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1. What do I already know about the topic?

This subject is called the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church. From the title itself, it is
already clear that this will tackle about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Honestly, my
knowledge about Catholicism is not that broad. There are some practices and beliefs that I am
familiar with, but I don't thoroughly understand the deep meaning behind those practices. What I
know is that this religion helps to develop individual spirituality and inculcate moral values. It
serves as a system that influences the tradition, beliefs, and behavior of the Catholics. The
celebration of the religious festival, doing the rosary, and doing the sign of the cross are just
some of its practices. I can't have a detailed discussion about this topic because even I came from
a Catholic family, I don't conform to all the practices of this religion. And I already forgot the
lessons from the past semester.

2. What do I want to know about the topic?

I want to learn more and have in-depth knowledge about this topic. The first thing I want to
know is why the Catholics pray to different Saints as if they are God. In my perspective, others
are paying too much attention to the Saints instead of focusing on God. The next thing I want to
understand more is the existence of the Holy Trinity. I like to comprehend this topic so I won't
forget this in the future. The third thing I want to understand more is why do the Catholic Church
has a lot of Saint statues. In my experience, I got confused about having a lot of Saint statues in
the Church. I know there is so much more to learn on this subject. And I want to keep learning so
I can broaden my perspective about this matter. I want to set all my confusion not just about my
religion but also about other religions so I can better understand my friends and other people
with a different religion.

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