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1.1.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan meminta
1.1.2. Menyebutkan / menuliskan ungkapan meminta perhatian
1.1.3. Merespon ungkapan meminta perhatian

A. Teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions!
Dialogue 1.
Teacher : Attention please!
Dewy : Yes sir!
Teacher : I will give you some explanation about this topic, so please listen to me.
Anna : Sir, may I get your attention please?
Teacher : Yes, what’s wrong?
Anna : Can you repeat this part for me?

Dialogue 2.
Teacher : Don’t be noisy. Attention please!
Students : Yes, Sir.
Teacher : Okay, next week we will do mid-examination.
Students : What!
Teacher : Listen to me!
Students : Yes, Teacher
Teacher : The material that should be learned is from Chapter 1 until chapter 4. Don’t forget
to enrich your vocabularies with exercise!
Students : Yes Sir.
Teacher : Okay, that’s all for today. Good luck!

Dialogue 3.
Tourist : Excuse me.
Policeman : Yes, how can I help you?
Tourist : Can you show me the way to this hotel
Policeman : Sure. You just need to straight from here, and then turn right after that red
Tourist : Thank you.

Dialogue 3.
Adam : Doni, please listen to me!
Doni : What’s wrong? What’s happening?
Adam : I just got the reply about the email that we sent to the TV station!
Doni : Really? Are we gonna be on TV?
Adam : Yes! We will be on TV!

1. Find the expressions of asking and giving attention in the text above!
Asking for attention Giving Attention
1. …………………. 1. ………………….
2. …………………. 2. ………………….
3. …………………. 3. ………………….
4. Dst. 4. Dst.

2. Translate both dialogues above into Indonesian!

3. Make your own dialogue that contain expressions of asking and giving attention!
4. Reflection / summary Chapter 1.1
In this activity, I have learned about……..................
The key features of this expression are……………..
Materi Pembelajaran TO GET ATTENTION

Ekspresi ini akan digunakan ketika kita membutuhkan perhatian dari orang-orang, ketika ingin
menyampaikan sesuatu. Ada kalanya kita berada di kondisi yang tidak kondusif,
namun ingin menyampaikan sesuatu, yang kita ingin untuk didengarkan.

Asking attention/Meminta perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta

perhatian dari seseorang.
Giving attention/Memberi perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan

Asking for attention Giving Attention

 Everybody, may I have your attention, please? 1. Yes Sir/Ma'am
(Semuanya, bolehkah saya meminta perhatian 2. Ok
kalian?) 3. I see
 Can I get the attention! Thanks 4. Really
(Bisakah saya mendapatkan perhatian! Terima 5. All right
 Excuse me!
 Attention please!
(Tolong perhatiannya!)
 Please, look at me everybody!
(Tolong, semuanya lihat saya!)
 Stop talking please…
(Tolong untuk berhenti berbicara)
 Look what I’ve got here!
 (Lihat apa yang aku miliki ini)
1.1.4. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan mengecek pemahaman
1.1.5. Menyebutkan ungkapan mengecek pemahaman
1.1.6. Merespon ungkapan mengecek pemahaman

A. Teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan mengecek pemahaman
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions!
Dialogue 1.
Mr. George : We will make an advertisement today. Do you understand?
Students : Yes, Sir.
Mr. George : What did I say?
Students : We will make an advertisement, sir.
Mr. George : Again, please
Students : We will make an advertisement, sir.
Mr. George : Okay, you get it.

Dialogue 2
Mother : Dear, can you help me to cook fish?
Tiara : Yes, Mom
Mother : Will you buy me some fish in the market, first?
Tiara : Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle
Mother : All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop. Do you
know what I mean, dear?
Tiara : I don’t quite follow you, Mom.
Mother : please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop Okay, be careful dear.
Tiara : thank you Mom. I’ll go now.

Question for exercise (Dialogue 2)
1. How many persons are there in the dialogue 2?
2. Where does the conversation take place?
3. What does Tiara’s mother want Tiara to do?
4. Where will Tiara buy fish?
5. How do Tiara go to the market?
6. Does her mother want her to buy anything else?
7. Where should Tiara buy ginger?
8. What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not?
9. And what is Tiara’s response?
10. Do you think that she is happy to go to market?

Find the expressions of checking for understanding in the dialogue 1 and 2 above!
Checking someone’s Responses showing that Responses showing that
understanding someone understands someone doesn’t understand
……………… ……………… ………………
……………. ……………. …………….
……………. etc. ……………. etc. ……………. etc.
Complete the dialogues using the words in the box!
a. No, I don’t c. Do you understand? e. Please pay attention?
b. I see d. Any question

Dialogue 1
Mr. Musto : We will make a greeting card. . . . (1)
Students : Yes, Sir

Dialogue 2
Rissa : Do you understand the homework?
Nisa : . . .. (2) How about you?
Rissa : Yes, I do.
Dialogue 3
Teacher : Ok . . .. (3) I will explain what the expression of checking for understanding is.
Simple past is used to talk about finished actions that happened at a specific time
in the past.
Students : ……… (4)
Teacher : ………. (5)
Bima : Please explain the example of simple past tense, Sir.
Teacher : All right.

Translate the following expressions into Bahasa Indonesia :

EXERCISE 5. Reflection / summary Chapter 1.2

In this activity, I have learned about……..................
The key features of this expression are……………..

Checking for undertanding adalah ungkapan atau ekspresi yang digunakan untuk mengecek
pemahaman seseorang atau lawan bicara kita mengenai apa yang kita sampaikan kepadanya.
Respon yang diberikan bisa positif (paham) atau negatif (tidak paham).

1. Checking for understanding (Mengecek Pemahaman)

 Do you know what I mean?  Got it?
 Do you know what I am saying?  Is it clear?
 Do you follow me?  Are you following me?
 Do you understand?

2. Showing understanding (Menunjukkan kepahaman)

 I see  I understand what you are saying
 I understand  I know what you mean
 I get it  I’m with you
 Yes

3. Expressing Lack of Understanding (Menunjukkan kekurang pahaman/tidak paham)

 I don’t get it  Again, please
 I’m sorry. What do you mean?  I don’t understand
 Excuse me, but I’m not following  What do you mean?
you  I don’t quite follow you

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Kalimat-kalimat diatas adalah beberapa contoh dari ekspresi asking for attention yang sering digunakan, masih ada banyak lagi
contoh-contoh yang bisa kamu temukan di kehidupan sehari-hari.
Contoh Ekspresi Asking for Attention
Beberapa contohnya adalah ketika berada di sebuah situasi ruangan kelas yang tidak kondusif, dimana seorang guru tidak bisa
memberikan penjelasan dengan baik dan tepat, maka guru tersebut bisa mengekspresikan asking for attention agar para murid
bisa mendengarkan penjelasan yang sedang diberikan. Begitupun sebaliknya, murid bisa meminta perhatian guru apabila ada hal
yang kurang jelas.
 Teacher : Attention please! (Perhatian semuanya!)
 Student 1 : Yes sir! (Iya pak)
 Teacher : I will give you some explanation about this theory, so please listen to me. (Saya akan menjelaskan kepada
kalian mengenai teori ini, jadi tolong dengarkan saya.)
 Student 2 : Sir, may I get your attention please? (Pak, bolehkah saya minta perhatiannya sebentar?)
 Teacher: Yes, what’s wrong? (Ya, ada masalah apa?)
 Student 2 : Can you repeat this part for me? (Bisakah Anda mengulang bagian ini untuk saya?)
Contoh lainnya adalah ketika kamu ingin memberitahukan sebuah informasi penting kepada teman-temanmu.
Adam: Doni, please listen to me!. (Doni, tolong dengarkan aku!)
Doni: What’s wrong? What’s happening? (Apa yang terjadi? Ada kejadian apa?)
Adam: I just got the reply about the email that we sent to the TV station! (Aku baru saja mendapatkan balasan mengenai email
yang kita kirim ke stasiun TV.)
Doni: Really? Are we gonna be on TV? (Benarkah? Apakah kita akan muncul di TV?)
Adam : Yes! We will be on TV! (Ya! Kita akan muncul di TV!)
Kita juga bisa menggunakan ekspresi ini ketika kita ingin mendapatkan jawaban dari sebuah pertanyaan.
Tourist : Excuse me. (Permisi)
Policeman: Yes, How can I help you? (Ya, Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?)
Tourist: Can you show me the way to this hotel? (Bisakah kamu tunjukkan saya jalan menuju hotel ini?)
Policeman: Sure. You just need to straight from here, and then turn right after that red building. (Tentu saja. Anda hanya perlu
berjalan lurus dari sini lalu belok kekanan setelah bangunan merah itu.)
Tourist: Thank you. (Terima kasih)

Berikut ini akan diberikan bahan untuk berlatih soal asking for attention berupa dialog yang
biasanya disajikan di kelas 8 dan juga tema soal asking and giving opinion, juga soal tentang
understanding, dan dilengkapi tema soal pilihan ganda showing appreciation.
Dalam mengerjakan sebuah test, soal tema attention ini juga kada diberikan ilustrai gambar agar
soal semakin jelas, contohnya:

What kind of expression is this: “Attention

a. giving attention
b. asking for attention
c. giving prohibition
d. giving suggestion
Jawaban pada contoh soal bergambar diaats tentu saja adalah yang (b). Berikut ini adalah
berbagai macam soal tema ini>
Soal 1
These are ‘asking for attention’ expression, except:
a. Attention please?
b. Hello?
c. I suggest you to …
d. Are you ready to study?
Soal 2
Giving appreciation is for …
a. praise someon
b. saying happy birthday
c. giving attention
d. giving suggestion
Soal 3
Wati : You look cute with your new hair cut.
Iwan: Thank you for saying so.
What does Wati mean?
a. She congratulates Iwan.
b. She compliments Iwan
c. She does not like Iwan’s new hair cut.
d. She wants to have a new hair cut.
Soal 4
Mrs En: Congratulations on winning the Physics Olympiad.
Sitana : ………
What will Sitana probably say?
a. Thank you
b. agree with you.
c. I don’t think so.
d. That’s not true.
Soal 5
Edo : I think all animals in the zoo should be locked up in cages.
Woman : I don’t think so.
What does the woaman mean?
a. She agrees with the man’s opinion.
b. She disagrees with the man’s opinion.
c. She thinks that all animals should be locked up in cages.
d. She thinks that all animals should have cages.
Soal 6
Ando : What do you think about our new teacher?
Wita : I think he is very talkactive
What does Wita mean?
a. She thinks that their new teacher is very active.
b. She thinks that their new teacher is very attractive.
c. She thinks that their new teacher needs to talk much.
d. She thinks that their new teacher talks too much.
Soal 7
Mr. Budi : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?
Students : Yes, Ma’am
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please
Soal 8
Mr. Budi : What about you, Natasha? . . . . if we use English in our English class?
Natasha : Yes, we will use English in our English class
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please
Soal 9
Rama : Your picture is . . . . ! I like the colour.
Neta : Thanks
a. Bad
b. Beautiful
c. Horrible
d. Mad
Soal 10
Mr. Budi : . . . . ?
Student : Yes, Sir
a. Do you know what I mean?
b. Do you think
c. You don’t understand
d. Don’t you remember
Soal 11
Student : . . . . What is ‘attention’ in Bahasa Indonesia?
Mr. Budi: Attention is “perhatian”
a. sorry
b. yes, please
c. Excuse me
d. really
Soal 12
Teacher: Do you understand?
Students: Yes, sir!
What kind of expression that teacher gives?
a. asking for attention
b. checking understanding
c. asking for suggestion
d. giving opinion
Soal 13
Susan: Toni, do you understand with this subject?
Toni: Not really. Can you help me with that?
What kind of expression that Susan gives?
a. giving instruction
b. giving appreciation
c. checking understanding
d. asking for attention
Soal 14
Juli: Woa, what a beautiful dress today, Maureen!
Mirna: Thank you
What kind of expression does Juli gives?
a. giving appreciation
b. giving suggestion
c. asking for appreciation
d. asking for suggestion
Soal 15
Mr. Edo : Attention, please! Are you ready to learn English now?
Student : Yes, Sir.
The underline word “Attention, please!” above means…
a. Perhelatan
b. Perhatikan
c. Pelajarilah
d. Pastikanlah
Soal 16
Ida: What a beautiful
Mia: Thanks.
Ida: Can I borrow it?
Mia: Here it is.
The word “beautiful” is opposite with …
a. Nice
b. Awesome
c. Good
d. Bad
Dialog Soal 17 – 18
Rada : Do you understand the homework?
Cindy : No, I don’t. How about you? Do you understand the homework?
Rada : Yes, I do.
Soal 17
Does Rada understand the homework?
a. Yes, she do.
b. No, she don’t.
c. Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn’t.
Soal 18
Does Cindy understand the homework?
a. Yes, she do.
b. No, she don’t.
c Yes, she does.
d. No, she doesn’t.
Dialog Soal 19 – 20
Reza : What do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?
Fami : I think you are beautiful with it.
Reza : And you are so beautiful too, Fami.
Fami : Thanks my twin.
Soal 19
The words “What do you think about my new hairstyle?” are the expression of …
a. Asking opinion
b. Showing appreciation
c. Giving opinion
d. Giving invitation
Soal 20
The words “I think you are beautiful with it.” are the expression of…
a. Asking opinion
b. Showing appreciation
c. Giving opinion
d. Giving invitation
Dialog Soal 21 – 22
Budi: (21) ….. of my short story?
Tomi: I think it is awesome. How about mine? Is it bad or good?
Budi: I think it is an excellent short story.
Tomi: (22) ….. I think it is bad because I don’t write it seriously.
a. What do you thing
b. How do you thing
c. What do you think
d. Who do you think
a. Yes, I agree.
b. I don’t think so
c. Exactly right.
d. I think so.
Begitulah contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang attention understanding opinion dan
appreciation beserta jawabannya. Untuk memahmi semua soal soal tersebut alangkah baiknya
didahyluidengan pembelajaran contoh dialog lack of understanding dan checking understanding
and response dan juga materi dialog attention.Happy learning English!

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