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Wireless switching control system had been developed to improve the switching control and
monitoring dispersion of electrical devices. The prototype was composes of Raspberry Pi board
and common electrical devices such as lights, fans, and other equipment that usually connected
to a 220-V outlets. Software integration offers an automated and manual control for simulation
environment through web-page style to make it compatible for any mobile devices as much as
possible. Hence, wireless mode of communication to the device eliminates the requirement for
fixed structural cabling and maximizes data communication between Raspberry Pi and Users.

I was really impressed by this invention because of its very amazing layout; I was really
impressed that I chose to make a reaction paper to this. When the inventor tested the
invention I was hooked. I wonder first whether what device he was using to control the lights
and when he showed his Android Phone I was amazed because of how such a small device
known for installing apps is made to control the lights. It was later revealed that he
programmed his very own app but it only works if you have Raspberry Pi. That for me is one
outstanding invention.

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