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Fundamental Position of the Arms

1.  – Arms both raised forward in a circle in front of the chest with the finger tips about an inch apart. 

2.  – Both arms are raised sideward with a graceful curve about the elbow.

 3. – One arm raised sideward as in second position. The other arm is raised overhead.

 4.  – One arm raised in front of chest in half circle as in first position, the other arm is raised overhead.

 5.  – Both arms are raised over head. 

Fundamental Position of the Feet

1.  – Heels together, toes apart with an angle of about 45 degrees.

 2.  – Feet apart sideward of about one-foot distance

. 3.  – Heel and instep together.

Dance Terminologies
1. - an elegant and regular movement harmoniously composed of beautiful body attitudes and contrasted graceful
posture of the body and parts thereof to the accompaniment of the music. 
 2. - an art expressed movement. It attempts to convey the ideas or feelings through carefully selected patterns which
are arranged in a form judged to be best to meet the needs of that particular communication. 

3.  – the art of creating dances

. 4.  – patterns in shape and time. 

5.  – Variations, changes, and contrast within an existing time-space, bringing about excitement and heightened

6.  – strength, power of force for action.

 7.  – coming from or belonging to the distinctive cultural or aesthetic traditions of a particular country or people. 

8.  – originating among or representative of the common people. 

9.   – the traditional typically anonymous art of the people that is an expression of community life.

 10.  – a traditional dance of a given country which had been evolved by them instinctively and spontaneously in
conjunction with the everyday activities and experiences of the people who developed them.

 11.  – movement used to emphasized idea or emotions.

 12.  – to simultaneously compose or to perform or extemporize. 

13.  – grouping of beats.

 14.  – is a theatrical dance of contemporary approach, technique or style, emerging from and reflective of the 20 th
century. Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis are considered the founder of the American modern dance. 

15.  – a folk dance which is popularly danced in

16. - a dance unit or formation

Dance Steps
 1.  – Both arms are at one side either right or left, at shoulder level, chest or waist level. 
2.  – Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot and lift that foot from the floor. 
3.  – Partners facing each other or standing side by side join their left hands together and the right hands together;
either right over left- or left-over right hands. 
4.  – To displace quickly one foot with the other. 
5. – Partners advance forward, pass each other’s right (left) side, side across to the right move backwards without
turning around, pass each other left side to proper places.
 6.  – To place one forearm in front and the other at the back of the waist.
7.  – A spring from one-foot landing on the same foot in place or in any direction. 
8.  – Partners turn around clockwise (with right elbow almost touching) or counterclockwise (with left elbows almost
touching) using walking or any kind of dance step. 
9.  – A spring from one-foot or both – feet landing on both feet in any direction. 
10. – Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. 
11. – A spring from one-foot landing on the other foot in any direction.
 12. – To put foot in a certain position without putting weight on it. 
13. – To turn with the ball, heel or whole foot on a fixed place or point. 
14. – Touch the floor lightly with the toes of one-foot weight of the body on the other foot. 
15. – To turn the hand from the wrist half-way clockwise then raise and lower wrist once or teice. This is an Ibanag term. 
16. – To stamp in front or at the side with the right foot and tap with same foot close to the left foot. This is a Tagalog
17. – To swing the arm downward-upward passing in front of the body as if scooping, the trunk is bent following the
movement of the arm doing the salok. 
18. – Cross the R foot in front of the L, bend the body slightly forward and cross the hands down in front of the R hand
over the L. This is a Visayan term.
 19. – To glide foot smoothly along the floor. The movement may be finished. 
20. – To bring the foot forcibly and noisily on the floor with or without transfer of weight. 
21. – To rap slightly with the ball or toe of the free foot, flexing the ankle joint keeping weight of the body on the other
foot. There is no change or transfer of weight.- 
22. – To make fast turns by executing small steps in the place to right or left.
Dance Positions
1.  – Dancers join inside hands shoulder level 
2.  – Girls holds the R arm of the boy with her L hand
3.  – Girls L hand is place on the R shoulder of the boy. Boys R hand is placed around the girl’s waist
4.  – Facing each other, join both hands, chest level or a little lower 
5.  – Partners facing each other, join both hands and extend them sideward 
6.  – Join inside hands in second position, partners face slightly toward audience.
 7.  – Partners face each other. Girl places both hands on boy’s shoulders. Boy places both hands on girl’s waist.
 8.  – Partner’s facing each other. Girl’s L hand is placed on the R shoulder of the boy. Boy’s R hand is placed on the L
waist of the girl . Outside hands joined and are extended toward the audience.
 9.  – Same as close ballroom dance position except that the dancers are facing the audience. 
 10.  – Dancers face opposite direction, inside hands are joined 
11.  – Partners face audience, boy stands slightly behind girl, Girl crosses arms (R over L) in front of the waist. Boy holds
the L hand of the Girl with his own L hand and the R hand of the girl with his own R hand. 
12.  – Partners face audience. Boy holds R hand of the Girl with his own R hand and The L hand of the girl with his L hand
 13.  – Same as front crossed arm position but the arms are crossed at the back 
14.  – Boy stands slightly behind girl; extends R arms diagonally upward R and L arms in second position.
15.  – Same as varsovienne position except that the boy stands in front of the girl. Slightly to the R. POST-TEST Direction.
Create an instructional video of dance position use in Folk dance. Sen

 4. – Heel apart in walk stride position.

 5.  – Heel and toe together.

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