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DOI: 10.1002/fuce.


Supercapacitors Technical Requirements


for New Applications

M. Conte1*
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA), Technical Unit ‘Advanced
Technologies for Energy and Industry’, C.R. Casaccia, Via Anguillarese, 301, 00066 Roma, Italy

Received May 21, 2010; accepted June 30, 2010

The supercapacitors (SCs), also called ultracapacitors or elec- This paper contains a brief survey of the history of the SC
trochemical capacitors, are devices with a very high specific development, which is strongly related to the evolution of
power and high capacitance, available for a long period of time the SC technologies, tentatively classified in symmetric,
with negligible deterioration, that have been historically pro- asymmetric and hybrid. A short presentation of key parame-
posed in small applications (memory back-up in consumer ters has been given to introduce the description of new ap-
electronics and storage systems for microsolar power genera- plications with large SC devices, covering transport, indus-
tors) and now are proposed for high power/energy applica- trial and electric utility sectors, with some reflections about
tions, such as hybrid and electric vehicles, power quality sys- the foreseen impacts on the future market more than quad-
tems and smart grids. The advancements in new materials and rupled in 5 years up to almost $877 million worldwide.
the rapid growth of more demanding storage systems in a vari-
ety of applications have created a lack of universally accepted Keywords: Classifications, Designs, New Applications, Per-
definitions of these devices and, consequently, a real difficulty formances, Supercapacitors, Technical Requirements
in describing developments and progress in the SC field.

1 Introduction time with negligible deterioration, that have been initially

proposed in small applications (memory back-up, cold start
The need to improve efficiency and sustainability of assist of thermal engines and storage systems for microsolar
energy systems in all the aspects from generation up to the power generators) and now are proposed for high power/
end uses is motivating the research and development of new energy applications, such as hybrid and electric vehicles,
storage systems and methods. The variety of existing or pro- power quality systems and smart grids. Since their initial dis-
jected applications ranging from consumer electronics, elec- covery in the mid-1960s, SCs have received increasing interest
tric and hybrid vehicles up to large power generation plants and stimulus to progress by the growing demand of new spe-
and electricity distribution grids with improved power qual- cialised energy storage systems with high specific characteris-
ity and larger introduction of renewable energy sources tics and long cycle life [1–3].
requires storage systems with extremely varying performance The advancements in new materials and the rapid growth
characteristics. of more demanding storage systems in a variety of applica-
No ideal energy storage device and method are insofar tions have created a lack of universally accepted definitions
available to meet all technical and economical requirements of these devices and, consequently, a real difficulty in
from a growing spectrum of applications. Electrochemical describing developments and progress in the SC field. In the
batteries, superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), last few years, many novel configurations of SCs have been
pumped hydro, flywheels, compressed air energy storage investigated often mixing up battery and SC components
(CAES) and hydrogen storage are alternative and/or compe- with different behaviours and performance characteristics, all
titive solutions for storing energy usually proposed.
The supercapacitors (SCs), also called ultracapacitors or
electrochemical capacitors, are devices with a very high speci- –
fic power and high capacitance, available for a long period of [*] Corresponding author,

806 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim View this journal online at FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

aimed at modifying specific technical parameters to better electrolytes. In practice, the ‘double-layer’ capacitance at
meet the technical, and even economical, requirements for the most electrode–electrolyte interfaces, in the range of
the various applications. 5–50 lF cm–2, was greatly improved by the high specific sur-
The different types of SCs and the large extent of new ap- face areas (up to about 1,500 m2 g–1) of activated carbons. As
plications have been demanding for suitable definitions and a consequence, it was realised that capacitances of about
performance measurements that require the development of some farads could be obtained in cells of 10–20 mL in vol-
specific standards and procedures. Basic parameters are well ume: about six orders of magnitude with respect to the con-
known and are mostly based on a simplification approach ventional capacitors. In the 1970s, there was a decade of
that represents the SC with an equivalent electrical circuit enthusiasm and illusion in which different companies (Sohio,
model with defined electrical components. Unfortunately, the Corning Glass and NEC) tried to turn the electrochemical
progress in configurations has somehow modified the real results of Sohio into a commercial product. Finally, in 1979,
behaviour of the various SCs, by asking for an experimental NEC introduced in the market the first carbon-electrode SC
effort to harmonise and make comparable the key parameters with the brand name ‘Supercap’. Since then, with a growing
of the different SC types. interesting market, mostly covered by Japanese companies,
The various applications of SCs, alone or in combinations the SC technologies continued to progress.
with batteries or other energy source, are also addressing Alternative classes of SCs were, in parallel, researched and
design issues: microsystems as those of watches or memory developed by trying to improve basic technical performances
back-ups look at very low energy content but for a very long of commercial carbon-based SCs: the energy content, related
time, while large energy/power storage systems, such as to the low decomposition voltage of the electrolyte and/or to
those in transport means (hybrid vehicles with thermal the low capacitance of the pure electrostatic charge transfer.
engines or fuel cell generators) are more interested in SC At the beginning of 1980s, the investigation of the so called
devices with very high power capability in charge and dis- ‘pseudocapacitors’ started: a novel device with the same tech-
charge, lasting thousands of cycles. nical features of an SC (as referred to specific capacitance),
This paper contains a brief survey of the history of the SC but working in a different way [1, 4, 5]. The electrical charge
development, which is strongly related to the evolution of the was partially stored in the ‘double layer’ and partially
types and related definitions. In the second part, an attempt was the result of faradaic reactions (charge transfer of elec-
is made to classify the various categories of present SC and to tron and protons) between electrode and electrolyte: the
give some definitions to divide the recent scientific and tech- working mechanisms are moving from a conventional capaci-
nological advancements in identifiable groups. In the third tor to a conventional electrochemical battery. These devices
part, the basic performance parameters are defined with a contain ceramic electrodes composed of transitional-metal ox-
rough analysis of the existing testing procedures and stan- ides (e.g. iridium dioxide, ruthenium oxide and nickel oxide
dards to measure them. The fourth part gives some examples and a combination of these), deposited as thin coating on
of the major and most interesting applications with descrip- metallic substrates. Another class of SC, investigated and
tion of technical requirements for some of them: the major even marketed in 1970s, uses solid-state electrolytes, such
emphasis is given to vehicle applications, which are receiving as sodium–silver-iodide. These SCs were commercialised for
specific attention in recent years. Finally, in the fifth part, the a short time by Gould Ionics in a configuration having
market prospects that are positively seen by various compa- silver anodes and activated carbon cathodes with most
nies are reported for the coming years. charge storage at cathode–electrolyte interface: the low dis-
solution voltage (about 0.6 V) and the high cost of the cathode
solid electrolyte material negatively impacted customer inter-
est on this device, which was quickly withdrawn from the
2 Historical Hints
The start of the SC technology is surely based on the work Finally, in the last two decades with the introduction of
of Helmholtz, who first in 1853 recognised that the electrical high-voltage decomposition electrolytes (e.g. organic and ion-
charge could be stored not only on the surface of a conductor ic liquids) [6–8], the improvement of activated carbon proper-
but also at ‘double-layer’ interface between an electrode and ties and the introduction of new configurations (increased
an electrolyte [1, 4]. Subsequently, almost one century later at combination of SC and batteries components) and the growth
General Electric (GE), in a not completely clear way, and at of market demand on specific high power devices, the classes
Sohio (The Standard Oil Company, then BP America, a sub- and designs of SCs have significantly augmented with the
sidiary of the British Petroleum), first potential products were creation of a sort of chaos [9] in the SC field with the prolif-
studied and patented. These initial claims were mainly the eration of categories and definitions used for the description
by-products of research work on carbon electrodes for fuel of these devices. Figure 1 briefly summarises the chief mile-
cells and novel batteries. The chief result at that time was the stones and the key dates for the progress of the SC technology
discovery of extraordinary high specific capacitances in high- in most chemistries and designs.
surface-area carbons in molten salts or, preferably, in aqueous

FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 807
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

NEC first
Organic electrolyte
commercial New materials/designs?
GE’ patent & polymer materials
1853 1958 1960’s 1979 1980’s 1990’s 2000’s > 2010

Helmotz’s SOHIO Pseudo- Hybrid configurations /

SC development capacitors ionic liquids
double layer
Fig. 1 Key milestones in the development of SC technologies.

3 General Classification docapacitance’, which is typical of SC devices with faradic

processes, or to emphasise the fact that the charge reorienta-
The SCs are basically working according to the same prin- tion happens at the electrochemical double layer [2, 4, 8]. This
ciples of conventional capacitors, both electrostatic and elec- double meaning is currently used in the scientific and techno-
trolytic, with much different technical properties: an SC has logical literature [8, 9] and even in international standards
specific capacitance and energy 10 times greater than that of [10, 11].
an electrolytic capacitor and 100 times than that of an electro- For sake of simplification in the attempt to more clearly
static capacitor. SCs are the scientific and technological evolu- classify the different types of SCs, an adaptation of existing
tion of conventional capacitors towards electrochemical bat- taxonomy is here proposed. All the existing commercial and
teries with clear fundamental differences: the main one is that under development SCs can be divided in three main cate-
in the batteries the energy is stored by means of chemical gories:
reactions, while in SCs the energy can be stored by simply 1. symmetric SC,
electrostatic charge transfer. In practice, the differences 2. asymmetric SC,
between conventional and batteries are not so sharp, because 3. hybrid SC.
the last SCs are trying to use properties and performance With respect to the existing approaches, the three terms
characteristics of both devices. are more related to the cell designs, electrode materials and
The rapid evolution and developments of these devices the fundamental operating principles (physical or chemical
have been creating serious difficulties in identifying and processes, or a combination of the two). With significant
agreeing upon an internationally accepted nomenclature. Dif- adaptation from [2, 4, 12], Figure 2 presents the three possible
ferent definitions and terms have been used over the years to categories of the current and under development SCs.
classify SCs. Initially, it was accepted to indicate these devices
as electrochemical capacitors, to better distinguish them from
the conventional capacitors, but this definition was hardly 3.1 Symmetric SC
accepted by some companies for commercial reasons: the
Symmetric SCs are basically the historical EDLC (electric
term electrochemical could be disqualifying for more conven-
double-layer). The term ‘symmetric’ stands for the use of elec-
tional capacitors. Other terms for SC have been ultracapaci-
trodes made with the same material (e.g. activated carbon as
tors, pseudocapacitors (or ‘Batcaps’), and even brand names
in the EDLC) with the same design and, practically, the same
from leading producing companies have been used. In the last
mass loading on both electrodes. The prevailing charge stor-
two decades, the classification of the SC has been more related
age principle effectively working (either physical or chemical
to the specific designs, the use of specific materials in the elec-
or a combination of the two) must be the same on both elec-
trolyte (organic, aqueous, ionic liquids and solids) and/or in
the electrodes (activated carbons, electronically conducting
Two major SC types (or classes) can be included in the
polymers, ceramic oxides and battery-like components).
symmetric category: (i) EDLC and (ii) pseudocapacitors.
An exemplary case of the ambiguity existing in the SC ter-
minology is represented by the interpretation of the acronym
3.1.1 Electric Double-Layer Capacitors
EDLC, which was initially used to describe carbon-based SC:
they are purely capacitive devices in which the charge and The electrical charge is only physically stored in the dou-
discharge processes are very rapid, due to the simple electric ble-layer, naturally formed at electrode–electrolyte interface
charge orientation of the double layer at the electrode–electro- under voltage. These devices are highly reversible and can
lyte interface. In reality, EDLC acronym is equally used for guarantee the longer cycle life, because no chemical reactions,
two different definitions: (i) Electric Double Layer Capacitor and then material transformations, happen during charge and
or (ii) Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor. The former discharge cycles (pure electrostatic charge storage). The large
surely represents the more correct operation way for these increase in basic properties (capacitance and internal resis-
types of SC, while the latter generates confusion in the tance) with respect to conventional capacitors is mostly due to
attempt to introduce in the same device the concept of ‘pseu- the use of the double-layer charge storage at both electrodes,

808 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

Fig. 2 Classification of SC categories and classes.

normally using high-surface-area materials such as activated term of asymmetric configurations, as a result of the signifi-
carbons, with a much higher surface area (in the order of hun- cant developments in SC technology over the last 20 years. A
dreds of m2 g–1) and much smaller thickness of double layers first definition issued in 2002 clearly showed the uncertainty
(in the range of 10–10 m), compared to the electrode distance on how to classify new SC devices: the ‘asymmetric’ supercapa-
in conventional capacitors. Alternative materials, or carbon citor is the supercapacitor, on polar electrodes of which processes
formulations, can be used for this type of SC, all based on dou- different in their nature are carried out [16]. As a representative
ble-layer non-faraidic capacitance, with different electrolytes example of this category of SCs, a redox reaction on one of
(aqueous, organic and ionic liquids) and different electrode the electrodes and charge–discharge of electrostatic charge
(activated carbons, carbon aerogels and carbon nanotubes). storage in the electric double layer on another was then men-
tioned. In the same period, the term ‘hybrid’ has been alterna-
tively used to name such SCs. In order to improve clarity in
3.1.2 Pseudocapacitors
the increasing variety of SC designs and chemistries, a clear
A second class of symmetric SC is represented by SCs. Such distinction of the two terms ‘asymmetric’ and ‘hybrid’ might
devices are composed by electrodes using active materials that be advisable. This classification effort may be functional in
work differently from EDLC to store electrical charge and, practical selection and applications of these devices, but also
then, energy. In fact, only part of the charge storage is assured useful in specifying technical characteristics, measuring pro-
by the double layer between electrode and electrolyte, while a cedures definition of standards and SC modelling. In this
greater amount of charge transfer and storage is due to faraidic simplification approach, there is also the intention to take into
mechanisms (electrosorption, redox reactions and intercala- account the recent advancements in electrolyte materials
tion). The latter process is able to double the energy density (such as non-aqueous and ionic liquids), whose applications
more than that of EDLC. From the original ceramic materials can be further improved by optimising the different maxi-
(iridium dioxide, ruthenium dioxide, nickel oxide and their mum potential excursions achievable, separately, at the nega-
combinations), new materials with pseudocapacitive character- tive and positive electrodes [17]. In this category, it is thus
istics have been investigated in recent years, such as electroni- possible to include all the modified symmetric SCs, in which
cally conducting polymers and other metal oxides (vanadium there are changes in the electrolyte compositions and in the
oxide and manganese dioxide) [1, 13–15]. These devices have mass loading and geometry of the electrodes, without chang-
had in the past significant drawback in the use of previous met- ing the active materials and the operating processes (physical
als, which made their application expensive. Conducting poly- or chemical).
mers (e.g. by negatively and positively doping electrodes) may
improve their economic attractiveness, while applications
3.3 Hybrid SC
requiring limited cycle number may take advantage of the sig-
nificant higher energy density of any type of pseudocapacitor. Hybrid SCs are the most innovative solution to combine
the better performances of different SC configurations. The
basic idea is to substantially improve technical characteristics,
3.2 Asymmetric SC
and even reduce costs, of more conventional SCs by using the
Asymmetric SCs are included in the most controversial best geometry and materials for each component. In practice,
category. Different views are described in literature about the the recent research and development activities have shown

FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 809
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

multiple combinations of positive and negative electrodes mined the need for clearly measuring the SC properties,

coming from various technologies, even from conventional which may differ when they are used in different operating
electrolytic capacitors: the major technological challenge is to conditions. It is well know that technical properties of SCs are
reduce the performance gap between SC and electrochemical from being ideal and may be greatly affected by frequency,
batteries by using an electrode from one technology and the temperature, current and, in same case, by the category (sym-
other electrode from the other technology. The basic design of metric, asymmetric and hybrid may have different reactions
a hybrid SC uses two electrodes made of different materials to the various working conditions).
and, eventually, using different operating processes (faraidic International standards have been already defined [10, 11]
and non-faraidic). The investigated combinations are aimed at for measuring and determining the key technical properties
maintaining the long cycle life of EDLC and power capability of SCs, but these standards are referred to small-size applica-
of conventional capacitors, reduce the cost constraints of tions in electronic equipment, such as, back up memories for
pseudocapacitors and try to increase specific performances consumer products. In addition, the current standards con-
(e.g. energy density) to get closer to those of batteries. Three sider only EDLCs.
main types can be considered in this category: (i) hybrid elec- In parallel, testing procedures have been also developed
trolytic capacitors; (ii) composite; and (iii) battery-like. over the years to respond to more specific demands of
SC testing for automotive applications [24–26] and, more
3.3.1 Hybrid Electrolytic Capacitors recently, related standards are under preparation.
An ideal SC can be represented with a first-order electric
A pseudocapacitive electrode, as those based on metal ox-
equivalent circuit, as described in Figure 1. It is comprised of
ides, can be combined with the electrode of a conventional
four ideal circuit elements, which include a capacitor C, a ser-
electrolytic capacitor. In this way, the high power characteris-
ies resistor Rs, a parallel resistor Rp and a series inductor L. Rs
tic of electrolytic capacitors is still saved, but the addition of
represents the equivalent series resistance (ESR) and accounts
the pseudocapacitance on one electrode substantially aug-
for the power loss during charge and discharge. Rp is the par-
ments the specific capacitance of the device.
allel resistance responsible for the energy loss due to capaci-
tor self-discharge. This model is the simplest one and also the
3.3.2 Composite most adequate for low and medium power applications. In
A second class of hybrid SC is represented by devices, high power applications the non-ideal behaviour of electro-
combining the electrode of an EDLC with a composite elec- chemical capacitors cannot be neglected, depending on tem-
trode, using carbon-based material (e.g. carbon nanotubes) perature, current, power, frequency, in case of alternate cur-
that incorporates either a conducting polymers or a metal rent systems, and also on SC category. The charge–discharge
oxide [6, 18, 19]. Such devices are also called asymmetric curve for the SC, represented by the circuit in Figure 3, is pre-
hybrid SC. sented in Figure 4.
Where VR is the rated voltage (V), V1 is the start voltage (V)
3.3.3 Battery-Type for calculation, V2 is the end voltage (V) for calculation, DU3 is
the voltage drop (V), TCV is the constant voltage charging
These SCs put in the same device two completely different
electrodes, coming from two different storage technologies:
an SC electrode is then coupled with a battery electrode. RS LS C
Recent research has investigated different combinations of SC
electrodes with electrodes derived from batteries: lead acid
(lead oxides), alkaline (nickel oxides) and lithium (titanate,
manganese oxide and others) [20–23]. These devices are Rp
considered extremely interesting even if more research is Fig. 3 The first-order electric equivalent circuit of a capacitor.
required to reduce the main disadvantages related to the
need to overcome battery-related limitations.
Voltage (V)

4 Basic Performance Definitions and
Measurements V 2

The use of SCs is growing with more demanding technical

performances to better meet specific requirements from appli-
cations varying from very small sizes, with limited energy
content, up to the level of hundreds of kW in various vehicles TCV t1 t2
(hybrid passenger cars, hybrid buses and trains) and for elec- Time (s)
tric utility services. The variety of applications has also deter- Fig. 4 The typical charge–discharge curve for an EDLC.

810 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

duration (s), t1 is the time elapsed from start to reach voltage where E, in Joule (J), represents the amount of energy dis-
V1 and t2 is the time elapsed from start to reach voltage V2. charged effectively when the SC voltage changes from V1 to
Figure 4 assumes that the charge and discharge behaviour V2, also in this case these voltages can be fixed values of the
of an ideal SC is practically linear. In reality, the charge and rated voltage.
discharge curves are nonlinear and are normally dependent
on the current and the rated voltage. Consequently, most SC
4.2 ESR
performance parameters must be measured according to the
working conditions. Looking at the applications, it is also The internal series resistance, also called ESR, is the value
apparent that only some performances must be necessarily of the element Rs in the first-order circuit, as described in Fig-
known and measured to be able to design the SC system and ure 3. Different methods have been applied until now and
incorporate it in the final application. new ones have been proposed for measuring the ESR. It cor-
The basic SC performance data to be necessarily known in responds to ohmic resistance associated with the voltage drop
any application are: capacitance, ESR and cycle life. Other in the discharge curve represented in Figure 4. The ESR value
technical performances are more useful in certain applica- does not depend on the voltage at which the SC is charged of
tions, particularly when large amount of energy and power is discharged. The most common measuring method is called
involved: self-discharge, mass and volumetric energy and ‘current interrupt’: the variation of voltage due to the sudden
power density and efficiency. change in current is measured. The ESR is calculated with the
It is important to outline that for medium to high power following formula:
applications, the basic performances are measured and calcu-
Vf Vi
lated during charge phase, and not only during discharge, ESR ˆ (4)
because the SC behaviour changes and may affect the design
and functioning of the system. where ESR, in Ohm, represents the ohmic resistance of the SC
when the SC voltage changes from Vi to Vf, with a quick var-
iation of current I.
4.1 Capacitance

The capacitance of an SC is a intrinsic constant property,

4.3 Cycle Life
measured in Farad (F), and is related to the amount of electri-
cal charge Q (in Coulomb) effectively stored in the SC, when It is generally believed that SCs do not show appreciable
it is at the rated voltage VR, according to the following equa- deterioration over a long period of time and under hundreds
tion: of thousands of charge and discharge cycles, even if it is fully
discharged at a voltage near to zero. In reality this is true for
Cˆ (1) the EDLC, but it is not the case for SC, in which faraidic pro-
cesses are implied to store charge. The ageing of SCs is
The standardised method proposed to measure the capaci- related to a variety of processes, which depend on the SC
tance is called ‘constant current discharge method’ and is design and the operating conditions, then, from the applica-
based on the discharge curve in Figure 3. With this method, tions. A critical aspect in the cycle life determination is the
the capacitance is calculated with the following equation: definition of the end of life criteria: some characteristics, such
as capacitance, ESR and rated voltage, of the SC changes sig-
I × …t 2 t 1 †
Cˆ (2) nificantly and can be used to state the end of the life.
V1 V2
Cycle life test procedures are normally based on a constant
where I (in A) is the discharge current. This method has been current profile. The SCs are charged and discharged at con-
mostly based on the assumption that the discharge behaviour stant current between the rated voltage and a defined end-of-
of the SC remains linear. The values of V1 and V2 can differ discharge voltage arbitrary selected, as a percentage of the
from various procedures and standards and can be stated as a rated voltage (normally, one-half or one-third of the rated
fixed quotient of the rated voltage. In current standards for voltage). Periodically, after a defined number of complete
electronic equipment, V1 = 0.8 VR and V2 = 0.4 VR, while in charge and discharge cycles, the basic characteristics of the
testing procedures for electric vehicles, V1 = 0.6 VR and SC are measured and the variations are estimated. The meas-
V2 = 0.4 VR. urement is terminated whenever the capacitance (or the
An alternative method can be applied in order to minimise energy) decreases for at least 20 or 30% with respect of the
the potential voltage differences due to nonlinearity of the initial one [24–26].
discharge curve. The ‘energy conversion capacitance method’
is then suggested to calculate the SC capacitance and is based
4.4 Peak Power
on the energy equation:
E The high power capacity is one of the peculiar features of
Cˆ2 …3† the SCs and must be clearly defined and accurately measured
V22 V12
or calculated. It is out of the scope of this paper to examine all

FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 811
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

the possible definitions of peak power, which are normally The specific values of energy and power can be easily

used. There are anyhow some definitions, which are normally obtained by dividing the measured or calculated values of
presented in product data sheets or even in analysing appli- energy and power with the overall weight of the SC.
cation requirements. One common approach to calculate the
peak power of an SC is based on the concept of maximum
power transfer: considering the simplified circuit of Figure 3, 5 SC New Applications Areas
it represents the condition where a load with a resistance
At the beginning of its commercial history, about three
equal to the ESR (Rs), then called matched load, is attached to
decades ago, SCs were mainly produced in limited sizes for
the SC. Then, the initial peak power Ppeak delivered to the
small, in capacitance and voltage, applications. The preferred
load is calculated from the following equation:
uses over the years still remain the prevailing applications in
VR2 consumer electronics with SC devices containing a few unit
Ppeak ˆ (5)
4 ESR cells with a total voltage below 11 V and an overall capaci-
tance up to a Farad. The main function in low voltage, power
Unfortunately, this maximum power is transferred to the
and capacitance applications is to protect memories and sim-
matched load with only 50% of power transfer efficiency,
ply CMOS circuits in video and audio systems, in electronic
and, then one-half of the stored energy in the SC is dissipated
toys and watches, in security and alarm systems, in PC
as heat within the SC. Alternative methods for measuring
motherboards, in home telephones, and in smoke detectors.
peak power consider the maximum power achievable in 5 s
The technical requirements for such applications are from
to discharge an SC from VR up to VR/3 [26], or the maximum
50 mF up to 1 F with an overall voltage of about 5.5 V [8].
power associated with the maximum current at a given volt-
The growing demand of high performance power devices
age, according to the equation:
with enabling the development is open up the SC application
to new industrial sectors with brand new market areas, with
Ppeak ˆ IMax  V (6)
much larger SC systems: industrial and residential applica-
tions, transportation and conventional and renewable electri-
where IMax is selected in a way to guarantee an energy effi-
city grids. The demanding technical and economical require-
ciency of 95%, both in charge and discharge. For such case,
ments for these new application areas have fostered the
the peak power is given by:
variety of scientific and technological breakthroughs in the
9 VR2 SC technology with a large spectrum of technical characteris-
Ppeak ˆ  …1 EF†  (7)
16 ESR tics [27]. Table 1 gives an update view of the state-of-the-art
of current SC commercially available and under develop-
where EF is the energy efficiency and VR is the rated voltage.
ment, practically covering all the categories [28]. These appli-
cations normally require large or very large SC devices with
4.5 Specific Energy and Efficiency technical requirements which are application-specific and,
often, may greatly vary in size and performances in the same
The ideal value of the electrical energy stored in an SC is
application area.
calculated by:
Currently, the use of large SCs is really promising with
1 many prototypes and demonstration projects, assisted by a
EMax ˆ  C  VR2 (8)
2 lot of simulation analyses covering applications from tens of
Watts up to tens of kW. The major concern is now of econom-
where C is the capacitance and VR is the rated voltage. In
ical nature with the high cost of SC devices that cannot be
practical uses, the complete discharge up to a voltage equal to
clearly recovered with the interesting savings and advantages
zero is impossible and, consequently, a useable energy con-
associated with their applications.
tent is defined, which considers the energy delivered when
Anyhow, new applications areas for large SCs entail the
the SC is discharged in a defined manner (e.g. at constant cur-
following sectors:
rent or at constant power) from the rated voltage VR up to
● industrial applications,
1/2 VR. For most application, the maximum discharged
● electric utility applications,
energy is given by:
● automotive applications.
3 In each of these sectors, different uses can be envisaged
EMax ˆ  C  VR2 (9)
8 with promising potentialities for SCs. Most of these applica-
tions require high power storage systems which may be even-
The energy efficiency is defined according to the definition
tually coupled with a high energy storage system. The basic
of delivered energy as the ratio in percentage of the energy
idea is to use the most appropriate technology for each func-
delivered by an SC to the energy that was supplied to it dur-
tion to be performed, considering both technical and econom-
ing a defined cycle.
ical aspects. Each applications analysis needs to clearly iden-
tify technical requirements and costs for design evaluation.

812 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

Table 1 Technical performances of some present SCs [28].

Device or producer Rated voltage VR C (F) ESR Specific energy Specific power Specific power Weight (kg) Volume
(V) (mX) (Wh kg–1)a) (W kg–1) (95%)b) (W kg–1) (L)
matched load
Maxwell* 2.7 2,885 0.375 4.2 994 8,836 0.55 0.414
Maxwell 2.7 605 0.90 2.35 1,139 9,597 0.20 0.211
ApowerCap** 2.7 55 4 5.5 5,695 50,625 0.009 –
ApowerCap** 2.7 450 1.4 5.89 2,574 24,595 0.057 0.045
Ness 2.7 1,800 0.55 3.6 975 8,674 0.38 0.277
Ness 2.7 3,640 0.30 4.2 928 8,010 0.65 0.514
Ness (cyl.) 2.7 3,160 0.4 4.4 982 8,728 0.522 0.38
Asahi Glass (propylene carbonate) 2.7 1,375 2.5 4.9 390 3,471 0.210 (estimated) 0.151
Panasonic (propylene carbonate) 2.5 1,200 1.0 2.3 514 4,596 0.34 0.245
LS Cable 2.8 3,200 0.25 3.7 1,400 12,400 0.63 0.47
BatScap 2.7 2,680 0.20 4.2 2,050 18,225 0.50 0.572
Power Sys. (activated carbon, 2.7 1,350 1.5 4.9 650 5,785 0.21 0.151
propylene carbonate)**
Power Sys. (graphitic carbon, 3.3 1,800 3.0 8.0 486 4,320 0.21 0.15
propylene carbonate)**
3.3 1,500 1.7 6.0 776 6,903 0.23 0.15
Fuji Heavy Industry-hybrid 3.8 1,800 1.5 9.2 1,025 10,375 0.232 0.143
(AC/graphitic Carbon)**
JSR Micro (AC/graphitic carbon)** 3.8 1,000 4 11.2 900 7,987 0.113 0.073
2,000 1.9 12.1 1,038 9,223 0.206 0.132

* Except where noted, all the devices use acetonitrile as the electrolyte. ** All devices except those with ** are packaged in metal containers, these devices are in
laminated pouches.
Energy density at 400 W kg–1 constant power, VR – 1/2 VR.
Power based on PMax = 9/16(1 – EF)V2/ESR, EF = efficiency of discharge.

5.1 Industrial Applications interruptions. This reduces the cycling duty on the battery
and extends its life. (ii) Only SC UPS. For sensitive loads
In the industrial, residential and business building sectors,
needing only a few seconds or tens of seconds of ride-
there are increasing demands for storage systems for back-up
through, a SC system with no batteries is feasible and should
needs and for improving energy efficiency of systems aimed
have very low maintenance costs.
at carrying and elevating masses. The most interesting appli-
The technical specifications of SCs in UPS are consistent
cations are the uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS)
with existing technologies, because in this application the SC
and the integration of storage systems in civil and industrial
device has to provide power for a few seconds. About the
movers, such as elevators and cranes.
cost, this strongly depends on the associated benefits and the
power quality requirements.
5.1.1 UPS
The use of electronic devices, the large diffusion of compu- 5.1.2 Elevators and Cranes
ters rooms and even the extended use of software controlled
In principle, elevators and cranes are devices that verti-
industrials processes are sensitive loads, all requiring back-
cally move masses by consuming electrical energy. In general,
up devices in case of emergency and fault conditions. The
conventional elevator and crane systems are not capable of
UPS with battery energy storage are devices very well devel-
recuperating energy during downward motion for further
oped and applied to sensitive loads and in critical events. The
use, even if, theoretically, with exclusion of friction losses,
need of power quality improvement and number loads
most of the energy spent for elevating masses can be recov-
requires uninterruptible supply and is rapidly growing, due
ered during descending phase. These devices cause huge
to the significant economical losses, due to lack of continuity
energy losses and very high acceleration currents. SC may
and quality in power supply. The battery is the source of
store large amounts of energy in a very short period of time
energy which is delivered to load usually, but the power cap-
and to release high currents on demand: exactly the key func-
ability of electrochemical batteries is not comparable with
tions required by these applications. Many studies and
that of SCs. Depending on the specific operating conditions
demonstrations have been performed outlining the advan-
and failure risks the UPS are addressing, two different
tages of using SC in such systems [30–32]. SC devices with
designs are now proposed [29]: (i) Combined SC and battery
power between 20 and 100 kW (for a discharge time up to
UPS. By combining an SC with a battery-based UPS system,
50 s) have been designed and even used with interesting
the life of the batteries can be extended. The SC gives power
practical and economical implications. In practical use in a
during short-duration interruptions and voltage sags. The
gantry crane for ship unloading, the integration of an SC bank
batteries provide energy and power only during the longer

FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 813
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

(100 kW for 42 s) with a diesel generator has resulted in an 5.2.1 Smart Grids

overall fuel reduction per unit time of 38%, a yearly con-

‘A smart grid uses digital technology to improve reliabil-
sumption reduction of $24 k, and an yearly reduction of pol-
ity, security and efficiency (both economic and energy) of the
luting emissions of 40%.
electric system from large generation, through the delivery
systems to electricity consumers and a growing number of
5.2 Electric Utility Applications distributed-generation and storage resources’ [35, 36]. The
integration of renewable energy source and the overall regu-
Progress in SC systems has made them suitable for high-
lation of the electric system can be aided by using energy
power applications with growing interest from electric utili-
storage devices. There are some functions in the smart grids
ties, which are looking to these devices for performance
particularly suitable for the features of SC systems. Table 2
improvement and reliability in a variety of areas, with much
summarises the key requirements and the most suitable stor-
higher power levels and with voltage up to 600 V. The key
age systems, associated with the main functions.
peculiar features of SC are extremely appealing for a variety
of applications in electricity grids: fast response time in milli-
second, high energy efficiency (more than 95%), high power 5.3 Automotive Applications
density and long calendar and cycle life. Various functions
can be then performed by SC devices in electric grids, such In the transport sector, the use of SC devices has been pro-
as, for example [33, 34]: posed for a variety of vehicles and transport systems from
1. Transmission line stability. The stability of a transmission small ones (light-duty commercial and passenger cars) up
system by adding energy storage. This serves to dampen to heavy-duty systems, such as, trucks, buses, trams up to
oscillation through the successive generation and trains. The proposed applications for these devices range
absorption of real (as opposed to reactive) power. There from very low energy content for very high power services
is also transient stability–the stability required after a uti- (engine starts) up to more energy-intensive service in hybrid
lity event (loss of substation or major line). During a vehicle configurations combining conventional thermal
transient event, achieving stability requires a substantial engines and, even, more advanced electrical generators, such
capability to absorb energy quickly. This is somewhat as the fuel cells. Even in these applications, the SC systems
analogous to ‘dynamic braking’ because generator tur- can be act alone or combined with a battery. The advantages
bines must be slowed. A typical specification is 100 MW to use SC devices are many: the availability of more power;
with 500 MJ (<5 s). the drivetrain efficiency is substantially increased because of
2. Spinning reserve. This is the generation capacity that a uti- the higher share of regenerative braking energy; the smooth-
lity holds in reserve to prevent service interruptions if a ing action during charge and discharge can be beneficial for
generator fails. An ultracapacitor system can be built to the battery because reduces stress and improve cycle life. The
supply power during the interruption, until quick-start potential positive effects of SC systems have stimulated
diesels begin to supply power. A typical specification is efforts in public research program and industries. Technical
20–100 MW and 300–1,500 MJ. requirements, at least for road transport applications, have
3. Area and frequency control. The lack of matching between been, in some cases, already defined and represent the cur-
electrical energy production and energy consumption rent frontier for SC development. Table 3 summarises the
(including losses) appears as a frequency variation. An technical and economical requirements, defined in the Free-
SC system, thanks to its fast response time, would be domCar Program in the USA, for the use of SC in three differ-
considerably more effective than a generating plant in ent modes: mild-hybrid (only start–stop function) at 12 and
supplying frequency regulation. A system based on SCs 42 V and power-assist operation in hybrid vehicles.
can absorb or supply energy as required, freeing other
generation sources from frequency regulation or tie-line
control duties. A typical specification
is 100–1,000 MW and 0.1–10 MWh.
4. Voltage regulation. Voltage regulation Table 2 Technical characteristics of some key functions in smart grids.
is the ability of the grid to maintain Preferred energy storage
Time scale Target Storage requirements type
stable the voltage in any point of a
Very fast (ms) Power quality control, Very fast, very high cycle SC, SMES
transmission line within 5%. Voltage load smoothing, life, power demand
control devices are capable of regu- renewable integration changes
lating local-area voltage or regulat- Fast (s) Power quality control, Very fast, very high cycle SC, SMES, flywheels
load smoothing, life, power demand
ing power flow without a significant
renewable integration changes
amount of energy storage. The need Medium fast (min) Power quality control, Fast, high cycle life, SC, SMES, flywheels,
for voltage regulation and power load smoothing, power demand changes batteries
flow control is site-specific and is renewable integration

compatible with SC properties. SMES, superconducting magnet energy storage.

814 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

Table 3 United States Advanced Battery Consortium–FreedomCar Program. SC requirements at the end of life for three different services.

System attributes 12 V start–stop (TSS) 42 V start–stop (FSS) 42 V transient power assist (TPA)
Discharge pulse 4.2 kW 2s 6 kW 2s 13 kW 2s
Regenerative pulse N/A N/A 8 kW 2s
Cold cranking pulse at –30 °C 4.2 kW 7 V Min. 8 kW 21 V Min. 8 kW 21 V Min.
Available energy (CP at 1 kW) 15 Wh 30 Wh 60 Wh
Recharge rate (kW) 0.4 2.4 2.6
Cycle life/equiv. road miles 750 k/150,000 miles 750 k/150,000 miles 750 k/150,000 miles
Cycle life and efficiency load profile UC10 UC10 UC10
Calendar life (years) 15 15 15
Energy efficiency on UC10 load profile (%) 95 95 95
Self discharge (72 h from Max. V) <4% <4% <4%
Maximum operating voltage (Vdc) 17 48 48
Minimum operating voltage (Vdc) 9 27 27
Operating temperature range (°C) –30 to +52 –30 to +52 –30 to +52
Survival temperature range (°C) –46 to +66 –46 to +66 –46 to +66
Maximum system weight (kg) 5 10 20
Maximum system volume (L) 4 8 16
Selling price ($/system at 100 k year–1) 40 80 130

5.3.1 Starting Engines icantly higher than that of SC, allowing for a power downsiz-
ing and cost reduction in drivetrain production. As already
Diesel fuelled engines have problems to start at cold tem-
indicated in Table 3, the technical and economical specifica-
perature (up to –40 °C). The problem is mostly related to the
tions for some of the possible applications of SC devices in
viscosity of lubricating oil at low temperature that requires
vehicles have been already stated [27]. In general, for such ap-
high cranking torque with decrease in temperature. Lead acid
plications, the overall energy content and power for SC
batteries are presently used in vehicles for starting engines,
devices may vary from 50 up to 2,000 Wh, depending on the
but at low temperature the power capability of these batteries
configuration with or without batteries and the size of the
is very low and with difficulties in supplying high discharge
current necessary to crank a cold engine [37]. Furthermore,
this poor performance at low temperature in lead acid battery
is further reduced with age, strongly affecting the ability to Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles
sustain this current during extended engine start. To over-
In 2000, Honda showcased a prototype fuel-cell vehicle
come this problem, an SC device has been proposed in
FCXV3 with high-pressure hydrogen tank and SC power
conjunction with battery to supply cranking current at low
bank. The lay-out of the FCX is in Figure 5. The SC bank sup-
ports acceleration and regenerative braking.
The definition of the application requirements for the
5.3.2 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
developed SCs according to determined duty cycles and the
In case of electric and hybrid electric vehicles, SC devices possible role and impact of SCs in FCVs have been also inves-
can be usefully applied to carry out different functions: (i) tigated by means of mathematical models [38]. A reference
peak power storage for acceleration and recovery of energy van, named NEO (No Emission Outfit) has been used. It is a
during braking/deceleration; (ii) peak shaving of peak series-hybrid electric prototype, developed by Micro-vett
demands on batteries; and (iii) cost reduc-
tion of electricity generators, such as fuel
cells, by optimal sharing of power size
according to the duty cycles. The advantages
of using SC are various: (i) the life of battery
is less affected by transient operating condi-
tions like acceleration and deceleration
because battery cannot be charged or dis-
charged at high rate, reducing battery repla-
cement needs during vehicle life; (ii) the
energy efficiency of the vehicle may be
improved because there is a better charge
capacity of SC with respect to battery at high
charge rates; and (iii) the cost per power unit
of electrical generators, as fuel cells, is signif- Fig. 5 Honda FCX prototype.

FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 815
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

(Italy), of the ‘range extender’ type, with a storage battery


able to supply the traction power, while a FC system

recharges the battery and extends the vehicle range, well
beyond that available with the battery alone. The FC system
power is lower than that required for moving the vehicle,
with 30 kW continuous power and a 60 kW peak power (for
2 min). The rated powertrain voltage is 280 V, corresponding
to the voltage of the 64Ah Zebra (Na–NiCl2) battery system.
The simulation work has been concentrated on simulating a
modified vehicle configuration with the addition of the SC
systems in order to reduce maximum current and peak
power and extend cycle life of the battery system. Table 4
clearly presents the possible hydrogen savings under differ-
ent duty cycles by using an SC integration in the NEO van.

Table 4 Hydrogen savings with the introduction of an SC device in the fuel

cell van NEO by Micro-vett. Fig. 6 SC unit in the Vossloh trolleybus.
Duty cycle H2 savings (%)
Urban Ece 15 32.3
Real Micro-vett 4.0 feeding lines, energy storage devices are useful to prevent
Hyzem 13.6 regenerative energy failure at braking [39].
Hyzem_70 19.6

6 Market Prospects
5.3.3 Heavy Duty and Large Transport Systems Today, commercial SCs are available from a number of
SC applications have been also proposed in very large countries, such as Australia, France, Japan, Russia, South
transport system as hybrid transit buses, trams and trains. Korea and Russia. The interesting market prospects envis-
aged for the new application areas are partially negatively
Hybrid Buses, Trolley Buses and Trams counterbalanced by the high cost of the SC, which has
delayed widespread diffusion. Nevertheless, the progress in
ISE Corporation produced a hybrid bus with a 360 V SC the technologies and the manufacturer increased efforts are
device to support a 225 kW electric motor, propelled by alter- going to reduce cost and extend technical performances to a
native generators (gasoline and diesel engines and even fuel larger number of applications.
cells). The small energy storage SC unit with about 0.5 kWh Table 5 presents the average trend of the SC costs, that
assists only acceleration of the vehicle. More than 100 ISE clearly shows the specific cost per unit capacitance has been
buses have been produced and are in normal daily service in greatly reduced in 15 years (about 150 times) as well as the
USA. cost per energy unit (about 220 times smaller).
SC units have been also proposed for trolley buses and The SC market has been steeply growing in the last
trams in order to improve energy efficiency and minimise 20 years, even if it is still remained a few percentages of the
braking failure in both cases with or without feeding lines. overall capacitor market. In 1989 about 75 million units were
Vossloh Kiepe in Germany has developed a trolleybus with commercialised with total revenue of about $40 million. In
an SC unit (Figure 6). The SC bank supports acceleration and 1999, about 201 million units were produced with a total val-
regenerative braking. It operates without contact wires for ue of about $115 million, while in 2004 there was a further
500 m. The SC unit is composed of 288 cells, has a capacitance increase until 660 million units with a related value of
of 2,600 F and a total energy content of 648 Wh. The energy $276 million. The prevailing share (>95%) of these markets
saving achieved with the SC unit is between 23 and 34% with has been for small SCs, but recent forecasts are quite optimis-
respect to the same vehicle without SC unit. tic with prospects of significant surge in the next almost
A similar concept of using trolleybuses with periodic ser-
vice without feeding contacts has been proposed in Italy with Table 5 SC cost trend (
the project ‘ZeroFilobus’: SC units onboard of are charged
Year Specific capacitance cost ($ F–1) Specific energy cost ($ kJ–1)
during idle time at stop stations with fast charge schemes. A 1996 0.750 281.55
24% of energy savings is estimated for this application. 1998 0.400 151.23
Finally, an onboard SC storage unit is considered to be a 2000 0.100 32.00
promising tool for railway rolling stock. Electric trains can 2002 0.023 7.51
ran without feeding lines and diesel electric trains can absorb 2006 0.010 2.85
2010 0.005 1.28
and use regenerative power. In case of electric trains with

816 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818
Conte: Supercapacitors Technical Requirements for New Applications

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lion of worldwide sales by 2014 with a large share of nities: 1999–2004, Paumanok Publications, Inc., USA,
sales represented by large SC applications, as those in trans- 2000, p. 7.
port and electric utilities, estimated to reach about $330 mil- [9] A. Malak, K. Fic, G. Lota, C. Vix-Guterl, E. Frackowiak,
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7 Conclusion Use in Electronic Equipment. Part 1: Generic Specifications,
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Use in Electronic Equipment. Part 2: Sectional Specifica-
plify classifications and sometimes misleading nomenclature.
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[12] J. R. Miller, Encyclopedia Electrochemical Power Sources,
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Vol. 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 587, 2009.
properties suitable for a continuously increasing number of
[13] C. Arbizzani, M. Mastragostino, L. Meneghello, Electro-
applications. SCs are now available in multiple designs that
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[14] C. Arbizzani, M. Mastragostino, F. Soavi, J. Power
between conventional capacitors and electrochemical batter-
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[16] B. Conway, W. Pell, Proc. of “The 12th International Semi-
the description of the targeted technical requirements and the
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[17] M. Mastragostino, F. Soavi, Encyclopedia Electrochemical
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ci, J. Power Sources 2003, 113, 62.
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[19] C. Arbizzani, M. Mastragostino, F. Soavi, J. Power
The outlook for larger diffusion of SC devices in these new
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application areas is also confirmed by market studies, fore-
[20] V. Ganesh, S. Pitchumani, V. Lakshminarayanan,
casting an average yearly growth rate of about 27% up to
J. Power Sources 2006, 158, 1523.
2014, with a largely increasing share (up to about 40%) of SC
[21] M. S. Wu, Y. A. Huang, C. H. Yang, J. J. Jow, Int. J. Hy-
devices in large system applications.
drogen Energy 2007, 32, 4153.
These overall prospects and the associated advantages of
[22] Y. Zhang, H. Feng, X. Wu, L. Wang, A. Zhang, T. Xia,
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near term and future efforts in research, development and,
34, 4889.
even, in production processes to further improve technical
[23] C. Marumo, N. Ando, M. Taguchi, Proc. 3rd European
performances for a larger spectrum of applications and signif-
Symposium on Supercapacitors and Applications ESS-
icantly reduce costs.
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[24] J. R. Miller, A. F. Burke, Electric Vehicle Capacitor Test
Procedures Manual, DOE Idaho Operation Office, Idaho,
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[1] J. H. B. George, Final Report to ENEA, 1990. [25] FreedomCAR Ultracapacitor Test Manual, Idaho National
[2] M. S. Halper, J. C. Ellenbogen, MITRE Nanosystems Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL),
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[4] P. Kurzweil, Encyclopedia Electrochemical Power Sources, [26] EUCAR Traction Battery Working Group, Specification
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818 © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim FUEL CELLS 10, 2010, No. 5, 806–818

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