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Culture & Society

From a View to a Kill: Drones and Late Modern War

Derek Gregory
Theory Culture Society 2011 28: 188
DOI: 10.1177/0263276411423027

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From a View to a Kill
Drones and Late Modern War

Derek Gregory

The proponents of late modern war like to argue that it has become surgical,
sensitive and scrupulous, and remotely operated Unmanned Aerial V ehicles
or ‘drones’ have become diagnostic instruments in contemporary debates
over the con junction of virtual and ‘virtuous’ war. Advocates for the use of
Predators and Reapers in counterinsurgency and counterterrorism campaigns
have emphasized their crucial role in providing intelligence, reconnaissance
and surveillance, in strengthening the legal armature of targeting, and in
conducting precision-strikes. Critics claim that their use reduces late modern
war to a video game in which killing becomes casual. Most discussion has
focused on the covert campaign waged by CIA-operated drones in Pakistan,
but it is also vitally important to interrogate the role of United States Air
Force-operated drones in Afghanistan. In doing so, it becomes possible to see
that the problem there may not be remoteness and detachment but, rather,
the sense of proximity to ground troops inculcated by the video feeds from
the aerial platforms.

Key words
armed conflict j killing j military j scopic regimes j virtuality j war

Virtuous War

DVANCED MILITARIES like to boast that their conduct of war has
become surgical, sensitive and scrupulous (Gregory, 2010a). The
development of a precision-strike capability, the cultural turn
towards a counterinsurgency that places the local population at the centre
of its operations, and the refinement of the legal armature that regulates
armed conflict have all contributed to the celebration of what Der Derian
(2009) calls ‘virtuous war’. At its heart, he argues,

j Theory, Culture & Society 2011 (SAGE, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, and Singapore),
Vol. 28(7- 8): 188^215
DOI: 10.1177/0263276411423027

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is the technical ability and ethical imperative to threaten and, if necessary,

actualize violence from a distance ^ with no or minimal casualties. Using
networked information and virtual technologies to bring ‘there’ here in
near-real time and with near-verisimilitude, virtuous war exercises a com-
parative as well as strategic advantage for the digitally advanced. Along
with time (as in the sense of tempo) as the fourth dimension, virtuality
has become the ‘fifth dimension’ of US global hegemony. (2009: xxi)

And at the heart of the ascent of war from the virtual to the virtuous
are the drone wars being waged by the USA in the global borderlands.1
Two qualifications are immediately necessary. First, remotely piloted
aircraft have been used since the First World War, assault drones were
deployed in the closing stages of the Second World War, and the first
major combat use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) was during the
Vietnam War, so there is a considerable history behind today’s remote oper-
ations in the borderlands. There it intersects with the exercise of a pro-
foundly colonial modality of air power. The British invented aerial
counterinsurgency on the North West Frontier with Afghanistan and in
Iraq (Mesopotamia) in the 1920s (Omissi, 1990; Satia, 2008, 2009), and for
all the technical advances there are numerous dispiriting parallels between
then and now. Perhaps the most telling is the repeated insistence that air
attacks are counterproductive. Two commentators closely identified with
the new US counterinsurgency doctrine insist that ‘expanding or even con-
tinuing the drone war [in Pakistan] would be a mistake’. They explain:

While violent extremists may be unpopular, for a frightened population

they seem less ominous than a faceless enemy that wages war from afar
and often kills more civilians than militants. . . . [E]very one of these dead
noncombatants represents an alienated family, a new desire for revenge,
and more recruits for a militant movement that has grown exponentially
even as drone strikes have increased. (Kilcullen and Exum, 2009)

Colonel F.S. Keen said much the same of the bombing of Pashtun vil-
lages on the North West Frontier in 1923: ‘By driving the inhabitants of
the bombarded area from their homes in a state of exasperation, dispersing
them among neighbouring clans and tribes with hatred in their hearts at
what they consider ‘‘unfair’’ methods of warfare’, he wrote, these attacks
‘bring about the exact political results which it is so important in our own
interests to avoid, viz., the permanent embitterment and alienation of the
frontier tribes’ (Keen, 1923: 400; see also Roe, 2008).
As my parallel suggests ^ and this is the second qualification ^ the
modern debate has focused on the covert war waged by CIA-operated
drones in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. The cam-
paign was initiated by President George W. Bush in 2004, and by the end
of 2008 there had been 46 strikes directed at killing so-called ‘High Value
Targets’. The attacks were ramped up by Obama, and by the end of 2010

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there had been another 170 strikes.2 These operations raise complex and
troubling legal questions, not least because the United States is not at war
with Pakistan. On one side are those who defend the strikes as limited and
legitimate acts of self-defense against attacks from the Taliban who seek
sanctuary across the border and also as an effective counterterrorism tactic
against al-Qaeda. Indeed, Anderson describes ‘perfect war’, the very
summit of ‘virtuous war’, as ‘target selection perfected to the point of assas-
sination’, a doctrine for which drones have become the weapon of choice
(‘the only game in town’, according to the Director of the CIA) (see, for
example, Anderson, 2009; Paust, 2009). On the other side are critics who
insist that such targeting, however ‘precise’, amounts to extra-judicial kill-
ing, and that if civilian agencies like the CIA conduct military operations
then their agents become unlawful combatants. Their objections also fasten
on the spatiality of the war zone: they draw special attention to the imprecise
legal delineation of the ‘global battlespace’ invoked by the United States
and to the lack of accountability for civilian casualties (see, for example,
O’Connell, 2009; Rogers, 2010; Solis, 2010). But for the most part all these
arguments assume that the use of UAVs by the United States Air Force
(USAF) and its military allies in Afghanistan ^ including Britain and
Canada ^ is unproblematic, and in doing so they reinforce the claim that
these new technologies enable advanced militaries to conduct ‘virtuous
war’. This article seeks to interrogate those assumptions, but I have to note
that it is not easy to disentangle one campaign from the other. Some com-
mentators have suggested that the USAF is involved to varying degrees in
the CIA strikes, but in any case the Air Force uses the Pentagon’s Joint
Integrated Prioritized Target List to conduct its own strikes on leaders of
the Taliban and others who may have only a proximate relation to the war
in Afghanistan, and makes no secret of the fact that a prime function of
its Predators and Reapers is to ‘put warheads on foreheads’ (Mulrine, 2008)
(Figure 1).3
I cannot adjudicate these questions here, and my own focus is on the
‘scopic regime’ through which drone operations take place. Metz (1982: 61)
proposed the term to distinguish the cinematic from the theatrical way of
staging and seeing the world, but it has since been uncoupled from any spe-
cific forms, displays and technologies to denote a mode of visual apprehen-
sion that is culturally constructed and prescriptive, socially structured and
shared (see also Jay, 1988; Somaini, 2005^6). Like its companion term
‘visuality’, meaning culturally or techno-culturally mediated ways of
seeing, the concept is intended as a critical supplement to the idea of
vision as a purely biological capacity (I say ‘supplement’ because the
embodiment of vision remains of more than incidental importance). Scopic
regimes are historically variable, and different regimes can coexist within
a single cultural and social formation, but the closest attention has been
paid to the ligatures between visuality and modernity. Apart from a handful
of studies, however, of which Virilio’s War and Cinema (1989) is probably
the best known, little systematic attention has been given to the ways in

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Gregory ^ From a View to a Kill 191

Figure 1 Predator firing Hellfire missile, Afghanistan 2009

(Y ou Tube)
Source: J2OqAC0

which the conduct of modern wars is mediated by scopic regimes. Here too
the air wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan may converge; so too do the lines
of defence and attack. Those who defend the drone wars insist that the
near real-time video-feeds from the aircraft allow an unprecedented degree
of precision and a carefully calibrated response that can minimize civilian
casualties. Those who criticize these operations are concerned that killing
at such a distance becomes too casual and that late modern war has been
reduced to a video game. This too has a history, of course, and Chow
(2006: 35) argues that:

War can no longer be fought without the skills of playing video games. In
the aerial bombings of Iraq the world was divided into an above and a
below in accordance with the privilege of access to the virtual world. Up
above in the sky, war was a matter of maneuvers across the video screen by
US soldiers who had been accustomed as teenagers to playing video games
at home; down below, war remained tied to the body, to manual labor, to
the random disasters falling from the heavens.

To many observers the subsequent deployment of armed drones by the

US Air Force has made that optical detachment even more complete.
Although these UAVs are launched from airbases in Afghanistan and Iraq,

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most of their missions are controlled via Ku-band satellite link by operators
in a Ground Control Station at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada
(Figure 2).4 When Kaplan (2006: 81) visited the base, he was told: ‘Inside
that trailer is Iraq, inside the other, Afghanistan.’ The effortless sense of
time-space compression is exceeded only by its casual imperialism. ‘Inside
those trailers’, Kaplan explained, ‘you leave North America, which falls
under Northern Command, and enter the Middle East, the domain of
Central Command [CENTCOM]. So much for the tyranny of geography.’
But critics insist that this replaces one tyranny of geography with another.
The death of distance enables death from a distance, and these remotely
piloted missions not only project power without vulnerability ^ as the Air
Force frequently asserts ^ but also seemingly without compunction
(Royakkers and Van Est, 2010; Webb et al., 2010). Distance lends re-
enchantment, you might say. Some see this as appallingly mundane ^ dis-
paraging the pilots as ‘cubicle warriors’ or ‘commuter fighters’ ^ but others,
I think more perceptively, sense a terrifying Olympian power released
through the UAV’s Hellfire missiles. ‘Sometimes I felt like a God hurling
thunderbolts from afar’, one pilot admits (Martin, 2010: 3), and Engelhardt
(2009) spells out the metaphor’s implications: ‘Those about whom we
make life-or-death decisions, as they scurry below or carry on as best they
can, have ^ like any beings faced with the gods ^ no recourse or appeal.’
As the Predators and Reapers flown by the USAF have become more
closely integrated into counterinsurgency, however, this picture has become
more complicated. In what follows I focus on their hunter-killer role,

Figure 2 Ground Control Station, Creech AFB, Nevada

Source: USAF Photograph/Tech. Sgt Kevin J. Gruenwald

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Gregory ^ From a View to a Kill 193

the combination of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and

weapons platform, and then show how the new visibilities of the battlespace
and of military action that they make possible affect the targeting
cycle. My central argument is that these visibilities are necessarily condi-
tional ^ spaces of constructed visibility are also always spaces of constructed
invisibility ^ because they are not technical but rather techno-cultural
accomplishments. Contrary to critics who claim that these operations
reduce war to a video game in which the killing space appears remote and
distant, I suggest that these new visibilities produce a special kind of inti-
macy that consistently privileges the view of the hunter-killer, and whose
implications are far more deadly.

The Kill-chain and Counterinsurgency

The US Air Force estimates that counterinsurgency requires three to four
times as much ISR as major combat operations because it involves a fluid
target set that requires the much longer dwell times that only UAVs can
sustain. Ground operators can be changed at the end of a shift while the air-
craft remains on station and the video stream is uninterrupted. In such cir-
cumstances ISR needs to be not only persistent but also pervasive: at the
limit ‘gathering intelligence on fast, fleeting, hidden and unpredictable
adversaries requires knowledge of everyone, everywhere, all the time’
(Biltgen and Tomes, 2010). This requires a techno-cultural apparatus that
can secure a militarized regime of hypervisibility, which Gordon (2008: 16)
describes as ‘a kind of obscenity of accuracy that abolishes the distinctions
between ‘‘permission and prohibition, presence and absence’’.’ The accuracy
of the intelligence derived from the high-level, high-resolution imagery
from the drones may be open to debate, but its production has unquestion-
ably dissolved those distinctions. The multi-spectral targeting system in the
Predator provides real-time full-motion video (FMV) at 30 frames per
second; its field of view is restricted, however, and observers complain that
zooming in is like looking through a soda straw. This is supposed to
change with the introduction of the Gorgon Stare, which, although provid-
ing lower resolution images (five cameras each shooting two 16 -megapixel
frames per second), will stream 12 motion video feeds from a single
Reaper in 2011 rising to 65 by 2012.5 The intention is to quilt the image
streams in-flight into a tiled mosaic and feed them to networked users
through a dedicated ground station in theatre that will control the sensors
and coordinate operations with the flight crew in Nevada (who will still
rely on the Reaper’s sensor ball to fly the aircraft).6 The move to wide area
surveillance will be reinforced by the introduction of the ARGUS-IS
system, which will reintroduce high-resolution images via a multi-gigapixel
sensor with a refresh rate of 15 frames per second. These developments
(Figure 3) are intended to allow individuals and movements to be tracked
through multiple networks to establish a ‘pattern of life’ consistent with an
emerging paradigm of ‘activity-based intelligence’ that is focal for

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Figure 3 Wide-area airborne surveillance (USAF)

counterinsurgency operations (Biltgen and Tomes, 2010; Matthews, 2010;

Nakashima and Whitlock, 2011; White, 2010).
Even if these innovations are successful, however, the production of a
macro-field of micro-vision solves one problem by creating another, and the
Air Force has become keenly aware of the danger of ‘swimming in sensors
and drowning in data’.7 A standard video camera collects over 100,000
image frames per hour, and the USAF has already archived 400,000 hours
of video from its remote platforms; the rate of accession is rapidly accelerat-
ing as ISR coverage increases. To manage this image surge, the analytical
field has been expanded. UAV operators in the United States are embedded
in an extended network that includes not only troops and Joint Terminal
Attack Controllers using Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receivers
(ROVER laptops) on the ground in Afghanistan, but also senior com-
manders, mission controllers and military lawyers at CENTCOM’s
Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) at Al Udeid Air
Base in Qatar (Figure 4), and data analysts and image technicians at its
Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) at Langley Air Force Base
in Virginia.8 This is a dramatic change from the pioneer airmen celebrated
by Billy Mitchell in the 1920s ^ ‘In the first place they are alone. No man
stands at their shoulder to support them’ ^ and, for that matter, the experi-
ence of most other combat pilots today, because UAV operators are never
alone (Cantwell 2009: 75). Currently 185 personnel are required to support
one Predator or Reaper Combat Air Patrol: 59 are forward deployed in
Afghanistan for Launch and Recovery, 43 are based at Creech (including
pilots, sensors and mission coordinators), and 83 are involved in processing,
exploitation and dissemination (34 analysing FMV and 18 signals

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Gregory ^ From a View to a Kill 195

Figure 4 Combined Air Operations Center

Source: USAF Photograph/Tech. Sgt Demetrius Lester

intelligence).9 When the staff at the CAOC are added to the list, a remark-
able number of people are able to be in direct or indirect contact by voice,
video or internet relay chat (mIRC) as each mission progresses.
This network performs a number of vital tasks. First, archived images
are scanned to filter out ‘uneventful footage’ and distinguish ‘normal activity
from abnormal activity’. Ideally this forensic monitoring ^ which is a sort
of militarized rhythmanalysis, even a weaponized time-geography10 ^
would be based on cultural knowledge, but the image bank is so vast that
experiments are under way with automated software systems for ‘truthing’
and annotating video imagery, and new TV technologies are being explored
to tag and retrieve images (Barnes, 2010; Biltgen and Tomes, 2010; Jean,
2011; Lake, 2010; Shanker and Richtel, 2011).11 Second, commanders, advi-
sers and analysts scan live video streams in order to push time-critical infor-
mation to UAV crews and ground forces responding to emergent events.
These developments reinforce the rush to the intimate that characterizes
counterinsurgency operations, but in this case the emphasis is as much on
‘the rush’ as ‘the intimate’ (Gregory, 2008). The hierarchies of the network
are flat and fluid, its spaces complex and compound, and the missions are
executed onscreen through video feeds and chat rooms (displays show as
many as 30 different chats at a time) that bring a series of personnel with
different skills in different locations into the same zone. Time and space
are telescoped so that, as one officer put it, ‘We’re mostly online with each
other as we go’ (Tirpak, 2009; see also Drew, 2010a).

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The network is about more than ISR, however, because it is also a

weapon system. UAVs also fulfil the hunter-killer role conveyed by their
hideous names.12 The Predator carries two Hellfire missiles, and the
Reaper can carry 14 Hellfire missiles or two 500 lb JDAM bombs and
four Hellfire missiles. For all its emphasis on ‘culture-centric’ warfare, we
need to remember that contemporary counterinsurgency is still warfare
and is by no means confined to the non-kinetic. A report on joint military
operations in Kandahar Province in 2008 praised the ‘deadly persistence’ of
Predators and Reapers and hailed lethal UAV strikes as ‘the culminating
point’ of counterinsurgency (Turner et al., 2009). In fact, on General David
Petraeus’s watch, ten years into the Afghanistan campaign, the air war has
intensified.13 The information liquidity facilitated by the extended network
has not made Cullather’s (2003) ‘bombing at the speed of thought’ a reality,
but it has dramatically compressed what the Air Force calls the ‘kill-chain’
(Herbert, 2003). It is true that since General Dan (‘Bomber’) McNeil relin-
quished command in 2008, kinetic operations including close air support
have been conditioned by Rules of Engagement that have sought to mini-
mize collateral damage and, in consequence, soldiers complain that ‘deci-
sions move through the risk mitigation process like molasses’ (Vaccaro,
2009) and that requests for permission to strike pass through ‘echelons of
staffs sitting above me, like owls in trees’ (West, 2011: 89). But many of
those procedures are short-circuited when close air support is called for
‘troops in contact’ and, even in normal circumstances, the time from finding
to engaging emergent targets is now 30^45 minutes; the Air Force aims to
reduce this to less than two minutes, and Cheater (2007: 12) envisages it
being ‘compressed to seconds by 2025’ (Figure 5).
The kill-chain can be thought of as a dispersed and distributed appa-
ratus, a congeries of actors, objects, practices, discourses and affects, that
entrains the people who are made part of it and constitutes them as particu-
lar kinds of subjects.14 During the Second World War, the Cold War and
even beyond, the kill-chain was linear and sequential, directed mainly at
fixed and pre-determined targets, and the time from identification to execu-
tion could extend over days or even weeks. Few of those involved could see
the process in its entirety, which explains the commingling of what Harris
(2006: 102) calls ‘the mundane and the monstrously violent’. The apparatus
through which the target was produced and passed through the links in the
chain rendered the business of destruction unexceptional: ‘extreme forms of
violence and normal bureaucratic practices’ were made ‘co-extensive’ (2006:
114). The late modern kill-chain is increasingly directed at mobile and emer-
gent targets, and what Kaplow (2010: 96) calls the ‘choreography of combat’
requires rapid processing of intelligence if ‘smart weapons’ are not to look
‘very stupid indeed’. The time-space compression that this entails has
brought all those in the network much closer to the killing space (Grant,
2008; Uecker, 2005). Conventional bomber pilots ‘don’t see their targets’,
explains Singer (2010), but in contrast to Bauman’s (2001: 15) jibe about
modern ‘pilots-turned-computer-operators’, remote from their targets and

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Gregory ^ From a View to a Kill 197

Figure 5 ‘Optimized kill-chain’ (USAF)

‘scurrying over those they hit too fast to witness the devastation they cause
and the blood they spill’, he insists that all of those watching a UAV mission
in real time ‘see the target up close, [they] see what happens to it during
the explosion and the aftermath. You’re further away physically but you see
more.’ In fact a constant refrain of those working from Nevada is that they
are not further away at all but only ‘eighteen inches from the battlefield’:
the distance between the eye and the screen. This sensation is partly the
product of the deliberate inculcation of a ‘warrior culture’ among UAV
pilots, but it is also partly a product of interpellation, of being drawn into
and captured by the visual field itself.15

Video Game War?

For this reason, characterizations of the drone missions as moments in a
‘video game war’ that inculcates a ‘Playstation mentality to killing’ may
well be wide of the mark (Alston, 2010: 5; Fellowship of Reconciliation,
2010). Critics often point to Grossman’s (1995) study of ‘learning to kill’,
which identified distance as a powerful means of overcoming the resistance
to killing. He argued that in the Second World War ‘pilots and bombardiers
were protected by distance’ from seeing the effects of their bombs
(1995: 78): ‘From a distance I can deny your humanity, and from a
distance I cannot hear you scream’ (1995: 102; see also Gregory, 2011).

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Although Grossman was writing before UAVs were armed and so could not
directly address the drone wars, he did point to first-person shooter video
games as particularly powerful agents of conditioning through which players
become ‘hardwired’ for killing, and his anatomy of killing listed not only
physical distance but also emotional distance, including social, cultural,
moral and, crucially, ‘mechanical’ distance: the screen that separates the
gamer from the game (1995: 188^9).16 It seems a small step to infer that
long-distance killing from a UAV would radicalize those affective protec-
tions. Yet video games do not stage violence as passive spectacle; they are
profoundly immersive, drawing players in to their virtual worlds, which is
in part why the US military uses them in its pre-deployment training.17
The video streams from the UAVs seem to produce the same reality-effect.
‘You see a lot of detail,’ the commander of the Air Force’s first dedicated
UAV wing notes, so ‘we feel it, maybe not to the same degree [as] if we
were actually there, but it affects us.’ ‘When you let a missile go,’ he
explains, ‘you know that’s real life ^ there’s no reset button’ (Logan, 2009;
Zucchino, 2010). One Predator pilot insists that the horror of watching two
young boys on a bicycle ride into the frame seconds before his missile
struck its designated target ‘lost none of its impact’ from being viewed on a
screen: ‘Death observed was still death’ (Martin, 2010: 212). Anecdotes
cannot settle the matter, of course, but reports of drone crews suffering
from post-traumatic stress induced by constant exposure to high-resolution
images of real-time killing and the after-action inventory of body parts
should be taken extremely seriously (Lindlaw, 2008).18
There are also salient differences between video games and video
feeds. First, immersion in video games is discontinuous ^ levels are re-
started, situations re-set, games paused ^ and while there are different
intensities of involvement during a UAV mission and shifts change in the
course of a patrol, immersion in the live video feeds is intrinsically continu-
ous.19 ‘The Nintendo mentality is a detached mentality’, a former chief of
staff argued, whereas ‘this stuff is real’ (Cantwell, 2009: 70). Second, video
games staged in simulacra of Afghanistan show stylized landscapes prowled
solely by ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ whose cartoonish appearance makes
them instantly recognizable; the neo-Orientalism of these renditions is a
matter of dismal record (see H˛glund, 2008). But the video feeds from
UAVs reveal a much more complicated, inhabited landscape in which dis-
tinctions between civilians and combatants are intensely problematic. The
existence of so many eyes in that crowded sky ^ commanders, controllers,
analysts and, significantly, military lawyers ^ is a (pre)caution that the pres-
ence of civilians is a constant possibility. The risk of ‘collateral damage’ has
become a vital consideration throughout the kill-chain, driven by both the
protocols of international law and also the prospect of public scrutiny. This
marks a third crucial difference from video games because, as Grossman
(1995: 314^16) acknowledges, killing in combat is regulated by rules and
legal sanctions, and defenders of the drone missions routinely draw attention
to the laws of armed conflict, the Uniform Code of Military Justice and

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Gregory ^ From a View to a Kill 199

the Rules of Engagement that govern them.20 One informed commentator

argues that the longer dwell times and enhanced video streams from the
drones have considerably enlarged the role of judge advocates who, since
the late 1980s, have provided expert counsel to commanders about the ‘pros-
ecution’ of targets (Beard, 2009: 422).21 The staff judge advocate at the
CAOC claims that ‘it’s airborne ISR that gives us the ability to actually
apply [laws of armed conflict] principles (with almost mathematical preci-
sion) that were originally just concepts’ (Brown, cited in Dunlap, 2010:
141).22 For deliberate targeting, where targets are typically developed over
36^40 hours, legal advisers review target folders containing imagery and
other intelligence, collateral damage estimates and the weaponeering solu-
tions proposed to mitigate those effects, and monitor the continued develop-
ment of the target. For dynamic targeting the procedure is compressed ^ a
matter of minutes ^ because the targets are time-sensitive, but a judge
advocate is still required to validate the target. In both cases legal advisers
are stationed on the combat operations floor of the CAOC to scrutinize
image streams, live communications and collateral damage estimates, and
to inform the commander of the legal parameters of any attack. The final
decision rests with the commander, but the staff judge advocate boasts
that his colleagues ‘explicitly guarantee extra benefits to civilians’ (Shanker,

Transparency, Intimacy and the Battlespace

Yet this is too glib by far. Beard (2009) makes it clear that these precau-
tions ^ like the laws from which they derive ^ are not intended to prevent
all civilians from being killed during military operations. The principle of
discrimination between civilians and combatants is always qualified by the
principle of proportionality. This means that sometimes civilian deaths are
accidental ^ the system is far from perfect ^ but in others they are inciden-
tal to what is deemed to be concrete and direct military advantage, in
which case they have been anticipated in collateral damage estimates and
endorsed by judge advocates (Beard, 2009: 43; cf. Owens, 2003). As this
implies, the legal armature that secures the process of validation and
endorsement is not above the fray but is embedded within it, and to refer
to the ‘prosecution’ of the target is to concede that judge advocates are not
impartial tribunes, still less defence attorneys. Their incorporation into the
kill-chain evidently does not diminish the privilege accorded to the military
in the determination of military advantage; as Orford (2010: 339) empha-
sizes, the relevant body of international law ‘immerses its addressees in a
world of military calculations’ and ensures that proportionality will always
be weighed on the military’s own scales. Nevertheless, the media makes
much of the legal nexus ^ rendering targeting as a pseudo-judicial process
(cf. Gordon, 2004; Weizman, 2010) ^ and the Wall Street Journal and its
writers are not alone in maintaining that the heightened visual-judicial scru-
tiny makes ‘for a more moral campaign’: ‘Never before in the history of air

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warfare have we been able to distinguish as well between combatants and

civilians as we can with drones’ (Editorial, 2010; Phillips, 2010).
And yet when Beard (2009: 410 and passim) writes repeatedly of the
unprecedented level of ‘transparency’ made possible by the new visual tech-
nologies he is referring to the new visibility of military actions ^ to their
exposure to public view ^ and to the possibility of sanctions if the laws of
armed conflict are breached: not to the visibility of the battlespace. This
matters because contemporary counterinsurgency is often described as ‘war
amongst the people’, where it is formidably, constitutively difficult to distin-
guish between combatants and civilians. As the Pentagon’s own Defense
Science Board admitted: ‘Enemy leaders look like everyone else; enemy
combatants look like everyone else; enemy vehicles look like civilian vehi-
cles; enemy installations look like civilian installations; enemy equipment
and materials look like civilian equipment and materials . . .’ (Defense
Science Board Summer Study, 2004: 154). This central, existential problem
would remain even if the battlespace could be made fully transparent. It
may be mitigated by the persistent presence of UAVs and their enhanced
ISR capability, and in some measure by the ‘pattern of life’ analysis this
makes possible, but it cannot be erased.24
In fact, the ‘intimacy’ of time-space compression produced by the new
visual technologies is highly selective. When a journalist compared the
chat-rooms of the kill-chain to Facebook and marvelled at ‘how easily the
distance could melt away’, he was describing the intimacy produced through
military-social networking (Drew, 2010a). When officers at Creech argued
that ‘the amount of time spent surveilling an area’ from a UAV creates ‘a
greater sense of intimacy’ than is possible from conventional aircraft, they
were describing not their familiarity with the ‘human terrain’ of
Afghanistan but their identification of ^ and crucially with ^ American
troops in the battlespace. ‘There’s no detachment,’ their commander
explained. ‘Those employing the system are very involved at a personal
level in combat. You hear the AK-47 going off, the intensity of the voice
on the radio calling for help. You’re looking at him, 18 inches away from
him, trying everything in your capability to get that person out of trouble’
(McCloskey, 2009). Similarly, when a Predator pilot claimed that ‘I knew
people down there’, it was not local people he claimed to ‘know’: ‘Each day
through my cameras I snooped around and came to recognize the faces
and figures of our soldiers and marines’ (Martin, 2010: 121). One joint
team reported that ‘the personal and almost daily interaction’ between
ground forces and UAV operators, and ‘the strong personal relationships
with the pilots and sensor operators’ successfully ‘compressed kill-chains
and produced intelligence of greater value’ (Turner et al., 2009: 9). The
sense of identification and involvement that is induced by these new forms
of time-space compression takes on special significance in the light of
Grossman’s (1995: 90, 149^50) claim that a ‘sense of accountability’ to com-
rades-in-arms is a powerful means of overcoming resistance to killing,
because it suggests that the greater incidence of civilian casualties when

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close air support is provided to ‘troops in contact’ may result not only from
time-critical targeting and its correspondingly ‘fewer checks to determine
if there is a civilian presence’ (Human Rights Watch, 2008: 30) ^ which is
widely acknowledged ^ but also from the persistent presence of the UAV
and its video feeds immersing its remote operators in, and to some substan-
tial degree rendering them responsible for the evolving situation on the
ground.25 This predicament, in which proximity not distance becomes the
problem, cannot be resolved by tinkering with the Rules of Engagement;
high-resolution imagery is not a uniquely technical capacity but part of a
techno-cultural system that renders ‘our’ space familiar even in ‘their’
space ^ which remains obdurately Other.
An example will illustrate what I mean.26 In the early morning of
21 February 2010 a team from US Special Forces was moving in to search
the village of Khud in Oruzgan province in central Afghanistan, which
had been identified as a Taliban stronghold. Before first light an AC-130
gunship spotted three vehicles with what its crew called ‘unlawful personnel’
in the back, moving down a dirt road five miles away. The Joint Terminal
Attack Controller ( JTAC) with the Special Forces detachment confirmed
from intercepted but unidentified radio communications that they were ‘set-
ting themselves up for an attack’, and later, on the same basis, that they
were probably looking at a Taliban force with ‘a high-level Taliban com-
mander’. A Predator was called in to track the vehicles; its crew had inter-
mittent mIRC contact with the gunship until it ran low on fuel and had to
cede ‘the chain of custody’, but because the JTAC had no laptop the
Predator crew only had (sometimes garbled or broken) radio contact with
the Special Forces detachment and could only transmit video to their com-
mand posts. Following standard operating procedure, the image analysts in
the Distributed Common Ground System were linked only to the Predator
crew and had no direct contact with the troops on the ground. The noise in
the network was compounded because video feeds were of variable quality,
and the Predator crew had to rely on infra-red sensors in the half-light
until they could switch to ‘Day TV’; even then the weather intermittently
muddied the image stream. Still, the Predator crew did not hesitate to iden-
tify ‘tactical movement’ and individuals holding ‘cylindrical objects’ that
they believed (in fact ‘hoped’) were rifles. When the sensor operator com-
mented that it was ‘weird how they all have cold spots on their chests’ the
pilot explained that ‘it’s what they’ve been doing here lately, wrapping their
[expletive] up in their man dresses so you can’t [positively identify] it’. In
the absence of a positive identification, the JTAC warned them of the
Rules of Engagement, but the sensor operator insisted that the truck
‘would make a beautiful target’. When an image analyst identified ‘at least
one child’ the pilot objected that he was ‘so quick to call [expletive] kids
but not to call a [expletive] rifle’, and the sensor operator agreed: ‘I really
doubt that children call . . . I really [expletive] hate that.’ They were told to
wait for the ground commander to assess ‘proportionality, distinction’ ^
there is no direct record of any clearance from the CAOC ^ the crew

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continued to report ‘definite suspicious movement, definite tactical move-

ment’ and spoke of ‘lookouts’, ‘human shields’ and ‘a grouping of forces’.
When they saw the occupants of the vehicles get out to pray they were con-
vinced they were looking at Taliban: ‘seriously, that’s what they do’. The mis-
sion intelligence coordinator at Creech agreed: ‘They’re gonna do
something nefarious.’
By now fuel limitations had forced the gunship to withdraw and cede
the ‘chain of custody’ to the Predator, but because the UAV had only one
missile left, two Kiowa attack helicopters were called in. The Predator crew
hoped that ‘they’ll let us have one vehicle since we tracked them for so
long’ ^ otherwise the pilot reckoned they would ‘just watch and be on squir-
ter patrol’. By now the CAOC had now designated the situation as ‘Troops
in Contact’ (TIC) and the crew was increasingly impatient: ‘Can’t wait till
this actually happens, with all this co-ordination and [expletive].’ They
were clearly exasperated when they were told that a Reaper was being
brought in above them to attack the target: ‘You gotta be kiddin’
me! . . . [Expletive] that, man. . . . Just claim we’re here first.’ The Predator
pilot told the JTAC that the image analysts had identified 21 ‘military-
aged males’ and ‘two possible children’; when asked if these were teenagers
or toddlers they were described as ‘potential adolescents . . . early teens’,
and the JTAC agreed that ‘12^13 years old with a weapon is just as danger-
ous’. As soon as the Reaper arrived on station it was reassigned to another
TIC, which prompted the sensor operator to dream of having ‘a whole fleet
of [Predators] up here’ which would be ‘awesome’. The rest of the conversa-
tion is classified until the sensor operator remarks: ‘That would be bad
ass. But we’re not killers, we are ISR.’ The pilot told the sensor operator
that ‘as long as you keep somebody that we can shoot in the field of view
I’m happy’. At 0915, when the convoy was 12 miles from Khod and no
longer heading towards the village, the helicopters were cleared to engage,
the sensor operator shouting ‘Remember: Kill-chain!’ (followed by laughter),
and then, as the smoke started to clear, there was an eerie silence: ‘Nobody
is talking to me,’ said the pilot. The sensor operator zoomed in to see ‘a guy
who looks like he’s wearing jewelry and stuff like a girl, but he ain’t . . .’
Eight minutes later women and children were identified, but too late.
‘That lady is carrying a kid’, says the pilot, and the sensor operator agreed:
‘Right there in the crosshairs.’ They consoled themselves that they could
not have known: ‘No way to tell from here.’
Subsequent reports identified at least 23 people dead and more than a
dozen wounded, including three children: all civilians, ‘shopkeepers going
for supplies, students returning to school, people seeking medical treatment
and families with children off to visit relatives’ (Cloud, 2011a). Most of
them were Hazaras, who have traditionally opposed the Pashtun-dominated
Taliban. No video footage has been released to the public, but officers who
later viewed the feed said that it was ‘clear from the tape that civilians
were about to be rocketed’ (Cullison and Rosenberg, 2010). It seems
equally clear that the Predator crew’s identification with the Special Forces

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team ^ the intimacy of the time-space compression from Nevada to

Oruzgan ^ had converted civilians into combatants: in his desire to support
the ground forces, an Air Force investigation concluded, the Predator pilot
‘had a strong desire to find weapons’ which ‘colored, both consciously and
unconsciously, his reporting’ (Drew, 2010b). Thus objects become rifles,
praying a Taliban signifier, civilians ‘military-aged males’, and children ‘ado-
lescents’. If seeing is believing, it is also techno-culturally mediated. An
Army inquiry condemned the Predator crew’s ‘unprofessional and inaccu-
rate reporting’, and while this certainly seems to have been the case, placing
the onus only on individuals obscures the structural effect of a military
apparatus and political technology that viscerally immerses physically
remote operators in combat and reinforces their sense of communion with
troops on the ground. In an editorial the Los Angeles Times drew attention
to ‘the eagerness of the drone’s crew to find and attack the enemy and their
palpable disdain for those in the chain of command whose job it is to pro-
ceed carefully’ (Editorial, 2011). Within such a space of constructed visibil-
ity, it was virtually impossible for the victims of the attack to be seen as
civilians until it was too late, a terrible instance of what Chow (2006: 42)
calls ‘the inability to handle the otherness of the other beyond the orbit
that is the bomber’s own path’. The scopic regime ensured that the battle-
space would be viewed through a one-way mirror, its ‘transparency’ tragi-
cally illusory.

Transparency, Publicity and the Battlespace

And yet Beard’s (2009) point about the visibility of military actions is
well taken, because there is another sense in which counterinsurgency is
‘war amongst the people’: the presence of the media means that the fight
is conducted ‘in every living room in the world as well as on the streets
and fields of a conflict zone’ (Smith, 2006: 17). This too is limited, partial
and conditional, of course: there are few narratives as detailed as the one
I have summarized, even in redacted form, and the video feeds released
for public view ^ WikiLeaks apart27 ^ are carefully selected. Summaries
of some military inquiries into incidents where civilians have been killed
are made public, as in the Khod case, but faced with the pervasive prob-
lem of distinguishing combatants from civilians it is scarcely surprising
that several discursive tactics should also have been devised to mitigate
the media impact of civilian casualties. None of them is confined to the
Air Force’s deployment of UAVs in Afghanistan, but their role has been
reinforced by the controversy surrounding the programme of extra-judicial
executions carried out by CIA-operated drones across the border in
The first is to dispute the civilian status of the casualties. This is
a timeworn tactic that can be traced back at least to the Second
World War, but it has been given a new lease on life (and death) in
contemporary wars against non-state actors. Referring explicitly to the

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use of UAVs to carry out targeted killings in Afghanistan and

Pakistan, Etzioni (2010: 69) has proposed a distinction between ‘inno-
cent civilians’ and those ‘abusive civilians’ who ‘refuse to separate them-
selves from the local population’; in doing so they forfeit their right
to protection, he argues, and the responsibility for the deaths of the
‘truly innocent’ is theirs alone.28 If it is difficult to distinguish combat-
ants from civilians in counterinsurgency, it is apparently simple to
parse the civilian population. What Etzioni and others like him seek
to do is to identify a grey zone between participation and non-participa-
tion in hostilities in order to exploit it: thus one former judge advocate
argues that these ‘grey areas should be interpreted liberally’, which is
to say ‘in favor of finding direct participation’ (Schmitt, 2004: 509,
2010: 738; cf. Gregory, 2006).
Second, while the new air war is not quite the ‘war without witnesses’
of the American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the space in which these
continuing operations have been brought into public view remains strikingly
limited. Media coverage in North America and Europe has focused on the
spaces of the extended network, particularly Creech and the CAOC, while
the space of the target has been radically underexposed. The USAF issues
terse daily airpower summaries in which Predators and Reapers are said to
provide ‘armed overwatch for friendly forces’ and ‘release precision-guided
munitions’ that destroy ‘enemy positions’, ‘targets’ and ‘vehicles’. This is an
artful reassertion of the conventional object-ontology that is at odds with
the event-ontology that informs contemporary counterinsurgency, and it
makes ground truth vanish in the ultimate ‘God-trick’ whose vengeance
depends on making its objects visible and its subjects invisible (cf.
Gregory, 2010b). This effect is compounded by the absence in Afghanistan
of the vigorous local press coverage of drone strikes across the border in
Pakistan, which means that, ironically, we know much more about
the impact of the CIA’s ‘secret war’ (and correspondingly less about its
Third, civilian casualties are excused in biopolitical terms. This takes
multiple forms, but one example will illustrate the principle (or lack of
it). Lt General William Caldwell’s prescription for what he calls ‘curing
Afghanistan’ requires that combat operations no longer be described ‘in
the language of war’; instead Afghanistan should be treated as ‘an ailing
patient ^ in many ways analogous to a weakened person under attack by
an aggressive infection’. The increase in offensive operations then becomes
‘a late but powerful and much-needed dose of antibiotics’ designed ‘to
allow the country’s indigenous immune system to be restored’. Caldwell
concedes that, ‘similar to a powerful antibiotic’ there are ‘side-effects’
that ‘can cause discomfort and pain’, including disruption of daily life
and ‘sometimes civilian casualties’. But commanders make every effort to
minimize them, because the ‘air dominance’ guaranteed by ‘manned and
unmanned aerial platforms’ permits the restrained application of com-
bat power ‘with surgical precision’ (Caldwell and Hagerott, 2010).

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Bio-medical metaphors like these work to render military violence intrinsi-

cally therapeutic; counterinsurgency becomes chemotherapy, killing insur-
gent cells and sometimes even innocent bodies to save the body politic,
and hunter-killer missions activated through the networked kill-chain
become perfectly consistent with, in fact the very apotheosis of, what
Dillon and Reid (2009) call ‘the liberal way of war’.29

Cultural Divides
There is a long history of assuming that air war is, by its very nature, virtu-
ous: that attacks from the air can either deter war in the first place or
bring it to a speedy end without the protracted carnage of ground warfare
in the second. This progressivist ideology, with its emphasis on economy
and efficiency ^ ‘beneficial bombing’ as Clodfelter (2010) calls it ^ survived
the horrors of the Second World War more or less intact, and Swift (2010)
has proposed (though in markedly less celebratory terms) that ‘today’s
Predator drones in Afghanistan and Pakistan are the direct descendants of
the Heinkels and Lancaster bombers of the Second World War’. I am not
sure that he is right. There are continuities between the two, at once ideolog-
ical and operational, and many advocates of air power before and after the
Second World War imagined something like today’s drone operations with
uncanny foresight. Celebrating victory over Japan in 1945, for example,
General Henry ‘Hap’Arnold famously noted that: ‘We have just won a war
with a lot of heroes flying around in planes.’ But, he continued, ‘the next
war may be fought by airplanes with no men in them at all’. There are
other continuities, but there are also significant differences, and the lines
of descent are complex.
For its part, invoking the Revolution in Military Affairs and its succes-
sor projects, the USAF claims that it has moved from ‘industrial age’ to
‘information age’ warfare. Since the Second World War, the number of weap-
ons (aircraft/bombs) involved in attacking a target has substantially
decreased while the number of sensors involved has substantially increased.
Armed UAVs have played a vital role in this transformation, yet if the
USAF sees this as crossing ‘a cultural divide of precision and information’
(Figure 6), critics worry that a different Rubicon has been crossed. Far
from the precision-strike capacity of ‘virtuous war’, Britain’s Air Chief
Marshall Sir Brian Burridge has described the hunter-killer missions as
‘virtue-less war’ involving neither heroism nor courage (Mayer, 2009).
What he has in mind is a central tenet of many ethical claims about
armed combat: that it is only permissible to kill if you run the risk of
being killed yourself. In contrast, remote UAV operations allow what the
USAF calls ‘the projection of power without vulnerability’.30 This is only
true in a particular sense, of course: pilots and operators at Creech Air
Force Base are plainly out of harm’s way, but the forward-deployed operators
and ground crews are not. Still, Burridge’s point goes to the very heart of

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Figure 6 ‘A cultural divide of precision and information’ (USAF)

late modern war. Indeed, Gros (2010: 268) doubts that it is proper to call it
war at all:

New conflicts, in their hyper-technical version, marginalize or even comple-

tely evacuate that minimal equality in the face of death that constituted the
identity of what, among the violence and the massacres, the clashes and
the raiding, used to be distinguished as ‘war’.

If there is something predatory about these new states of violence,

however, that ‘equality in the face of death’ ^ and with it the raw intimacy
of the killing space ^ has been effaced by more technologies than the
Predator or Reaper: think of Cruise missiles that can be launched from
ships hundreds of miles from their targets. What is distinctive about the
hunter-killer platforms is the dispersion and distribution of both the ‘face-
less enemies that wage war from afar’ (Kilcullen and Exum, 2009) and the
faces of their human targets across a network that produces a peculiarly
new form of intimacy, at once collective and one-sided. For, as I have
shown, the time-space compression of the kill-chain ensures that, whatever
cultural divide has been crossed in ‘precision and information’, another has
been signally reinforced: the techno-cultural distinction between ‘their’
space and ‘our’ space, between the eye and the target. The two planes of

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conventional air war ^ the ‘view from above’ and the ‘view from below’ ^ are
fused in the network operations that I have described: as a Mission
Coordinator at Creech put it, ‘You’re watching what they see, eighteen
inches from the battlefield’ (Guernica, 2010). But in this new military
optic, both points of view are always ‘ours’.

I am grateful to Ben Anderson and three anonymous referees for their comments on a first
draft of this article, and to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for finan-
cial support.

1. A ‘drone’ is the popular term for the aircraft I discuss here, but the United
States Air Force prefers Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) or Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV); when these aircraft are part of an integrated network ^ as here ^
this is referred to as an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). To describe them as
‘unmanned’ is misleading, however, because while a UAV does not carry a pilot,
the system is operated and supported by several hundred personnel.
2. Bill Roggio maintains a tally of drone strikes in Pakistan at http://www.long- Counting the strikes is relatively straightfor-
ward, but estimating casualties is much more contentious.
3. There are many different UAVs operated in Afghanistan by both ground and
air forces; my discussion is confined to US Air Force operations, and I focus on
the MQ-1 (Predator) and the MQ-9 (Reaper), which, unlike smaller UAVs, are
usually armed. The first Predators were developed by General Atomics for the
Pentagon and the CIA between 1994 and 1996, and were deployed to Bosnia in
1995 and Kosovo in 1996. MQ-1A Predators were armed with Hellfire missiles
in early 2001 and rushed to Afghanistan after 9/11. The MQ-9 Reaper came into
service in Afghanistan in September 2007; it can fly higher (50,000/25,000 ft)
and faster (230/84 mph) than the Predator, has a much greater range (3682/454
miles) and carries a much heavier weapon load. The US Army also operates (usu-
ally much smaller) UAVs launched and controlled in-theatre whose primary role
is to provide video feeds to attack helicopters and ground forces.
4. The 7000 mile distance imposes a 1.8 second delay in control inputs that makes
it impossible for remote operators to perform take-offs and landings, which are
the responsibility of forward deployed Launch and Recovery crews that use a
line-of-sight data link.
5. There is a trade-off: Reapers equipped with Gorgon Stare will fly unarmed and
on shorter missions as a result of the increased power demands and drag on the
aircraft imposed by the new sensor pods. This will presumably redouble the sig-
nificance of UAVs hunting in flocks or swarms and being in close contact with
other assets, since targets identified by the Gorgon Stare will have to be attacked
from other platforms.
6. Preliminary tests of Gorgon Stare in October 2010 suggested that the system
was ‘not operationally effective’ (Cloud and Dilanian, 2011; Nakashima, 2011).
The real-time resolution level was too coarse to track ‘dismounts’ (people); image
stitching was so poor that the ability to ‘track targets across the image seams’

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was compromised; and software errors made geo-location ‘inaccurate and inconsis-
tent’. These problems were aggravated by a low rate of image transmission to the
ground station that confounded the prosecution of dynamic targets. The USAF dis-
missed the report as preliminary, however, and the system was deployed to
Afghanistan just in time for the Taliban’s spring offensive in April 2011.
7. The phrase was first used in July 2009 by Lt Gen. David Deptula when he was
the Air Force’s deputy chief of staff for ISR, and it has since become a leitmotif
in discussions of ISR.
8. The USAF has five DCGS stations, three in the US and two in Germany and
Korea, linked in a system known as Sentinel.
9. A Combat Air Patrol (CAP) involves a 24 -hour presence in a target box or
combat zone, and usually requires three or four aircraft: one on station, one or
two en route and one on the ground. The USAF has increased the number of
daily CAPS flown by Predators and Reapers from just six in 2004 through 12 in
2006 and 34 in 2008 to 53 by 2010, and plans to increase this to 65 by FY 2013
(Black, 2011). As the number of CAPs increases, and the image stream multiplies
even more rapidly, the Air Force will face a serious problem in ‘manning its
unmanned platforms’ unless a significant number of routine operations can be
automated (Schanz, 2011).
10. The details are classified, but the US military is known to use GeoTime, a
program that fuses and visualizes geo-spatial, temporal and intelligence data
from multiple sources (‘combining the where, the when and the who’) as a three-
dimensional array that replicates the standard time-geography diagrams developed
by Swedish geographer Torsten Hgerstrand in the 1960s and 1970s. The program
includes ‘dedicated pattern-finding tools’ that allow users ‘to navigate the data in
real time for rapid visual discovery of patterns of behavior’ (see http://
11. On video analytics and its algorithms, see Crandall (2010: 72^3) (though he
seems to minimize the technical and operational difficulties involved).
12. They are also described as MALE (Mid-Altitude Long-Endurance) drones,
and since the US military is evidently fixated by its acronyms it would not be dif-
ficult to read this as a techno-cultural version of the voyeurism of the Orientalist
gaze in which ‘the Orient’ reclines unsuspecting beneath their persistent, penetrat-
ing stare. Thus, for example, Martin (2010: 81) describes his role as ‘a voyeur in
the sky’ and notes that ‘the poor bastards never once considered looking up, way
up, from which height Predator crews observed their every move’. Hypervisibility
then becomes a climactic voyeurism. Such a reading also draws attention to the
‘techno-masculinization’ that advances the abstract disembodiment of late
modern war (see Masters, 2005).
13. The total number of Close Air Support sorties flown by all types of aircraft
increased from 6495 in 2004 through 20,359 in 2008 to 33,679 in 2010.
14. The term derives from Foucault, but Deleuze’s (1992: 160) gloss is particularly
apposite: dispositifs or apparatuses comprise ‘curves of visibility and curves of
enunciation’, in other words, ‘they are machines which make one see and speak’.
15. That this is a process requires emphasis. One UAV pilot confessed that when
he made his first ‘kill’, he was ‘concentrating entirely on the shot and its technical

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aspects’; the man in his sights was ‘only a high-tech image on a computer screen’.
But subsequent missions gradually produced a sense not only of involvement but
also of (conditional) responsibility and even, on occasion, remorse (Martin, 2010:
43^4, 52^5, 212).
16. Cf. O’Connell (2009: 9^10), who claims that the central factors in Grossman’s
study also ‘characterize drone operations’, which in her eyes look ‘very much like
a video game’. In fairness, I should note that some of the sources on which she
relies for her account of the conduct of those (CIA) operations have been overtaken
by events.
17. The military also uses them for recruitment, which is much more problematic,
and on its website the Air Force does stage the hunter-killer missions as video-
game entertainment (see ‘Fly the MQ-9 Reaper’ at
games-and-extras). More generally, however, late modern war prizes skills like
rapid hand-eye coordination, multi-tasking and visual acuity that are honed by
playing video games ^ to that extent, Chow (2006: 35) is right ^ but this does
not automatically reduce war to a video game.
18. Others may be more blase¤; the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
described jaded analysts watching archived hours of what he (and apparently
they) call ‘Death TV’ (Lake, 2010).
19. I owe this suggestion to Ben Anderson.
20. Military lawyers prefer the term ‘laws of armed conflict’ (LOAC) to the more
usual ‘international humanitarian law’.
21. Beard served as Associate Deputy General Counsel (International Affairs),
Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1990^2004.
22. The ‘mathematical precision’ presumably refers to collateral damage modelling
rather than the legal principles and concepts, since elsewhere the same officer con-
cedes that proportionality is ‘not a mathematical formula or anything like that’
and that the laws of armed conflict contain some ‘very wiggly concept[s]’
(Transcript, Department of Defense Bloggers Roundtable with Col. Gary Brown,
27 May 2009).
23. I have condensed this idealized account from Targeting (USAF, 2006) and Air
Force Operations and the Law ( Judge Advocate General’s School, Maxwell Air
Force Base, 2009: ch. 16). See also Shanker (2008); Mulrine (2008); Kurle
(2010); Bitzes (2011). For a rare description of how the legal process works in prac-
tice, see Hyland (2010).
24. One example: a Predator operated by the CIA killed Baitullah Mehsud, the
leader of the Pakistan Taliban (TTP), on 5 August 2009; but it took 16 strikes
over the preceding 14 months before he was assassinated, in the course of
which 200^320 other people were killed (Mayer, 2009). Visual imagery is clearly
insufficient, and Adair (2010) insists that ‘optimal engagement of UAVs demands
a nuanced understanding of the environment gained only through interaction
with the population on the ground ^ UAV use is not a panacea for face-to-face
interaction.’ Although there are continuing experiments in detecting voice signa-
tures and chemical signatures (emitted by IED factories) from airborne plat-
forms, these are clearly supplements to not substitutes for detailed ‘human

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25. There is only one recorded instance of US troops being killed by ‘friendly fire’
from a UAV to date. On 6 April 2011 Marines under fire in southern
Afghanistan mistook ‘hot spots’ on a video feed from a Predator for Taliban fight-
ers moving toward them and called in a missile strike; in fact they were US
troops moving in to reinforce the Marines, and two of them died from their
wounds (Cloud, 2011b). A Pentagon spokesperson explained that ‘the video feeds
sometimes provide blurry or unclear images of conditions on the ground,
making it hard for screeners responsible for searching the video for possible tar-
gets to always understand what they are seeing’ (MacAskill, 2011).
26. This account is derived from the official transcript of radio transmissions,
chat log and intercom conversations obtained by the Los Angeles Times under a
Freedom of Information request. The transcript is redacted, and does not include
communications with the CAOC, or any video footage (see Cloud, 2011a).
27. I have in mind the video footage showing the crew of an Apache helicopter
gunning down civilians in Baghdad in July 2007 (see http://www.
28. This is an astonishing essay and I don’t have space to do it justice, but there is
one claim that bears directly on the present discussion. Etzioni claims that criti-
cisms are ‘written by people who yearn for a nice clean war, one in which only
bad people will be killed using ‘‘surgical’’ strikes that inflict no collateral damage’
(2010: 71) This is an extraordinary inversion, since it is proponents of UAVs that
consistently connect them to a surgical-strike capacity.
29. Mitchell (2011: 53) notes that the origins of ‘immunity’ lie in politico-legal not
bio-medical discourse; but he suggests treating counterterrorism as ‘a public
health crisis rather than a war’ and calls for a ‘strengthening of the immune
system’ ^ seemingly unaware of the biopolitical integuments of late modern war.
30. The UAVs themselves are highly vulnerable; in Afghanistan (and elsewhere)
they fly in uncontested airspace, but in other war zones in their present form
their operational life would be much shorter.

Adair, J. (2010) ‘Personalizing an Impersonal Weapon: Integrating Armed UAVs
and Ground Forces’, PowerPoint presentation, US Army and Marine Corps
Counterinsurgency Center, COIN Symposium, 13 May.
Alston, P. (2010) Report of the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or
Arbitrary Executions; Addendum: Study on Targeted Killings. Geneva: United
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Derek Gregory is Peter Wall Distinguished Professor at the University of

British Columbia in Vancouver. He is completing a new book, The
Everywhere War, on the conduct of war in the shadows of 9/11, and his cur-
rent research is a cultural and political history of bombing, focusing on the
Second World War, the air wars over Indochina and today’s ‘drone wars’.

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