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Hasta Uttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Cues and instructions:

1. Stand tall at the top of the mat
2. Toes point forward, feet either hip
distance wide or big toes together
heels slightly apart. Your stance will
depend on the shape of your feet.
3. Weight equally distributed between
the feet.
4. Neutral pelvis and hips. Do not lock
the knees.
5. On the inhalation, press firmly into
the feet as you elongate the arms
over the head, joining the palms
6. Keeping the navel in, you can slightly
arch the back.
7. Lengthen the neck to gaze at your

Benefits of this asana: Contraindications:

• Improves posture • Extreme dizziness
• Brings balance and stability to mind • Severe arthritis in knee or hip
and body, feeling strong in our center • High blood pressure
• Grounding
• Strengthens ankles, knees, thighs, legs
and arms
• Improves blood circulation
• Lengthens the spine

Modifications for beginners: Modifications for advanced:

• Keep the feet wider apart for more • Interlace the fingers and point both index
stability and balance fingers up.
• Keep the palms separated, shoulder • Engage the core as you exhale into a back
distance apart or wider bend. Use the inhalation to come back.

Preparatory asanas: Subsequent asanas / counterposes:

Tadasana (Mountain pose) Surya Namaskar, any standing asana

Move the chin in and down to lengthen the neck. Direct the lower ribcage together to keep
the front of the body engaged. Press down through the feet. Direct shoulders away from the

Watch for hyperextension of the joints or compression at the lumbar or cervical spine.

Zazyoga YTT200 – All rights reserved

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