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Mixture Models for Optical Flow Computation

Allan Jepson*and Michael J. Black

Department of Computer Science

University of Toronto
Toronto, Ont, Canada M5S 1A4

T h e coiiiputation of optical fiow relies on merg-
ing infortnation available over an image patch to
foriri an estimate of 2 D image velocity at a point.
T h i s merging process raises a host of issue.^, which
include the treatment of outliers i n component ve-
locity measurements and the modeling of multiple
motions within a patch which arise from occlusion
boundaries or transparency. W e present a new a p -
proach f o r dealing with these issues, which is based
on the use of a probabilistic mixture model t o PX-
plicitly represent multiple motions within a patch.
We use a simple extension of the EM-algorithm
t o compute a m a x i m u m likelihood estimate f o r the Figure 1: T h e Pepsi Can image sequence. T h e mix-
various riiotion parameters. Preliminary experi- ture approach is applied to the boxed region.
iiients indicate that this approach is computation-
ally efficient and can provide robust estimates of
thP optical flow values i n the presence of outliers likelihood, and detect outlyzng measurements which do
and multiple motions. not correspond to a coherent motion.
This approach has a number of benefits. Like robust
regression techniques [l],the approach allows us to ro-
1 Introduction bustly estimate the dominant motion within a region.
The computation of optical flow relies on merging in- But more importantly, by assuming the the motion is
formation available over an image patch to form an due to a mixture of distributions we are able t o recover
estimate of 2D image velocity a t a point. As the size multiple coherent motions if they are present and reject
of this neighborhood grows there is an increased like- outliers. This multiple-motion assumption is applica-
lihood that the it will span an object boundary in the ble a t both motion boundaries and in regions contain-
scene which will result in multiple motions within the ing multiple transparent motions. Additionally, infor-
region. Multiple motions can also be the result of var- mation about the presence of multiple motions may
ious kinds of transparency. In these situations, the as- prove useful for the early detection of surface bound-
sumption of a single motion within the region results aries from motion.
in inawurate estimates of the optical flow. We refer
to this dilemma regarding the choice of neighborhood 2 Mixture Models of Flow
size as the generalized aperture problem. To address the For a given image region we attempt to model the flow
problem, we relax the single-motion assumption and, in terms of a handful of smoothly varying layers. For
instead, assume that the motion(s) within the region example, v'((.'; Z)may represent a constant velocity field
can be described by a probabilistic mixture of distribu- for one layer, or it could denote an affine flow where
tions. the components v1 and 02 are given by linear functions
We observe that, when multiple motions are present, of the image position Z. In the first case the parameter
the motion estimates within a region form distinct vector a' is 2-dimensional, while it is 6-dimensional in
clusters. We employ a simple extension of the EM- the affine case.' Multiple motions within a particular
algorathni [4] to isolate these clusters, estimate their
In practice, it is often useful to add parameters representing
'AU~II Jepson was supported by PRECARN and CIAK. the uncertainty of 3.

3063-6919/93 $03.008 1993 IEEE
a b C d
Figure 2: Multiple motion constraint lines for the region in Figure 1 (see text).

pat,ch itre represented by selecting more than one set, of fitted mixture model for this example. T h e method
parameters 2. However, note that a t this stage of anal- converges quickly and has clearly recovercd the veloc-
ysis wt’ have not modeled where in the image patch each it,ies of both sides of the occlusion boundary without
of t.he various models are appropriate. T h u s transpar- dific,ulty.
ent, motion, with two diffmmt velocity fields realized IIsing (1) we can compute the oiunr rshzp probabif-
over t l i e whole patch, will be initially modeled in the ity, namely the probability that any given constraint
sariie way a$,an occlusion boundary. A subsequent level comes from either of the two motions. Tht, darkness of
of analysis is needed t>odetermine which of these two the constraint lines in Figure 2 b is proportional to the
intrrpretat,ions is appropriate for a part,icular pat.cti. ownership probability for thtb first motion. A similar
We seek t8heparaniet,er values Z, T I = I , . . . , N for N plot is given in Figure 2 c for the second niotiori. Note
possibly distinct. smoot,h fields, one for each layer. For that constraint lines that. are ronghly horizont,al, and
the ?I*‘ layer, the probability of observing a mot,ion pass close t,o both peaks, have roughly equal ownership
constraint vector F k , given that the observation is at, probabilities. This illustrates the c o m p d t 8 i o nhetween
the spatial location Z t , is modded by the “component, the various components in the mixture niodel for the
probaliility” distribution pn(C;,IZk,Z,,). In addition we ownership of each constraint. There are only a hantl-
also have i t modal for ontlier processes given by pO(7t). fill of constraint lines that are outliers which do not
Finally, thf. probability of selecting layer n is given correspond to either motion.
by thr “niixture prol)abilities” m,, which are treated T h e general spatial distribution of the ownership
a.s fiirl.her parameters we need to fit,. ‘Together these probabilities (Figure 2d) reflects the structure and lo-
pieces provide the ovrmll probability of observing the cation of the occlusion boundary within the patch.
constr.tint, ?>, namely Darkness is proportional to the prolmbility that t,he
constraints a t a location helona to t,he nrotion of the
N foreground.
, ;I, . . .
p ( ~ ;l. ~ k 16, = n i n p n ( ~ l h~ k~n ). (1 For details of the method arid additional experiments
(including transparent motion) the reader is r e f e r r 4 to
Here the mixture probabilities vi,, for 11 = 0, 1, . . . , N 131.
tilust hum to one.
To obtain a maximum likelihood tit for the parame-
ters nr, and 2, , 11 = 0, . . . , N we use a simple modifi-
[l] M. J . Black. Robust Increirientaf Optical Flow. PhD
cation of 1 he EM-algorithm [4].This is a simple itera- thesis, Yale Univeristy, New Haven, CT, 1992. Re-
tive algorithm which is guaranteed to increase the log search Report. YALEIJ/DC:S/RR-923.
Iikr3lihood of its fit each iteration (see [3] for details). [2] D.J. Fleet. Measurement of I m a g e Velocity.
Kluwer, Boston, 1992.
3 Computational Examples [3] A . Jepson ancl M.J . Black. Mixture moc-lels for 01)-
To ill1i st r it t e the app roach , mot ion constraint vectors , tical flow computation. Technical Report ftBC:V-
c;i, wf re computed rising a phase-based approach [a]. TR-93-44, liniversity of Toronto, April 1903.
For tlie 32 x 32 region marked in Figure 1, which is [4] G . J . McLachlan and K . E . Basford. Mixture Models:
roughly cvntered on i t t i occlusion boundary, a third of Inference and Applications t o Clusterzng. Marcel
all thc molion constraints are depicted in Figure 2 a . Dekker Inc., N.Y., 1988.
T h e t w o “X”’s in Fignre 2 b mark the peaks of the


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