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9. CO肌C DANCES“ These are dances with fumy or humo「ous movements

mainIy intended for entertainment.


細田【OOgO - dancers imitate the movements of a monkey・

棚ofon - dancers imitate the movements of a person bitten by ants,

鯖血hag葛dancers imitates the movements of a person bitten by ¥bees whiIe

gathe「ing honey.

10"GAME DANCES. These a「e dances that have some pIay eIements and

a「e for recreationaI purposes〇




Sabong -励銑リ


. Fast orAc#ve - With fast energetic movements

Examples: Tin榊ng, MagIalatik,丁ubong Kalatong, Manmanok etc,

2_ Moderate

Exampies: Ca南OSa川OCana a Nasud主Jotabal, Jota Pangasjnana etc.

3. S佃w

ExampIes: Kundiman, Ti‖day, Pasakat etc.

4_ SbwandFast

Exampies二Pandanggo Rinconada, Ba-ingles, Habane「a Botole吋Jota

Moncade吊a etc.

ⅢI. Formation

ィ。 Square or QuadMe

Examples: Baranggay, Los BaiIes de Ayer, Pasakat, Rigodon Roya!e,

しanceros de Lingayen

2_ Long Fom甜On Or Line Foma存On

ExampIes: 」ulay, Sakuting

3. Set- Consists of臆tWO Or mOre Pairs as a unit, PartnerS facing each other or

Standjng side by side.

Examples二Binadyong, Hap=k, Kakawati, Ati Ati sa Bukid, Pasakat,


l・趨痛註独り。" CLASSIFICA丁ION - grOuP dances having special distinctive features

柑′ Ja/aeS with Song

EH蘭画es二Putungan, Manang Biday,山ay, Sua ko Sua, Ati Ati sa Bukid,

閣gragsakan, etC〇

二 O財Ba伽oom Dances

ExampIes‥ PoIka, Mazurka, Chotis, Bi「ginia etc"

和際煽h /mpfements

E畦蘭P!es: Jota Moncadefia, Salakot, Bulaklakan, Binasuan, Tarektek, F 」ko上

童巾山畦案l・ Kayaw, Burong Talo, PjgApe「 ,Pandanggo Samba冊O

一 轟お面eS of Combined Rhy妨m

Examples: Pandanggo Rinconada, Habanera Batole師Pantomina, Jot∈

軸宣軸a. Paseo de Bi∞i, Su面do Norte, Habanera de Soltera

A簡ecting Fo賞k Dances

’ Qeog「aphical Location

二 Economjc Conditions

三 Cl番matic Conditions

4 Customs and丁raditjons

晴がS in Folk Dancing

細 Dance in a naturaI, Sjmple and direct mamer,

2- Dance with ease and smoothness.

3・ Use the prope「 ∞Stume forthe dance,

4- Fo=ow directjons and dance instructions as cIosely as possib!e.

5. Dance wjth feelings and expression.

nts in Fo!k Dancing

l- Do not exaggerate the dance steps,

2- Do not make entrance and ex旧Ong.

3" Do not make the dances too dainty and gracefu川ke ba=et,

4" Don’t make steps too elaborate and complicated.

5 Don’t caII a dance a foIk dance uniess steps come f「om traditional dances,
臣   。hapt。. ,l1   38

Fundamental Dance Positions

Bre a「e five fundamental o「 basic posjtions in dance that are commonIy termed a rf

節on, 2nd position’3rd position, 4th position, and 5th position of the feet and arms.


[: Heels cIose together;



S: Both rajsed forward in a

Ci「cle in f「ont ofchestwith the

fingertipsaboutan inchapart.

Pos摘on :

t: A stride sjdeward about pace

Or a foot distance.

IS: Both 「aised sidewa「d with a

g「aceful curve at shoulder ieveI


‥ Heel ofone foot cIose to in-SteP


5:One arm raised sideward as in

2nd position; Other is raised

匝 Positjon :

闇 輸         出
㌣   foot of a pace distance.

d南mlS: One raised in front as in

lst position; Other arm raised

OVer head,


HeeI off「Ont foot ciose to big

toe of rear foot.

:Both arms raised ove「 head,



1. Abrasete - This term is of Spanish origin, G帥a=he right side of Boy, hoids his

R a「m with he「 left hand, free hands down at the sides.

2. A仰s a書side-The a「ms hang f「Om the shouide「S at the sides ofthe body,

3. Ams肋“T’’Posi書fon - A「ms are at side ho「izontal, elbows bent at 「ight angles,

fo「earms para=e=o body了acing backward.

4. A肋s加ねte伯I Position - Both arms a「e at one side, eithe「 right o「 !eft; at

Shoulder, chest, O「 Wais=eve上

5, A仰s加ReyeISe #T’’Positfon - Arms a「e at side ho「izontal, eibows bent at

right angles fo「ea「ms pa「a=e=o head, fists Ioosely cIosed.

6, B脆O - Hands in front, Pa「alle=o each other at wais=evei, elbows cIose to the

Waists, Pa!ms down, Reverse the position of the hands with palms up and

down altemateiy,

7. Blek初g- heel-Place, and cIose

8. B仰sh - Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ba= or heel of the other foot,

and旧that foot from the floo「 to・any direction.

9, Cabece伯s - The couples occupying the width of the ha= when dancers a「e in

Square formation (head coup看es)

10.Chasmg - Execute successive c看ose steps with one foo=eading (1 step on


11.CIockwise - Like the motion of the hands of the cIock, R shouider is toward

Center Of an imagina「y circle. When facing center, mOVement is toward the


12- Cosねdos葛The ∞uPIe occupying the length of the hail when dancers are in

Square formation (Side pairs).

13- Countencfock面se - The reverse direction of c!ockwjse, L shoulders toward

Center" Movemen=s toward right when facing center of cj「cie,

14.CIOSSed a仰s - Pa血ers facing each other or standing side by side join their L

hands togetherand the R hands together; either R over L o「 L over R hands,

-5. Cross-Oyer - Two coupies a「e opposite each other. Each couple proceeds to

OPPOSite place章The Giris pass by their L shouIde「s between the boys- Boys

bow to each

Other when they meet at the middle言hen foIIow the girIs to the opposite

Place・ Pa「tners tum right about upon 「eaching the opposite place; gi「Is stand

at partner’s 「ight side.

16, Cut鵜丁o displace quickly one foot with the other.

17" Do - Si - do ftfos-a-do匂- Partners advance forward pass each othe「,s right

(Or left) sjde, SteP aCrOSS tO the right (Or聞) move backwards withou=u「ning

around, PaSS eaCh other ‘eft (Or right) side to proper pIaces,

18.D伯w-丁he free foot is drawn towa「d the foot, Whjch supports the body weight by

P「eSSing the toes against the floor as the cIose is made with or without

transfer of weight.

19.F鳩e foot- The foot not bearjng the wejght ofthe body.

20. F,℃e #and- The hand not placed anywhere, Or nOt doing anything・

21.Gafop鵜Step R ( L ) footforward (Sjdeward) (Ct"1) , Cutthe R ( L )with the L ( R)

thus displacing it, taking theweightofthe bodywith L ( R ) (Ct. ah)

ユ舶劃ds #o州肋g Sk殖一A「ms a=he side of the body, finge「s ho-ding skirt〇

二患胸nds on waist- Knuckle of hands are函Ced at the smallest part of the waist.

二七Hapay- To fIourish o「 offe「 a handkerchjef, a hat or a giass ofwine. This is of

Taga!og dance term,

墓場p椎一Ieap sidewa「d into R (」) (Ct"1), SteP L ( R ) across in frontofR ( L ) (Ct.

and) quickIy step the R ( L ) foot in place (Cし2)〇

二室Hayon-hayon - To place one forea「m in front and the other a=he back ofthe


二Hop鵜A sprlng from one foo=anding on the same foot in pIace or in any


:匪hosidさfoot- The foot nearer the partner when partners stand sjde by side,

鯉登仙Side Hand- The hand neare「 the pa「tner when the partne「s stand side by


劃JeIeo - Partners tum around cIockwise (With R elbows almos=ouching) o「

COunte「-CIockwise (With L elbows touching) using walking or any kind of

dance step.

劉-Ju肋p - Sp「ing on one foot or both fee=anding on both feet in any di「ection.

裁-Ko所f/- Wjth one foot crossed in front of the other, take as many steps as


33'Xum初fang- Moving the hand from the w「ist eithe「 in a cIockwise or

COunte「CIockwise direction.

34- Leap漢A spring from one foot, landing on the other foot in any direction,

35.朋おiwak - To tum the hand from the w「ist half-aWay Ciockwise then raise and

Iowe「 w「ist once or twice"丁hjs is an lbanag dance term,

36"脇cing- With feet in 5th position and heels raised, take as many tiny steps

Sidewa「d (1 step on eve「y count).

37i Ou書s胸もfoot鵜The foot away f「Om One,s pa「tner, When partners stand side by


38. Outs胸e hand- The hand away f「Om One’s pa面er, When partners stand side by


39○ ○pposite - The pe「son standing in the opposite across the set,

40"Pana句伯k- With body weight on L (R) foot, StamP R(L) foot in fourth positjon言n

front, then tap same foot ciose to L (R), armS in reve「se “丁’’position, hands

doing the Kumintang on the stamp.

41"Pafay- To bend the head down so that the forehead touches the R (L) fo「earm

Orthe hook ofthe R ( L ) elbow wh=e the L ( R ) hand supports lightly the

Palm ofthe R (L) hand・ This is usua=y done with the R (L) foot pond iightly

bent. This is an =ocano dance term,

42,Pfvot-To tum with the ba町heei o「whole foot on a fixed piace o「 point.

43.Pface - tO Put foot in a certajn position without putting weight on it; the sole of the

foot rests on the floo「事

44" Point- Touch the floo用ghtiy with the toes of one foot, Weight of the body on the

45・Rockmg Sfap - Fall onto R ( L ) foot incline body sIightly forward, raise L ( R ) in

「ear(Ct.1) , fa旧nto L ( R ) foot in rear言nciine body backward, raise R ( L )

forward (Ct"2)" Rock may be taken in place, forward and backward o「 from

46"Safok- Swinging the a「m downward - uPWard passing in f「ont of the body as if

SCOOPing; the trunk is bent forwa「d foilowing the movement of the arm doing

47. Sa伽e - Parthers with feet together bow to each other to the audience, OPPOSite

dancers or the neighbors" Make a Three step tum and bow to partner or

48.Sarok - Cross the R(L) foo=n front of the L( R ) foot, bend the body sIightly

forward and c「oss the hands down in f「ont R ( L ) over L (R). This is a

Visayan term,

49・Set - A da=Ce formation =ke a squa「e or a unit formation composed of two or

mO「e PalrS.

50・Shu珊eIShu珊ng - To ste巨right (L) foot in piace coun‖e償foot in place ∞unt

ah step 「ight (L) foot in place count ah and step聞foot in place count ah, !

With both feet f看at on fioor, make tiny s=de steps forwa「d (1 smalI s=de on


51.S妬St印-Step R( L ) in4th inf「ont(Ct.1), hopon R( L ) inplace(Ct. ah), This

is executed in any directjon.

52. S娩fe - To g=de foot smoothiy along the floor,

53"Sぬmp - To bring the foot forcibly and nojsily on the fIoor.

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