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Asanas Benefits Contra Indications

1. Tadasana. Promoting good posture Low Blood Pressure (if pose held too long): as the
Improving flexibility blood may begin to pool in the lower half of the
Boosting your self-esteem body, causing dizziness.
Strengthening your legs and abs Pregnancy: keep feet hip distance, or wider, apart.
Supporting a healthy gut Knock Knees: Bring heels slightly apart.
Developing better balance
Offering a beginner-friendly yoga pose
Guille Faingold/Stocksy
2. Parivarttana Trikonasana. Parivrtta Trikonasana activates your core Injury of the neck, hips, spine, shoulders and knee.
muscles, which aids in balance and stability. Migraine related symptoms.
Stretches and lengthens the spine. This pose can Pregnant Women should avoid, as if the breathing
reduce stiffness in the spine and back, resulting in goes wrong the pressure around the tummy will
increased flexibility. Opens the hips and shoulders. increase causing discomfort. ...
Heart related ailments.
Balance related ailments.

3. Natarajasana. Health Benefits of Natarajasana – The Lord of Dance People suffering from High BP and Back problems,
Pose: weak heart, hernia, colitis, ulcer and vertigo
This posture can assist in losing weight, as you tend to sholud not do
burn calories during practice.
It strengthens and stretches your ankles, legs, thighs,
chest, abdomen, thorax, and hips.
This pose develops greater flexibility in your spine,
shoulders, and hamstrings.

4. Garudasana. This yoga pose helps in improving the focus and Elbow injury.
concentration of the mind. Knee injury.
It improves flexibility of the legs, hips and back muscles. Ankle injury.
It provides relief from stress and tension. Varicose veins in back of the knees,
The asana also strengthens the calf muscles. Severe knee pain, arthritis.

5. Matsyasana. Stretches your deep hip flexors and intercostals (muscles Precautions to take while doing Matsyasana (Fish
between the ribs) Pose)
· Relieves tension in your neck, throat, and shoulders Those suffering from high blood pressure, low
· Stretches and tones the front of your neck and your blood pressure or insomnia should not practice
abdominals this asana.
· Stretches and stimulates the organs of your belly and People with knee injury should not practice
throat Padmasana (Lotus Pose).
· Strengthens your upper back and the back of your neck While bending, don't put excessive stress on your
· Relieves stress and irritation back as it can lead to serious injury.
· Improves posture
· Therapeutic for rounded-shoulders, asthma, spasms in
the bronchial tubes, and other respiratory issues

6. Pachimottanasana. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose) tones Pregnant Women: Pregnant women should avoid
the arms, neck, shoulders, legs, hips and lower back thus this pose as there would be pressure on the pelvic
removing unnecessary fat. area and the uterus may not be able to withstand
the pressure.
Health Benefits Those who are suffering from spondylitis,Slipped
As the body moves forward, pressure is put on the Disc, Hernia, should avoid Paschimottanasana as
digestive organs and pelvic organs thus healing them the forward bend can bring pressure to the neck
from within and toning them. The digestion improves and shoulders.
and much blocked gas gets released in and around the
lower abdomen.
Works on improving the respiration as the body puts
pressure on the thorax and abdomen.
Improves the alignment of the vertebral column.
Helps as a therapy for diabetic patients, patients with
weak liver and kidney.
7. JanuSirashasana. It calms the brain and eliminates mild depression; Hip pathologies.
It stretches the spine, liver, spleen, hamstrings, groins, Gastrointestinal issues.
and shoulders; Low back pathologies (avoid rounding)
Stimulates the kidneys and liver; Knee, hip, or rib injury.
Reduces pain in the waist and legs; Diarrhea.
Helps to get rid of belly fat; Asthma.
Improves digestion
Asanas Benefits Contra Indications

8. Vakarasana. It regulates the secretion of digestive juices, improvingSore back due to an injury: it may not be a good
digestion and combating constipation. It massages the idea to practice this yoga pose if there is a back
abdominal organs and helps reduce belly fat. It makes injury.
the spine flexible. It strengthens the back and helps with
Sciatica: pressure on sciatic nerves can cause more
chronic back and shoulder pain. injury with this yoga pose as the pressure is on the
nerves while the body is twisted.
9. Ardha Matsyendrasana. Helps in the agility of the spine. Matsyendrasana Contraindications: People
The poses and postures of this yoga elongate the spine. suffering from severe back or neck pain should
Restoration of the natural alignment of the spine. practice with caution, and with close supervision.
Releases the lower back muscles and provides relief from Those with slip disc problems should avoid this
lower back pain. pose completely. Those with internal organ issues
Aids in maintaining normal rotation of your spinal cord. may find this pose difficult and painful.

10. Bhujangasana. Strengthens the spine. Bhujangasana is not recommended for those who
Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen. suffer from severe back problems relating to the
Tones the buttocks. spine.
Stimulates abdominal organs. If in case of neck-related problems such as
Helps relieve stress and fatigue. spondylitis are advised to avoid this pose.
Opens the heart and lungs. The posture puts a lot of pressure on the lower
Soothes sciatica. abdomen. ...
Therapeutic for asthma. Patients with severe asthma should avoid this

11. Dhanurasana. Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles High or low blood pressure
Stimulates the reproductive organs Hernia
Opens up the chest, neck, and shoulders Neck injury
Tones the leg and arm muscles Pain in the lower back
Adds greater flexibility to the back Headache or migraine
Alleviates stress and fatigue Recent abdominal surgery
Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation
Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders

12. Salabhasana. Strengthens the lower back, pelvic organs, legs, hip joints People who are suffering from a slip disc problem,
and arms. Sciatica Pain or acute back pain should not
Tones the sciatic nerves. practise Salabhasana.
Provide relief in backache, mild sciatica and slipped disc. Women who are pregnant should not practice
Alleviates unfavourable conditions of diseases of the Salabhasana.
stomach and bowels. People who have high blood pressure problem
should not practice Salabhasana to avoid
13. Udhan Padha asana (45 Degree). Uttanpadasana health benefits include factors that can Injury to any of the muscles like hamstrings,
prevent you from many health problems like quadriceps, calves, gluteus maximus, adductors
constipation, acidity, back pain, increase blood (inner thighs) or core muscles is contraindicated,
circulation, indigestion. Also help to strengthen thighs, hence best to avoid. If students are recovering
hips, thighs muscles and reproductive organs. from a surgery to any part of the body or internal
organs, then refrain from this practice.

14. Setu bandha asana Stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips. As a lot of pressure is put at the neck, students
Strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings. with neck injury or someone with spondylitis
Improves circulation of blood. should avoid this pose.
Helps alleviate stress and mild depression. Do not move or adjust your neck once you have
Calms the brain and central nervous system. entered this pose as it may lead to a sprain.
Stimulates the lungs, thyroid glands, and abdominal
Improves digestion.
15. Chakrasana. Improves spine flexibility and strength. Chakrasana, or Do not try this Yoga Pose in case of a back injury.
the wheel pose, is one of the best stretches. ... If you are suffering from heart problems, then
Tones the abdominal region. ... don't try.
Cures backache. ... A headache, Diarrhoea, and carpal tunnel.
Relieves stress. ... High or low blood pressure.
Strengthens your body. Do not perform this if suffering from any cardiac
or spinal problems.
Avoid if suffering from a hernia.
Asanas Benefits Contra Indications

16. Pakkasana. Arms Strengthen, core to help hold you up. If any injury to the hips, knees, wrists, or
Strengthens glutes and adductors. shoulders, then it is best to avoid the practice of
Strengthens shoulder stabilizers. Bakasana or Crane Pose. Modifying this pose with
Prepares you for most other arm balances. props or support is the best option.
It helps make your wrists stronger.
Stretches your upper back and groin.
Your spine is toned and strengthened.

17. Malasana. Malasana improves balance, concentration, and focus. It Injury to knees or ankles: This pose brings
can also increase circulation and blood flow in the pelvis, tremendous amount of pressure on knees and
which can help regulate sexual energy. It is particularly ankles, so someone with an injury at the knee or
good for pregnant women as it can later help in ankle should avoid Malasana.
childbirth. Pregnancy: This pose puts a lot of pressure on the
abdominal area and must be avoided by pregnant
18. Mandukasana. Mandukasana gives you relief from diabetes, digestive Women who are pregnant should completely
disorders and constipation. This pose improves the avoid this pose, due to pressure at the lower
flexibility and mobility of the knee and ankle joints. It abdomen.
helps tone muscles of the shoulder and abdomen. Any kind of ulcer in the body more so with peptic
Regular practice of this pose increases your lung ulcers, one should avoid this pose.
19. Sarvangasana. Supports Hypertension Treatment. This position aids in Internal Organs: If one has weak internal organs
the reduction of high blood pressure. ... like the spleen, liver or kidney or enlarged thyroid
Improves Thyroid Health. ... should avoid this yoga pose. High Blood Pressure:
Improves Parathyroid Health. ... Someone with high blood pressure or Migraine.
Good for Varicose Vein. ... Pregnant or Menstruating: Women who are
Boosts Brain Functions. ... pregnant and women during their menstruation.
Women Health. ...
Activates Throat Chakra.
20. Matsya Kridasana. Matsya Kridasana helps reduce pain in the lumbar Avoid practicing this asana in case of severe neck
region. It relaxes the lower back and helps in relieving or back pain. People suffering from any of these
sciatic pain too. This asana also tones up your abdominal conditions should avoid practicing this asana: Back
region and give a good massage to your chest cavity. By pain, spinal disorders, high blood pressure,
stretching your abdominal region, it aids in digestion and migraine, cervical spondylitis, heart disease or
hence works against constipation. knee injury.

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