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Dibuat Oleh :

Nama : Neneng Liestyani



TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020

1. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a process of fertilization of spermatozoa and eggs. Sperm and egg

cells that have been fertilized and then walk to the uterus, after arriving at the uterus

sperm cells that are mixed with the egg remain and stay in the uterus for 9 months.

The first embryo begins to form, the heart after 4 weeks and then the legs and

hands sprout after that slowly forming a facial profile. The embryo begins to develop to

become a fetus.

2. Childbirth
That is the process by which a mother experiences contraction, these contractions

hit the door of the uterus so that the uterus opens and then the contractions get stronger

and with increased pain.

The baby's head drops downward and eventually the amniotic fluid ruptures, then

the baby's head starts to appear, after that the baby's head divides the mother's womb so

that the baby's head can fit out.

3. Postpartum
Is a process in which the condition of a mother after giving birth. A period of

several hours after the birth of the placenta or umbilical cord until the sixth week after


The end of the postpartum period is after the return of uterine and reproductive

organs back to before pregnancy.

4. Reproductive Health
Reproductive health is something very important related to sexual health where

we must maintain and care for our reproductive health.

And prevent our reproductive organs from being infected because reproductive

organs are human processes in producing offspring

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