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Noise pollution is one of the major environmental concerns in India today and sadly
many are unaware of the hazards it can cause. It is very unfortunate that we all are
subjected to some form of loud noises for a considerable amount of time, during the
day. It is a daily dilemma to bear with the unnecessary havoc created by the blowing
of horns on the roads, the madness created by the loudspeakers, the festive-time
expression of happiness, any procession being carried through the streets, the too
much of background scores of Indian melodramatic serials creating a mess in almost
every household and innumerable other sources we can’t even think of. It seems like
people have a major perception about happiness which they think, can better be
expressed by creating loud noises. Even a child-birth in rural areas is informed by
the crackling sounds created by kitchen utensils.
Now-a-days, apart from Diwali, whether it is a marriage or it is about being winning
any match, bursting loud crackers has become a norm. Unless you don’t blow away
the ear-drums, you are not happy.

Serious Health Issues led by Noise Pollution......

Noise pollution today, has become a major problem in India that has led to serious
health threats like hearing loss or impairedness, increasing stress levels, behavioral
and mental problems, insomnia, heart ailments, hypertension and many more. Once
the safe levels are crossed, the noise becomes a serious health hazard,
unfortunately these safe levels are not taken into consideration in India.
As per the Prevention and Control of Pollution Act implemented in 1981, the noise is
termed as an ‘air-pollutant’. It is that unpleasant, distracting and unnecessary sound
that ought to be avoided due to its sleep depriving and concentration-lowering
impact. The person gets annoyed due to the persistent uneasiness caused by them.
The noise levels more than a certain limit on a continuous basis, may harm mental
as well as physical health on a short term and long term basis. Sadly enough, this
issue is not taken that seriously infront of other forms of pollution – air pollution and
water pollution.

A lot needs to be done to control this ever-growing menace in India. People need to
be made aware about the hard consequences of this major environmental concern.
Therefore, the issue ought to be given as much thought and consideration as that
given to other environment-related problems.

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