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Our motivation in teaching-learning situation is the interest of the pupil itself which is for us the most important tool

we can use to caught the

attention of the pupil and help him/her to solve his/her difficulty in a specific area. Where is his/her interest? If it is Mathematics but he/she
has a difficulty in reading, then we can use simple math equations such as translation of math equation into word problem to help him/her in
his/her reading difficulty. In this course subject, the issue or problem we want to address is the reading difficulty of elementary pupils
especially that there is rising crisis of non-readers in our country. Our subject is a grade-5 pupil who has such difficulty in reading. As
teachers, this is a problem we need to take an action.

 Description of Proposed Action

First step we need to take is to diagnose the pupil using leveled books at his grade level so that we can find his/her specific problem/s
in reading. As for the reading diagnosis, we may atleast take one hour to start looking for his/her problem, the next day will be
presenting another passages to prove what problem we find on his/her reading. As for conclusion, we might need atleast 3 weeks until
implementation of action.

 Rationale for Proposed Action

According to Chapter IV of our Developmental Reading II, Reading Diagnosis is conducted in order for the teacher to discover and
evaluate both strengths and weaknesses of the student. In determing student’s reading ability, we must not go by any general
correlation with the pupils reading skills. (Fry, 2005)
 Objectives

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