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' s a r e l ds n o . L a b uuprpx o s
l n o q pp a I U q tf a u o q Lllol !oLssr! ilpet
d n p a r 4r n o p p L^l a u d a aaf d f t r a u a ou p u L, , u o 6 s r s V,, r q s ! n a ^ o ^s r ! s a ) j est s o q su e L t P ll la a F u r P ^ o ! p s e vl p a l l g - u nsJr q t^ l l P L r a d si s: La q P St o H
SNOISSIIJNOJ,SIIOVT'?O slDl0cI{00uuvs tE0 ell^ r' aLre ']Par] auoalaMe s^Prulv
i s r s u r P q r - q r n or n 1 r E d q6 u q e a q r n o f ' r p n 0
Josra6uP 4lpar toN U6!urdsuca^^VsuoLsqLAt-ro+-epeursrqIe pue
'stoor 6uLtapour raLl
VJOS:IIIJNOSTUICZ?O 3urpl8pr €c 6urdP'16euriaartssaoptorseu.rprds4urrn0
ud]]oblolt,usPqrarnpordA1 uolqsel
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HJNOWTIITJOJC8EO n 7 n r -r i p" r t r ,"r JiI)Id VJJIISiIUZ6O
' I s n o t p a f l as p 3 a sp p qa r ] ]6 u L ^ , , o u € q { . r t l t s r x -^ t l D d Ir a o r . . l Jr x o . J\ ^ r b r \ - l d l v p u P
u so n 9 x a sr n o 'prpJrrnoS 's#0 oqs
lelrers eqeg 10He^r^
6 L r l p ! a } l eS q r a t s u o uort u o ^ p ]r r o
x3ss,vlsv9€0 <-
r s n l di a j ! ^ \P . u l o ! s a ) e ]u P u r a r ! r, thr \
s , o . L r P zoLpg! o N r p a ^a q t l o b u L p p . M
90 0[ qualuolnHJ
FHt Features
T h ea c c t a i r n er d
o c kb a n do n r e t i r e -
m e n i ,b a dh a i rd a y s a , n d h j t t i n go r

Witlsheforgive ways?

Ifs the embatme/s
turn to writehis
Git Diaryl


K a m i k a z eseo w e t f d r e s s ei dn
dappersujts?Wetoo can't betieve
w h a tw e t € s € e i n g l

T h eg L i bh, i t m a k i n gr a p p eor i
FreddjeAgujLathis trusty firadof,
and PaaloCaelhas Wanot af Light.

0fficiattytakesa bow as lvlissRan
L u c k yn u m b e r s1 4 6 0 n t i n e6 i r t 2 0 0 6 .


4 HM
4 B A DB R E A T K

084 PBA
CrispalToyotalAndthe rookie
cLassof 2006! FH,a, tatksto the
past and future of Asial first Twofans get possessedby the
p r o - h o o plse a g u e l spirit of punk and The Ramones. qr

l!@ ocrosrR

F H t il"ffi

E n€wsto
I lheratd sr_,:
Fr,t'sDiamond :-€:
spectacutarl :;i
Synovate, a
teading gtobat
market intettigence
company, reveareo
recentty in its
Survey that our
75-issue-old rag
is the mostwjdety
readmagazine in
the Phjtippines,
boashng a
whopping 1.1
mittionreaders from
theABCD income
ctassesl Thankyou
attfor betieving in
usl Doknowthat
support.Excuse us,
though.for ending
this oscarmoment
now Bottorntess
bee/scalLing, fotks.
Andwehateto Photographer JakeVerzosa and . Whathappened beforethjs srap
keep waiting! : ALexPaitatrjedthejr besrto : was,Flancine
: out qrjn eachoiher. : the camweannswjck€dthonss.
EDITORIAL smith(sinqapore) DavidFuhmann-Ljm (Turkey) DidemBeh6m Jr. i,larketing AssociatesLeahBasco,Jino Ouz,PatrickCruz,
tditor-in-ChiefAllal A. Mdcrlejarfu lmhot,Repubtn (Mdtaysjd) rYohd Zutkiftj(France) LomiqGujlLo
Lo (souihAfrica) JetrreyllisoLas,BLaise
Rodnguez,CadoTeny ref
ManagingEditorAllanP He'ra1de/ Ja! PoloJ tJald
Klv Brendan Cooper (USA) Scott6lamtii (Romania)lswdn Lorincz l4arketjngAssistantsRaoulErdna,MjchaeiFeticiano
Art DirectorPautC.Vjttarib afar TapnonLondon (Ho[and)
lHo[and)EdkNoomen (Hunqary)
lHunoarv] D: H€schek(Gema'ry)
David rcema'rv) Tradelr,larketing DirectorAnnaB. Burdeos
AssociateFeaturesEditorAlexC. Paitafor.Sulfa,Sro christianKattenbeq Esia)DmjtryGubin(Ukraine)
(Russia Timur TradePromotionsofficer AnneCh stine0. onq
FashionEditorAra G. kalan Jo' PetA Dorcyeff (Thaitand) Pakomom Tarsid(Indor€sia) RichddSam TradePromotionsAssociates lvan Pimentel,KnetLeReves
AssistantSectionEditor LouE. Atbarc fot ChuckTavlots
CelebrityCoordinatorAvaKayeP. Ataia far Enbassy
Be? (Lawia)
(Spai, l,lis
zok (D"lra,r)
v'llanizar(Stovenia) N'kota
(ile\'ro ConsumerPromotionsoffcer Jeinifer F€ticiano
tditoriaLAssistanlsHeidiR. Pascualfor AutonaticCentrc - . r b v i ( ( C h i l aJ) a c k y J ' (nl j l h u a , i aA) d a sP u l t e v i c ' n llerchandisingAssociateErnestD.Javier
B.A.Bo",eo Jot BichoBicha(na'iaiqei. A.vdezlat Piet1ne (kionia)
rNoBavlStig StioJokobsen VisuatMerchandiser WarrenE. EsDeio
Chanaine ChancoJor Ganesl4aster Merchandising AssistantChartesL Chua
Gaphi( oesignerJojieCustodio ChiLakhosRestawant SUMMIT PUBLISHING CO.INC. In-t4agazine & DesignMarketingDirectorl4arcieLinao
PubtisherLjsaGokongwei-Cheng CreativeDirectorNoeLG.A,cueta
WebEditorChrissy D.lcaminaJar CointaJunctian TeamPlbLisherDenisAchittesL. detCaLtar MarketingAssociates Ade0. Sy-Singsor,
MobileContenttditor Kai DanuryJat fHll Mabile PubtishingAssistantJavj14orero MarketingAssistant5Donna ViotaAndcda,Ehine14.Nativjdad 'g
WebAssistantAntonjo0ngchapJr for Extrenel|dgic Sing WebBusiness0peretionsManagerDennison Ko CreativeDesigners JayF Dinayrqa, AiaL.Jime'rez,
CONTRIBUTORS WebProgrammer KoreeMontetoyota Dat.baseEncoderAubreyB. Ljm
$lordsAsjaAgcaojti,l"ljkeAqujno,MinetteGane,-Aquino, ProdudionManagerIntet Victonano SDecial PubEditor-in-ChiefAnnaKarinaBarbara Abinurnan
EdGeronia, Borg Lucas,Etijahl,4endoza, JasmirePayo AssistantProductionI'lanaoerJanell. Puno SpeciatPubAssociateManaqinqEdjtorsl,4ariAn Santos,
PicturesocsAtvarez, XanderAnsetes, AtdwjnAspitlen,Erwjn ProdudionCoordinatorBin-oL Agustin Bubbtes Santos,Soniqene Suria s3l
Badeta,VictorConsunji, AntonioFenefia,ErickLinos,Jovet ProdustionDesionerAthur Astunano SpeciatPubCopyEditorPatnciaParcdes
Lorcnzo, Afrcd llendoza,Ilana lrlejia,Bobott4eru,Jun Administrativedfficer LuzBotos SDeciatPubEditoriaLAssistantAbiaaiL Yao
Pjnzon,DjxPerez, JayTabLarte,JakeVerzosa AdministrativeSuDervisor LorenaRubia Sieciat PubArt DirectorsBonqSeviita,AtonaMarijrez
ILtustrationsMikkeGatLardo, Chester ocampo,Sonny AdministrativeAssistantsRosatje Arteta,AngelSanJose SpeciatPubGraphicDesigners CindyDy,lr4eljssa
JonasAsistio,DennisLee,CLeore Bandas :r:
Stytingr/Makeupl4iLt€tArzaga,AJ Baquio,KathyCaLderon, ADVERTISING i,tedia RetationsConsultantLizetteCtaudio
BarbiChan,PatricjaCorciddo,KikoEscobar, l"lycaFeng, GroupAdvertisingDirectorFtorence Bienvenjdo PRAssociates IngrjdViltatuerte,
RiaGamboa, Kat[4anaLo, Jasminel4endiota,Charrnaire AdvertisingDirectorltlen'sTittesIvlajza }4ueco l4eLissaIlavanoitan iJm
Patermo,LeoPosadas, KatSy,AhbyTinio KeyAccountSpeciatistsRegieUy,Jurr de lasAtas, PRCterkH;ze-Romawac
Specialthanksto 1,4s.IdaHenarcs,Lou6opes,Nimrod J o e vA n c i a n oA.n n i eS a r i o s
VanSoyosa, GllAAtist Center,CesEvangetista, Acdlnt l\,lanagers BemCahaian,ChaClarino, GinqerTaduran, GIRCULATION ::'
TempteBar,Automax, NeoBabyton, EmiLl4eiLty,
Vincentdet JJ DingLasan Sales& Administrative
Supervisor Slielal4aia AlgF F.
VivaFitms,AdamWaison,BedBar Jlnior AccountManager JoyceArgana Sr.NewstandSupervisor-Provinciat CaroLine Herrera
AdvertisingTrafficSupervisorsEtjnetdet Rio,l4yraGorospe 5r. Sat€sRepres€ntativeslvlajLozada,
NETWORK KeyAccountsAssistantsLuisade Tones
Internationatoirectorof ltlen'slilagazineSimonGrev€s Jr. SalesRepresentativesNoreen Sescor,LestieBagon,
Intenational Businessi|anagerl4arkBeard 14ARKETING Vivianl"lanahan.
InternationaIEditorialDirectorChrisMoonev l.larketino Director AtmaSantos SubscriotionSuDervisorclendaGiI
ContentDirectorJo Stowe MarketiniOffc€rsSheruirlliquet SubscriptionCoordinatorAyen Laquindanum
Content!4anag€r SamarthaAht 5r.Marketing Ass.Jaff?Joseph, JayRamirer,
Sevitta Logisticsllanag€rNormanCampo ::i
Projectsand AssetsCo-ordinator Graham Kirk .
InternationalEditorialAssistantJenniferKvnoch Nothjnsinthismasazinemaybercprcducedin{hote or paitwithoLttnewntbn pemission
InternationalCo-ordin.tor-ee Annel4vers' the pubtisheE.
W! cannotacceptrespoNibiliiy
fo! ureolicited photoqraphs
manu<nptsand or for cj' h. ct,-r.r'".;p."-..,
IntematiomlEdito6rJk) qos I owr (Ausirdtd)Doninic matedaltostor damaged
in the mail. r.t.6s?22o0..r631sri1rm. !i4
@@ ocroeeR 2006
areatwayswelcomehere,sure,butdo reftain
maybe usedto seeing na naman.After the
breakup,fiindi dko
becauseofthen,but naqmukmok. I started
it stilt suckwhen that $rorkingout and
happens, you know.So
dieting.NowI vlant na
ptease.This months
winn€rnabsa gift pack
f r o mE N t R G I Z E R .
OF sa FHMunang makikita
ang transformationko

recentlyresoLved my
THEMONTH from gothicrockerinto
a sexysinqlemother.
I'm moreconfident
Thisphotowasmy hesltationsin putting A NEWHOPE [ow, masnakilalako
wife'sbirthday gift up a rockbistroin the I'm a singLemotherto two a gothic dngrdrili ko. Please
ro me Last university to\ar of personand rdkista.I Loveweadngblackclothes. publishrny pictures.
0ctober. LosBafros. Di akamahiligmdgayasia sarili to kcJi I'rn Gustoko lang na
Sheknows Laguna. comfortablera pagrgdng rakistakahitmay ndkfd ng family,ftiends,at mganakarelasyon
Iama I know mgaanakna ako.Siguroyun ang reasonkaya ko na di lang akopang-rock,I canbe sexy,too.
big fan of na\,1n9a iniwan akong father ng kids ko lasi di dko kapa tila. asapa
If they think na Dabalikan
c00tsp0t mahiligmagpaganda.IaLso just brokeup with kdyolI knowthere'ssomeoneout therefor me.
Velasquez, in LBis my boyfriendof 10 months,broken'hearted DION, ANGELES CITY
not enough
reasonto and bofiows my copies lictures asyour gift r ntrr+ nf rlrair .,^rrn first-timelarents to an
photoof Regineand makeAra,AngeL, Maui, , c n r r l ,l w r i " ( r f r r o on ny birthday.The Tn rh6.lrlc ^rrr rlr erp adorabLe babyboy.He
myselfin your magazine Katina, Tanya,andluLa it rf.".f iirfpn hF odginalGirlNext Door. someof th€seguysare left on Father'sDayso I
soI cansurpiisemy VaLdez checkout my HahalBy the way,I'm Trustme,
still singLe. didn't get the chanceto
wife with it when she pLacebut rnaybehaving nrF.i^rr. lOn qaYicet a hot mommaaswell you'Lldefinitelyloveto givehim a gift. I hope
comeshomefromDubai the cleanest femaLe I like your
ColLection. with four LoveLykids spendtime $.ith alLof this Letter
this year.ThiswouLdbe loungein oul towr is. GirLsNextDoorsearch and a lovinghusband them. will nake
a greattreatfor het our Asideliom my not so andyour featureon CHARIE CORON EL, ANNKULET, BYE]\1AL him feeL
kids, my ieLativesbased goodLooks, of coursel not mommassucn TARLAC CTY m$seo
abroad,friends,and Hahal as EuLaVaLdez and HONEYCURED and
officemates to see. GEARHEAD, LAG L]NA !.ne Fa, n,nrlo? Tfou My hubbyandI have Loved.
GEO, ]\1ANLA weresuperblWhile beenLongtimereaders Bring
TREATFROM T'm w:itin. fn' thp of -Fflff. Welove it n0me
HAVEBEER, TARLAC next issue,I regularly because it daresto be
WE'LLVISIT I've beenreadinglI{,^4 browseyour website niff. cnr T tlr^' '.f r T H R EV
X.T I ] \ 1 0 5 A ,
I startedreading-Aqff since2002.I've always and checkout the new O P O L OC
in July 2005with the beeneagerto find out c0nren$. magazmeme noment
lovelyAraMinaon who wouLd Actually, A GAL'SPAL my husbandieft for TEACHER'SPET
your cover Barelya My ftlendsarebig fans Laguna.Helt be staying
yearm me company next issue, an active of FHtrf.I vrant to teLl therefor threemonths whenmy half-cousin
of youl prettybabes,I then theyle the best to continuehis studies. introducedme to -f,q,4f
qnduatedwith an off Alfie loves t h e r e .H o p e friendsI've ev€rhad. Rp.Fntlu fF t^ld mp LastDecember 2005.
campus MBMdegree. ro reaoyour you can I also\/ant to thank that he missesus It wasthe bestthing
Yourarticleson the publish my them for makingme tlrrifi,, V^" ea! u,! :ro I've everreadin my

ftf,f,fi ph
ocroarR2006$ \
life. Because of that, Theydrovefrom Manila
I promisedmyseLf to NagaCityjust to
that if I everget my readthem (l4addlian
alpointmentasa bd?)becausemy bro
high schoolteacher,I
won't let them borrow
his coLlection. OGTOBER
S a n on u -
- reature F dr, j lo
I made .. I.,ahithindi nila alam!
that vow I rcceivedmy It'lt be the shockof I/,nn: rlr4ir lif4 |

Garciastarted my year ACHTE

dght! Your Juty issue
keersme aliveand FOR THE
kickinq. lt is so hard MEMORIES
to put down. With my My bo,4riendand I
honey,IssahMaie, recentlyceLebnted our
we hole that you'll third annivercary and
publishoul simple I wantto givehini the
u'^.,1a ^f rh,rlc F^, . . - .ifr
ha(f . . - . .Tf. r. y ' o u
- - . av6.
alwaysbeingthere. pubLish this, I1l havea
ROl\MELHERo, ISABELA proofto showout future
SHY TYPE h.ppv I amto h"ve
Hereis a picture of my him in my llfe. Tokam
sisterwith her husband Macis,Ijust wantto Let
readingmy brother's you knowthat l wiLl

back issu-"sof f,{trf. stay Loyalto you asyou
are to me. I loveyou so

ln so gnteful that in it. Ricaand Camille neverexplain.Though
my main sourcefor I'l I .pr nw nl.+"r6.n
thereis LryM.Not only and droveme crazy;it's Like -f,ql{. So llease post my
is it one of a kind, it pleasureto meether,I
aLsofuLfilLseveryman's tomooyout actuallyposted
fantasy.Ior that I of my system. our plctwe on my
T h es h o ew ef € a t u r c a d sl l ;:1., . .
^0ut0 urp t0 exrFncnv
o n eo f o r : rf u s h i o np i c k sl l YOUWIN! Anyhow if KATRINA Iriendsteraccount
in Junewasnota Ponyll oeelesrapprecraDon HeLLo.I just spacepermits, SIGHTING with the caption,
buttheGBxrtystom. ll o yo- g-y'. Th" asr couLdyou pLease Ive beenan
Weregretthe labeting ll r"w Lsues w"re r"ally
mishal. raveabout pubtishny avidcoLLector Katrina."Haha
ll s- pri,- o. Tne de,s
andarticLes areso
how muchI licture in your of F.qtfsince hal Continue
toveyoul magazme. nagazine?You 2002.RecentLy I ldcking ass
biiLLiantandftesh. guysl Webelieve
I went gagaoverthe see,I recentlyhad met KatrinaHaliti
I'm proudto saythat durinq a dating game. in youl GodBLessl
Juneissue.It had aLl a bet v/ith my offic€
F.qlfhasnowbecome my favodtecelebrities matesthat somehow Wow ifs a feelingI can RCHARD, BYEIMAIL


! - ?omen and revenge-it'sa
lllf lethatcombination.Forwhat
U U it'swortl.,maybemen,ogres
thatwe are,deserveit. Butwe at FHM
areallfor mate-female harmony, and
so to changethe mindsofwomenout
thereaboutto exactrevenge on their
partnersby cuttingoffthe pipeLine, let
us introduce youto newVivaHotBabe
ScarletBouffard, who took revengeon
hercheatingboyfriend in a verysubtle
way."l wasgoingout withthisguyfor
a yearanda hatfwhenI learnedthat
hewascheatingon me,"sheshares.
"ln fact,I caughthimwith hisothergirl
insidehis house."Whatdid shedo?
"Nothing.I justtalkedto them.I broke
up withthe guythe nextday."5o in
appreciation ofthe wayshecontrotted
hertemperwe aregivingScartetenough
spaceto showherex-boyfriend what


\' )--


*_u,l I


-EEt OCTOBER2006 . Thenumberof po$ibtewaysor playingrhe firt iour movespersidein a sameof che$ is 118,97s,564,000
9!€ ieLleH'o4osnd6u uro{
6uaunl palreaqua)orq i{ror no[
ur,uaq,naraqloS t1a'o4orso4pr6 soaq
Aow'srPq ol Suro8
a)rtI lsql
'au-reus;aqlou ^u] eqo] pasoddns -'aueu
seMuDruDU 'Dl/s tulpunos
]auels aueu aql
qsrupdsJleq sJaqloLuAu ur04 u8garo;e
aulel pre#nog'oryaweuo1olDlunL pE a4no rdl
aql ul 'au Melpol l.lltqpalse az{o)1
6umoLp-6ou 6u11o6ou uowouolrs 'F
q31osarnlrrd apnu)oo] | oqmaurur Sulqlpepgaivr
;o puaulloq-xa auosrqlosleseM aql qlsq/v\
uat4l'ot4unADdo) aull ]sru']allol
raql urpuaul^oq-xaAur qUMXas peqI
'araql 'D6olD)
]alnbossPM\liDpuog ote)l!l
alPldaql aTi I pueuPqlPluow Ds a3lPqs
uPc eMeAollueMaM'oepr^ aqlro] selqqoq
Sutlooqs 6unaaltt la ol-alnleue u.l reqp ^uv
'€ursnore 11ieqeg qa i5uos lno
s,llraliip euey11iiq,,pa1eJ1 -alpu ello E
puepaDes,, pallEls,lr'paquruaqM ea eqno^oc
a)rlI Suossrqls.a]aql
sau!]au"ros io asnoqaq]ul ur.luaqM ufioPrno( uo
lel eq]ul 'llsnulUoso] Surualsll e)ll I opno^opleq/l
')loM I s,ll'aull ol'qa'uosDqDlDut>l
6uouowouopuo1owond ptgle o4o zuaaDs
'Euuep aq plnoM uoEulrsp {
urp4tot1s-o1',1 teq] Suro8ol uado
]! ]eq]Moull.uplpaqsasnelaqo.Y uaaqs^eMle
Awwow6u two4rcn olpaw o4n5
DfrrD)plpI rale Allenl)v'uDwDu rputH nol aneg
AW'uMop paullPlAllPnlua a llnq ..:llsllns
'o>lo o^DlDluDqoqDu4 quoqog 2ooq EulEl/tould,,
ulns owo, aql wo4 suoBrsoo oap! aqlroJ
lPnxas ol not plp
luaraJJrpSuroplnoqeseMonou eql
Ilpere 1eq1y1
iet-1eg'ou ow wolo'ouD6u Dy4Dd6oN
']au aMMoqs.]eq] osursnolAu sl -'saqe8 ,{
'soureB olrueC 'puar4i{oq 'ra4e6
rag loHs l/'\Jolsll
aalleIie8euPLu-o] Au qBnorq] u! 3uyraor8-raaa
toal'\oM 6unl uD.uDU Ae)o'qlreW aqtol uolllpPB
lselsaqe€ loHaqlqtlMpouetsI 'sa il^


)'iiiinnv ronrrcrsr

WIRE! [!.1''r\ r

a) SomeChinese
- - rte havea invited to this happy the stunt, e!, b),Anaptrodisiac
Itlt friend.Mr eventin my life when eventwasgoing pltt"arongoo," madefrom I
U f wireman,who
we net Octoberlast
yearwhenwe featured
I waLkmy bdde dornrn
the wire,and stand
therefor the rest of the
to be held. Thebride
and groomafiivedin
marched.Thisgot us to
thinking: oul honeys
alwayspesterus about
p;n;! "''"
ilf ii;i"jfa;"",r"*rn ft,l
an air conditioned
loonycircusacts.So ceremonyuntil we say jeep, on stilts. There the "mostmemoble s
our 'I Dos,'Yours

fr cLose hashe beento truLy, weren0 red carpets/ wedding"we'rerequired =
us that recentLy,we Mr,Wireman."fieaks just two metalwires to givethem.Nowwe
got an invitation fuom suplort fteaks,so off stretchedtaut seven havean ldea.So honey, distuss this nyrkty.
him for his wedding we went to QuezonCity feet abovethe ground, when do we stat
day."Youarecordially MemorialCircLe, where andthat'swherethey practicing?APtt E

Flt,UstudyshowssMestike pulltoohardonbrainsynaps€s
it resultsInireGrsiblemadness!
I Andinstantly,youget a prize!
I |l tou know maw,andreveat
' U nowcrors t o n s i t s .Y e a h .r h e
c u r v i v e- o l d l v i d p \ ti t r o u l d g o l
; -
I b t o o d e d n e s sT?h e y C l i c ka p j c . T h e o n e
I b a s ku n d e rt h e s u n a n d t h a t m a k e su s g o h i d e
I s t e t c h- h F i -r o . t - s u d"Iou- abl"q n
I wjde to requtate bodv fear takes home a pajr
l _onn
l-orlhj. con_oi o ' ( r o . ' s B F a c hs h o e s l
; b i t . a . l vo- rave -o lend tren d"nral Dir<

Ah,this onewoutdhavegotten I d o i s o p enup your o v e r b y o c t o b e r1 5 .

Not too muchbodyand
bounceherebut we like the the prize,too, exceptthe
classiclaok you have,one winningguy hadthat look in his
loveto the lice colonyl fa.e we cant quite ptaceyet...

-tlrlfrl ocToBER2006 A :,a:::ir.iLdnshis .aueda rwerp.

12'tlt lri




the crowdwith DavidBlaine'sfloating-in-the-air
act! Blatantfakery!

guy David
Blaine he
morerock 'n' roll than
I decidedto
oneslike stickinga
cdriocdstick up their
nosesand puLlingout
to ne. I canbust his icy
assanytime. recently,crashinga swaLlowed
out their
See,this LastcoupLe neighborhood and
of months.I had been callingout everyoneto Thenit wasmy
(p.rptlv \a'atch.Tobuild up on turn. I gatheredthe
somestreetmagicwith the excitement,I let crowdaioundme and
my newfoundfiiends JohnsonandSlydon concentrat€d real
JohnsonSalarda and hard.Thetrick isn't
SLydonllLo of the Inner TlFv (t:rrpd.ff easy,mind you-il
MagicClub.Siegfried with cardtricks while takeskeenmental
,nd R.v Fr T mprn alsodoingLoveLy gross concentrationandwill
JohnsonandSlydon power.I meditatedfor
areyoungano qurre a few minutes,then
qoodstreetmaqicians, Liftedny handsand
beganthe iemarkable.
I rosealmosta
that short lived GMA7 fFpt 'r. i. iha )ir All

showcalled1{dks. the while,ny mind

I Leamedtheir
tricks and in so short
^n .htrnnolinn rfa
E a time I had pulLedoff : Thereis dignityin drinking,if youdo it right...
i^,hrr flrov ..,,i dn r' me up. I rvasthat -
!- tlery easvbe coot,styLish-pretty
DavidBlaine'smarquee good.Lookcloserat ! lf tti.-" enough to put our
5 tdck levitation.And the photosaboveto 1 U Grabapen ginpan in, and
I haveto say,mineis believe... r anoSomepaperano caneasjLy fit
r drawa containet, to yourpocket
r okav,notiustanv
FROMTHEFHMDESK a,l . Tothe best
A disclaimer:Superbonnggl photoqrapner to shootat the I or0rnaryconlarner. desjgner, we'll
did not ftoatand heverwiLt, countof three,whichwashis r It shoutdbeyour be givinga
untesswe take him on a cueto jump. Justthe same, r veryownatcohol Diageo pack!
cruiseandthrowhirnout to | flask.Simple Sendyour
we hav;to;ay: Good jobl I reouirements:
sea.Whathe did was-he Stupidityrutes!Don't ever vour to,?obottte
aduatlythoughtwe woutdn't stalt reiding booksor the lnu.l desjgnsin by
figurethis out-he askedthe nagic witt fade... I rnUSI 0ctober15!
sooz u:ao]co qd uros urqr^M/.\ . rr€q1106 Put satdutP
q!! a,ea,aqr
!![l![ 1
gyg,,if]unroS,, qJal 6ur^?spuoi\ 'lP
,,ip{p0^ 01ur reuP 'sP^ lr-qPDlllo :
re^lx euqrrPl^l aql urnl Iloufiurs ]0 suonuelur
no^ ul] :srrl1learuo! aql uopsanbot I-rcs =
sanbaql 'oN sel, -seraus?l I lqbnoql =
,ireau aql uro{ ^ll€
-dL rLU^ drv -
'urebP eM,,jrelPM
q etqqsqns$iq aq] sl ,rr r^ndb'rrr^i rF'!r
P{po^lno^ uearulPqt eqt JodrsP a{el ol Xl P 6ul6xPl sn prllsr^
saop'P{pod01auoppo tsrg aqt sPn,r?J tt ,{aql ,{lluaJaltsnf
''rrrM J . o r ^ r l
qleu uoq?Jqundaulls lnq
ar.{lsl slqt tPql puEts lPalJ peulpluoJ1r 'pua ereql pu. iuo uO :slqt aqt lo roppqaq^uool
-r:n,rn ru .r 6nr
" raqlo aq] uo {u?l aql a{rt pa{ooLoulqr?ur trqrqxeplnoMJJou[us
'p0raMsuP ol u,\ 0p saqnl bu{Jund neqJ uror]spuerr]rno
0l aql
rteqt,,'opo] pl?q aq qbnorqtpessPd rel?M r ^ L L t (_ q . d t 4 u , 1 t , . u ' r t -i l ! \
plno^\lPrll '0N,, ^tr1paqJ (elpo^ aleru P)Ipo^qbnorqtar€ld iuaql J0 llP ro-ralnu
//zre^ru ot pasntuo6! buqlqse raloq P auoJaqpuorr P 'lsqeluarluorru0 ue
PUDIUPI/{ elor.llraql larlas sql sr 'ulPelral?l eq1Eurdleqs?Mpu? ']sllualcspPruP euoJaq
f]und o] 6urobJJourrS 414'Srql)leorrPrlrqsrlad spPaqrno ql,rMbursseur ol no^ asnlJ^?urll pue
q,,:uoqsan0 peulPluor saqnl $41 l,us?M'paapur'JJourrurs buov{ tr luup lpPaq
:]ca of, asaqJ sa.uos ul s3qnl lPr{t pau4}uor puP oqt ur IJr{ 6u!qsq?s
puPlPnll?l sr Msr relur la^18luDILIel^laql J0 P tab'no^puPlrl6u lr
aql JouoqdulsuP4srql .lD rD"M .r f:,rlDrrD doorsalllll P uo pol 'pu0ras
{ulrp lorl0rP
I amselmb lou er,aMos spd,TI aua a aJ IV u ,r pa^qd faqt MoqM?s ]urrred 09 s,lr

ffi Iuup ^UPauP roJtuaM pod adPrsalPqu.prso.rd

aM3!M br.T{J 66olou aql a)IIlpalool l?rll
pu? 'lual^ 011ouap
aAI 'lPar? pezru?bro ,."ri;r,,"rT"",*l.L
ilsolouqlal qpo^ ql!/r^role,|^
uealreleu ol Mor.l
ueeuaM'tl ielpo lllo4"'
r. \1
: ic " -lu3{!ura^oD r3^osnoF-
|q, sP,tt6uo) to uos +--
A sordidcolledion of bustedkicks!Youguysmusi
want a newpair real bad!


e at FHM Championship,chaos shameLess of all and
sooneruptedas aLl lroceededto the event. finaliststwirl the
evet turned 14 membersof the Alas,the drink stub was bottlesof liquor in the
downinvitationsfor -fFlI staff only qood ,ir Tlrav MrarF n^nd

freebooze.We'vesaid foughtto for icedtea but we couldn'th€lp t

this a milLiontimes i and soda. noticesomeof the
:lr.,nv T^ ha a,,,a | Ourscribe atcohoLspiLLing
on the
you can askany of the handson I 1"n0, by precious
dronesin the officeand the one r the way, n,,idc cnillon ^n rlo
theylL hapliLytetl you : do'ms a floorl UnthinkabLel
aboutour reputation me way, bottLeof Bottlesflew,fuinks
for beingcheapskates. this Lone I beerso spilled,femaLes
Cheapskates andbeer ticket had screamed for their


an invitation for us
with it a
food and
drink stub,
the whoLe
BIil*t hadlong
yet everyonewho was
.1r or. or^i!.1r

pay for his own booze

n^f f^
Lastiime, we issu€da cattfor you to surrender
y o u rb a c o nb r i e f sY
. o ur e s p o n d eodv e r w h e L m i n q L y .
Then,w€ thoughtthere must be som€thingmore
we coutddo to tidy |lp your tife. And so we have!
to attendthe 11th point of it all. After be€nremoved)\4'as (that would be oul man Towhoeverheadsth€ PhiLioDine Anti-Atfit€t€'s
annualShake,Rattle muchfighting, one of closeto tearsashe tlF,p) cr:vad cnhpr Footfoundation,we?egLadto heLp...
and PourBartender us emergedthe most watchedthe bartender BAB

Yes,I think FHMshouLdthrowa I knowwhatkjndof pafriesFH,,V li
partyDecause everyonetovesa throwsandI fearthattheir75 -":,
party!AndI dothinkthat 75 yearoldreadeA woutdbeiskjng
yearotdpeople woutdLove to theirlivesifthey attendone.[4ost
havea party,sjnceaf FHMpaty ofthemarein votatitehealthand
wiltdefinitely fm surethat FHll
maketheir woutdn't wantany
healtspump accidentson their
naroet. conscience,

r! si
trEtrIlE ocroBER 2006 wv/ . rosi !!si -rt.res rnyourholsea,emade
T 6-E
[lti' a --
I Aget26
1 "Shet-afast learner,definitely
one of the besttraineesl've
dealtwithin yearsl"

@@ ocroarR 2006 A Boeinq

747s w,nqspai
B ronqer
riut fliqht.
sulfer didtrt
immediately with lhe
bits X.,.^!4.


firrn err.rv

tilt! Thechallengewherewe
,..ina beer-drinking
didn't mindlosingas long asthe brewkeptpouring!
lovelornLydcs,but bust juicewerebeingpassed, wasguitaristSonny AMOYCHICO! Weconmissioned
Baquisal. 'Ang Paty Boy Boozekept on pouring a hot officemateto
rampage"is your nuts with pdmal Miggysqueaked. "I don't
how Chicoscit angerin their music. ddnk beerbeforea gig, ngr-&lipinaslOnecase for our secondchallenge. sniff both qroupsto
screamerMiqgYChavez Tn.idFntallv wF you know..."Toolate for nganauubosniyan,ehl" Miggywasgetting find out ',vhostank
descdbeshis band's aLsoknow of another that. A iuinedChicosci Theguy,reedthin and waried. "Nangangati like chicothe fastest.
music,As far aswe thing responsiblefor gigwasimminent. all, had usfooted.We kasi dkowhen I drink Theywon again.
know theie is only accidentaLchildren: Tfa fi,<r.h:llanna beganto wonderwhere too muchbeer."We Guesshavrnga huge
onesongof that beer.By logical wasto find out whothe he luts all that boozein beganhavingdoubtsbut stomachcapacityfor
rifl.;nd iha drnrn association,we decided fastestboozeswiqqer his hame. admiedtleir rcsolveto boozedoesmakea
res!onsiblefor it was a beer-ddnkingnatch was.Thebands bet ,4lll Loses
this rcund. finishthe secondround. differcnce:CIA
Bread.'?ubrey" and wasapt for theseboys.
the rest of their sappy, An:irar ,,( ^f.^"rcp

excruciatingly melodic "Kungsa Popnga

roLdrug uL JUTLgJ o,c hindi kamitakat,eh,
aLsoresponsible for the beerdrinkingcontest
birth of a niLLionor so pdl" MongALcaraz
urprdrL,,cu L,,rrurcL,, decLared.Good,our
s So doesthis mean Liversweresteeled,
E Chicosci is aLsoto bLame
E for a Lotof accldental ROUNDI
E births?No,we doubt Webroughtthemto
: they havethe stamina GurusKtchen,ajoint
i of Kiss.But somehow that seivesIndiangrub
! we do get Miggy'spoint: andcheapbeer-per{ect
e chicoscican dig d€ep for our budget.But as
= into vour heartswith bottLesof the loony

EEM oCrOern 2006 There tn a resuLation

are16 dimpte5 solrbatl.

''They'rethe sonsof
ihe devill"

This might cheer you up!
t - then youte ngusa-ma-salupa loak,
lrlt feetinq blue, the onethat looksthe
UU atlvou've rnostheatbreakjng,
q o -- od o s ' l o . . o t " e o - et " a ll l r o e
Let ustelt you the storybehindthjs: Two lookat yourself.0r the entirestaffinto
entrjesviedfor the top prize.Theonethat jsn't put it to gooduse. tearswill wjn a bottte
hefe-whichobvjoustyrneansjt Lost-shoutd of Prestige
haverealtywon because, welt,the photowas djgitatpjc Armand Basi
nicerExcept the dudewasa rninor. sorryonty project:your in BLue. Sefd
peopte 18 andoverwjn here(howwe knewhe tnoseenlrtes
wasa kjd,hispicplajnlysaidso).50wesettied 5a00e5t mug,
Yes,the jn by october.
for this,a skinnydjppirgepjsode anda sauc,
heckie.Wesurehopeit jsn't the guy on the teft 15.Bringusto
whosentusthjs entry... n0 qng tearsl

Forlaughs:a panot,niftysoldiers,a
therapy,anda pairofshinyshoes!
FOLTOW tora fewminutP'?ill
T'e .lrrn
CAREFULLY asreed.A momenltater
A m:n .,ll.d 2 ran)i,m,n two nltrLaa p0ll.e

to fix hi5busledTV. camarDnnrngalonq

Sjnceeveryone in rhe dsked "Sis[el'
house hadLooo ro wotk. hdve youseFna snlliet
the mdnleft;notp ro runninqby her"?""rJe
Lhe.epiman on tne wenl LnaLwdv" lhe
door: lyou witLfind a nun ,epLied.A}ter tle
keyundertl e rugby l4Psd'sappeared'the
tho fr^nr ,t^^r ptarG fiv SOtOleI CIawLeO OUt

LheTVandledvevour hom u_derhe- (ki't

conracr nu'nbeon Lhp andsaid'" 'anl than\
dininotablesowe can you enougnJrster'
payy-oupromptly.0h, but you (ee lln-1
.^'r.',,," , r.,,ria- +.i,t" wanr to qo to Ilaq.'
Thenun said."l lhi)'k
Hisnameis Snii<e.
worrv.he won,Lborher

' (an
fully under(-rnd
yourfeal" The\oldiel
VoL.Bul whalevFr
do, donot undelanv adoeq r noFeYou
circumsrances, talkro do_'tth nk me"1rdp or
the!d'ro!. | 'Fpea', vou
an nnt trlt tn tt,"
-;wArl ln. rl'cr.Uorari
havea greatpair of
,, }-. ,..- ,..(ed d
Therewasa guy who had a pair of uitia-shiny tlongs, am I right?" "How did you know" the girt
r r r oh i . n o c r m a , n o c r t i l r l e h i q h e r ,y o u w o u l d Italian handcxaftedshoesworth aboutP150,000. asked."seerry shoes?Theyrc so shiny I cantale
a greatpair
haveseen Theywereso shiny tiat you couldseeyour a peekftom underyour skirtl" He askedanotier
L"l-r.r.itriij""r" rr"a gi to dance,but tlis tine he got woried because
evers"in. Butihe dog o[ baLls donl want reflection in it. one day,a ftiend invited him to
" to go to kaq eithe" a balkoomdanceparty. Hewasexcitedbecause he wasnl surewhat he sawin t}le reflection, so he
iustlav thereon the askedtlrc qirl:
'"Youaren't weatinqary underweal,
SoLDIER' BYEMAIL he coutdshowoff his expensiveItalian shoes.
iarpet watchinqthe
At the ballroom,he dancedwitl tle tust girt he a.reyou?" The girl wasamazed."How thd you know
ilfll,l-l.l-1".1" LONGrrME. taid his eyeson. '"Youale wearingred underwear, tlat I wasn'twealing any underwear?!"Witl her
i;"";T,#l;!1"- sHoRr-rrME
An old.,but stiLl
am I dght?" "How did you know" the gii asked.
amazed."Seemy shoes?Theyrc soshiny I can
reaction,the guy felt very relieved."I got woded
a bit there becauseI tlought I sawa crackin my
pa,'ot, however, iiror€
luggedlvndndsone take a peekftom underyour shJt!" He danced ltalian handdafted shoes!"
h m . r a 7 vt h e w h o l e
Lme with its incessanL Selgeanl Mdior found witi anothergirl. "I knowyou de w€aringyellow JETIRII{IDAD. BYEMATI-
t,a ino .,,,.inn -n; h i m 5 e Laf I a g a l a e v e n t
"Yes,ma'am,a lot of
hostedbv d tocatI'beral you are.YoureaLlyneed saidin his matter-of- but noticethat each
the reoairmjacoutdn,t action."Theyoung
arts coLleg€.Younq, to chill out! I mean, fact voice,"I hopenot, night, earLyinto
lady,tiring of trying to
idealisricladieswele no sexsince19551?" its onty2130now." their lovemaking,the
.on,"io hi.."u
"nu start up a conversatron, Feelingcharitabteand
all over,one of whom ARMI. BYEMAIL husbandwoutddash 1
approa'hed him-fot a Little bit drunk, she out to the bathroomfor
up.lou rtup-a,ugty
bnd_,'TowhichLhe Conversauon.:xcrrse
shouldlighten u! a took his hand andLed MARRIAGE severalminutes.This
' "Gethim, Little.Relaxand enjoy
me, sergeantMajot him to a privateroom THERAPY tormentedher until
yourself."TheSergeant wheresheproceeded
but You-seem to be a Wofiiedabouttheir finaLly,one night, she
sinNlno,g,rrgeIr Majorjust staredat her to 'teLax" him several
veryserious man s lessthan exciting fotowedhim. There,
in his seriousmanner, times.Afterwards,
sometnlnq DoLnerlng sexlife, a youngwife in front of the mirrot
NO TO WAR! You?" "Nesative, ma'am Finally,the young pantingfor breath,she senther husbandto a shefoundhim applying
A soldiercameat a Just serious by nature." lady said,"You know leanedagainsthis bare therapistwho wound
fork jn the roadand Theyounglady looked I hopeyou don't take chestand said,"Wow up treatinq him with technique:"She'snot
at his awards and this the wrong way, but you suredidn't forget self-hypnosis.And, to my wife... She'snot
sawa nun standlng.
and.sdid, whenis the last time muchsince19551" herjoy, everythinggot not ny
my wife...She's
0-t of breatnne a;ked. decorarions
"PLedse Tay |
Sis(er. "It Lookslike vouhave you had sex?""1955, TheSergeant Major, muchbetter.Howevet wife..."
your seen a Lot of action-" ma'am." "We[I, there glancing at his watch, shecouldnot help EOBBY 0.. BYETIAIL
hide under sicirt

@@ 2006 . nis iueearto

OCTOaER fishwitha bowand
the roteoI a

ealousyhasbeena type of jeatousywhereyou

perennialtopic of get a little bit inseone
attention for scientists, wheneveryour girl mentions
artists,and theologians.It Brad Pitt's namewith a
usualLyrcfersto the thoughts, rollercoaster-like moanand a
feelings,andbehavrorthat screamat the end.Another
occu when a Pe6on considers ftealfhytype of jealousy
a vaLuedrelation-shipis being wouldbe you voicingout
endangeredby a competltor. your uneasiness because
It is about fear-fear of your girlfiiendis goingout
change,feaj of abandonment, with all her guy ftiends. a
fear of the urkrown. But the bad caseof jealousi
is obsessive jealousy,the
Where lrom? type that breedsaggression,
Wemay have acquiredthis violence,and questioninqher
ftom our past girlfriends/ loyaLtyeverynow and then.
bo!ftends who have qiven us Whena relationshipgetsto
potentiatty huting feeiings. this LeveL it's better off to
ThisincLudes cheatingon calLit quits.
you, your significant other
fliting btuntly in .foontof Fun lactual experiment
you, etc. I think this has Stuihesgatherthat romantic
happened to us at leastonce jealousyis empLoyed
andI hopeyou Learned your "strategically"by thosernost
Lessons well. vulnerableto infidelity,
compounds insideYou,for rules; that way you kno\ t partnercan't resolvejealousy
I woutdalsolike to add namely those oI relatively
issuesthat arenot addressed what to do and what not to on youl own, get some
that insecuritiesmolded Lowmatevalue.If you
witlin the family, or impartial becometoo jealous,tiis immediatelydo not go away. do. Therulesshouldalways outsidehelp, seekcounseLng
Ueatmentto Lessfavored onLymeansyou knowyour Relayingyour feelings to be fotowedby boti parties. or somethinq.If wotsecomes
the personyou arewith can If your partneris the to worstyou know there's
chiLdren,wi[ givekids a partneris probablyout of
notion of their seLfworth. your league.Its alsosaid work out soLutions. It goes onewhot jealous,you need aLwaysa way out right?
without sayingthat tact is to reassue het Try to calm Alwaysbe protectedl
Sopleasemomsanddads, that "naturalselectionmay
don't openly"declale"youl havedesigned romantic essentraL, mostespeciaLly her dor4mand tell her to set
jealousyto be contingent relaying your l'linerability. her mind at rest by stating Emailme
fuvoritessinceit will do more
haImthan good. not only upon cuesto Do not ovelleact. It vrill youl love and Loyaltyto the
Younight be thinking infidetity,but alsoupon only aggravate your feelings relationship.Thisalways
you are not one of these one'smate value relattve to and you might disruptyour worksfot me becauseI could Asiawouldlike to thankthe
peopte,but think again- dvalsin a populatron." partner'srespect,love,and seethe stncedty in his eyes. fotLowi
toyalty. It's alwaysa good If reassuring her/him is not Belol4edicalGraup
verbalabuseis alsoa cause.
With that, I would like to say Fin it thing to talk things through enough,showproofsthat Solonde MoniLa
If you feeLjeaious, smoothlyand maybehavea there'snothing goingon, Mogic89.9FM12AMto 3AYt
that majodty of us are the
jealoustlTe ! needto relatewhat you are goodsmoochaftet. andtell the wholestory Tuesdoyta Thursday
I think it is normat to feelingto the personyou Anotherwayto do it of what happenedetc. If
bejealous.There'sa cute arewith. Keepquiet andit is to declaresomeground you find that you andyour wv/w.AsrAsT,vs.c0M


f,fll!fi1 ocroeen

ttl tlttallttatltllltlllalllllllllalllrlrllirallllrlllllllt

quiz.ourfragnant talksaboutcheating-

Youspot yourguy with doesn'tknow how to be 05HIE:Nope.ThankGodl I

feeLs it stinks.Besides
anothergirl. Will you be
showeringhim with slaF on
the face?
GAIL|Ior me,it's useless
stay in a reLationshi!and
ls there truth to the 'once
a twotimer alwaysa cheat'
won't hut him in any
RHIA:No. 0bservethernfirst hopefor things to get better. RHIA:Yes.Considedng that n0 reason
then confrontmy boyfriend YouwouLdend u! getting theret a lot of temptations t0 cneat
alterwardswhenwe'reaLone disappointed and mad at around,if he couldn'tresist especially
together. yourseLf for stickingaround. the first how canhe resist if you Love
GAIL:I wouldimmediately RACHEL: Yup,but it depends the next one? s0me0ne.
dumphim dght in front of on the man I am fightinq for. GAIL:Youcan't changea oSHIE:No
the giiLand telLhim that Martyroko eh. guy. I won't-I
he'snot qoodenoughfor me. CARLA:No,there'sa g0o/o xALtttL: iJaseo0n wnat 1ve believein
I wouldatsothank the girl chancethat helL do it again. L-on +fr^-nL karma,
beforeI Leave. oSHIE:If 1tovehim yesbut CARLA:Yesl
RACH!L:nl just comeup if not it just meansit's not 0SHIE:Not necessadty, both with the
and introducemyseLfin a destinedto be. paitiesarevulnerabl€to relationship.
Everbeencheatedon? The temptatron, Wouldyou be
CARLA:I'tl sayhi, ftom there gory detailsplease... Say a switch happens,and
RIIIA: Yup.I confrontedhim you get to be on yourman's around?
oSHI!I I want him to notice and gavehim his freedom. shoesfor a day.Would RHIA: PiobabLy yes.
me but definiteLvI wouLdnot GAIL:Proudto sayneverl cheatingbe part of your GAIL:Whynot? Dating Howabouthookin'up with a
makea scene, Just a pieceof advice,always agenda? is tun... But I'd rather manwho's sportinga ring?
Yourman cheatson you, followyour instincts. RHIA: If there'sa reasonfor calLit off first so that my RHIA:De!endson the
is forgivenessa possibility RACHEL: Yes.I simpLy me to cheat,maybe.But if conscience is clean,then I situation.If he'sjust stuck
here? forgavehim but I would there'snone,I won't. couldreallyhavefun] and pLansto get out of it, I
RHIA:Not anymore.There's neverfoiget the incident. GAIL:Let'sjust wait and see RACIIIL:No.Whensomeone might giveit a thought but
no reasonfighting for a rnan CARLA:Unproven,stilLgave what wouldhappenwhen comesinto my life I make if he'sa happiLymaniedman
who doesn'tknow how to him a chance..,Lateron we that day comesl surethat it Lastsevenif the thats a no-no,
treat girls right and who brokeup. RACHEL: No.I know howit relationshipis boring. GAIL:No wayl Marriedmen
CARLA:one shouldn't... just causeheartaches. They
evenif youle boredto the usuaLLy breaktheir promises
bones,thereshouLdbe no "in andwe ladiesend up with
betweens," our heafs broken,
@ @
oSHI!: CuiiositykiLLed the RACHEL: It dependson
MODEI- cat remember? Guess thatt howthe quy handLes the
my answer. relationshipand it also
who is morelikelyto cheat dependson the situation.
- the hubbyor you? CARLA:Nopebecause it's
RHIA: My boyfriend.
GAIL:Noneotherthan the oSHIE:0f coursenotl Not
guy of course... mn h,nF RpciiFc if rfF

RACHEL: He did it, not once, guy'smaniedmostLikelyhe

but twice definitety my ex- aLready hasa kid I don't
bo!'fiiend. want to be an instant mom!
CARLA:Can'tteLLthis tine... Giveus an idea:what
oSHIX:No comment. can makeyoutum to the
Youencountera hot guy unfaithfulend?
and he asksfor a one-night RHIA: If he doesn'tgiveme
stand.would you a€lreeto the satisfactionan!'noreand
playa little hooky? if he'snot makinqme feeL
RHIA: Nope.I want serious Lovedand speciaL.
relationships. GAIL:WhenPrinceWillian
GAIL:It's a no no. asKsme outl
RACHEL: No. I don'twant KALntt: lI ne cneateoon
my partnerto do suchan act me a hundredtimes.
elther. CARLA:If I had the body of
CARLA:I wouldprefei dating JessicaAlbamaybeI couLd
him insteadof qoinqafter play aroundwith men.
his body. oSHIE:I'd rathertell
oSHIE:It de!ends,if I reaLh Iny uvvurEllu u,dL r uc

tike the guy... Kiddingaside, somebody elseor that I'm

no! not in Lovewith him. FHM
!!f,@ ocroeen
r I l a ! | t M I I I r' I I I r ll I I r I I I I
a I r r I I I r r I a t I r a a a I l a a a I I l.r

IE Wepromise
to teteverYone
DAUGHTER stoking my boobsI played
DISCOVERSMOM'S with his hardcock,ftom
KINKYSIDE thereit wasa night of hot
My husbandand I haven't sex.Motningcameand
doneit for a night since we didn't want to get
1 preparedbakedoysters caughtby his parentsI had
sinceI sawthis cooking to leave really earLy.But mY
showthat recommended this bo!'friendwanteda good
lecipefor problemslike mine. momingfuck so I agreed.
I addedstrawberries and Whenwe werereachingthe
champagne to set the mood climax for tllit round we
and I madesurethat I tucked wereboth shockedwhenthe
my kid to bedbeforemy dooropenedand in camehis
husbandarived. After dinner moml Shejust simptysaid,
we immediatetyplayed h"g dgd ,,ryd" dr,.

around.I suggested that GS

, YE M A I L
we qo to our roomm case
our daughterwakesup. He DISCOFEVER!
carriedme uP the staircase A coupleof yearsback,I
and into the roomandthrew went through a very difficuLt
me to the bed. Hebeggedfor breakup with my botrfriend
a strip danceand I agreed.I at the time. Wanting
wasso excitedthat I forgot to soothemy grolvrng
the doorwasopen.In came depression, my friends
my daughterl4rith steepy invited me to go with them
eyesaskinqme for a glassof to a bar in Malate,which I
water. \lllhen she sawme she obligedto. After a coupte
wasstunnedand wasn'table shotsof tequilaI felt tipsy
to speakthe wholenight. I and becameunexpectedly
neverattemptedto LuremY homy.I then focusedmy
husbandagainl attentionto this skinhead
my ftiendsand I sincewe
COVERTNOOKIE enteredthe bar.Tiredof
SPOILEDBY just staringat eachothet I
SOMNAMBULIST approached him and asked
we werehavrngour colLege him to dancewith me. once
teambuilding activity and we wereon the danceflool,
vrewereaskedto spendthe he took noticeof the way
night in oneroomlt'1ththe I rubbedmy body toward
boys.It wassuppbsed to him and startedfinger-
bridgegapsand it wasaLso tucking me in the middLeof
a goodwayto savemoney it al[. I wasweadnq a very
for the organization.My ex, short skirt, that'swhYit
by the way, was one of the my orgmateconfessed that my cousinwent in asking of the top five office systems waseasyfor him to do his
officers of the activity. When he sometrmestalks and walks if I had medicinefor his companyherein the metro. deed.It felt so goodthat I
peopleweredecidingwhere $'henhe'sasLeep.Shit! headache. I ignoredhim and 1 alwaysgo homelate since startedswayingmoreto his
to sleephe just puiledme COLLEGEHOTTIE,BYEMAIL continuedon reading.The I havea lot of meettngs thrustingthan to the music.
into one of the beds.Nobody next thing I knew he was and I atwayswork overtlme. It wasthe craziestnight of
seemedto noticeso I agreed. FEEL
COUSINS behindme kissingthe back one tine, Latefrom work, my life; I didn't evenbother
Wewaited until everyone EACHOTHER of my neck.I droppedthe I sleptat my boyftiend's. goingbackto my fi-iends'
wasasleep,then we stated My cousinftom the States book and startedfeetinghis WeLL, it wasn't all steeping. table asthe guy and I
kissing.Slowtyhe undid my went to visit and my mom dick. lt vrasso hugelThis Sincewe wereboth hot and headedto the nearestmotel
bra strapandwent downon pe$uadedme to be his got me in t}le moodand we homy we decidedto watch to continuewith our dance.
me (underthe blankets,of officialtour guide.I didn't did it on the floor Wespent pom movies.Whilehe was MAIATE GIRL,BYEI4AIL
course).I bit the end of the want to since I barely knew the whoLeday togetherin
piLlo$'to prevent myself from the guy but I wasleft with my cottagefoolingaround.
makinga sound.I wasso vret no choice.Wewent to Toobadwe had to go backto (
Sendyour entriesto: FHM
and he fett it so we did it Boracayand rnet his friends Manitathe next day... confessions,
Ladies' Summit ph).Thewinnergetsa gift
gentLyin a spoonposition. ftom the US.I wasso lissed AiIONYI"IOUs, BYTI.4AIL Leve[1, Robinsons packfrornf0REALPARIS.
when he wasaboutto come that they yere all guys. Gatleria,Edsacor 0rtigas
a felloworgmateshouted, Somostof the trmeI was WORKINGGIRL! Avenue,0C1100.Faxit
"Uyl" Sowe stopped.We Leftin our cottagealone.I I work as a Business (6372206) or emaitit
wereso bitin! Thenext day wasreadinga book t{hen Development officerin one


:ll Pur-l
:lli,lvN :UlSWnN
tp l! xpJpuetollpqpaqretleaqttn0 llu r0
q d ' L u o l ' W H j ' M Ml eMa b p d6 u r l o ^ . l o o 0l x a N s l . l r ga L l ]l r s l A
6 Z 6 Zo ] , { l I A 0 N 9 W H l
JXal lxaN s|rg 09 aql Jo lsrt aueu alaldujol
eql Mor^0I 'salo^ (E) a^4 sp lunol pe0luMo0sNh qlel
' 6 2 6 20 l < i a q u r n ua t p p r p u e l >
l l d 0 N 9 h H l 6 u L 1 x a{ q 1 oloqd
s l / \ l hr o 0 0 l x a Ns l r L ge l u o r r etl n o { p p o l u M o op s l pu € l n o A
'6262 ol <raqLunu
aleprpuplloo0 lxaN Iig> 0Ngl/\JHl lxol
:sIEM asJql asaql ]o ,{uE asoor{J
0 0 NKO0

Thelegendary ng Dofi,andbecoming
rockbandonsanitarynapktns,Tulod actors
concemed,I don't think therewas
The band's 20 years old. Are you with the culture and findinq its soundslike now then they should
surcrisedyou lasted this long? significant placein society. Thenit's tisten to it. Ifs alsoa niceprecedent an effot to make an impact. We
JB Leonor:No,we werenot really okay being called an "institutlon." for the neratalbum,pdrdngtesting. didn't approachit asus changing
ErpELu'19 dr!yLn!'9, I(dri somepeoplewhenthey say We'refeelingeachother out and the whole film industry Wejust
Jett Panga Wewereliving on a institution, it's pegqedassomething, maganda. thought that it wasnice to be part
day-to-daybasis,especia\ when then for the next 50 yearsit stays as Jett: (laughs)That'show we've of somethingdifferent. lt wasus
we werejust starting. xverYching such.Woldnqgrowth,there'snothing lasted.we feel eachother out. Ha hal making out little contribution to
lYasunsue. Xveryyear that went dynamicaboutit. But if it's about fulad ng Datl, lhe di$ital film about Mike'svision.
by I remenberJB sayirg,"0kay, change,sunaval, and thriving in the your band,won the 20OGBest Full- Jett It's about life. Ifs a
we'regoodfor anotheryear." industry that we've chosen,then ifs length leature in the Cinemanila microcosmof solts.lts not all
Hewasalwayssayingthat, so it okayto be calledan institution. Festival,How close were you to aboutthe musicbec*rsethe music
becamethe mentaUtyfor the band. Do newbies hassle you often for thumbing down the proiect? is a treat. I guessthey alsosaw
JB: But the mostchattenging time advice? Jettr Coltecilvelythere wasdoubt. themselves in the movie.Ifs about
waswhenTeddy(Diaz,TheDam's Jeth Wenever give unsolicited advice, WeatLhad different levels of faith family, love and rediscovering
originaLguitarist)died,kala only when we'reasked.ThenbasicaLly and doubtin it. Whenwe werefirst yourself,very universaL themes.
naminv,r'ala na talaga. we give them a pictwe of what we've askedto do it, we wereLike"Yeah, And it's a very different medium
In those 20 years,what do you beenthmugh,howwe'dcopedand whatever,swe!" But at the backof din kosi I mean,a concet can do
',4n0 wonders,but throughthis film,
think has changed in you guys? managedwith the times. trari ifs our rnindswe alwaysthought,
JBr Hairstylel Ha ha hal Body hard to give a singular advice to an kayang mangydydri? Ano koYang we wereableto touchpeople.It
weight also. individual in a band. Case-tocase kdlalabdsdn?" But it wasgoodto pretty muchsealedthe 20 years.
Francis Reyes:I don't really know, basisdin kari. It shouLd be a collective have a wdter and diJectorwho's a JB! Yungendingdin kasing movie
I still feel the same.I meanI've effot. You'vegot four to five guysin fan, someonewho, in a way, reaLly suggests nd ifs time to moveon.
alwayshad the attitude na-I got a group,soifs rea\ up to themhow wantedto be a part oI TheDawn. How do you deal with sexually
this from JB actuaLly- "growth to handlethemselves. JB: l"likeSandejas really did an aggressive tans?
should end only when you die." Youi recently released awesome diectodal job. Hewasvery Buddy: GentLy!Ha hal
0n a personalLevelyou haveto commemorativealbum showcases opento suggestions ftom everyone Jett Let'sjust say that we know
keepevolving,not necessatily new takes on old classics. Was and he actually askedour opinion on how to thank them.
changingbut ratherseeinqthings this an effort to keep up with the a lot of things. JB: Webare them up then tie
in a different perspective,always times? How elated are you about the thernup. Ha ha!
having an open mind whether it's ErancigrI think a largepart of it overwhelmingpositivevibes that Francis:Someone oncepushedme
goodor bad,kasiyou canlearn is because thereweresongsnc we have accompaniedthe film's into a roomandthen lockedit. It
from everythingndmantaldgd. recordeddudng a certainpedodna success? wasa gi':l.,pero nakakatakotdin,
How has your music changed we were not reaLlyhappy with the Franci!: thatt rea[y overwhelming. kasishewaslookingstnight into
over the years? results.It wasmoreof a technical It was a fun expedencemaking my eyes.And then I heardthem
Jet* It's funny when peoplesay issuein the senseno we knewthat the movieto beginwith and once sayil.g, "Si KiLo?Nasaansi Kiko?"
that the band'smusichaschanged. we canrecordthe songbetter, we'd finished it, we felt we'd done I answered, "I'm here!I'm hetel"
Fromthe very start, The Dawnhas makinqit soundbetter.Theband's somethinggood.But the peoplet Jettr It wasmoreUkean o4asmic,
aLwaysbeenabout change. fote kari is playing tive and a large reactronwasrcally amazing.Weknew "I'm here,but I'm almostthere."
Francis!Although"changeis part of our frustration is that our that we cameout with something Haha!
BreakingUsApart"! Ha ha! recordstend not to capturethat Live goodas a team.Weneverreally Otherthan underweaiwhat
The Dawn was a primetime aspect.AtthoughI haveto admit, expectedpeopleto Loveit. Wedidn't has b€en thrown at you while
playerin the 1990s iock scene. ifs kind of scarytdsi whenpeopte get into it thinking tlat we're going performing?
How do you comparc the hearthe rc-workings,evenif we feel to havea parallelcareetin acting. Francis:Somebody oncethrew an
band explosionthen to what's unusedsanitarynapkin.Buh nd

happeningnow? langunused.Ha hal
Jettr YouknowIte beenasked Ever tried to make love to The
Dawn's catalog of hits?
changedov-erthe years?
that questrona Lot of times
but it is only now that I have a Francis:Nol Ha hal
ctearpictureof what'sqoingon. Buddy: okayyun ah. "Youknow
aLways beenthere,it's just that
z,rFromthe verystart,The that basssoto?Thafsme playing,
baby."Ha ha!
the industry now is more open to
bands.I'm notjust refering to
Dawnhasalwaysbeen JeLt "Ayan pdbilb na yon nang
the musicindustry. but even in
advertisinqand othercorporate
aboutchange So anothdr 20 years coming uP
flom you, guYs?
structures,bandsarejust more JB: That dependson us really.But
acceptednowin business. nd the snaredrum didn't soundthat lts Likewhen someoneapproaches personaLl& my outLookon that is
Are you comfortablewith being good15yea$ ago... us to do a vldeofor a sonq,we lilrc I want musicto be a part of my
called an institution? Jett: ...somepeoplemay havebeen the ideabecauseifs thereto help Life-and my musicis this band.
Buddy Zabala:As long asthe attachedto that. the song. Youtake away The Dawn, wala na
institution keepsgrowing, Erancis:But hopefullytheYtl Any lifechanging message Youwish Idhatyun.
keepsdevelopinq, aian moyun. undetstandwhat we'retryinq to do. to convey through lulad ng Dat?
Changinq with the times,growing If theyle cuious abouthow the band Francis!As far asthe bandis Interview8y B.A.Eorteo

bigla-biglako na lang nasasabi Alam mo namangiyakin ako,di ba? This year's poll was incomplete
nanghindi ko alam.Basta-basto
lang lumalabosyung hulasa bibig
na I cried becauseI was ovetwhelrned
by all the bLessings that were
'Matagalko without the intrigues, of course.
The Katdna versus Angel Locsin
ko.Peromost of theseso-caLled comingmy way. Umiyakaka kasi
predictions wereneant to bejokes
taiaga.Like the one aboutthe 100
Jino ,d nomdnako compatedto
other establishedstars,di ba?
nang gusto angle was played up a bit.
,{indt ko inisrpkungNo. 1,ako or 2.

Sexiestresult. I wasreatlyjoking
last year when I said I'd be this
Perc narita pa rin oko. Thar.kf];I
siyemprcako sapagtitiwalasa
pumapelng Bdstomasayana dkasaanman ako
rna?untc.Like in any awards,it's
causeenoughfot happinessthat
yea* sexiestPinay sd poll ninyo.
But it happened,right? What,s
dkrn ng GMA.They'vebeengiving
me nothing but greatrolesright
mgagoody- you are recoqnized,di bc?Ang
$ creepy is, when we saw you
last, you said your next cover
noyr.Hindi nila akopinapdbayaan.
SoDrdng thankful din aka sa FHMna
goodyroles' alam ko, maramiang bumobotasa
akin. Eindi ko tolaga makakalimutan
yung paghihirapnilapara sa akin,
i: appearancewouldbe in October. *a talagasa mgaunangnaniwala Saamin ni l\ngel, walaiyon, lne
; l. Pro-nise,hindi /<otin tolaqaalam sa akin. Umiyakako kasiyung mga yearsago,we were realLynobodies. time nga during the heat of alL
! { why I said that. Wewerejust fans na nagpapalokas ng loob ko, Nakakag lat lang na kilala kami theseranking talks, she cameup
ff $- joking aroundwhen I blurted that sumuportataLagasa akin. Umiyak ng F-F{M readers,who voted for us, to me and said, "Kaftjlra, may nag-
t 3 out. I didn't evenknow what your ako kasimasayang-masaya lang Starstruckqirts, sa 100 Sexiestin intervievt sd akin. Pinag aaway nila
5- plans \irere.So ndqulafdkowherr ako. Kahit, hella, alam kong hindi the past. WhenI first heardof the tayo." Sabiko, "Alammopinupuri
j E you calledana toid rnena I'tl be ako ang pinaka-sexysa Pilipinas. [ist, tdlagangfeeling ko Jmd Donita nga krta ldgi." Becauselett face it,
I E oneof your octobercovergirls. Why do you even think that now? (Rose), Assunta(deRossi),Diana Angel Locsinis Angel Locsin.
Ea Care to predict your ranking in Einil[ namontalagaako sexy,eh. (Znbfti) lang ang may katupatang What were you thinking while
-; next year's1OOSexiestpoll. WeIl,yung pagigingsexydepende ibotoroon. Silakasiang logi kong doing your victory walk at the
=E Secretl namansa tumitinginyun. Puwedeng inaabangannaan,So when we 100 Sexiest party? \
pE You cried in s'F res when FHM se\y ang isangtao dahil maganda were nominatedfor the first time, Nahihiyaako,Paranghindi ko \
:; readersdeclared you the nation's ang katawanniya.It canbe because I reaLi.zedna iba-ibanamanpala alamkung gustotalagaakong tao
!: sexiest in 2006. We hate to see shehas beautiful eyes.0r because talagayung pandnawng tao kung o ftindi. FeeLingko any minute
i I you cry, but that Tv moment was shecarriesherselfwell and has ano ang sexy.ltakakatabang puso may magbu-boo sa dkin.Sobrang
: g priceless. a greatpersonality.T\^ro, three na pumasaako sapanlosanila. nahihiyaaka talaga.

,J3#3 -*
, )t)l I
,trt II



?i-I tV H r)
Theever-radiant Prietois oneofthefunniest
womenonTVtoday.Thankfutty, thatdoesn'tmean
. 4t. ////1-,7
r^1.E rv
t' rItA-t\Lrl\E I
- - r ll-i l-

t's her birthday, it's a Sunday,and

're hadher workfor this cover
on shortnoticeand sheagleed,
a IredaLior leing the hardest_
l.rorkingl4'onan in showbizl
Truth to teLl,we sawit coming
the very first iime we hadworked
with her exactlythre€yearsago
this month,whenshehad her debut
aPPearance on the coverof Lqif.
Youdhavehad to be neuterednot
r o n o _ i . o 1 1c L s \ e p o c o . o d . d )
A vital assets face€xquisitely
chiseled,skin aLabaster
- b r e a s l si n v ; l _ 0 . l o q , q o i r q o r
was a near- A.wle.
diamond,and at that time li/efeLt
like shewaslettinqus controiher
destiny(wehad her posewith her
armscaressingchickenwire and she
obtiged.It wasloveLy).
francine v/asone of the rare
instances we gambled on an absoltte
newbiefor a cover,lvery time we
do that, we lay our repson the line,
soit goeswithout sayingthat we're
determinedto take our coverstar
asfar aswe cantakeher,Soafter
that Novemb€r'03 coveiwe hadher
join DianaZubiri,JulianaPaleimo

and MylesHernandezfor the 2004
calendar.Weknew shewasqoingto
Lastin the biz and we werehelping
her get off to a goodstart.
After that she took controi
of her future. And look at her
now-she has madethe successfli
transition to being a household
na,ne.Weseeher on TVthrice a
week; shealreadyhas kids for fans.
Shedoesn'tneedthe introduction
we painstakingly gaveher in
Novembelof 2003.She'sfamous
beyondher er.pectations.
Not to bragbut, we had a hand
in this...
It's amazing you're a household
name now when in '03 we took
great pains introducing you to the
nation. How are you taking this?
I'm happy and flattered when I get
the attention. I'm alsohappythat
apart from men and somewomen,
kids alsoknow me now. But
overaLt,hindi ko intttD na star dko
para hindipumasoksa ulo ko.
Now, we're not quite sure if you're
still the can't"touch-hersex
kitten or our everydayTV buddy.
WeLl,I can tell you that if ever
there are offersfor me to go sexy,
1? still take it peroriempre
kailanganmo ring piliin. Not that I
didn't choosethen.
Jingle, dumb bombshell,is a
blast! And youle such a natural.
Or is it too natural? Di kaya may
tt llng ka talaEa?
Actually abnormaltdldgaoko,
ha ha hal Makulittalagaakoso
personal.Percsiyempreinoral ko rin
yung cha.acterko.,4kokasiJi Miss
Research, I tike to dig up things. So
Jingle I patternedher pout-lagi
siyangnakanguso pag ndiinis-after
this characterfrom a troreanovela
who I found very cute, na lagi ring
nakangus o pag nagagaLit.
And then you're crazily in love
with Keempeede Leon's gay
character, Harold.Would that
ever happen in teal life?
Hindi.Ang damidami namanglalaki
FHM intelligence reports say
we're slowly being outnumbered
by the pink army.
Kungwalana talaga..,asona lang
angmamahalin kol
No two-legged, upright cieature
in the picture?
Gustoko na ngangmopa-ad sa
diyaryana naghahanapako,ha ha ha!

For norc photos of FruncinePrieto.









lf weVeleamedsomething fromtheladieswhorockourworld,it'sthat
diamonds aren''sthesparkter,
baby!Intermsof music :.:
recordsales,thisisJoseMariChan's Christmasin ourHeorts.Intermsof :::
it'sthesloq elusiveonethatdeathandsecondchitdhood
anniversaries, often =:
orertake.Noneedto soundsobleahthough.Factis,we'restill here-our 69
brainssharperandourgripoftheworldtighterasever! ia.
l a p r n u s P Ml ! ' t u . p l r r E u P u 3 ^ el , u s E M a4aM loJrxor rol sarxLt ^upuroot )n
1I irguarr {b, 3lLts,uPrxrsqtouP rrag dot ruo4 sfn6 aqt fq ]aur sea ,/Hl
papuaflaurnua6raqsLtqnd s,orlxiw l4lHJ €ooe,n prolptlng
zooz lllD o4raw sEaP!roI snlls{sE
rE{n EpelJ.n{3I[ 59 ,|ee'ao[69
u a d d e qt , u p r p^ | e r u t 0 0 Z ' p ! e 4 Pn a ^ e g ' p l e r j Pa g
artsar9tr r|L^\llo tua^\ aH 1az00qE u! la)ireu )jrelq
,vHJlo rotrpa aql a L pu o ! n 6 P a s e q r r n d
o t , , r u o p a alrpj u o L l P U r a l u L - {Ie6qlr ot pd6pup-
o t u o r P a q6 u r u r n qs, ,l q l puere^olrrpun tuaM i/\
a^e6ral]ruurol rrdLUfl0eql tooa'uopuo1
Iq^\ .lLrb sMou)iflpar fpoqoN unE e eneq alUl94
,ooz ^to
aurEUr!durAIO 1|reqdal.pue€)ieqeilLuasroq
'''srea^ uoLtlrr! . 'trnq6o^6opatpal ot slpururpur
ua! aql aql qlll|lr IIo uer 3IA 99 fupur
r o Jr e a l e p l n o d a u o u o r . u u L Mf l r n l pe) ru eMsppalsat^lalosara/' sqrpulols
'pln0laq0snprsq rno pup uropbuDllpurrue
o q t u a a qa ^ e Lfll n o r n o f ' t q 6 y s , t p q l tsnf tuorlr!ede aq]]o qeat eql
zooz'uopuol sLll3lProrapo.l0l slapoulre^ol l4lHf041 9oo. rn rqsetpp)
to6 ro]rpt Lorqse:s,pueIoHIVHJ lueqdala
,r'"''"X;e$lilTft e€a^ ^\el v rdl]lnJ dats p uarxoMtoq uEp3{I!ua IJz
qlL^\drqsuoqelarrra!t 6ur)let^ltuetelq
roJtlnrsLqa!t a)lpt^llear qrtn0 oq1 'o^P.L€
il!6 r.^or ]s]$ rno sPr auotsra^lrS iqnl ]noqP 6u!)llEtar,aM
pDttV^\ou) l,upLpaq 'sen uratqord^phl oooe'puolloH la^al rateoqt s,teql.'.q a]d LlDuunlDZ
'6ulqtou flalnlosqPpe^ord
tsq punortodlrptrqt uLsosaduoLtllur sn roy EulqgAue , r , o q J o u t u . 6 P t sa q t ru o a r u p r p a d d P
U tr ot blluatsll al!q/ s.^lasuaql e uo^rllpau 'ppJ ur'eAanu€JILA oruul op slepout Feltoq oauel ^uq P pPLl
p a q u o tp u pS a u o q d p p . e qq t u o s u L t l o l ratusr rpts In€ pa!
lllm lVHl
qPlroluleqJl z9 lurql
l L q dp s d d e l s) n / 4 / / l J ' t n oa u r p rp o d r
'olPl suoqsanD 'ssauburqlou
^ au eql uaqM ^pEa uo paqrl4 e^,^aLll petel.r-idl-g^uPU 'U/iop >>. dtrcr ^'l
tpq,' llas uaq] xoq eqt te )iool faql stuetsatlor pqse jlnts arow,,'peisa66fsaM,, qt'/rruoelpll patPtndod'sabpd
tsat seu!2e6PU $our uaqM sPq/' oqs aq1 ss.rduLot aurroJMoqsaqt ro] spapr rno plP 'pro^\
'ouLnbVsp) qty!4 arxos,,rol po)lsepuesn ol dn palasea^\
,oo. tn .iatns raltal-oerqt6Lqeql
orB uo uEruEtes aIiI gs sqleossorrr.rcu pLrourureH ta6pu! ueq^raq ot sprl auou uor] lsaqlrPJarPd/vl
p,a^\tq6noqt.,1^puV r0a9dol alyo^pJ.rnole^r^^oH^pfl sauet qulql 0q^1rn3lsuorx
tPqt tq6noq IpoqoN oo] 9ooz'sau!dd!t!4d q]fi eLd)irodp paiPqspuP'6LtSoql ,uorqq6Lq aqt rol
3n tnoqp der Llslqqnrp ator^ u6rare^os paru 'uoqrpll ^urar.f ot txau pateL!n
dglulf auletuou,afiI?9 9oo.'seulddtltld
I p q a u of l u o a q t t o u s , a qp u v t n o
auEr ra^autprlt LUnqlp olos e Jo ted
rlslre e.1e1q22
ts0M aqt psurroJ1l peq os sPl!1 1I 'trel
ila^q-v lP sqpur
€ 'ne4eqs rurolladlnosaleurarr uoseeruLpuaql
- 'tlllJ lnoqt se/'1iVHJpunoJ[tls].^!un Bbpuqi!pl
DUOS E elolrr,l JalfJOn ' 0 0 0 2u .
J o s e u r P^Cr P Wr 0 f q s a L p n I
spr-e4qdpi5l ) i t r P g( a r n s3 q l u P r a M l a p l d n l s ' u a u l
ro) ra]lpurspurlupuor' sal€L!^llpLrglc
i o r l o q rr e l n d o d u nu e l e q M f e M ^ u p l,/Hl
's!0qras saqP€ sqtnol4oql
]o Jc
'r! plp aA4
t/000'000'000'r punorEaq 1 n 0p u eu e u o Mt a u q d s n 0 u t € j ur n Lc
ot a^Pqalets aq] ]P turnq sei rrv]o rlll,'^sLsaDadsalpuralaq] snolnrrpl
u p o t e r e ! i t o d s a l t 6 u L a qu o t o o q so q l ^ o q t n o 6 u q u L o ^dl s s a l t ! a l aarl r d s a c
op ot esoqr^luopuer a,r telt arupr! Jo ooozrn'a6puqao)
qltpd aqtlo sppoaql aruprl u! srollpl
puPqqtr^ tq6ru lle e^orp)n h/HJ lueE;11a1u1
',UanOA Ieet ueurolirolaq am tz
9OOZ atUW!
a,raqruAue igruola€
'arPJrnof Lr1
loorfs E dn tes llel,l 09 'saalqdd
66 sLAet
u e q t . L a q bsr !a r q d
tl InJ e pelEqr
lI roqusLLaruPr
f p o q o ut P q t a l 6 u r s
01 dot P peq eM
5u.rsuec a14j'4
.qrtP^ 0t paraql0c
r.^au a^\ patuLoddesLp ar,aM,, tr 6urae!
trerbert uo,i^no^ pup 6uuaJ"roupr!euot
qqP^oluouEsL,ldorturlr./,, 'sfPspu:
0t Jo lno l 8 ahourrno sa^!6g0li-
6tLsq3^urlrl apPu ra^aa our ueLupuro!
tsa]€ar6.qt fllELrglo'rrdo./?./ojr!+.
lold aqt otlpLrnr) se^ ra^or eql u.
II uosrspuvplsuredqtlvl lilHj up 3rr.
zooz ,otuowoA
a Ja,aaalao|ll uElururou
|saq eql u! erarrr alh sz
rjvalgot votesby hanging
out wjth FHtiUKsHighStreetHoneys
Sweden"2oo5 (theirversionof GirtNextDoor).ALas,
hedidn'twin qujteenough votes.
FHll,{ =l
invitedto the retease
parlyof FHt sweden
in June20051
kfunoL Ronanio,Nanibia,ond .r:
Seemingly because combio,2oot-2od
onLy foxyswedish Howdoweknowthis?Welt,threetotd a
girlswithmassjve usandthe othercomptained whenwe It
lack madethe guestlist. Awesome. got the nameof hisnation'sdesert E
56 Wecauseda

gnomastrophy 5l We have
SouthA[rica,2oo4 triplets
F ,[tSouthAfricaencouragedits NewYorlt 2oo3
readers to steatgarden
gnomesl But Threeidenticalbtondes
the fitttefetLas'disa!Dearance a renamed themselvesF,
nationwide some
newssensation,,.and H, andl'1becausethey
distrauqht owners weDt, loveus so much.God

5OWe sticlr up lor the d
little guy b
England, 2oo5
FHy',IJKstarteda bravecampaign 46 Wills reads us 4O !tle'_vegot g m4ssive
to nameand shameBntain'sworst Windsol UK ongoing Dfoiector anEwe re
doormen.As readerscarnefofth with futurekjngreadsFHrl-we
Britain's hot-alraid to use it
counttesstaLesof woe,the bouncel knowF/l/',wasfoundin hjsEton Woidwide,ongoing l.f
communjrywent mentat,SeveraIof bedroom. TheonLythingwelikedoingmore
them eventhreatenedto "bum the thanbeaming peopte's
editor to death." 45 Bill Gateslears us buildingswithourgiantprojector II
ilhshingtoq 1998 is harpingon aboutthetimeswe've
Whjtefottowing Betgian
anarchistNoel beamed DeoDte'sbottomsonto
fl![trsotnissedwi'th Godinaround wegot to
the streets,
buitdingswith ourgjantprojector
SouthAftico,2oo5 seeBiltGates takea custard
Theydrankwhjskey,wetatkedabout the chops!Weaboworrjedrcnneth
55 We lrnow more than beer.Thatis atL. Brannagh by announcinghewasnext.
the government
Lotvia,2006 48 AG/DGwrote us a 44 Wele generous
Foltowingan articteon howto use poem Dennotlt 2oo4
the satettitecamerasof GoogLeEarth, Aust slio, 1999 Exacllyt ,A00Blode2 D'lDswerefound
ourreaders foundweapons of mass Yep,AC/DC'5 AngusYoung
wroteusa roomat FHy'4
in the storage Denmar(s v,
destruction(withnuctear capabiLities) poefi.It wassomethingIkethis.,. shinynewbuilding.0ne[Lrclgraader I
in Latvia.Thegovernment hadnoidea gotthem.okay,hedjdn'twant6,999of lt-.
Latviahadsuchfirepower, Scary: them,but...

54 Politicians love us {p Wele world poker

USSR,2oo4 Gnamps !:
the Russian in 2004,
eLections LosUe9o52oo3
chapsat FHrl
Thebacon-chomping =
serttheirwork -tl
experiencekidto ptayagainst
theWortdPoker champion 39 We'll fight anyone
Chrisl4oneymaker. NewYodt2006
:andbrought backthisduLt We'vefoughtwrestteG, women,uttimate
photo! fighters,andthe world'stoughest
bounceE. onell5 readermanaged three
42 Wehave our minutes wth World champ JeffLacey
own religion betorebleedjng.Frl, Denmark foughtWBA
London,1992 champ i\4ikket
Kessler-and tost!SoFHi,
Legendhasit L. RonHubbard started SouthAfrica steppedup,andlostagain.
asa betwith hismateto
seewhocoutdrnake$114 the quickest. 33Ttisguyrruorlsiorus
FHrt guideto staringourownretigion Philippinet ongoing
shouldhaveseenusrichby now. superbonngg! for
Somethingt gonewrong.
doing tittLenifty
4l We can lly ) t h j n g sa n dm a k i n g
Notwry 2oo4 the impossible
In 2004,FHl'tsent a Scandinavjan possible,He even
journo downa big ski jump. Heflew 15
meters,didn't get hurt and lookedcool tike a reaLdivo, he
until he was beatenby fat kids. atsohas haters.
: ::punol soD ol AP/dp 'uolnq paraq] qrnotot
. :: ii 'qPlooLuuPfPg,0 ua^aaM IIH qty{ual4tp eseqvsN
-:66rqeqt'ralunol aqt otuLtab ot Eufirl roj pauoqnPl
-, 6u4LP^4
upruLl to6 retq pueaulrputqns
: : _ rl e q l q a q a E aporeM'apudleuoLtPu
i - -- Ja^. .^p6 - auros
)l]eq6uLrqot tsanbp uI
. ,, ,surpptq/ t ooz.puolt@S
aqtEuunp SUIJP l
:--rp sa^l€eno
tq6noqaM)lrpq IEaIJnu eirErlaflI oz
-_, uLsa^lenno
tPoprpai alulM
:-?qr ot a^Lba^ Stsetuor 6uLpprq 'or!oH ssautporb dsntaql s
a - - J o r n o u o r j u p a a M^ a u o u a q 1 ]e se,{aq uoqM}no EuDirpq ,(trtproul
9ooz'sauddlllld ]o a6.rns e sP! puPqperlqrnosp
I'IE/I^JOI padse6 plo/{ aql Ho rea^lt e
arnpasot tdualle snolqnp,{Iprour p
+ltEde1 Si qU 6u!lels 'uouroaJose6Pue^es
0t qsPrprPqprpdsE/,
aql ,,arol0x6,,
retuMpalsaql-Aleq fl6ursudrns rn0 'tol e pelqpue
letldsoquLdn p6puo
'uL 6uDirpfaro,req
lL la)irnq p ut
zooz luopuol aru1( prnleNTrederlsf)js
ssol]edutnl 6Lrpllqstp.tdue]]p euo eppu pue stnoq
stlrrql aaPrl 3lh Iz oqMsrauum ea4qruarlasoql^dolol o^q ]a^o ]sn[ pa$q eH ]uauuadxa up
aLssnv.tno'.teef$pl sp ^relrtosuLsralg/'arno Jo euo lnd €l ,. .:
P 9ooz lbuprfs,uopuol
qrunq llL^ aM'dots txaN srrtpurolnv
slolp! e/rErqarrell zz ueaqr errelh EE
aql paurolpue
sarro,pau!o!lPnrsPd '5al00lu
s/uaurel ']l lnoqPalu/n
tpteH etsLssv pl a^ol^.qt asnptraq IldurLs ra^orrloql uo ot sa6pqqer
Joaldnore up^Ieuosplpd
puPelLed xalvpl alddrus,prtralluauupl6uLllndIq sMpl a^4tnq 't,upLpoM'lqbulv uoltptsarpds
sarnlPajuaql aju 6uLqsLtqnd Ip a)iorq puptuauruto^06 UIWupLssnu aql u0a^rt0t qleap!tt/'^
alqnop aqt6uLpeal aqt ot dn poo$faqt uaql eruo rleql psrrppuPsurPerp
g-Dsrno pa^aLllp€l{
z.pueuraH uelv quroqol pauatparqt /iaq]raupstslroral 666t'a1dt
tsnfsp/,11!'te!! prn)o] dn pootsPlueurox iVHJ areds ol uaeq aqalu
6uto6uo,sauddltlttd dulobuo'DruDuoa ?t
srEls rlror arE aIA zz preq arrefiI gz
's0n-asql ulnloDs 'sarntua^pv plroMuo]6uLssaql ol 'spueqsnq
Jo lPer6 a)ipurll,ai
aqt a€so] ry'HJtq6noq spuPsnoql tua^ puP'pep re]so]xasLqpsssLp'qdur ) j u l q ]a ^ f q i s ; p q l ' o r u a l o Lr q s e u o p
'patsa!€ 'palnoqsaldoed
106freW P pelere,u'uL!
ozt ]P o^l rqsrqnstLw ]suLp6pIaq pasLEr a^,aM spueu]Ip6
_'lLpelslno-pos e tp oup6 pasLiela] dealsntol sarLruaslpoosauq lauq €q] a^pq6^ )iulqt o,uIq^ s,tpqt'slq6!r
., € uo fltaq srq ra^o llp uaDu/e,VHJ uI 0-^etpallprplo-rpef-auLupatdopp fPB uLa^ataq aM Vtad troddns
___fpa)iPuploll pqpoJ aqtre^o llorts h/t/J'uPUleerPaq 0t }olJo uPuI eMIq^ s,teqt'slpuLuEa^ol aM
ot sl]oqou)llPlr\j re)iporlspa}lodulL €oozrn 'uol6utssaq) 6u!o6uo'ap!pyotA
f€^ roN ,y'HJsLq]lnoqe )flel lqs
: - : i P u r p u e l st n q € r p rt , u o pn o f ^ p l 0 e e^Eq alh tz
,ooz ttott tov
troddns alulBz 'ron eqt dn
]eaq puE
'pep req qtLM 'tL
- slrulJ dnD tno MaU pPajf6xns
peuJnr elh gI
EAEMToN ruorj plo-rpa^-tqbLa uV ,, unl ra6uet
6uLuatParq] a]rt,,sp^ tL etor^^pu?
:auossluProqM uol la0 'ernlPajsarnlua^pv
1eer900I llaql ro- eaI!
- .ql pue,,pooqr.qlorqaql,,q6norql ppuoll ul 6uLnsar/,^rotp6 lua^ )n t4ll-
p|o/{ aqt ul sraqM^ue,,alps
laoJ,, 9OOz',Dploa
:_nora,, IPsol snpelreur€ f€ql unj SN EEEI STJ6
-rnu ospPqsrelLq,(rLpq eqt ,sla6uv
;,1agauoslsuLe6e s1e1-06
pacer a6 PIo-rEa/r-rqEHiS'
.^€^\elt fq ,6u!tpr
ol/t p +
o^P6aH ot i^Pqt,uopnof osuo-dp-as
P qtLi unq aqt dn
"frf,llJi56i1 uale] to6 aH :srapeor
,, a$P] raup 6ulqse4arltLi aql r0J ar4urPs
Iddoq puPtq6rt,, :pLesidfl alPUqln aqt apeul
. l v l e a ur n o s n 1 0 1 r a a q 'aullpe€p 'luPrtluSlL Lr0 q } L ! s q n r !
,y'HJuP pa/$erqs,uolsrP',ll aroJiqtq6Lueql sll,vs6uru^1opalLq^ papuadap a]rtsLqqrt alqurp6
o] sropro l d H j ' P u e ^ r Ll u
€ooz'uopuo-7 dnpalooraMs$aNorot lupqt'podl puP000'9fqtri 'plEdsasuadxa llp JOSaqtrPsr raln0 aql
reeqr uepupSauoqdalLqour sta)]rg]raruol 'pIo/']\aql punorProlul auoluasdHJ lo tlnsrnd slq uI
llJ pue'saoqs
s/ereql gI ^ei p ualrborlea ,a 'sl.rrqs ,ooz Ep|t ppolu tuopt4
'saunJred 'scl ssaltunol
eqt uro.4]JpdV
'peq6npl esuas uEul aguout ssEeqt dn l! a{er slh llE
6ulo6uo'sa lddltlttd erou loE-aqeflI
a,\ /'^oH peluL/'lpooqsel ralEafi,mo erPrfsaflI tz It '6002punor? 6urltauos sPureup rr
Plpauraql rapuP!r alyo^P] 'c^ou0 fllpnppl6LurtLteqt1lspqrounrlnq,(s.
laql sPr\eqorprP/ieql 'po9 alLt
laj e/,^Ipp s6uqDagpuqA pue qDlttal ua^atou) tL peqrlp^ra^aspq^poqol
6uLUIqr 'tqlno fup6oqpure e ' l 0 1 e u a r er n o u 1q e a p a q t o t t q 6 g pry urr| lrH puu pup^rt ol no^ a^pel 1u!ql a^ ].1/flJ
]o ra^oraql uola6(a
uLrul4 PrureNaql Jo 6uLuaarls spasur apeuia,1sp dn peqrteu sraUES ll/al1 lPuarPUlatsnqpolq o Larnrps] 6uuirt(sued)qsq6uleuopr^tnoqpIE
P q Pa/!\ Ptlerlsnv l4ltj punod-roJpunod$aq s,p}oa aql ssruL^ordaqt uo i,{l al]lll rno urn] o] qrnur&terd s,tLpupsiql arpajdpaler sX
9ooz'Dt)u$nv ,OOz,UOtpUan sralul^tdurs poo^^IoH pa6uallpqra/\i ,ooz lsapwel
_ sauHauos srolElpEtE ,ooz\ap6uv so| sn lnoqE ovlo!
aulnt er.alh 5I llssul aPEureiii slz sn ssaol poolnAlloHz5 EapEuruotilH slrdd /5
14Wedid a blolre test lO FIFA respects us
with the Romanian Wotldwide, 2oo5
president W eh e L p eLdi v e r p o oFl Cg a i nt h e i r
Romanio.2oo/! r i g h t f u st p o ti n t h i s y e a / sC h a m p i o n s
T h eR o m d n i aBnL a i r , League a f t e rb e i n gb a n n e df r o m
TraianBasescu,had d e f e n d j ntgh e i rt i t t e . F H N l . c o mw' se b
the balB to answer n e r d ss e t u p a n o n t j n ep e t i t i o na n d
our stupid questions d t n r o s2t 8 , 0 0 0n e t h e a dps i n g e di t i n t o
a b o u tf i g h t j n gb e a r s t h e F I F Ah e d d ti r b o x . T h er u l e sw e r e
and steepingwith fat changed,the Liverpootboysgot to piayl
he Lostto a man 9 The world's funniest
n a m € dE m e f i c lhe n e i . man loved us
13Weha;reRoyal RichardPryo/s last
GOnneGllons e v e r j o bw a sw r i t i n g
Norwoy,2oo3 for us. He dictated
Oddty,w€gotthe CrcwnPrincess of
NolwaYs 34-year otdstepmother to (staggingoff Pimp
posein a bikiniforfffr. Thingsgot l4y Ride, Cotdplay,
evenbetterwhenherhusband (the etc) to his wife from
future0ueen'sfatheDrockedup at the h i s w h e e l c h aiinr h i s
shooiandpojnted a gunat her. H o i t y w o ohdo m ei,r e x c h a n gfeo r u s
t e t f n g y o ut o b u yh i s D V D .
8 We are friends with
ffi. royalty
Showbizroyaltywe mean.We had a
ptedsantchdt with rock royattyJoey
PepeSmith tastyear.We had Concet
o u e e nP o p si n o u r A u g u s its s u et h i s 3 Wearcar,mrd-wfuing I W-ggavebirth to a
y e a r .N o o n t i m seh o wk j n g sT i t o ,V i c , wotldwide,2oo5 nauon
a n dJ o € ya r eo u r h e r o e sA. n d R i c oJ . It feetsgreat knowinga greatern!mber Philippine, 2006
T h el i s t k e e p so n g r o w j n g . . . of peoptesee us for who we truiy are. " F H , N a t j o r "w a s j u s ts o m e t h i n g our
Takethe UK-basedPeriodicdtPubtishers c h i e fs d i di n p a s s j n ign a m e e t i n g

fi#."tirrYfi$Btfly.t" A s s o c i a t i o tnh, e g r o u pt h a t a n n u a t l y
h a n d so L r t h e m a g a z j n"eO s c a r s1. "n
with Summifsesteenredsuits a few
nronthsback.At its core,FHll Nation

:'cdrn - -B SouthAfrica,2oo5
2 0 0 5 ,t h e p r e s t i g i o ugsa n gr e w a r d e d
FHfi with the "Internationdll"lagazine
i s a l [ a b o L rot u r u n e n d i n g
to our redders,textrnates,cyberpats,

12Weousheda car out of YearAward."Thecitation d€clares: advertisers,and FH,albabes.Likemagic,

oI a pline 6 The Pacmanreads us "fHll's gLobaiedjtiors are each the corcept wastransformedinto
USL 2oo2 i n d i v i d u a t ti m
y p r e s s i vaen ds h o wa s o m e t h i r gm o r e :I t b e c a m teh e c e n t r a L
It hadfour peoptein itl It obtiterated Thosemighryfists consjstentquaLitythat js univafted in premiseof our 100 SexjestVictory
on tandjngl But LuckiLyth€y lived to rave neLoTnanya this category." P a r l yt,h e i n s p i r a t i o b
n e h i n dF H 1 4 . c o m .
skydjveanotherday. prizedpossessjon p h t r e l a u n c ht h , e f o r c et h a t b r o u g h t
but somehow, during Ihe Gitu of fH14backfrcn the dead,the
terdef moments of reasonwe toture ourseLves dojng cover
31DAYS,I sofitudeandpeace, s h o o t st h a t s e e niri r p o s s i b tteo p u t lo f f .
we rnanageto get rnto 50 excuseus if we postponeplotting for
our next 75 issuesto a later date. This
whdt he brirgsto the crapper...
Wonder month we ceLebrate. Wele accepting
b e e rd o n a t i o nns o w l
5 We make Fridavs
Worldwide, ongoing
goesout to's25,000
whowasteFridayafternoons oglingat '"""cirl
hcetessfemates with dyramitebodies, :s€
commentjng on waclrystunts,dndpostjng
shamel€ss pics.A nicenumberto bobter €-,dS's80,000(andstjit growjrg)

frn$Ie kpep newsagents

Briltjantty,an jssueof FHnis soLdevery
secondof everyday worldwide.ln 2005,
45 milfon F lls wercsotdwortdwidein
30 co!ntrieswherethis mag'spubtished.
Tfut number,saysour Internationa[
Edito a[ DirectorChis Mooney,is
e n o u g ht o c a r p e ltl o n a c oW
. h e r eh e
bdsedthat projectionis a nrysteryto us.

r'- V

Eh3.- rheDr!1!!19
_?u rq uauour.l]let
oiqt eflalLugap
EIIVC 'O't'rtH
. .v
'.r I r .)
; i
9002 gooz^e!lj'dtf ,,/,,/# e e.l 9002rsquetdas
Ilnt'9209,, 6eu rnof u! elPj
l,uPnora/{}nq pepunos 'ol Nvl'lv,,eu!zp6eur
i!! aas o] uearp p ^Ipar s,11, urPlPaql eeslv- otuo^P}rno 0t auq91v,,
'LDtaIOV/h[V3aq SNON O,t qNOC3S ghu,Lxv38s
9002tldv'zldld ]VUVNIV00,, aq
uP tto^luLql
Ntiruvc ,,lnl9npeq plnoqsgvl,\lulH
Iqs J l" l0l lPq/,^
os ltNllII g![
uooc a
9002: 9002lvovlvd qocz,€qur
loHd : ,, uraql il tsn[aqot urPa]p lb_,
pueq: sfeile I'6purtnol uo rnof uo rrd Iu qt!^,r
uaH,,; tlrLbnxos€asI auLtfue^1,, IqqnqIu ol dnI
9002aunf e)lPrlrq qll p/I4
'svxod| paurnl o ,',
"itoq leertno
gAnv 3rlru.lJ
:'., .,'7
'821]v8-1!9NV fuenuPl'vNNv,,Ztou fq,f
aqPq,y'//Jpe+urarP ue L, os 'salel teq^ lob e4I.,

"The most interesting would

Herearememorable quotesfromFftMgoddesses who be having sex with mY
apoearedfromissue51to present.We offer bodyparts for divemaster underwater-
ciues-and a KatrinaHatitistandeefor prize.We'relookingfor "Vung ilaldal pa nang daklal, vou know, scuba diving.
ftabangyoute kissing, Theral lots oI adrenalin
fivewinners.SubmityourentrybeforeOctober15, Good[uck! underwater"
nakahainis vutf'
Ieel ticldisl&.
len someone -l ''
: rhesmy hair

"spontaneity on the guy's
part. Being blindlolded "The way he kisses my
mavbe, ha ha! Something f oot-vun arg piflalra-nagus-
that guy does which comes tuhan ko sa lranya. And the
out as a total surprise" way he scratches me"

l! t

i-- t
o7& 08
"As lor who's in control, "When two physically fit " I wasin the Jacuzzi once
daEatsive andtake, [asta persons are together,you withthis woman and lelt a
hiitli fiuweileng puro lalaki cant help butbe more connection. I appreciate the
Ian!' experimintal and exPlore all way a woman makes love"
ki;ds oI intimacy"

h"o9 .#{"


"II I were tochoosebetween

apure Pinoyand an Am-bov,
"You touch me everl'where, filchoosethe Pinov. I'd fall
From the breasts down, ha for someonewith the same
ha! It's nice when you caress culture as mine' yung maru-
nong manligav/'
my body slowly"


Crispa. Toyota. Threedecades
Crispa. ago,onlytwo
teamsmaftered theleague's
inthe PBA.Togetherwith top
b-ballminds, reminisceaboutthe
gloriousmomentsthatturnedtheminto[egends... ---'-"@
opeuropvs6og gdsu! rsr) o1y 'suPal rreql se alluoEsedsPeraM
DDw6uD,6olDl suq rlaqJ s^n6 q]l?a ot u1,!0paql
Ierialgw vga Du uD4'pnpnpdDd araM[eqJ Lruru a]Foddoaql
orlrrpulll :Hcvo3 cvlH /vI)n'I iraM srezuPurpau Pdslrl eqJ 6tul
'vJs'vnH9slcNvuJ'Iv aqv /zPurv slruer:l'zapuluraJ
'unl 6ual alo] uourPu'l]sroMefuaqo{-Inol
(>!ots94 aqt Jo s^oqr6odeql alaM
MDbtluDa ,ualnpu o4Dlp o[DX'sn srafPld?lo^oJrUOtVINtl4I^IO,
'salou vsd-xx'vfllluv
laaur01petupMriaql bul^es AhIg
sn pu.s p'lnoMoq,!!sl46looqas pu€ '1a]|t.|7
DsuDdPttqod 6uo?un6ts
saquqalareraMaraql sqderbo]n! 'ur,( 6uDlauP6uoqPuprllal1{rl
rno ro] pals? puPsn 01pa]lEl '!]au?rv ,s pr6, osnoqiln]
sfeMEaldoadsn pe)lll oqMsuPJ 'Plo^ol.edsvX 6uou
ryows 6DdDN
elle puP'P]o^oJroj potooroql!\ :lrnolw NVSv8ggNlg 'Hlvot
sueJ,sDuroq? araMara'{l1n6:oc . qvcH'oDIHctncNof
laalls Aera-ofirl PaurutEJ P sElrr uroPuPJ
'lear rs 6un) Vgd oql ur ?lo^oJJo
sPl'rlI lPrnt€u rPeI ]sq aql sP,!,\ }?ql puPt86t
sP,utI paldlrrs ur uPal aql peurotl :cuv/Y\uoJ
* 'w0r0r 'vcvz^o'Io.LlHc
l,usPM]I :Cf,Vt\UoJ
'vJoor 'osoNASu '^ftpuaEal s?Mu ^lP^u
* 'pera oNI'I,
llap puP ]eql JoasrureqpauP$nsseM
'&$qFuodsaraq] uo 'lo4uor
{oot v6d eql lualsdauou^llPrrlrP.Id
lltll peq oqMsaqJPol1?ar6 araMsuPalraqlo aqJ uaqt {J?q
aie& q€np lpnr 01vqasoql araM Pto^ol pu? ?dsul tnq Furqlou
ou3 Ts a1ue0roluau !1o6oJpuP sP,t^ araqJ:uxlNgr-cuv 4u0J
uEdnlPC^qPg LITEoJ edryl lPo-r6 'vlolor 'oulquol ql
!,toq l{oq! oslPsPM[4!Au aql 'rrPJ prPq-ap P aq ol r{sraos seM
t t 'sra6Eldeqt uro4 aprs! lng uoot-l }I saqqPuosrad tuPrq$ pPqqloq
o{D Ddsp, ,lorf :HtvoJ cvlH rlaqJ qrnur os qo^oJ po ol I pu!
'Trns(I3u'ovlnc cN3r, uorss€dE qll r rdqr]
tgt 'aqol ou eloiol 6u \lqrunq DUs pet€qI anbrunos
rp ']rll{s-J rdsuS tu _rlqrurnq sP.\{lI rHlvo9 peeH
1uD4r[ ',OonpDw
v,{C*: or1lxadta CVSH,v)lSVIV
'taol uoq'pDu Dlsugt[llJjJ,l} .3NODhIII
'vroror'oNluv'Ic ^og iluD4
Fsarb6!pue ^llsualln Jolol tqqqnsllr{ l
e paMoqsll 3sruraqeuq aql lP 1! o4ou\
fofur pp I lnq '6unqbg abPmoJua 'Pto6oJ,!
I llqt uoglsod ]lu u] I?s l,uplnorvl o4auouowDou
I ^qd lo'lo al aqt puP61$ualur ,! rafPld ?dsg]
aql Pofotua sfPMtPI ul] llo^oJ 6uol,!'A6rwDlbwolad
! sPMI ^rLr^gl€ql]o la&o',lloj uoulsuodDlotqou'Bqlo\)Pa r
6tq ! sP,tI :uINoISSI I40l olul dxrnq a& JI 'uD4r4 6un,{ urp l
vsa'v'Jvg I'IoN brurlrul Duquappq araMaIaW
r0qlo '^{e u
lrnoJ lJo uP oslPsPlf,
qrPool uPql urlal raqlo auos ol araql ururd rLlP u,u DrDlrtltur
asol raq$r pfeqJ asuatursfPME ,urrqos ouq aql Jo lsou EPug
ara& qlog au!6 arll Buluupl eql uI laalr al su?el esoql uI
tsnt ulqt a)Pls l€ lol e s!& aleqJ{pld lsaq oqlllv doD arIJ
'uqdxa 01
Pllq srMt€ql bunoaJ Jo urrar) aLIJ?lorloJpuPPdsu]
P s€&{ aroqlliqs sPr}4.qell aql (IUV09 9NII00HS'V'ISIUJ
.lsabunonaql sr& 'r{Ittlrd
I 'oD.,ro.Lv"
uapplqrol sEAA
qroq Eu1ao1
Or should we say'boxingball'?
ARGILLA: The rivatry wasso ini-idolo kdyo ng kabataan. Baka
intensethat the PBAhad to assign gusto ninyong ikulang ko kayang
different exits for the two teams lahat dahil sa ginagawaninyo."
just so they wouldn't bunp into Nagtawanankami. Seryosopala
eachother.Therewassomesort of Ji Generallvoongnakitania
unwritten afiangementthat they yung teaclionnamin, biglasiyang
be givenseparateparkingsLots, surnigaw,"Bookthen!"
differentschedules to minimizethe GLARINOT Bagsakfuioy
hostility, kdsr rnedyo9r'qi1yung mga naminra lbrt Bonifacio.,(ulongl
.1.-arc aran ^f+ .n,,rr Nag-pianopa kami (fi\ger-
GAMUS: I haveto adnit, rnas printing)I
magulangkamingmaglaronoong GEt Sama-sama
orawcompared to the playerstoday. kamisaselda, :
Nandoon yung haharangan ma ng paa perorndyoDr'lous
yung nga shooters.linisin ka talaga divisionpo nn.
sa loro.Bubundulinka namin.Yung -l,faymgadouble-
balahibomo sa hita, tatanggalin.Sa decksteelbeds
erepag talan,babanggain ka. pa kamingnasira. EMC
EMEN ITGASPI, TOYOTA. GUARD: Biglanghiit si trawoi b(-PBA
BeforeRudyDistiito, !,Iealreadyhad "Tamataloganghindi
oscalRocha.Heplayeda very physicat tuyonag-aaway,nngnannlnyoang
Nogkakasuntukan at sikuhon. nanryai soatin." Nagtav/dnon lang
SdCripa, JinaJoy Dionisio,Bemie Iximi. SilanamanLasiongnagsimula PhiLipCezardngddpdt ng av/aynd iyon. 0aughs)Wewere
riaran. Si Mon (Iemandez)nabaliang detainediiom 7 PMto 4 Al'{.
ilongnoon,si Dionisionn. SindJawonki REYNOSO: ?inuruanlang
df (Tito)Varetanagkakasr'kuftan. tdldgdkdrri ng lessonni GeneEL.
Nagkakagantihan talaga. COi Medyogiri-girianna lanq
CO: I tlink the wont rumblewasin kdmisc idlo after that incident.
1977,whenwe Iatiiedto beatToyota Perotalagang nagpakamataypa
in a gameit hadbeendominating. rin kamisa larc.
w", unffittable, sowerethe GORDERO: Youhavethe sixth, PdlpaJokng dugout ra Araneta
fadeawayshotsni Atoy and the seventh,all the way to the 12th Coliseum, nagkakanhyowdn Jind
defensiveprowessof Philip man,who by todaYsstandards, hindi (Robert)Jaworski,(Rey)franco,and
cezal Mahalna mo na kilala. Perc sila kilala rin ng (Rudy)Soriano.,{agkaupakdn na raon,
mahalnilayung ngd fans,memodzed pd pdti dng hdnggang so na-involve nd lahat.
paglalarc.Kaya rnganumbennila. Ganoonka'fdnatic GLARINOI Problema, napanood
nga nagkoka' ang mgotaa noongaraw. pcla nind DefenseMinisterJuan
TIM GOLOSO, TOYOTA, GUARDT PonceEndleand Metrocomchief
That'swhy therewasmorepressure Gen.Prospero olivasy ng game.Galit
BLAGK, becauseof the fans.Thefanswere na galit sila.DinampotkamingLahat
PBAANALYST. di]'fded.Lahatng taa yun Langang s4 quartersnamin.
HEAD hinihintay.Labanlangnaminang COt Sa Crame,Gen.Olivastold us:
Sta. Lucia,
CoACHT I thought magandang panoorin. "Hindikdyodapatnag-aavr'ay dahiL
the playershad more ED EAMUS, TOYOIA,CENIER:
personatitythen. Youdon't have It wasa nice experience . Sai-saring
anyJaworski,lemandez,Co,or tdo rnamimeetrno,fromtle lower
cezarnow Theseguysdeveloped cLassto the elite. lven fansin the
personalitiesthat really stood out. pfii1nces, sasabihinnila, "Bahayng
YoucouLdcall them by their first mgataga-Crispa yan,yan hruhonng
nameand everybodyknew $rho mga taga Toyotat"
they were. ARGIIJA: 5a Divisoria,t]rcrewere
rcalLysomanyCrispaiins. Maybeit was
Animosity breeds mutual admiration
becauseCrispavrasa textile company
andmdlamisd Divisoriadngnagtitinda GOr Youshouldwatch out his feet. 0r he'dtry to grabthe
ng tela. Talk werethesefanswould for Femandeztelbow l{insdn ball sa Ddba.But I respectboth of
bet on Crispafor outageousamountr napapaganfr in ako,peropag mdinit them.I admireJawobecause of his
of money,iiom hunfteds to angulo ko nasriirdnd ongshooting teadership andhis heart.Hewas
evenmillions.Sotlierc ko,whichwasmy asset.Jaworski really the one pushingthe players
wasthis runningjoke alsopLayedlike tiat. Pag to achieve.Overall,solra silang
that went, ".trgurddo nag-jump thot ka sa harap nakakaexcitena makalaban.
pag notaLoCispa, i niya,ilalabasniyay ngpad GHUA: I watchedwhenthey
masmamahal anq Hewouldn'tblockyou, pLayedin the reunionqamesome
tela." d just intimidate you witl yearsbackandyou couldsee
kami,peraiba talagangdumiskarte
si CoachDatupan.

K;f*?;f**t*."ti-r pa rtng
GUIAO: Crispaako noonperoI
had a lot of respectfor the way
Iernandezplayedfor Toyota.5c

sir$*;nll$-ry medyo
knowledgeof the game,control,
and doingwhateverit took when
edadna it counted,Fernandez ak . ,ta
sila. Silokasi CrispasidendmanI thought theit
yung tlnatawag namlng depthwasincredible,up to the
classicbasketbatt. I(dlif di na rild Iast manang galingpd rin.
gaanangka dthleticna players, LOYZAGAT l4araming
you canteLlright awayna ydng magagrandang games.Itl hard
pagkafluid nq lara nila ay ndroon to pinlointjust one.If you were
pa rin. part of that era,yodd havea Lot
IEGASPI: Hindibirongl.alaban of storiesto share.Peollewere
ang Crispa.Italdkasang Crispa, thriLLedand had fun lvatching
aamininko.PeraJl,rngnerbiyassa them.Just discussing that are taLlerand scientificalLytrained.
simulalang,pag ndglaLarc, walana. e'a, nakakatayo ng Nutrition is obviouslymuchbetter
REYNOSO: WhenCrispawon balahibo . loong now.Alsoifs hard to seea single
the GrandSlam,di ndminmagdyd. kLasekasiang teamdominating the league
Glsto rin ndmingndg GrandSlam mgaplayernaon. today.But peopLe stiLtseethe
hnd of rouqhandtumblegames
that welike.

- GUIAO: You
GUIAO: tou have to 'create
nave:o red
JONGUICI|IGO 7 ,.u,t-.. oenntFwrnr -rs(<
H€ad coach,GinehE ; goodness
honest teamsand
""""".; to "";:.:;,_.,.,.
playerswho don'tlike eachother,
who havetoo muchlride to giveway
Will there ever be a new PBA rivalry? to the other.
REYNOSO: Ang mgaplayerskasr
GO: 1t'shard to bing backthe to eventhe pLayingfield for all teams ngayon,pag mahabaang conhact,relox b'adthing, petu ngdyonkasisapera
dvaky because the PBAis a boomeranged at them.Imllementing ldngrndglaro.Duringour time, our langnasesentra angusapankung
balancedLeague now ActuaLly,dng tradesand draftingworkedto its to\,?ttyis to the team.ldro talagakami. minsan:"Magkanodng maJ\mlm
dami nangbagosa buhayngayon disadvantage. Playersget reshuffled Dinadiveyung bola,bahalano htng salary?I want a long contnct!"
sd ?BA.ThepLayers todaywho see fiom teamto team.Thefan baseqets ma injure..tulif dngrmanagement ra Unlike before,everyplayer would
me might say,"Ang liit langpaLa dividedaswell. binobayddnila sa amin. givehis all sohe couldstayin the
ni l\toy Co."Ang tatangkadna kasi UIGHIGO: llorami na rin kasi CHUAi I don'twant to saythat it's a eague.
ni1a.Ang hahabapo ng shofis. ngayongpinagkakaab alahanang tao, CORDERO: Before,whenyour
Natatawana langako ngayonpag unlike beforebasketbaLL long.But passionwasbasketba[,ifs PBA.
naaalalaka itsuranaminnaan. nariyanpa rin ndmanang fals ng Now ifs generic.\'l4richevergame
But lm not ashamed, we were basketbalL,they stiLLalpreciatethe is moreexcitinq,thafs what you
sexytnen. gal]\e,may ivaky man a wala. watch-NBA, UAAI,NCAA,woid
ARGILLA: EALAr A Lothaschanged.The BasketbalL. Riralrieswouldbe good
PBAsattempt skiLlleveL,for instance.Playersnow for tle league.Weneeda cycleof
d\ralry maybeeverysevenyears.,walangnag-challenge sa
LOVZAGA: It canhappenagain
but it will invoLvethe passionof the
playerson the cout. If you jlst go
throughtle motions,fansgetbored.
CO: Beingwith Clispadefined
my life. Daonaka nagingtao. I
Learned manythings,and it wasn't
just basketbaLl. ,(cyasanatana na
yung rivalry taLksnd yan. Crispa
Toyotana ldngl Yunna langyung
I pag-uusapan natin.

,fliTilr{ t f ,'rav$I "4.


,rU ( vJll


rwln ilntos -
: Did the draft meet your expecta playingin the PBA?
: tions? lJnaka talagdngna-naticeyung PBA
: I wasn'treaLlyconcerned aboutdIaft nungnasaFEIJpa aka.The nung
: positions,Ijust wantedthe oppor- nananalona akong awards,thal's
: tunity to ptay in the PBA.So okay when I reaLized that I havewhat it
I lanosa akin to be the No. 2 pick. I'm takesto be in the PBA.
! haply to be with Air z 1. sig;radanq what can you coniiibute to youi
I masarupmaglaropdra sa kanilaat team?
i magugulorin yung mga kasamako, Unanguna, malakiangpusoko sa
1 yung iba kasisa konilanakosama ka paglalaro,ayakokasingbastd'bastang
: nd sa nationalteam.I just want to natatalo.At kungkailangannamin
i heLpthe team ary way I can. talagdyung gatt\e,ibibigayko naman
I Now that you're oflicially in the yung 100percentkopdld Ja team.At
: plos, {hat do you think will change sakrang tingin ka, masmakakatu'
: with your Elane? longtalagaakaso depensd kasiI see
: 0f course,expected/aonangmd.' myselfasa defensivestopper.
i magagaling na yung mga
i ^ot otonal, ti. tio"gt"ret
i na ito. Kailangantaldgang
i umangatang laro ko para


: ldgdngphysicatyung iarc at malalaki

: ang kalaban.
: Whgn did you start dleaning of

ell yWilliams
What was your mindsetcoming I'm really excitedto ptay agarnst
into the draft? DannySeigteandAli Peek.Thereare
I was.iustexcitedto participate a Lotof greatbig menin the League
in it. I wasn't thinking of anY nght now
particuLar teamthat I wantedto You'veplayedin the PBLand
play for. I wasmorecuriousto what you've a|so seen sorne PBA
aspectof my gamethe teamwouLd games.Howdifferent do you thlnk
need-scoring,reboundingor piay_ i3 the two?
ing defense. I think the biggestdifferenceis the
And now you'r€ the No, I draft physicalityof the gamein the PBL.
pick. Because in the PBLyou'vegot to be
Yes,but I haveto teLLyou I didnt strong,whetheryou'rebrinqingthe
expectto be pickedfist. Im just baLL downor trying to scoreunder
excitedto be in the league.Ifs a the basket.Therefereeslet a lot of
qreatfeelingand all I want to do things go. In the PBA,ifs almost
is bdng my best on the court for the exactoppositebecause you've
the team. got to be abLeto play defense,move
Do you 6ee any problen adtusting youl feet. But asfar astalent goes,
to youl new team? there are definitelya lot morebet-
ter playenin the pros.

havingteammateswho aremy
tuiend;on and off the courl. a
And I hopeto aisohavethat \
with ny Sta.Luciateammates.
Ale there any playeis you']e look-
ing forward to go up againd?
,l1ri IP)Io 'lrPJuI alnquluor uPrI
s? 6uol s? ,6DlDt6ur7IP{o ,tundrul
eloS-PJo3 r{u q+ { ^?1dol palFxi
u,l ur?04 ^ur bullglnl uo snro]
MOUulJ I 'pol]Prpur/IlPql MoN
'llPrp oqt olur btrurorsuoltetradxe
hua4t uDwDuDIDM'uDwtrutputq
et|elo^o prlql no/t petpld eloc
.eroc uaq/n perFoqs no^ erea
'U StnoCS ]e SOUJPo!
'ornssardropunEudPld Dru ,s Drrdlsaq rnol Moqsol Eul/irl
1{lrrr rertrurP}au apeurdvvll aqt uI 'u-l\o rno^ uo ^ll€lrs€qaraMno^
allps€I roJpa6e'ld6ur^pqt?qt leej rsrl aJualradxa tuD^rsuu o6Dg a!I:!
I rlleol aqlroj alor duPldelrP pu€ qaduroaI a.rderal,!durP3aqoou
arl]IrlPsot bulllM ur,I IroM pr?H ,unu seue6aqJ ouPb6uu /fofl;
aueol rno/t ol olquNot aDwu0w0uaw lp 'atnssard6uDlD/,'.
no,( ue. leqr 'leq eql Uo $t!U 6unx utwu u!1Ddsatr.q)?uaulf
i?q Pq PH (le^u alEr6alloJ 'dueC elrloou Vqd sql tulrnp
sq) e onuP'llr^oJuul rs ol baDsD4 poraoqsltpleq || asno^roulaF
-rlDu lseel]P 'llng pau 6unl ulp lll|3 raqlpr rno/tlo relteld e seoq
.en6Paloqt ul oe^ qdesole
poobop ol sr qJrqM'arnssard ,uorrq
[ow ohd 'otl9ou VAabriiu ']sPallP
'an.].ssald6un[ Du sllDDN 'uDaDua0
aqun to^o
a,uerp aql le{l pa e!|o, no^ erv
'uralsfss,ruPelSTLI rals?u ol spRn6
'lE 1al
rr. lurod rot al$mbarard! s,lr
-JV ua$ds quPal ^uPurPalpu? t blc11'iij
lsntpe 01 our ro] ^s!a s,I ]rq] leaJ
I D,{DlPu saqreor no] roj pa^Pld
'au 'srPofalPrbalor^u ur rsr{ 'oN
lla1 llar{ 6urq$re o 1'olloJ I
',olsml6u 04 uo6ut1o6D6 'olD ou
ILI efildo€ollqd Io urolsls [eqlerFeq
len6rNues DsDu6uo^r6l\l ueqo rs ol ^reu e u! artel ol p,|eq l! Du$ no^ oo
tulualJ.]i6u6oa DDd Dl1u|DlDsDlund 'u1\o1o 6uo6uDlrD! 6uo4DDdlauow
-Da 6uD6olol04 a$nt olo oltu ut\|tl 's3urP6eql
llP) seara]srar{] /toq qllry!
6uDuorlo DbuDAnl-buDh4I |0deI Jlas,{u a?rrErIureJol poauI {uql I
aBFceu ueqo auoseorvgd
l?rouat noc |ontln ues o(r!l lsrll rno/trol uolle,Ederdu! elEul
.Fuol,o ulElq eql'loldolpe rx! ol tulot no^.|e sluourlsnlpEpqrn r19tJ
but yes I do enjoyit. Cebu'sa reallY
Was it not disorientingat first?
Not realLy,becausethe Yealbefore
I spent aboutsix monthsin China
andthreemonthsin HongKong
andthen backin China.I waskind
of usedto not having a cLueof
what was going on's all
Modeling and pioduction have You
gding aroundthe world and doing
different things.
Yes,I've donesomePretty wild
modelingjobs. I wasbodY-Painted
asa Leopardonceand we 9/erejust
basicaltyin a G-stdng.It wasa
ment fashionsholi/and we were
escortingthe men downthe aisle
to GunsN' Roses'"Wblcome to the
Jungle!"It wasfunny.Haha ha!
Westageda fashionParadein the
middleof Sydneyat 6AM,wearing
suits and a cLearraincoaton a train.
It soundsweird but yes,I enioY
doinqthosefunny stuff, beinqa
manne lin in the window.
And now you're back in lront of the
I think I missedit a bit and also
just being in anothercountry.
Beinga modeLfor many,manYYears
I think it's instinct to want to be
abLeto do as many modelingjobs
asI can.
What fiake you feel more
fulfilled-seeing a good
photographof Youor having
produceda great show?
I supposeas a modelyou always
Liketo seethat youle Lookinggood
in photoshoots.It givesYoua lot
of confidenceto want to keep going
and things tike that. I'd sayit's a
dif ferent gratification. Modetingis
moreof a vanity thing, but if it's a
goodshootyou lut it in You!book
then it can qet you morework ln
the future. But somethingYou've
producedas well-it's not you out
there but it's your work and Your
team that are behind it so that's a
different gratification.
How long have you been modeling?
I started modelingprofessionalLy
whenI was14but I usedto model
when I wasvery young. SoI've
beenmodelingfor nine yearslI'm
an old modeLnow. I'm in the seniot
citizensqroup!Ha ha ha!
What made you stay in school to
earn a degree?Youcould've been
a full-time model and eam so much
I don'tknow.I havemodelinqas
backupbut i went to get a nursrng
deqree.I've donelots of other
things on the sideasweLL, event
management andthings Likethat.
I like to diversify.ModeLinqis a
fantasticjob,don'tqet mewrong But
I needsomethingto faLLbackon.
;'\' t isql ar? no^ e)IPxrl,uoM ;lPaqralq€raslur no^ 'auopq auop
sa lasrnofuo 6u:lpaqJ slnb 'lsauoq s,lpq^4auraqJs6ururq-on1?ro 6ulql
, fra^ aq ol no^ ebrnel{ ln8 peep JJoeuo e lsnf slM lr =
I a lnod pu!.]aq^ralsfu aql lno Jr ral]eu l,usaoplI
puq luP zmb slqt e{q oS esrnorJo 'p^r4aq 6]qapgur
^l'lP^ollo ]no 'op al ial€r uaaano.f 'ssaulnjqlrPjun
o( :sr 'ro^a&oq'uorlsanbaql raq ^r
qsndno^ Jr noI uo x$eorld IrPo ob dlqsuoFPlar rnof
^irllLp,er{spassrdos s,aqsr ou 1q6u lJefqnsre^auPl
asnelag lsn4 req {J?q ulM ol dn nod sEurqllsipr€q
6uDllurpu! bu$sDluPql arouroI!1 eql Jo euo 'urnJer
'qbnoqt 1,!o1qplnoqsnol
ll,tr t?rlt ou Jo tulod eqt s,l
^cvl :r:c0w
nulwIo808nHdvN9010Hd :sct0M
;no{ ollreq 1Eu;sol aull1qtpaq1
ro;tuglem[1uoqaqsler.llaqil plnof
'mousrearaqol llsnu alll
I AqArapuo/n pue.ueunH, uoorf,no1


0l Does she know you've 06 How long have you

cheated on her? been together before
A Yac T i.lrl fFr nwealf /2\ your blunder?
B Yes,shefound out. (1) A A month or Less.f-2)
C iro, becauseI'm scaredshe'llleave B A few months.(0)
ne if shefindsoutl (0) C Arounda year.(1)
D No.Not eventhoseothertimes.C2) D A coupleof years.(2)

OZWhy did you do it? 07 What iI slrc tells you that

A Sowhat?Atl nen cheatl (-2) she, too, had been ulaithlul?
B I couldn'theLpit, my officemateis A I'LLraisehell and tett her what an
sohotl (-1) ,,nnr:rah,l hir.h <hp i( / ,\
C It wasan accident I wasdtunk, B I'Lltell her that I probablydesened
rf.n rhara v',c rhic din /1\ it. (2)
I'm ajerk. (2)
D Because C I1Laskher what'swrongwith our
reLationship and if there'sstiLlhope
03 What do you think led f^r n. r^ n:r.f rfinna nn /l\

to your un[aithf ulness? D I'tLaskher what the other guy has

A "My reLationshipwith my girl is a that I don't have.C1)
blessing.Butjust like all blessinqs,
tend to takethem for gnnted." (2) O8 What was the scenario
B 'At seriousrelationships go one weeh alter you were
throughtrials.If we get throuqhthis, caught cheating?
our bondwill becomestronger"(1) A Wehaven'ttalkedthe entire
C "Whenyoule in an exclusive "'a.L-.t'a
:.L.,1 -" i" hl

relationship,you get usedto alL B he beenpartyingandLivingthe

the things that nade you fall for bachetorlife the whotetine. (-2)
eachotherin the first pLacethat C WeexchanqeSMSmessages just to
they becomemundane.Soyou find askhow we are.(1)
yourselfLookingfor something D I've beencaLlingher and goingto
extraordinaryeLsewhere." ( 1) her houseto beg for forgiveness. (2)
D 'A loyalmanis not a reaLman." C2)
O9 Did you have any rules
O4 What was the frrst on infidelitv when vou
thing she did when she began your-relatioiship?
caught you? A InpLicitly,yes.Ifs commonsense.(0)
A Shescreamed and cursedat B ReLationship rules arefor sissies.C2)
me-but endedup crying.(1) C W-"expticitlytoLdeachotherthat
B Shescreamed and cursedat me cheatingis a no no. (1)
then threatenedto leaveme. (0) D Is askingeachothernot to break
C Shehasn'tcaughtme,but I bet ai.h ^+hor'e h.:rr.^r,n+a;7 /)l

if shedid, she'dthreatento leave

me-and I'd actualLyagree.Then lO At what Doint did vou
chc'd hc. mc t. etrv /-2) Iear being iaught by-your
D Shecried and 1 cried,too. (2) ladylove?
A trl/henI beganto becomemoreand
O5 How was vour morcattractedto the otherwoman.C1)
relationshiplelore you B Themoment1 wokeup with a
slipped up? hangoverftom a[Lthe aLcohol.(2)
A Likea fairj,tale!(2) C Neverthought of it. C2)
B Wehad tle usualLQs,but otherwise D Whenever shetexts and callsto
we weredefinitely in tove.(1) askwhereI am (evenif I'm not doing
C okay ldng. (0) anythingwrong).(1)
D We$'ereaLlright, thanksto her
meekness. C2) SGORE: :

@@ ocroBER2006
uor qra^o&o. M
r9r9J9txei4tezse rczttftga c0) al A'tllvu:looW
/t,c uor.nbip! u6uP)t
'dlto3cNt,ftttruvnto Noc
^q Pernqr4r'p^|]fl
'3 l 0cNo3vnu{n
r: .t-,
r'- L .1
,r,t 'i
r!( . -r\
EUshroH . ./
nuoRI ,@
ll You say, "But I still love l7 "Buti na ex fro. . ," she through.But I'm herean!,time
you." She answers.,. starts. Ybu cut her oll you needme."(1)
A "YoufuckingLiar!"(0) with... B "Let'stake a breakfrom
R "v.rr fir.Lln. li:rj" in hFfdFAn A "Wereyou reallyhappierwith hin? eachother Maybewe'Llrealize
sobs.(1) 0r if I didn't do what I did wouldyou how muchwe needor don't r*
C "Putanginal Ilang milyangbeses .+nt
ht-?" /n\ needeachotherwhenwe're
nangbumenta yanl" ( 2) B "Yeah,he'sthe better man.I wish I apart."(0)
D Sobs.(2) washalf the man that he was."(2) C "Malayko sa 'yo." (-2)
C "But you weren'treallyhappy D "Please forqiveme.1'llneverdo it
12 "What does she have with him, that'swhy you brokeup, again.Let'sbe happyagain."(2)
that I don't have?" she remember?" C1)
asks. You respond.,. D "Di bdLikanno yrng loserrnongr
exl scoREi i
A "Biggerhooters." (-2) I4agsama kaya,lechel"(-2)
B "Shelistensto me more."( 1)
C"NothingI Ifs not becauseof you." (1) 18 "Will you tell your
D "Sheis incomparabLe to you.' (2) Iriends what I did?" you
ask. Her response.,.
l3 "Did vou ever consider A "Yeah,soyou'dbe too ashamed to
what I'dleel?" she la- flirt with them everagain."(-2)
ments, Yorl answer.,. I "Theydon't haveto know.But
A "I know,but I promisedmyself if they noticethat I've beendown
neverto do it again."(1) thesepast coupleof days,I haveto
B "1 know I wasso selfish."(-1) let it out." (0)
C "I knowI hurt you andI deseiveto C "0f coursethey haveto know.
be punished." (2) Th€y'remy friends."(-1)
D "Uh,no." ( 2) D "Theydon't haveto know.They
won't solveour problems,"(2)
14 You go, "What can I do
to make it up to you?" She 19 You follow up with
repIies... "How about me? Should
A "Thatnice TiffanyneckLace
we saw I tell ueoule what I did?"
in the maLt."( 2) She r-esp-onds,,.
n "clvo n. (nrr6 r^ rflnlz ffin.. A "weLl,if they askyou why
through."(1) wele havingthis time away
C "Let'sjust breakup." ( 1) ftom eachother,you might as
D "Promise neverto do that again."(2) weLL tetl them." (2)
I "It doesn'tmatter.That
15 She tells you' "How can won't changean\,thing."(0)
I ever learn to trust vou
- C "Ls if namanmakakatu-
again?" You say... /ong.I knowyoulLtell
L "Eh di wag!" (-z) peopLe for the lurpose of
P "Iar'. trL6 if ^n6 A:w i+ r +in.

but I wiLldo what I canto earnit D "It'sup to you.' (1)

C "Youcan call or text me anytime 2O You ask her,
you want, foLlowme to work every "What now?" She
day,or go with me whenI do alLmy replies...
I^r ,.^,, t. ,,\' tre A "Let'stake sometime
aqain."(2) off eachother first. Maybe
Tl"-rrr<r" 1- In' n\. tF<j nth".wise our headswill be clearer
our rcLationshipvrill be pointless." ( 1) by then."(1)
B "Anapa ba?Alamko
15 "I told vou, all men namanggagav/inma ulit."
cheat," sh-ererninds you. \2)
You retort... C "Youtell me.It's your
A 'Atl of usmakernistates.I lqow I fault this happened,
have,but 1refi$eto be generalized." (0) not mine." ( 1)
B "AnongayongnapaLa mo sapag- D "I honesttydon't
mdmarunong ma?"( 2) know" (0)
C "Youcansaywhateveryou want,
I knowyou'remad.But for what it's 2l But iI she asks,
v,nirh I didnt ma:n t^ " /1\ "What now?"
D "lalse.Therearegoodguysout
You'd answer.-.
l h e r Fl .l t j u s l r a l a ; e r \ .A n dy o - A "I'll giveyou time ,
didn'tdesewewhat I did to you." (2) to think things

@f,fl ocroBER2006


L] i
22 What do you olten 24 How was vour sex life as
quarrel about? a couple in the first place?
A Your ftirtatious wayswith other A She'ssavingherselJtitL marriage.(0)
t.i.nen.(-1) B It wasactuaLlynot bad at atl. (1)
B Petty stuff tike you alt aysbeing C She'sthe hottest minx on the
iaie to dates,etc. (1) planet. (2)
C lYeneverhaveLos. (2) D Areyou kidding?Whydo you think I
D Howyou'renot seious or that cheatedon herin the fust place?C2)
committedto your relationship.( 2)
25 So' do all mean cheat?
23 How do you kiss and A Yes.Itt humannature.(-2)
rnake-up alter your LQs? B No. Somejust fatl victin to things
A we kiss and makeout. ( 1) beyondtheir controllike temptatron,
B I take her shopping.( 2) atcohoL,etc- (1)
C we just stopbickeringwhenwe C No. Somearejust unhappyin their
realizethat we'refighting oversome- retationships. (0)
thing trivial. (1) D No.Somearejust unEatefuLjerk.(2)
D I teLLher I'm sorryevenil it's not
my fault. (2) scoRE: :

Ef,@ 2006
becoming a Hot Babelasi, hindika
innEdapolsexy.DoPatmaYutak ka t tt ta
tit1.Ngayankasi,pakitd lang nar,g
'!in(ii morunongsumagotor , I :,t:) il

ialent.5dHot Babes, it's all"'r'aLang

::ing the total package. J ::.t::Jt: i I tf
ln which depadmentare You
particularlyblessed? 71r f i(
Sinqers ldldgrd yungfamiLylo so
s:ngingiolagra dngincLination ko.
jrlamd ,ild dkoro Ja!an.Kumanta
aio roon.I went theie a coulLeof
timeslo singwith my uncLeand
my aunt,
Yes.BobbyLed€sma is my qranddad.
Ha ha hal .tila angrndgpushsd akln
pdra kurnantd.I love sinqingwith
my family.
Ah, there goes our StudentCanteen
memoties.we heard you touched
up a lass in a video.What'sthe
YeahlI did this videowith the Viva
Hot Menthat's titled Provole.I did
a kissingscenewith a girl. I had a
Lotof fun. Firsttime konghumalik
ng babae.
Did you flinchwhile kissingthe
,Vakilifiako.Ha ha hal-A/anno
yurg trpongyou don'twant to fe€t
-udr'V q ', ,
^/nd Yo. " a -'Fti
boL,a sabihinnd lesbianka pero
kapagginagawamo na,parangiba
nayungt'eeling. I havent tried
womenyet, but I want to.
Youmust be lesbian!
flindi'nolBut if I do qet it on with
awoman,bakamagkarcan akang
sLiqhttendency.Ha ha hal WeLl,
dependesa gitl hal Dapatmaganda.
lloy sLightfeeLing.Iniisrplo ngo,
paanakaYakunggar/in ko Perc
iniisipkangbakamaLulyan akal Ha
ha hal,Ayoto!
we're guessing you've €lot more
testosterone in you than a
Haha hal Hirdi ndnonriguro.But I *
Likedoingguy activities,like yung
rutngangalikat ng gaa.gels.Aka nga \
rin ang nagbubutlngting ng cars
namin.Ayokayung naglulutaor yung 6&rt'oko kari yunq touchy na quv. works well for us. We believe;n you,too, that's why
usual girLactivities. ly'drgllsto ko Mahiligdin akasa mopupuri.GrsLo ActuaLiyirongId,^4shoot,this is you'rehere!
yrng Pinaqqaqallr'isan ako. ko rin yung matanqkdd.At maganda reaLlya big deal to me. ,Vokikitoko I loveposingfor LqlIl 1trung uno
Are you the hard-to-gettype? angngipinlAt dapattnabanga ang langitangmaqazlne ninyadati.In nahihiyd pa ako,peroy au guysmade
Bastaayokayunghinahabal aka. breathpardndddlingakifin.FLirt so proudddftilevenmy auntswant my pleasure
it easy.It's reaLLy to pose.
Gustoko akaanghumahabal. Mas ako,eI. Ha ha hal to seeme in Il1l4. I've posedfor Im goingto te1laLL my friendsabout
type koyunqguy nd hard-to-get. Nowfor our pet part ofthe anothermagazine, but FHMis fEM. this experience. And I like the carl
It's moreexciting.,(ung iirdi alo interview,What'syourfave body Parangkapagnalagoyka sa FEM, You drive?
pinapansin,masnanggigigilako. specimen? ibig sabihinnun, may tatak ka no. Yes,automaticandmanual.But
Hinditalagaako titigil hanggang My boobs.They're36-C- You'rcmakin€iusblush.Haveyou I'm betterwith the manual.
hindi akapinapansin. Blessed!Youget lots of onlookers? always wanted to be Iamous? lr'labilisakangmagpatakba. | ).ike
Nowhow can a dudeget his name 1 don'tnind if !eopLelook at them. No,not really.Alamrnonoongbala everythingfast.
into your "okay" list? And I like wearingsexycLothes. aka,porang,,'/ala
akangapleat.Haha Evenin bed?
Youmusthavea goodsenseof IiLi!ino menpo ndnon,they want hal lt'sjust nowwhenI got a bit oLder. That'sthe exception. In bed,I ',,rant
' . ror onc dopat nagmaturena aka.I rcallydidn'thave thingssLow.Haha hal FHM
" Po 'ibl" I to coveru! their women.rapdf
want someone who cantake caie iirdrl Theyshouldallo!,/themto plansto becomea celebritybut there
af fle. At gustako yLng malambtng. wear l\'hat they lvant. Let them aie thosewhoreaLLy that I can Fornorc photosol Annascott,
Yungt?org he wilLcaress me. sho1,,their !ersonality. makeit big here. Iog on to ]fii.

pf@ ph
t tb
I i
f-l f"u
,1 'l

that laststwo to threemonthsat BeforeI statt, I whisperto her,
the Philippine Motuary lnstitute in "LoIa, kailanganna kitang hi,r'ain
LoyolaMemoial ChapeLs wherethey ha?Parnhindi kayomobulok.Sorry
teachyou Microbiology, Anatomy, ha..." Thenremoveher clothingand
lthics, andJudsprudence. Whenyou set it aside,placinga cloth overher
finish the term, you t4ke a licensure genitaliaout of respect.I washher in
examat the Departmentof HeaLth, disinfectingand germicidalsotutions.
which they conduct every year in I bend,flex, andmassage the arms
September and March.Youpass,you andlegsto relieverigol noltis. Then
becomea licensedembaLmer. I set her featuresto makeher took as
onceyou haveyour license,yor] relaxedand naturalaspossible.Good
start work asan embalmingassist thing her eyesand mouth arecLosed.
ant. At fust, you help transport ol No needfor an eyecapor sutuing.
dressthe dead.EventuaLlyyou get Next, I mse the carotid atery
the chanceto cut an arteryand Per inject the formatinand drainbtood
form the wholeembalmingprocess. from the jugularvein. ThenI do
By the time I started handting somecavity embaLming by injeciing
cadavers, I no longerhatboredfear or formalininto the body cavitiesusing
cinged at the sight of deadpeople. an aspintor and trocar.I suturethe
lm lucky,I guess,to havegroi{n incisionsI had madeand closethem
into the family gig. other embdrnen with a wad of cotton.Weseemto
have had to wrestle with fear for haveIun out of trocarbuttons.
quite awhile. A colteagueof mine, Oncethe formaLinentersthe
for example,ran a very high fever body,the tissuebecomes firm. It
for severaL dayswhenhe handtedhis cansometlmes hardendependingon
first case, the concentrationof the formalin
soLution.In old people,especiaLiy
The dead beat the emaciated, the flesh gainsthe
I{s 10PMand I aLready havea case textue of woodplyboard.My case
waitingfor me in the morgue.The for this eveningis no exception.
patient:an old woman.Shearrived With the help of my assistant,
wrappedin cioth, identifiedby a tag. we dressher up in a Bdlongdr€sscut
I vait for the office to inform me at the backfor easysuitingup. MY
about how the famity woutd tike to assistantputs on mortuarycosmet-
positionthe hands.I alsoaskfor a ics on her and swlesher hair. she's
rcferencepictureso I can approxi- no longerpaLiid.ShelooksLikea
mateher features. dignifiedold womansteeping.The
white casketarrivesandwe placehel
0n the othermortuarytable, get a lot of business in the months
anothelbodywaitsfor our attention. of November to December when the
Rest can wait for ApriLto Junewhen MotherNature
Thework hoursof an embaLmer tums up the heat.
changeeverymonth.Peopledie ovetime larely happensbut
aroundthe clockso we haveto be whenit doeshappen,thats an
there.Therearethree eight-hour additionaL eight houts.Likewhen
shifts each day. 0n dayswe are the tllowolvee tragedyhappened.AF
understaffed, I heLpout. Weaverage Lingtonsent 15 casesto us sincethey
150caseseverymonth. couldn'taccommodate them anymole.
Theweathetseemsto havesome 0n really bad dayswe run out
effecton the numberof deaths.We of chapeLs. But the familiesusuatLy
opt to wait for a chapeland delay
viewing for the next day. At teast
they wouldn't have to pay for any
additionaL charges.

Starry eyed
I havehad ny shareof celeb
dty cases.I wasassignedto forme!
matineeidol JuanchoGutierrezand immediatelyafter death.ThebodYs
,VginigdirectorLuigi Santiago.I was own enzynesandbactedafeed on
evenassignedto do a little recon- the cellsand tissueschangingthe
structronon the son of one of our body'scolorand odors.Thebody
esteemed politicians.But the cases wasbtoatedand hadbegantiquefy-
that I wouldcall memonbleborder ing. Theeyehad fatLenout of the
on shockingand gruesome. socket.Thesmellwashonible.When
Memorable CadaverNo. 1: a I openedthe bag,the assistantand1,
four-day-olddecomposing body. professionals that we are,ran away.
Murdered,a victim of theft. At four It wasn'ta pretty sight.
days,an unpreserved corpsecan be MemorabLe Cadaver No. 2: an
in pretty bad shapeas decaystarts Amedcanbusinessman whojumped



Tfov..rrln fa infp.ri.rr( F t. rr agdd.Maybeit's becauseI havea
officeSOPis to wearPersonal Protec preqnantirife and I'm goinqto be a
tive Equipment(PP!)everytime father soon.I shouldbe excitedto
we handlethe deceased. Wewear be a fathei,right? But I can't heL!
gowns, goggLes, caps,masks, gloves but be scaredthat our Littlebundle
andboots.If there'sany Luckycharm of joy nay not makeit. My wife
we'dneed,it wouldbe the PPl. compLains that I'm not excitedat aLl
Contagious causesof deathare aboutour baby.I toid her I'Llrejoice
our worstenemy.Duringthe SARS oncethe babyt out. I've seentoo
epidemic,we werelucky enoughnot manybabieswho haven'tsuivived
to get any casuaLties. W€'reafraidof the womb.
tuberculosis because it canbe tians After a weekof shuttLing
mitted throuqhair. We'realsoscared betweenthe morgueand the house.
of he!atitis sinceit's bloodborne. dealingwith the deadand comfort
TreatingeachcaseashighLyinfec- ing the peopLe they left behind,I
tious is the !recautionarymeasure. d€'stressby goingout. Thatmeans
FL'r :..inpnt( hlnnon T.n.p a trip to the mall for someserious
with a hypodernic electronics windowsho!pingor a
: noo;la T lrr; ."; r
mv day trip to Taga\,tay. As LonqasI

handsto death.I drenchedit with
aLcohol tilL ny skin crackeddry. I
askedfor a tetanus
get to slend time with the wife, I'm
a happyman.I feel aLive.

shot from the nurs€.

r rofFa, I was!aranoidthat
I nay haveqotten
o ' ' d p : t h . I o u d n . p . o q n ' / '" e infectedwith AIDSor
face-TheskuLlwassmashed to brts. hepatitisor some-
In casesLikethese,we highLyiecom thing. ThankGodI
nlenda cremationor a seaLed casket didn't q€t sick.
whenthe body is no longersuitabLe Snmpfima< rlp i6h

for viewinq. getsto me,

Biohazards handLebabies,fetuses
''h"r and stillborns,I get
we get to handLefluids oozingout chokedup. I feel sorry
of the dead.Duringthe process ol for them-ffopdka
^. 6\ .UL Of inosente pa. Walapd
the mouth and whatever microorgan siLang na expenence
',/w '.
h tLp laposr,,d?cnd sild

ftf,@ ocroBER2006 wwufhm.con,rrr

(ezeldel-u6ueqS puplleW--.: -;$::
lP oLpnls aurl t) ,,foulJ ac :: :-:-: -:dns
(rqorrrEoz60 rxpL, 'sproM aql qlr^ Ila1p,-;:-=:-: aqttfo
'ou alLqoL!)
fuouauJo slor labpeblqsLtpuogpu srq_-'a:-:rl-ir€aL
d _ o r bu 6 r s arpq d p i f p
i - p d p ^_ . _ : , . : A l r p o
'li,icOpuprqqrleMdLq6uoure -.uzcqqlol
,{eM o qrv 'Hc.Lvlr{TvtIcId dvll
Ii{IJ NOIIIqg C3.L[{rI hlqo
(€ llaquaarg1e9,1
tuPldla^ol 'Pu0llP9
suosuLqoU) salllnu)i
e eq ol lou :6urulpM
? fiSSOSOsnrS
;l (ezPldet uDueqspuellPl4luPld
@ ra^od le oLpntsaurl l) rallal€urLl
,&Jtue puellnr qsrt&se s€solqnoo
'e]]auolg) slua6
)lLls qtoq salL^]as
. 'll€!1l

aql u! Iluo
1lqPrFroj dn arpeLed009,I
.aqqsarnleu6rs lstg s,Apergrl4
*-+?r \ ^lPll sansscalsPPIPV
qsJlhtrrsvolov s,uoffox F,'l
^ "'l!^qPaqla)ll noAol
JadstqMuPl aMlnq
rnoApuads =
o] MoqnoA11a1i,uelaM
raplsul O
ill Ol


I jrst rcadthe WdrrioraJLightbY

ceLtphone how
I t ! a S o n yE r i c s s o n otd
Pao[o CoeLhoandIjust reaUzed \
muchit m'akes senseto mehowI've
p i e c eo f c r a p .H a h a
beentivinqmytifeto the futlest.Bu
h a : I c a n ' tl e a v eh o m e yeah,writingis myobsession. I plan
w j t h o u tj t b e c a u s em Y
t o p u t o u t a b o o kc a t t e d" H e a r to f a
w h o t et i f e ' si n t h a t ,
f r o m t h e d a j t yd o s eo f
e v e r y t h i n gb: u s i n e s s ,
p e r s o n d te, m o t i o n a l

;fliiiitf;tfurom t;:Ke::kn

Tob€ the greatestEitiPinoever
llorethanRizal,yeah.I intendto
dojt throughinspiration.0nceI
getthrough thisindustrythatis
bombarded bybuttshit,Ihavea
fi ,
in maqazines
think about it, we can't afford that

Lucky Me Pancit

toyononsi-the besll


t {
I h a v ee i g h tt a t t o o s .
They have djffelent
m e a n i n g sf ,r o n t h e
djfferent parts of my
iife. Thefirst oneI got _*
wasCarpe Diem, "seizethedaY" I
Ais legenddty album
N j n e t ye i g h t p e r c e n o

just betieve.
t f the
p r o d u c tw a sm a d ei n P h i L i P P j n e
s o i l .l t s h o w st h a t w e c a n c o m P e t e
i n o t h e r p t a c e si n t h e w o r t d ,i f w e

. , t h o u g h to f i t w h e n I w a si n S o u t h Barbershop
Beach, in'96.
Ftorida It's caLLed Btazin Cuts.I PUt it
up because l ' m [ a z Y .H a h a l I c u t
h a j r ,t h a t w a sm y m e a n so f m a k i n g

Bobllartey,Ka Freddie
I feeltheirmusic.'s a good way to make
m o n e ya n d b e a r o u n df r i e n d s
because a t [ m y f r j e n d sc o u t dc u t
h a i r ,t o o . I u s e di t a s m Yl a b e L
o f f i c ea n d I e v e ns o t dm i x e dt a p e s
a n d s h i r t s .I t b o n d e dt h e e n t i r e
n e i g h b o r h o oadn da L s oi n s p j r e da
that.Expresseverythrng lot of peopte.
through music-haPPiness,

H€art of a champ, Five

14ommy "Heartof a champ," when
she'sbeenworking 9 5 sinceshe feelingvictorio!sor pog
was20yearsotd.AndnotonLY 9-5 patung ti natopak'topakon l' ll
butdoublejobs for solong,just findmywaythrough. "Five
for the sakeof meandmYsister. mic{' rdrror, it's the rating 9
That'sso herojc,I can'tgothrough systemin Sorraemagazine; five
that9-5route. mics i! perfect. FHM

]fi@ ocroBER2ooowwwfhmcomPh
E@ goozrl8otJo
rld uo} uossruefuos,,,1r1M s
Taqs ^xastua^e rapun
= u.pprq6urq ra^edaa)to1 =
s a 6 e u eouo g Wu o s s r g l
n!!5 .!1 'p?d^ai
= P p u Pu a . D sq r n o te s €
= u0r.zo-asnr' ^\ q r n se u 0 q ol r E r u 9
n o ^ r o ja r o q dt r e u r sa q l s r s L q l p O]uLp.rlrruar3q ol
a . p Lp s o o br n o f # o 6 u L M o /qtsr u e l ra^assrnte-Jurepou
'sLsseqr erLqNbeadp apLsur padd€rM
]sou aql qlLrupa00rnDl
sr 6urqt-&.^apunore. $ su+ ]n€ '^tLxatduror puP^1l]|dur15
^ t r ^ q r s u u oLrl - r i p u p , s u o L t e r r t d d p
a)!J0 sN '0 I atLq0Ns^,\opu'/ JoabeurPutralad aqL
q1|MapLtu'3ql ro taruEur terLrrtrsr
a u e sa q tl r t s s , U a l d d v u E F u f l n d 0O9l/rl
s,]L3u'] sLq+pue)ppqs,uoiv aql NOSSDIUS
009'zra INOS
SUndhro.tvvox z0
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ttl!/,\^lepadsa fer' .q]
lF Ie FLnsuesrrssqr sL0061
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Erpsu E
q0r!or d^qrsussrt)fo+6uqrods
o r t v s q u a Ms er q 6 r ul L r n qs u o q d
oroqr 9t auop P 10us,tL,adoN
(O09,IZd rnoqr) OOrg
'+rra^o raqqots
Ie + q 6 r u$ i f n o ^ , p o o :
0s5( auoqdatrqousrqr,prauertaxLdeb.L
tno{ qtno.rqlasrnor:peu
isdlua8ug € r e p ! p s t o 4 u 0 ar ^ L t r s u q a rsn o l 6 u u n t e e _
^puerafa pupqrarjo qetsp|os E sL,euoqc {
a l P t 0 r 0 qarq l p ) E ' 0 0 8 9 3) q r . 3 ) j €ar l e t o r o q :
qua aql ralpr 9t uor, bulaJo ^tsetsLq:
rtd.u0r^uos./M^1 trq 6uotpauroruroptes slabpe6snol]sn- {
' 0 r p i P t a u u e q rg s n o u o t 6
puPoaph 6rL,eur€qrLM 3M0IOH3008CyC.I
s o ^ c u r 8 u r s a l ^ o u3 u 0 q
prorau r P rf o ^ / s 0 8 0 1 0 , u c
s,Ilos qrLil rsLpo1tq6LPl+s
a l qr n o f t o s } q s n o D a r d
arnroEruer rsprorurersrql
-t \t
o v o r c o nnoy s ' v n e s sI.' m d . h u b b y
kid kasigrowingup soI'm not used
i. tf ^ca Lind ( nf .nmnl imAnr(
IH love to travel the ng eyesko.
What it a stranger tells you that
there's more to you than your
No way! lt's tough to pictureyou
as a cellulitebin!
globe, modeling just deep-set lookers?
Ar fi,cr I kr^rrlil rFillw faol
ReaLly,it's truel I wasin high
schoolthen. Therewasevena
time when my classmates \i/ould
came in as a bonus' uncomfortabLe. Guarded kcsiako
whenI'm talking to strangers.
Peroif his approach is friendly
r p l p n r l p < c l v t F : c p m a ' f ^ , ,.r h. o.i .
n ..s workout.Ijust get busymostof I'm very active in modelingright andI seeno there'sno malice
'. r\dl
- Lq o l m e i n r o a c a r 5 g h [ . the dayand stayactive.That'smy now,I'vebeenon commercials in his intentions, go ldng ako sd
.. .16,6d "q^ u htrr ir . h,,nhl exerclse. na rin, in print ads,and also conversation narrtn.
aka,promdika naman."ff I fee.t Tell us moreaboutihe Ran Online biLlboards.?eromaybeafter a year What if he asks tor your number?
:hreatened, I won'tbe afraidto search you just rYon. or two, I'Lfstopmodelingna muna. If I don't Likethe guy I will talk
ight for myself. Thecontestis called"Searchfoi I reaLlywant to pursuemy dream to himpa rin nanan,peroI'11end
To what do you owe your hot the RanGirL,"the winnerofwhich of becominga flight attendant. our conversation beforehe gets
transformation? is taskedto represent Ran0nLine. Yuntalagayung gaalko, modeLing the chanceto askfor my number.
3ecoming a vegetartan reaLLy Alam lo they wereLookingfor a isjust a bonus.I'd loveto traveL, If I like the guy,I wilLgivehim
r'iorkedfor me. At first, nag-trylang gill na bagaydun sa mgd characters tiy newthings,and meetdifferent my number,but onLyif I'm singte
rko but I'm not a strict vegetarian ng insidethe game pretty,sexy !eopre, at that time. ConservativekdJi
anan. lty la re,-se t a l i n gm e a r . at rnayattitude. out of aLlthe What do you ihink would these ako and I don't like to lLay around
u -f I .r"vp j-. ga finalists,I feeLso blessed no ako peoplepinpointas your best when I'm seeingsomeone.I'm really
:ry diet consistsmostlyof salaos, ang ndpiiingwinner. It's veiy assel? a 0ne-manw0man,
:ur !. d ! vAgq flatteringialdga. My d€ep-seteyes.I've aLwaysliked Interesting. But since you've
-oodandit's healthier.I don'tgo ls this the only thing that keeps them.Verysharpkasiyungfeatures medtionedit, tell us, do you have
:r the gym nqaldnEr, so I don't you busy now? nila, soparangmatarayyug effect a boyfriendright now?

!$@ ocroerR


Nokia N93
Nokia'sbestimagingphoneto ddte
boasis3.2 megapixetstitLs andVGA
quatityvideor.Dubben\as their "mobite
computet"the N93hasa slewof features
reverbefofeseenin onehardhetdqadget;
Wi-Ficonnectiviiy, CartZeiss tenq,anda
lV out that letsyou instanttyconnectyour
phone t o a n yb o o bt u b e .T r e aht e rn g h t
andmaybeshe'tttetyou Lrse th€ camera in



GreativeZen Neeon2
N o te v e r y o nc€a ns n g r n t u n e ,s o Promessebv
whyrot sharegreatmusicwith
the Creative ZenNeeon2?It's the r5ornenarer't as pteasing to
pertuctwayto bearwiih hertess t h e o t do t f a c t o rayl w o m e n .
r W i t hP r o m e s st hee, l a t € s t
than perfectvocatcords,ptusit
eLimjnates the needto explainto
Cacharet,you can bet that
yourneiqhbors that sh€\^,asn't
crying.Turnup ihe voturne though som€of it mjqhrrub off on
to comptetety drcwnhervoiceout. us. Dont expectio shettout
churkchangefor a bottleof
this thouqh.Prepareto tet go
of sonremajormootah.

AnthonyNocom E05A,lvlaidatuyoig
City lvlakatior l4egamalt;
S[4Depaftment EastWingRobinsons
Stores,lvlakati, PautSmith Gatleria,ortigascor
l4egamalt,North G/FGlorjetta4, Ayala EDSA, ouezonCjty
Edsa,f4atlof Asia Center,lvlakatj;2/L
Shangri-LaPtaza, EDSA, Zara
Bench l4andatuyongCity G/FPowerptant i\4att,
G/FGlorietta2, Ayala RockwellCentelf4akati;
Center,l4akati;G/F VanHeusen G/FGtorietta3, Ayata
BtdgA, f4egamalt, Sl{ Department Store, Centetl4akati

9002 !:8o1co qd'u.rocL!rtf^ r' r'
a 'aurll Pposqnp ljo dol
= uLazaenbsalPia6u$ re6nsdstZ
. qlYi xll,{ :oP ol lEg/Vl au|lz/l
= unr lprPrPgzo I sa^eal
elv to6u-r9 t luLuuPads
qsa! zI
'elrnf w rPtere?zo z/l 1
= a6ueroqtlM qslurPg €rr orllowz
ra^o plLng:oP ol lPqllll 36pr^
puP u^ or€ )jre0) srtnf abuuo ]o qsqds V aull q1!^qslure! arr
xero)risoqnsl Z alLnf ra^olnod:oPol leLl/l
= s l d d e a u rzdo Z / t I a+n|tuli!1P.::o_1_r,l
= ulru lnuoroJ zo z/I Jdr dtu[l 2p al I
oip0^ rourLus zo I qpo^ JJouruuszoI
.- raquror qrPeg t 6u-rtspeU I
= unr pueqpo^ qllMSuotmo81.ue:no1
= asauedPJ suea!.u
= leql oqnslstaL!eupuetqaqj

W.,SETUPS is a necessity
surelyan upgrade

A t 1 . 3 k g p e rs e r y i n gj,f s
K E YW I S Ti 4 P3 6 . H a n d s -
c o n c e ptth a t a l t o w s
the optionatBtuetooth
four colorsto choose
powerpotd iike no other.
i z/,t "r >"
F l i po u t s e v e ni n c h m o r i t o rw i t h t o u c h -
s c r e e nt e c h n o t o gtyh a l c a n p l a yD V DC , D

a r d MP 3 s l

r'' t h e b a s i c sa, n dt h e n s o i r e :c o n r e c t i v i t y
, lF lt^ -v<"^:r
A optio.s for poriablel.1P:players,externaI
lrir:1 l r y o ur e r € e n n gq u r l t y ,
- t n e r ea r e4 L 5 0c n r c K e n ,
t u n a ,a n ds h r i m pv a r i a n t tso
k 4 B L A U P U N KETA H A M A M S P4 6 . C o M E S
i n f u l i q r a p h i cd i s p t a yw i t h f o u rc o L o r s

\/L:- !r"
5 B L A U P U N KTT4 E M P H1T4SP6 6 .
T e c h n o t o gayn d p r e m i u ms o u n d
c o m p e t e n .ien o r e s L e erka d i o . I t h a sa
f ! l t q r a p h i cd i s p t a yf o r p i c t u r eu p t o a da s
= weI a5variedconnectivityoptionsfor
= 6 B L A U P U N IM ( TA U It 4 P3 6 . A n o t h e r
p o r t a b l ed e v i c € as n do p t j o r a lB t u e t o o t h
s t y [ s he n t r y - l e v eml o d e L - c h r o n e interfacefor hands-freemobiLecalts.
a p p f i c d t i o r sp,j a n of i n i s h .a n da r e d -
a n d - g r e edni ! p t a y .

1 Carbs.Yep,we atl ternperature. complexfrom protejn,
know carbsare gettjng 3 V i t a m i nB . n o t J . r u t s , e g g s ,m i l k ,a n d

_b latety,but you need

y o u rb r e a dd n dr i c ef o r
A k o c a t l e dB C o m p l e x .
metabotizjngthe carbs
4 ELectroLytes.
EtectroLytes drive
sustained performance. a l r e a d iyr y o u rb o d y t, h u s t h i r s t ,m a k j i gy o u
It alsodelaystatigue, p r o v i d i n yg o u w i t h e v e n w a n tt o d r i n km o r e ,
' 6 s q a " q y .( j e ty o r B - d n d 5 . d ( s i s -l o :
l o n q e rp e a k J- u s t m a k e . Tenycrallon.
sLrenot to load up
t o o m u c h .A n y t h i n gi n GetaLlfourfran
1BFDR00l'1 2 I N N OB A RA N D . ] P R I N COEFJ A I P U R e x c e siss b a df o r y o u .
E A S T W OC Iry L]B]S
tlD RES]AURA5 NG I T. E A S T W OC OIDr y 2 Witer. H20 not onty
U n i t e dC o t o r so f TSCI]ERR 1 ]AO R LIBIS reptaceslost fluids but 1--on
T€quita;Straightfrcm E U G E N ]LOO P E Z M u r g hL e h s o o n i dtsoc00|500wntne
c h e m i s t r[ya b c o m e s 7 C h e e s eP i z z a : IvlataiTikka: Sour b o d ya n dm a i n t a i nist s scientiJicat aLLl
i h i s f i v ef l a m i n g S m o t h e r ewdi t h a n ds p i c yc h i . k e n
f L a v o r esdh o o t etrh a t m d n n a t e ror y o g ! r l
r l t t s L r r e t ky n o c ky o u r s a u c eb, a t a n c i i go L r l

f@[t i\ai
oooz u]gorco qd urocurLt]
*:^tJq,l:H 89$ sol
t""$iliflrHi 0Eol dn sploHssPl6
ffi , "";'"j"oJ;,"{
(ffi"i'!if,'fit# raq4'0 apPW 1laploH
5*rii#:1"ii:t Ot lln)is^r! Jolno I
-EUD '
P SPU lPU] J:.E!NI 4:
,uur uuau,noi .nn' .an6'ro!
s! qseMqtnoueql rnol doH .€
'eltuEgI -, .ssou
'selrqrPopooli3^o -f,F
' rt ,os slqpl$rul
-lJalburrlsp^uro+ lr.'i. seool.q^tred
uedv itsLour tsou aq .'.'E eurpeqtarnluap .EE
ot l! sainsuaiatp^^ t g
i rnof ueefitaq
tnq '$!ou ^1ddpq l'- )rn$ ,6r./qqt$ 5-
q ou rno,{sdaDip^Ltps .qlnooino ur
'alns'qlnouNp p ep6ul ra I lpql plrepsq,{q
eAqP $ou ereEfappg pasne,5Lqlsotqpp€
irals{ .ssoll z
! .uos uo q9eFSt .Aepe serrlg P-
'euoq oatql,6uols.tnulur
d st! en6uolrnof appul eaiqllnq ,fppe s3u4 !E
seq leqt elappq aql]o aatqltsnl]ou pLlV
qrnu a^otlaluel slql .qFal rnof qsnr8
spuaujlno^ooqno^ alolag
8y8:uogEnrDpoolq 'dn6u!ieM oruo
r= leurou,lole puefpoq a^qlnpordun puefzzrp
rno^ol rnoluorl!.,1^ lPq] 6ulla€jno^urtlnsaruPl
sse4leup uoEudaaF slql lral]ed 6urdaals tauals au-a liL6-ra^ol/4//./fuP onssr
^q tou ^q/i 'quup lPqraLl rno Buqtntsrp'peqtrp aM 1a^o3]o|4qd tuol
puPsdPos /satqaa4/tld w@ WHl /t/t/r
XA ?fedpduo 6uLunlpuP6uqqunl al uo 6uL66olIq Nldlng ',y'HJuo saplllP elnurur
qsPrpaurea-prPq rno,{ 01pe3lsuollLsod 'sarntPaJ
wH aql ol aqursqns -aq]-ol dn pue
Jo oS fpoq lernteuun Z eqeq soapL^looqs
IoJ iaol oloqd ^uPats papeoldn
pue6uL6P-qup 'ulPd '6eMsearl
]a6 pup le.M lsaMauaql ot rlull te9
a qeuFllPuPfllen]rpatp )l]eqlo lueudola^ap aq] Jo ]uiururol {d uor 's8I0
ssarueualqP]rqluolt aq] u! qlns€lssaruPul '/dHJ
LsuH z
FS ro ')i.aM aqlJo rLd . d ns L
p]PqP uo p€ts u3q^,\ ssqaueqs')jaaM aqllo slua^a/i/Hf o^Lsnpxaol
'rcJdn a)iPurot pa€u qrrq/'1 'r!.lo] 6LP4s
=: raual aq] purqaquPureql salLAUL palrult 'aalJlo]
nof qlrqM' a^nauput ^la^$Plar p a^pq sPslq6u 6uL66prqutpl uoLlerlsL6 u6qM/,4oul
lPnxasIsnol)no,{ ],usaop Apoqueunqeql 'ssvt9uoldnslzr[dt 0l lslg aqt arPuadlln8
6uLuoquau ua^elou :prPsraqlpal^60lotg
EE ;uodlln€h/Hl /y'rj aql lo raqursqns
s/eql raulPd rno^ot looqlsq6Lqrnof ]eq,vr a q t q E n o r q^t l u o q q e l L P ^ P 'asiMelLl
aqnnoMleqt 6!lfouue raqurauraU'uoBLsod eqeg auLtu0 r/HJ flrltuoru auolup eroJaq56uru6rs
,\oqjo )iurq.I6uuous lunlPUUn ueolur^poq rno ]o sradPdllP^\ dolsap q d P r b o t nppu es e l t p d
pnolJoaluaxnl 0 aql aqtarroJ'peg 6uuds 0l sseossellPllP uP ureg 3)lrt'qua^a pue
ol elnq!4uorsassarlleu I)ipanbs s,ruour
rnof 'srrsrrul sourordi//lj 6uruordn
alqelolurorun 'preH a)i9'sassar]]pur l^lsntlxl €
t preHtr
ianssL t n o q P1 n 0p u g p u e
ls.lel aqt uLpalee^er prlq ffea aql a€
iSurlPiqalal aq]{uo f]gu€p!reqerolaqraseal llvrlltoMlI
-Sururelduolsr!!3lnoi €utunqs!)leq lno^
011'spooBaqtlo3 s/agalslreuA11aam
ssguJ..tvhl -NgdTTng,wHJh
or sNosvg'dly 3HI hIOUJSSSIUdUNS
Youmightwantto bookmark her
thisandsurprise R e m e m b eh ro wy o u ' db r j n g
h e rh o m ea n ds t a n db y h e r
g a t e ,w a i t i n gf o o t i s h Lt yo r
t h a t g o o dn i g h tk i s s ?G i v e
h e ra F r e n c h but do notto
scareher with that snake
c o u c h eh s o l da t o t o f h i g h
s c n o ort n e f n o n eyse, s , o f a t o n g u eo r b u c k e t t o a d s
. h ep o r c hi s n o t
o f s a l i v aT
G e tb a c ko n t h e c o u c h
a n d h a v em a j o rr n a k e o u t t h e o n t yt h e g o o dp t a c ef o r
a g o o ds t o g .C h o o syeo u r
s e s s j o n sK.e e p i n cgL o t h e s
r n o r n e n t s , 0mr a k eo n e .
on mdkesit seeir [ke ifs
p r o h i b i t e dm, a k j n gj t e v e n
moreexciting.We know
how good bad stufl are.

4 I4ASSAGE Chicksdig
m a s s a g e0si.l h e r u p a
b i t a n dt h e n o n t ot h e
kneadina g n dt h e k n o t t i n g .
Kissher on the neckor
g r a z eh e r b a c kw i t h y o u r
nosern Detweenyour
t a c t i L ee x p t o r a t j o r sE.r d i n g
t h e m a s s a goen h e r b u t t 5 T o U C HA N DG 0 D u n n q
s h o u t ds e n dt h € s j g n a L l oud times whensex,reatly,is
a n dc l e a r A , n dt h e n s h e n e x tt o i m p o s s j b t et e, a s i n g
w o n ' tw a n ty o u t o s t o p . h e ri s t h e b e s t .F e e h t er
u p a sy o u c h o o s es e a t sa t
the rnoviecounter,And
then stop. see her pun.
Renrember, subtletyis key.
Thisis reversepsychotogy
b e f r i e n d i nygo u . B yt h e
time she gets anywhere
n e a rs e x ,y o u ' t fb e o n a
rotl. tfl

]ffflil ocroBER ph

Ber (Costner)
is a cetebrated
whooncetost his
crcwin a tethatcrash.For
theapy, he'ssentto train savior
Star Steven Strait, Sebastian
Shan,Toby Hemingway
Forthis ore, the covenantsnoi
an ark,a sitentpowerpassed
fromoneqeneraiion to the next.
L e t sd o a b a c k t r a cIkn: 1 6 9 2 ,
wannabes at a classA coastgudfd theretivedfive fdmitiessifted
schoot.But het makingeveryone with powers.Fastfor\aard to
go cuckoowith his anarchic presentday four 5tudesfrom
teachingways.Thenenierccocky the samefamiLytreeaccideniatty
s w i m m i ncsh a m p J a k e( K u t c h e t ufteash a n e v i t f o r c eW
. h a td o
w h o ' s o o nt o b e m o l d e b
d yt h e they do next?Wett,ctean!p their
Getthis: Torecreaiesome G e tt h i s :I t ' s a n o i h egr r a p h i c
Ataskdntookingscenes, the novelirspjredflick. ***1'n-
moviemakers got themsetves toads
of ice-60,000tbsof it. ****'1

Stes: Will Ferrel, John C. Cheveaux (IlcKay).Afterbejng mansion, andtonsof sponsouhip

Reily, MichaelClarkeDuncan partofthe caFfirteamfor so endoBements. Notto menhona
Thishootof a flicki5 aboui Long,Rickyfinattygetsthe biq itnng ofwinsfrcmoaltonato
VoicesrPaul Soter,Jay RickyBobby(Ferreli),whot breakwhenthe farnished driver Dartington.But an unfo(unate
Chandrasekhar alwaysbeenmadaboutbufirjng headsout for a momentary pjt incidenttakes himto th€ curb,
Star:LeonardoDicalrio, Matt TwoAmencan brotheBtrip upon rubber.Inspiredby histuther stopto qorqeon a sard\richl andmakeshim toseeverything.
Danon,Jack Nicholson an undergroufd Beer{est a sec'et Reese who'dLefteveMhins R i c k yt h e nw a s t erso t i m e- j u m p s Nowit's up to his fotksto
At Bostof'ssouthend,the potice 0tympicsfor atcohols\^rigging. to pursuethe racjngdream, into the drive/sseat,hits the gas bnng hjn backto wherehetruty
i s u p a g a i n sat b i qc n m en n g Theymeettheir German cousins hethen setsout on his own pedaL andtakesoff ffornthefe. betongs-behindthe wheetof a
ted by Costetto (Nichotson). who w h oc o m m ist t a n d et or t h e k i n . fantasychase.But his rnother Ioqetherwiih his outsized
\^rrecks €achoiher'sturffirst? It's T h ed u oi s p i s s e da,n dt h e ys e tu p is so scaredshitlessthat he'd crewof toyathatf'witsand his Getthis: Thecarwreckages
att a big psychobattte,andthe a rdgtagchugteam-l,lirdsover wastehirnsetfina pjLeof chitdhoodbuddyCaL,Rickyhere (theywrecked a Lotduringthe
vjctorerds up wiffing hjs tife. s o o nb e c o m eosn eo f N A S C A R S fitmingof thjs movie)were
Get this: Scorsese wantedBoston, Getthis: Themovieis doneby Themoviesetsoff with nnest. distributedto tocatshopsjn
b u tt h e c r e we n d e du pi n N Y a comedygroupcaLted Broken Rickysewjngasthejack guy Soon,he'sat the crest-d Noth Carolina for disptay.
insteadbecause ofthe 15 percent Ljzard.Theywrit€ andact in their for hotshoidarcdevjt Terry hot witunarned Ca ey,a takeside

-ft:E ocroBER2006w{
l P 0 r , t i k ea t to f C o u p t a i db' so o k si ,s d n FoLrsirafgersuith differentr€asan!run
easyread.Easywords,€asyseiterces,a into €a.h otheron a rooftopon NewYear's
tot of popcuttrrerefererces, funny,smair E v €i o c o m m ist u i c i d el l.a u r e e na, , i n g t e
a s sc h a r a d e rasn dt h e a l r h o rh i m s e $ p a r e nw l i t ha s p € c i a l . h i t d
J J; ,w h oc a n t
p o p u t a lteh e b o o k C . r i t i ch! a v eh a i t e d s€emto rcaclrlrn rocGtardrcam;Matin,
JPO,asversionllro or Couptand's ea ier a h a s - b e eTnVh a s tw h os c r e w eadi 5 - y € a r -
vrork,/4;.rore4 but we r€ckonthat hardty o t d ;a r d J e s , t l r ed n q s t ty€ e n d ggei r L w j l l r
matteE.Aswilh severat other.riticatbtjps ar attitude.Them€ssyneshof chamcters
abolttP0, (ih€ bookt coifuringfonnatfor nakerA LansV/ayDowna bookaboutsuch
o n e ;t h es p e t t i noqu t o f p i s d i q l t sf o r p a g e s a d e p E s s i vmea t t eqr u i i €a f u n n yr e a dI.t
on end,afoiher) hardtynratt€rbecaLrse yoLr gives5!i.ide a few arqtesto tookat: fiut,
v r i t t r e aldh i s b o o k A
. n d€ v e ni f y o u s a y i n i l r eu s u a t d e p r e s st i vq€h t .S e c o n di n, a
y o uw o n ' ty, o u ' L t p r o b a e bn t ydu p r € a d i nigt v e r ym r n d a i ec, a s u aml a n n eA r .n dt a s t t y ,
a n y w a yW. i t hC o u p t a ni idj € c t i r st h o u s h t - in a pteasantty supri5jngpositjveway.Ii
p r o v o k i nngu g g e tosf m o d e rw n isdom afd t l r e€ n d ,i t b e c o m enso ta b o u st u i c i dbeu i
stmn!e out of lhis !1/ortd situatjons,haw a b o L tr il f e .N oc t i c h €hs€ r el,h a n k f u t t yi t s
.. .l in, ,psnr n.r rprdln. ipnn' N i c kH o r n b y .



T h e r ee
D a n nS
with dirty attitud€sanda
heatihyappetitefor intoricantsmakethis
I r v i f eW e t s bh o o ka n e f f r n ' e r g a g i nr €ga d l
t n v i r c n m e nht aeta t t hi n s p e c l o r
y k i n n e\ra, h oi s i m m € d i a t ei u
off with c€tebritychefAtar DeFrctais
t yr n e d
tverythinqis ILntninatecl nasa qriet
k i n do f h L r m ot hr a ti s w h o l e s o nbruet n o t
. ra T..l ln rha a/F< .f n 4,

Illrmnoted revotvesaround a fetlow witr

r na n!
s o u n d i n gU k r a n i a nt r a n s t a r a tE, v e r y t h i n igs

a n a m €s i m i l a rt o t h e a u i h o r ,o L r ii o t o o k
b u tf a s c i n a t €wdi t ht h e c h e f sb o o k t, h e f o r a w o n r a nw h o c o u t dh a v es a v e d( o r i o r )
Bednan se.tetsof the t'tosterChefs.Ne lris grandfath"{ frofl th€ Nazi!. Fo€r us€s
me€isBrianKibby,for whomhe feets u i u s r a t w o r d s( " f t a . c i d - l o - u t t e r i"n s t e a d
u t l e rb o r d e r i n g - o n - o b s €hsasti rve€dT. h i s ,
i r t u f n ,t a k e 5o v e rh i sL i f eT. h ep h o r e t i c
spettingout of ScottjshEfgtish("You
w a f t i f y i r t € ao r n o ? ' ) ,w h j t ei n c r e d i b t y
o f j u s r s a y i i q " j n f o r m a t " "; s i r e d "i n s t e a do f
" b o r n ' ) t o i e t t t h e s t o r y .E v e r y t h i n g
o i t h € s r b j e . l o f f a m i t y ,b u t d o e ' s o

w i t h o u t c h e e s €T. h €€ n d r € s ! l t i s o f e i h a t
fascinatinq, needsgettingusedio. i s r o t t i c k i n gf u n . a f 4
\/ T h e s ea r € a f e w i h i n q sl o u n e e d : t a y d o w nt h € s h i df t a ta n dp t a c €
acetate steicits, fabric paint, foam roLters, th€ ac€taie stenciLon iop. Maskdown
m a r k l n gt a p e ,i p t a i n! h i r t , a f c o u n e , a . d t h e e d g e sl o p u t i l o n p t a c € .P t a . i n ga
n e v A p a p e ttro e n s u r ec t € a f f n e s r .S t e i c i t i ! .adboad ifside the shiirwi[tnretch it
€ a s i e rl h a r s i l k s c r e e n i n q y o ! . a n j r m F o u i , h € t p i n ! i n a s m o o i h e rs t e p 4 .
t o t h e t a l t e r w h e i y o u t h i n k y o i r ' v eg o t i € n

= t h e f e e t o f w o r k j n qw i t h l a b r i c .

fl\;/ l:ommit vour de5iqf to th€ ac€tale.
d o n ' tn e e dt o o ' n u c hA
. n dt h € nr o t t e!rp o n
the slrni.
9 Usifq a reguLarflarker, dra!vI'o!r desiqn
: m a n u a l l yo f t h e a . e l a l e . B r t i f y o u r e RIP OFF/DRY
f e e t j n gp r o , q € t y o u r P h o t o s h o pr e d d ya n d Carcfutno,,r,\ah€nnppingoffthe
A V A I L A BALtEP 0 r r ' / E R B 050MtM
6 E G A t l A(L6L1 52 3 9 3 )6, t 0 R i L l i AI ( 7 5 27 0 i t 7 )G, R E L N B(T7Lt I7 6 4 2 3 ) , p r i i t i t . T h € nc u l o u t t h e d e s i q nt o m a k € a.etate afd tapes. You can dry it up witr a
ANDATABANC (350 5662)j!ISIT !1r!'l\\lP0wIRB00KS.t1]M.PH rairdryerifyo! lrant or you caf sjmpty wdjt.

.;,; ,;


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aql ppotur\lop
or ld e ot 06 ol a eq ua^aluop no,{
suPsursLql pr€rll ro onc IrqS tuouahpalasuL
aql otuoAFarp }L]ra^uorULn]runaqt pLre rafqd
c^o o eraurproap|ne spqrns.)rnoso.pL^ ir
p uL6ntdrsnf a)nos ^ue Lxo!ftp.Ip oopo
atqqeduor-dsd proD uer.rhap AULLr srqLlJ
i^poq5,pLet ssa:iuud uo speaqssatp!LU
,t arq ^s€!eJ aurP6aql u|r!E tPqreLr uLpa}rb '6urt+as ptro tearqL,roasnpraq pE.qs,rapeq]'Pc buqlnd^ruel r€qr qspqol dn )irLdnof 6rrrqt_^rp
prepuEls r1r04.rn?]edap e.lLnb Illeuoqderxa areoqa stu.pnls€ 1n0,pLr4saurtu0NVr /$3r6ap '6qruruqrl rrjs uorsnrlMo rno,(
asf uer no :AqrPau r-tsLEar qsPr
sLoot ursls^s15inbs,au€6 3qlrPa^4
+otllro]rLrn o1136nof qqPqordurL ot uorl€uL6euL ]o 3)teuno^slatraptrnqr4rerEqrv Pro rEtrn6e a3s peapu|lo sarors
aLtl ssutPu tooqrsr.turlnoqe 'qt^u puE^sP+uPlrptndodu04 l.t6!U3qr a)pl$ureb a!Ltuo qroHtsuqd aqlJoanralapaql li}lopr\ou no{ IE/r aq} qlLArbrer
pLesiq 0t +q e s,.raqlpuE pa}Ltsr.rraEqr 6!L(€tdjo ppslsul r3qloaliqrfi 6uq1as slLsL pue!nr reFqtPac6!Lirl,xs,a)nt aart'i.^ sa^L6 r!r'l, p,r0 ,suf6
paEPrforua /il6uorlssL+equor auLtu0Nvuol anbLun atLlsara'o!oLtrP.tqErourau itsLar asf o] atssPlt Pl0 arourItalprsqLt.p
r3^Eldsnr.^ ra^qd .tpquor .spparql l P r f o 3 u e 6a q l 1 0t r e d] $ q 3 q l r/1'aru's 6!rql&a^. to mol+oq
puPqo] pu€rtu' !30xe uPple ^ 3urorrIPd uPrnoI'spnptooqrs sLsutq s,{.r45 asrq}tsru aqr uo aqr o+].6 ol srroqZt a^pqnof
]slt€nuFs'req)P'uPusproMs qPrprno^sperbdnor !P^1no^]L bursnroturrolaa{ nou 'suoqras 'lsLrro6elord aLtl
aqt sPqrns$ssep repueqr ]srtEurnofoloqd
q ,rptdol saalAqtLrouor arp 6 u u p a P r q . ^e q +s a ) u p q rpau p sv pEap!n a q l + os p . r p u nqqi l ^ {
rn0Juorl asooqruPrno^ eroql sarJro} s,brqt^a^ar€q] .r!EFtsrq 3qt ja s]radseqq€^ofua 6!!r\er] s,lpqtl€rx6uLlrprds p ur
'loortrsrno,\pataenof aru0
s l l e d r s a qa q t s p u n otst s e aq uo sPlnqz e,/r']l,ts a5a1 l.s s,u ^Fnou.sllsstLolP] lussop
'sndurPl 'spruoD
tnlPEarp se t,!sr tooqrs 0l )pPq r' erplrls aslqrue4r a ot|r t ruaral|'p
+ ! l p q l] r E . q 1 ! r s a r a
ate9p.DPsaqt puesnduEl 6 L r o b ' i u L t uuO
E tu I : 9 0 W W ts pa^otuail e qlh s)p!q blLptrnq rreu s,are6.Ll1 s.r!P6tul
x'uaoqd'snduel )tPadrqsIN u Eu L r o j6 u D t o o n to f . r Pa s t s b!u'r! tPqi sa^ordt.fbas sLql
/snduelauLu00t lraprsa,a)tLt srsat-.r06alquozJo
aql ^lauE! ]€qt saleussetr roq 6!u€3r1 x08x'zsd'ld r3]sPU p a l r d s r p u n , u o r duert0 4
i!oqnlLtsuLrno}J0raquraLre ']lDtspuP'uoLp€tE leqrPul
saL^our-€ €rqu0zltfr l0 tuate^Liba
.q ol asooLp
uPrn0^,ptroM ssatlt3t3r'buLnas tooqrsv .ureboaph aq] sL6a'iJ prao
'aseqrf0^ p!a].p
o 1 t u lf o ^ s pp n o D r x o l u o i +
tieoPslotror.qto asnosleuer no yotreda6esse'u 'ro!LsPr!r $re6
' p e 0 1 ^ d d L. trS u o ^ p tu e t6 r L p n t r r L
' . r u E l p e d duee 6 u r ) t esur a r r P r e q l 'uLUrq'radrotProt6ur,(etd .ull]
r f o ^ J o) i u n q ar 6 r qp p u e d u
s pr
r P | r u e jp r u u , n 0 ^r n q i a L r € 6. r f0 suOLssLur ua^uptuOtsqbnorq+
p u a q e s rs r q Ll u . u o d u o rq + ] E q pto++otdrstduor.q] 6Lr!a^erun
Pas€q-urnt 6ur6E6Lra fta^ E seq tnoqpob no,(s€prfor6 6udurors
3 8 6a q l ' u o L s u i u rppa p p eu e rnol saurOraq otuto.L paz|parflrl
sP]nq ]u.sardIqs aresatDPq eJo )tunqr36rPtv ,rsururets 3rt1
0 r q s0 1 o L q ss u o 6 r as^n o r ^ 3 r d^tNarareznlel xa
a4 ILAfI tPrLlrPl.rbLun€ eaJJo ssEpeq e'n^rL)Purnzryse^Etd
puouaal tal )ols s)eurlz 6rq)e1 nol sprnos sPpoo6sesLaue6
. l n r q r r ^ t\ E q u 0 rp a s P q - e r e d s srq+{tEuLsudrnS !11orrrotetnLxrs
b r L p u a tf qb u ' u u n rr o u a q e l n d . r ptr0^r3pun 6uLurEOr 3.rr -q+ol
aqt sPqs3u3sroJ ./rl5 .rt1 r . p u a + u 0/ r3 u3 q 1 s L , z r ) r.ts s o q
qourbuuesqrs^o uea)t'rsr yt9
3auP6urs-aururlo ptro^\aqt uI

r." i I
T h eP i r U p sa r e n ie x a c i l tyh e
easiestbandto fottow.Fotlowin
t h e c o r t e r to f i h e i rs o n g tsh a t ,a s
you'tthearin,4ll JediJlf€ lak€,,
m a y€ l y o n s i m p i ec h o r dasn d
uncompticated Lyncsbut deviat€
ftonrwhat coutdhaveb€ena
s i m p i ep o ph o o ki i t o s t n n g €
territoryWiththe jnctu5ionof
s o m ew a y w a rcdh o r dN . o ti h a i i i
soundsdissonant, a.d it's al\4ays
d q o o di d e at o e x p € i m e nei v e r y
sa ofter it jusi doesf'tfeetriqht
in .etair ptaces.Stitt,for someof
i h e e a s i epr o ps o n q tsi k e" W a t € r .t .t,i | ),.. :\ir\); , -ttr.t: .t.j
i h e M o o na" n d" N e v eR r ustin! : : t r ,r , : . : . . . 1 .tIt . t : : . ' ) . : : t ; t ) : '
D o w i( L i k eG o t dY o rA r e ) , ' t h e
.i,.1l:, t;r, t,;t.:'). . ,i .;,
P i n - U pdso h a v et h e p o w etro p i r 'r.'ii titin, ,.i. : | ,.ri, i ::t.ti
y o ud o w n*. * * * ' 1 . , . , \ j t i . \ 1 1 , , . . \.1: t ! t , t i t t | | . 1 , i : \ ,
: a i . . . ; . . , . , i . . i : . : | ; , , ) , . ,:
tt ,,.r:t ,\'..;,t. ,: .,\ . i.t::l

THE |! - rthat a \^reek
tor FitiDinos, But Will.LAmtumsserious
that tastsevendavsof saying,"I'rn prcld of Attan!
t I Juty.First,the Btack accompLishments. Ther€tonty
EyedPeas swungby,fotLowed by oneFiLipino internatiofat guy
ihe poputar bu{esque actThe a f d h i sn a m ei s A l l a nP i n e d a . "
Pussycat Dotb.Withihat came Andther th€ Pussycat Dotts
ihe neveFending brzzof ApL. perforrned the ne\t dayin a
de.ApandNicote Scheq'nger as j a m p a c k eAdr a n e tC a otiseum.
beingoneofus. BtackEyedPeas "I feetsotouched,"Nicote,the
wasgjventhe "keyto the cjty," haLf-Fitipjna Dottsaysteary
something ihat is stjLla mystery eyed,aftersirging"StickWit
H e r ei s a n h o n e sqi u e s t i o nH: o w io us,aswetLasan officiatBtack U." "I feei so loved."Aww,what
d o b a n d st i k eT a k i n g B a c kS u n d a y Thisanger,hate,agglessjon, EyedPeasday(JuLy26). canwe say?Weted damnloving
e f d u p s of u c k i n qe m o t i o f a t ? ( o r h e c k lc) o n s t i p a i i ohna s "We'rehereto promoteALlan ration, that'swhai we are.Just
Women, at teasi,haveestrogers for pesident,"Fergie jokes. 0f hearjngyou say"mabuhay,"
trutytransmognfied 0uesointo
t o b t a m feo r t h e i ru p sa n d som€thifgetse.Rightnow,it's TheRaconter6 is JackWhiteotTlre couuetheenhretoon burst thai'sa sourceof ndtionatpnde
d o w n s b u te m ok i d s ?W ec a n safeto ,ay the bandis iftrty WhiteSinpestogetherwitha f€tlow i n t oa n ' ? l t a nA
! l L a n c: "h a n t . right thereltr,4
!rderstard t h e p u n kb € dt h e s e h a r dt o u n d e r s t a nI tds. a 5i f t h e Detrciimusioanandtwo other
kidsaretryirg to resttheir sofgs bandhasteft the sanemusic pastywhiieboys,whosupposedty
o n , b u t a t tt h e w h i n i n qi sj u s i sysiemof netody,measures, basethemsetver in coLntrymusic
i o a m u c hY. o u ' d t h i n kt h d rl a k i r g ard comprehen5ibte tyrcr for a capitatNashvitteTenfessee. Brole,
B d c kS u i d a yt ,h i s b € i i qt h e i r m o r ep n m a t g r u f T i . h e yn a m e soy5old;€|5tnps ori an an odd
third recordatready, woutdhave a sofg aftera f4iddte-Easlerr mixtureof'70sspaceanda€fa
d i e d u pi h e i rt e a r s B . u tn o ,t l r e y pasansod ("ridmat")afd simita, rockaid the tasset€d twaf! ot
w h i n ea n dw h i n er n t i l ! o u b e t i e v e ircornprehensibtes ("Katchaiore," country. Thesjngte"Steady AsShe
iheres nat muchpndeteft in " I n k d a h ' )W. h a t so b v i o u t5h, o u q h , Goes"hasthat twitchyfeetgoifg
them.PresLrmabty, ihe fansfke i s t h a ti h e b a n di s b i g g e r a n d forit. Youknowwhatw€ihink?the
thjs so TakingBackcontjnues heavier thar theythemretves Raconi""urs aremininSeveDthirs
t o p e d d tt€h i s n u s i c J. u s it h e neverihoughipossibte. We'tL be that i5 uicooLii the r'ortd,
same,"WhafsIt FeetLiketo be a waitifg for{he timethesekidst!rn shlf{tingit arnorgthemsetves, lo
C h o s t ? ' h agso o de n e r gtyo o p e n 60 tet'sseehowthey'ttbe .o.kinq conreout wiih a ne\rcoot.coot.
a r e . o r dw i i h .* * * . : i

r'iN'$oan zao6

: ii:..411.
9002 ul8o.tJo LtdL|ro3urqtr'.\^\^\
IdJ s.qPqluordJosrol s . b p n l a q 1 . r sP. t E r ] oel r L t t
'3r3n sP sLql
1r . lood 6ururlLMs Eto tL op ol ts^eqio^]L suPaur .^pqpuetnotL}o ^rr]]IIrUadoH pu€'qeIqP^E ! €t ^ t ' € ! o t e E e N
' q s r u t r ' s t r e l se q u a q M ' s ! 5 0 u r:s 0
I tPqM]sntJoare P nof ap€r! 06sprtluor1. 'saqrqrtuo]srqueuol sDUErllopl rrrrauy l0 asiqruerl
J0 puq
'arnpord ssarord3q1 t n o p u p u L r o , r E r p r o t | o p u € u L
llLM : to6 upr ^.q1 qrLqMqtL^{ftlra}3p lLpuP'6uqre I e s rs L q t ' t s r | } ue^,$q/rlor)tno^ puE'(+u€pnts pau P 6uraq'tPurbuot€r]] ]ou s,tr
.doq no^ t€qMsLs)itPtaq ^PM : 6ulzpLxp
3rfiJo ,srLpqrtsaqr'
'iPqi 3tt1Iq pstqurnq prereHE.q olsu.ddeqosteoq,$) o s ' , ( o t 0i q r r E . sr P l s6 u r b u r s
aql slLr)turqtot ]lels no^atutM i araMr0 salrnfuL
teu'dspeqoqM ' ! e {IPnurtuor ar,no^flsno'^qo raqrc+sIE +!€pnts r' et prerPfl t € r r d ^Et u o ! L d st P u ' b u ou Et a b
€ reuE_puP a]'pProlo ]ot e sP^ : stdoadq+w pa)troM .u p '.riH irtt lr,r?alsrLt]qrlpt
r se pazpop r ' & t e r L s ^ q d ' 6 u L 6 u q t P q r bu'qspp rcli prP la aul.ldatqd )atuf
'0s buge3ds ^Er ot uoqe^rlou
t! J0 tnrqiEaq : sf€,vltp s€MI pup fep at6ulsfr3^a ^Iard sPAlL oS'o!od aq1^q +06e^,roIpuProsLttv 5 I p p r n t E!So r a q r o! r E . t s u r e b E
auopuaaqsPqabEurep terLsfqd sP(ipreoqlnE ,ril.Lt+ uo 6!Lllor6 +rdsuoL+Pls tP^usLroqqaduor
--a ra^stEqrx l0 surslsu0r Jo puP-pear$a6edtq6€ ueseqaqs 6!Lpuara^auaW or 'rordur)
aqt or psrotLPr ')raq).aN ae1ur) ,1,11prala
-l tros tEnpL^Lpur Eu uDtDqbuiij s?tsa q 6uunp
'-1n- s! srqlJ0ltv u' rlrlr\{5 01 tn8 ss€udd€s sr1rPars alq aqtos asoq]uro4-stsaiuorFurburs o]
uo4Lsoo alqerr0+!ortsouraql ll,1ltl,1llxdlH9IN)]lM-l-v!1l9 r a 6 u p r los! s r s a r r d d q r qadq 1
-t::ii:ii sr qrLLt^r pue'abPuPur ^aql l ^ l d 8s l v c N n S ' 9 - t 8 v
::i:':i{i - {[ noq pue't€o} ^Er[ Mor.] puP I
'sbq rraqtor saop
t! leq^ pue
-rI.t 'Lxr/s s6atrL.rtlJo3snUoqt$
.tooaoMoq3Lrlpa/rloqs urt9
lrl aq] uo paltnsu0r0!M aldosd
.: ".*l:: | :-:']'l :':.:.:
--r terFfiqd fira^
ag ]snu all s$ u] lulod slqr
tP a^asoou6utfPtd
E rr./r/4ul alor rno,{uo 6uDtPtr
:6rLtsar€lur.rour 6urq+.t€^a ' q n 6 1 L r E .audr ! l
i t u o t 6o ! s r n u
s a ) t PlUt N o qa ^ o t t s n f f o fl u o 0 o! fEs ^aqt sV r+!nls tsaLz€r)
'a^0r:l 'ltesur Lq.r0raprt,
tassnr FUPlsaqbnoraqt arPJ^.LttsE
aql pre r.ppdssa Pt arP aql (sra/r1oro tEntralaturs.rrn!3r
6!ourYi^]uq.tarE ^q papxEr tPqt) atftsrolJrl rrr1 arLqs01
' urr$
i rLPdP ' . l d n o rr e ) u a u v ' u e L p r I ] s r y r a q t q r P . r^ a q t . r o l . q sr aposLda qrpa'6Lrqsar;]ur arotLr .r!eqr .L]] r€6 !aLxo^{puPuau
toorPssrors : ue'sr3q10rqueLsv0/'11rtsEr ua^asateuuEalra.Mlaq arEtj 1r3)leur0t puv s.i.rtun0rnsra^rp f s l n ba s a q t ' s s a r orrodq r a t a s
.sra^LpP stsPoqrosP.ssLql ol sraduret {terns 1.6 I'a rsou puPtsaptos,ptr0^{ aqljo a ^ L s u a +u!€rr o Ja u ' t u od n p s L r b r s
n o <6:r rqf,r(o r'f I r'- ) 1 . 0 t €p e 0 ur o r n o t € 0 s r a u e qa r n l n ) p u ea b P n 6 u € t aros ]o EUaurou.rto lern]eupuP o r t / 'tlu a r q r o )a ! ] s s o D pI p s 3 0 l
'' 'ILder6oa6 3€rnlnr q)u $rnrP.l i b a . ^ P r ! 0 4! . s o q t A r o l r ' ^
uPJl Jut JsrnoJrn uosPag araqMPurql atppLur rro .q1
'q1*o+*+t"'p "r* $ u L) r E r ! st q 6 u, { E ' u r a p u n ]' se.JLiot.uor ^qdPrboroqd L F La i u o r ] P q ]s U O L6ru L 6 6 e r q
6 u o L xoes t e . r Pl r € M n )p"q+ uP srab nDE SutzDavaql 6rDiptq]p3rq .as 'srryta,lorrd !L .Ltt roJostetnq '000'0t$rot tsnl
' u P U l a L A ' E r t o b rsorha r t l o j o u o s e eqs ] 0 r e q l i a r P r tn€ ^ruqLtaq1ur tooq Arsnpp s! t0u sasses,raq]0qrP€)jrDjersv
6 u o L x e ' ( i t u € . 6V
PS a 0s s L l , . i a q rJ o 6 L r L u u L 6 . q. q
] ie p u L ro l s a u o r+ € q r6 u r q+t s r g. q ] r a ^ ol l e u 0 4 s I e l s . l u o r + 6 r a
a q l J o )E L U r o l Lst ei rll l p u P tq6! 6uLraet )prsaLxoq ,,'sPtlE,, pronaql re.q io^ uaqr\4 ' n P r P hr L l o x a ( t s n a $ q o )u ' r r s
)tro fi.N ssrt.ifiu!u6raraqr 1 4 d 6 l v c N n s ' r$ 8 0 1 t 0 14d0€:6lvcslnt
p u e ' s u r e l d e6ru L p e a t r a a q r aqt ssol]E^EfiIEq u,$orq1 -ENNVHI 'l.r 'Nxv
stutll,1ltxd IdIAO)5I0 ll80110 slllll,'lllud
,\qqrq p-uP '(ifprr a r es u E a t ' 3 u r q s r q rp u e
toq i
s)aqtdg Dtg^ourdto sn , ' ) i r P qs Ls d u o su 0 ' s r ^ q a l
s p r r u a , a F t q l e u ip a b b a l All€3r parEdJsPJ +soueql
aLoP 'spuaultrut'PtsI r0 W d 6S A V O N O W ' N X V
a r u Es u 0 q s 3 n 0
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aLtlror{arqral3p e sEptro^{srqi sLql t!aprs.roslt .u€r.q ;!
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ll801l0 SlllIWlld'XVl,{INv
ple qr!r' paD$r'xs€1.1 .rt q6no,
in Manilatraffic,butyoucan
r) EFFoRfl-Ess!

P L E A S E ! H''.,l,**i :t';#i
arcolepsyis not slort ute with, cailed
an oprtonwnen "cruisecontrol,"
you ddve a Cruisecontrollets
SubaruForester. you maintainspeed
suddenLy ow4n if e.,r tor nn.F

falLasleep,without the gaspedal,aLlowing

waning, anytimeand you to do a Lotof other
anlnvhere, including things apat from, well,
behindthe wheelof a cruisingand enjoying
movingvehicle. With
the forestet the odds your Legs,sit in the
of a snoozerscreeching lotus position,smelL
his way to the next Life youl foot, tickLeyour
is increased tenfold.AIL girLtuiend with your
becauseof a high end foot, a lot of things
automotivetechnology then go backto normal
the Subaruboyshave ddvingwhenyou hit
blessedthe Subaru the bnkes.
Foresterall-wheel drive Behindthe steering

-i-' +rrl . ,--

wheeLof the lorester we clickedon cruise Lineturbocharged undersizedSW or an
is the cruisecontrol controLand mad€Uke modeL,we wouldhave oversized cat. .
stick. with a coulle forgottenthereever Wealsodon't quite
of buttonsbunched wasa cruisecontrol know what to makeof LT
for an SUV,the
u! at the ti!. Say, ride wasastonishingLy and flooredit and the silvertrimmingsin
youle dri!'lngon that soft and smooth.But givethe bus driver the dash.If its purpose
t.n. .rror.f ^f i; v| i.
then again,maybetoo the's easyto wasto accentthe blacks,
roadin TarLacgoingto smooth;you'dexpect do that with a Turbo we sayLet'sjust haveit
Baguio.It goeson and a dde with a get go forest€r.Why?Because att in black,shaltwe?
attitudeto be a bit ii'c n.wF'Fd |v tfp There'salsothis
Ai ilrrc n^int it c vp v
of a brute,but the same enqme tnat thing in the middLe
temptingto hit the propelsthe Impreza of the dashthat you
cruisecontroLbutton. WRXto raLlyvictories. Knowopensup ro
something,and you wish . a.t
Beautiful.Thinq a.rrl; ho ni6tti6r

is, it's difficult in the aesthetic it wasexcitinglike a ,_


on suchroad
Wefeli that the
werent gomg
navigationaltool or a
seatejector-but no, it's
lust a pocket.
conditions.The a1Lout as much,
roadahead,the that somehowthey
neededto breathmore
of the turbo
versionare i
freshair, smilea bit respectable I1
hypnotic.What aLumlnum-
morewith cruise If you take a cLoser coLored 17s.
control,whenthe Foresterexhibitedvery look at the forester, Ourshad 16s,
car practicaLlydrives car like behavior.So you'll noticethat it's coLored qotd.
itself?And, let's not we loungedaswe sped lowerthan most SUVS. Narcoleptics
F^ ctrf r.. rhtrr
along,brakingoncein Youle su!posedto be aresaidto
you'reth€ narcoleltic. a while because there morebalancedthis etperiencescary
0h no. wasa busbesideus way,with a low center halLucinations whenthey
But for everyone who wassuddenlyin of gravity.But here's fall into deepsleep.So
olco +i rlr i,;n. fllcc
front of us who looked a bit of a problem: whenthey dreamof cars,
like he wantedto go Were not quite sure they must dreamof gold
Turbo it! behindus. if the Foresteris an dms aswell. FHM
n^.n tlrin. thF FFM H:d M'! n^lfan

roadtri! crewis always ourhands,though,

on heightenedalert .n iha t.n ^f tha
and doesnt requiretoo
muchsLeep. Sowhen
we got our handson
a forester,and were

Nodh Ix!ressway,


J l ,I ' i '
Ir t
True Stories*i}frii*l$
In colLege,
my brotherand I
movedto a houseneai our
university.our girlftiends,
too, werestudl,rngat
rfp (:ma rrniraraitv Tha

arrangement wasLikethis:
our man lad would caLihis
.iJ+,ion/l ,,n rnd rlroro

wouldhavedirty sexaLLby
thei lonesome.Sothere
wasonetime whenit was
my lucky day tuggingny
girltuiendaLonqafter I had
pickedher up from class,
we went straighthome,
lockedthe doorbehind
us, and proceeded to fuck
our brainsout. Wewerein
the heat of the moment
when suddenLy ther€wasa
knock on the door.At that
point I wassLidingin and
out Likea madman,and
shewasaLLwarmand tiqht
inside-there wasno way I'd
stop shaggingjust to open
for that mis€rablestranger.
SoI continuedhumping,
and finally openedthe door.
It wasmy best friend. "Pare
baLiktadshaftsmo, mukhang
napasabak tayo ah!" he I
chuckled.Like a trite scene
in a comedyflick, I tooked
downand reaLized he was
right. Thestory of the little
in campusand everytime -
my bestfriend seesme,he'd
aLways referto me as ?dreng My tuiendhadunleashed his himselfwith pride,surveying changeand freshenu!. My go and wasburstingin tears,
baliktad." terible secret:Hefartsthe his handiwork.Thestinking segmentproducerand I were but that they had taken care
INSIDE OUI,BYEII4AIL mosthorriblesm€liingfarts bastardl shootingsomefootageswhen of it and shewason her way
in the entiredamnunivenel IHE ROTTENTWO,BYIMAIL he got a text message frofit home.Thenext morningI
BUMRAP! I couldonly pity the people one of the staff, askingif I wasthe butt ofjokes in the
My fiiend is a goodLooking insidethe boilerroomof a UNCONDITIONAL waswith him. Turnedout my office.Theycalledme "unico
dud-",but hidesa tenibLe jeep someweiel^'rinkling LOVE parentshad caLledthe office hub" and other suchnames.
secretthat I'm ievealing their nosesin lrotest, some Thisthing ha!penedonly Lookingfor me they were "Nagpaalam ka na ba sd
to you now.Weboardeda wipedtheir armsand facesfor last month and it's one woried sick that I hadn't mommymo, ha?Bakanaman
jeep once,in a hurry to get fear of the bum gasclinging of the most embarrasslng comehomeand my ceLLphonepumuntaulit iyon dito ot
somewhere. Thejeep was to their bodies,whilesome momentof my life. I am a wasdeadthe whoLenightl I sunduinftal" Xverybodyin
packed,trafficwasheaw, werejust too preoccupied --l+o, f^/ : 11, n-^.1,,.ri^n caLledthe officeto askabout the officestiLLtreatsme Like
andthe summerheatwas with gagreflex.I hastened company,and keepingodd my fotks.Thestaff told that a kid to this day!
sv/el.tering.It wasthen that to followthe cuLpiitout of hours,I wouLdoften find my momwastherea while a l4A[,lfsBoY,BYEMATL
an unsettLinglyrevoLting the vehicle,but alas,vrithout myselfhavingsup€rLate
smeLlengulfedthe cramped wamingI feLta warm,aLnost night drinkingsessions
jeep.fooshl Rotteneggsand moistgustbrushme.Iooshl with my bdrkdda.Thisone
cabbages. In that instantI "SweetLordJesushavemercy Sendyour entriesto: FHM emai[(fhm@summitmedia.
night, the ddnking went on TrueStories.Summitlvledia, andget a chance
realizedwhat had transpired, on us all," I wasstunned.And till the next day-to make LeveL1, RobinsonsGatteria, to win a DELAYSPRAYfrom
rvhat}rith the searching what $rasmy friend doingas things worse,I had an eaiLy Edsacorner0rtjgasAvenue, THELOVESTORE.
andscowlingfacesof the aLIthesewerehappening? He momingshoot,so therewas 0uezonCity1100.0r try
unfortunatevictimsinside. ov fax (63722A6)al
wason the curb,laughingto no vrayI couldgo homeand Store
E L O rze

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