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Player Turn order - Agility then most will. Star turn in Dark +1 Fear , End Turn alone in space draw event.
Panic - No action until recover 1 fear. Roll a combat die ; hit= -1 fear, miss -1 life. While Panic Any fear triggered = -1 life.
Death - Drop Tokens, discard cards/skill tree. Reset life & fear, take item and Pact, entomb in portal until next turn/action.
Fear - Increase (+1) when attacked if Terror greater than Will. First Aid - Recover Maximum Health.
Pacts - Must be fulfilled as soon as possible. Players cursed and lose if game ends and they have an unfulfilled pact.
Skill Tree - Complete before starting new. Advance if 1+ kill in attack, Succeed Pact/Dimensional Challenge, Reanimate.
Souls - Maximum held = 5.Gain Killing creatures, loot ally, pact, Dimensional challenge. Spend 1 for +1 life point or -1 fear.
Spend 2 to add +1 once per turn to either Attack, Defence or Action. Cannot die whilst has a soul.
Move - Lose a life if move out of a creature occupied space, unless run. May Dash. Blocked by Evil Barricades.
Dimensional Portals - To travel between draw & pass Dimensional challenge, fail lose life and invoke creature in space.
Run - Only once per turn, D6 : 1 = stumble (no move), up to 2-6 spaces, must stop on any action except Dash.
Dash no cost - unlimited through door/window. Through Closed door - 2 life and break. Closed Window -1 life and break.
- Open or broken door/window -1 life. Barricade -2 life replace with broken door.
Open /Closed Door or Window - Window only opens one way in direction of arrow.
Raise/ Remove Barricade - removed replaced by broken door.
Set Trap - Discard weapon or item no cost and place trap on character sheet. As action place in space.
Attack - Equipped weapon and succeed in difficulty hits, rolling characters attack dice to cause Hits + Weapon Damage.
- Combos - Draw card, use value of selected combo with difficulty +1 for each extra character, combining attacks ,
can attack alone. All characters suffer failure , if succeed + 1 additional creature per character.
Attack Damage total applied to each enemy attacked. Gain 1 soul and 1 skill if any creatures killed.
Reinforce - Add +1 Defence Token for attacks during next Creature Turn.
Explore - Unexplored space - Inventory = equipped weapons + 2 items in backpack. Rearrange no cost at any time in turn.
Pick up Token - Required for car or boat , bonuses or to restore health.
Reactivate Radio/Telephone - after used to call for help (ally) turned face down.
Call for help - Tel/Radio, Draw Ally card. Calling Player turn; Move, open/close doors/windows. Attack(inc. combos) +1 hit.
Loot Allies - A dead Good Ally , Draw 3 item cards and 1 soul.
Start Generator - Once per game D6; 1=fail but can retry, 2-5 rounds of energy for light. 6=fail creature in space, can retry.
Exchange - Inventory items with character in same space. Event, Ally and Pact cards cannot be exchanged.
Reanimate - Dead character only loses skill trees, revives after other character turns, with life = will and restores fear to 0.
Character reanimating Gains Soul and skill tree +1
Invoke Creatures Multiple spawning at start of round is in clockwise order.
1st Round of Day - Invoked in each portal on each map tile that is not occupied by character.
Night Round - At Start rolI Evil Die D6; 1 miss, 3 or 5 +1 Fear all characters, 6 -1 life all characters,
2 or 4 invokes in portal on tile with least activity.
1st Round of Night - Invoke in each portal. Remove explore tokens.
Other rounds - Invoke in every portal on each map tile that has at least one character. None appear in any other portals.
Creature order - Agility, Evil Allies then Bosses(not creatures}. Type ties, closest to character, then players decide.
Creature Targets Character /Ally - Perception in spaces, ignore obstacles. Priority shortest path, greatest number of
characters, least obstructed path, slowest ally then slowest character, weakest will.
If None in Perception Range and until a character in range. Priority most *active tile with characters (Activity
Characters = 2, Allies and Creatures = 1) use shortest Path, most characters, character least agility, greatest chance
to find character. * In tile with most activity, nearest character, slowest ally then character. Until perceive then target.
Windows - only cross open or broken. Doors - 1MP to open. Barricade and Traps - Stuns Creature and removes them.
Stunned - Vulnerable add D6 value to Character attack.
Bad Allies - As creatures, move last, priority closest character , slowest.
Evil Barricades - Destroyed endurance(9) = 0, replaced with broken door/window, invoke creature in character side.
Mobility 3 Traps -1 3 Night Only 0 1 breaks doors. 0
Special See page 33 See Card Fury 7 No trap/barricade See Card
Abilities Kills all in space as he Each round invokes in Attack all on its Tile Kills all in its space. Distance attack
moves. his space.
Invoke Creatures
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Spectres Nightmares Demons Furmungus Abberration Arcanes Possessed Killer Toys Reanimated Pyscho Whisperers Last

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