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Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology

Electrical Engineering Department

Circuits and Networks (2130901)

Sr U. A. Patel (11th)
1 - Circuit Variable and Circuit Elements Priority Remarks
No Topic No.(Pg. No.)
1 Explain the terms ( i ) Linear (ii) Bilateral (iii) Passive (iv) Reciprocal (v) Time invariant (vi) Lumped 1
parameter (vii) Dual (viii) Nonlinear (ix) Unilateral and (x) Time variant with reference to Network 1.9 (1.22-1.25)

2 Explain all the sources with characteristics. Eg Ideal, practical, Independent & dependent Voltage 1
1.10 (1.25-129)
and/or Current Source.
3 Justify: the current in an inductor and voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantaneously. 1
OR C - 1.5(1.5-1.10)
How inductor and capacitor will behave at t = 0 and at t = ∞. Draw equivalent networks. L - 1.6(1.10-1.14)
R - 1.7(1.1.14-1.7)

4 Explain the “Dot Convention Rule” for the magnetically coupled Network. Explain the method to put 1
1.11 (1.30-1.33)
the Dots on different linked Coils using suitable example.
5 Give the relation between energy (E) and power (P). Derive the equations for the energy stored in a 2
1.5 to 1.7 (1.5-1.17)
capacitor (C) and an inductor (L) using P=VI.

2 - Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis of Resistive Circuits Priority
1 Explain in brief source transformation. OR List of source transformation techniques. 1 2.12 (2.52-2.28) from my Xerox copy
2 Explain KCL and KVL using suitable example. 2 2.2 (2.1-2.5) you can also ref. Exp.1

3 - Circuit Theorems and Their Application in Electric Networks Priority
1 State and explain the maximum power transfer theorem. Derive the condition for maximum power 1
transfer to the load for d.c. and a.c. circuits.
State and explain Maximum Power Transfer theorem for given condition.
11.5 (11.75-11.82) from my Xerox copy
(1) DC source with variable resistive load (2) AC source with only variable resistive load (3) AC
source with variable resistive and fixed reactive load (4) AC source with fix resistive and variable
reactive load (5) AC source with variable resistive and variable reactive load

2 State and explain Super position theorem. 1 11.2 (11.1-11.4)

3 State and explain (i) Thevenin's theorem and (ii) Norton's theorem in brief giving suitable examples. 1 T-11.3(11.20-11.24)
from my Xerox copy
4 State and explain Reciprocity theorem. 1 11.6(11.92-11.94)
5 Explain Millman’s theorem. 1 11.7(11.97-11.99)
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Electrical Engineering Department
Circuits and Networks (2130901)

6 Explain Substitution theorem. 2 11.8(11.104-11.107)

7 State and explain Compensation theorem. 2 11.9(11.111-11.112)

10 - Introduction to Network Topology Priority
1 Give the definition of the following: (i) Graph (ii) Branch (iii) Node (iv) Tree (v) Co-tree (vi) oriented 1
12.2 (12.1-12.7)
graph (vii) planner and Non-planer graph (viii) path etc..
2 Derive inter relationship between incidence matrix (A), fundamental tie set matrix (Bf) and 1
12.7 (12.21-12.23)
fundamental cut set matrix (Qf).
3 Explain the formulation of graph , tree and Incidence Matrix using suitable example. Hence discuss the 2
procedure of forming reduced Incidence Matrix and its advantages.
4 Explain about linear oriented graph, Incidence Matrix and Circuit Matrix. Show Kirchoff’s Laws in 2
Incidence Matrix formulation and Circuit Matrix formulation.
Explain circuit matrix of a linear oriented graph and kirchhoff’s laws in fundamental circuit matrix

Examples Priority
1 KVL and KCL Example 1
2 Thevenin's Example 1
3 Super Possition Example 1
4 Network Topology Example 1
5 Source transformation Example 2
6 Maximum Power Transfer Example 2
7 Nortan's Example 2

Note:- Priority -1 indicate Most IMP Question (MIMP)

Priority -2 indicate IMP Question (IMP)

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