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Carah Dalton

e-Portfolio 6
Pretesting of Brochure on PPE in health care associated infections

Unfortunately, I could not use the exact target audience that I wanted for this program. However,
I got to interact and got results from an audience that is very similar to a medical setting and still
uses PPE daily. I work as an EMT for my local rescue squad and so I got several of my
coworkers to read through my brochure and share their thoughts about it with me. We use PPE
every day with every patient, so the knowledge on how and what should be used is of great
importance in an EMS setting as well as a health care setting.

I approached them to participate simply by sharing with them I had a project for school that I
needed their input on. They were all very eager to help me and provided me good feedback for
my brochure.

They met the requirements for my target audience by being in a medical setting. I also got some
of my friends who are not in a medical field to give feedback as well to fill the other spot of my
target audience as providing education to those who are not involved in the medical field but
could face illness and possibly obtaining a healthcare associated infection.

As for the questions I asked them, when I asked them what first caught their eye, most of my
participants stated it was the design and colors of the brochure. The next question was asking
what they thought the main message was, and they stated it was wearing PPE. Next, I asked if
my brochure raised their interest on the topic. My friends who were not in the health care field
stated yes, but the coworkers I asked stated no. They stated they said no because they already
knew how to use PPE where they had been in the occupation of EMS for such a long time. I
asked them next, if they felt the wording was appropriate for them or if it was too simple or too
complex. All of the participants I asked stated it was appropriate. I next asked them what
improvements they would make to the layout. They stated that it was organized but more
pictures should be added. They stated also that maybe a diagram or graph of statistics could be
included. Last, I asked them what could be added or removed in which the responses differed
from the two parties. My group of friends that are not in the health field stated that once again
more diagrams could be added. My coworkers stated that they did not see anything that they
would add or remove from the brochure.

In closing, I feel my brochure got my point across to both of my parties of target audience.
However, maybe there should be two separate brochures, one for those in the healthcare field
and one for those not in the healthcare field, rather than one for both parties.

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