] proposed earlier Earth’s continental drifts, the observed type of atmosphere and
are similar to the Maxwell equations for electric field. Imply three ocean currents, the source of energy for Earth’s magnetic field,
experiments now considered as proof of general relativity are etc. The physical and mathematical meaning of Bohr’s orbits of
investigated in “Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity”. In addition they electrons in atoms, the dynamics of the solar system
give a uniform explanation of some facts which now are development becomes clearer. One can surely assert that the field
explained at all. we now call nuclear is at least partially gravitational.
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 41

6.1. The Main Equations

The “logarithm principle” implies that A and φ satisfies the If a gravifield G and gravimagnetic field B are created at the
following equations: point where mass m is situated, and mass m creates gravicurrent
J then the force (6.1.9) acts on it.
1 4 A 4πγj The system
 A   2 , (6.1.1)
a2 t 4 a
1  4φ   D  0

 φ   4πγρ. (6.1.2)  2 (6.1.10)
a2 t 4 a  D  4πγj

Here γ is a gravitational constant, a = const is the acceleration of describes the case of gravimagnetostatics if j is a constant of time.
graviton, j is tensity of gravitational current, ρ is mass density. It is necessary to clear up the physical sense of gravicurrent in
Mass is considered as a gravitational charge. For a certain period order to work with it. Historically, the concept of electric current
it will be more convenient for us to work with the Maxwell form was formed as a result of a lot of experiments. Nevertheless, it is
of the equations (6.1.1) and (6.1.2). In order to transfer to that possible to define it axiomatically.
form let us adopt the following calibrate condition: The Maxwell equations imply the following equality for
tensity of electric current je and density of electric charge ρe:
1  2φ
 A   . (6.1.3) ρe
a2 t 2    je  0, (6.1.11)
Let us designate the tensity of the gravitational field as:
But je = ρev, that’s why equality (6.1.11) may be considered as a
2 A condition of preserving charge
G    , (6.1.3a)
t2 dρe
 0. (6.1.12)
the tensity of the gravimagnetic field: dt

D   A. (6.1.3b) Density of electric current may be defined as a function satisfying

this condition because of correlation (6.1.12).
Taking into account (6.1.3), (6.1.3a), (6.1.3b) one could easily show
We shall follow the same pattern. The equations (6.1.4)–(6.1.7)
by direct substitution that (6.1.1) and (6.1.2) are equivalent to the
following system of equations:
 G  4πγρ, (6.1.4) 2ρ
   j  0. (6.1.13)
t 2
 2D
 G   2 , (6.1.5)
t The analogue of the correlation (6.1.11) is the equation
 D  0, (6.1.6)
d 2ρ
 2G  0. (6.1.14)
a2 D  4πγj  2 . (6.1.7) dt 2
 t
This may be called the “law of constant velocity of gravicharge
G has a dimension of acceleration m/s2, D is a nondimensional alteration”.
quantity, gravicurrent J has the dimension of force kg·m/s and Definition. Function j is called density of gravicurrent if it
its density j has the dimension kg/m2s2. satisfies equalities (6.1.13)–(6.1.14).
The system of equations (6.1.4)–(6.1.7) differs from the
3 3
Maxwell equations, in that the second time derivatives instead of d 2ρ
the first ones figure in it. Let us investigate the gravistatic and dt 2
ρ2 ρ v  ρ v 
i 1
xi i
i 1
xi i
gravimagnetostatic case, in which time derivatives are equal to (6.1.14a)
3 3 3 3

(ρ v (ρ
zero. If so, the first two equalities will be:
 xi ixk vk )  xi xk vi vk ).
  G  4πγρ i 1 k 1 i 1 k 1
 . (6.1.8)
 G  0 The lower index here refers to the corresponding partial
It is well known that the system (6.1.8) is equal to the law of
In view of (6.1.13) one gets with accuracy of rot of a function
universal gravity and that

 v v
G . j  2ρv  ρv  ρ i xi  (ρ  v )v. (6.1.15)
i 1
where M is the mass creating gravifield, r is the distance. In
By integrating both parts of the equation over volume one gets
general, the force vector will be defined by a relation similar to
the expression for gravicurrent
the Lorentz force for the electromagnetic field:
F  mG  J  D. (6.1.9)
42 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

3 Assumption. Constant e in (6.1.16) is electric charge of

J  2mv  mv  m i 1
vi vxi  (m  v )v. (6.1.15a) electron.
It is evident that an electric charge has dimension kg/s. Let us
note that in this case electric field tensity in Maxwell equations
Here m is the mass contained in the volume of integration.
has a dimension of velocity m/s and magnetic field is
Eq. (6.1.4) involves:
nondimensional just as in the case of a gravifield.
 e  const. (6.1.16)

6.2. Examples of Gravicurrent

The sense of the items in (6.1.15) and (6.1.15a) is cleared here Example 2
up by examples. There is density gradient in the fourth item of (6.1.15).
The first item J2 in (6.1.15a) is simply doubled reactive force, In order to illustrate the physical essence of j4 let us consider
whose meaning is widely known. In order to clear up the a plane massive disc rotating in plane (X1X2) around its center
following two items J2 and J2 let us investigate the movement of situated in the beginning of a system of coordinates. Let the
a planet around the Sun. density linearly decrease from the center of the disc:

Example 1 ρ  ρ0  α( x1  x2 ), ρ0 , α  const.
Let the plane of the planet’s orbit coincide with the plane of ρ  α(1, 1),
the Sun’s equator (X1X2) and the beginning of the coordinate (6.2.7)
ρ  v  α(v1  v2 ),
system is situated in the baricentre of the Sun. The velocity vector
j4  α(v1  v2 )v  αω( x2  x1 )v. (6.2.8)
v  ω  R, (6.2.1)
Expression (6.2.8) defines tangential forces (fig. 6.2.1).
where ω is the vector of angular velocity and R is the radius-
vector. Differentiating in time one gets:

v  τ  ε  R  ω  R, (6.2.2)

where ε is angular acceleration, R is velocity of changing radius

vector. So the second item J2 in (6.1.15a) for our example is the
tangential force.
In general this is the force in the second Newton’s law

J2  mv  m . (6.2.3)

The sum

J1  J2  mv  mv (6.2.4)

is the force in the second Newton’s law

Here the first item is the reactive force (not doubled).
Let us differentiate the planet’s velocity in coordinates in
order to find the third item J3.
Fig. 6.2.1
vx1  (0,  ω), v1 vx1  (0,  x2ω2 ), Line x2 = x1 is the line of zero forces. Module equal and
vx2  (ω, 0), v2 vx2  (  x1ω2 , 0), (6.2.5) oppositely directed forces act in half planes x2 >(<) x1. Line x2 =
= –x1 is the line where these forces grow module maximum. One
v1 vx1  v2 vx2  ω2 ( x1 , x2 ).
could say that the forces flow out of a positive half-line x2 = x1,
x1x2 ≥ 0 in opposite directions (this half-line is called the source
We received the resulting expression which is simply
(fig. 6.2.2, a)) and flows in a half-line x2 = x1, x1x2 < 0 (this half-
centripetal acceleration, and the third item is centripetal force
line is called the drainer (fig. 6.2.2, b)).
J3  mω2R. (6.2.6)
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 43

a b
Fig. 6.2.2

Let us consider a ball instead of the disc, rotating around the the Earth is one of the forces giving birth to the continental drift,
x3 axis: ocean and atmospheric streams. The following example
illustrates this qualitative assertion.
ρ  ρ0  α( x1  x2  x3 ), α, ρ0  const,
ρ  α(1, 1, 1), Example 3
Let the origin of a system of coordinates be in barycenter of
j4  α( v1  v2  v3 )v ,
the Earth, axis x3 be directed to the North along the axis of the
v3  0. Earth’s rotation. If so, (X1X2) axes turn out to be in the equatorial
plane. Data on the continental drift show that the source of
That’s why the rotation of such a ball may be stratum by stratum
gradient forces on the Earth is the meridian of the rift valley in
reduced to a plane case.
the Atlantic Ocean (fig. 6.2.3, a), and the drainer is the meridian
The geometric place of points of zero forces is the plane going
of the Kurile Islands (fig. 6.2.3, b). Let us put the (X1X2) axis in
through x3 axis and the line x2 = x1. The distance from x3 axis to
spherical coordinates:
the ball surface in planes perpendicular to x3 axis decreases
according to cosine law. If the density gradient decreases in the x1  R cosθsinφ, x2  R sinθsinφ, x3  R cosφ .
same way then the forces on the ball surface decreases according
to square cosine law. The Kurile Islands’ meridian corresponds to the angle θ = 45°.
This is manifested for instance in the differential rotation of
the Sun and gasoliquid planets. The above mentioned force on

a b
Fig. 6.2.3
44 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

The velocity of surface water because of the Earth’s rotation F  F1  F2  C1 sin2 φ(sinθ  cosθ)  C2  C3 sin6φ.
acts on surface water.
v    R, (6.2.9)
The author does not have the experimental data at his
where ω is the angular velocity vector of the Earth own rotation, disposal to evaluate constants C1, C2, C3. But these constants must
R is radius-vector; have opposite’s signs in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Therefore a picture of relative intensities of ocean currents is
v1  ω2 R cos φ  ω3 R cosθsin φ, investigated here. It is supposed that in the Southern
v2  ω3 R sin θsin φ  ω1 R cos φ, hemispheres
v3  ω1 R sin θsin φ  ω2 R cosθsin φ, (6.2.10) C1  C3  2C2  1.
v1  v2  v3  R[ω1 (sin θsin φ  cos φ) 
This normed force is
ω2 (cos φ  cosθsin φ)  ω 3 sin φ(cosθ  sin θ)].
F  sin2 φ(sinθ  cosθ)  0.5  sin6φ.
Let us suppose that when φ ∈ [0, π/2] the surface water
density decreases according to cosine law because of the Let us find the magnitude of this force in the southern
temperature increasing in movement from the North pole to the hemisphere φ ∈ [π/2, π], when θ = π, i.e., when sinθ – cosθ = 1
Equator, and then when φ ∈ [π/2, π] it increases in accordance
F (φ  90°)  0.5.
with the same law. This means that ρ is linear to x3.
If ρ is also linear to x1 and x2 (i.e., linearly grows with the This force is directed East along the equator and creates an
depth and not essentially depends on θ), then equatorial anticurrent in the Pacific ocean.
ρ  C4 (1, 1, 1). (6.2.11) F (φ  94.92°)  0.

Gradient force That is intensity of the equatorial anticurrent grows equal to zero
approximately at 4.92° of S. Lat.
F  (ρ  v)v.
Further on the force changes its sign and reaches at 15° of
Taking into account (6.2.4) and the fact that ω1 = ω2 = 0, S. Lat.
ω3 = const F (φ  105°)  0.57,
ρ  v  C4 Rω3 sin2 φ(cosθ  sinθ). and again becomes equal to zero at 27.2° S. Lat.

Let F (φ  117.2°)  0.

C1  C4 Rω3 . Thus this force in the span from 4.92° S. Lat. to 27.2° S. Lat. is
directed to the West and creates a southern equatorial current in
Then the quantity of force the Pacific Ocean.
Further on the force changes its mathematic sign again,
F1  C1 sin2 φ(sinθ  cosθ). (6.2.12)
reaches at 45° of S. Lat.
The origin of this force is the Kurile meridian and the drainer F (φ  135°)  1.
is the Rift Valley in the Atlantic Ocean. When θ ∈ [π/4, 5π/4]
(from the Kurile meridian over Pacific Ocean up to the Rift This force creates an Antarctic circumpolar current that grows
Valley) the gradient force (6.2.6) is positive and directed to the equal to zero at 57.9° of S. Lat.
East. When θ ∈ [π/4, –3π/4] (from the Kurile meridian over the
F (φ  147.9°)  0,
Indian Ocean up to the Rift Valley) it is negative and directed to
the West. But this force is not unique. Later on we shall consider and again changes its sign creating Antarctic coastal current. We
a force created by the gravimagnetic field of the Sun and planets observe the same picture in the Northern hemisphere but with
and investigate some effects revealing it in outer space. The the opposites sign.
distribution of this force in the mass of celestial bodies are not If θ = –π/2 (Indian Ocean) one has (we took the following
known and should be investigated with greater precision later. constant C1 = 4, C2 = 3, C3 = 0.5)
Now it is supposed that the distribution of this force over the
F (φ  90°)  1.
Earth surface water is as follows:
There is no equatorial anticurrent because gravimagnetic and
F2  C2  C3 sin6φ, C2 , C3  const.
gradient forces are directed in the same way (i.e., to the West)
The sign minus before C2 means that constant in space (but not in F (φ  100.177°)  0,
time) component of this force is directed today against the F (φ  105°)  0.27,
Earth’s own rotation. This in particular means that the Earth is
F (φ  120°)  0,
slowing down its own rotation.
F (φ  130°)  0.21.
The force
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 45

Thus the picture of currents in the Indian Ocean qualitatively F (θ  0°,φ  90°)  2.3.
repeats the current distribution in the Pacific Ocean. It must be
It reaches at 15° N. Lat (φ = 75°).
mirrored in the northern hemisphere. It corresponds to reality
except the northern part of the Indian Ocean where instead of a F (θ  60°,φ  75°)  1.02.
northern equatorial current directed to the West there exists in
reality a current of nonregular form directed to the East. One and falls up to the zero at 41° N. Lat (φ = 49°).
could suppose that the reason for this is the fact that this region F (θ  76.5 ,φ  49 )  0.
consumes a greater part of the Sun’s energy than the equatorial
region. Thus the water temperature here is higher than at the Further it changes its sign, turns eastward and reaches at 45°
equator and the gradient’s sign is opposite to the supposed N. Lat (φ = 45°).
F (θ  45 ,φ  45 )  0.41.
It is necessary to discuss the problem of meridian currents
separately. They appear because in addition to the above This force throws Gulfstream on to European shore. Speed
mentioned forces the Corioli’s force also affects the water. The molecules attain the shore of Southern France and Spain and
water mass affected by Coriolis force is directed to the South in moves to the South affected by Coriolis force.
the Southern hemisphere and to North in the Northern More slow molecules reach Scandinavia and round the
hemisphere if it moves West and in the opposite direction if it peninsular. The warm water of the Gulfstream is quickly
moves East. dissolved when it meets the growing resistance of gradient forces
Let us investigate the problem at example of Golfstream. in Northern seas.
Gradient forces are weak in the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore one In fig. 6.2.4 we show rather sufficient correspondence of our
can take into account only gravimagnetic force which is directed picture with real geographic observations. F symbolizes the
to the West along the equator. This force throws the Gulfstream module and direction the forces predicted by our formulas.
on to the shore of America. In the Western hemisphere we took
the following constant C2 = 1.6.

Fig. 6.2.4

6.3. The Gravimagnetic Field

The formula (6.1.7) involves that gravicurrent and accelerated The magnitude of the gravimagnetic field created by this current
change of gravitense leads to circulation of gravimagnetic field. at distance r is equal to
Let us investigate two examples.
Let a cylinder of mass m and length l move with constant B . (6.3.2)
acceleration v  const . The gravimagnetic field originated by
such gravicurrent will be described by (6.1.10) equation. This is If parallel to this cylinder another such cylinder moves at
the case of gravistatics. The same reason as in the case of an distance r, then the force
electric field leads us to the conclusion that the gravimagnetic
field created by this gravicurrent circulates over a circumference γm2v12v22
F . (6.3.3)
around the cylinder. This is the precise analogue of constant 2πrla2
electric current. Gravimagnetic current is affects it in correspondence with correlation (6.1.9).
J  mv. (6.3.1)
46 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

Example 2 Assumption. Dipole vector gravipotential in outer space at

Let gravimagnetic current force I circulates over a loop distances great enough is of the same type as dipole vector
square S creating gravimagnetic dipole moment μ. For electric potential of electric field:
A   r. (6.3.6)
μ  IS. (6.3.4) a2r 3

It will be shown in the last chapters of this paper that generally This assumption will be accurately proved in section 8.
speaking it is not so for a gravifield. The correlation close to One gets a gravimagnetic field having taken rotor of
(6.3.4) holds only for small enough angular velocity. When expression (6.3.6). It is in projections:
angular velocity is high enough exponential growth of μ begins.
γμ 3 x1 x2
This also relates to oscillation of cylinders. If Bx1   ;
a2 r 5
v  bω2 cosωt , (6.3.5) γμ 3 x2 x3
Bx 2  2 5 ; (6.3.7)
a r
where b is amplitude, ω is angular velocity of oscillation for two
cylinders oscillating in phase, then the ratio for additional force γμ 1 3 x32 

Bx 3   2   3  5 .
a  r r 
γb2m2ω4 cosωt
F ,
2πa2rl The projections of vector B are designated here by lower index.
It is supposed that the loop is situated in the (X1X2) plane
which one could get by direct substitution of (6.3.5) into (6.3.3) is
with the center in the origin of the coordinates.
true only for ω small enough.

6.4. Cosmic Manifestation of Gravimagnetic Field

There is a reason to believe that electric ferromagnetism
which is if not a seldom then at least a peculiar property of F1(2)  mτ2 B3  
a 2r 3
 
ε 3 x1  ω3 x1 ;
substance is much more typical for a gravifield. It will take much
time to explain its origins. Here we will restrict ourselves to a 
F2(2)  mτ1 B3   2 3 ε 3 x2  ω3 x2 ;
a r

Assumption. All massive bodies are graviferromagnetics.
In particular it is supposed that elementary gravicurrents in F3(2)  0.
macrobodies are in accordance and celestial bodies which are
The centripetal acceleration in the field B also originates
investigated in this paragraph can be considered as
additional force
gravimagnetic dipoles originating the gravimagnetic field in
accordance with (6.3.7). F(3)  J3  B, (6.4.2)
Let us investigate some corollaries of such a supposition and
return to example 1. It is supposed that the Sun gravimagnetic or in ordinates form
moment is directed in a positive direction along x3 axis which
originates so that planet movement takes place against the clock F1(3)   x2 ;
arrow (as it is in the real Sun system). a 2r 3
What additional forces does it originate except the Newton’s γμmω2
F2(2)   2 3 x1 ; (6.4.3)
one? a r
The second and the third items in (6.1.15) are not zero for the F3(2)  0.
planet. Therefore, the existence of the Sun dipole gravimagnetic
field leads to the appearance of two additional forces. The first of Thus centripetal force effecting planet in the Sun gravimagnetic
these is field originates tangent force which either “untwist” or brake the
planet rotation depending on μ sign. One should reasonably
F(2)  J2  B  m  B. (6.4.1) assert that namely this force brake Phobos movement and
decrease its orbit radius. This fact shows that μ < 0 for Mars. It is
B is the Sun dipole gravimagnetic field here defined by (6.3.7).
necessary to underline the general idea that namely this force
This force in coordinate form for the planet rotating in
(6.4.3) is responsible for rotation in the Universe. Namely this
arbitrary plane looks as follows:
force originates voluntary rotation of nonstabilized satellites and

F1(2)  m τ2 B3  τ 3 B2 ;  so on.
But why does not this acceleration untwist the celestial bodies
F2(2)  m  τ 3 B1  τ1 B3  ; (6.4.1a) up their rupture by centrifugal forces? The following fact helps'
F3(2)  m  τ2 B1  τ1 B2  . to answer this question. It is known that young stars do not have
a high angular velocity of their own rotation. This grows in time,
In particular, the planet rotating in the plane of the Sun’s equator reaches its maximum for mature stars and decreases in a star’s
is affected by radial force old age. That means that there exists a mechanism which
periodically changes the sign of μ.
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 47

μ is mainly positive for young stars and negative for old ones. mv2 2 γM
We speak here of middle magnitudes of μ because the sign K ,v  .
2 2R
evidently changes much more often than once in a star’s life. The
corroboration of it is periodical change of the Earth So,
electromagnetic field polarity. It is known that the Earth’s γmM
electromagnetic field is originated from streams in the Earth K .
liquid nucleus. Two factors are not clear here: what is the energy
source for this process and why are these streams directed Kinetic energy increment
against the Earth’s rotation?
γmM  1 1  γmMΔR
The proposed approach answers both above questions. ΔK      . (6.4.4)
2  R R  ΔR  2R2
The source of the energy is the force (6.4.2) and the direction
of the streams is defined by μ < 0. In particular this means that This increment must be equal to the work of the force (6.4.3) per
the angular velocity of the Earth’s own rotation is decreasing and year
linear correlation between it and μ fluctuations should be
observed. γμmω2 2πN
W , (6.4.5)
Let us find the ratio μ/Ma3 for Mars in conclusion of the a2 R
section. where N is the number of Phobos’ revolutions per year. If (6.4.4)
Let M be Mars’ mass, m be Phobos’ mass, R be Phobos orbit and (6.4.5) are equated supposing ΔR = 0.09 m/year then
radius, ΔR be change of radius per year, v be velocity and ω be
angular velocity of Phobos. μ ΔR
  5.7  106 s2 . (6.4.6)
Kinetic energy of Phobos Ma2 4πNRω2

6.5. Perihelion Displacement, Red Shift, Ray Deviation in the Sun Gravimagnetic Field
Only forces connected with planet mechanic movement in If to put (6.5.3) into (6.5.2), then
gravimagnetic field of the Sun were taken into account in the
previous chapter. The inner planetary gravicurrents were not F1   J x1 ;
a 2r 4
considered. Let us investigate the force born by interaction of
gravimagnetic fields of the Sun and planets. F2   J 2 4 x2 ; (6.5.4)
According to (6.1.9) this force is a r
F3  0.
F  J  B, (6.5.1)
In other words an additional radial force appears between the
where J is a planet’s gravicurrent and B is the Sun gravimagnetic Sun and the planet moving in the Sun’s equatorial plane because
field. of interaction of their gravimagnetic fields. This force’s
In coordinate form magnitude is
γμ  1 3 x32  γμ 3 x x γμ
F1   J 2     J 3 2 25 3 ; F  J . (6.5.5)
a2  r 3 r 5  a r a2r 3

γμ 3 x1 x3 γμ  1 3 x32  Newton’s principia already demonstrated that such a force

F2   J 3  J 1   ; (6.5.1а)
a2 r 5 a2  r 3 r 5  originates perihelion displacement of planet’s orbit. This
displacement (radian per a revolution) is defined by the formula
γμ 3 x2 x3 γμ 3 x1 x3
F0  J1  J2 2 .
a 2 r 5 a r5 2πFr 3 2πJμ
Δθ   rad/rev. (6.5.6)
γmMR0 (1  e2 ) mMa2 R0 (1  e2 )
One has for the planet moving in (X1X2) plane (x3 = 0)
γμ Here M is the Sun’s mass, m is planet mass, R0 is big halfaxis and
F1   J 2 ; e is eccentricity of the platen’s orbit.
a 2r 3
γμ Assumption 1
F2   J1 2 3 ; (6.5.2)
a r J  α(t )ma,
F3  0. μ  α(t ) Mc 2 ,
Taking into account that gravicurrent J moves together with the where c is light velocity, and a is graviton acceleration, α(t) is
planet around the Sun one obtains time function, characterizing the tensity of gravimagnetic field in
x2 solar system.
J1   J ; By putting the supposed character of J and μ into (6.5.6) one
(6.5.3) gets
J2   J 1 .
48 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

2πα2 (t )c 2 and indicate the force magnitude in some points

Δθ  rad rev . (6.5.6a)
aR0 (1  e2 )
α 2
F2 (θ  0)  0, F2 (θ  π 4)  ,
Or 2r 3
2α α 2
α2 (t )c2 ΔθR0 (1  e2 ) F2 (θ  π 2)   , F2 (θ  3π 4)  3 ,
 . (6.5.6b) r3 2r
a 2π
α 2
F2 (θ  π)  0, F2 (θ  5π 4)   ,
It is possible to find the left part of the equality using the data 2r 3
on today Merkurius perihelion displacement. One has 4α α 2
F2 (θ  3π/2)   3
, F2 (θ  7π 4)   3 .
r 2r
α2 (t0 )c2
 4.445  105 m. (6.5.6c)
a One could say that a planet’s orbit is affected by a moment of
force pressing it to the Sun’s equatorial plane (in the way a frame
where t0 is the moment of measurement.
with electric current is revolved in an electromagnetic field). It is
The velocity of α(t) changing is proposed slow enough.
natural to suppose that namely this force is responsible for the
Let us return to (6.4.6) equality. Using the proposed character
fact that natural satellites’ orbits are close to equatorial planes of
of μ one obtains
central bodies.
α2 (t0 )c 2 Let us consider photon’s motion to an observer on the Earth
 5.7  106 s2 . (6.5.6d) from equatorial (X1X2) plane and polar (X1X3) plane edges of the
Sun. Let the axes (X1X2) be disposed so that x1 is directed to the
Eqs. (6.5.6) and (6.5.6a) give us the possibility to find observer on the Earth. The gravicurrent in straight centrifugal
constants movement looks as follows:
a  7.796  1010 m/s2 , α(t0 )  0.621. (6.5.6e) x1
J1  J ;
For other planet:
Earth: a  10.12  1010 m/s2 , α  0.806, J2  J 2 ; (6.5.8)
Venus: a  7.572  1010 m/s2 , α  0.603, x3
J3  J .
Mars: a  6.33  1010 m/s2 , α  0.504, r
(1566) Icarus: a  7.577  1010 m/s2 , α  0.603. The force (6.5.1a) in (X1X2) plane (X3 = 0, J3 = 0) looks as
One could note a surprising similarity between (6.5.6) and below
especially (6.5.6a) and the corresponding formula of general
γμ x
relativity theory. Nevertheless this is true only for (X1X2) plane F1   J 22 3
 α 42 ;
(the Sun’s equator plane). It looks as follows for (X1X3) plane (the a r r
Sun’s meridian plane): γμ x
F2   J1 2 3  α 41 ; (6.5.9)
a r r
x3 F3  0,
J1   J ;
x and in (X1X3) plane (X2 = 0, J2 = 0)
J2   J 1 .
r F1  0;
Let x1
F2  α ; (6.5.10)
αJ 2. (6.5.7) F3  0.

Then the force affecting the planet looks as follows Let r0 be the Sun’s radius, R0 be the distance from the Sun to
the Earth. F1 performs over photon certain work. This work for
F1  0, equatorial photon (x2 = r0) is:
αx3  x12 x32  R0 R0
F2   3  3  1, r0dx1
 
 
r  r 2 r 2
 A F1dx1  α 
F3  0, 0 0
 R0 R0 
α  (r02  x12 )dx1 x1dx1 
That means that the planet is affected only by lateral force F2. For
greater clearness let us use polar coordinates
r0   ( x12  r02 )2

( x12  r02 )2 
 (6.5.11)
 0 0 
x1  r cosθ, x3  r sinθ, α  arctg( R0 r0 ) R0  πα
   2 2    2 .
α sinθ 2r0  r0 R0  r0  R  4r0
 3cos2θ  1  .
F2 
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 49

If α > 0, i.e., J and μ are of the same sign (this condition is valid Δv
 2  106.
for sure if the Sun directs photon gravimagnetic field along its v
force lines), then the work (6.5.11) is negative and originates red
To conclude the paragraph let us show modern deduction of
displacement in ray spectrum, α < 0 originates blue
formula (6.5.6). The appearance of additional force (6.5.5) makes
the differential vector equation of planet movement as follows:
The dislacement for a polar photon is absent because of the
first equality of system (6.5.10). d2 r r
Projections F2 and F3 also perform work deviating the ray. 2
L  0,
dt r3
(6.5.9) and (6.5.10) mean that displacement along x3 is absent
either for equatorial or for polar rays. Equal deviations for both  Jμ 
where L   1   , M is central body mass, m is planet
of them take place along x2 coordinate.  Mma2r 
Let m be photon mass. Then its deviation along x2 coordinate Jμ
is mass. Let β   . Then the functional equation of planet
t0 τ movement is
s(t0 ) 
m  F dτdt ,
σ 2  γMβ
γM  λ cosθ
where t0 is time of photon moving from the Sun to the observer.
where σ is magnitude of constant square, λ is magnitude of
x Laplace vector, θ is angle. Let
t 1,
σ λ
p , e .
where c is light velocity. γM γM
R0 x1
α x1dx1dx1 then
s( R0 ) 
mc 2 
0 0
( x12  r02 )2

(6.5.12) r

α arctg( R0 r0 ) 1  e cosθ 1  e cosθ
   .
2mc 2r0 R0  4mc 2r0 or

Let us find numerical evaluations for ray deviation using β r(1  e cosθ)
1 .
correlation (6.5.6c) p p

πγMC1C2 One gets integrating over θ from 0 to 2π

s  8  103 m.
4c2r0a2 2π

Here M is the Sun’s mass.  rdθ

0 2πβ
Just in the same way energy of red displacement 2π   .
p p
πγμJ πγ vM C1C2 kg  m2
A 2
 2 2
 2  1  1033 . The left part of the equality is the angle of planet’s orbit rotation
4r0 4c r0 a s2
as a unit per one revolution. Let us designate it Δθ. The focal
Relative decreasing of frequency is parameter р = R0(1 – e2).
One gets in the end:
 1010.
v 2πJμ
Δθ  .
a2mMR0 (1  e2 )
It is essentially less than red displacement because of Newton’s
potential. It is easy counted

6.6. Analogies between Gravitational and Electric Fields

Let us consider a homogeneous equation of the kind (6.1.1) If one takes rotor of homogeneous equation (6.1.1), then one
and (6.1.2) gets

1  4φ 1  4D
 φ   0. (6.6.1) (6.1)  D   0. (6.6.2)
a2 t 4 a2 t 4
This describes the spreading of the waves of gravity in empty One gets the same equation for G in the following way. Let us
space. take rotor of both parts of the equation (6.1.5)
Theorem 1. Gravifields G and D in empty space satisfy (6.6.1).
The proof results directly from the definition of G and D by 2
 ( G )   ( D).
means of A and φ. t 2
50 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

But 1  4G
 G  .
 ( G)  ( G)  (G). a2 t 4

In empty space Let Γ be an arbitrary contour, S be a surface drawn on it, n be

a normal to it.
dR The following theorem is true.
 A( v )  B( v )  2C ( v ).
dt Theorem 2
Taking into account the absence of gravicurrents and 2
differentiating (6.1.7) one gets the following:  Gdl   t  D  nds.

 2G 1  4G
( D)   2 4 , The assertion results from (6.1.5) and Stocks’ theorem.
t a t
Theorem 2 is gravianalogue of Faraday law. The left part of may
i.e., be called a gravimoving force and the right part under symbol of
differention is a gravimagnetic flow.

6.7. Boundary Problem for Potentials

Let us consider boundary and Couchy problems for
homogenious equation of (6.1.1) type T j (t )  b j cos k j at  C j sin k j at 

d j ch k j at  l j sh k j at , (6.7.8)
1  4u
 u   0; (6.7.1)
a2 t 4 b j , C j , d j , l j  const.
u t 0  u0 ( x ),  u1 ( x ), Thus a countable number of partial (linearly independent)
t t 0
(6.7.2) solutions of (6.7.1) equation are constructed:
 2u  3u
 u2 ( x ),  u3 ( x ); T j (t ) X j ( x )  (b j cos k j at  C j sin k j at 
t 2 t 3 t 0
u d j ch k j at  l j sh k j at ) X j ,
αu  β  0, t  0, (6.7.3)
n S
They satisfy boundary conditions (6.7.3) and contain voluntary
x ∈ G, G ⊂ R3 is a region in three-dimensional Euclidian space, constants bj, Cj, dj, lj. Let us construct a formal row:
where the process takes place, S is it’s piecewise boundary,  
α ∈ C(s), β ∈ C(s), α(x) ≥ 0, β(x) ≥ 0, α(x) + β(x) > 0, x ∈ S.
We shall find the solution by Fourier method as a product
j 1
T j (t ) X j ( x )  (b cos t
j 1
j k j a  C j sin t k j a 
T (t )  X ( x ), (6.7.4) d j ch t k j a  l j sh t k j a ) X j .

satisfying boundary conditions (6.7.3). After that a linear Coefficients bj, Cj, dj, lj are picked up in the way to satisfy initial
combination of these solutions satisfying initial conditions (6.7.2) conditions (6.7.2)
will be constructed. Substituting (6.7.4) into (6.7.1) one obtains
 
bj  d j C j lj
T (t ) MX ( x )
a2T (t )

X (x)
, (6.7.5) j 1
X j  u0 ( x ),  j 1
k ja
X j  u1 ( x ).

 
bj  d j C j lj
where operator M is defined by the equality
 k ja
X j  u2 ( x ),  (k a) j
X j  u3 ( x ).
MX ( x )  X ( x ). j 1 j 1

One obtains two equalities from (6.7.5) The orthonormal system {Xj} is full in L2(G), therefore

MX  λx, (6.7.6) bj  d j
T (t )  λa2T , λ  const. (6.7.7) 2 
 u0 X j dx ,
Solution X(x) of (6.7.6) must satisfy boundary conditions, C j lj 1
therefore eigen functions Xj and eigen values λj can be taken as X 2 
 u1 X j dx 
k ja

and λ. (6.7.11)
bj  d j 1
It is known that λj > 0, eigen functions Xj can be taken real
and orthonormal. Any function f ∈ C2(G) ∩ C1(G), Mf ∈ L2(Ḡ), 2
k ja 
u2 X j dx ,
f/S = 0 can be decomposed in Fourier series of own functions Xj. C j lj 1
Let λ = k2, к is real because λ > 0. General real solution of is as
(k j a)3 2  u X dx.
3 j
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 51

That is T j (0)  b j  d j  u0 ( x ) X j dx ,
1  1  G

bj 
 u0 

u2  X j dx ,
k j a 
T j (0)  C j  l j 
k ja
u1 X j dx ,

1 (6.7.15)
cj 

 u1 
11 

u3  X j dx ,
T j (0)  b j  d j  
k ja
u2 X j dx ,

2 k ja  k j a  1

 1 
(6.7.12) T j(0)  C j  l j  
(k j a)3 2
u3 X j dx .

dj   u0  u2  X j dx ,
2  k j a 
G Or
1  1 
lj   u1 
2 k j a 

u3  X j dx .
k j a  bj 

  u 0 
1 
u2  X j dx ,
k j a 
Let us now consider a nonhomogeneous equation: 1  1 

1  4u
Cj 
2(k j a)1 2  u1 

u3  X j dx ,
k j a 
 Mu  F ( x ,t ). (6.7.13) (6.7.15a)
a2 t 4  
1 1
For any t > 0 let us decompose the solution of the problem,
dj 
2  u0 

u2  X j dx ,
k j a 
(6.7.2), (6.7.3) into Fourier series over eigen functions {Xj} of the
1  1 
operator M. lj 
2(k j a)1 2   u  k a u  X dx.
3 j

u( x ,t )  T (t )X (x), T (t )   uX dx.
j 1
j j j j (6.7.14)
Because of (6.7.2), (6.7.14) and (6.7.11) the unknown functions
must satisfy the initial conditions (6.7.15a). Let us construct
The initial conditions differential equation for functions Tj(t). One gets the chain of
equalities scalarly producting (6.7.13) on Xj

1  4u 1 d4
a2 
t 4
X j dx 
a2 dt 4 



uX j dx  MuX j dx  FX j dx  uMX j dx  FX j dx  k 2 uX j dx  FX j dx ,




Thus because of (6.7.14) functions Tj satisfy the equation

T j  k2a2T j  a2h j (t ), (6.7.16)


h j (t )  F ( x ,t ) X j ( x )dx.

One obtains solving Couchy problem for (6.7.16) with initial conditions (6.7.15a):

 t 
T j (t )  

 2(k a)3 2 
G 
 sh k a (t  τ)  sin k a (t  τ)
j j  

F ( x ,τ)dτ  u cos k at  ch k at 
0 j j 
u3 

k a
 sin k j at  sh k j at   u2
k ja

cos k j at  ch k j at 
(k j a)3 2
 
sin k j at  sh k j at  dx  (6.7.18)
j 

2(k j a)3 2   sh

k j a (t  τ)  sin k j a (t  τ) h j dτ  b j cos k j at  C j sin k j at  d j ch k j at  l j sh k j at .

Substituting (6.7.18) into (6.7.14) one obtains formal solution of the mixed problem (6.7.13), (6.7.2), (6.7.3)

   t
u( x , t )  j 1
T j (t ) X j ( x )   
 2(k j a)3 2
j 1 

 
sh k j a (t  τ)  sin k j a (t  τ) h j dτ  b j cos k j at 

C j sin k j at  d j ch k j at  l j sh k j at X j ( x ). 
52 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

6.8. Rotation on Circumference. Dependence on Space Coordinates

Let a mass m distributed with density ρ rotates with constant
angular velocity ω on a circumference of radius r0 disposed in T1 (0)  αm0ω2 , T1(0)  0,
(X1X2) plane with the center in coordinates’ origin. Such a T1 (0)  αm0ω4 , T1 (0)  0;
rotation originates a gravicurrent T2 (0)  0, T2 (0)  αm0ω3 ,
J  mr0ω2 T2 (0)  0, T2 (0)  αm0ω5 ;
T2 (0)  0, T2 (0)  0,
with density
T2 (0)  0, T2 (0)  0.
j  ρr0ω2 .
Let boundary conditions be:
Vector gravipotential A will satisfy the equations
X j (0)  k j r0 .
1 4 A1 4πγ X j (r0 )  sh(k j r0 ), j  1,2, .
A1  2  ρr0ω2 cosωt , (6.8.1)
a t 4 a2
1 4 A2 4πγ The fundamental solution is
A2    2 ρr0ω2 sinωt , (6.8.2)
a2 t 4 a C 1j ch(k j r ); C 2j sh(k j r ), j  1,2,3, . (6.8.7)
1  A3
 A3  2  0. (6.8.3)
a t 4 Let the condition of resonance be valid: there exist such k *j

A is a function only of two arguments: time t and distance from that

the origin of coordinates.
ω  k *j a . (6.8.8)
γ This k *j is designated by k. For this k the constant in inner
α . (6.8.4)
a2 Dirichlet problem is
Let us solve the problem with the following initial conditions C11  0; C12  r0 .

r0 sh(kr )
X (r )  , r  [0, r0 ].

Vector potential in this case is

 t
γ  2πρa2r0
A1 ( x , t ) 
a2 

ω (sin ω(t  τ)  sh ω(t  τ))cos ωτdτ 
0 (6.8.9)
 r sh(kr )
 m0ω2 cos ωt  m0ω2 ch ωt  0 ,
 r
 t
γ  2πρa2r0
A2 ( x , t )  2
a 

ω (sin ω(t  τ)  sh ω(t  τ))sin ωτdτ 
0 (6.8.10)
 r ch(kr )
 m0ω2 sin ωt  m0ω2 sh ωt  0 .
 r

The expressions in square brackets in (6.8.9) and (6.8.10) depend t

only on t and has a dimension kg/s.
It is natural to consider them as components of gravicurrent
J2 (t ) 
ω 
(sin ω(t  τ)  sh ω(t  τ))sin ωτdτ 
force + m0ω2 sin ωt  m0ω2 sh ωt .
J  ( J1 , J2 ,0),
One gets for outer Dirichlet problem:
J1 (t ) 
ω  (sin ω(t  τ)  sh ω(t  τ))cos ωτdτ 
C1 ch(kr0 )  C2 sh(kr0 )  sh(kr0 ),
C1 ch()  C2 sh()  0.

+ m0ω2 cos ωt  m0ω2 ch ωt , Or

Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 53

C1  C2  r0 exp{kr0 }sh(kr0 ), t τ

X (r ) 
r0 exp{k(r0  r )}sh(kr0 )
, r  r0 .
(6.8.14) m1 (t ) 
 J dsdτ,
t τ
And vector gravipotential is
r exp{k(r0  r )}sh(kr0 )
m2 (t ) 
 J dsdτ,

A1  αJ1 0 , r  r0 ; (6.8.15)
r M(t )  (m1 , m2 ,0).
r exp{k(r0  r)}sh(kr0 )
A2  J2 0 , r  r0 . (6.8.16) This vector will be called a dynamic mass. Condition (6.1.3)
r gives us the scalar potential in inner area of the circle
Eqs. (6.8.15) and (6.8.16) involves that this potential exponentially
γr0 ch(kr )  1 
decreases and is essential only in the vicinity of r0. Nevertheless, φ  r  k   m1 x1  m2 x2   φ(0)t  φ(0). (6.8.20)
r2  
this potential is not unique in outer space. The potential induced
by the inner area of the circle is added to it. One can find it Here φ(0) is static Newtonian potential, and φ(0) = 0 because
r sh(kr0 ) there is no change of potential in the initial moment.
integrating 0 over area of the circle.
r Now (6.1.3a) gives us the possibility to find a gravifield in the
One gets in polar coordinates inner area of the circle.
2π r0 dφ γr0 sh(kr )  3
2πr0 
    3k  m1 
v  r0
 
dθ sh(kr )dr 
(ch(kr0 )  1). dx1 r2  r 
1 3k 3   φ(0)
  k2   2   m1 x1  m2 x2  x1   ,
Let us investigate v as a function of k, taking into account that r r r   x1
resonance conditions (6.8.8) mean dφ γr0 sh(kr )  3 
    3k  m2 
ω2 dx2 r2  r 
k . (6.8.17)
a 1 3k 3   φ(0)
  k2    m1 x1  m2 x2  x2   .
r r r 2   x2
When k is small one gets decomposing ch(kr) into row
Thus v is analogue of square loop with electric current. When Let
k [0, r01 ] , v linearly grows from zero to πr02 . After that
 2 J1 2 J2
exponential growth of v begins. p1  2
, p2  .
t t 2
The expression μ = Jv is natural to call gravimagnetic dipole
moment. The vector gravipotential of dipole is Thus
4πγ 2 A γr sh(kr )
D .   0 2 p.
a2 t 2 ra
It originates potential And finally, tensity of gravifield in inner area of the circle in
γ vector form is
A  2 2 . (6.8.18)
a R γr0 sh(kr )  2 3k 3  (m  r )
Eint    k   
in the points of sphere of radius R ≫ r0. r  r r 2  r 2
Eq. (6.8.18) defines A by means of I projections. For greater p  3k 3  
 2    m   φ(0), r  0, r0  .
similarity with the modern tradition the direction of I may be a  r r2  
defined as a normal to plane of the loop with positive direction
defined according to right hand rule. If so (6.8.18) coincides with The solution of outer Dirichlet problem gives the following
field for external area of the circle:
A   R , R  r0 , (6.8.19)
a2 R2 γr0 sh(kr0 )exp{k(r0  r )}  2 3k 3  (m  r)
Eout    k   
r  r r 2  r 2
This formula was supposed earlier as analogue of the electric (6.8.22)
field. p k 1  
     m   φ(0), r [r0 , ).
One can get scalar potential using gauge condition (6.1.3). a2  r r 2  
One gets for the inner Dirichlet problem:

 J1 x1  J2 x2   k   .
γr0 ch(kr ) 1
 A 
a2r 2  r 

54 6. Maxwell’s Approach to Gravity

6.9. Rotation on Circumference. Dependence on Time

In order to clear up the physical essence of the correlations when k → 0, Eint → ∇φ(0), i.е., when rotation stops dynamic part
we got let us find m(t), J(t), p(t) as evident functions of time. of the force grows zero and only the Newtonian field preserves.
When r → 0
1 ch ωt 
 (sin ω(t  τ)  sh ω(t  τ))cosωτdτ  2  t sin ωt 
ω 
; Eint (r  0)  2πγρkr02 φ(0).

t Eint in other points of the circle is a sum of two standing waves.

1 sh ωt 

(sin ω(t  τ)  sh ω(t  τ))sin ωτdτ   t cosωt 
2 ω 
. Field in one these waves is directed along radius. Therefore, in
order to keep a rotating mass on the circumference an additional
force is necessary. This force as it was noted above, grows slowly
Thus when k is small. But when k > 1/r0 it begins growing
πρr0a2  chωt 
J1   t sin ωt   m0ω2 (cosωt  chωt ), (6.9.1) It is necessary to pin point now some difficulties in the results
ω  ω 
we achieved.
πρr0a2  shωt  Correlations (6.9.3a) and (6.9.4a) forecast linear on t growth of
J2   t cosωt   m0ω2 (sin ωt  shωt ). (6.9.2)
ω  ω  dynamic mass because of resonance. That means that either there
exists in nature a kind of «friction» which stops this growth or
From here with the accuracy of constants of integration which
nature evades resonance in some way.
were taken account in the expression of scalar potential
Let us write down for comparison the formula of
 t sin ωt ch ωt 2cos ωt  gravicurrent force in nonresonance case ω2 ≠ ka.
m1  πρr0a2   4  
 ω3 ω ω4  (6.9.3)
m0 ( cos ωt  ch ωt ),

cos kat
J1  2πρr0a2  2 

ka ka  ω 
cos ωt 
 ω  ka ω4  (ka)2
 t cos ωt sh ωt 2sin ωt   (6.9.1a)
m2  πρr0a2   4  
 ω3 ω ω4  (6.9.4) ka ch kat 
m0 ( sin ωt  sh ωt ),  ,
(ka  ω2 )ω 
p1  πρr0a2  ωt sin ωt  chωt  2cosωt  
(6.9.5) 
sin kat
J 2  2πρr0a2  2 

ka ka  ω 
sin ωt 
m0 ω4 ( cosωt  chωt ),  ω  ka ω4  (ka)2
p2  πρr0a2  ωt cosωt  shωt  2sin ωt    (6.9.2a)
(6.9.6) ka sh kat 
m0ω4 ( sin ωt  shωt ).  .
(ka  ω2 )ω 
It is essential that exponential members in hyperbolic functions
πρr0a2 appear in formulae (6.9.1) and (6.9.2).
m0  ,
ω4 In our example it appeared to be possible to annihilate them
by means of initial data. But if it is not possible it becomes a very
then one gets (taking into account (6.8.17))
serious problem. It has been mentioned above that processes in
πρr0 the Universe accessible for observation are periodic. This means
m1  (cosωt  ωt sin ωt ), (6.9.3a)
k2 that for these processes either exponential components are
πρr mutually annihilated or it is necessary for us to revise our
m2  20 (sin ωt  ωt cosωt ), (6.9.4a)
k habitaul ideas on mass and time.
p1  πρr0a2 (cosωt  ωt sinωt ), (6.9.5a) Paragraphs 8 and 9 are illustrative. Only the resonance
component is investigated in them. In general one should add the
p2  πρr0a2 (sinωt  ωt cosωt ). (6.9.6a) whole row (6.7.18) to this component. Such an investigation
would be interesting if one knew the boundary data for atom
Let us return to (6.8.21). Taking into account (6.9.3a)–(6.9.6a)
nuclei or solar system. These boundary data are not known,
one gets
therefore, it is useful to pin point some corrolaries of formulae
γr0 sh(kr )  2 3k 3  (m  r )  (6.8.21), especially (6.8.22) in a qualitative way.
E1int    k   x1  m1  
r  r r 2 
 r 2  We saw that the rotation of mass induces standing waves of
(6.9.7) acceleration in outer space. It is natural to suppose that Bohr’s
 φ(0)
 2πρr0 cos ωt   , orbits of electrons in atom corresponds to the surfaces of zero
 x1
acceleration. So although electron rotates around nucleus it is not
γr0 sh(kr )  2 3k 3  (m  r )  accelerated and therefore does not radiate. The radii of such
E2int    k   x1  m1  
r  r r 2 
 r 2  surfaces are defined by own values:
 φ(0) rn  1/kn , n  1,2,3, .
 2πρr0 sin ωt   .
 x2
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 55

Some peculiarities of planet formation in solar system also the Sun’s equator was possibly the last planet to be formed.
become clear. The planets which satisfy Bodes’ law and whose Perhaps, the reason why the planet between Mars and Jupiter
orbits are in close planes were born in close boundary conditions was not formed is that it was to be formed in the period when the
on the surfaces of zero acceleration, just like electrons’ orbits. The sign of μ for the Sun changed. One could say with certainty that
conditions of Pluto’s origin essentially differed from that of other Jupiter’s satellites which have inversed rotation, were formed
planets. Mercury whose orbit lies almost precisely in the plane of when the sign of Jupiter’s gravimagnetic field was also opposite.

7. On the Connection between Electricity and Gravity

7.1. Introduction
When Einstein moved from analyses of Electricity to analysis Einstein did not go this way. We know the result: General
of Gravity, he adopted as a first postulate the concept of Relativity Theory (GRT) has very limited applications.
equivalence of gravitational field and acceleration. This means In Paragraph 6 we propose to describe Gravity by equations
that he considered Gravity as a field of acceleration, in contrast to of the Maxwell type in which first time derivatives are replaced
Electricity, which is the field of velocities. The next natural step by second ones. This approach leads to predictions of perihelia
would have been to introduce a new constant with the dimension shifts of planets, differential rotation of the Sun and gaseous-
of acceleration, which had to somehow characterize Gravity in liquid planets, the proximity of natural satellites’ orbits to
the same sense as the speed of light characterizes Electricity. equatorial plane of their central body, the Earth’s continental
drift, the observed type of atmosphere and ocean currents, etc.

7.2. Historical Review

When Gauss and his assistant Weber proposed their clearly identify this effect against the background of non-calm
generalization of Coulomb’s law for the case of moving charges, Sun. The question is how Eddington and others were so lucky as
many investigators immediately tried to apply the Gauss and to do this at the beginning of the XXth century.
Weber law to gravity. Such an approach looks quite natural But the main problem of GRT today is lack of any practical
because the static law of Gravity and the Coulomb formula look application.
so similar. When the new Maxwell field theory eclipsed the Gauss
The dynamic part of the Gauss and Weber law depends on approach, attempts to apply the electromagnetic approach to
the difference between velocities of electric charges. The gravity renewed.
calculations were first applied to explain the perihelion advance The first one who made an attempt was Maxwell himself. But
of Mercury’s orbit. This problem was very acute at that time. soon he came to the conclusion that any direct analogy
Observations showed that Mercury’s perihelion mysteriously contradicts the law of energy conservation. He concluded this
shifts approximately 43″ per century beyond the much larger mainly because opposite signs appear in Newton and Coulomb
amount that can be accounted for by Newtonian interactions laws: two electric charges of the same sign are repulsed and two
with the other planets. All earlier attempts to explain the 43″ masses are attracted.
discrepancy within the framework of the Newtonian Despite this, such attempts continued in different countries:
gravitational law had no success. England, France, Russia, and others. The best was the one by
But the new attempts were also unsuccessful. Weber’s Heaviside [36]. It was unsuccessful, just as others, including
formula predicted 14″ per century and Gauss’ formula gave 28″ recent ones. There are many causes for this. We mention here the
per century. These attempts have been renewed recently in one that is related to Maxwell’s objections.
connection with the new wave of interest to Gauss and Weber Field equations do not describe interactions, neither of
works [32], [33]. Historically, the first one who obtained the charges nor of fields. Therefore, modern electrodynamics consist
desired 43″ was Gerber [34]. His paper was recollected [35] when of two parts: Maxwell’s equations, which describe fields, and the
Einstein also obtained 43″ within the framework of GRT. Fierce Lorentz formula, which describes interactions. The formulas of
discussion followed this publication. Unfortunately, the interests Gauss and Weber ([32], [33]), as well as the ones of Grassmann
of different nations and financial and scientific circles influenced [8], Ampère [9], and Whittaker [10], describe interaction of
the final scientific outcome of the dispute. More unfortunately, current differentials. They do not need fields. It would be natural
we observe something like this nowadays as well. if field theory supplied us with a formula describing interaction
At last it was decided that Gerber’s formula was just an of fields. But the Lorentz force formula takes an intermediate
adjustment to a preliminary known fact. There were two position. It takes one charge, called the “test charge”, whose field
additional arguments on the side of GRT. It predicted is ignored, and defines the interaction of this test charge with the
“gravitational red shift” and “double deviation” of star light in fields induced in accord with Maxwell’s equations by other
the field of the Sun. It soon became clear that the “red shift” was “ordinary” charges.
actually predicted within the framework of Newtonian Such an approach has many drawbacks. One of them is the
mechanics. But the double deviation was not, and was following: the Lorentz force formula is asymmetric. It predicts
“confirmed” by experiment. Only nowadays do certain doubts situations when charge no. 1 affects charge no. 2, but not vice-
appear. The problem is that it is impossible, even today, to versa; i.e., Newton’s third law is violated.
56 7. On the Connection between Electricity and Gravity

One can express the idea of the Lorentz force formula But why was no formula describing interaction of fields
differently. If, in accord with Maxwell equations, we express proposed? I believe there were historical causes. I would mention
fields by means of charges, and put them into the Lorentz force one frequently used argument in support of the Lorentz formula.
formula, we obtain the Grassmann formula [8]. This means that if It is alleged that two fields do not interact. Example: two light
we limit ourselves to the Lorentz force formula, the entire beams freely intersect each other. And photons are believed to be
Maxwell system becomes unnecessary, and one can always use the transmitters of fields. One objection to this assertion was
Grassmann’s formula instead of modern electrodynamics. But mentioned above: any field induced by a charge can be expressed
Grassmann’s formula covers very specific cases of charge by means of this charge in accord with Maxwell equations. We
interactions. Other cases are described by other formulas, the shall come to the second objection below.
above mentioned ones in particular. Thus we can assert that we must re-examine electrodynamics
problems before we try to apply this approach to gravity.

7.3. On the Gravidynamic Field and Force

In the early 1980’s, the author proposed a variational depending of the sign of gravimagnetic field. Apparently, these
“Logarithm Principle” (Paragraph 10), in which fields, in forces produce effects in galaxies that are today ascribed to “dark
particular the gravitational field, are described by Maxwell type mass”, and they explain the following observed fact: young stars
equations in which first time derivatives are replaced by second in our Galaxy rotate slowly, mature stars rotate fast enough, and
time derivatives, and constant acceleration a plays the role of old stars again rotate slowly. And the gravimagnetic field
light speed c in electrodynamics. In the first version, a certain distribution in the Earth controls atmospheric and ocean currents
analog of the Lorentz force formula was adopted, but instead of and continental drift. The same force leads to differential rotation
electric charges and their velocities, masses and their of the Sun and gaseous-liquid planets: equatorial regions rotate
accelerations appeared. faster than polar ones.
Already at this stage, it became possible to explain many It was clear from the very beginning that the gravimagnetic
gravity phenomena. They were well known, but to the best of field is closely related to the electromagnetic field. Today, we
our knowledge, no attempts had been made to explain them. understand that the magnetic and electric fields are just special
Most of the proposed explanations were essentially related to cases of gravity. Thus we can discuss the magnetic field only in
the gravimagnetic field that appears in the equations. For all the cases.
instance, movement of planets in the Sun’s gravimagnetic field It is known that Earth’s magnetic field oscillates, and even
leads to the emergence of several forces. One force is radial, and changes sign. Today we do not know the cause of such behavior,
defines planets orbits displacement. The second one is directed but we can state that the rate of Earth’s rotation, continental drift
towards Sun equatorial plane, and drives orbits into this plane. and ocean currents are closely linked to the behavior of Earth’s
That is why most of the orbits of natural satellites are close to the magnetic field.
equatorial plane of the central body. Orbits behave like a current Generalization of gravimagnetics in the way electrodynamics
loop in an electromagnetic field. The main difference is that the was generalized shows that the interaction of masses depends
forces are small and process is slow. not only on accelerations, but also on the third and fourth time
The third force is directed tangentially, and either enhances derivatives as well. Newtonian attraction appears with the
or counteracts the planet’s movement. This very force increases correct sign in such a generalization, and predicts attraction of
or decreases the angular velocity of the planets’ own rotation, two masses.

8. On Gravidynamic Forces
A certain generalization of Maxwell equations was proposed by interaction of a certain charge, called “test charge” and the
in Chapter 1. It implies the use of total time derivatives instead of fields induced by the other charge. Actually it coincides with
the partial ones. A partial solution of this system was found for force formula proposed earlier by Grassmann. The proposed
the case of the fields induced by electric charges. formula, in contrast to Lorentz formula, satisfies Newton’s third
The scalar product of electric fields created by different law.
charges determines their interaction energy, and the vector The second Newtonian part of the force formula depends on
product of their magnetic fields determines their interaction the product of the differences of the charge velocities and
impulse. Having calculated interaction energy gradient, we accelerations. Therefore it predicts interaction, in particular,
obtain interaction force as Huygens understood it, and having between moving and standing charges, in addition to Coulomb
calculated impulse total time derivative, we obtain Newton’s force. It contains terms proposed earlier for force description by
interaction force. Gauss and Weber. As in the case of the Lorentz force formula, it
It turns out that these forces’ physical meaning and adds terms that make the Gauss and Weber force symmetric. A
mathematical description essentially differ. certain part of this force is inverse in squared light velocity c2 and
The gradient part depends on the product of charges’ a part of it is inverse in c3. Apparently these items are essential
velocities, and is equal to zero if at least one of the charges is at for the electroweak interaction.
rest. This part incorporates force formulas proposed earlier by This appendix is devoted to a similar investigation of
Ampere, Whittaker and Lorentz. The last one is usually defined gravitational forces created by moving masses. Corresponding
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 57

fields are described by Maxwell type equations in which first scalar product of corresponding gravitational fields, and second
time derivatives are changed for the second ones. One can say time derivative of vector product of gravimagnetic fields, turn
that Electricity is a field of velocities and gravity is a field of out to give accurate analogs of electrodynamic interaction. But
accelerations. Solutions of such a system are used to construct here forces depend not only on velocities and accelerations, but
interaction energy and interaction impulse. The gradient of the also on third and fourth derivatives as well.

8.1. Equations of Gravidynamic field

Let G be the gravidynamic field, and D be the gravimagnetic
γm  r0  w 
field, both of which are induced by moving mass m that is G(t , r0 )   3
  r0  , (8.1.9)
distributed in space with density ρ. We assume that functions 4πr0  a 
describing these fields satisfy the following equations: γm  r0  w 
D(t , r0 )     r0  , (8.1.10)
 G  γρ, (8.1.1) 4πr03a  a 
γρ where t is in the interval [0, ∞), w is acceleration of the mass m,
D   , (8.1.2)
a which is obtained by integrating ρ over a sphere of radius r0 that
d 2D contains it.
 G   , (8.1.3)
dt 2 Conditions (8.1.9)–(8.1.10) fix the fields translational and
d 2G rotational movement on the minimal sphere containing m.
a2 D  , (8.1.4) G(t, r) and D(t, r) are functions of time and space
dt 2
coordinates (x1, x2, x3) which we express with the help of radius-
where γ is gravitational constant, and a is constant acceleration, vector r. Thus we search for system (8.1.3)– (8.1.4) solution with
playing in gravidynamics the same role that light speed c plays initial conditions (8.1.5)–(8.1.6), (8.1.7)–(8.1.8) and boundary
in electrodynamics. Thus we consider gravity as a field of conditions (8.1.9)–(8.1.10).
accelerations, in contrast to electricity, which is a field of Let mass m, which we obtain integrating density ρ over the
velocities. volume inside of which this mass is distributed, move with
System (8.1.1)–(8.1.4) is similar to generalized Maxwell velocity v and acceleration w. Time derivatives will be
equations. It provokes the same questions as the traditional designated by dot over the corresponding letter. Thus w and w
Maxwell system does. The questions are: in order to find two are the third and the fourth time derivatives of radius vector r.
vector-functions G and D that are unknown in system (8.1.1)– We assume the following limitation on the character of the
(8.1.4), we need two vector equations, not more and not less. But movement of mass m
system (8.1.1)–(8.1.4) contains two divergence equations in
addition. Accurate analysis shows that divergence correlations, 2( v  w)  r  w  0. (8.1.11)
as in the Maxwell system (8.1.1)–(8.1.4), are actually not This condition holds for an instant in the case of motion with
equations, but initial conditions for G and D written in constant acceleration w or when vector v is collinear to w and r
divergence form. Therefore, instead of (8.1.1) and (8.1.2) we shall is collinear to w . Condition (8.1.11) holds in particular when two
write masses oscillate along parallel straight lines. When condition
γρ (8.1.11) holds, the system (8.1.3)–(8.1.10) has the following
G(0, r )  r, (8.1.5) solution
γρ γm  r  w 
D(0, r )   r. (8.1.6) G   r , (8.1.12)
3a 4πr 3  a 
We come to (8.1.1) and (8.1.2) having calculated the divergence of γm  r  w 
D  r . (8.1.13)
(8.1.5) and (8.1.6). If we want to obtain for system (8.1.3)– (8.1.4) a 4πr 3a  a 
partial solution, we must determine initial conditions not only for
Eqs. (8.1.12) and (8.1.13) show that the gravidynamic field
the fields (8.1.5) and (8.1.6) but also initial conditions for their
consists of not only a static part (the second part in square
time derivatives. These are determined by the physical essence of
brackets), but also of the dynamic curl part (the first item in
the problem. We accept here zero initial conditions for them, i.e.,
square brackets).
G(0, r)  0, (8.1.7) Let two masses m1 and m2 move inducing fields G1, D1 and
D(0, r)  0. (8.1.8) G2, D2, and let their accelerations be w1 and w2. Let r21 = r1 – r2
be the radius vector from mass m2 to mass m1, r1 and r2 be radius
In other terms we assume that initial impulse of the investigated vectors to masses m1 and m2, and r = |r21|.
mass is null. Mathematically this means that its initial velocity We assume the following formula, which describes the forces
dr/dt and the initial velocity of its density change dρ/dt are zero. with which fields G2, D2 act on fields G1, D1:
Let r0 be the radius of the minimal sphere containing the mass
m. We assume the following boundary conditions for this sphere  4πr 3  d2  4πar 3 
F21    (G12  G21 )  2  (D12  D21 ) . (8.1.14)
 γ  dt  γ 
58 8. On Gravidynamic Forces

When (8.1.12)–(8.1.13) are substituted into (8.1.14), one obtains for the gradient part

1  γm1m2 γm1m2  3(r21  w1 )  (r21  w2 ) 

F21 r21  w1  (r21  w2 )  w2  (r21  w1 )  r21  
4πr 3 4πa2r 3  r2 
γm1m2 γm1m2  3(r21  w1 )  (r21  w2 ) 
 r21  w1 (r21  w2 )  w2 (r21  w1 )  2r21 ( w1  w 2 )  r21  .
4πr 3 4πr 3a2  r2 

The expression after the second equality sign is obtained by All of these forces are zero if at least one of the masses is at
revealing the triple vector products in the previous one. rest, or moves with constant velocity. Actually, this is another
The first item here determines Newtonian static force of formulation of the Newton’s first law. One can name F21 2 the
gravity. We have obtained it not as a generalization of “Huygens force”. We have obtained it following his concept of
experimental information, but rather as an implication of force as energy gradient. The difference is that he applied it to
fundamental correlation between energy and force. We obtained analysis of movement of a separate massive body. Formula
the Coulomb force in Chapter 1 just in the same way, but in (8.1.14) uses this idea to describe the interaction of massive
contrast to Coulomb force Newtonian force in (8.1.15) has bodies with the help of interaction of the fields induced by these
opposite sign; i.e., two masses are attracted, and not repulsed. bodies.
Items in square brackets describe forces that appear because of One can say the same words about the second, Newtonian,
movement of masses. The first two summands predict forces part of the force (8.1.14). The first time derivative of the second
directed along accelerations of masses; the second two square brackets in (8.1.14) supplies us with the fields’ interaction
summands predict the appearance of forces additional to impulse, and the second time derivative furnishes us the force
Newtonian force. They are directed along the radius vector. formula. After corresponding calculations, one obtains: the first
part of Newtonian gravidynamic force

γm1m2 
2 
F21  w1  w2    r21  (w1  w2 )  2  v1  v 2   ( v1  v 2 )  (w1  w2 )  2  v1  v 2   r21  (w1  w2 )  
4πa2r 3 
2r21  ( v1  v 2 )  ( w1  w2 )   r21   r21  ( w1  w2 )   r21  2  ( w1  w2 ) 
r 
4( v 1  v 2 ) 
r 
  (r21  w1 )  r21  r21  (r21  w 2 )

 
 .

This part of the Newton’s dynamic force is inverse in a2. The second part of it is a3 inverse, and appears as follows:

γm1m2 
(r21  w 2 )  (r21  w1 )  (r21  w 2 )  (r21  w1 )   w 1  w 2   (r21  w 1 )  (r21  w 2 )   2 ( v 1  v 2 )  w 2  
F21 
4πa3r 3 
  r21  w1   2  ( v 1  v 2 )  w 2    ( v 1  v 2 )  w1   2 ( v 1  v 2 )  w 2    r21  w1   2  r21  w2   ( v 1  v 2 )  w1  
 
2 r21  w 2   r21  w1   2  r21  w 2   ( v 1  v 2 )  w1  

r21  2  ( w1  w 2 ) 
r 
4( v 1  v 2 ) 
r 
 (r21  w1 )  r21  r21  (r21  w 2 )

 .
As was said above, permanent acceleration a plays the same part in gravidynamics that constant light velocity c plays in
electrodynamics. There are certain reasons to believe that a is not less than c numerically, and perhaps is equal to it with 2π accuracy.
One obtains revealing triple vector products in (8.1.16)

2 
γm1m2  
2 3
2 3
r21 ( w1  w 2 )  2( v 1  v 2 )( w1  w 2 )  r21 ( w1  w 2 )  2  ( w1  w 2 ) 
4πa r   r 
4( v 1  v 2 ) 
r 
 
 r21  r21 ( w 1  w 2 )   

2  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( v 1  v 2 )   w1  w 2   r21   w1  w 2     w1  w 2   r21   w 1  w 2   2( v 1  v 2 )2   (8.1.18)
 4  w1  w 2  r21  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w1  w 2 )r 2  .
The coefficient before the curly braces is equal to the the zero, first, second, third and fourth order. All the summands,
corresponding coefficient before the dynamic gradient force; i.e., except one containing the fourth derivative, decrease as r2. The
they both have the same multiplicity. But this force depends on term containing fourth derivative decreases as r. Just like the
the differences of first, second, third and fourth time derivatives. gradient part, this part contains terms directed along the radius
The square brackets contain scalar products of such derivatives. and the “deforming” static force of gravity.
The vectors pointing direction of the corresponding forces stay By revealing the triple vector products in (8.1.17) one obtains:
before the square brackets. They are radius vector derivatives of
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 59

γm 1 m2  
r21 r21  ( w 2  w1 )  2( w 2  w1 )  ( w 2  w1 )   2  v 1  v 2   ( w 2  w1 )  ( w 2  w1 )  
F21 
4πa3r 3  

r 
 ( w1  w 2 ) 
4( v 1  v 2 ) 
r 

 

 r21  r21  ( w1  w2 )    2( v 1  v 2 )r21  ( w 2  w1 )  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w 2  w1 )  (8.1.19)

r21  ( w2  w1 )  ( w2  w1 )r21  ( w 2  w1 ) . 
This force is a3 inverse, in contrast to the (8.1.18) force. If In contrast to Huygens force (8.1.15) forces (8.1.18) and
permanent acceleration a with which gravity moves is big (8.1.19) are not zero if one of the masses is in rest or moves with
enough, this means that this force is modulo less as (8.1.18) (the constant velocity. This means that the first Newton law is not
first part of Newtonian gravidynamic force) as dynamic part of universal and a certain although small additional force appears
the gradient force (8.1.15) (Huygens force). Just as in (8.1.18) between masses moving with constant velocities. Forces (8.1.18)
vectors pointing force direction stay before square brackets in and (8.1.19) does not contain static item in contrast to Huygens
(8.1.19). They are radius vector and velocities and accelerations force (8.1.15), i.e., they are zero if both masses are in rest. If
differences Scalar values constructed from different radius-vector masses m1 and m2 move with equal velocities, accelerations, the
time derivatives from zero up to the fourth order stay in square third and the fourth time derivatives force (8.1.18) is zero but in
brackets. They determine values of the corresponding force. general force directed along radius is not zero in (8.1.19)
(8.1.19) contains items directed along radius and predicting force expression. One obtains finally: gravidynamic force acting on
deforming static force just as in the case of forces (8.1.15) and mass m1 from moving mass m2 is

1  F2  F 3   γm1m2 γm1m2  3(r21  w1 )  (r21  w 2 ) 

F21  F21 r21  w 1  (r21  w 2 )  w 2  (r21  w 1 )  r21  
4πr 3a2 
21 21
4πr 3 r2 
γm1m2 
  w1  w 2    r21  ( w1  w 2 )   2  v 1  v 2   ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w1  w 2 )   2  v 1  v 2    r21  ( w1  w 2 )  
4πa2r 3 
3 4  
2r21   ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w1  w 2 )   r21   r21  ( w1  w 2 )   r21  2  ( w1  w 2 )  ( v 1  v 2 )  (r21  w 1 )  r21  r21  (r21  w 2 )   
r  r   (8.1.20)
γm1m2 
 (r 21  w 2 )  (r21  w1 )  (r21  w 2 )  (r21  w 1 )   w 1  w 2   (r21  w 1 )  (r21  w 2 )   2 ( v 1  v 2 )  w 2    r21  w 1  
4πa3r 3 
2  ( v 1  v 2 )  w 2    ( v 1  v 2 )  w1   2  ( v 1  v 2 )  w 2    r21  w1   2  r21  w 2    ( v 1  v 2 )  w 1   2  r21  w 2    r21  w 1  
3 4 
 
2  r21  w 2    ( v 1  v 2 )  w1   r21  2  ( w 1  w 2 )  ( v 1  v 2 )  (r21  w 1 )  r21  r21  (r21  w 2 )  .
  r  

We obtain the following formula revealing triple vector products here

γm1m2 γm1m2  3(r21  w1 )(r21  w 2 )  γm1m2   2

F21   3
r21  2 3  w1 (r21  w 2 )  w 2 (r21  w1 )  r21 ( w1  w 2 )  r21   r21 ( w1  w 2 ) 
4πr 4πa r  r2  4πa2r 3  

2  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w1  w 2 )  r21  ( w1  w 2 ) 
 ( w1  w 2 ) 
r2 
4( v 1  v 2 ) 
r 

  r21  r21  ( w 1  w 2 )   
2  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( v 1  v 2 )   w1  w 2   r21   w1  w 2     w1  w 2   r21   w1  w 2   2( v 1  v 2 )2  
 γm 1 m2  
 4  w1  w 2  r21  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w1  w 2 )r 2   r21 r21  ( w 2  w 1 )  2( w 2  w 1 )  ( w 2  w 1 )  
 4πa3r 3  
2  v 1  v 2    ( w 2  w1 )  ( w 2  w1 )   2  ( w1  w 2 ) 
r 
4( v 1  v 2 ) 
r  
  r21  r21  ( w1  w 2 )  
 

2( v 1  v 2 ) r21  ( w 2  w1 )  ( v 1  v 2 )  ( w 2  w 1 )  r21  ( w 2  w 1 ) ( w 2  w 1 ) r21  ( w 2  w 1 ) . 
8.2. Examples
Example 1 Let angle between r21 and w1 be θ. It is equal to angle
Let two masses m1 and m2 move with equal accelerations between r21 and w2. Dynamic part of Newton force is zero for
w1 = w2 = w along parallel straight lines, i.e., such masses and gradiental part looks as follows

w1  w2  w2 . (8.2.1)
60 8. On Gravidynamic Forces

γm1m2 Here θ is again the angle between r21, and d is just as in the
F21   r21 
4πr 3 previous example.
γm1m2 We have obtained a formula very similar to (8.2.2). It is
 [2wrw cosθ  r21 w2 (1  3cos2 θ)]. interesting because it shows a constructive way to “anti-
4πr 3a2
gravitation”. The masses should oscillate “side by side”. The
Dynamic force directed along radius and deforming static one static gravitational force will be overcome when
(second item in square brackets) depends on θ, i.e., depends on
the masses location with respect to each other. A2w4 cos2 ωt  a2 . (8.2.5)
When (1 – 3cos2θ) = 0 (i.e., at about 55° and 125°), the Example 3
dynamic radial force is zero. When θ is in the interval [0°, 55°], Let mass m1 rotate around static mass m2 with constant
or θ is in the interval (125°, 180°), the force is negative, and tangential speed v1, i.e., with constant centripetal acceleration w1.
reinforces the static part. When θ is in the interval [55°, 125°], the For this case the gradient force is zero because one of the masses
force is positive, and it weakens the static force. The force is static. The greater part of the terms in Newtonian dynamic
directed along acceleration (the first item in square brackets) is force, which contain third and fourth derivatives, are also zero.
zero when θ = 90°, i.e., if masses fly “side by side”. When θ is in We obtain
the interval (180°, 90°) (the first mass is behind), this force is
directed along acceleration, and increases acceleration of the first γm1m2 γm1m2
F21   r21  [w12r21  (2 v12  rw1 )w1 ] . (8.2.6)
mass (the second mass “helps” the first one). When θ is in the 4πr 3 4πr 3a2
interval (90°, 0°) (the first mass is ahead), this force is directed
Taking into account that
against the first mass acceleration (the second mass “brakes” the
first mass movement). Force of equal magnitude and opposite v 12
w1   r21 , (8.2.7)
direction is applied to the second mass. This means that masses r2
strive for moving “side by side”. We observe such an effect in the
movement of planets. The effect is just the strict analogue for the i.e., that centripetal force is anti-parallel to the radius vector, we
corresponding effect in generalized electrodynamics, where it obtain that items in square bracket in (8.2.6) are mutually
manifests in the cluster effect in particular: when chargers annihilated and only static part remains (the first item in (8.2.6)).
velocities are high, they gather together in clusters instead of We could predict this result if we gazed more attentively at
scattering because of Coulomb force. formula (8.1.13) which determines gravimagnetic field. The first
Example 2 item in it for mass m2 is zero because it is static (w2 = 0), and it is
Let under conditions of the previous example accelerations also zero for m1 because w1 is anti-parallel to radius vector.
are not constant but masses oscillate along parallel straight lines Vector product of radius-vector to radius-vector is zero in
with amplitude A and angular speed ω, i.e., contrast to scalar product which participates in gradiental part of
the formula where it determines static part (static Newton force).
w1  w2   A2w2 cosωtd, (8.2.3) Let us repeat the idea already mentioned above: the formula
for magnetic fields interaction does not contain a static part, in
here d is unit vector determining direction of the straight lines contrast to the interaction formula for electric and gravitational
along which oscillations take place. Newtonian dynamic force fields.
here is again zero and gradiental one looks as follows Astronomical observations show that additional forces
γm1m2 appear between moving planets and Sun. This means that the
F21   r21  planets and the Sun are “gravitational ferromagnetic”, i.e., they
4πr 3
(8.2.4) are stable gravimagnets. Special investigation will be devoted to
γm1m2 A2w4 cos2 ωt
 [2r cosθ  d  (1  3cos2 θ)r21 ]. this case.
4πr 3a2

9. The Second Continuity Equation

In this paragraph, an equation generalizing the classical
continuity equation for the case of accelerated motion is
proposed. It turns out to be useful in the description of gravity.
 ρ dV .
t (9.2)

Let v be fluid velocity, and ρ be its density, and Q be the total

Here and below the lower index t means partial derivative with
fluid inside a surface S. The time rate of change of Q, or, this is
respect to time t. With the help of Gauss’ theorem, one finds for
the same, the rate of the fluid leaking through a surface S, is
any volume V

 ρv dS ,
n (9.1)

 (ρ   ρv)dV  0.
where vn is the projection of v on the external normal to S,
This is satisfied if
indicated by n, On the other hand, the rate of change fluid in the
volume V is ρt   ρv  0. (9.3)
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 61

which is the classical continuity equation. If the flow is equations should be valid simultaneously, and (9.3) can be used
accelerated, then the second total derivative with respect to t in to simplify (9.7).
(9.1) will also be non-zero. One obtains: One gets finally

d 2Q ρtt   ρvt  0. (9.8)

dt 2

 (ρv
n )t  vn (  ρv) dS 
Eqs. (9.3) and (9.8) must be valid simultaneously for
  (ρv)  v( ρv)dV .
 accelerated processes. (9.8) becomes an identity for non-
accelerated processes. Both (9.3) and (9.8) are kinematic facts, and
are not dependent on any assumptions except the assumption
On the other hand, the acceleration with which density ρ changes that there are no sources of fluid inside the volume under
in volume V is consideration. If necessary, exactly analogous conclusions could
be drawn for higher rank derivatives.
d 2Q
dt 2
 ρ dV ,
tt (9.5) The continuity equation, Eq. (9.3), is widely used in physics,
and is understood as the mathematical expression of
conservation laws. The above said means that this assumption is
i.e., correct only for steady processes. In particular, it is acceptable
when the electric charge conservation law is obtained from
 ρ   (ρv)  v( ρv) dV  0
tt t (9.6) Maxwell equations.
But Eq. (9.3) becomes only a necessary condition when an
for any V. accelerated process, or a processes depending on the third and
fourth time derivatives, is investigated. In particular, we need
ρtt   (ρv)t  v( ρv)  0. (9.7) Eq. (9.8) when a mass conservation law is obtained from
gravidynamic equations.
If the flow is steady, i.e., if ρtt  0, and vt  0, , then one can
easily verify that (9.7) comes to (9.3). On the whole, both

10. On Logarithm Principle

The proposed principle is a variational one. Variational shows that persons cannot use mean selecting different lotteries.
principles have become a real philosophy of science. The most Daniel Bernoulli proposed a system of axioms which solved the
famous among them is the principle of minimum action. It is paradox and which implied assertion that utility function is a
widely used to obtain physical fields’ equations. The impulse to logarithmic one.
its creation was the brachistochrone problem proposed by In paper [29] author proposed a modification of Bernoulli’s
Johann Bernoulli. This was the first step to realization that real axioms. This modification enables us to formulate a variational
trajectories in Nature have extremal character. principle calls “Logarithm Principle”. The aim of this principle
Nicolas Bernoulli proposed a problem which he called was to find equations of “socio-economic development”. But
“St. Petersburg paradox”. In contrast to physical brachistochrone later it became clear for the author that economy and sociology
problem had socioeconomic character and considered the are not ready for strict mathematical analyses. At last Logarithm
problem of money utility for individuals. The very paradox Principle was applied to analyses of physics.

10.1. The Basis for the Logarithm Principle

Variational principles are mathematically formulated Principle must be considered as preferable on the following
philosophical assumtions on the very general laws of Nature. basis. Newtonian law of gravity is just a natural special case for
Their correctness is based the validity of their consequences. It any mass and not for the mass striving to zero as it in GRT
was mentioned above that the principle’s consequences in socio- Planet’s perihelium shift and gravitational red shift which are
economic sciences were not verified because the sciences were considered today as GRT corroboration are also implied into
not ready for strict mathematical analyses. Therefore only the gravidynamic theory. In addition the Gravidynamic Theory of
validness of the physical fields’ equations obtained with the obtained from Logarithm Principle predicts many other
principle assistance may be considered as its corroboration. observations explained at all today. They are: Phobos falling on
The Logarithm Principle yields equations for electric field Mars, the different rotation of the Sun and gasoliquid planets, the
potentials and heat transfer. They are widely known and verified proximity of natural satellites’’ orbits to equatorial planes of the
in physical practice. central body, the Earth’s continental drift, the observed type of
But equations of gravidynamic field which are also the atmosphere and ocean currents, the source of energy, the source
principle’s corollary do not coincide with General Relativity of energy for Earth’s magnetic field and some others.
Theory, nevertheless the equations obtained from Logarithm
62 10. On Logarithm Principle

10.2. The Scientific and Practical Use of the Logarithm Principle

The Logarithm Principle is the instrument which enables us p!
Here c  c1 . c will be called the field constant.
to mathematically formulate and describe development of socio- (k  p)!
economic and physical processes. Mathematically it looks as Logarithm Principle. Equation (10.2.7) defines a plane wave for
traditional principle of minimal active in which Lagrangian is field subpotentials for some k and p. This field’s constant is c in
changed for a logarithmic function. Let us introduce some (10.2.7).
definitions beforehand. The equation for subpotentials is
Let it be time, (х, у, z) is point in three dimensional Euclidian
space, A = (A1, A2, A3) is vector and φ is scalar potentials of a  k  pB  k  pB  k  pB 1  pB
    0, (10.2.8)
field. And let A and φ satisfy the equations x k  p yk  p z k  p c t p

 2m A  2m A  2m A 1  2n A k  p ψ k  p ψ k  p ψ 1  p ψ
    0, (10.2.1)     0, (10.2.8a)
x 2m y2m z 2m c2 t 2n x k  p yk  p z k  p c t p

 2m  2m  2m 1  2n The corresponding equation for potentials is

 2m
 2m
 2 2n
 0. (10.2.1a)
x y z c t
2(k  p) A 2(k  p) A 2(k  p) A 1 2 p A
    0, (10.2.9)
where c is the field constant characterizing its movement, m, x 2(k  p) y2(k  p) z 2(k  p) c2 t 2 p
n = 1, 2, … . 2(k  p)φ 2(k  p)φ 2(k  p)φ 1 2 pφ
    0. (10.2.9a)
Definition. Vector-function B = (B1, B2, B3) and function ψ x 2(k  p) y2(k  p) z 2(k  p) c2 t 2 p
satisfying the equations
Eqs. (10.2.8), (10.2.8a), (10.2.9), (10.2.9a) describe waves in
 mB  mB  mB 1  n B empty space. For the processes with sources charges will stay in
    0, (10.2.2)
x m ym z m c 2 t n the right hand part for scalar potentials and currents for vector
m ψ m ψ m ψ 1 n ψ ones
    0, (10.2.2а)
x m ym z m c 2 t n Example 1
k = 0, p = 1.
are called subpotentials corresponding A and φ. A and φ are Eq. (10.2.6) becomes
called potentials corresponding B and ψ.
Let us consider the following variational problem х  c1t  с2.

t2 c1 has dimension of velocity. If this is light velocity we obtain

(k ln x  p ln x )dt . (10.2.3) equation for electric field subpotentials in the space without
B B B 1 B
Here x is space variable, k and p are some integer numbers,     0, (10.2.10)
x y z c t
p > 0, k + p > 0.
ψ ψ ψ 1 ψ
Euler extremal equation for (10.2.3)     0, c  c1 . (10.2.11)
x y z c t
pxx  kx2  0, (10.2.4)
On historic reasons the concept of subpotentials was not
where x is velocity and x is acceleration. introduced for electric field and only potentials were considered.
The total integral is (10.2.10) and (10.2.11) enables us to write potential equations for
electric field:
x  c3t  c4 k p , c3 , c4  const. (10.2.5) 2 A 2 A 2 A 1 2 A j
     e2 , (10.2.12)
x 2 y2 z 2 c2 t 2 ε0c
Let us raise it to the (k + p) power and consider partial solution
with c4 = 0. We obtain  2 φ  2 φ  2 φ 1  2φ ρ
    e . (10.2.13)
x 2 y2 z 2 c2 t 2 ε0
x k  p  c3t .
Here je is electric current density, ρе is electric charges destiny, ε0
Let us consider trajectory family on the plane (x, t) is dielectric constant. We have obtained wave equation.
Example 2
x k  p  c1t p  c2 , (10.2.6) k = –1, p = 2.
Eq. (10.2.6) is
where c2 is a voluntary constant, c1 is the constant characteristing
the field. The curves (10.2.6) are characteristics of the following x  a1t 2  c2 .
equation in partial derivatives
a1 has dimension of acceleration. It is natural to link the
k  p ψ 1  p ψ corresponding field with gravity. Subpotentials for such field in
  0. (10.2.7)
x k  p c 2 t p empty space look as
Chapter 2. Gravidynamics 63

B B B 1 2B 2B 2B 2B 1 B

    0, (10.2.14)     0, (10.2.18)
x y z a t 2 2 x y2 z 2 b t
ψ ψ ψ 1 2 ψ 2 ψ 2 ψ 2 ψ 1 ψ
    0, a  2a1 . (10.2.15)     0, b  ½b1 . (10.2.19)
x y z a t 2 x 2 y2 z 2 b t

In the previous section this field and its manifestations were The corresponding potentials are solutions of the following
considered in details. Gravitational potentials look as system

2 A 2 A 2 A 1  4 A 4πγ  4 A  4 A  4 A 1 2 A αj
 2  2  2 4   jg 2 , (10.2.16) 4
 4  4  2 2  2 , (10.2.20)
x y z a t a x y z b t b
2φ 2φ 2φ 1  4φ  4 φ  4 φ  4φ 1  2 φ
    ρ g  4πγ. (10.2.17)     αρ g . (10.2.21)
x 2 y2 z 2 a2 t 4 x 4 y4 z 4 b2 t 2

Here γ is gravitational constant, ρg is mass density, jg is Here α characterizes this field in ether, j is the current. Its
gravitational current density, a is gravitational field constant. definition demands additional consideration.
Example 3
k = 1, p = 1.
Eq. (10.2.6) becomes

x  b1t  c2 .

b1 has dimention of diffusion coefficient. We connect the

corresponding field with the concept of calory. Its subpotentials
look as
64 11. Introduction to Chapter 3

11. Introduction to Chapter 3
In 1969 symposium on thermodynamics took place in the comes naturally: the thermodynamic charge frequency. The
USA. That’s what Stuart, Gal-Or and Brainard write in the thermodynamic charge is understood as axial vector modulo
preface to its Proceedings: “A growing number of scientists equal to Planck’s constant.
believe today that the very foundation of present-day But what is thermodynamic process? Why should we limit
thermodynamic theories should be reexamined and perhaps ourselves with only not completely understandable? The answer
modified. The constant search towards better thermodynamic is: such is the definition of entropy. But perhaps present-day
theories is not merely a logical necessity, but is mainly due to the entropy definition and correspondingly its physical meaning is
failure of classical, statistical and relativistic thermodynamics to not satisfactory? Perhaps a generalized definition can be
solve and eliminate the existing problems, inconsistencies and proposed which fits equilibrium processes and can be used for
paradoxes inherent in present-day thermodynamic theories…” non-equilibrium ones? Such definition is proposed and it turns to
All the paragraphs below are an attempt to answer this be quite analogous to the light wave description.
necessity and solve the problem at least partly. This author The non-equilibrium processes consideration puts a problem
believes that the first step on the way to find the answer is of the medium in which it takes place. It becomes clear that there
reexamination of the initial assumptions of the present-day are media in which efficiency coefficient is bigger than one. The
theory and the only base for such reexamination can be clear corresponding characteristics for such media are formulated. One
physical sense of the thermodynamic processes. The basis for can say this in another way: it becomes clear that we can not only
such understanding in the electrodynamic part of the book was lose energy in thermodynamic processes but also obtain it from
introduction of mechanic dimensions for electrodynamic values. the field. Characteristics of liquid helium are considered as an
Introduction of mechanic dimensions for thermodynamic values example contradicting the second law of thermodynamics.
is the foundation for understanding here. The concept of Surfacive movement concept puts a question of present-day
surfacive velocity immediately leads to understanding of rotation description. An idea of three-dimension vector rotation
Brownian movement and physical sense of temperature. is proposed. It helps to solve some problems connecting with
In addition it becomes immediately clear that heat has Euler’s angles and light wave description. It becomes clear that
dimension of frequency. The frequency of what? The answer light wave is rather thermodynamic that electric phenomenon.

12. On the Vector Angle

A concept of vector angle has not been introduced in principal problems: necessity to use only “small angles” and
mechanics up till now. Rotation in a fixed plane is described in these angles’ noncommutativity. As these authors believes a
terms of antisymmetric tensor or vector product. Three- concept of vector angle deprived of these problems is proposed
dimensional rotation is described with the help of Euler’s angles in this article.
[43]. But in addition to its bulkiness this method meets some

12.1. Necessary Mathematical Apparatus

Developments in real three dimensional physical spaces are where
usually described mathematically as follows. The set
Y1  X2  X3 , Y2  X3  X1 , Y3  X1  X2 . (12.1.5)
X   Xi , i  1,2,3, (12.1.1)
Here X and X′, X = (X1, X2, X3), X′ = (X 1′, X 2′ , X 3′ ) are axial
which is direct topological product of three real numerical lines. coordinate system identicaly put on each other. As above symbol
Axioms of linear space are naturally defined on X. Usually unit ⊗ means direct set product. One can say that the developments
polar vectors i, j, k directed along axis X1, X2, X3 correspondingly in the same three-dimensional space we are going to describe in
are taken as orthonormal basis. Radius-vector in such three- terms of coordinate planes. One can directly verify that Y in (1.4)
dimensional space is defined by its projections is a linear space.
Really sum y1 + y2, y1, y2 ∈ Y in traditional sense corresponds
r  x1i  x2 j  x3k, x1  X1 , x2  X2 , x3  X3 . (12.1.2)
two points y1  ( y11 , y21 , y31 ) and y 2  ( y12 , y22 , y32 ) which also
Its module belong to Y. Vector αy corresponds to any number α and vector
y: all elements y are multiplied by α. Vector 0 identically equal
| r | x12  x22  x32 (12.1.3)
zero plays role of zero.
One can introduce already axial orthonormal basis in Y using
defines Euclidian metric on X.
polar basis i, j, k in Xand i′, j′, k′ in X ′.
Let us consider three following sets in addition to X:
l  j k, m  k  i, n  i  j. (12.1.6)
Y  Yi , i  1,2,3, (12.1.4)
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 65

Radius-vector of point y in Y Actually we have prescribed a new characteristic to the

movement x′(t) ∈ X′. We shall see soon that such characteristic is
R  y1 l  y2m  y3n. (12.1.7)
vector angle, describing rotation of moving point. Axial
Its module coordinates xi and xi′ coincide. For instance points (x1; x2′ ) and
(x1′; x2) in Y3 plane coincide, i.e. thet defines the same point
| R | y12  y22  y32  x22 x32  x12 x32  x12 x22 . (12.1.8) y3 ∈ Y3. But when we express y2 ∈ Y2 with the help of axis, i.e.
define point (x2; x3′ ), generaly speaking we can’t take x2 as the x2′
A trajectory y(t) ∈ Y corresponds to any trajectory x′(t) in X′. The ifconstructing y3 we had taken the pair (x1; x2′ ). Let us say this in
corresponding mapping is defined by tensor the other way. We need six axis to construct threedimensial plane
coordinate system. The problems appearing when we construct
0 x3 x2   x1 (t ) 
   plane system with the help of three axis (coordination demand) is
y(t )  A( x(t ))   x3 0 x1   x2 (t )  . (12.1.9) considered below.
 
 x2 x1 0   x3 (t ) 

12.2. Definition of the term ‘Vector Angle’

Let us consider the plane Y3 = X1 ⊗ X′2 and any point (x1, x′2) Vector angle set Φ is subspace of the space Y with the same
on it (fig. 12.2.1). basis (l, m, n). Norm of its elements is

| φ | φ12  φ22  φ23 , (12.2.7)

x′2 Scalar and vector products are

φ11φ12  φ12φ22  φ13φ23
φ3 φ1  φ2  , (12.2.8)
| φ1 || φ2 |
l m n
Fig. 12.2.1. Y3 plane.
φ1  φ2  φ11 φ12 φ13 . (12.2.9)
Area x1·x′2 normalized by squared radius
φ12 φ22 φ23
2  x 2  x2 ,
r12 (12.2.1)
1 2
Total time derivative of (12.2.4)–(12.2.6) supplies us with
defines angle φ3 sine and cosine product vector angular velocity
x1 x2 1
 sin φ3  cosφ3  sin2φ3 . (12.2.2) 1 dz3 x2 x1  x1 x2
r12 2 ω3   . (12.2.10)
1  4 z32 dt x12  x22
Let z3 be the left part of (12.2.2). One obtains
One obtains in the same way other projections
sin2φ3  2z3 . (12.2.3)
x2 x3  x3 x2
ω2  . (12.2.11)
Let us find function x32  x22
arcsin(sin2φ3 )  arcsin2z3 . (12.2.3a) x3 x1  x1 x3
ω1  . (12.2.12)
x12  x32
One obtains

dz3 We can obtain angular accelerations differentiating (12.2.10)–

φ3 
 1  4 z32
. (12.2.4) (12.2.12).

dω3 x1 2 x1 x2 x

We have found a projection of three-dimensional vector angle ε3   x2  ( x22  x12 )  2 2 2 x1 , (12.2.13)
dt x1  x22
2 ( x1  x2 )
2 2 2 x1  x2
φ = (φ1, φ2, φ3) on the plane Y3, expressed by this plane
dω2 x3 2 x2 x3 x
coordinate y3 = x1·x2. We obtain other projections in the same ε2   2 x1  2 ( x22  x32 )  2 2 2 x3 , (12.2.14)
way dt x2  x3
2 ( x2  x3 )
2 2 x2  x3
dω1 x 2 x1 x3 x3
dz1  2 1 2 x3  2 ( x32  x12 )  2
φ1 
 1  4 z12
. (12.2.5) ε1 
dt x1  x3 ( x1  x3 )
2 2 x1  x32
x1 . (12.2.15)


φ2  , (12.2.6) Here ε = (ε1, ε2, ε3) is angular vector acceleration.
1  4 z22 We have expressed rotation with the help of “length” space
The sign in the right hand (12.2.4), (12.2.6) defines the
direction of the angle counting. In future we shall take “+”.
66 12. On the Vector Angle

12.3. The Link between the Descriptions of Movement in the Space of Lengths and the Space of Angles
1. Direct problem. 
It is necessary to describe rotation in angular space knowing  x1  r2 cos(ω2t  C2 ), x3  r2 sin(ω2t  C2 ),

its characteristics in length space.  x1  r2 sin(ω2t  C2 ), x3  r2 cos(ω2t  C2 ), (12.3.5)
Solution: direct substitution in the right hand part of (12.2.10) 
r2  x32  x12 ;
–(12.2.12). 
Let ψ1(t) = ν1t, ψ2(t) = ν2t, ψ3(t) = ν3t be direction cosines in  x  r sin(ω t  C ), x  r cos(ω t  C ),
 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 3
the length space, νi (i = 1, 2, 3) are angular velocities, i.e., the 
 
 x2  r3 cos(ω3t  C 3 ), x1  r3 sin(ω3t  C 3 ), (12.3.6)
movement is defined by the equations 
r3  x12  x22 .
x1  r cos(ν1t ), x2  r cos(ν2t ), x3  r cos(ν3t ). (12.3.1)
Coordinates (12.3.4)–(12.3.6) with identical indices are not equal
Here r is radius-vector modulus and t is time.
in different expressions, i.e., they are not projections of a radius-
x1  v cos(ν1t )  ν1r sin(ν1t ), vector in length space on axises. The cause of it is
x2  v cos(ν2t )  ν2r sin(ν2t ), (12.3.2) understandable: ωi (i = 1, 2, 3) are defined on coordinate planes
x3  v cos(ν3t )  ν3r sin(ν3t ). and a point on a plane cannot uniquely define a point on an axis.
We are compelled to demand validness of coordination condition
Here v is velocity modulus. Thus the first items describe for (12.3.4)–(12.3.6), i.e. coordinates with identical indices are
rectilinear part of the motion and the second ones its torsion al equal. Then, from geometric considerations the following relation
part. for angular velocities takes place:
One obtains substituting (12.3.1)–(12.3.2) into (12.2.10)–
tan(ω3t  C3 )  tan(ω2t  C2 )  tan(ω1t  C1 )  1. (12.3.7)

ν1 sin(ν1t )cos(ν2t )  ν2 sin(ν2t )cos(ν1t ) This condition for angles looks as follows:
ω3  ,
cos2 (ν1t )  cos2 (ν2t ) tanφ3 (t )  tanφ2 (t )  tanφ1 (t )  1. (12.3.7a)
ν3 sin(ν3t )cos(ν1t )  ν1 sin(ν1t )cos(ν 3t )
ω2  , (12.3.3) We have actually proved two theorems.
cos2 (ν1t )  cos2 (ν3t )
Direct theorem. To any rotation with angular velocity ν in
ν2 sin(ν2t )cos(ν3t )  ν3 sin(ν 3t )cos(ν2t ) the length space corresponds a rotation with angular velocity ω
ω1  .
cos2 (ν2t )  cos2 (ν3t ) in the angular space.
Inverse theorem. In order a rotation with angular velocity ω
The rectilinear part of the motion has disappeared. Here we do in the angular space corresponds to an angular velocity ν in the
not distinguish points xi ∈ Xi and x′i ∈ X ′i because initialy we length space, it is necessary and sufficient that ω components
constructed movement considering Xi and X ′i as identical ones. satisfy condition (12.3.7).
2. Inverse problem. The geometric cause of such asymmetry is that any motion in
It is necessary to describe rotation in the length space the length space is described as trajectory and in the angular
knowing angular velocity in the angular one. space as a surficial one. One can suppose that quantum particle
The following functions are solutions of system (12.2.10)– motion needs just surficial description.

 x3  r1 cos(ω1t  C1 ), x2  r1 sin(ω1t  C1 ),

 x3  r1 sin(ω1t  C1 ), x2  r1 cos(ω1t  C1 ), (12.3.4)

r1  x22  x32 ;

12.4. Vector product of vectors from the length space and the angle space.
When rotation along circles is considered they usually say
 0 φ 3 φ2 
about vector product of radius-vector and angular velocity  
r  φ  ( x1 , x2 , x3 )  φ3 0 φ1  
 0 ω 3 ω 2    (12.4.1a)
   φ2 ω1 0 
r  ω  ( x1 , x2 , x3 )  ω3 0 ω1  
  (12.4.1)  ( x2φ3  x3φ2 ,  x1φ3  x3φ1 , x1φ1  x2φ1 ),
 ω2 ω1 0 
 ( x2ω3  x3ω2 ,  x1ω3  x3ω1 , x1ω2  x2ω1 ). which describes radius-vector rotation.
If r is constant we obtain
Vector angle theory obtains angular velocity as vector angle
time derivative, i.e., we start not from tensor correlation (12.4.1) (r  φ)  r  ω,
with angular velocity but from equality
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 67

We have come to traditional understanding. There is a drawback in such definition: the orts are not
indicated here. They usually avoid the problem reducing it to
mnemonic rule:

i j k
r  ω  x1 x2 x3  i( x2ω3  x3ω2 )  j( x1ω3  x3ω1 )  k( x1ω2  x2ω1 ). (12.4.2)
ω1 ω2 ω3

Eqs. (12.4.1) and (12.4.2) describe rotation in a fixed plane. In The problem is that when we define product for vectors from
order to describe three-dimensional rotation usually Euler’s length and angles spaces we must take into account the orts in
angles are used [44]. We shall not stop on the problems of such the spaces. Otherwise we are not able to define direction of the
description; the corresponding specialists know them very well obtained product.
[45]–[47]. Let us consider the problems which appear in the Definition. Vector product of radius-vector r and vector
concept of vector angles. angle φ is defined by the equality

1 1 1
r φ  x1 i x2 j x3 k  x2φ3 ( j  n)  x3φ2 ( k  m)  x1φ3 (i  n)  x3φ1 ( k  l )  x1φ2 (i  m)  x2φ1 ( j  l ) 
φ1 l φ2m φ3n
 ( x2φ3  x3φ2 )i  ( x3φ1  x1φ3 ) j  ( x1φ2  x2φ1 )k  (12.4.3)
 ( x2φ3  x3φ2 )i  ( x3φ1  x1φ3 ) j  ( x1φ2  x2φ1 )k  2( x3φ2 )i  2( x1φ 3 ) j  2( x2φ1 )k.

This is in tensor interpretation The velocity of movement (12.4.3)

 0 φ3 φ 2   x2 ω 3  x 3 φ 2  1 1 1 1 1 1
    d
r φ  ( x1 , x2 , x3 )  φ3 0 φ1    x1φ 3  x3φ1   (r φ)  v1 i v2 j v3 k  x1 i x2 j x3 k 
    dt
 φ2 φ1 0   x1φ2  x2φ1  φ1 l φ2m φ3n ω1 l ω2m ω3n
(12.4.4) (12.4.7)
 x2 ω 3  x 3 φ 2  2 x 3 φ 2 
T  i( v2φ3  v3φ2  x2ω3  x3ω2 ) 
   j( v1φ3  v3φ1  x1ω3  x3ω1 ) 
  x1φ3  x3φ1  2 x1φ3  .
   k( v1φ2  v2φ1  x1ω2  x2ω1 ).
 x1φ2  x2φ1  2 x2φ1 
Here vi, ωi (i = 1, 2, 3) are velocities and angular velocities of the
r is multiplied by symmetric tensor.
considered point.
Thus if we want to take into account the rotation plane
Its acceleration is
movement in three-dimensional space we must multiply radius-
vector r not by antisymmetric but symmetric tensor. Let 1 1 1 1 1 1
symmetric tensor in (12.4.3) be A and antisymmetric tensor in d2
( r φ )  a1 i a2 j a3 k  2 v1 i v2 j v3 k 
(12.4.1a) be B. Let us introduce a tensor in addition dt 2
φ1 l φ 2 m φ 3 n ω1 l ω 2 m ω 3 n
 0 φ3 0 (12.4.8)
  1 1 1
C  0 0 φ1  . (12.4.5)
φ  x1 i x2 j x3 k .
 2 0 0 
ε1 l ε 2 m ε 3 n
Vector product can be rewritten in the following tensor way
Here ai, εi (i = 1, 2, 3) are projection of acceleration and angular
r φ  rA  rB  2rC . (12.4.6)
acceleration on the axises in the space of length and the planes in
Three-dimensional rotation here is described as a rotation in the space of angles correspondingly.
fixed plane (traditional definition) and an additional rotation of
the plane. We shall see soon that this addition is connected with
precession. We shall call it precession therefore.

12.5. Examples
Example #1. Rotation of massive point on rubber thread in a
fixed plane. i j k i j k
Let it be plane Y1 = X1⊗X3, i.e., rotation takes place around X1 u 0 v2 v3  0 x2 x3 . (12.5.1)
axis. In accordance with (12.2.12) and (12.4.2) velocity of such a φ1t 0 0 ω1 0 0
point is
68 12. On the Vector Angle

The first item here defines rotation because of the thread dilation of such movement becomes transverse? And how this
with velocity v = (0, v2, v3) and the second one because of transverseness is coordinated to elliptic rotation?
angular velocity ω = (ω1, 0, 0). Y1 is fixed in space. Therefore 3. Light wave comes by pulsations (photons). In order to
traditional form of vector product is used: rotation takes place coordinate this fact to traditional concept of wave an idea about
without precession. Such supposition is certainly an idealization. dual principle in nature was proposed: wave-particle [48, Ch.17],
We usually observe precession in experiments if special [49, Ch.38].
measures are not taken to suppress it. All this questions find answers if the light wave is three-
Example #2. Gyroscope precession. dimensional torsional wave.
Let the main rotation takes place around X1 axis. Eq. (12.2.12) 1. Projections of such a rotation on coordinate planes are
defines its angular velocity. Eq. (12.2.11) and (12.2.10) describe circles with pulsating radius. These circles are projected on any
precession and nutation. If coordinate x1 is fixed ( x1  0) then plane fixed in space as an ellipse with pulsating radius.
nutation is absent, i.e., precession is regular. If r is radius vector 2. Radius’ pulsations in linear projections look as transverse
of any rigid top point then the velocity is defined by the second oscillations.
determinant in (12.4.7). If the top is distorted the whole 3. Not only coordinate planes’ radius-vectors pulsate the very
expression (12.4.7) describes the process. The velocity radius r in lengths’ space also pulsate (12.4.7). Such wave comes
v = (v1, v2, v3) is the velocity of deformation. to detector by portions (photons).
Example #3. Light wave. Point velocity in such wave is defined by (12.4.7) plus
Today light wave description meets some difficulties. uniform motion with light velocity
1. Experiment show [48, §84] that linearly polarized light
1 1 1 1 1 1
wave is transverse. The conclusion is that any light wave is
transverse. Transverse waves are possible only in rigid matter. u  ic  v1i v2 j v3 k  x1i x2 j x3 k . (12.5.2)
But the space around us is not filled with rigid matter. φ1tl φ2tm φ3tn ω1 l ω2m ω3n
2. In general light wave is polarized nonlinearly but rotates
along ellipse or circle [48, §88], [49, Ch.33-1]. Why do linearizing

13. The Field View on Thermodynamics

13.1. Necessary Mathematical Apparatus
Let us repeat our scheme for greater clarity. As a first step
dR dy dy dy3
coordinate planes were introduced instead of coordinate axes.  l 1 m 2 n 
dt dt dt dt (13.1.1)
Pseudovectors l, m, n are normals to these planes. Let us note
that although the points in the new space Y are characterized by  l( x2v3  x3v2 )  m( x1v3  x3v1 )  n( x1v2  x2v1 ).
six coordinates of the initial three dimensional space X, we do
Here v = (v1, v2, v3) is a velocity in X. Velocity (13.1.1) can be
not leave three dimensional space because 3 additional
described with the help of tensor. It is described by the
constraints are put on the x points which define y points. For
symmetric tensor
instance, definition of points y1(x2, x3) and y2(x1, x3) contains the
same coordinate x3. But although the unique point y(y1, y2, y3) 0 x3 x2 
corresponds to any point x(x1, x2, x3) and the unique trajectory  
A   x3 0 x1  , (13.1.2)
y(t) corresponds to any trajectory x(t) the inverse assertion is  
invalid: a family of trajectories correspond to any trajectory in Y.  x2 x1 0

This fact solves some paradoxes in quantum mechanics: the applied to velocities in X, i.e.,
dual character of the concepts of wave and particle, the capability
for electron to be at different space points at the same time, etc. 0 x3 x2   v1 
dR   
The cause is that trajectories in X space turn out to be twisted.  A( v )   x3 0 x1   v2  (13.1.3)
dt  
The above said can be applied to rotation spaces Φ and Ψ:
 x2 x1 0   v3 
rotation in Φ defines the only rotation in Ψ, the inverse assertion
is invalid. When we speak about a second rank tensor, we actually
The movement of a ball or a bullet is an example of speak about a surface. Therefore, velocities (13.1.1) and (13.1.3)
movement in spaces X and Φ. The movement of a Brownian are called surfalinear, or thermodynamic or wave velocities. The
particle or an electron in atom is an example of movement in ground for the second and third names will become clearer later.
spaces Y and Ψ. Accurate investigation of physical causes of And what type of movement corresponds to surfalinear, or
these different types of movement is to be done later. simply surfacive, velocity? Rotation movement in X is usually
Let us explain the said above. Let us calculate velocity in Y described by vector product
differentiating radius-vector R = y1l + y2m + y3n with respect to
r  v, r  ( x1 , x2 , x3 ), v  (v1 , v2 , v3 ). (13.1.4)
University manuals usually recommend describing it with the
help of the determinant
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 69

l m n The axial vector n is a normal to the plane (X1, X2),

X = (X1, X2, X3), Xi are axes of the space X.
r  v  x1 x2 x3 . (13.1.5)
Using tensor B one obtains
v1 v2 v3
( x1v2  x2v1 )n  r 2ωn (13.1.13)
Let us note that the manuals recommended to use polar
vectors i, j, k in (13.1.5) and not l, m, n. We said above that such Rotation (13.1.13) is similar to the second item in (13.1.12). But
description was incorrect: the basis i, j, k leaves the movement in there is no uniform rotation in surfalinear movement. The
X but actually it takes place in Y. Therefore the basis i, j, k in multiplier cos 2φ makes such rotation rather similar to
(13.1.5) was changed for l, m, n. But we are compelled to note pendulum movement: when φ ∈ [0, π/4) the particle moves
that rotational movement can be described as a combination of decelerating into one direction, when φ ∈ [π/4, π/2) it returns
vectors in i, j, k, i.e., without tensor usage. The movement (13.1.4) accelerating, when φ ∈ [π/2, 3π/2), it goes on decelerating. When
is usually understood as movement along a circumference. The φ ∈ [3π/2, 2π) it returns accelerating. Then the cycle repeats. The
movement (13.1.5) can be more conveniently described as action velocity of such movement is proportional to the square covered
of antisymmetric tensor on v: by radius-vector.
The first item in (13.1.12) is also pendulum like because of the
 0  x3 x2   v1  sine multiplier. But its value is proportional, not to radius
  
B( v )   x3 0  x1   v2  , (13.1.6) squared, but to the product of the radius and the velocity of its
 
  x2 x1 0   v3  changing. Therefore this item is zero when the radius is stable.
The inquisitive reader can verify that the picture is
describes rotation along the surface, i.e., along the circle painted qualitatively the same in the three-dimensional case, but is
by the particle radius-vector. In other words, purely rotational complicated by the additional angle in the spherical system of
movement in a certain sense has an intermediate character coordinates.
between movements in spaces X and Y. But in general we are not Surfalinear movement kinematics introduces a new type of
able to describe velocity (13.1.3) in terms of vectors in X. phenomenon that explains at least some paradoxes in quantum
Let us introduce new tensor mechanics. Surfalinear movement of the particle can apparently
turn into curvilinear one, and vise-versa. All the causes that lead
0 x3 0
to changing surfalinear type of movement to trajectorian one
 
C  0 0 x1  (13.1.7) must be clarified in the future. But here are some examples.
x 0 0  Light photons brush against the edges of a small screen and
 2
change their trajectorian movement for surfalinear one and
Velocity in Y can be described in the following way lighten the center of its shade.
We cannot understand through which of the two apertures
 A( v )  B( v )  2C ( v ) (13.1.8) the electron penetrated because it changes its trajectorian
movement for surfalinear, having collided with the whole edge,
The symmetric tensor A is described as a sum of antisymmetric and we have lost the trajectory of its movement. But see we have
tensor B describing rotation and a certain “addition” 2C. The last explained this electron that has forced its way through the
tensor will be called interference: it imparts wave character to aperture with high frequency light and it again moves along a
particles movement. Let us summarize everything we said above. trajectory.
The following mathematical apparatus was proposed to The uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics also
describe Brownian and quantum-mechanical movement. In becomes clearer. Let us compare purely rotational and
addition to traditional three-dimensional Euclidian space X the surfalinear movement of an electron e. Let ω be its angular
six-dimensional also Euclidian space Y is introduced. Coordinate velocity and r its rotational radius. The electron’s rotational
planes of the initial space X play role of the axis in the new space. energy is
Smooth trajectories in Y are “seen” from X as rotational
Et  e r  (r  ω)  er 2ω (13.1.14)
movement with interference. Let us consider two-dimensional
movement to explain the last assertion. Let r and φ be polar
The energy of its surfalinear movement is
coordinates on the plane. One obtains
ES  eRω. (13.1.15)
x3  0, x1  r cosφ, x2  r sinφ, (13.1.9)
dr dφ And let the angular velocities for these two types of movements
vr   r, vφ  r  rω, (13.1.10)
dt dt coincide. Thus we must compare only two values:
v1  r cosφ  r sin φφ,
(13.1.11) r 2  x12  x22  x32 (13.1.16)
v2  r sin φ  r cosφφ.
Using tensor A one obtains movement with surfalinear velocity
R  ( x1 x2 )2  ( x2 x3 )2  ( x1 x3 )2 . (13.1.17)
( x1v2  x2v1 )n  r(vr sin2φ  vφ cos2φ)n 
 (rr sin2φ  φr 2 cos2φ)n. One obtains by squaring the two expressions:
70 13. The Field View on Thermodynamics

r 4  x14  x24  x34  2 x12 x22  2 x22 x32  2 x12 x32  R2  i.e.,

 x12 x22  x22 x32  x12 x32 . Pt  Ps . (13.1.20)

For the same reasons, for any particle of mass m moving with In particular, for any surfalinear velocity T, such that
velocity v we obtain for its trajectorian angular momentum as mT  ћ (13.1.21)
Pt  mvr  mr 2ω (13.1.18) one obtains

and its surfalinear impulse mvr  mT  ћ. (13.1.22)

We can say that the uncertainty principle is valid because
PS  mRω, (13.1.19)
surfalinear movement is more energetically advantageous.

13.2. Mechanical Dimensions the Thermodynamic Variables

Surfalinear velocity has dimension m2/s. It reflects the fact Here k is the Boltzmann’s constant for a separate particle. If T has
that particle covers, not a line, but rather a surface in its dimension m2/s then k has dimension kg/s. The mechanical
movement. But do such movements exist in Nature? value of the electric charge is
A Brownian particle apparently moves surfalinearely [56]. kg  rad
Just because of this fact, observations show that its movement e  7.072  1010 . (13.2.2)
time is proportional, not to its path, but rather to its path square.
We daresay that quantum paradoxes are also linked with the Assumption 2. Boltzmann’s constant is actually the electric
surfalinear type of the quantum particles movement. charge, i.e.,
But does not stochastic method solve the problem? kg  rad kg  m2
First, the probabilistic method is also used in a peculiar way. k  e  7.1  1010  1.38  1023 2 . (13.2.3)
s s K
Not the mean, but the mean square is used to describe Brownian
movement in order to take into consideration the square type This equality enables us to find degree value in mechanical
dependence of the path from time. terms:
But the main point is: “What does probabilistic description m2
1 K  1.9523  1014 . (13.2.4)
give us?” Does it increase our understanding of the objective side s  rad
of reality?
Thus we can interpreter (13.2.1) energy as energy of electron’s
In the courses for engineers, probability is usually defined as
surfalinear movement.
frequency limit. Of course, such a definition is unsatisfactory, as
The new understanding of temperature enables us to speak
for the mathematician as for the engineer. The mathematician
about the temperature of a separate particle, and not only about
hears in such definition only the fact that a sequence converges to
their ensemble, as it is now. Thus we can say about body
a limit. The words about a coin and its throwing remain only as
temperature as about surfalinear velocity’s nearness of the body
an annoying noise.
particles and avoid the bulky construction which modern
The physicist does not see in it the principal point for him:
thermodynamics is compelled to use.
“What is the physical cause for such convergence?”
In the framework of the proposed approach, surfalinear
Therefore, in the refined mathematical courses probability is
velocity is a vector, or to be more accurate, a pseudovector.
described just as a continuous in empty set normalized measure
Today, thermodynamics understands temperature as a scalar,
on sigma-algebra of Borel or Lebeg subsets. The only thing left
although it speaks about its spread. Therefore we shall also
for a physicist is to understand probability as a measure of his
understand temperature as a scalar, i.e., pseudovector’s modulus.
The same assertion is assumed valid for electric charge. The
We can say that probabilistic description is just a confession
question appears if the proposed definition of temperature is
of our incapability to understand the essence of the processes we
equivalent to the traditional one nevertheless. Certainly not in
general. As electric charge induces electric field with dimension
Let us try in this section to connect the concept of surfalinear
of trajectorian velocity m/s, so also surfalinear movement of a
velocity with physical facts for explanation of which probabilistic
particle induces a thermodynamic field with m2/s dimension.
approach is used. Nowadays we shall base our investigation on a
An electric charge movement induces a wave with phase
system of axioms-assumption from which theorems-conclusions
velocity. Electric charges ensemble movement with close
will be obtained. We follow mathematical traditions here.
velocities induces a wave with group velocity.
Assumption 1. Temperature T is actually just the surfalinear
Today, determination of temperature tells us about group
velocity of the particles or the thermodynamic wave.
velocity of the thermodynamic wave. The introduced concept of
This means that temperature has dimension m2/s. We shall
temperature of a separate particle enables us to speak about
see that thermodynamic fields also has dimension m2/s.
temperature as the phase velocity of the thermodynamic wave.
Let us consider the energy
The field approach helps us to understand the physical
E  kT . (13.2.1) essence of the energy (13.2.1): this is the energy of the surfalinear
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 71

movement of electric charges. Let us consider this energy link just surfalinear velocity must appear because now we can speak,
with heat. We shall try to do this in mechanical terms. not only about ensemble temperature, but also one particle
Assumption 3. The thermodynamic field exists, and the temperature as well, which we cannot measure nowadays. But
thermodynamic impulse (mass and surfalinear velocity product) this characteristic also turns out to be important. We shall return
modulo equal to Planck’s constant ħ is its charge. And heat is to this problem soon when thermodynamic waves are
Q  ћω. (13.2.5) considered.
If we are able to measure temperature, we can postpone the
In what follows we shall call ω = Q/ħ specific thermodynamic problem of its physical meaning for some time, having replaced
heat. the answer by its stochastic imitation.
In what aspect does the introduction of mechanical But the problem with heat in modern physics is much more
dimensions helps us? First of all, it clarifies the concept of serious. When the idea of the caloric was rejected the heat
temperature. Today it is believed necessary to separately concept turned to be suspended. Today heat is defined with the
introduce the so called “zero principle” in thermodynamics: the help of temperature, and this makes difficult to distinguish them.
supposition about temperature’s existence. But the physical Degree is introduced into calorie definition; thus heat turns out
essence of the temperature is not explained by the zero principle. to be just a linear function of the temperature and becomes
The explanation of the essence is changed for accurate undistinguishable from it.
description of its measurement procedure. When we understand energy (13.2.1) as electric charges
Mechanical terms help us to understand temperature’s movement and energy (13.2.5) as thermodynamic charges
essence and clarify the physical cause of the ergodic theorems oscillating, we separate heat and temperature concepts and
validity: the particles having different surfalinear movements return to the ideas of Descartes and Newton, and caloric concept
means they collide with each other. Therefore, temperature naturally changes for habitual for modern physics concept of
“flows” from more warm to less warm parts of the system. This field. But heat temperature and entropy turn to be frequency
process apparently just reflects movement of the ether particles. velocity and wave number of the thermodynamic wave. We
We clarify the concept of temperature when we introduce the come to field description of the thermodynamic problems.
idea of surfalinear movement. Its measuring procedure can be
left as it is now. Certainly in some time a technology to measure

13.3. The Thermodynamic Field

We plan to introduce the concept of the thermodynamic field Mechanical dimensions introduced earlier for thermodynamic
in the way this concept appears in electrodynamics. Therefore we values enable us to see that something similar is considered in
shall return to the electric field idea in the discourse, and some the thermodynamics as well.
facts from electrodynamics will be recalled in the process. The connection between heat and temperature is considered
A concept of wavenumber usually is introduced when a light as quasistatic process and usually formulated in the equity:
wave with frequency ν is moving with velocity c. Wave number
δQ  TdS. (13.3.6)
is defined as angle module derivative with respect to radius
Variation differential δ is used instead of the conventional
dφ v
k  . (13.3.1) differential in order to take into account that heat differential in
dr c
traditional discourses is not total. Following that logic, we must
The problem of vector angle and angular velocity was already write variation differential in (13.3.5) as well. But the field
mentioned above. The situation in (13.3.1) is analogous, but the approach helps us to avoid this problem.
derivative is calculated with respect to r and not time. As a result, Let us introduce the thermodynamic wave concept as an
the gradient module is obtained, and only later is its vector analogue to light wave (13.3.3)
(wave vector) introduced. The correlation (13.3.1) can be ω  Tp L. (13.3.7)
understood as the rotation angle per wavelength. It can be
expressed in different ways: Here ω is the heat, Tp is the temperature, i.e., phase surfalinear
velocity of the thermodynamic wave created by a separate
2π particle, L = S/ħ is specific entropy, i.e., wave number of the
μ , (13.3.2)
k thermodynamic wave.
v  ck. (13.3.3) One obtains after differentiating (13.3.7)
Here μ is the light wavelength, c is the light velocity. dω  LdTp  TpdL. (13.3.8)
One obtains after differentiating (13.3.3)
We start from (13.3.8) and understand entropy as wave
dv  cdk  kdc. (13.3.4) number of the thermodynamic wave. Sometimes we shall use the
If the light wave velocity is stable, the second item in (13.3.4) is concept of the thermodynamic wave square, the idea analogous
zero and to light wavelength
π  m2 
dv  cdk. (13.3.5) λ  , (13.3.9)
L  rad2 
72 13. The Field View on Thermodynamics

π  rad2  than the phase one. The same situation takes place in
L  . (13.3.10) thermodynamics. Really, differentiating (13.3.7) with respect to L
λ  m2 
one obtains in the second case
Index p in the temperature (thermodynamic wave velocity) T in
dω d(Tp L)
(13.3.8) underlines that we speak about phase velocity of the T   Tp . (13.3.13)
dL dL
wave induced by a separate particle.
In electrodynamics we often consider group velocity in Group and phase velocities coincide.
addition to phase velocity. Group velocity is induced by charges One obtains in the first case
oscillating with close frequencies and correspondingly close dω dTp
wave numbers. The velocity of such a group wave packet is T  Tp  L . (13.3.14)
dL dL
defined, not by correlation (13.3.3), but by the derivative
T value depends on the sign of the second item.

 g. (13.3.11) Let us rewrite (13.3.13) and (13.3.14):
dω  TpdL, (13.3.13a)
Repeating the similar discourse we can also speak, not about
phase temperature Tp, but about group temperature T defined by dω  TpdL  LdTp . (13.3.14b)
the derivative Equality (13.3.6), which is actually entropy’s definition, means
dω that temperature does not depend on entropy. Therefore the
 T. (13.3.12)
dL circle integral in the left hand and right hand parts in (13.3.6) will
be equal to zero only under additional condition that the process
It is especially important to consider this case because the
is quasistatic.
concept of temperature adopted in today’s physics is actually
And what does take place in non-static processes?
based on the idea of just group packet.
From today’s point of view, entropy will increase. From the
The phase velocity of the light wave can depend, or not
thermofield point of view the second item in (13.3.14a) will
depend, on the wave number. This depends on the medium in
“begin working”.
which the wave propagates.
Let us discuss this problem in greater detail.
In the second case (not depend), packet velocity coincides
with phase velocity. In the first case, it can be either bigger or less

13.4. What is Entropy?

The entropy definition (13.3.6) is actually based on the
V 
equality (13.3.13a). i.e., it uses the temperature concept as phase ΔL  L0 ln  2  , (13.4.2)
velocity of the thermodynamic wave. But today’s adopted  V1 
temperature definition demands consideration of just group ΔS k
velocity. Experiments showing this discrepancy led to the here ΔL  , L0  .
necessity to use variation differential in the left hand part in Constant L0 can be interpreted as “elementary” ether
(13.3.6). It is believed that we take into account the whole (physical vacuum) entropy. It will appear once more when we
trajectory of the process and not only local characteristics in this come to the analyses of black body radiation. One can say that L
way. The field description of the process removes this problem. here is the wave number for ethereal waves. It increases as the
Introduction of mechanical dimensions for temperature and heat logarithm of the volume contained in the surface covered by the
enables us to throw a new look at the problem of entropy surfalinear wave. The conclusion is: correlations (13.4.1) and
increasing. (13.4.2) are consequences of the ether qualities, and not of the
Let us begin with the famous formula of entropy increment gas.
V  In other terms, ether particles behave as molecules of an ideal
ΔS  k ln  2  . (13.4.1) gas. And real gases’ behavior is just a sum of the ideal gas
 V1 
movement and the movement determined by special qualities of
One obtains it when analyzing free isothermal extension of the the gases. Gas thermometers’ observations supply us with an
ideal gas from volume V1 to volume V2. Today the volume additional confirmation for this point of view. When ideal gas is
enlargement is interpreted as disorder increase in the particle’s used in a gas thermometer, the ratio of the water boiling and
disposition. This chaos is described with probabilistic freezing points, TS/Ti, is equal to the corresponding fraction for
characteristics, and often the “chaos measure” W appears instead the pressures, ps/pi, and is equal to 1.36605 for any pressures ps
of the (V2/V1) fraction. and pi. But for the real gases this is valid only if pi → 0, i.e., if the
It was assumed above that Boltzmann’s constant k was real gas’ particles actually disappear. And what is left? The ether
actually electric charge with dimension kg/s. This means that the remains.
value L in the left hand part of (13.4.1) actually has dimension of Let us consider an additional correlations between values
electric charge, and not entropy. We can easily correct it because whose essence are close to entropy. I mean specific heat capacity
the very equity is valid. One obtains dividing both parts of under stable pressure and stable volume.
(13.4.1) by ħ:
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 73

If specific entropy is δω/T, then specific heat capacity under We see that again we speak about an ideal gas. The specific
stable pressure is entropy increment because of volume increment in this case is
defined by equality (13.4.2):
 δω 
cp    , (13.4.3)
 dT  p ΔcV V 
 L* ln  2  . (13.4.6)
 V1 
and specific heat capacity under stable volume is
Now we can express specific heat capacity increment when
 δω 
cV    . (13.4.4) pressure is stable:
 dT V
Δс p   V 
The difference between them and the entropy is approximately L  L*  1  ln  2   . (13.4.7)
 
the same as between wave number when we speak about group   V1  
velocity (specific heat capacity) and when we speak about phase Thus specific heat capacity when pressure and volume are stable
velocity (entropy). Therefore in modern theory entropy turns out is just elementary specific entropy. The increment takes place
to be a total differential and specific heat capacity depends on the because of volume increases.
process (stable pressure, stable volume, etc.). It becomes clear why this correlation is accurately valid only
A certain correlation is found for the heat capacities: for ideal gas: there is more electric charges k in non-ideal gases,
c p  cV  k. and ether characteristics in fluids and rigid bodies essentially
differ from free ether characteristics.
Here k is again Boltzmann’s constant. And again we are And what is specific entropy? It is just wave number of the
compelled, in order to adjust dimensions, to divide the right thermodynamic wave. The new understanding includes the
hand part in (13.4.3) by thermodynamic charge ħ. One obtains traditional one as a special case. It becomes clear that we cannot
c p  cV k interpret entropy as a chaos measure.
  L* . (13.4.5)

13.5. The Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The equality (13.3.13a) asserts that today entropy is negative temperature the second principle of the
understood as wave number for phase thermodynamic velocity. thermodynamics changes its sign: we cannot convert work into
In the experiments temperature is always understood as group heat without compensation under negative temperature.
velocity (13.3.14a). In other terms, the assertion about entropy Certainly such construction seems strange. Note that infinitely
increasing is the consequence of the second item in (13.3.14a) not big temperature was certainly not overcome in the experiment,
being taken into account in modern physics. but the effect took place.
Let us introduce the concept of anomalous dispersion for In the section devoted to black body radiation it will be
thermodynamic wave (LdT < 0, phase velocity is bigger than the shown that temperature T0 equal approximately to 109 degrees
group one, entropy decreases) and normal dispersion (LdT > 0, exists in the thermodynamic field. This temperature plays the
phase velocity is less than the group one, entropy increases). role of light velocity in thermodynamics. When an isothermal
The same situation is observed in a light wave. But our process takes place with temperature higher than T0 the sign in
definition is in a certain sense symmetric to the case of the the second principle changes and anomalous dispersion appears.
electric field. There normal dispersion term is used when phase Let us try to understand the field because that leads to the
velocity is bigger than the group one and term anomalous is used appearance of anomalous dispersion. Let us multiply both sides
when phase velocity is less than the group one. Our definition of the equity (13.3.7) by thermodynamic charge ħ. One obtains
was determined by the tradition when increasing entropy is
ћω  ћTL. (13.5.1)
considered normal because the majority of experiments show
increasing entropy. The left hand side here is the heat energy that can be transferred
But do opposite experiments exist? Yes, they do. Many without losses as into energy of the surfalinear movement of
experiments on nuclear magnetic resonance show unexpected electric charges kT (13.2.1) as in mechanic energy. In other terms,
results. Today such states are interpreted as states with negative the coefficient is stable under such a transformation.
temperature. Let us consider these important experiments with Expression ħT in the right hand part can be considered as
greater accuracy. quite a new type of energy. This is energy of thermodynamic
In 1951 Purcell and Pound produced experiments showing charges’ surfalinear movement. We shall call it thermodynamic
that atomic and nuclear magnetic moments, which follow the energy. Its dimension kg·m4/s2 differs from the habitual one and
external magnetic field under low temperature, change this line coefficient L (specific entropy) which determines such translation
for the opposite (see [42], [44]) when temperature is very high. varies. The second thermodynamic principle is indebted for its
This could be explained if the temperature in the entropy existence to just this type of energy. One can also say that ħT is
definition were negative. Perhaps because of this very strange the energy of the thermodynamic wave induced by the
concept that a domain of negative temperature begins behind thermodynamic charges’ movement. In order to obtain mechanic
infinitely big positive temperature, it is assumed now that under energy from it, we must previously transfer it into heat energy,
74 13. The Field View on Thermodynamics

the energy of thermodynamic charges’ oscillations. But when the entropy S must decrease, when Tp increases in order to preserve
process phase temperature is lower than the group temperature, equality (13.5.6). If
it is linked with entropy increase and consequently losses
Tp  Tg , (13.5.10)
(compensation). Just because of this the condenser appears in the
Carnot cycle. Thermodynamic energy ħT translates into heat the entropy must increase.
energy ħω and energy losses (compensation) take place in it. If S is stable the heat c2 can be interpreted as the heat
Let us consider the following cycle process similar to the necessary for Tp to reach Tg. The very essential conclusion from
Carnot cycle. consideration of the Carnot cycle is the assertion that its
Let us begin with the adiabatic step. In accord with its efficiency cannot overcome 1. Let us understand this assertion
definition, heat changes do not take place in adiabatic processes. from the wave point of view. Let us start from the heat
One obtains from field equation (13.3.14a):
ω1  L1T1p (13.5.11)
dω  TpdL  LdTp  0. (13.5.2)

The heat increment is zero. and adiabatically translate it into S2T2p state. We cannot obtain
This is an equation with separable variables. Its solution is: any heat in addition, i.e.,

LTp  L0Tp0 , (13.5.3) ω1  L2T2p . (13.5.12)

Here L0, Tp0 are initial conditions. if T2p  T1p , then L2  L1 , and symmetrically.
Thus we neither obtain additional work nor loose it because At the second step we translate the process isotermically into
temperature increase can take place only at the cost of entropy state

 
decrease and symmetrically.
Of course we could come to this conclusion already without ω2  L3 T2p  Tg  ω1  c2 . (13.5.13)
calculations: just heat can be translated into work without losses
At the third step we adiabatically translate to the state with the
but its quantity does not change.
initial temperature T1. This takes place with specific entropy L4.
This means that compensation (losses in the process of
One obtains
translating into work) takes place at the isothermal step.
For this step equation (13.3.14) looks as follows:
thermodynamic wave group velocity (traditionally understood
 
L3 T2p  Tg  L4T1p  ω1  c2 . (13.5.14)

temperature) From here

T  Tp  L  c1  const. (13.5.4) L4 T2p  Tg
dL  . (13.5.15)
L3 T1p
This is a linear differential equation. Its solution is
The right hand part here is interpreted as losses in the process of
Tp   c1 (13.5.5) going from temperature T1p to T2p and returning to T1p . Until
T2p  Tg it is negative (losses). If T2p  Tg it is positive (profit).
Physically this means that if T2p  Tg the thermodynamic energy
L(Tp  c1 )  c2 . (13.5.6)
is translated into work with losses (compensation). In the
Let us substitute temperature (13.5.5) into (13.3.14a). opposite case, it is translated into work with surplus
c2  c1 L We started from the heat
dω  dL. (13.5.7)
ω1  L1T1p , (13.5.16)
If dω > 0 then we obtain work, if dω < 0 we lose it, if dω > 0 the
process is balanced. Just this last case is usually considered in the and returned to temperature T1p with the heat
thermodynamics. Equation (13.5.6) yields that we can reach
equilibrium if ω1  c2  L4T1p . (13.5.17)
Tp  c1 . (13.5.8)
And what is temperature c1? This is the thermodynamic wave c2
group velocity in the medium in which the experiment takes L4  L1  . (13.5.18)
place. In the case of free ether, this is temperature T0. Its value
will be found in the next section. In general it will be denoted as The entropy difference decreases with T1p increase. It becomes
Tg. If
zero (the process is equilibrium) when T1p reaches Tg. If Tg is
Tp  Tg , (13.5.9)
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 75

overcome this difference becomes negative (the initial entropy of the cyclic process is bigger than the final one).

13.6. Absolute Black Body Radiation

The existence of the two types of energy considered above Let us note that the lesser circumference radius is 2 times less
plays an important role in a problem that was determining the than the greater one, but its angular velocity is 2 times bigger.
face of physics for many decades. This is heat energy of the Thus electron’s spin is ħ/2.
thermodynamic charges’ oscillation, ħω, and electric charges’ Taking all these facts into account in (13.6.1) one obtains
surfalinear movement, kT. They both appear in the Plank
formula describing spectral brightness of the black body ω3 L0
fω, L  . (13.6.10)
radiation. 4π2ω02 
L 
exp    1
 L
 0
ω2 ω
fω  . (13.6.1)
4π2c 2  ω Here L = ω/T is specific entropy of the thermodynamic wave,
exp    1
 kT  L0 = ω0/T0.
Temperature T0 plays the same role in the wave
Let us remind some facts about the electron. It has a toroidal thermodynamics that light velocity plays in electrodynamics.
structure. It is assumed that the ether particles drawing the torus
perform two movements. Rotation of the quarter circumference ω0 m2
T0   1.147  104  5.9299  109 K. (13.6.11)
creating the torus determines electric charge and rotation of the L0 s  rad
smaller circumference determines thermodynamic charge ħ.
The radius of the greater circumference Just when this boundary is overcome the effects changing sign in
the second thermodynamic principle appear. Just these effects
r0  3.8616  1013 m. (13.6.2) led to the idea of negative temperature, which allegedly begins
after infinitely big positive temperature. We said this above.
Surface of the circle covered by the greater torus circumference Formula (13.6.10) is the consequence of the thermodynamic
radius is wave (13.3.7) concept. It clarifies physical essence of the fraction
πr02  4.6847  1025 m2 . (13.6.3) ħω/kT. This is the entropy fraction in the framework of the field
idea, i.e., entropy is defined for any frequency (heat) ω and any
The radius square r02 is designated as λ0 and is called surfalinear velocity (temperature) Tp, induced by any particle. In
thermodynamic wave square. Thus the entropy (wave number) other words, phase surfalinear velocity, and not group velocity,
is defined by the equality i.e., temperature as it is understood today. In the Plank formula
group velocity (habitual temperature) can appear only as the
1 rad mean after integrating Iω over ω. Thus when Plank spoke about
L0   6.7061  1024 . (13.6.4)
λ0 m2 discrete energies, it had to mean separate thermodynamic
charges oscillation, and not electric ones. The electrodynamic
The angular velocity of the greater circumference radius rotation
interpretation essentially hindered understanding of his formula.
in the electron torus is
Therefore it is necessary to stress that (13.6.10) formula describes
rad radiation of the thermodynamic and not electric field. And
ω0  7.7634  1020 . (13.6.5)
s therefore it was so difficult for Plank to explain the experimental
fact by electric charge oscillations. Therefore he was compelled to
This coincides with the Compton angular velocity for the assume the discrete character of energy, which is not seen in his
electron. formula. Actually, the thermodynamic charges oscillate and the
The electron’s mass is taken from experiment electric charges move with surfalinear velocity Tp. Just their ratio
me  9.1094  1031 kg, (13.6.6) leads to disappearing of ultraviolet catastrophe. And entropy
unites the very processes.
and the electron’s charge The heat ω in (13.6.10) can be expressed with the help of
temperature and entropy. One obtains
meω0  7.072  1010 . (13.6.7)
s T 3 L3
f S ,T  . (13.6.12)
We have already met this value above. 4π2T02 L0 
L 
exp    1
Let us note that  L
 0

r0ω0  c, c2  λ 0ω0
2, (13.6.8) Sometimes the formula (13.6.1) is translated from light
frequency to wavelength using (13.3.2) correlation. The
where c is light velocity in free ether. Thermodynamic charge discussion above means that such translation is not correct. It is
possible to come from frequency-entropy form (13.6.10) to
kg  m2
 λ 0ω0me  1.045  1034 . (13.6.9) temperature-square form using correlation (13.3.7) and (13.6.4).
One obtains
76 13. The Field View on Thermodynamics

T 3λ 0 internal energy of the heated body into equilibrium radiation: the

f λ,T  . (13.6.13)
4π2T02 λ3 λ  greater part of energy was conserved inside. Just this problem
exp  0   1 led to the necessity to deny traditional mechanics.
λ 
The field point of view is not to deny classic mechanics, but to
But λ here is not the light wavelength but the square of the supplement it with the concept of surfalinear movement.
thermodynamic wave velocity, T is radiation temperature. The internal energy of a heated body is the thermodynamic
It is also not correct to translate from the Wien formula energy of the thermodynamic charges’ surfalinear movement ħT.
Its dimension is kg·m2/s2. Translation to habitual type of energies
fω,T  ω3 F   (13.6.14) with dimension kg·m2/s2 is determined by entropy and heat
T  changes (13.6.10), or do the same by temperature and
to light wavelength dependence thermodynamic wave square (13.6.13).
Eqs. (13.6.10) and (13.6.13) actually define the conditions
c under which translation of the thermodynamic energy into
μ (13.6.15)
ω traditional one and vice-versa bakes place without losses (without
when the “extreme formula” called Wein displacement formula compensation), i.e., the process is equilibrium. The future
exchange does not take place because the process must become
μ maxT  const (13.6.16) non-equilibrium for this. And this would contradict to the first
is obtained.
The most important problem that appeared when black body
radiation was investigated is incomplete translation of the

13.7. Gibbs Paradox

Let us consider Gibbs’ paradox in field terms. In [42] the We obtain in the framework of field approach for two
paradox is explained in the following way. “Entropy of two ideal different types of ideal gases:
gases’ mixture is equal these gases’ sum entropy when each gas
Q1  N1 S0T1 , (13.7.2)
occupies separately the same volume as the whole mixture under
the mixture temperature.” The authors in [42] starts from Q2  N2S0T2 . (13.7.3)
traditional logarithmic dependence on temperature T and
If T1 = T2 = T, N1 = N2 = N (two ideal gases under the same
volume V and obtain for the mixture of 1 mole of gas 1 and 1
mole of gas 2 the value of their mixture increment
Q1  Q2
ΔS  2kN ln2, (13.7.1) Q1  Q2  2 NS0T   S0  S0  2S0 , (13.7.4)
where k is Boltzmann constant and N is Avogadro number. Q  Q2
Q1  Q2  0  1  S0  S0  ΔS  0. (13.7.5)
The paradox is seen in the fact that entropy increment of two NT
ideal gases depend on their nature. It is believed that when two
The problem in (13.7.1) is in the ln2 not in doubling N. The
identical gases are mixed entropy does not increase because
physical meaning of this result is the following today
thermodynamic process does not take place when separating
thermodynamics links entropy with disposition of particles and
plate is removed.
believes impossible to prescribe this quality to one particle.
Thus two identic gas mixtures cannot be understood as the
The field approach yields that moving particle induces
limit of two different gases mixture. From the field point of view
thermodynamic wave and identifies thermodynamic qualities of
the fact that entropy in (13.7.1) is doubled is understandable: the
the particle with calorie, temperature and entropy of this wave.
number of particles is doubled. And just ideal gas particles are
In the case of ideal gas the thermodynamic wave created by a set
the support of entropy doubling but logarithm in (13.7.1) induces
of particles is equal to sum entropy.

14. The Cycles of the Thermodynamic Field

14.1. Introduction
Deductions following from Carnot cycle have become an Although the whole analysis is devoted to heat the main
essential obstacle for engineers in their activity to optimize work conclusion is efficiency formula containing only initial and final
of different heat engines. The field sight to thermodynamics temperature.
proposed in previous paragraph has shown necessity of re- When the problem is analyzed with greater accuracy one sees
estimation and other understanding of some thermodynamic that the root of the problem lies deeper in the history of the
problems and quantum mechanics. The idea to revise analysis of thermodynamics. In the period of the thermodynamics origin as
the Carnot cycle naturally appears. What do we see a priori? a science interaction between three concepts was considered: heat
which was linked with concept of the calorie, temperature which
was associated with feeling of “hot–cold” and a coefficient which
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 77

connects heat and temperature. This coefficient was called entropy. But the first two notions are linked and entropy turns to
entropy. It had become clear later that the idea of calorie did not be only temperature linear function. This means that any process
fit some experiments. Instead reanalyzing the idea and accepting is equilibrium, i.e., entropy is constant. The second principle of
new concept of calorie it was buried completely although many thermodynamics turns to be needless.
experiments were in good accord with it and equations Let us remind the facts that were proposed in previous
formulated on its basis are widely used today. Well known heat paragraph.
conductivity equation in partial derivatives can be an example. Let us say that a process is naturally isothermal, if Eq.
An additional difficulty burdened this problem. Gas was
ω  Tg L, (14.1.4)
usually used in experiment. And abstract notion of heat energy
was linked with gas characteristics: is valid for it. Here ω is field heat, L is field entropy, Tg = const is
group velocity of thermodynamic wave (group temperature).
w  pV . (14.1.1)
Condition of Tg stability actually means that the whole heat
Here w is heat energy, p is pressure and V is volume. It seems transferred to the field is spent for entropy increase. And
that it follows just from (14.1.1) that heat differential must be symmetrically: the heat taken away from the field decreases only
total entropy. The characteristic example is water evaporating and
vice-versa. This means that Tg actually characterizes the medium
dw  pdV  Vdp . (14.1.2)
in which the process takes place or to be more accurate the
But only the first item in (14.1.2) was usually taken into account boundary between different states of this medium. But before
in experiments. Therefore and on some other historic reason the evaporating water is being heated for some time, i.e., phase
heat energy was considered a nonlocal function and they began velocity of the thermodynamic waves induced by water particles
writing variational differential δw instead total dw to take this changes.
into account. Group and phase velocities are connected by the equality
Apparently this problem was inherited after more ancient dT
Tg  T  L . (14.1.5)
problem hindering mechanical investigations up till now. dL
Although work in mechanics is defined as force and path
One can see that phase velocity T depends on entropy.
Eq. (14.1.5) solution is
A  F  l, (14.1.1a)
T  Tg  , (14.1.6)
where A is work, F is force and l is path, the work increase is L
defined as force and path increase product
where ν is a constant characterizing the process. It has dimension
δA  F  dl. (14.1.2a) of heat. Because T depends on entropy it is necessary to use
thermostat in order to keep temperature stable. The thermostat
But it is clear that reasonable definition must be
increases ν in (14.1.6) and compensates entropy increasing
dA  F  dl  l  dF. (14.1.2b) keeping T stable. Let us rewrite (14.1.6) in another form
dA is a total differential. L(T  Tg )  ν. (14.1.7)
The situation with temperature turned to be somehow better.
L > 0, therefore when T < Tg, ν is negative, the process needs
The third principle of thermodynamics was adopted. It
additional energy. If T > Tg, then ν is positive, the field extracts
axiomatically declared temperature existence. Very accurate
energy until medium has changed its structure (water has
procedure of its measurement was determined. The situation was
become vapor). If the structure has changed (water has become
accepted satisfactory in accordance with the idea: if we are able
vapor) Tg increases up to a new value when new restructuration
to measure this means that we understand the essence of the
begins. (14.1.7) means that when T = Tg then ν becomes zero:
measured object.
there is neither energy absorption no extraction.
The heat is defined as linear function of temperature in today
Thus if entropy is fixed in isothermal process we always loose
physics. But how nonlocal function heat energy w can be a linear
except the case T = Tg.
function of ordinary function temperature? One can observe that
But in reality entropy changes in the process. Let it has
heat conductivity equation is often named temperature
changed from S2 to S3, i.e., the heat has also changed from ν2 to
conductivity equation in scientific literature. But in accordance
ν3. Thus instead (14.1.7) one obtains
with the above adopted definition this is possible only if entropy
is constant, i.e., in equilibrium processes. Therefore when entropy ( L2  L3 )(T  Tg )  ν2  ν3 . (14.1.8)
is defined as
We assume that
dS  , (14.1.3) T  Tg . (14.1.9)
where δQ is variational differential, T is temperature and dS is This yields that if L3 > L2 then ν2 > ν3, i.e., (ν2 – ν3) > 0. When
local entropy differential the situation is completely muddled. entropy is increased our expenditures for the field decrease. In
See we even cannot put thermodynamic problem. We need the opposite case (ν2 – ν3) < 0, i.e., decreasing entropy we
three independent definition for it: heat, temperature and increase our expenditures for the field.
78 14. The Cycles of the Thermodynamic Field

14.2. Thermodynamic Field Cycles

Field concept let us consider thermodynamic cycles in field
terms. We shall consider field analog of the Carnot cycle. ( L4  L1 )(T1  Tg )   ( L2  L3 )(T1  Tg )  0,
T1 (14.2.5)
It is known that Carnot cycle consists of four parts: two
adiabatic and two isothermal ones. i.e., S4  S1 .
Let us consider its field analog on fig. 14.2.1.
Thus our losses for the field in the second isothermal process are
bigger than on the first one because entropy in the process
isotherm 1 decreases. Let us say this in other way. We lose less in the first
ω1 = T2L2 T2L3 = ω2
process because heat losses velocity decreases with entropy
increase. The picture is symmetric in the second isothermal
process. Let us compare losses velocity (14.2.5) with losses’

curve 2
curve 1

velocity in the first process:

( L2  L3 )(T2  Tg )  0. (14.2.6)

One obtains the total losses change in two processes

ω1 = isotherm 2 summing (14.2.5) and (14.2.6):
T1L1 T1L4 = ω2
æ  ( L2  L3 )(T2  Tg )  ( L2  L3 )(T1  Tg ) 
Fig. 14.2.1. Field Cycle. T1
We start from state with heat ω1, i.e., in accordance with T  T 
 ( L2  L3 )Tg  2 1  .
(14.1.1) from temperature T1 and entropy L1. We transmit this  T1 
state adiabatically into state T2S2. In accordance with adiabatic
Certainly instead of (14.2.4) we could write
process definition we stay with the same heat ω1, but
temperature and entropy change. For simplicity we adopt that L1T1 L4T1
T2 > T1, i.e., temperature is increased. Of course we could do this L2  , L3  . (14.2.4a)
T2 T2
only decreasing entropy, i.e., S2 must be less S1, L2 < L1.
Our second step is to isothermally go to another heat state and obtain instead of (14.2.5)
ω2  T2 L3 . (14.2.1) T1
( L2  L3 )(T2  Tg )   ( L4  L1 )(T2  Tg ). (14.2.5a)
The temperature is stable in the process but entropy has changed
(has become S3). Correspondingly the heat has become and instead of (14.2.7) another expression for
ω2  ω1 . (14.2.2) T1
æ  ( L4  L1 )(T1  Tg )  ( L4  L1 )(T2  Tg ) 
At the third step we adiabatically return to temperature T1. T2
Entropy also changes and becomes equal to L4. But the heat T  T 
remains stable and equal to ω2. In order to conclude the process  ( L4  L1 )Tg  1 2  .
 T2 
we must isothermally change L4 for L1 keeping temperature
equal to T1. Let us try to understand what we have obtained and In (14.2.7) æ is expressed in terms of the first isothermal
what we have lost in the cycle. process and in (14.2.7a) it is expressed in terms of the second
Let us return to the isothermal process 1. isothermal process. æ has dimension of heat and æ is always
Heat change is described by Eq. (14.1.8): in order heat negative. This index characterizes inevitable energy losses in the
increment was positive, ((ν2 – ν3) > 0), entropy increment must cycle.
be negative: (L2 – L3) < 0, i.e., L3 > L2. This fact observation in Let us consider reverse cycle (fig. 14.2.2). One obtains just as
experiments yielded conclusion: entropy always increases. in the direct cycle
Let us return to the second isothermal process.
T  T 
( L4  L1 )(T1  Tg )  ν4  ν1 . (14.2.3) æ  ( L1  L4 )Tg  2 1   0. (14.2.7b)
 T1 
If (S4 – S1) < 0 (entropy in the process increases) then (ν4 –
Thus the considered cycle is reversible, æ has become positive.
– ν1) > 0 (the heat decreases) and symmetrically.
We started from ω1 heat and came to ω2. (ω2 – ω1) is the heat
There are connections between entropies in the two
participating in the cycle. It was obtained by the working body
isothermal processes:
from external medium. The heat æ is the inevitable losses
T2 L2 T2 L3 absorbed by the field. Losses coefficient is
L1  , L4  . (14.2.4)
T1 T1
θ= . (14.2.8)
Thus (14.2.3) can be rewritten ω2  ω1
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 79

Tg  . (14.2.10)
isotherm 2 (T2  T1 )
ω1 = T2L4 T2L3 = ω2
The analyses of the partial derivatives show that right hand
expression in (14.2.10) is increasing function of T1 and decreasing

function of T2. This means that we must find medium with

curve 2
curve 1

minimal boundary temperature for which inequality (14.2.10)

holds. Thus we must take T2 = Tg and T1 which is minimal for
this medium. For instance for water T2 = Tg = 373°, T1 = 273°.
One obtains
isotherm 1
ω1 = T1L1 T1L2 = ω2 T1T2 373  273
  373. (14.2.11)
(T2  T1 ) 100
Fig. 14.2.2. Reverse Cycle. Thus it is impossible for the processes with water to exceed 1.
One obtains from the first isothermal process Bud do such media exist at all?
( L2  L3 )Tg (T2  T1 ) Tg (T2  T1 ) Tg  (T2  T1 )  Let us simplify condition (14.2.10), i.e.: let T2 = Tgmax,
θ=     . (14.2.9) T1 = Tgmin, where Tgmax is the upper and Tgmin is the lower
T1T2 ( L2  L3 ) T1T2 T1  T2 
boundary temperatures. Thus (14.2.10) becomes
θ characterizes ratio of the heat transmitted to the field to total Tgmin
energy. We isolated expression characterizing Carnot cycle in  1. (14.2.12)
Tgmax  Tgmin
square brackets in order to distinguish our formula from the
traditional one. Coefficient before the square bracket exceeds 1, From here
i.e., the whole expression can be bigger 1 as well. If so the Tgmax  2Tgmin . (14.2.13)
following inequality holds

14.3. Comparison with Carnot Cycle

Carnot cycle consists of 2 adiabatic and 2 isothermal S2. Symmetrically adiabatic process 2 takes place: when
processes. In (T, S) coordinates it is usually described as temperature T2 is decreased to T1 we inevitably must increase
T entropy S3 up to S4.
2. The picture in isothermal process is similar. Only boundary
temperature Tg stays stable in them. The phase temperature
inversely depends on entropy (Eq. (14.1.6)). In order to keep
temperature stable we need additional heat to compensate
entropy increase. But in this case there should third coordinate
appear in fig. 14.3.1 to show this additional heat. One finally
T1 obtains: field cycle in (T, S) coordinates looks as in fig. 14.3.2.
L1 L2 S L3
Fig. 14.3.1 T2 L3
It is believed that drawn rectangle square is efficient work in
the cycle and T2(L2 – L1) rectangle square is the heat transmitted
to the machine.
The Carnot thermic coefficient is usually defined as
L1 L4
(T  T )( L  L1 ) T2  T1 T T1
η= 2 1 2  1 1 . (14.3.1) L1
T2 ( L2  L1 ) T2 T2 min
Let us consider it in greater details.
The rectangle in fig. 14.3.1 appears because adiabatic process
L2 L1 L1 L3 L3 L4 S
is considered isentropic and temperature is isentropic process is
believed to be constant today. Field analyses show that these Fig. 14.3.2. Field Cycle.
suppositions are wrong. Hyperbolic parts link L1 and L2, L3 and L4, instead of straight
1. Thermodynamic wave Eq. (14.1.1) yields that when we fix lines in fig. 14.3.2. If thermostat is not used phase temperature
certain heat ω0 in adiabatic process (adiabatic condition) we will not be stable and real process will go from L2 not to L′3
cannot fix entropy S0: in that case immediately temperature T0 (dashed line) but to L3 closer to Tg. Symmetrically the second
must be fixed in accordance with Eq. (14.2.1) and the process isothermal process will go to S1 and not to L′1 (farther from Tg).
stops. Therefore when we increase T1 up to temperature T2 along Just these differences between fig. 14.3.2 and fig. 14.3.1 are
adiabatic curve 1 we must inevitably decrease entropy S1 up to determined by (14.2.7) and (14.2.9).
80 14. The Cycles of the Thermodynamic Field

14.4. Conclusion about Such Cycles

We have shown above that second isothermal process in medium changes under such temperature. Therefore media in
direct cycle induces the greater losses for us. which heat completely transforms into temperature with fixed
1. Perhaps we could use nonclosed cycle? In Carnot terms entropy seem very interesting for investigation. Such medium is
perhaps we could work without cooler? In field terms the theoretically well known: it is ideal gas. Ether possesses this
problem would be to extract energy just from the field for quality. We mentioned in section 2 that having overcoming the
instance from ocean. Nowadays when we understand accurate ether boundary temperature T0 we could extract energy just from
physical sense of heat and entropy such problem does not seem ether. But scalar theory of thermodynamic field proposed in this
fantastic. But previously serious experimental program should be chapter is not enough for this. Tensor field theory is necessary for
fulfilled. this. But these authors hope that such theory will appear in some
2. It was recommended above to work at boundary time. Certainly big experimental program is necessary on this
temperature Tg. In this case the whole supplied energy transmits way.
into entropy and vice-versa. The problem is that the very

15. Hydrodynamic Model for Electron Motion

15.1. Main Equation
Newton’s second law was developed long before the science External action cannot be exhausted by the two terms in
of electricity, and so may be considered valid for a neutral body. (15.1.3). As occurs in all typical media, inertial forces of the ether
It makes force F equal to a mass m multiplied it’s acceleration a: should also be displayed. The idea that ether should resist
movement of charged bodies (and light) has been asserted by
F  ma. (15.1.1)
many authors, among whom perhaps the most consistent
If one does not understand what force is, then this equation may (known to the author) are Russian scientists P.D. Prussov, and
be understood as the definition for force. On the other hand, in G.A. Shlenov.
present-day physics there are many of different concepts of force: But here we strive not for qualitative assertions, but rather for
i.e., force as potential gradient, electrodynamics force, etc. quantitative and testable statements. We try to find the
Therefore, it is often convenient to believe that we know what quantitative formula describing the resistance. Let us suppose
force means, that the concept is given to us by Nature as a that medium inertial forces are proportional to ether impedance
realization of a certain external action on the subject under 1/ε0c, and that the constant ε0 means ether density. If one takes
consideration. If so, then (15.1.1) may be considered as a reaction into account the dimensions of parameters, the inertial forces
of an electrically neutral mass m to an external action F: the mass should also be proportional to speed squared, v2. To be in accord
gains acceleration a. with the experimental results, let us take the coefficient of
In modern physics, Eq. (15.1.1) is generalized to proportionality equal to ½. One finally gets:
d dm qv2
F  mv   ma  v, (15.1.2) F  ma  qv  e, (15.1.4)
dt dt 2c
where v is particle velocity. The derivative dm/dt possess where e is a unit vector in the direction of velocity v.
different physical meanings in different problems. In accord with In order to avoid useless complexity, the assertions following
the author gravity concept dm/dt in electrodynamics problems will be formulated in scalar form for a projection of the vector
means the electron charge. So in electrodynamics, Eq. (15.1.2) Eq. (15.1.4). Equations for other projections can be derived in an
appears as analogous way. One has:
F  ma  qv, (15.1.3) dv F qv qv2
   . (15.1.5)
where q is the electron’s charge and v is its velocity. The first dt m m 2mc
term in (15.1.3) describes the neutral-mass reaction and the Eq. (15.1.5) is first order with respect to v. Let us introduce the
second term describes the charged-body reaction, its electric definitions
pliability. This term is defined by the viscosity of the medium in
which the movement takes place. F 1
 a,  1  b,  p.
Let us call this medium “ether”. The term “ether” is “red q 2c
flag” for many physicists, but whatever other terms may be used
Then Eq. (15.1.5) reduces to the form
for it, like “physical vacuum”, etc., even the most orthodox
physicists are compelled to agree that space is in fact filled with a dv q
 a  bv  pv2  . (15.1.6)
certain medium. And I hope all my readers are agreed that this dt m 
medium possesses electrical resistance. We know precisely what
this resistance is: vacuum impedance 1/ε0c, where ε0 is dielectric It is well known that Eq. (15.1.6) has a solution [41]. If
constant and c is the speed of light. a  bv0  pv02  0 , then the curve passing through point (t0, v0) is
found as a solution with respect to v of the equation
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 81

dv q

v0  c 1  1  2 F qc .  (15.1.10)
  a  bv  pv  2

m 
dt . (15.1.7)
v0 t0 This equation has real solutions if

If 1  2F qc  0, (15.1.11)

a  bv0  pv02  0, (15.1.8) i.e., if force F is small enough. Force F which satisfies (15.1.10) has
evident physical meaning: it preserves v0. If this force acts on
then the straight line electron already moving with velocity v0, that electron will
v  v0 (15.1.9) continue moving with this velocity. This means that electron
movement does not imply Newton's first law. Its movement is
is a solution. closer to that one of a car on the surface, or an airplane in the air.
Let us begin our analyses with solution (15.1.9). The solution If external force F = 0, then velocity
of (15.1.8) is
V , (15.1.12)
b  b2  4ap  v0  expq Im t  t0   c  v0 
v0  ,  
i.e., velocity v exponentially decreases from achieved velocity v0
or taking into account our definitions when there is no external force.

15.2. Case 1: Subluminal Movement Motion

Let us come back to (15.1.6) equation and its solution (15.1.7).
If inequality (15.1.11) holds strictly then solution is U  c. (15.2.4)
  qτ  
c exp  m  t  t0    v0  c(1  τ)   τ  1   But one can see that correlation (15.2.2) is also reasonable when
    
V inequality (15.2.3) becomes an equality; i.e., when
  qτ  
 v0  c(1  τ)  exp  m  t  t0    v0  c(1  τ)   U  c. (15.2.5)
    (15.2.1)
с  τ  1   v0  c(1  τ)  Light velocity is apparently achieved in this case:
 ,
  qτ  
 v0  c(1  τ)  exp  m  t  t0    v0  c(1  τ)   v  c. (15.2.6)
   
This fact is coordinated to (15.1.10). It is necessary to
where τ  1  U c ; U = 2F/q. emphasize that in order to achieve a certain velocity, just force, is
If v0 = 0, t0 = 0 then (15.2.1) becomes a little simpler essential and not forces impulse. Multiplier depending on t in
(15.2.2) grows quickly with growing t, and converges to a certain
  qτ   constant depending on U. Therefore long action with constant
2 F exp  t   1 
 m   force rather quickly leads the (15.2.2) solution to expression
v . (15.2.2)
  qτ   (15.1.10). The velocity becomes constant. Therefore big impulse
q  1  τ   exp  t   1  τ  
 m   enlarges the track covered, but does not guarantee velocity
enlargement. This is also true with respect to energy spent for
Force magnitude F is arbitrary here; it depends on our choice,
electron’s acceleration: its gradient is essential, but not produced
but we consider it constant during integration process. When F is
acquired, a speed U is also acquired. Eq. (15.2.2) implies that the
Let us investigate some examples that explain the result we
velocity v gained by charge q is proportional to the velocity U
found. The electron’s charge q = 7.3×10–10 kg/s, which implies
defined by the force F acting on q. When t = 0, the fraction made
q/m = ω = 8.1×1020 Hz, i.e., q/m is the angular velocity of the
of square brackets in the numerator and denominator reduces to
mass creating the electron.
e0  1 Example 1.
2τ Let 1 – 2F/qc = ¼, i.e., F = 3/8qc = 0.082 Newton per
i.e., it is null. When t grows, this fraction grows as well, and electron. Then
comes to unity, after which the electron preserves steady velocity 4  0.041  1010 eωt  1
U defined by the applied force F. The time interval from the start v  1.5  108 m s.
7.3 3eωt  1 
of motion up to achieving this velocity U is the time of the
electron’s accelerated movement.
Example 2.
It was assumed earlier that
Let 1 – 2F/qc = 0.0137, i.e., F = 0.108 Newton per electron.
1 U c  0 (15.2.3) Then
or equivalently, that v  2.06  108 m s.
82 15. Hydrodynamic Model for Electron Motion

Example 3. The force root τ in the proposed theory is in a certain sense

Let 1 – 2F/qc = 10–6, i.e., v = 0.10948 Newton per electron. Then analogous to relativistic root τ. But it differs in at least one
essential aspect: its equality to zero does not lead to physically
v  2.99  108 m s.
absurd infinities. A design change in the force root just changes
When F = 0.1095 Newton per electron, it achieves light velocity. the character of the motion, as we see below.

15.3. Case 2: Superluminal Movement Motion

In this case Eq. (15.1.10) does not possess real solutions, i.e., is close to light speed from below, or even from above, as takes
there does not exist a conserving force for any initial velocity v0. place in the Cherenkov Effect.
Nevertheless, Eq. (15.1.7) has a solution. Its left hand part is Thus originates the idea of impossibility to overcome light
v v barrier. One can propose a hydrodynamic interpretation for the
dv 2 2 pv  b

fact. Light speed is a critical speed for ether flow around the
 arctan . (15.3.1)
a  bv  pv 4ap  b2 4ap  b2 electron. When this speed is achieved, laminar flow changes to
v0 v0
turbulent flow. The vortices created are sensed by us as
One gets after corresponding transformations radiation. Let us use this concept to find some ether
characteristics. Let us take as characteristic dimension electron its
с U c  1  v  v0   q U c 1 
 tan 
 t  t0   . (15.3.2) radius as r0 = 3.8×10–13 m. The Reynold’s number is
c 2 U c  1    v  c    v0  c   2m  cr0
Re  , (15.3.6)
Hence ν
 q U c 1  where ν is kinematics’ velocity of the ether for electron.
Uc  cv0  tan  2m
t  t0    cv0 U c  1 Turbulent flow begins when Re = 2000. Thus
v   . (15.3.3)
  q U c 1  ν  5.7  108 m2 /s. (15.3.7)
c U c  1   v0  c  tan  t  t0   
  2m   If ether mass density 1.74×108 kg/m3, then viscosity
If v0 = 0, t0 = 0, then η  νε0  10.66 kg m  s. (15.3.8)

 q U c 1  Let us stress that everything said above refers to electric

2 F tan  t
 2m  charge. Ether flows by electrically neutral bodies as an ideal
v   . (15.3.4) liquid (or close to it). Apparently Euler’s paradox is valid for
  q U c  1 
q  U c  1  tan  t  electrically neutral bodies: ether does not resist its steady
  2m 
  movement. Hence Newton’s first law turns to be valid (or almost
Superluminal speed v oscillates about a mean speed U. valid). Well known experiments showing mass dependence on
If v0 = c, t0 = 0, then speed "perhaps will force us to refuse of this" assumption. But
this is an object of special consideration.
 q U c 1  Let us return to formula (15.1.12). It implies that if v0 achieves
v  c  c U c  1 tan  t . (15.3.5)
 2m  2c in laminar region electrons begin moving without resistance.
 
The problem is that turbulent flow begins when speed achieves
If force root is equal to zero, i.e., U = c then (15.3.5) implies v = c.
This means that formulas for sublight and superlight velocities c  1/εμ . The problem can be solved if light velocity in the
are coordinated when light barrier is overcome. medium is low and current is created in another medium with
Mathematically, the tangent function has a break of the higher light velocity. In this case electrons of usual current in the
second type. Physically, the break points correspond to moments last medium can achieve 2c velocity in the first one. Apparently
of radiation. This means that “near luminal” movement looks as just this effect is observed in very well known cases of
follows: the electron rushes by the light barrier, irradiates, and superconductivity. Temperature decreasing decreases light
falls down to subluminal speed. Its mean speed in such a process velocity in circuit and already speed of electrons in usual current
achieves 2c velocity in circuit.

15.4. Summary of the Argument

A model is proposed in which an electron moves in a mass. Mathematically this means that electron is a derivative of
medium, ether, which is assumed to fill all space. The ether is not this mass with respect to time. Or stated in another way: a
given any qualities a priori; we find out the qualities by the action steadily moving electron is an accelerated mass. And ether resists
of the ether on a moving object. Ether does not act on a massive such acceleration. Conditions when ether does not resist electron
body moving steadily in it (Newton’s first law). This means for movement are found.
us that this medium acts on a mass as an ideal liquid (Euler The received differential equation has solution which
paradox). Only accelerated movement needs force. describes not only sublight but also superlight movement.
But an electron experiences a certain drag already even when
moving steadily. This is because electron is a rotation of a certain
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 83

16. Elementary Particles

16.1. An Experimental Approach to Proton Structure
Let us take the Compton wavelength for the proton as the (16.1.7) and (16.1.9) yield:
radius of the greater circumference creating the torus: Lesser circumference radius:

rp  2.1031  1016 m. (16.1.1) ρ p  7.4355  1017 m. (16.1.10)

One can see that rp is accurately 1836 times less than the Thus ρp is not two times less as it is in electron but approximately
electron radius. Electric charges of the proton and electron are three times less than rp.
modulo equal. This means that the equatorial angular velocity of The lesser circumference angular velocity is:
the proton is:
Ω p  5.7019  1024 . (16.1.11)
rad s
ω p  ωe /1836  4.435  1017 . (16.1.2)
Thus lesser circumference rotation velocity ρpΩp is 2 times
Thus the equatorial velocity of a particle drawing the proton bigger light velocity in free ether c.
surface is: The lesser circumference linear velocity is:
m m
vp  rpω p  93.2721 . (16.1.3) u p  ρ pΩ p  2c  4.2397  108 . (16.1.12)
s s
The electron’s energy in rest consists of two equal parts: kinetic These divergences from electron are naturally manifested in
energies of meridional and equatorial curls: magnetic moment value. Experimental value of proton magnetic
1 1 moment in mechanic dimensionality:
me (ωere )2  (Ωeρe )2   me (c 2  c 2 ) 
2 2 (16.1.4)
kg  m2  rad2
 mec 2  8.1871  1014 kg  m2 /s2 . M p  6.2263  1017 . (16.1.13)
The energy of the proton’s equatorial rotation is:
Reproducing the same reasoning as in the previous section we
1 kg  m2  rad2 use the correlation:
m v2  7.2756  1024 . (16.1.5)
2 p p s2 M p  mpπρ2p ν2p , (16.1.14)
Let us find the radius and angular velocity of the proton’s
where mp is proton mass and νp is angular velocity of vortexes on
meridional rotation. Experiment shows that energy of the proton
proton surface. We obtain using (16.1.13) and (16.1.14):
at rest is:
kg  m2  rad2 ν p  1.464  1021 . (16.1.15)
m p c2  1.5033  1010 . (16.1.6) s
Local light speed in the proton body is:
The energy of equatorial rotation (16.1.5) is negligibly small
in comparison with (16.1.6). Therefore we shall neglect it below, m
c p  ρ p ν p  1.088  105 . (16.1.16)
and assume that the whole energy of the proton is concentrated s
in its meridional rotation, i.e.:
We assume that local ether compressibility
m Ω2 ρ2  mp c2 , (16.1.7) μ p  2.7928μ0 , (16.1.17)
2 p p p

where Ωp and ρp are unknown variables defining the angular and this is the reason why experimental data differs from theory.
velocity of proton’s meridional rotation and radius of its lesser We obtain ether mass density in the proton body from
circumference. (16.1.16) and (16.1.17):
The electron’s spin was defined as impulse momentum of its
1 kg
meridional rotation: εp   1.5393  1014 . (16.1.18)
c 2pμ p m3
me ρe  ( Ωe  ρe )  meρ2e Ωe  ћ.
As in the case of electron, the gyromagnetic ratio defines the
This means that spin is modulo a constant polar vector directed angular rotation velocity of the torus (16.1.2) in its equatorial
along lesser circumference tangent, i.e., along angular velocity plane.
Ωe. Experiment shows that proton’s spin is also equal to ½ħ. Expressions (3.3.9) and (16.1.15) may be considered as
This gives us second equation to find Ωp and ρp: magnetic charges of electron and proton. Actually just they
appear in generalized Maxwell equations. Dirac’s idea about
mp ρ p  ( Ω p  ρ p )  mpρ2p Ω p  ћ. (16.1.9) such charges existence is denied nowadays because as the
experiment shows a force similar to Coulomb one does not
84 16. Elementary Particles

appear between such charges if they exist at all. Such a force are inside the particle just as in the case of macroscopic toroidal
must not appear in our case between so defined charges (in solenoid. But in movement elementary vortexes from which
contrast to Dirac’s monopole). Interaction appears only between torus surface consists begin perturbate external ether and this
moving charges. The construction we have obtained explains leads to appearance of a new interaction force between moving
why this effect takes place. In contrast to electric charge and spin magnetic charges.
magnetic charge does not act on the external ether: its force lines

16.2. A ‘non-Bhor’ Approach to the Hydrogen Atom Construction

Meridional rotation in a positron does not create standing
c1  ω1r1 , (16.2.3)
waves. Therefore, a positron atom is demolished much quicker
than a hydrogen atom: the electron “falls” on the positron. where ω1 is angular velocity and r1 is the radius of the vortex
Electric charge is the initial condition for an electrodynamic generated by the parent torus in the area with the local velocity
field, and the proton and electron mass is one of necessary two c1.
initial conditions for gravidynamic field induced by electron and Let us investigate way from c1 to free ether. We adopt the
proton. If we knew border conditions for these fields we would following law of X-field charge conservation
obtain complete physical picture created by these fields in the
vicinity of proton and electron. In this case generalized formulas mecnrn  ћ for all n = 1, 2,…, 137. (16.2.4)
for electrodynamic and gravidynamic interaction would describe
Here cn is local light velocity and rn is the radius of the vortex
their interaction.
induced by the proton on step n. Such vortexes actually coincide
But first we do not know these boundary conditions
with concept of Faraday force lines. We shall often use this term
nowadays. And second there are many reasons to believe that the
most important role in such interaction is played by the third
One obtains for n = 1,2…137
field. Some manifestations of it are investigated today in the
framework of thermodynamics and Schrödinger equations. ћ 5.27
rn   m. (16.2.5)
This field is called X-field here. We do not know its equations meс1n 1011 n
nowadays but we know its charge: it is spin. Apparently just it
defines main features of the observed interaction picture between In particular
electron and proton. Electro- and gravidynamic fields add just r137  3.85  1013 m, (16.2.6)
some shades. The aim of this article is to propose rough
description of the phenomena and leave some details for the ω1  с1 /r1  4.2  1016 rad/s, (16.2.7)
future. ωn  4.2  1016 n² rad/s. (16.2.8)
Local light velocity up (16.1.12) in the vicinity of the proton is
ω137  1372 ω1  7.8  1020 rad/s, (16.2.9)
greater than light velocity in free ether, and this is an essential
distinction of proton from electron: proton changes ether density r137 and ω137 are very close to radius and equatorial angular
and compressibility in its vicinity. It is clear that with distance velocity of the electron. The number of curls on the path from the
from the proton, this deformation should decrease and local light “hollow” with local light velocity c1 to light velocity in free ether
speeds should converge to light speed in free ether. Experiment c coincides with fine constant. And this is certainly not a random
shows that such convergence takes place discretely by steps, i.e., fact. But physical cause of it apparently will be understood later.
un  ωnrn  c. (16.2.1) We see that the first 137 force lines differ from the lines with
n  greater numbers in that their radii are greater and their angular
velocities are lesser than for the electron, i.e., electron can be
Here ωn is angular velocity and rn is radius of vortex proton
situated only inside these curls. Later it goes out into free ether.
originates in its vicinity on step n. The un may be interpreted as
Or in other terms: the electron can be inside these 137 force lines;
local light speed on step n.
its jumps from one of them to another one corresponds to the
Is this convergence monotonic? Experiment answers: no.
discrete spectrum. The electron cannot penetrate other force
There is at least one speed between up and c. This speed is
lines; the continuous spectrum corresponds to its movement over
c1  с/137  2.19  106 m/s, (16.2.2) these other lines.
Mathematically correlation (16.2.4) is similar to Bohr’s
Today this velocity is interpreted as electron velocity on the quantum condition. But here it has understandable essence: it is
lowest orbit in hydrogen atom. Another interpretation for it is conservation law for X-field charge. Just ћ and not ћ/2 stands in
proposed here as minimal local light velocity in the system of the right hand part of (16.2.4). This means that force lines are
standing waves induced by proton in ether. bosons and not fermions. It becomes clear why frequencies of
We come to a conclusion that there is a valley between two “rotation in Bohr’s orbits” do not coincide with radiation
peaks up and c. The electron needs additional energy in order to frequencies. Radiation frequencies are defined by force lines
ascend as to c as to up, i.e., when it comes to proton and when it frequencies, and are not connected with “electron movement”,
comes to free ether. even when it really moves. Actually, the electron is in rest in the
According Eq. (16.2.2)
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 85

undisturbed hydrogen atom. Therefore its orbital momentum is ωn  ω1 /n2 , n  1,2,,192.

Experiment shows that cn increases as n. Taking (16.2.4) into r1 and ω1 may be found from (16.2.13), (16.2.11), (16.2.15)
account we can assert that rn decreases as n and this means that
r1  ћ/mpu1  1.4  1016 m, (16.2.18)
ωn increases as n2.
The electron can sustain constant velocity indefinitely long ω1  u1 /r1  3  1024 rad/s, (16.2.19)
only if it is in rest or moves with double local lights velocity (this r192  2.7  1014 m,
means that it moves under condition of superconductivity).
ω192  0.814  1020 rad/s, u192  2.2  106  c1 .
When the electron inside the c1 vortex is struck with a photon or
another electron, it comes to another vortex with a velocity that
Thus although the 192-nd nuclear force line light speed is equal
differs from double local light velocity. Therefore it begins
to the first atomic force line light speed, their radii and angular
moving with friction. Friction energy concentrates. The electron
velocities are not equal. This means that there should be a
loses its energy and returns to its maternal vortex (force line).
domain between them with wavelengths from 2.7×10 –14 m up to
Let us find formula for energy radiation in hydrogen atom
5.27×10–11 m. X-rays in multi-electron atoms supply us with some
when electron comes from force line n to force line m, n > m.
information concerning this domain. When an electron moves to
Force line n possess the following kinetic energy
the nucleus, specific energy consumption sharply increase in the
m c2
 ћωn . (16.2.10) vicinity of these waves and the radiation spectrum becomes
2 е n 2 continuous. But when an electron overcomes this barrier, it
This energy is necessary to destroy this force line. Experiments reaches the nucleus comparatively easily. We can interpret this as
show that energy necessary to tear out electron from this line is a proof that the interval between u192 and c1 is filled with
n2 times less. Therefore the energy formula for an electron negatively charged force lines. They create a Coulomb barrier for
coming from one force line to another one is electron. But nuclear force lines are charged positively. And this
helps the electron to reach the proton. These lines are too narrow
1 ћ(ωn  ωm ) for the electron. Therefore electron moves not sticking in them.
Wn  Wm  . (16.2.11)
2 n2m2 This corresponds to a continuous radiation spectrum.
In particular The proton moves symmetrically. It is braked on the external
atomic lines cn, accelerates in the interval between c1 and u192 and
1 again braked on nuclear force lines un. Proton size let it be inside
W1  W137  ћ(ω1  ω137 )/137 2 
all force lines. But un are charged positively. Therefore it can
 1.2  1022 J  2.18  1018 J  (16.2.12)
anchor only with the help of neutron. And this is a subject for
 7.5  104 eV  13.6 eV. special investigation.
Let us try to quantitatively evaluate energy picture when
The minus sign means that energy is spent for the process.
elementary particles cross force lines un. The electron moves
Now let us come to the slope from proton to domain with
similarly to the case of external cn lines.
local light velocity c1. Accurate analysis here will be possible
when neutron theory is constructed and some additional
experimental facts that the author does not know nowadays are β  1/192. (16.2.20)
obtained. Therefore only just preliminary considerations are
The electron spends its energy when comes from u192 to un,
proposed below.
n < 192. Electric field helps it but it must overcome X-field
The following suppositions are assumed here.
resistance. We assume the following formula
1. Local light velocities decrease steadily and discretely from
velocity u1 = up to velocity u1. 1
W192  Wn  β2ћ(ω192  ωn ) . (16.2.21)
2. The X-field charge conservation law is 2

mpunrn  ћ, (16.2.13) In particular

1 2
where mp is proton mass. β ћ(ω 192 ω1 )  1.16  1019 J  4.27  1014 J=
2 (16.2.22)
We assume that  0.725 eV  2.67  105 eV.
u1  up  4.2  108 m/s. (16.2.14) The minus sign means necessity to spend energy, just as for
crossing external atomic lines cn. The coefficient β² appears
because electric field helps electron to overcome X-field. But
u1 electric field hinders proton movement. Therefore we assume the
 192, (16.2.15)
c1 following formula for the proton:
un  rnωn , n  1,2,,192. (16.2.16) 1
W192  Wn  ћ(ω192  ωn ) . (16.2.23)
One obtains taking (16.1.17) into account
In particular, the proton needs energy
rn  r1n, n  1,2,,192, (16.2.17)
86 16. Elementary Particles

ћ(ω 192 ω1 )  4.28  1015 J  1.57  109 J= neutron prevents the electric field and X-field from scattering
2 (16.2.24) protons about.
 2.67 eV  9.83  109 eV. In conclusion I would like to draw the attention of my reader
to similarity in behavior of ether and hyper fluidal liquid, and
to achieve other proton.
invite for cooperation in all the problems mentioned here.
A more detailed picture should appear when the neutron
construction is understood, because in complex nuclei the

16.3. On Gravitational Belts in Atoms

The Proton torus lesser circle tangential velocity excess over The characteristic quality of 137 atomic vortexes is that their
light velocity in free ether results in the appearance of two series radii are bigger and their angular velocities are lesser than of the
of vortexes in the surrounding ether. Just from the proton a series electron. Their mass is equal to electron mass. In other terms, the
of 194 vortexes begins. Number 194 is the correction of the electron can be inside these and only these vortexes.
obtained earlier number 192 curls surrounding proton. This Local light velocities of the last nuclear vortex (16.3.5) and the
number was found in the previous paragraph. The angular first atomic vortex (16.3.8) are equal. But their radii and angular
velocities of these vortexes decrease as n2, their radii increase as velocities essentially differ. Masses of vortices also differ.
n. This means that their local light velocities decrease as n from Nuclear vortices have the mass of the proton and atomic vortices
up to c/137. have the mass of the electron. There exists a transition zone
The radius of the first vortex is between these runs with angular vortexes from 0.762×1020 rad/s
h up to 4.16×1016 rad/s, i.e., from wavelength 1.479×10–16 m up to
r1   1.479  1016 m. (16.3.1) 5.27×10–11 m.
m pu p
Characteristics of nuclear and atomic vortices were obtained
Accordingly under condition that their impulse moment was equal to ħ. This
condition is preserved for the investigated zone as well. These
r194  194  r1  2.87  1014 m. (16.3.2)
vortices are named “gravitational” because their mass is variable.
The angular velocity of the first vortex is The first problem is these vortices number. Their local light
velocities are constant. This means that their radii must decrease
ω1  up /r1  2.87  1024 rad/s. (16.3.3)
in the same tempo as angular velocities increase.
ω194  ω1 /1942  0.763  1020 rad/s. (16.3.4)
Rnφn  c/137  2.19  106 m/s. (16.3.13)
The tangential velocity of the last 194-th vortex Here Rn is radius and φn is angular velocity of the n-th vortex.
u194  r194ω194  2.19  106 m/s  c/137. (16.3.5) The number of vortices may be found from conditions (16.3.2)
and (16.3.6) or (16.3.4) and (16.3.7).
This is the last nuclear vortex.
The radius of the first vortex in atomic series is n  ρ1 /r194  ω194 /ν1  1836. (16.3.14)

ρ1  5.27  1011 m. (16.3.6) The condition of constant impulse moment for gravitational
vortexes appears as follows
Its angular velocity is
mn Rn2φn  ћ, n  1,2, ,1836. (16.3.15)
ν1   4.16  1016 rad/s. (16.3.7) m1  m p , m1836  me , R1  r194 ,
137  ρ1
R1836  ρ1 , φ1  ω194 , φ1836  ν1 .
Its local light velocity
The electron in the Hydrogen atom is apparently inside the
c1  ν1ρ1  c/137  2.19  106 m/s. (16.3.8)
first atomic vortex, with radius 5.27×10–11 m and angular velocity
Radius ρn of atomic vortexes decrease as n 4.16×1016 rad/s. Experiment shows that its orbital impulse is
null, i.e., it is at rest. This state is a stable equilibrium because the
ρn  ρ1 /n, n  1,2, ,137. (16.3.9)
electron in it possesses minimal energy. It needs external energy
In particular in order to move, as inside to proton, or outside to free ether. It
must overcome gravitational vortices with increasing mass in
ρ137  ρ1 /137  3.85  1013 m. (16.3.10)
order to move to the proton, and atomic vortexes with increasing
local light velocities in order to move outside.
Their angular velocities increase as n2
Let us evaluate energy necessary for a massive particle for n-
νn  ν1n2 . (16.3.11) step penetration into gravitational belt. Lifting energy up to the
n-th vortex is ħφn. Let the particle possess kinetic energy ½mv2.
In particular In general, the depth of penetration depends on the angle
ν137  7.8  1020 rad/s. (16.3.12) between the particle impulse and vortexes’ light velocities. For a
head-on collision, one has
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 87

mv2 nucleus construction which defines accurate location of

ћφn  . (16.3.16) gravitational belts. We shall return to this problem. And now
formal calculations from previous section concerning electron in
Just this correlation we have for continuous X-ray radiation: the
Hydrogen atom will be reproduced and compared with Helium.
frequency is proportional to the energy of the radiating electron.
Energy increment when electron in Hydrogen atom comes from
In the case of charged particles, we must investigate the problem
the first force line up to the last before take-off 137-th force line
of atomic gravitational and nuclear vortexes charge. It was said
that electric charge is defined by equatorial rotation of toroidal W1  W137  ћ(ν1  ν137 )/137 2 
2 (16.3.19)
 7.5  104 eV  13.6 eV.
The problem with atomic vortexes seems to be clear. All 137
vortices are a unified system with unique positive charge. Just Taking (16.2.2) into consideration, one obtains for Helium
this system defines the charge of an ionized Hydrogen atom. 4
When electron with opposite direction of its equatorial rotation W1  W137  ћ(ν1  ν137 )/137 2 
2 (16.3.20)
appears in the system it neutralizes this rotation and makes the  3  103 eV  54.4 eV.
whole system electrically neutral.
One obtains for Lithium in the same way
Charge problem of nuclear vortexes system is less evident.
But K-capture of electron by proton and some other experiments 9
W1  W137  ћ(ν1  ν137 )/137 2 
2 (16.3.21)
say in favor of this system positive charging. If this is so we are
compelled to prescribe negative charge to gravitational belt.  6.75  103 eV  122.4 eV.
Physically this means that electron need additional energy to We have obtained the spectroscopic law for Hydrogen-shaped
penetrate this barrier and proton needs less energy. Nowadays it atoms. The existence of additional neutrons in atoms leads to
is difficult to evaluate this energy quantitatively. slight deviations from a quadratic law.
It is not clear even with Coulomb formula. In addition we We have essentially the same situations with X-ray spectra,
must take velocities and accelerations in consideration, i.e., we but with certain differences. Spectral lines are observed for X-
must use generalized force formula (§2). We leave this problem rays only in emission spectra, and are never observed in
for future investigation. Qualitatively one can assert that this absorbtion spectra. And what is more, in order that X-rays could
additional force must be exhibited when charged particle be absorbed they always must completely ionize one of the shells
overcome the belt. This means that absorption coefficient must K,L,M,.. at the expense of their ħν. In the framework of the
jump on the belt boundary. Just this effect is observed in X-ray proposed approach the most deep electrons in K,L,M,.. shells are
spectrum. inside vortexes which are based on gravitational belts. In order to
If atom nucleus includes several protons there should be reach these vortexes, the external photon or electron must spare
several nuclear belts. Let us take Helium as an example. some energy to overcome external vortexes. Only later can it pull
Two oscillators with equal frequencies do not change out the internal electron from its vortex and move up to another
frequency of the sum oscillation but double amplitude, i.e., vortex.
enlarge energy four times. There is something like this in our This is the picture in Hydrogen type atoms. The difference
case. But here instead of making amplitude twice bigger the with X-ray is that raiding electron or photon must previously
number of nuclear vortexes become twice less. knock out the external electrons and only after them knock out
Sum frequency induced by two protons in ether is equal to the last electron near gravitational barrier. The rest of the photon
frequency induced by one proton. But the first gravitational belt energy penetrates the gravitational barrier showing continuous
appears not in 194 but in 97 steps. Nuclear vortexes frequency absorption spectrum.
decrease as n2, i.e., But up to what atomic number can we construct Hydrogen
ω97  4ω194 . (16.3.17) type atoms? In strict accord with what is said above, we can do
this up to number 97 atom. For these atoms there are not less
Correspondingly minimal angular velocity of atomic vortexes than 2 force lines around atoms’ nucleus from which
increases in four times. One obtains for Helium gravitational belts can begin. But because of the influence of
ψ1  4ν1 . (16.3.18) neutrons, this number is less or equal to 92, i.e., to Uranium.
Therefore, artificial atoms with greater numbers are not stable.
Here ψ1 is minimal angular velocity of the deepest atomic vortex Let us investigate Helium atom in greater detail. It is well
and ν1 is minimal (Bohr) angular velocity in Hydrogen atom, i.e., known that there exist two kinds of Helium: Parahelium with
Rydberg constant. Experiment shows that this number for ionization energy of the second electron 24.5 eV and ordinary
Helium is a little more than for Hydrogen. It is believed that the spectrum lines, and Ortohelium with triple lines beginning from
cause of this result is bigger mass of Helium nucleus and metastable position.
corresponding increasing of gravitational attraction. In the framework of the proposed approach, these two kinds
The proposed point of view explains it by superposition of of Helium correspond to two different nuclear structures. The
neutrons’ vibrations: their oscillations slightly differ from nucleus of the Helium atom consists of 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
protons’ ones. The same effect explains deviation of X-ray The neutron possesses stability because of hoops which adjacent
radiation from quadratic law with atoms’ number increase. proton produces. In other terms, in order to be stable the neutron
Actually it increases a little quicker. This effect is defined by must have as neighbor at least one proton, i.e., one proton can
88 16. Elementary Particles

serve only one or two neutrons and not more. Therefore, neutrons and protons. Just these contacts define super-fine
Deuterium and Tritium, exist but Hydrogen isotope with three structure of spectra.
neutrons does not exist. Section 5 is devoted to more detailed The spectrum of the other construction corresponds to Para-
investigation of this problem. Therefore we are not able to create helium. The model with two internal protons seems to be more
neutron substance. Cores made of all protons do not exist truth-like because Helium has no stable isotopes with three
because of electrical causes. A special paper devoted to neutrons.
quantitative analyses of the problem will be written later. Let us shortly repeat everything said above. Cores’ and
Here these problems are mentioned only to qualitatively correspondingly atoms’ construction is defined by vortices that
explain peculiarities of α-particles and cores in general. protons and neutrons create in the surrounding ether interacting
Thus theoretically accepted look include three types of α- with each other. The system of vortices starting in the vicinity of
particles. The first is puff-pastry when protons and neutrons the nucleus is made of high frequency vortices with the mass of
alternate. The second and the third types are models with two protons and neutrons. The system of external atomic vortexes
internal protons and external neutrons and two internal neutrons consists of lower frequency vortexes with electron mass.
and external protons. These differences do not influence the Therefore nuclear interactions are highly energetic and atomic
position of the first gravitational belt, but changes position of the and molecular interactions are less energetic.
second one and define differences in Ortho- and Para-helium. The transition from nuclear system to atomic one takes place
Experiment will give us the final answer. Here we curb ourselves not by jump but through a series of vortices with decreasing
with some preliminary considerations. mass. In multi-electronic atoms, these gravitational belts define
The triple spectrum of Ortho-helium apparently corresponds X-ray radiation, and their positions in the system of nuclear
puff-pastry structure because it contains more contacts between vortices define type of electronic shells in atoms. Nuclear
construction defines the position of gravitational belts.

16.4. Neutron Construction

External Characteristic of the Neutron This is a little bigger than the proton small circumference radius
We preserve here the concept of long-lived elementary (16.1.10). The angular velocity of neutron surface meridional
particles as vortical toruses, and transfer that idea to the neutron. rotation is:
The neutron is not charged, i.e., its surface does not exhibit
Ωn  5.7098  1024 rad/s. (16.4.6)
equatorial rotation.
The electron’s kinetic energy consists of two equal parts: This is less than the proton meridional angular velocity (16.1.11).
energy of meridional rotation, and energy of equatorial rotation. Internal Structure of the Neutron
The kinetic energy of the proton’s equatorial rotation is The following experimental facts supply us with a basis for
negligibly small because of the low angular velocity of equatorial proposing a model for the internal construction of the neutron.
rotation, and the small radius, although just this rotation 1. The proton is able to seize the electron and become a
determines proton’s charge. Almost the whole kinetic energy of neutron. Nevertheless, the neutron mass turns out to be bigger
the proton is concentrated in its meridional rotation. than the sum of the masses of the proton and electron.
The neutron’s kinetic energy is completely determined by 2. The neutron is stable only inside a nucleus. It decomposes
meridional rotation too. It is known that: rather quickly when free.
3. The internal regions of the neutron are not electrically
mnc2  1.5075  1010 kg  m2 /s2 , (16.4.1)
neutral. The neutron “core” is charged positively, and its
where mn is the neutron mass. For comparison, the proton outlying districts are charged negatively.
energy is the same: This all leads us to the following qualitative model. When the
small but massive proton turns to be inside the big torus of the
mpc2  1.5057  1010 kg  m2 /s2 . (16.4.2)
electron, it draws in its mass into a layer of radius
If Ωn and ρn are the angular velocity and the small circumference
d  (7.4355  7.4253)  1017 m  0.0102  1017 m. (16.4.7)
radius of the neutron, then:
1 This is the diameter of the lesser circumference of the
m Ω2ρ2  mnc2 . (16.4.3)
2 n n n compressed electron. We accept as the radius of the bigger
Here Ωn and ρn are unknown variables. The neutron spin circumference of the compressed electron the radius of the
supplies us with the second equation necessary to find Ωn and ρn: neutron.
The neutron is electrically neutral. This is possible in two
mn Ωnρ2n  ћ. (16.4.4) cases:
1. The proton and the electron stop their equatorial rotation,
Eqs. (16.4.3) and (16.4.4) yield the neutron smaller circumference
2. The electron and the proton preserve their equatorial
ρn  7.4253  1017 m. (16.4.5) rotation, but perform them in the opposite directions.
The above mentioned experimental fact number 3 excludes
the first supposition and selects the second one. Let us note at the
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 89

same time that the compressed electron does not need to change required angular velocity. Substituting known values of me and
its equatorial rotation angular velocity in order to preserve its ρcom into (16.4.10) produces:
charge value: that is determined only by the mass that passes the ћ
torus cross-section per second, and does not depend on the torus ωe   2.2254  1034 rad/s. (16.4.11)
radius or its lesser or larger circumferences. This means that
values of angular velocities of the electron and proton equatorial Magnetic Moment of the Neutron
rotation are preserved. We assumed in the previous paragraphs that the electron
But if the electron and proton equatorial angular velocities preserves its charge and spin when being distorted. We also
are directed oppositely, then their spins must be co-directed, i.e., assumed that the proton preserves its size, i.e., it preserves its
their smaller circumferences must rotate in the same direction characteristics. We obtained hoop’s parameters based on neutron
and their sum spin must be equal to ħ. This spin co-direction experimental parameters. Can we assume now that distorted the
must lead to the appearance of a repulsive force, which would electron magnetic moment is also preserved? I do not feel so.
tear apart the association between the electron and the proton if Therefore two models corresponding to two extreme
not compensated by a certain “hoop” action. suppositions are investigated below.
Let us try to describe this hoop action. First of all: From Assumption 1. The values of the proton and electron
where does it appear? Experiment shows that this hoop works magnetic moments are preserved within the neutron structure.
only when a proton is near. Although we do not understand the We assumed the proton to not be distorted. This means that it
mechanism for creation of such a hoop, experiment persuades us preserves angular velocity of the elementary circumferences that
of its existence. We know this hoop mass: 1.5 times the electron constitute its surface and rotation, which determines its magnetic
mass. moment. But angular the velocity of the compressed electron’s
The neutron spin is equal to ½ħ. We can interpret this as elementary circumferences in the neutron structure must
meaning the hoop rotates oppositely to the proton and electron essentially increase, because magnetic moment is proportional to
smaller circumferences rotation. Theoretically two situations are the lesser torus circumference squared.
possible: In accord with the definition:
1. Hoop spin is equal to ½ħ. It compensates one half of the
meπρ2comω2M  Me , (16.4.12)
sum spin of the electron and the proton. Just the other half of the
electron and proton common spin is observed in experiment. Here ωM is the required angular velocity of the rotation around
2. Hoop spin is equal to 3/2ħ. It suppresses the common spin elementary circumferences of the compressed electron.
of the electron and proton. We observe in the experiment the Hence:
remaining half of the hoop spin.
Me rad2
But the neutrino has spin ½ħ (and the neutrino is presumed ω2M  2
 5.5056  1054 , (16.4.13)
meπρcom s2
to have been the hoop in the neutron). This means that our first
supposition is valid. Now we can understand why neutrinos of i.e.,
different chirality appear when neutron and anti-neutron
decompose, because hoop rotation in the anti-neutron must be ω M  2.3464  1027 . (16.4.14)
directed oppositely to that in the neutron.
The hoop performs only meridional rotation; it does not In the neutron structure, the directions of electron and proton
perform equatorial rotation. We know this because neutrino is spins coincide; i.e., their magnetic moments must sum. Hoop spin
not charged. We can evaluate angular velocity of the hoop is directed oppositely, i.e., its magnetic moment is also directed
meridional rotation: oppositely. Experiment shows that the neutron magnetic
moment is negative. This means that the modulus of the hoop
mhρ2nωh  1 2 ћ. (16.4.8)
magnetic moment exceeds the sum of electron and proton
Here mh is the hoop mass, equal to difference between neutron moments. We can find the value of the hoop magnetic moment
and proton masses, and ρn is neutron lesser circumference radius Mh:
(16.4.5), ωh is the required angular velocity of the meridional Mh  Mn  Me  M p . (16.4.15)
rotation of the neutron external surface; i.e., of the hoop:
Here Me, Mp, Mn are the magnetic moments of the electron,
ωh   4.148  1027 rad/s. (16.4.9) proton, and neutron, respectively.
Expressed in mechanical dimensions, the neutron magnetic
We can also find the angular velocity of the compressed electron moment is:
meridional rotation. In order to preserve its spin, the compressed
kg  m2  rad2
electron must essentially enlarge its lesser circumference angular Mn  4.259  1017 . (16.4.16)
velocity because its lesser diameter of it (16.4.7) has become
much less: Taking (16.3.8) and (16.3.21) into account one obtains:

meρ2comωe  1 2 ћ. (16.4.10) kg  m2  rad2

Мh  4.1  1014 . (16.4.17)
Here me is electron mass, ρcom is the lesser circumference radius
of the compressed electron, equal to d/2 in (16.4.7), ωe is the
90 16. Elementary Particles

Assumption 2. Proton and electron in neutron preserve kg  m2  rad2

angular velocities of the particles drawing elementary Med  2.8592  1027 . (16.4.19)
circumferences composing their surfaces.
As in the previous case, we believe the proton is not One obtains substituting M ed in Me:
deformed; i.e., the proton preserves its magnetic moment as well.
kg  m2  rad2
The electron magnetic moment must become essentially less: Mh  1.9673  1017 . (16.4.20)
Med  meπρ2comν2e . (16.4.18) We have investigated two extreme cases. Certainly the
Here M ed is magnetic moment of the compressed electron, νe is compressed electron could change, as magnetic moment, as
angular velocities change. So experiment must give us the final
the angular velocity of the particles drawing elementary
answer to the question. By this I mean experiment measuring the
circumferences of the free electron (16.3.7). Substituting
magnetic moment of the neutrino.
numerical values one obtains:

17. Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Element Helium

17.1. Ideal Gas Characteristics
Let us preliminary reminds the ideal gas description in connecting heat Q, temperature T and entropy S. Differential
modern thermodynamics. They start from the initial correlation dQ  TdS  SdT (17.1.8)
defining entropy
is evidently complete. Correlations (17.1.7) and (17.1.8) are valid
δq  TdS. (17.1.1)
for any processes. If T is constant the process is isothermal and
Here q is heat, T is temperature, S is entropy. Variation (17.1.8) coincides with (17.1.1) and becomes partial differential.
differentiating symbol δ is used to stress that calorie increment is (17.1.4) means that entropy for ideal gas
nonlocal, i.e., it depends on the whole function. It is said
S  S0 (ln T  1), (17.1.9)
sometimes that δq is partial differential meaning that its integral
depends on the whole prehistory. Physically this means that we i.e., heat
must limit ourselves with only quasistatic processes of heat Q  TS0 ln T , T [T1 ,T2 ], S0  const. (17.1.10)
transfer. Thermodynamic investigations of non-equilibrium
processes become a special and a very difficult problem. Constant entropy S0 coincides with cV for ideal gas. Its physical
The heat quantity absorbed by ideal gas is usually defined by sense can differ for other gases.
the equality Differentiating (17.1.10) one obtains for ideal gas:
δQ  dU  pdV . (17.1.2) dQ
 S0 ln T  1   0, S0  0. (17.1.11)
Here U is internal energy, p is pressure and V is volume. Let us
note that pdV is non-local differential. The items in the right hand The derivative in the left hand part here will be called specific
part of (17.1.2) for ideal gas are reduced to functions depending heat capacity. In modern thermodynamics specific heat capacity
on temperature: is defined in terms of finite increments because of the initial
correlation (17.1.1). (17.1.7) enables us to do this in terms of
dU  cV dT . (17.1.3)
differential equations and use all the capabilities of the
Here cV is constant interpreted as specific heat capacity with corresponding apparatus. This also clarifies the physical sense of
constant volume. It has dimension of entropy. the specific heat capacity: specific heat capacity is just the
Using Clapeyron theorem one obtains: velocity of the heat changing with the temperature and this
velocity is definition of entropy. Therefore terms specific heat
pdV  cV ln Tdt. (17.1.4)
capacity and entropy will be used as equivalent ones.
And finally The right hand part of (17.1.11) shows entropy dependence
dQ  cV dT  cV ln TdT . (17.1.5) on temperature for ideal gas. Other functions do this for other
Here q depends only on T and correspondingly dQ is complete Let us calculate the other derivatives:
differential. After integrating one obtains formula describing
d 2Q S0
dependence of q on T:   0, (17.1.12)
dT 2 T
Q  cV (T ln T  T1 ln T1 ), T [T1 ,T2 ], cV  const. (17.1.6)
d 3Q d 2 S S
   02  0. (17.1.13)
Let us consider the same problem in the framework of dT 3 dT 2 T
generalizes thermodynamics. In order to avoid the problem of (17.1.12) > 0, thus heat q is convex (down) function, its chord lies
partial differentials and necessity to consider only quasistatic higher than its graph (fig. 17.1.1). This means that ideal gas heat
processes the generalized thermodynamics start not from (17.1.1) decreases faster than its arithmetic mean.
but from the following equality
Q  TS , (17.1.7)
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 91

Q2 S2
 T T 
S 1 2 
 2 
Q(T1 )  Q(T2 )
2 S (T1 )  S (T2 )
 T T 
Q 1 2 
 2 
T1 T1  T2 T2 T S1
T1 T1  T2 T2 T
Fig. 17.1.1. Convex (down) function Q(T).
(17.1.13) < 0, thus ideal gas entropy (17.1.11) is a convex (up) Fig. 17.1.2. Convex (up) function S(T).
function, its chord lies lower than its graph (fig. 17.1.2). This
means that ideal gas entropy increases faster than its arithmetic Sum total.
mean. 1. Ideal gas heat and entropy move from hot region to cold
Let us consider problem of the movement direction of the one.
heat q and entropy S with temperature. One obtains on gradient 2. Ideal gas heat is a convex (down) function. Its mean
definition decreases faster than its arithmetic mean in any process with
changing temperature.
dQ 3. Ideal gas entropy is a convex (up) function. Its mean
Q  T , (17.1.14)
dT increases faster than its arithmetical mean in any process with
d 2Q changing temperature.
S  T . (17.1.15)
dT 2 One can say shortly but not accurately: “Ideal gas heat always
In the case of ideal gas coefficient before the gradients are decreases and ideal gas entropy always increases.” These ideal
positive, i.e., (17.1.14) and (17.1.15) are positive. Generalized gas characteristics have become a basis for the second principle
forces created by gradient are directed against it, i.e., ideal gas in thermodynamics. They are assumed to be valid for any
heat and entropy decrease from “hot to cold”. medium.
We plan to show that this is not so for liquid 2He.

17.2. Liquid Helium Characteristic

These characteristics were found experimentally. (fig. 17.2.1) 1.1. This means that entropy decreases faster than its
shows helium specific heat capacity (entropy) dependence on arithmetic mean. This contradicts the second thermodynamics
temperature. law and ideal gas characteristics in particular.
c (S), J/mol·K One obtains formula for heat integrating (17.2.1):
Q  T 3  0, T [1.4, 2.18). (17.2.2)
40 3
1.2. (17.2.2) is convex (up). This coincides qualitatively but
30 not quantitatively with ideal gas characteristics. The second law
of thermodynamic does not consider this characteristic.
He II He I
20 d 2Q
 2αT  0. (17.2.3)
dT 2
1.3. (17.2.1) is positive, i.e., heat moves from hot to cold. This
characteristic qualitatively coincides with the second law. (17.2.3)
is positive. The second low does not mention this aspect.
2. On the interval [2.18, 2.7) the specific heat capacity
0 1 2 3 T, K decreases approximately temperature inverse and convex down:
Fig. 17.2.1. Liquid helium lowest pressure lambda point. dQ β
  0, T [2.18, 2.7), β  0, β  const. (17.2.4)
1. On the interval [1.4, 2.18) the specific heat capacity grows dT T
approximately quadratically, i.e., convex (down): 2.1. Entropy decreases in condition to the second law. Specific
dQ heat capacity is positive, i.e., heat moves from hot to cold in
 αT 2  0, T [1.4, 2.18), α  0, α  const. (17.2.1) concordance to the second law.
2.2. One obtains heat integrating (2.4):
92 17. Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Element Helium

Q  βln(T /T1 ), T1  2.18, T [2.18, 2.7). (17.2.5) dQ γ

  0, γ  0. (17.2.7)
dT T
The function is convex (up). The heat increases faster than its
mean. There is no corresponding assertion in the second law. It is convex (down).
One obtains integrating
d 2Q β
2.3.   2  0. (17.2.6)
dT 2 T Q  2γ T , (17.2.8)
d 2Q γ
(17.2.6) < 0, entropy moves from cold to hot. The second law does  . (17.2.9)
not mention this problem. dT 2 3
2 T2
3. When T ∈ [2.7, 4.2) the specific heat capacity stays convex
Helium characteristics on this interval are qualitatively similar to
(down) but begins increasing and less convex. It can be
its properties on the previous interval.
approximately describes by the function

17.3. Conclusion on Helium

The second law of thermodynamics postulates entropy (down) on the all intervals and consequently decreases when the
increase in non-equilibrium processes. In particular it is assumed above described unification is realized.
that if we unite two volumes of gas or liquid with different It is assumed as evident in the second law that heat changes
temperatures and entropies then in some time we obtain a in the same direction that temperature does, i.e., heat moves from
system with mean temperature, but entropy of such a system will “hot to cold”. 2He characteristics is in concordance with this
be higher than arithmetic mean of the united parts. As we saw assumption.
higher this assumption is the consequence of the convexity (up) The problem of entropy direction even is not put in
of the ideal gas entropy as temperature function. Apparently all thermodynamics. 2He entropy moves from cold to hot and vice-
media experiments with which were put into the second law verse on different temperature intervals.
foundation obtain this property. 2He entropy as we saw is convex

18. The Structure of Light Waves

18.1. Preliminary Information
The light will be understood as a wave in ether. Therefore From here
some information from §13–15 will be reproduced here. One of
the consequences of such understanding is that ether is an ideal
φ1 
 x dx   x dx
3 2 2 3
rad. (18.1.2)
gas. We shall call this ether as ether-1 in order to distinguish it x22  x32
from ether-2 whose particles rotate and create the particles of
ether-1. Its time derivative
In addition to traditional three-dimensional system of
dφ1 x3 x2  x2 x3
Cartesian coordinates, whose points are designated as  . (18.1.3)
dt x22  x32
x = (x1, x2, x3) the system of coordinate planes was introduced. Its
points will be designated as φ = (φ1, φ2, φ3). Physically x
φ1 is torsion wave angle and (18.1.3) is angular velocity of screw
characterizes distance, length, and φ characterizes square or
line. The fraction denominator defines the wave amplitude and
angle. Thus all functions turn to depend on as length as angle.
derivatives describe velocity of coordinates changes
Angle becomes an independents argument characterizing
perpendicular x1.
physical processes just as length does it.
In §3 and §6 it was shown that electron is a torus the grater
Any angle can be expressed with the help of two points on
rotation radius of which re = 3.85×10–13 m. Ether particle
the plane where it is defined. Linear character of light movement
drawing this torus performs two rotations: 1) along the bigger
let consider movement along coordinate axis x1 only.
circumference of radius re with the angular velocity
It was shown in §13 that sinφ1 perpendicular axis x1
ωe = 7.8×1020 rad/s. This rotation determines electrons electric
x2 x3 charge meωe = 7.1×10–10 kg/s, where me mass of electron.
sin2φ1   2 z1 ,
x22  x32 2) Electron’s spins is determined by rotation along the less
circumference. Its radius is twice less re but angular velocity is
i.e., twice bigger ωe. Therefore electron’s spin
arcsin2 z1  2φ1 
 1  4z12
. (18.1.1) ћ 1
 mere2ωe .
2 2

18.2. Light Wave Kinematics

Assumption 1. Ether-1 particles whose oscillation transmits without ring rotation and “magnetic winding”. We call this
light wave is actually electrons without electric charge, i.e., medium ether-1.
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 93

Assumption 2. Sigh wave kinematics is defined by time Selecting the sign in (18.2.8) one selects polarization. We take
derivative “+”.
After integrating the first item in (18.1.2) from re to x2 and x3
d dx dφ1
( x1  φ1 )  1 φ1  x1 . (18.2.1) one obtains:
dt dt dt
x3 x2
Derivative dx1/dt is just light speed c. Angular velocity dφ/dt
– is oscillation frequency of the particles which originated the
( x1  φ1 )  c

x2dx3 

x 3 x2  x2 x 3

light wave. We designate it as ω and the corresponding wave dt 2
x2  x32 x22  x32 (18.2.9)
length as μ. Finally one obtains cμ sin ωt
 2 re  ct .
re  μ 2 sin2 ωt
( x1  φ1 )  cφ1  x1ω. (18.2.2)
dt Coefficient before square brackets determines amplitude
Experiments show that light wave moves along x1 with variability. Its dimension is rad/s. The first item in square
velocity c, i.e., x1 = ct. Thus brackets is minimal distance of the screw line from x1 axis. The
second item is the path covered by the wave.
d mereωe describes rotation impulse of ether-1 particle. When
( x1  φ1 )  cφ1  ctω. (18.2.3)
dt equality (18.2.9) is multiplied by this impulse one obtains
expression of the thermodynamic wave impulse:
The first item here describes rotation angle of the linear wave
movement and the second one determines the speed of such d cμ sin ωt
mereωe ( x1  φ1 )  2 ћ  mec 2t  . (18.2.10)
rotation. dt re  μ2 sin2 ωt  
Assumption 3. The wave amplitude pulsates in the
accordance with the law Let us consider the process of obtain the second item in
square brackets. c2 contains two light velocities of different
x22  x32  re2  μ2 sin2 ωt . (18.2.4) nature. The first one is linear speed c from the square brackets in
(18.2.9). Its dimension is m/s. It describe the speed of moving
Now we need to describe wave torsion. Let introduce the
along x1 axis. The second speed c is light velocity in the
notion of screw wave length. It is connected with the
movement along screw line around x1 axis. Perhaps this c should
longitudinal wave length.
be supplied with special notation to distinguish it from the
ν  μ/2π. (18.2.5) previous c. Its dimension is m·rad/s. Numerically it is equal the
same 3×108. We have obtained it as re and ωe product. Let us
Assumption 4. The velocity of changing of coordinates x2 and
note that just this combination is included into constant ħ in
x3 determining torsion
(18.1.4). Thus both items in square brackets (18.2.10) has
x2  x3  νω  c. (18.2.6) dimension kg·m2·rad/s.
When (18.2.10) is multiplied by radiation frequency ω one
Assumption 5. obtains two items whose sum describes light wave power

re2  2x2 x3 . (18.2.7) cμ sin ωt

1) p1 (t )  ћω; (18.2.11)
re2  μ2 sin2 ωt
This supposition links thermodynamic wave square with x2
cμ sin ωt  ωt
and x3 oscillations: this square one half of the thermodynamic 2) p2 (t )  mec2 . (18.2.12)
re2  μ2 sin2 ωt
wave square.
One obtains from (18.2.7) and (18.2.4) Coefficient ħω here determines the wave thermodynamic energy
x3  x2  μ sinωt. (18.2.8) and mec2 describes its electric part.
One obtains one photon power having integrated (18.2.11)
and (18.2.12) overо 2π interval.

18.3. Conclusion on Light

1. Let us note in conclusion that all functions have radian in 2. Light wave has pulsating amplitude described by the
their dimensions. Physically this means that they describe some coefficient before square brackets. Pulsating character of this
rotation, mathematically this means that they are pseudovectors. coefficient is interpreted in experiment as transverse vibration.

19. Cosmic Background Radiation and Ether

19.1. The Second Plank’s Constant
Soon we shall understand that ether is a very dense and temperature 2.728 K is linked with concept Big Bang and relic
elastic media. But in the interval from 2.728 K to 5.9299×109 K radiation. The field understanding of the problem is that this is
ether is an ideal gas. An unknown region begins higher. Perhaps the temperature of conversion of the ether into liquid stage. In
dependence of entropy on temperature changes there. Today the ε-vicinity of zero temperature the ether obtains qualities of
94 19. Cosmic Background Radiation and Ether

rigid body. The characteristics of the thermodynamic field turn to I1  I2  me2 [(ωe  re )  ( νe  ρe )] 
be linked with characteristics of electric field. (19.1.10)
 me2 [ νe (ρe  (ωe  re ))  ρe ( νe  (ωe  re ))].
In particular this connection is manifested in the following
facts. In the meeting of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin on the This impulse contents two items: rotational directed along νe, i.e.
XVIIIth of May 1899 Max Planck presented the lecture “On normal to the lesser circles and polar vector ρe directed along
Nonreversible Processes of Radiation” in which he pin pointed radius of the lesser circles. Signs of the coefficients in the inner
the existence of two universal constants which he called “a” and parentheses defines νe direction, i.e. spin direction and ρe
“b”. Today constant a is named after him and considered in field direction: inside or outside the lesser circles.
thermodynamics as thermodynamic field charge. To say more Vector product
accurately the value
I2  I1  me2 [( νe  ρe )  (ωe  re )] 
kg  m2 (19.1.11)
ћ  a/1 rad  1.0544  10–34 , (19.1.1)  me2 [ωe (re  ( νe  ρe ))  re (ωe  ( ν e  ρe ))]
s  rad
has the same meaning for the bigger circle.
is considered the charge. The ratio
Expressions (19.1.10) and (19.1.11) will be called the first and
q  b/a (19.1.2) the second Planck’s impulse. If radial projections of Planck’s
is named after Boltzmann and coincides with our understanding impulses are directed to the center of the circles they fasten
of electric charge (3.2.18). Thus in mechanic dimensions constant electron and strive to demolish in the opposite case. Electron is a
stable particle. This means that Planck’s impulse stabilize its
kg  m2 kg  rad
b  aq  1.0544  10–34  7.072  1010  structure. Positron’s bigger circle’s frequency
s  rad s
ω p  ωe , (19.1.12)
kg2  m2
 7.4567  1044 .
s2 This means that positron’s Plank’s impulse destructs it. Soon we
(19.1.3) shall see that electron and positron are compressed in ether-1.
This value may be interpreted as square of an impulse This compression prescribes positron. Free positron annihilates
rather soon.
kg  m
b  2.7303  1022 . (19.1.4) Last years we observe more and more facts which show that
s ether-1 consists of electrons or electron-positron pairs.
Let us mention that constant Experiments in which electron and positron appear as a pair
witness for defense of the last supposition. In any case the
S0  q/ћ  6.7072  1024 m2  rad2 (19.1.5)
electrons or their pairs creating ether-1 must be noncharged, i.e.
is entropy of an ether’s particle and invers value electrically neutrals.
Let us try to understand how many such “noncharged
S01  1.4909  10–25 m2  rad2 (19.1.6)
electrons” can be put into 1 m3 tightly but not hindering each
is the wave number of thermodynamic wave in ether. It can be other. Let us find minimal parallelepiped enveloping electron.
named the third Plank’s constant. This parallelepiped’s base is
Let us return to impulse (19.1.4) and compare it with
d2  [2  (re  ρe )]2  1.3421  1024 m2 . (19.1.13)
electron’s impulse.
Electron has two rotation impulses: the first one appears Here re and ρe are radii of the bigger (3.2.8) and the lesser (3.2.7)
because of the rotation of the bigger circumference of the torus: circles of the electron torus. Multiplying (19.1.4) by the lesser
circle diameter one obtains the volume of the parallelepiped:
I1  me ωere  9.1094  1031  7.7634  1020 rad/s 
3.8616  1013 m/rad= (19.1.7) V  d2  2ρe  5.1826  1037 m3 . (19.1.14)
kg  m  rad Dividing 1 m3 by V one obtain the quantity of electrons which
 2.7309  1022 .
s can be placed in 1 m3 tightly but not hindering each other
Here me is electron’s mass, ωe is the bigger circumference’s N  1/V  1.9295  1036 pieces/m3 . (19.1.15)
angular velocity, re is radius of the bigger circumference. The
Experimental formula (3.2.20) presents us mass of one cube
lesser circumference’s impulse value I2 coincides with I1 because
meter of ether-1. Dividing it by 1 electron’s mass one obtains
the lesser circumference radius is twice lesser than of the bigger
one but its angular velocity is twice bigger. I1 and I2 values kg  rad2
N e  1.7251  108 : 9.1094  1031 kg 
coincide but they are applied to different objects. m3
I1  me (ωe  re ) (19.1.8) pieces  rad2
 1.8938  1038 ,
is tangential to bigger circumference and N e /N  98.15 rad2 . (19.1.17)
I2  me ( νe  ρe ) (19.1.9) This means that ether’s particles are packed very tightly. In what
is tangential to lesser one. Their vector product plains are they? Dimension of the values in (19.1.15) tells us that
the particles of ether-2 creating ether-1 rotates free. But only the
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 95

lesser circle of electron rotates in two planes. Thus the pressure ωcp  ω p cos(ω pt )  ωe cos(ωet ) 
takes place only in one plane that is in the plane of the bigger (19.1.20)
 ωe cos(ωet ),
torus circle. We can conclude that particles of ether-1 not only
appear by pairs with opposite signs in the pair but they are i.e. they are accelerated with angular acceleration:
arranged by pairs in one plane in ether-1. If Coulomb’s law is the d c d
cause of compression of ether-1 in “electric plain” then εe  (ωe )  (ωe cos(ωet ))  ω2e sin(ωet ), (19.1.21)
dt dt
evaluation (19.1.15) tells us from what distance electric forces get
d d
over Coulomb’s forces: ε p  (ωcp )  (ωe cos(ωet )) 
dt dt (19.1.22)
le  re / N e /N  re / 98.18  3.9  1014 m. (19.1.18) d
 (ωe cos(ωet ))  ω2e sin(ωet ).
This value is rather close to experimental evaluation action
radius of nuclear forces [50]. The second equity in (19.1.21) and (19.1.22) is valid because is an
As (19.1.18) as the fact that pair electron-positron gives birth even function. One obtains for all t
to proton witness that ether-1 consists of such pairs. We differ εe  ε p  0, (19.1.23)
ether-1 and ether-2 whose particles create particles of ether-1 and
fills the space in and between them. Today we know almost i.e. sum angular velocity of the pair is constant. One obtains
nothing about ether-2. Perhaps it is the base for gravitation. summing (19.1.19) and (19.1.20) in addition
Let us try to understand the construction of positron entering ωce  ωcp  0. (19.1.24)
into ethereal pair. Radius of “electric circle” for both members of
the pair is 98.18 less than of the free electron. But this does not The result: although any member in the pair oscillates with
angular acceleration electric charge of the pair is zero.
influence the value of their charge. It depends only on frequency
This conclusion helps us to understand some problems with
of electron’s mass.
Cooper’s pairs in superconductivity theory. Electric neutrality of
In §4, I we supposed that electric charge sign is defined by
a particle is necessary condition for it to move in accordance to
correlation between electric charge (ωe) and spin (νe), i.e. they
the first Newton’s law [§15]. Ether resists the movement of
create left hand or right hand triple. We supposed that right hand
charges particle. This can be understood already from the Ohm
triple corresponds electron. This means that left hand triple
law which links electric current with external forces which set the
corresponds to positron. This means that in positron in the pair
charges in conductor in motion. Sometimes the cause of it is seen
either its ωp should be antidirected to electron’s ωe or its spin νp
in the conductor’s lattice resistance. Although this effect
should be antidirected to electrons spin νe. In the second case
apparently takes place the free ether mainly resists the charges’
photon born by this pair should have spin zero and the first case
movement [§15], perhaps namely ether-2 and not ether-1. This
photon’s spin should be 1 because electron’s spin is ½.
resistance is observed in accelerators.
Experiment witnesses for the first case.
Therefore here we assume that necessary quality of Cooper’s
Let us try to answer the question: if tenfold radius lessening
pairs in superconductivity effects is their electric neutrality. But if
influences angular velocity of the bigger circle of the pair
so why magnetic field appears when they move? Today it is
widely accepted that magnetic field is strictly linked with electric
In §4, III a photon model as a rotating cylinder oscillating
one. This authors assume that magnetic field is linked with
along its axis is proposed. Apparently photon inherits its rotation
gravitational one. Electron possesses this field because its torus is
after the pair’s less circle rotation. What offer originate
turned by gravitational force lines just like in solenoid [§16, I].
oscillations along the photon axis?
Therefore Cooper’s pairs moving in superconductive media
Assumption 1. Photon appears because of the bigger circle
creates magnetic field. It must be similar to the magnetic field of
breaking in the members of the pair. This broken axis becomes
torus solenoid as it is described by E.A. Grigoriev [51]. This field
photon’s axis.
peak is reached inside the torus. But certain part of it manifests
Let us try to understand the process. The lesser circles of
outside. It is too small to give evidence in static experiments but
torus in ether-1 are not compressed. Therefore they rotate free.
it reveals in electron’s movement [§15]. E.A. Grigoriev’s
But the bigger circles are compressed.
experiments show that external magnetic field of torus is directed
Assumption 2. Compression of the bigger circle changes its
normally to big torus circle. It is possible that just magnetic field
stable rotation for accelerating one in the following way:
compel the big circumference of compressed electron and
ωce  ωe cos(ωet ), (19.1.19) positron to change uniform rotation for oscillation.

19.2. The Field Heat Equation and Structure of the Eather-1

Initial correlation for heat in field thermodynamics is
dω dT dL
Eq. (13.3.7). We obtain habitual correlation in terms of energy L T , (19.2.1)
dt dt dt
multiplying left and right hands parts in (13.3.7) by Plank's
constant ћ. dT T y1 T y2 T y3 T
    , (19.2.2)
One obtains differentiating (13.3.7) with respect to time: dt y1 t y2 t y3 t t
96 19. Cosmic Background Radiation and Ether

 T T T  L0
grad T   , ,  grad L  grad T . (19.2.9)
 y1 y2 y3  T
 
 T T T  Temperature T and specific entropy L in ideal gas and perhaps in
 , , . any gas is linked with the gas particles' movement. Therefore in
 x1x2  x2 x1 x2x3  x3 x2 x3x1  x1 x3 
  the interval between phase transitions
Quadratic (plane) derivatives here are expressed by u  w. (19.2.10)
derivatives with respect to two axial coordinate system.
Let us introduce the concept of plane (quadratic) velocity: One obtains from (19.2.7) and (19.2.8) heat change velocity:

 dy1 x1x2  x2 x1 dω  T 

 L0 (1  ln(T /T1 ))grad T  u  
 dt  dt
 u1 dt  t 
 (19.2.11)
 dy2 x2x3  x3 x2  T 
  u2 (19.2.4)  L0  grad T  w  .
  t 
 dt dt
 dy3 x3x1  x1 x3
   u3 Temperature and specific entropy of media are connected with
 dt dt its particles' movement. Therefore velocity u and w can be
u  (u1 , u2 , u3 ), (19.2.4a) considered equal. Thus for ideal gas out of phase transition the
heat velocity turns to be function of only temperature:
dω  T 
p  mu (19.2.4b)  2 L0  grad T  u  2 
dt  t  (19.2.11a)
can be named surfacial (quadratic) impulse. Impulse momentum  L0 ln(T /T1 )grad T  u.
(linear impulse):
Let us compare (19.2.11) with Fourier heat conductivity
p  r  mv, (19.2.4с) formula:
is an example of quadratic impulse. Here r is radius-vector and v q  æ grad T . (19.2.12)
is velocity.
Linear impulse (19.2.4c) is at the same time an example of Here æ is heat conductivity coefficient. Approximate formula for
quadratic impulse (19.2.4b) for which components u = (u1, u2, u3) conductivity coefficient in gases is:
satisfy "consistent condition" mentioned above. Thus 1
æ  ρcv λv , (19.2.13)
dT T 3
 grad T  u  . (19.2.5)
dt t
where ρ is gas density, cv is specific heat capacity for constant
In the same way volume, λ is mean length of the gas molecules' run, v is mean
heat velocity.
dL L
 grad L  w  , (19.2.6) One can see that (19.2.13) is just an averaging of the
dt t coefficients in (19.2.11) which describe movement of a separate
Finally (19.2.1) becomes particle: λv is the average of plane velocity u, cV is the specific
entropy of particle L0, coefficient 1/3 appears as a result of
dω  T  averaging of plane velocity u. If one instead of cV uses geat
 L  grad T  u  
dt  t  capacity coefficient for the case of constant density cp then
 dL L  coefficient
T   grad S  w  .
 dt t 
c p  cV  ln(T /T1 )  1  (19.2.14)
In the ideal gas out of phase transition S is the following function
of T: appears in (19.2.13). And this is the first point which differs
Fourier formula (19.2.12) from field formula (19.2.11).
L  L0 ln(T /T1 ), T [T1 ,T2 ], (19.2.8) The second and more important one is that grad T in (19.2.11)
is calculated with respect not to axial but to plane (quadratic)
where L0 is specific entropy of the medium's particle, T1 is initial
coordinates which introduce plane velocity which describes heat
temperature, T2 is the temperature of phase transition for the
processes more adequately than their averaged values.
Appearance partial time derivatives in (19.2.11) is also
When T = T1 the temperature becomes fixed and heat changes
essential. The problem is that Fourier law does not take into
because of the energy change. Therefore when T = T2 gradT
account inertness of heat conductivity processes. Therefore it is
becomes zero and gradL and W begin changing in accordance
invalid for the high frequency processes' description (ultrasonic
with their special laws. One obtains using (19.2.8) out of phase
processes, shock wave etc.) The first who payed attention to this
problem was Maxwell [53]. In 1948 Kattaneo [54] proposed
Fourier law version with relaxing member:
Chapter 3. Thermodynamics 97

q to zero, i.e. ether-1 particles are immovable (fixed). Taking §19.1

τ  (q  æ grad T ). (19.2.15)
t into account one can say that eather-1 is a very dense, almost
noncompressible close to thermodynamic equilibrium medium.
If τ is small (19.2.15) coincides with (19.2.12).
The immovability of eather-1 explains existence of transverse
(19.2.15) is also can be considered as (19.2.7) averaging. Using
vibrations in light wave.
probability terms one can say that (19.2.7) describes heat
Heat in such a media is transmitted nevertheless. It takes
conductivity with the help of random functions and (19.2.15)
place because of private derivatives in (19.2.7). It was shown in
does it with the help of mean evaluations
§19.1 that eather-1 consists of "Couper's couples" pressed by
Let us consider partial but important case when ether-1 is the
Coulomb force. Rotation of "electric circumferences" of these
heat medium. It is known from the experiment with rarefied
couples creates Coulomb field and rotation of the lesser
gases that heat conductivity of void (eather-1) is close to zero.
circumferences creates temperature and entropy fields which
This means that gradient components in (19.2.7) are close (or
radiates in eather-2 whose qualities are unknown for us today.
even equal) to zero, i.e. gradT and gradL must be close to zero.
When we understand qualities of eather-2 we shall better
This means that temperature T and specific entropy L of eather-1
understand structure of photon which is the carrier as for heat as
are close to constant. Plane velocities u and w must be also close
for Coulomb part of electric charge.

19.3. Cosmic Background Radiation is Just the Liquid-Like Phase of the Ether-2
Above we had come to the conclusion that tha basis of Equalities (19.3.1)–(19.3.3) characterizes the gas-like ether
Universe is created by ether-1, solid very-very elastic made of particle at the moment of transition into “plasma” or
Couper's pairs of electron-positron compressed by Coulomb “oversaturated” phase. These terms are conditional and should
forces almost or even completely not conducting heat with not mislead the reader. Ether plasma and used down liquid-like
temperature either very close or even equal to zero body. But we states can essentially differ from traditional plasma and liquid.
see that the Universe in which we live does not coincide with Gas-like ether possesses many features of ideal gas. In
such model, i.e. we live in ether-2. Ether-1 is apparently created particular when temperature increases in the interval less T0
by the particles of ethe2. In all our observations we apparently entropy depends on temperature logarithmically
see manifestations of ether-2 which we shall call free ether or just
ΔL  L1 ln(T /T1 ), T1  T  T0 . (19.3.4)
ether below.
For this we have already calculated the frontier temperature Here T1 is frontier temperature for gas-like ether transition into
calorie and entropy under which ether-1 changes its gas-like liquid-like phase and S1 is entropy in the moment of such
phase and comes into phase of “overheated vapor” or better to transition.
say into plasma phase. This phase transition in particular Let us note although this will not be used in future that
explains Purcell’s and Pound’s experiment [42] in which convex (up) character of logarithmic function is the cause that
particles’ spin in magnetic field change their direction for the sum of two volumes of gases with different temperatures have
opposite one under very high temperature. Earlier supposition entropy bigger than mean sum entropy of these volumes: straight
about negative temperature was adopted to explain this fact. This line joining two points of any convex function lies below its
chapter point is that phase transition takes place in this case: graph. In other terms assertion about inevitable entropy
ether gas transits into oversaturated form in which entropy increasing is the consequence of entropy temperature
dependence on temperature changes as it takes place for water dependence convexity. This is so for ideal gas and for all the
and vapor for instance. media on the basis of which this assertion was adopted. But if
The qualities of background radiation detected by Penzias there is a medium (perhaps ether in another phase) with other
and Wilson [14] leads to the conclusion that there exists the dependence between entropy and temperature (for instance
bottom frontier temperature under which calorie decreasing quadratic, i.e., concave (down)) experiments with such medium
leads to entropy decreasing and transition of gas-like ether into will lead to opposite conclusion.
liquid-like phase. This paragraph is devoted to this problem We can find entropy increment on the interval [T1, T0]:
Previously we came to the conclusion that gas-like ether into L(T0 )– L(T1 )  L1 ln(T0 /T1 ). (19.3.5)
oversaturated phase when
It was obtained that background radiation temperature
T0  1.147  104 m2 /s  5.9299  109 K. (19.3.1)
T1  2.728 K  5.29  10–14 m2 /s. (19.3.6)
Temperature (19.3.1) correspond calorie
One obtain taking (19.3.5) into account
ω0  7.7634  1020 rad/s. (19.3.2)
L1  1.03  1024 rad/m2 . (19.3.7)
The entropy (specific entropy L = S/ħ, where S is entropy (§13))
One can obtain frontier calorie knowing T1 and L1
at this point
ω1  T1 L1  5.45  1010 rad/s. (19.3.8)
L0  6.7061  1024 rad/m2 . (19.3.3)
98 Conclusion for the Book
ω1, T1, L1 characterizes separate ether-1 particle when it comes We see that the liquid-like fraction temperature is below the
from gas-like to liquid-like phase. Its energy is frontier temperature 2.725 K which is consider today as cosmic
microwave background temperature [55].
ω1  5.72  10–24 J. (19.3.9)
Let us try to find some analogies.
One can compare (19.3.8) with the frequencies obtained for 1. The closes to ether-1 among habitual substances is Helium.
background radiation in experiments: from 3.77×109 rad/s to It comes to liquid-like phase approximately under the same
6.28×1010 rad/s. temperature. It is possible that superfluid Helium is just ether-1.
Eq. (19.3.8) is rather close to the up point of the interval. This 2. In order to explain superconductivity we are compelled to
means that the interval beginning already corresponds to liquid- adopt some very artificial assumptions. In particular it is
like ether. The phase transition temperature remains constant. connected with Cooper’s pairs. There is a basis to believe that
Thus we can find the entropy corresponding the calorie ether-1 particles are electrons deprived of their ring rotation and
“magnetic winding” [42, §1.5]. Can we suppose that transition to
ω2  3.77  109 rad/s. (19.3.10) superconductivity just means that ring rotation is suppressed but
magnetic winding is conserved in electrons? Such particle
This entropy is without electric charge will move in media without resistance.
L2  ω2 /T2  7.3  1022 rad/m2 . (19.3.11)

And this temperature is

T2  ω2 /L2  5.16  10–14 m2 /s  2.65 K. (19.3.12)

Conclusion for the Book 99


It is high time to look around to discuss «Kings and cabbage» and to think about our favorite
science, i.e., physics. The total retreat of common sense before aggressive mysticism and
physical nonsense wrapped into thick layer of mathematics is apparently characteristic feature
of the XXth century physics. And this process is catastrophically expanding. The only way out is
to return back to the sources and again tramp. All staged of sometimes ignominious path.
I dare say some words here on the problem and propose my own understanding of the
situation Special Relativity Theory will apparently naturally die. It was an artificial excrescence
on the living tree of electrodynamics. Thus electrodynamics will shake the dust off and go
farther. Certainly gravidynamics must be constructed from the very beginning. I hope that the
corresponding chapter of this book will become a durable basis for the new theory. The
problem is more difficult with thermodynamics. Its creators put very good stones of
experimental facts into its foundation. Historically just thermodynamics had to «fire» earlier
then electrodynamics and just from it we have right to wait harvest in the nearest time. It was
not by chance that Plank linked his investigations with entropy. It inspired certain optimism in
this author that entropy appears in Plank formula in this book. Certainly it will take some time
to re-understand experimental facts.
In particular thermodynamic analog of Maxwell equations should be found. Equations
uniting electrodynamics, gravidynamics, and thermodynamics would complete this work.
At the end I would like to say the words of gratitude to the editor of Russian version Yegor
Pesterev and Cynthia Whitney – editor of English version of this book. They are my lawful
Also thank you my reader who have had enough endurance to come to these words.
100 Ether’s Characteristics

Physical quantity Value Reference
Free ether mass density (vacuum permittivity) ε0  1.7251  108 kg  rad2 /m3 (3.2.11)
Free ether compressibility (vacuum permeability) μ0  6.4498  1026 m  s2 /(kg  rad2 ) (3.2.12)
Physical vacuum impedance I  1.9336  1017 m2  s/(kg  rad2 ) (3.2.13)
Kinematic viscosity ν  8.5349  108 m2 /(s  rad) (3.2.14)
Dynamic viscosity η  14.7235 kg  rad/(m  s) (3.2.15)
Phase states of free ether
a) solid phase 0K
b) liquid phase from 0 K to 2.728 K §13, 19
c) gas-like phase from 2.728 K to 5.9299×109 K
d) 4th state from 5.9299×109 K to ?
Specific ether’s entropy (entropy of one particle) S0  6.7061  1024 rad/m2 (13.6.4)
Dependence of the specific entropy of gas-like ether on
S  S0 ln(T /T1 ), (17.1.9)

Greater radius re  3.8616  1013 m (6.10.4)

Angular velocity of the greater circle ωe  7.7634  1020 rad/s
The greater circle’s rotation velocity Ce  3.1443  108 m/s (6.10.7)
Lesser radius ρe  1.9308  1013 m (6.10.5)
Angular velocity of the lesser circle Ωe  1.5527  1021 rad/s (6.10.6)
The lesser circle’s rotation velocity сe  2.9979  108 m/s (6.10.7)


Greater radius rp  2.1031  1016 m (16.2.1)

Angular velocity of the greater circle ωp  4.435  1017 rad/s (16.2.2)
The greater circle’s rotation velocity vp  93.2721 m/s (16.2.3)
Lesser radius ρ p  7.4355  1017 m (16.2.10)
Angular velocity of the lesser circle Ωp  5.7019  1024 rad/s (16.2.11)
The lesser circle’s rotation velocity up  4.2397  108 m/s (16.2.12)
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