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30x More Effective Than Aspirin For Pain?

CBD oils, extracts, and pills are shrouded in mystery and controversy for many patients.

But for many CBD has been a godsend, bringing welcome relief for:

 The searing pain you feel in your joints, muscles, back and nerves
 The awful sleep you’re experiencing night after night
 The crippling anxiety you deal with on a daily basis

Unfortunately the dishonest media and a government that only serves its Big Pharma masters has
spread nothing but dishonest information about this miraculous remedy.

My friends break down the 5 biggest myths about CBD in their latest article:

 Is it legal?
 Will it get you high?
 Will you fail a drug test?
 Is it medical marijuana?
 And most importantly - does it work?

Go here to get the facts and then decide for yourself if its right for you.

In this article you’ll also see why CBD has been proven to be 30x more effective than aspirin and
2x more effective than dangerous and deadly prescription drugs.

Attention: People Looking To Relieve Pain, Get Better Sleep, 

and Relieve Crippling Anxiety:
Why CBD Doesn't Work For
Some People
If you’ve been paying attention at all in the last 3-4 years you’ve noticed a major
revolution happening in the health industry.

While Western Medicine costs keep skyrocketing, and actual results and side effects
seem to get worse, there’s been a serious shift in the world of natural health remedies.

And one particular plant is leading the way with incredible results for its users.
This plant and its by-products have slowly been replacing deadly, addictive drugs for
patients of all ages.

And these products have been far more effective for treating:
1.  Pain: this miraculous plant has been shown to reduce crippling nerve pain, back
pain, joint pain, and many other hard-to-treat pain for millions of patients.

2. Sleep: there's a 'catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic' happening in this country due to

our hyper-connected lifestyles and this incredible plant can restore the restful,
refreshing sleep you experienced in your younger days. 

3. Anxiety: another seldom-reported symptom of our modern lifestyle is a gnawing

anxiety that, before now, has only been treatable with dangerous psychotropic drugs. 
All that will change with this miracle plant.

4. Inflammation: recent research has shown that most of our health problems stem
from some form of inflammation.  Fortunately, this new discovery has been shown to
fight inflammation better than any other single remedy in the last 20 years.

This incredible plant is helping people 

live healthier, happier lives
So what is this miraculous new remedy?

It is CBD, or cannabinoid oil derived from non-psychoactive hemp plants.

Unfortunately there is a mountain of misinformation about this revolution and this


Big Pharma, the Federal Government, unethical doctors and health industry lobbyists
are determined to make sure you are confused and afraid of CBD so that you'll just
keep taking their addictive and ineffective medications.

I'm going to debunk all the lies and myths they spread and show you actual proof
that CBD works.
But only if you follow this simple little trick that many people who have tried
CBD don’t know…

So you'll see these notations throughout this presentation like this (1), (2), (3).

Those are REAL studies, using peer-reviewed research, that prove what I am telling
you today is true.

But here's something that might shock you...

We Tried CBD For Years -
And It Did Nothing For Us

That's something no other CBD maker will tell you, right?  

That the main ingredient in their product didn't work at first. 

And we know thousands of people that have tried it and say the same thing.  

We thought 'What's the big deal with this stuff?  It doesn't work!'

It turns out we were missing a big piece of a puzzle.

It's a secret virtually no one in this industry talks about, and it's too bad because
millions of people are missing out on this incredible remedy because they think it
doesn't work.

Kriss struggled with his sleep and chronic back pain for most of his life, and was so
frustrated he had largely given up and just thought 'I guess this is just how it will be

Chaz suffered from 'brain fog' and poor concentration for years, and chalked it up to
getting older so he gave up looking for answers.
CBD helped all those things, and changed our lives.

But not until we found out that HOW you take CBD is as important as WHAT you

And when we figured that out, we discovered that CBD was the single biggest
health breakthrough in our lives.

And it could be for you too.

More on the in a moment, right now I want to give the brief history of CBD and
cannabis treatments.  

It turns out this isn't a 'new discovery' because....

This 'Sacred Plant' Has Been Used For At Least
4,755 Years To Relieve Everything from Pain to
Bad Moods
The Chinese have been using cannabis plants since at least 2737BC, when Emperor
Shen Nung wrote that it relieved his pain and dietary issues.
And anthropologists found cannabis pollen in the tomb of Ramses II, who died in

In India the plant is considered sacred and has been used in rituals, spiritual
ceremonies, and health practices since 1400BC.

This sacred plant is truly the plant of kings, and now you can enjoy its benefits

The hemp plant is depicted in this stone carving created circa 680BC in what is now Syria.
But there is one big reason why cannabis and CBD are particularly important, critical
really, to our future right now...
Why CBD? Why Now?
I'm sure you've heard there's an opioid epidemic happening in our country.

Doctors, trying to help suffering patients while still keeping their insurance-company
overlords happy, have been handing out dangerous drugs like candy at halloween.

And we are just now seeing the horrible side effects of this practice.

Millions of Americans are struggling with addiction to prescription drugs

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2,591,000 people in
American are addicted to opioids right now.(1)

Accidental drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in

52,404 people died in 2016 from drug overdoses, and 20,101 of those were from
prescription drug overdoses.

And the number one population that experiences these accidental overdoses?  Middle-
aged women.
These dangerous drugs are no longer the realm of 'druggies' and 'losers'.  It is our
neighbors, our friends, our family members who are victims.

These innocent victims aren't showing up in an alley late at night to fulfill their

They are going to the doctor's office. And for many, it's a deadly choice.

So here at Health Real Solutions, we are making it our mission to help people prosper
and relieve their health issues without these deadly drugs.

We want to help 1 million people relieve their pain, soothe their anxiety, get better
sleep, and fight deadly inflammation.

And we believe that...

CBDs Can Be The Answer To The Opioid
AND The Horrible Pain So Many Suffer From...
Fact: in states where marijuana laws have changed, people in those states use fewer

This is according to a study in the Journal of American Medical Association.(2)

This study showed that where cannabis products are legal, residents use 14% fewer opioids
In those states, patients had greater access to medical marijuana and CBD oils and

And those states saw a 14.4 % reduction in opioid use.

Compare that to many other states with antiquated cannabis laws that saw double digit
INCREASES in opioid addiction stats over the same period.

So, what is the difference between medical marijuana and CBD?  Is it legal?  Is it safe?
Let's dive in to the 5 myths about CBDs and debunk the media- and government-
manufactured misinformation about this miraculous remedy...
Top 5 Myths About CBDs
I don't have to tell you there are forces that want the status quo in our healthcare
system to remain forever.

They want to push addictive drugs that keep the river of money flowing into Big
Pharma's coffers.

And the media, desperate for clicks and viewers, promotes antiquated myths and
outright lies that get shared endlessly.

So let's separate fact from fiction....

Myth #1: CBD is Illegal
Is CBD legal?

As with many things in the cannabis industry, the only real answer is: it depends.

Here's the short version: if CBD has been derived from hemp plants and has less
than 0.3% THC, it is absolutely, positively, 100% legal and has been for decades.

Hemp has been used in this country for industrial and health purposes since George
Washington grew it on his own farm before our great country was founded.

What is illegal is CBD products that contain more than 0.3% THC because they are
derived from marijuana plant.  

THC is what gets you high.

Which brings me to Myth #2...

Myth #2: CBDs Get You 'High'
Any marijuana plant that has over 0.3% THC concentration is technically illegal at a
federal level in the United States.  

This is the level below which the government has determined will not impair your
mental capabilities and is non-psychoactive.

And the government and numerous scientific studies have determined CBD to be non-

THC causes the 'high' people feel when taking marijuana, so since CBD has extremely
low or zero levels of THC, it won't get you high.
But CBD helps calm you down, focus, relieves anxiety and helps you sleep, so isn't
that in a way 'psychoactive'?  

Not really no.  

The main difference is that CBD DOES NOT IMPAIR your ability to drive, work
or perform everyday tasks.  

In fact for the majority of patients it HELPS you do all those things.

CBD acts on your Cannabinoid receptors that already exist in your body to calm your
mind, help you sleep, and soothe your suffering.  

But it will NOT make you feel 'high'.  

And because of these ultra low THC levels, you don't have to worry about that next
drug test...
Myth #3: You Can Fail a Drug Test 
After Taking CBDs
The boss calls.  It's your turn to go pee in a cup.  GULP.

If you've bought CBD or hemp products from shady manufacturers or unscrupulous

marketers in the past, this could be the time to say goodbye to your pay check.

But here's the truth.

Drug testers are testing for THC levels in your urine, so as long as you're using
CBD that is LEGAL and has been tested by a third party lab to have zero or less
than 0.3% THC, and you're taking the recommended dose you should be fine.  

No need to worry.

It's easy to tell if you're taking CBD with high THC levels.

Just have the manufacturer provide you with the testing results from their latest lab

And if they don't/won't do that?  Goodbye!

To be on the safe side, look for CBD that has NO THC content, and is hemp derived
(like ours).

Now we take on one of the most pervasive myths in this industry...

Make sure your CBD has ZERO THC
Myth #4: CBD is Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana and CBD, when taken as supplements, are actually very different.

Medical marijuana actually uses the entire flower of the plant, and often is grown for
maximum THC content.  

As we saw in the previous myths, CBD has little or no THC content.  

There is some compelling evidence that THC can be used for all sorts of therapeutic

And maybe someday in the future all Americans can enjoy the benefits of Medical

But for now, CBD could be the answer to your prayers...

Myth #5: There Are No Credible Studies 
Showing CBDs Work
This is so untrue it's laughable.  

Next time you tell someone you're taking CBD and they laugh at you for being a 'pot-
head', you can tell them you are not taking 'pot', you're taking one of the most highly
studied plants on earth over the last 10 years.

In fact in 2017 alone there were 245 different studies performed worldwide looking at
everything from CBD in pain treatments to using CBD before public speaking.

And the vast majority of these studies show major improvements for the test subjects
for a wide variety of ailments, but most noticeably for pain sufferers.

If we pick just one, here's what they found (3):

97% of people in this study were able to reduce 
their opioid intake thanks to CBD

   2,897 subjects were studied. Of those that had used opioids for pain in the
past, 97% reported that they were able to decrease their opiate intake
thanks to CBD.
  81% strongly agreed that taking CBD was by itself more effective at treating
their pain than taking opioids. 
  The participants also reported that CBD        was as effective in providing pain
relief as other medications and did not have the “unwanted side effects.”

So If It's Legal, Effective, and Safe 

Why Can't I Buy It In Stores?

You won't find this miraculous remedy in stores

It's a great question.  This is due largely to the mega-banks that control our financial

Because the Federal government has issued confusing statements about the legality of
all cannabis products, the banks are often afraid to allow transactions involving CBD

...Even though these products have no psychoactive properties!

So even though hemp and CBDs are perfectly legal thanks to the 2014 Federal
Farm Bill, many banks view this industry is risky because they simply group all
cannabis products together. 

These mega banks don't understand the nuances of the industry like you do now,

That is expected to change very soon, but for now you won't be able to find these legal
remedies in your local pharmacy or health store.

This is also why we have to limit how many customers we sell to.  

The banks put an extremely low limit on how many orders we can take, so if you
want to try CBD, today is the day to do that - do not wait.

Now, let's talk about what CBD can do you for you...
Studies Show CBD Is 10x More Powerful Than
Morphine and 30x More Powerful Than Aspirin
Pain Relief

How often do you find yourself struggling to stand up, get out of bed, or do even mild exercise?
The only thing we can count on getting more of as we get older: pain (and maybe
medical bills).

That means millions of Americans & around the world are incredibly frustrated
because the stuff that works is dangerous and the stuff that is safe doesn't work.

Most prescription pain drugs are dangerous and addictive. 

Even common over-the-counter pain relievers have been shown to cause heart attacks,
strokes, and blood clots. (4)

And the problem with other natural pain relievers is that they often only address
one kind of pain.

Turmeric only addresses joint pain. 

There a dozens of tinctures, oils, and herbs that claim to ease one kind of a pain or

This is where CBD really shines.

CBD has been shown to relieve many of the most common and hardest-to-treat types
of pain in the world.

Here are some examples:

  Back pain: A recent study showed CBD treatments led to a significant decrease
in disk degeneration, which is the leading cause of back pain the US (5)
  Nerve pain: a comprehensive review showed that CBD treatments improved
pain levels significantly for patients suffering from nerve pain (6)
  Joint pain, swelling, and inflammation was reduced by as much as 47% in a
study published in the European Journal of Pain. (7)  
  One study showed that a substance found in cannabis treatments were 30x
more effective than aspirin and 10x more effective than morphine in
treating causes of pain. (8)

What would you do if you didn't have 

constant pain holding you back?
It's so effective that war veterans are now taking it to relieve their pain.
Navy veteran Vern Wayne took opioids for 17 years. 

"I basically became a walking zombie," Wayne said. "I was at a higher-than-likely
rate of committing suicide from pain." But after using CBD oil he says he got the relief
he needed.

"I began to feel an occasional sense of joy for the first time in over two years.  My
pain was almost entirely gone."
And pain relief is just the tip of iceberg for CBD.  

It can also address one of the worst trends in America...

What If You Could Fall Asleep Effortlessly, 
Never Stir The Entire Night, 
& Simply Wake Up 8 Hours Later 
Completely Refreshed?
There was a time in your life when sleeping was the easiest thing you did.
Remember that?

You’d simply crawl into bed exhausted, fall asleep, and wake up 8 hours later. No
tossing and turning. 

No staring at the ceiling trying to relax yourself. No 2am wakeups where you try not to
look at the clock every 10 minutes.

Those nights when you would wake up in the morning and realize you were probably
in the exact same position you were in when you went to sleep.

Boy those were the days.

But as we grow older that simply isn’t the case for most people.
Whether it’s caused by diet, stress, lifestyle, or the aches and pains in our bodies, good
sleep has become harder and harder to come by.

Many of us have become so accustomed to poor sleep we don’t remember what good
sleep feels like. 
Some sleep scientists are calling it a “catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic” that is causing
a whole host of potentially fatal health problems.

According to these scientists sleep deprivation affects “every aspect of our biology”.

But you knew that, it’s common sense. After food and water, sleep is our most
biologically essential activity.

Other natural and man-made solutions simply don’t work that well. 

How many times have you woken up at 3am after using melatonin? It just seems
to wear off in the middle of the night.

And other store-bought solutions can become addictive and make you dependent on
them to get any sleep.

That’s why CBDs are such a revolutionary supplement for so many people just like

Many people report they're sleeping better than they have in decades with CBD. 

AND they wake up with less stiffness and soreness after a good nights rest thanks to
CBD's ability to ease your pain and relax your muscles.

Now most of our clients simply take a dose of CBD before bed, fall asleep a few
minutes later, have no late-night wake-ups, and awake completely revived 8 hours
Maryanne Doane says: 

“I had gotten so used to sleeping bad I didn’t know what it was like to just sleep the
whole night through. 

After just a couple days using this formula I wake up and realize I never stirred the
entire night. 
I wipe away the sleep from my eyes in the morning ready to take on my day. This has
been incredible for my energy levels and my mind. 

With good sleep my memory level is way better! This is the most consistent and
reliable solution I have ever found.”
Your Hectic Life Can Be A Whole Lot Easier With
LESS Anxiety and MORE Focus
With constant threats of war, terrorism, natural disasters and daily crises in our modern
life, it's no wonder Americans are suffering from anxiety like never before.

Add in a shaky economy, a massive loss of good-paying jobs to other countries, and
many Americans are more anxious and fearful than ever before.

Anxiety levels have skyrocketed in the US

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40
million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population
every year. (10)

But the fear of addiction to dangerous drugs means that only 37% of people who suffer
from anxiety receive treatment.

You've probably felt this in your life. 

Worries about money, career, family, and your health create a base-level of stress that
we can never fully let go of.
What if there was a way to stop worrying, stop stressing, and just live a happy,
virtually care-free life?

CBD could be the answer.

"I think there's good evidence to suggest that CBD is an effective treatment of
anxiety and addiction" and other disorders, says Dr. Esther Blessing, a psychiatrist
and researcher at New York University.

Plus CBD can give you that laser focus so that you can get more done, faster.   

In a recent study, researchers asked people to speak in front of a large group of

people.  (Public speaking is often #2 on a list of people's greatest fears.)  

According to the study: "Pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety,

cognitive impairment and discomfort."  (11)
Mike Schwartz says :

"My life is very stressful. Before CBD I would find myself running at a really high
frequency all day, with fear and doubt dominating my thoughts. And when I got home,
when I would try to turn off my brain, I just couldn't.  

"Then I would reach for the booze. My drinking was really affecting my relationship
with my wife and kids and my health. I was sleeping poorly night after night.  
Patients are finally getting mental relief from their stressful lives - without alcohol
"So I tried CBD, and I love it. It really just mellows me out. Takes my brain out of
panic and stress mode, and it just becomes focused and calm. It's a lot like I feel after
a massage, just relaxed, mellow, but also locked in on whatever I'm doing.  

"I just feel a lot more present after a dose of CBD.  Anxiety is way down, and I sleep
like a baby.  I really can't imagine life without it."
Soothe Your Body Inside and Out With One Of
Nature's Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatories and
If you have even a passing interest in your health I'm sure you've heard about
inflammation, oxidation and their effect on your health.  
Medical researchers now believe that inflammation is the leading symptom of,
and in many cases the actual cause of, most of the health issues we experience in
our life.

The pain, swelling, fatigue, digestion issues, brain fog, and general discomfort you feel
is likely caused by inflammation in your body.

Inflammation is to blame for many of the health problems we have

Oxidation occurs when the body processes oxygen and free radicals in the body. 
These free radicals can cause cell damage and affect your body's ability to repair itself.
This is why it's so important to add a supplement in your regimen that can reduce
oxidation and inflammation in your body.  (And of course reduce the sources of
oxidation and inflammation in your life.)

Luckily science is showing time and time again that CBD has a profound effect on

  One study showed that CBD oil had a positive affect on people suffering from
inflammatory bowel issues (12)
  Another study showed that CBD greatly reduced the oxidation of cells and
reduced cell death (13) 

CBD science is only beginning to unlock the benefits of this incredible oil.

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