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1. ADDRESS PARTNER. Same as honor your partner or bow to your partner.

2. ALLEMANDE LEFT. The boy turns to the girl at his left and takes her L hand in his L
hand and turns her once around counterclockwise, then both falling back to places.
3. ALLEMANDE RIGHT. The boy faces his partner, takes her right hand in his right
hand and turns her once around clockwise, then falling back to places.
4. BOW/ SALUDO Partners bow to each other, to opposite dancer or to the
audience. This is of Spanish origin.
5. CABECERAS The couples occupying the width of the dance floor in a square
6. CAST OFF. When dancers are in long formation, the leader or the head couple
counter-marches outward to the end of the line where the last couple was, then
counter-march inward to proper places.
7. CIRCLE LEFT AND RIGHT. The designated couples or dancers join hands and walk
to left with light springy steps clockwise and then to the right counter clockwise, falling
to home positions.
8. COSTADOS The couples occupying the length of the dance floor in a square
9. CROSS OVER. Two couples are facing each other, each couple proceeds in a
straight line to the opposite place. The girls pass by their L shoulders between the
boys. Boys bow to each other when the meet at the middle or about one-third of the
way, then proceed to the opposite place. Upon reaching the opposite place, partners
turn about; girls stand at partner’s left shoulder.
10. DRAW . The free foot is drawn toward the supporting foot, by pressing the toes
against the floor as the close is made, with or without transfer of weight.
11. DO-SI –DO Two people walk towards each other, pass by the right shoulders,
step sideward to the right, and walk backward passing by left shoulders to original
12. ELBOW SWING. Two dancers link right elbows and swing clockwise with either
springy walking steps or buzz steps.
13. HOME POSITION. The couples’ original position in a set.
14. FOLDED ARMS. Arms raised in front at shoulder level, with one forearm on top of
the other.
15. PLACE. To put the foot flat on the floor in any desired position without putting weight
on it.
16. PROMENADE. Partners are side by side, L shoulders toward the center holding in a
skating position (R hands joined over the joined L hands) at waist level or in
varsouvienne position; they walk around in a counterclockwise direction until they
reach their home position.
17. SET A unit formation of two or more couples.
18. STAR RIGHT AND LEFT. Also known as Mill or Wheel Right and Left. Dancers put
their R hands in the center and walk around clockwise, and at the caller’s command,
they turn right about, put the Left hands in the center and walk counterclockwise.

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