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Mak Kirish

Mr. Yack
Honors CADD
May 7, 2020
Final Project Proposal
Proposition:​ My final project will be an adaptation of the safety glasses that health care
workers are required to wear. The safety glasses will have specialized clips on the bottom edge
of the glasses rim that will be intended to hold up or support the mask of the wearer.
Additionally, this could be used outside of just healthcare workers. For example, a carpenter or
anyone who would be cutting wood would be able to wear the glasses to protect their eyes, and a
mask to prevent inhaling any sawdust or other particles. The purpose of my design is so if the
wearers mask is too big, the glasses will be able to help keep the mask up without having to
make the wearer touch the mask to readjust. Additionally, this would reduce the stress the elastic
places on the wearer’s ears and make it more bearable to be worn over long periods of time.

A sturdier design of the PPE (personal protection equipment) glasses will most likely be
necessary in order to properly support the added tension and weight from the mask (See ex.1)

Ex. 1
Planning:​ In order to add the clips for the mask, the glasses will need to be designed in
CADD first. I would like to have the glasses frames part (Black part in ex. 1) completed by
Saturday, May 16th, and with that then begin planning for the plastic covering for the eyes
(Clear/white part in ex.1) by Thursday, May 21st. The clips, although smaller and not as
complicated a shape, will most likely have a spring component to ensure that they will properly
hold the mask securely, and this might take some extra time besides just designing the shape, so I
would like to have those completed by Monday, May 25th. While this timeline may seem
exaggerated, I am also taking into account other classes’ workload, AP testing, preparation for
finals, and cushion time in case the design does not go smoothly and I need help to work out
some errors via video call or email. This is also to make sure I can put in the proper effort and
time and give this project my full attention during workdays/sessions to ensure I produce a
project that shows the skills I have acquired through this class. Because the actual glasses are not
my idea or design, if there was a way to use a CADD assembly file that already had the glasses
made, I would be able to spend more time focusing on the clips so they properly work.

Action Tracker:
Objective Due Date* Completed?

Basic measurements of all May 8th


Detailed measurements of May 11th

glasses band (black part)

Rough CADD of glasses band May 11th

Detailed CADD of glasses May 16th


Detailed measurements of May 17th

glasses protector (clear/white

Rough CADD of glasses May 17th


Detailed CADD of glasses May 21st


Detailed measurements of May 22nd


Rough CADD of clips May 22nd

Detailed CADD of clips May 24th/25th**

Assembly file May 25th/26th**

Turn in May 26th

*Due Date does not mean complete all work for that section on that day, if my
planning is correct and I am able to keep with my schedule, that day will be minor
finishing touches (if necessary) and submission. Hence the gap between some of the dates.
**There are double dates because these days may overlap or I may finish early with
one and be able to move on to the next.

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