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Safety in the Plant

COVID-19 is a serious global health threat that killed thousands of people. It is one of the
challenges facing of the manufacturing companies in these trying times. Many manufacturing
companies closed their facilities due to financial impact, decreasing density of workers, travel
restrictions, restricted site access, and declining demand and production. As massive outbreak
due to pandemic, bankruptcy started to be the concern as some companies struggle to recover.
Additionally, manufacturers should be prepared for the “new normal” in order to recover
in this pandemic and secure the safety of the public health. Here are some guidelines for
planning a response to ensure and maintain a safe and productive environment.
Covid Control Policies and Guidelines:
 Create a COVID-19 assessment and engineering control plan.
 Implement appropriate proper hygiene: cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection.
 The use of physical barriers like acrylic or polycarbonate partitions for physical
distancing and intercepting the respiratory droplets that are thought to transmit the virus.
 Limit the number of workers in the production areas.
 Provide an alcohol-based sanitizer containing at least 70% alcohol for workers before
entering the premises.
 Always wear face mask or PPEs as a protective measure.
 Managing the health of the workers specifically for those who appear to have symptoms
such as chills, fever, cough, shortness of breath etc.

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