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Heavenly Father, we thank you this wonderful day here in school that

you have given us. Thank you for the teachers, our school and our
families.We give you our school. We give you all the teachers and staff who
work here. We give you all the students who study here. We pray our school
would be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May it be a
place where students love to learn and where they learn to love. A place
where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued.O God bless also the
teachers, help them in all their bitter moments. Give them courage and
understanding with the different learners that they may encounter this school
year. As we gather together in this first day of class, we invite your Holy
Spirit to inspire us, guide us and teach us in everything that we do not only
this day but in the year round. We give you our anxious thoughts and receive
your peace. May you send us the gift of knowledge and understanding.

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