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The Stages of Pre-natal Development Professor: Dr. Salvation J.

Discussant: Georgie Mae C. Martinez

Pre-natal development from the word “pre” which means before and natal from the Latin
word “natalis” which means birth or origin. Pre-natal is before birth

 Defined as the process of growth and development within the womb. From conception
to fertilization until birth.
 Pre-natal occurs during the 40 weeks (almost) of pregnancy.
 Pre-natal development is divided into three (3) periods. The germinal, embryonic, and
fetal stage.

1. Germinal stage first stage of Pre-natal development. Begins after conception and last
through up to the second week of pregnancy. This includes the following:
A. Creation of the zygote
B. Continued cell division
C. The attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall.
 24 to 30 hours after the fertilization the male (sperm) and female (egg) chromosome
 36 hours the fertilized ovum, zygote, divides into two cells.
 48 hours (2 days) 2 cells become 4 cells
 72 hours (3 days) 4 cells become a small compact ball consist of 16-32 cells
 96 hours (4 days) hollow ball of 64-128 cells
 4-5 days inner cell mass called blastocyst still free in the uterus
 6-7 days blastocyst attaches to the wall of uterus
 11-15 days blastocyst invades into uterine wall and become implanted in it called

In the germinal stage, differentiation of cells begin as inner and outer layer of organism
are formed. Blastocyst, the inner layer of the cells develops and later develop into embryo. The
Trophoblast, the outer layer of cells develops during this period and provides nutrition and
support for the embryo which is the next stage in Pre-natal Development.

2. Embryonic stage (2-8 weeks after the conception) in this stage the zygote becomes
embryo. Last through 8 weeks. During this stage the embryo becomes not only get
bigger, but also much more complex. Plays important role in the development of the
brain. The following takes place:
A. Cell differentiation intensifies
B. Life support systems for the embryo develop and
C. Organs appear
As the zygote gets attached to the wall of the uterus, two layers of cells are formed. The
endoderm, the inner layer of the cells, develops into the digestive and respiratory systems. The
outer layer of the cells divided into two parts the ectoderm and mesoderm. The ectoderm is
the outermost layer which becomes the nervous system, sensory receptors, and skin parts. The
mesoderm is the middle layer which becomes the circulatory, skeletal, muscular, excretory, and
reproductive systems.
Organogenesis is the process of organ formation during the first two months of pre-natal
development. Phase in embryonic stage start at the end of gastrulation and continues until

Three life-support systems

 Placenta is a life-support system consists of a disk-shaped group of tissues in which

small blood vessels from mother and the offspring intertwine but do not join. It plays a
crucial role during the pregnancy period. It is develop and attached to the wall of
uterus. It provides oxygen, nutrients, and remove waste product from the baby’s blood.
 Umbilical Cord contains two arteries and one vein the connects the baby to the
placenta. The two arteries work to return the deoxygenated blood and waste product
from the baby back to the placenta. While the vein work as the carrier of blood rich in
oxygen and nutrients. The umbilical cord connects the baby in the womb to its mother it
also carries oxygen and nutrients from placenta into the baby’s blood stream.
 Amnion it is a bag or envelope that contains a clear fluid in which the developing
embryo floats.

3. Fetal stage (2 to 7 months after the conception) growth and development continue
dramatically during this stage. Marks more important changes or developments in the
brain. Begins during the ninth week and lasts until birth. The details of developmental
process are as follows:
A. 3 months after conception the fetus is about 3 inches long and weights about 1
ounce; fetus become active, moves arms and legs, opens and closes its mouth,
and moves its head; the face, forehead, eyelids, nose, chin can now be
distinguished and also the upper arms, lower arms, hands, and lower limbs; the
genitals can be now identified.
B. 4 months fetus is about 6 inches long and weights 4-7 ounces; growth spurt
occurs in the body’s lower parts; pre-natal reflexes are stronger; mothers feels
arms and legs movement.
C. 5 months fetus is about 12 inches long weight close to a pound, structure of the
skin have formed, the fetus is more active.
D. 6 months fetus is about 14 inches long and weights one and half pound eyes and
eyelids are completely formed fine layer of head covers the head. Grasping reflex
and irregular movements occurs.
E. 7 months fetus is about 16 inches long weights 3 pounds
F. 8 to 9 months fetus grows longer and gains substantial weight, about 4 pounds.

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