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Lee Riane R.

Suarez ReEd 3
BSA 2 MWF 7:30 – 8:30

(Reflection Paper on the Sunday Gospels in Discipleship)
The two gospels about discipleship are Luke 9:51-62 and Luke 10:1-2, 17-20, which
were the gospels for the last two weeks. These made me reflect on the ways I decide on certain
events that I face in my day to day life. There are some unmemorable events in my 18 years of
existence that I could have avoided if I made the right decision. And since life is a work in
process, I turned that experience into a lesson in which until now, I consider before making a
decision, since I believe that every action that we make has a butterfly effect that could change
the outcomes of our future.

These gospels made me realize the thought that we all have a responsibility to carry and
share the message of God towards others, especially the ones who need them the most. As
mentioned in the gospel, Jesus prepares his disciples for a mission that in no doubt, will leave
them to face challenges and obstacles. The challenges that they faced were not easy to
accomplish, but with perseverance and faith, they withstand this by respecting the villager’s
point of view and journeyed to another village.

My childhood was not a walk in the park. I have faced a lot of hurdles to arrive at this
path that I stand today. The best decisions that I made was when I was at my lowest and had this
fear of neglect and the thought that I would not be able to achieve my peer’s expectations. I was
so afraid of what other people would think if I tried talking to them, but instead of letting this test
my faith towards God, I tried talking to him. There were lots of nights when I stayed up late just
to talk to him. The thought that he was not replying to me directly was satisfying because even
though I could not hear him immediately, I know he was listening and he has better plans
compared to mine. So now that I’m older, I still do this kind of decision making. These
conversations with him made me feel calm and see the better picture in making my decisions.

At the end of the day, we all have our ways in making decisions. And the most important
aspects that we should consider are if these would hurt anyone and if you do this to make
yourself closer to God. The hurdles that we face are just mere challenges to test our faith, we just
need to dig a little deeper to be decisive enough for the greater glory of God.

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