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ssional N: shear: Atrives before rehearsal begins Is dressed appropriately for rehearsal Enters rehearsal composed Is prepared for rehearsal and ready to work -Is awake and alert ae ard ~Has all necessary items for rehearsal (script, notebook, writing utensil) -Is sufficiently rested and nourished -Has done all necessary preparation for rehearsal -Has warmed up Is fully present and pays attention in rehearsal Helps create a supportive, focused environment in the rehearsal room Refrains from side chat Does not sidetrack rehearsal with quéstions that concern self. ‘only Does not seek a disproportionate share of time or attention Accepts director's notes or corrections in a simple and straightforward manner* Uses rehearsal breaks for bathroom, water, quick snack, changing clothes, getting rehearsal items Refrains from comments that could color or mar classmates’ experience of their ability to process their experiences for themselves Shows consideration in AU’s common areas Works cheerfully Meets deadlines for line memorization** Clears all conflicts for the two weeks leading up to production (no conflicts after Spring ~break other than classes) Ide 9f 1 Treats all colleagues and mentors equally well Keeps personal life separate from professional life Respects the boundaries of the colleague relationship Respects the role and position of stage managers, assistant directors, director, crew, and production team Respects the value of others’ time and doesn’t waste it Eschews grumbling by self and others Cultivates gratitude and expresses appreciation “In particular, notes or corrections should be taken without: Explaining Defending Apologizing Pouting Abasing Self Commenting on the quality of the note Deflecting (including making a joke or other humorous response) Buttering up the director or assistant director ‘Throwing scene partner or another collaborator under the bus “*Lines memorized by the second time a scene is rehearsed A Note on Replacing Grumbling with Gratitude Nearly 1500 years ago, Benedict of Nursia drafted a famous set of rules for monks. It was a comprehensive blueprint for how to live harmoniously in a cloistered community, and it is still in use today. In his rule, Benedict singled out grumbling (murmuratio) as an especially serious offense, one not to be tolerated. He recognized that grumbling has an insidious effect on the grumblers and those around them, infecting and weakening the community with negativity and discontent. The closer a community is, the greater the danger posed by grumbling. Our goal for The Government Inspector will be to help participants break the grumbling habit, so that we can maintain a creative workplace/playspace free of corrosive negativity. Breaking the grumbling habit will be one of your most valued accomplishments, because it will free you to be a fully contributing member not only of the company, but of future casts and companies, as well as the greater professional community. We expect all participants to confront and surmount their own tendency to participate in murmuratio, both as active grumblers and as acquiescent listeners to grumbling by others. When you find yourself about to indulge in grumbling, the best antidote is to stop and find something to be grateful for instead.

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