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The Eucharist

1. What are your earliest memories of attending and participating the mass?
I remember me, my mother and my relatives attending the mass. We usually go to the
mass together every Sunday morning. I remember them participating well but as a child
my mind is wandering. Going with them every time to Church molded my faith.

2. What are your thoughts and feelings about the church’s stance on not inviting
non-Catholic Christians to the eucharist?
In my opinion even that Catholics and non-Catholics only share a partial communion
with each other they should also invite non-Catholics into the eucharist because for me
it does not matter even with the differences in beliefs. As long as we share the faith in
God, we can do everything together. People overthink about things like that. God
sacrificed his life for all of us. We can unite even with the differences. If Non-Catholic
wants the eucharist then invite them.

3. Which of the above-mentioned behaviors are you strong and weak when it
comes to actively participating in the mass?
My strength is thanksgiving because im always thankful about the blessings I receive
everyday and my weakness is active listening especially when it is very hot and when
there are noisy people.
1. What do you remember about your confirmation? Could you have been better
prepared for this sacrament? if so, in what way?
I remember my confirmation with my elementary classmates. I was in the high school at
that time and we were very happy to see each other again. Im more prepared for this
sacrament than when I was baptized because I don’t understand everything at that time
but my confirmation was different, I was able to understand the meaning of it and it
strengthened my faith in God.

2. What are your thoughts and feelings about infant baptism? Have you ever wished
you could have been baptized as an adult? Should the church baptize the infants
of non-practicing Catholics?
I never wished to be baptized as an adult because my thoughts and feeling about
infant baptism is focused on the story of the paralytic man, the wounded man did
not have faith just like when we were a child being baptized but Jesus healed him
because of the faith of his friends just as our parents and loved ones where there
during our baptism.

3. What Struck you the most about what we have just read? What did you
The thing that struck me the most and the words that I underlined is this “Baptism
brings the new life of Christ; Confirmation strengthens the new life of Christ and
Eucharist nourishes the new life of Christ” because as I read the learning material given
to us I now understand these things and it struck me because it strengthened my faith
as an Christian believer.
Introduction to the Liturgy and Sacraments

1. What are your Childhood memories of the mass?

When I was a child, I remember going to the mass here in our barrio. We have a
chapel here in our barrio but I remember that the priest only goes here once a year
for Simbang gabi. That’s when me and my friends will go and participate in the mas
even with the hotness and lack of space inside the chapel here in our place.

2. How do you feel about the Catholic use of sacramentals?

For me the Catholic use of sacramentals is great because it is purposeful, it is instituted
to help us make holy every aspect of life and as the Catechism stated that the
sacramentals are sacred signs instituted by the church. They Prepare us to receive the
fruit of the sacraments and sanctify different circumstances of life”

3. Why are the sacraments so important in Catholicism?

The sacraments are important because it has a purpose to sanctify the recipient, to
build up the church which is the body of Christ, to give worship to the father. The
sacraments were entrusted to the Church by God, as the Catechism states;
“sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the
Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us”

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