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Vision: I want to start a successful business and leave my bank job within three years.
Purpose: I want to work for myself, control my own destiny, do something I’m passionate about,
and share my unique gifts with the world. The bank has been a great learning experience but I
want out.
“I don’t want to work for the man. I am the man.” –Joey (friend)
1. Take first step in starting a blog
2. Order Eben Pagan marketing materials
3. Wake up at 6 a.m. everyday, out of bed by 6:10 no matter what
4. Drop off dry cleaning every Wednesday as needed
5. Only check Facebook 3-4 times a day- before work, lunch, after, and one gimme if work is
6. Be grateful for my job/income, remind myself that customers love me and I’m a valuable asset
once a day
School / Self-Education
Vision: I want to get my Associates degree by the end of summer 2014 and continue on my non-
stop path of self-education and evolution, both personal and business.
Purpose: Finishing my Associate’s degree will give me completion at community college I started
at many years ago. It will free up more time for things I WANT to learn, including self-education
and growing a business. An Associate’s degree looks better than ‘Some college’ on resumes and
online dating profiles. Not having the false sense of security of a Bachelor’s degree will help me
grind harder in achieving my goals.
“I never let schooling interfere with my education.” –Mark Twain
1. Read/listen to audio book 30 min per day
2. Go to library for at least two hours once a week (Sat or Sun) for clean focus on homework
3. Every Sunday review assignments due in the upcoming week
4. Put cell phone away to better focus in class and while doing self-ed. materials
Living Situation
Vision: I want to move out and live on my own in an apartment or condo by June 2014 after my
car lease expires in May, which will free up some monthly money.
Purpose: As great as my relationship with my family is and as comfortable as it is to live at home,
I’m 30 and it is time to move out. Having my own place will help me grow as a man and is a
missing piece of the puzzle in my expanding self-reliance. It will greatly enhance my
datinglife and centeredness, helping me feel more established in the world.
“No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.”  -William Blake
1. Search online at least once a week for used car, in plan to free up monthly (car payment)
money for living expenses
2. Search online once a week for apartment and condo to gain experience/familiarity
3. Check out some places at least once by the end of the year for experience. Perhaps with
realtor uncle and brother who is currently searching for a place
Vision: I want to routinely remind myself to be grateful and what a privilege it is to be alive and
Purpose: These goals will keep spirituality in my awareness and help me stay grounded,
preventing me from getting swept up by the stresses of life. Meditation will help me stay centered
and present; while gratitude will remind me of all the amazing things I have now and minimize
fears. This all will help my motivation and good feelings.
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to
think, to enjoy, to love.” –Marcus Aurelius
1. Do 20 min of meditation 3 times a week
2. 5-10 min session of gratitude once a week
3. Thank God every morning for life and ask myself ‘What can I accomplish today?’
4. Listen to music that makes me feel good, maybe dance for a few min, a couple times a week
Family Relationships
Vision: I want to maintain strong relationships with each individual in my immediate fam.
Purpose: Along with health, my parents/family is what I’m most grateful for in life. We’re not
perfect, but were perfect for each other and I’m so thankful. I’m lucky to have them and my
upbringing, which has helped mold me into who I am today. They deserve my full
listening/attention/pesence, as they are always there for me, including their burden of my OCD
behaviors. They truly accept and love me unconditionally and I feel the same way.
1. Check in with each member of family once a week asking how they’re doing, instead of
only the other way around with them helping me all the time.
2. Call grandpa once a month
Health and fitness
Vision: I want to maintain physical health and wellness, including staying trim, toning up, and
keep running so my legs don’t give out with age.
Purpose: I plan to stay in maintenance mode until school is over. It will help me have energy and
motivation, as well as keeping me look fit and not let my belly get big during winter. Will keep me
healthy so I don’t get sick and minimize back pain, which helps me being clear headed and
excited for the day- work and school. I’ll also save money on chiropractic care and be happier
1. Workout twice a week during this school semester – Sat. for sure and pick-a-day
2. Have green drink after dinner daily
3. Stretch at lunch and after work daily to loosen up from sitting all day.
4. Be in bed by 11:00 and at least six hours of sleep
5. Have final drink of water/tea at 9:00 so I don’t need to wake up during night
5. Cut out Starbucks
6. Eat balanced, clean diet, as I do now
7. One cheat day, including coffee
8. Call dermatologist this week
9. Don’t eat after 8 pm unless fruit or veg
Social Circle
Vision: I want to keep in touch with good friends and meet new friends to have abundance of fun
and friendships.
Purpose: I want to let go and have fun, ad well as deep connections with some of my existing
and future friends. It will enhance my life and create priceless peak-life moments of enjoyment
and laughter.
“These are the glory days.” – Owen Cook
1. Go out w friends at least every other weekend
2. Talk to Isaac at least once per month
3. Make a Facebook or number connection with a guy or girl every time I go out
4. Check-in with Tommy about his problems this week
Skill Acquirement/Experience (Boxing, yoga, art, travel, musical
Vision: I want to be a modern day Renaissance man, having the vast skill set of The Most
Interesting Man, James Bond, and the Henekein guy. I want to travel to California and try a yoga
class in 2014.
Purpose: These skills are fun and add to the awesome person I already am, further captivating
people along the way. These activities will put me in a flow state and be great for mind, body, and
1. Read one book per month- Reading Education of Millionares currently
2. Have one drawing or photoshop session per month

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