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Flight and Locomotion Activity of the Sweetpotato Weevil

(Coleoptera: Brentidae) in Relation to Adult Age, Mating Status, and

Okinawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station

4-222 Sakiyama-cho, Naha, Okinawa 903, Japan

J. Econ. Entomol.91 (2): 439-443 (1998)

ABSTRACT The flight and walking performance of Cylas formicarius (F.) adults were evaluated
with respect to their age, mating status, and the degree of starvation by using a flight mill and an
actograph system. Males showed a much higher Bight ability than females in all ages tested between
o and 42 d old after spontaneous exiting from the sweetpotato root. Locomotion activity of the male
was also higher than that of the female for 0- to 28-d-old adults, but the difference was not as large
as that of flight activity. Except for the effects of a 3-d starvation period on locomotion, mating status

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and starvation with only water for 1-3 d had little affect on flight or locomotion ability. No distinct
signs of migratory behavior of adults were detected. Females seemed to disperse mainly by walking
because of their extremely low flight ability.

KEY WORDS sweetpotato weevil, flight mill, actograph, age, mating, starvation

THE SWF.ETPOTATO WEEVIL,Cylas formicarius (F.), is the using a sex pheromone trap that attracts only males in
most destructive pest of sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas the field.
(L.) Lamarck, in tropical and subtropical areas (Chal- The current studies measured the effects of adult
fant et aI. 1990, Jansson and Raman 1991). A series of age, mating status, and starvation on dispersal activity,
detailed studies were conducted to develop a phero- flying and crawling, of sweetpotato weevils using a
mone trap monitoring system for the weevil in the simple flight mill and an actograph.
southern United States (Jansson et al. 1992a, b, 1993).
In Japan, the sweetpotato weevil is only found in the
Materials and Methods
Ryukyu archipelago, the southernmost part of the
territory (Yasuda and Kohama 1990, Setokuchi 1990), Insects. Weevils used in this experiment were
and is designated as a plant quarantine pest by Japan's reared on sweetpotato roots ('Beniazuma') at 25 ± 1°C
Plant Protection Law. No live weevils or any part of and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h. The original pop-
fresh host plants are allowed to be brought into main- ulation of the stock culture was collected in sweet-
land Japan without permission of the Plant Quarantine potato fields in Yomitan Village, in the central part of
Board. Therefore, an eradication program for this Okinawa Island, Japan, in September 1988 and reared
weevil is on-going using the sterile insect technique or at the Okinawa Prefectural Fruit Fly Eradication
a male annihilation method (Moriya 1995b, Setokuchi Project Office adjacent to the Okinawa Prefectural
et al.I996). Assessment of adult dispersal ability is one Agricultural Experiment Station where the experi-
of the basic requirements in evaluating a pheromone ments were performed. Adult age was defined by the
trap monitoring system (Mason et aI. 1990) and is also days after adult eclosion in the experiment on mating
needed to promote the eradication program of the status, or by the days after the spontaneous exiting of
weevil (Sugimoto et al. 1994, Miyatake et al. 1995). sweetpotato roots in other treatments. Most of the
However, relatively limited data are available, all of individuals stay within sweetpotato roots for 6-9 d
which were analyzed on the basis of male adult after their adult eclosion (Sutherland 1986).
catches by the pheromone trap in the field. Therefore, Measuring Devices, Both flight and locomotory ac-
information on the quantitative aspects of the dis- tivities of the adults were automatically measured for
persal are needed. This is especially true for females =23 h by the simple flight mill and actograph systems,
because no female dispersal data can be obtained with photoelectric switches described previously
(Moriya 1994, 1995a). Flight activity was represented
in terms of the total distance flown (meters) calcu-
lated from the total number of rotor revolutions re-
I Current address:Japan InternationalResearchCenter for Agri-
corded by the flight mill system. In the actograph
cultural Sciences.1-2 Ohwashi.Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305. Japan.
~Current address: Okinawa Prefectural Fruit Fly Eradication system, locomotory activity was evaluated by the total
Project Office.123 Maji,Naha, Okinawa902, Japan. number of times a weevil crosses an infrared beam.

0022-0493/98/0439-0443$02.00/0 © 1998 EntomologicalSocietyof America


The beam is set between photoelectric switches at- 1.0 -+- Male
tached to the container (31.5 by 31.5 by 12.5 mm). A ..•. Female
detailed configuration and dimension of each system
was described previously (Moriya 1994, 1995a). De-
viation of the sensitivity of each set of photoelectric '+
switches was carefully adjusted to the same level be- E
fore each run according to the results of Moriya c:
~ 0.5
(1994). The 2 systems were installed separately in '0
walk-in chambers set at 27 ± 1°C and a photoperiod E
of14:l0 (L:D) h. Up to 8 and 12 adults were measured g;
simultaneously by the flight mill and acto graph sys- -'
tems, respectively. f,
Measurement of Activities. Adult activities were
evaluated in relation to 3 parameters: adult age, mating 0
J.. .
J " .

status of the individuals, and degree of starvation. In 0 7 14 21 28 42

the flight mill experiment, 32-70 male and female Age in d

adults were tested at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 42 dafter Fig.!. Flight distance in meters of C.formicarius adults
exodus in relation to their age, and 30 male and female measured by the flight mill system during 23 h in relation to
adults were tested in relation to mating status and their age at 27 :':: 1°C and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h.
degree of starvation in 0, 1, and 3 d. In the actograph Error bars = standard error of the mean.

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experiment, 78-114 males and females were treated at
0,7,14, and 28 d after exodus, and the other treatments
were same as in the flight mill experiment. All the (ANOVA) to determine the difference between treat-
individuals were measured only once and they were ments, and the means were separated by the Fisher
set on the devices 2-5 h prior to scotophase. Only protected least significant difference (LSD) (Abacus
accumulated activities during =23 h were recorded in Concepts 1994). For comparing the data between the
these systems. sexes in relation to their ages, the Mann-Whitney
Adults emerging from roots were collected daily V-test was performed (Sokal and Rohlf 1981).
and both sexes were maintained in a petri dish with a
slice of sweetpotato root. Adults were used for the
experiment when they reached respective ages of 0, 7,
14,21,28, and 42 d. To obtain virgin individuals, insects Effect of Adult Age. Weevil flight ability, expressed
that pupated were removed from roots and sexes were by distance flown, was significantly different both be-
separated just after adult eclosion. Four virgin adults tween sexes and among ages (Fig. 1; P < 0.001); that
were reared per container. Two days before testing, is, males flew much longer than females and O-d-old
combinations of 1 male with 3 females and 1 female males flew less actively. The interaction between sex
with 3 males were made, respectively, from the virgin and age was also significant according to ANOVA (P =
adults and then each single male and female among 0.014), which was derived mainly from the low flight
combinations were selected for study. After treat- ability of male adults at age 0 d. Comparing flight
ment, females were dissected to check whether they activity of males with that of females in each age class,
had mated (e.g., presence of sperm in their sper- males had a significantly higher ability to fly than
matheca). Only the males whose partners were in- females in all age classes from 0 to 42 d (P < 0.05 in
seminated or the females that had sperm in their body o d and P < 0.0001 in other treatments). It was noted
cavity were regarded as mated individuals and all that 41.9%of the males and 90.6%of the females never
others were discarded. Adults aged 28 d after adult flew, especially females aged 0, 7, and 42 d (Fig.l). The
eclosion were chosen in the experiment for mating theoretically calculated average distance flown in
status. males and females were 53.6 and 2.3 m for 23 h, re-
Effect of starvation was evaluated by providing only spectively, based on the number of revolutions of the
water for 1 or 3 d before measurement. Adults tested flight mill rotor and its length. The maximum distance
were 14d old and were allowed to mate freely until the was estimated to be 1,687 m in males and 330 m in
test was initiated. Preliminary experiments showed females by the same procedure.
that starvation for up to 3 d did not affect adult survival Degree of locomotion activity was significant be-
rates; all of 30 starved males and females were alive tween sexes (P < 0.01) and among ages in days (P <
after 5 d and there was no significant difference on the 0.001) and the interaction between sex and age was
survival rate between treated and untreated individ- also significant (P < 0.05) (Fig. 2). These were
uals even after 10 d (P < 0.05; Fisher exact proba- caused by relatively low activity of young females as
bility test, Abacus Concepts 1994). shown in Fig. 2. Because males moved more actively
Data Analysis. Flight distance (calculated in than females, only in age 0 d (P < 0.01), the differ-
meters) in the flight mill and number of crosses to an ence between sexes was much smaller compared with
infrared beam in the actograph were transformed by that for flight ability. No peak period was observed in
IOglO(X + 1) before analysis. Data were ana- the flight and locomotion activities in relation to adult
lyzed using 2-factor factorial analysis of variance ages (Figs. 1 and 2).

2.0 2.5

~ Male
0 Female
.L .L


Mated Virgin
Age In d
Fig. 4. Effect of mating status on index of locomotion
Fig. 2. Index of locomotion activity of C. formicarius activity of 28-d-old (after adult eclosion) C. fOl7nicarius
adults measured by the actograph system during 23 h in adults measured by the actograph system during 23 h at 27 ±
relation to their age at 27 ± l°e and a photoperiod of 14:10 l°e and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h. Error bars = stan-
(L:D) h . Error bars = standard error of the mean. dard error of the mean.

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Effect of Mating Status. Neither mating status (P = of starvation (P = 0.319). Although the locomotion
0.750) nor interaction between mating status and sex activity was not different between control (0 d) and
(P = 0.862) significantly affected the flight activity 1-d starvation period (P = 0.428), the differences
of28-d-old adults (Fig. 3). MalesfIew much more than between control and 3-d starvation and between l-
females (P < 0.0001) as was expected from the and 3-d starvation were both significant (P < 0.01).
results shown in Fig. 1. Males flew and females rarely The results show that a starvation period of 3 d sig-
flew regardless of their mating experience. nificantly lowered the locomotion activity of the
Mating status did not affect the locomotion activity adults. A significant difference was also detected be-
of adults (Fig. 4; P = 0.195) and the effect of sex and tween the sexes (P < 0.01). However, this was not
interaction between sex and mating status were not consistent with the other result already shown in Fig.
significant. Thus, mating experience had no effect on 2. No definitive conclusion could be drawn from these
the flight and locomotion activities of the weevils. results.
ERect of Starvation. Starvation for 1 and 3 d also had
no effect on the flight activity of 14-d-old adults (Fig.
5; P = 0.604) and no interaction was detected be- Discussion
tween sex and starvation period (P = 0.591). Flight
ability of males was higher than that of females (P < It is very clear that male weevils flew more actively
O.000 1) , which agrees with results of effect of mating than females, regardless of their age. This result sup-
status. These data indicate that males were active ported direct observations from the field and labora-
flyers even when deprived of food for 3 d. tory (Reinhard 1923, Cockerham et al. 1954) and light
Conversely, starvation had a significant effect on trap records (Cockerham et a1.1954). Although there
the locomotion activity of weevils (Fig. 6; P < 0.001),
but there was no interaction between sex and period
--- Male
1.5 ..•.. Female
fZl Male

o Female
I o
Mated Virgin o 1 3
Starvation period In d
Fig. 3. Effect of mating status on flight distance in meters
of28-d-old (after adult eclosion) C.fonnicarius adults mea- Fig. 5. Effect of starvation period on flight distance in
sured by the flight mill system during 23 h at 27 ± l°e and meters of 14-d-old C. fonnicarius adults measured by the
a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h. Error bars = standard error £light mill system during 23 h at 27 ± l°e and a photoperiod
of the mean. of 14:10 (L:D) h. Error bars = standard error of the mean.

2.0 In summary, adult age, mating status, and degree of

...•• Male
starvation had little effect on the movement of the
..• " Female sweetpotato weevil. The movement of the weevils,
1.5 including flying and walking, was almost trivial, and no
......... migratory movement, a distinct behavioral and phys-
'+ I "
r'" '"I
iological syndrome (Dingle 1972), was detected ac-
II> ", cording to the definition of Southwood (1962) under
b 1.0 the laboratory conditions in this study.
g;c: The current flight mill system was simple and could
not measure the continuous flight distance of the wee-
-' 0.5
vil, but could estimate the accumulated flight distance.
However, information on continuous flight is another
important parameter, especially considering the pos-
o sibility of movement of weevils between islands where
o 1 3 weevils have to fly without a break (Miyatake et al.
Starvation period in d
1997). Therefore, for advanced studies, a flight mill
Fig. 6. Effect of starvation period on index oflocomotion system should be computer controlled.
activity of 14-d-old C. fonnicarius adults measured by the In addition, lack of migratory characteristics,
actograph system during 23 h at 27 :!:: ec and a photoperiod especially low flight ability, appear to be favorable
of 14:10 (L:D) h. Error bars = standard error of the mean. with regard to the weevil eradication program in the

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Ryukyu archipelago where the nearly 200 small islands
were big differences in the flight ability between are scattered in the ocean and therefore the control
sexes, as noted by Moriya (1995a), flight ability of the action would only be applicable to a limited area.
weevils as a whole was low compared with other However, because of low migration activity of the
insects. For example, in the flight mill experiments, sweetpotato weevil, more dense groupings of phero-
melon flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, fly >2 km mone traps should be used in the field to catch and
without a break (Nakamori and Simizu 1983), brown- eliminate wild male adults for male annihilation
winged green stink bugs, Plautiastali Scott, fly 5 km on method and the sterile males also must be released
an average and maximum 54 km/24 h (Moriya 1987), more in the target area for sterile insect technique,
and the average distance flown by diamondback compared with highly locomotive insects.
moths, PluteUa xylostella (L.), is 5-13 km/48 h (Shirai
1991). Compared with dispersal distances of male
weevils by using sex pheromone traps in the field, Acknowledgments
maximum 280 m/16 h (Mason et al. 1990),55-64 mIl
d (Sugimoto et al.1994), and 32-163 mIl d (Miyatake We thank J. Koyama (Okinawa City, Japan) and I" J.
et aI.1995), our value of53.6 m/23 h falls within these Mason (Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN) for critically
reading the manuscript. Thanks are extended to the Okinawa
Prefectural Fruit Fly Eradication Project Office (Okinawa
Locomotion activity was also significantly higher in
Prefectural Government, Okinawa, Japan) for providing fa-
males than in females; however, the difference was cilities for the experiment.
much smaller than that of the flight activity. Sakuratani
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