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Neuropsychoanalysis, 2011, 13 (2) 133

What Is Neuropsychoanalysis?

Mark Solms (Cape Town, South Africa) & Oliver H. Turnbull (Bangor, U.K.)

This article briefly surveys the interdisciplinary field of neuroscience and psychoanalysis (“neuropsychoanalysis”) and also addresses
some of the criticisms that the field has encountered. First, the article reviews the historical foundations of neuropsychoanalysis,
including both theoretical and technical questions of whether an interdiscipline is appropriate. Second, it discusses the philosophi-
cal foundations of the field, including the position of dual-aspect monism. Third, the article examines the scientific foundations, with
a discussion of whether analytic work with neurological patients represents an optimal point of contact between the disciplines.
Finally, the article engages with the issue of what neuropsychoanalysis is not, covering issues such as “speculation versus empirical
research,” and the question of whether neuropsychoanalysis represents a new “school” of psychoanalysis.

Keywords: neuropsychoanalysis; history of science; Freud; mind–body problem; dual-aspect monism

The first formal use of the term “neuropsychoanalysis” We address the question “what is neuropsychoanal-
occurred in 1999, when it was introduced as the title of ysis?” under four headings:
this journal. Plainly, however, the relationship between
1. Historical foundations of neuropsychoanalysis.
psychoanalysis and neuroscience is much older than
the term. In the dozen years since the word “neuro- 2. Philosophical foundations of neuropsychoanalysis.
psychoanalysis” was first used, it has been employed 3. Scientific foundations of neuropsychoanalysis.
in a number of different ways, for different purposes, 4. What neuropsychoanalysis is not.
by different people.1 This article briefly surveys some
of this complexity and, in the process, sketches the
intended scope of the field. In doing so, it will also ad- Historical foundations
dress some of the criticisms that the field has encoun- of neuropsychoanalysis
tered in the decade or so since its foundation.
There are two major limitations to this account. The When we speak of the historical foundations of neuro-
first is that we can speak only for ourselves and thus psychoanalysis, we must of course begin with Freud.
describe what we think “neuropsychoanalysis” is—and In doing so, we are also addressing the question as
ought to be. Nevertheless, we may claim a certain to whether or not neuropsychoanalysis is really a le-
privilege in that respect, by virtue of one of us having gitimate part of psychoanalysis. The alternative view
coined the term. Second, we aim to speak only of the is that it is somehow a foreign body in our midst, or a
absolute basics of the discipline, to address only the deviation, or perhaps even something fundamentally
foundational issues. anti-psychoanalytic.
In relation to this question, Freud’s attitude to the
issue is of paramount importance. If neuropsycho-
There was a time when “depth neuropsychology” was the term used for analysis is legitimately part of what Freud conceived
the new interdiscipline (Kaplan-Solms & Solms, 2000; Turnbull & Solms, psychoanalysis to be, it places the interdiscipline of
2003), with reference to Freud’s “depth psychology” (Freud, 1915). neuropsychoanalysis in a strong position with respect

Mark Solms: Department of Psychology, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Oliver H. Turnbull: Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Bangor Uni-
versity, U.K.
Correspondence to: Professor Oliver Turnbull, College of Health and Behavioural Science, Bangor University, Gwynedd LL57 2AS, U.K. (email:

© 2011 The International Neuropsychoanalysis Society •

134 Mark Solms & Oliver H. Turnbull

to this “parent” discipline. It was Freud, after all, who tool then available was the clinico-anatomical method,
invented psychoanalysis. Happily, therefore, Freud’s based on the psychological investigation of patients
view on the matter was very clear and also consistent who had suffered focal brain lesions (Finger, 1994)—
throughout his life. Freud was, of course, a neurosci- that is to say, studying how different functions of the
entist and a neurologist for the first two decades of his mind were altered by damage to different parts of the
professional life (Solms, 2002; Solms & Saling, 1986; brain. It was effectively the only method available for
Sulloway, 1979). Throughout his later psychoanalytic studying mind–brain relationships (although Freud’s
work, he had a specific scientific program in mind, later years did briefly overlap with early developments
largely continuous with his earlier neuroscientific in neurochemistry; see Finger, 1994).2 However, Freud
work, albeit shaped by the limitations of the scientific regarded the clinico-anatomical method as unsuitable
methods and techniques available to him at that time for his purposes, despite having used it himself in
(for more on this topic, see Solms, 1998; Solms & Sal- his preanalytic work. Best known is his On Aphasia
ing, 1986; Turnbull, 2001). (1891), which demonstrates how sophisticated was his
Freud’s program was to map the structure and func- mastery of that method, and of its limitations (for a
tions of the human mind, and naturally he recognized modern appreciation of Freud’s early neuropsycholog-
that these were intimately related to the structure and ical investigations, see Shallice, 1988, pp. 245–247).
functions of the human brain. However, as regards the In that 1891 book on the aphasias and in the papers
mapping of these relationships, he consistently argued that he published soon after (Solms, 2001), Freud re-
that the brain sciences of his time did not have the jected the clinico-anatomical method, as he made the
tools, in both conceptual and technical terms, neces- transition into psychoanalysis. He did so for several
sary for exploring these relationships. He therefore reasons. First, he recognized that the mind is a dyn-
shifted to a purely psychological method—a shift that amic entity. It was Freud’s emphatic view, even as a
he reluctantly saw as a necessary expedient. Just a few neurologist (Freud, 1891), that the mind was not made
quotations illustrate this position: up of static modules or boxes connected up by arrows.
Instead, Freud saw the mind as comprising dynamic,
We must recollect that our provisional ideas in psy- analogue processes. Second, Freud observed that the
chology will presumably some day be based on an mind consisted of far more than consciousness; there
organic substructure. . . . We are taking this prob-
ability into account in replacing the special chemical
was, beneath consciousness, a vast substructure, the
substances by special psychical forces. [Freud, 1914, workings of which had to be explored and understood
pp. 78–79] before we would ever be able to make sense of the
volitional brain.
The deficiencies in our description would probably The aim of psychoanalysis then became to develop
vanish if we were already in a position to replace a method, and ultimately to derive from that method
the psychological terms by physiological or chemical a theory (and a therapy), that would enable science to
ones. [Freud, 1920, p. 60] explore and understand the dynamic nature and uncon-
Biology is truly a land of unlimited possibilities. We scious structure of the mind. It is widely known that
may expect it to give us the most surprising informa- Freud then proceeded to use this purely clinical meth-
tion and we cannot guess what answers it will return od, free from neuroscientific constraints, from 1895 or
in a few dozen years to the questions we have put to it. thereabouts until 1939. This pioneering work left us
[Freud, 1920, p. 60] a substantial legacy, including a series of theoretical
models of the basic organization of the mind, which we
There are many such statements throughout Freud’s now refer to as “metapsychology.”
work. All reveal, first, that he viewed the separation Some psychoanalysts, misreading Freud, argue that
of psychoanalysis from neuroscience as a pragmatic the theoretical work of psychoanalysis must continue
decision. Second, he was always at pains to clarify that to remain aloof from neuroscience forever. We must
progress in neuroscience would have the inevitable avoid using neuroscientific methods, no matter how far
result that at some time in the future the neurosciences these advance and must cling to our exclusively clini-
would advance sufficiently to make the gap bridge- cal, psychological approach. These are authors who
able. As one of the quotes above suggests, his rough question “whether the study of [neuroscience] contrib-
estimate was that this might happen in a “few dozen
years.” That was in 1920. 2
“The future may teach us to exercise a direct influence, by means of
What were the methodological limitations that Freud particular chemical substances, on the amount of energy and their distribu-
encountered at that time? The main neuroscientific tion in the mental apparatus.” (Freud, 1940 [1939], p. 182).
What Is Neuropsychoanalysis? 135

utes in any way to the understanding or development function to the complex psychological whole. On this
of psychoanalysis as theory or practice . . . whether basis, modern neuropsychology has a well-developed
neuroscience is of value to psychoanalysis per se” understanding of most of the basic mental functions.
(Blass & Carmeli, 2007, p. 34; for a similar opinion, This applies especially to cognitive functions.
see Karlsson, 2010, pp. 40–64). The proponents of Further enormous technical advances followed the
this view appear (fortunately, in our opinion) to form advent of computerized tomography in the 1970s,
a diminishing minority,3 but we must acknowledge which made it possible to identify the precise location of
that there are still some colleagues who believe that a brain lesion while the patient was still alive. This was
psychoanalysis has nothing to learn from neuroscience followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). And
in principle. (Oddly, however, they do seem to think from the 1990s onward, functional neuroimaging (func-
that neuroscience has something to learn from psycho- tional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI; positron
analysis.) emission tomography, PET; and single-photon emis-
Independently of this theoretical—or ideological— sion computed tomography, SPECT) made it possible
question, there remains the technical question as to to directly observe neurodynamic processes, in healthy
whether neuroscience has developed sufficiently as a persons, under changing psychological conditions.
discipline to allow it to make an adequate contribution It is now also possible to deliver temporary, short-
to psychoanalytic theory: whether the methodological acting “lesions” to neurologically intact research partic-
limitations (and related limitations of neuropsycho- ipants—either through sodium amytal injection (which
logical knowledge that Freud referred to) still remain. was first introduced in the 1940s) or through magnetic
Stepping back, it is clear that there have been huge pulses delivered to the outside of the skull via tran-
technical and methodological advances in the neuro- scranial magnetic stimulation (TMS, which has been
sciences over the last several decades. To offer but the readily available since the 1990s). Innumerable other
briefest historical summary: technologies also exist, ranging from stimulation of the
Electroencephalography (EEG) was introduced cortical surface in neurosurgical operations (Penfield &
around the 1930s (Berger, 1929), though it was not Boldrey, 1937; Penfield & Rasmussen, 1950), to deep-
fully exploited until after the war. This represented brain stimulation (Mayberg et al., 2005), through to
the beginning of a capability, initially rather crude, to psychopharmacological probes (Ostow, 1962, 1980),
measure and observe dynamic aspects of brain activity to mention only the most obvious examples.
under changing functional conditions. The later devel- Even this brief summary demonstrates that we do
opment of event-related potentials (ERPs) in the 1960s now have neuroscientific methods that enable us to
(Sutton, Braren, Zubin, & John, 1965; Sutton, Tuet- study the dynamic nature of the mind and to identify
ing, Zubin, & John, 1967; Walter, Cooper, Aldridge, the neural organization of its unconscious substructure.
McCallum, & Winter, 1964; for a recent review, see Each of these methods has its limitations, as all meth-
Luck, 2005) offered substantial advances over the ods do, and there are undoubtedly many future advanc-
basic EEG technique, by virtue of experimental control es to come—but the landscape of scientific enquiry
and averaging procedures. The recent development of in this domain has, certainly, radically changed since
magnetoencephalography (MEG) represents a further Freud’s lifetime. For this reason, it seems entirely ap-
substantial advance, allowing us to study the neural propriate to reconsider whether we might now attempt
dynamics associated with mental events at the milli- to map the neurological basis of what we have learnt in
second level, with increasing anatomical precision. psychoanalysis about the structure and functions of the
In another domain, after the Second World War, there mind, using neuroscientific methods available to us to-
were tremendous developments in neuropsychology, day. Freud would, in our opinion, have considered this
using the lesion method in a new way that adapted its a welcome and wholly legitimate development of the
inherent limitations to the dynamic nature of the mind. work that he pioneered, and there has been something
Alexander Luria, in particular, developed a method of an explosion in the number of books addressing this
known as “dynamic localization” (Luria, 1966, 1973; issue (e.g., Bazan, 2007;4 Bernstein, 2011; Corrigall
see Kaplan-Solms & Solms, 2000, pp. 39–34; Solms & & Wilkinson, 2003; Cozolino, 2002; Doidge, 2008;
Turnbull, 2002, pp. 64–66). This method permitted the Fotopoulou, Pfaff, & Conway in press; Kaplan-Solms
investigator to identify constellations of brain struc- & Solms, 2000; Mancia, 2006; Northoff, 2011; Peled,
tures that interact to form functional systems, where 2008; Shevrin, Bond, Brakel, Hertel, & Williams,
each structure contributes an elementary component 1996; Solms & Turnbull, 2002).
3 4
English-Speaking Conference debate, British Psychoanalytical Soci- For an English-language version of these arguments, see the article by
ety, London, 2008. Bazan, “Phantoms in the Voice,” in this issue.
136 Mark Solms & Oliver H. Turnbull

Philosophical foundations 1993), models of multiple memory systems (Schacter,

of neuropsychoanalysis 1996; Schacter, Norman, & Koutstaal, 1998), models
of divergent visual systems engaged in perception and
If we are to correlate our psychoanalytic models of action (Milner & Goodale, 1993), and so on. All of psy-
the mind with what we know about the structure and chology is ultimately just model-building of one sort
functions of the brain, we are immediately confronted or another. It is only the scale of Freud’s metapsychol-
with the philosophical problem of how mind and brain ogy that distinguishes it, in this respect, from the more
relate—that is, with (to use its original philosophied narrowly focused models of cognitive psychology and
framing) the “mind–body problem.” This opens huge neuroscience. It is also (partly) for this reason that the
philosophical questions. Are we reducing the mind metapsychology lacks some of the specificity of mod-
to the brain, are we explaining away the mind, or are ern cognitive models. But that has no bearing on their
we merely correlating mind and brain? And if we are ultimate epistemological limitations.
merely correlating them, what is the causal basis of this Freud argued not only that the mind is epistemologi-
apparently compulsory correlation? Is the relationship cally unknowable, but also that it is ontologically no
hierarchical, whereby psychoanalysis studies mere epi- different from the rest of nature. Kant’s view was that
phenomena of the brain? Or is the mind an emergent everything in the world as we know it, including the
property of the brain? (Chalmers, 1995, 1996; Church- contents of our external awareness, is only an indirect
land, 1986; Searle, 1980; see also, for a basic review of representation of reality. What all scientists do is probe
these issues, Solms, 1997a; Solms & Turnbull, 2002, beyond this perceptual data to try to get a better picture
pp. 45–66). of what Freud called “the real state of affairs” (1940
It is, of course, terribly important in this field to be [1939], p. 196). This approach, we note, is common to
clear about one’s conceptualization of the relationship all the natural sciences—often with the use of artificial
between mind and brain. We favor a conceptualization perceptual aides such as microscopes and telescopes
(shared by Freud) that we think neuropsychoanalysis and spectroscopy machines. They are ultimately all
as a whole may be based upon. This approach is con- reduced to building models of our natural universe,
ventionally called “dual-aspect monism” (see Solms, and, in this way, the mind in itself exists on the same
1997a; Solms & Turnbull, 2002, pp. 56–58). ontological plane as the rest of nature; it is just one of
Freud says—very clearly in many places—that the the things that we perceive.
actual nature of the mind is unconscious (for a review, It is unquestionably significant that evolutionary
see Solms, 1997a). He uses the phrase “the mind in selective pressures advantage organisms that develop
itself,” referring directly to the philosophy of Kant. For better—that is, more accurate—models of reality. In
Kant, our subjective being, the thing we perceive when a world without vision, the first animals to evolve or-
we look inwards, is not the mind in itself: the mind in gans of sight would be highly advantaged. Those that
itself cannot be perceived directly. We can only know develop better vision—for example, binocular viewing
the mind via our phenomenal consciousness, which capabilities, a lens with adjustable focus, low-light
provides an indirect and incomplete representation detection capacities for twilight conditions, etc.—are
of the mental apparatus and its workings. The actual further advantaged (for a readable account of the pro-
ontological nature of the mind is something epistemo- cess, see Dawkins, 1998). And so much more are those
logically unknowable: it necessarily lies behind (and organisms that develop multiple sensory organs, each
generates) conscious perception. We can, of course, probing and sampling (and ultimately representing) a
infer its nature from our conscious observations and different aspect of the world around them. Considered
thereby “push back” the bounds of consciousness, across evolutionary time, organisms have, on this ba-
which is what the psychoanalytic method seeks to do. sis, developed successively better perceptually derived
Ultimately, however, we can never directly know the models of reality. Thus, the human mental apparatus
mind itself. We must therefore have recourse to ab- (if functioning normally) delivers remarkably effective
stractions derived from inferences and built into figura- capabilities for perceptually guided locomotion, ac-
tive models: metapsychology. tion, navigation, attentional selection, object identifica-
Similar epistemological limitations hold for the the- tion, and object recognition. However, the fact that the
oretical abstractions of other branches of psychology— perceptual systems offer only representations of the
to the extent that they too attempt to describe the inner world can readily be demonstrated by the remarkable
workings of (any aspect of) the mind—even highly errors seen in visual illusions, as well as in psychotic
developed theories such as, for example, dual-route hallucinations and dreams.
reading models (Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, Freud argued that the model-building of physics is
What Is Neuropsychoanalysis? 137

no different in principle to what we do in psychoanaly- adopt the viewpoint of subjectivity, because there are
sis—we begin with perceptions of our inner state, and things that one can learn about the nature of the mental
then we make inferences about the true nature of the apparatus from this perspective, things that one can
things that determine those perceptions. Our phenom- never see with one’s eyes, no matter how much you
enal consciousness gives us the impression that things aid them with scientific instruments. The philosophi-
are (from an external perspective) visual or auditory, or cal position taken by some other scientists (see Solms,
that things make us (from the internal perspective) sad 1997a, for the opinions of Crick, Dennett, and Edel-
or hungry, but these things are all merely qualities of man, for example) do exclude this subjective perspec-
consciousness. Our science, like all others, then strives tive. Nevertheless, feelings exist, and they are no less
to abstract “the real state of affairs” that lies behind real than sights and sounds: they represent a fundamen-
them. Freud formalized all of this in his conception tal part of the mind, and they can teach us a great deal
to the effect that consciousness has both internal and about how it works. To exclude them tout court seems
external “perceptual surfaces” (Solms, 1997a; Solms ridiculous.
& Turnbull, 2002, pp. 18–31). The difference between The information we can glean with our external
psychoanalysis and the physical sciences is (on this ac- sense organs, by studying the mental apparatus in its
count) merely the perceptual surface that we use. physical realization (the brain)—is, of course, no less
Behind both of the perceptual surfaces lies some- important. From a scientific point of view, there are
thing else (“reality itself”), which we can only build actually a great many advantages that attach to study-
abstract models of. Forming better models of reality is ing physical objects. Some of our psychoanalytic col-
itself the goal of all science, including psychoanalytic leagues (e.g., Blass & Carmeli, 2007; Karlsson, 2010)
science. This may surprise those who have forgotten hold a contrary, exclusionary, position that we struggle
the origins of psychoanalysis: for Freud, his discipline to understand—not least because it seems irrational
was always a natural science, identical in principle to deny oneself any source of useful data. Moreover,
with the other basic sciences, such as physics and we should remind ourselves that the singular, fleeting,
chemistry. The mind in itself, then, is not ontologically and fugitive nature of conscious states bestows distinct
different from—and not distinct from—the rest of the disadvantages; the more stable properties of the physi-
universe. cal brain are more amenable to the requirements of
In sum, Freud was a monist, from 1900 all the way the scientific method. Nevertheless, we reiterate that
through to 1939. But his philosophical position can if one correlates the subjective experiences with the
perhaps best be described as that of a dual-aspect mo- “wetware” of neurobiology, one is in a much stronger
nist (Solms & Turnbull, 2002, pp.56–58), and so he position to develop an accurate model of the mental ap-
was a follower of Spinoza (cf. Damasio, 2004). Indeed, paratus itself. Thus, as with the moral of the blind men
in Freud’s correspondence he speaks highly of Spinoza and the elephant, viewpoint-dependent errors are mini-
(for an accessible survey, see Damasio, 2004, p. 260), mized. In sum, neuroscience offers a second perspec-
while in his published work he regularly described tive on the unknowable “thing” that we call the mental
his position in Kantian terms (see Solms, 1997a, pp. apparatus, the thing that Freud attempted to describe
687–689). for the first time in his metapsychology.
If the mind in itself is unknowable, and we can only Naturally, some in psychoanalysis have become
describe it with abstract models, such as Freud’s model anxious about how they might need to change their
of the “mental apparatus,” then we must take full ad- theories, and perhaps even their practice, by virtue of
vantage of the fact that our mental apparatus can be advances in knowledge that flow from such neuropsy-
perceived in two different ways. If we look at it with choanalytic correlations.
our eyes (via the external perceptual surface), we see Paradoxically however, for us personally, the inter-
a brain: wet, gelatinous, lobular, and embedded within est has always been more in the opposite direction. In
the other tissues of the body. If we observe it with our our early careers as neuroscientists, we became frus-
internally directed perceptual surface, introspectively, trated with how little we were able to learn about the
we observe mental states such as desire and pleasure. essential nature of the mental apparatus and the lived
If we accept this philosophical approach, it follows life of the mind, with the cognitive neuroscience meth-
naturally that we would want to make use of both ods and theories that were available to us when we first
points of view on our object of study, as perceived ex- trained (in the early 1980s). At that time (thankfully
ternally and internally. Why would we want to exclude, long past), neuroscience appeared to be blind to the
a priori, a full half of what we can learn about the part fact that the brain was also a sentient being, capable of
of nature that we are studying? In psychoanalysis, we experiencing itself, with emotional feelings, volitional
138 Mark Solms & Oliver H. Turnbull

will, and a spontaneous sense of agency. The fact that there have been many technical and methodological
these brain “mechanisms” are endogenously driven advances in neuroscience (which we have already re-
and motivated, that they arise out of the embodied viewed). These in turn have led to genuine advances
nature of the subject, substantially affects the way the in our understanding of the mind and its workings,
apparatus operates. These are not (we feel) epiphenom- most notably flowing from the abandonment of radical
ena, or details, or nice-to-haves—they are fundamental behaviorism and the subsequent adoption of cognitive
characteristics of how they brain works; they are what models by the psychological community. Thus, the last
distinguishes the brain from the lung. half-century has seen a dramatic advance in our under-
standing of (say) episodic memory (Scoville & Milner,
1957), visual attention (Posner, Cohen, & Rafal, 1982),
Scientific foundations executive control (Shallice, 1988), and visually guided
of neuropsychoanalysis action (Milner & Goodale, 1993), to mention but a few
The empirical basis for the discipline naturally flows As we have suggested elsewhere (Turnbull & Solms,
from the facts described in the first section of this pa- 2007, pp. 1083–1084), these findings in cognitive neu-
per, from the fact that Freud lacked confidence that the roscience have limited implications for psychoanalysis.
neuroscience of his time was capable of responding to Of potentially far greater importance are developments
the questions that psychoanalysis was putting to it. over the last two decades in the domain of affective
We have argued (e.g., Solms & Turnbull, 2002, pp. neuroscience (Damasio, 1994, 1999, 2011; LeDoux,
294–295) that subjective data are not an especially 1996, 2000; Panksepp, 1998; Turnbull & Solms, 2007,
solid foundation on which to build a robust scientific pp. 1084–1085). Also very important have been sig-
discipline—given the fleeting and transient properties nificant advances in neuropsychology, outstanding
of subjective experience, given the fact that (by defini- examples being the discovery of “mirror neurons”
tion) such phenomena can only be indirectly reported (Gallese, Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004; Rizzolatti, Fadi-
by a single observer, and given that many aspects of ga, Gallese, & Fogassi, 1996), as well as recent devel-
mental life take place beyond subjective awareness. opments in social neuroscience (Cacioppo, Berntson,
Surprisingly, even this apparently self-evident asser- Sheridan, & McClintock, 2000; Cacioppo, Visser, &
tion has been challenged by our critics, who argue, for Pickett, 2005; Decety & Cacioppo, 2011). Finally, one
example that: “It would appear, according to Solms should not overlook the many developments in psy-
and Turnbull (2002, p. 46), that we have better access choanalysis itself in the last century. Probably the most
to atoms, molecules, quarks—that is, the non-perceiv- important of these is the line of “ethological” work on
able perception of the world—than to our own sub- attachment, separation, and loss, running from Harlow
jective perceptual experiences” (Karlsson, 2010, p. (1958) through Winnicott (1960), Bowlby (1969), to
54). We concede that some aspects of nuclear physics Ainsworth (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters & Wall, 1978)
and/or quantum mechanics may be difficult for the and Fonagy and colleagues (e.g., Fonagy, Steele, &
casual observer to grasp, but the combined efforts of Steele, 1991; Fonagy & Target, 1996).
the scientific community, utilizing multiple technical A further important turning point was undoubtedly
methods, together with the advantages of exteroceptive the publication of a pair of papers by Eric Kandel
observation and the possibilities of replicable experi- (1998, 1999) that offered a number of suggestions for
ments, mean that physicists have achieved a remark- research topics of relevance to neuropsychoanalysis.
able degree of precision in their understanding of the These papers provided much-needed support for the
world—evidenced by mathematical formulae that pre- very idea of neuropsychoanalysis—an important en-
dict physical events and measure physical properties dorsement for the field, especially since Kandel went
(size, mass, electrical charge, etc.) with great accuracy. on in 2000 to win the Nobel Prize for medicine/physi-
There is no aspect of subjective mental life that by it- ology.
self can begin to yield this level of precision. Importantly, individual developments in either of
Have there been advances in the neurosciences that the “parent” disciplines of neuropsychoanalysis do
might propel mental science toward the increased lev- not themselves bridge the divide between the fields.
els of understanding that is the goal of all science? The Through the decades there have, however, been a num-
mind–brain problem is in many ways a more complex ber of bold attempts at such bridging. The works of
challenge than the problems that physics tackles. How- Paul Schilder (2007), Mortimer Ostow (1954, 1955),
ever, much has changed in the last few dozen years and Edwin Weinstein (Weinstein & Kahn, 1955) serve
to move neuroscience in a promising direction. First, as beacons in this regard. Unfortunately, none of these
What Is Neuropsychoanalysis? 139

earlier attempts flourished into the fully fledged inter- 2009). Second, and most importantly, it enables us to
discipline we enjoy today, in part, perhaps, because correlate our psychoanalytic inferences with definite
each of these early attempts ran into the same difficul- neuroscientific ones. Structural neurological lesions
ties (of means, motive, and opportunity) that Freud had provide infinitely more precision than do psychophar-
encountered (for an interview with Ostow on this topic, macological manipulations, considering all the interac-
see Turnbull, 2004). tive vagaries of neurotransmitter dynamics. Moreover,
In retrospect, one of the most central limitations by virtue of advances in structural imaging, it is pos-
may have been the lack of a significantly well- sible to identify the neural basis of the clinically ob-
developed dynamic neuropsychology. This only fully served phenomena in neurological patients with a high
emerged in the 1970s, especially through the efforts level of scientific accuracy—a method well-suited for
of Luria (1966, 1973; for review, see Kaplan-Solms & establishing clinico-anatomical correlations (Heilman
Solms, 2000, pp. 26–43; Solms & Turnbull, 2002, pp. & Valenstein, 1979; Kertesz, 1983; Kolb & Whishaw,
25–27). The second transformational shift occurred 1990; Lezak, Howieson, & Loring, 2004).
with the full development of affective neuroscience In sum, having researched small populations of such
in the 1990s (Damasio, 1994, 1999; Panksepp, 1998), patients (Kaplan-Solms & Solms, 2000), we have de-
which finally aligned neuroscience with the topics of veloped a method that offers a respectable degree of
fundamental interest to psychoanalysis, allowing the experimental control, a reasonable degree of neuroana-
disciplines to share findings not merely in relation to tomical localization, excellent construct validity, and a
cognition, but also in the core psychodynamic domains direct observational window into the subjective life of
of emotion and instinctual drive. We discuss this issue the brain in a broadly naturalistic setting.
in more detail later in this article. On the basis of this approach, we have been able
The bridging work that catalyzed our own present to build a preliminary picture of how our most basic
interest in neuropsychoanalysis began in this context, metapsychological concepts might be correlated with
with one of us doing relatively conventional psychoan- brain anatomy and with all that we know of the func-
alytic investigations of neurological patients (Kaplan- tional organization of the brain. To take one example,
Solms & Solms, 2000). Why did this prove to be such in Kaplan-Solms and Solms (2000) we describe psy-
a seminal approach for neuropsychoanalysis? Impor- choanalytic observations on a small series of patients
tantly, it involved a clinical method that followed on with right parietal lesions. They exhibited a remark-
directly from where Freud had left off. The method able degree of self-deception, in that they were para-
requires relatively modest changes in working prac- lyzed (on the left side) but insisted that they were not
tice, and little additional training on the part of a psy- paralyzed. In some cases they explained away their
choanalyst, and yet gives direct access to the subjective paralysis through transparent rationalizations (“I tired
mental life of the (neurological) patient in precisely the the arm out this morning doing exercises”), or they
same way that psychoanalysts traditionally gather data developed more complex delusions—such as that the
about psychiatric (or “normal”) patients. paralyzed arm belongs not to them but to the exam-
This ensures that we can make direct observations iner, or to a close relative (for examples see Aglioti,
concerning the neural correlates of metapsychologi- Smania, Manfredi, & Berlucchi, 1996; Feinberg, 2001;
cal concepts in a methodologically valid setting. All Ramachandran & Blakeslee, 1998). Cognitive neuro-
of our metapsychological concepts and theories about scientists have traditionally explained these remark-
the structure and functions of the mind are operational- able clinical phenomena in terms of simple cognitive
ized in a clinical psychoanalytic setting. Analytic work deficits—damage to inferred cognitive “modules” (for
with neurological patients is therefore an ideal way of review, see Nardone, Ward, Fotopoulou, & Turnbull,
ensuring that we are studying the same “things” that 2007; Turnbull, Jones, & Reed-Screen, 2002; Turn-
Freud studied, albeit from a neurological perspective. bull, Owen, & Evans, 2005). When we studied such
We would like to add a second reason why clinical patients psychoanalytically, however, we observed a
work in neuropsychoanalysis is best performed with pattern of psychological phenomena that was not at all
neurological rather than psychiatric patients. This is modular in nature and was not by any means accurately
due to the methodological advantage of working with defined as “deficit.” What we observed were dynamic
patients with focal brain lesions. First, most of these phenomena, in which the primary interacting forces
patients are pre-morbidly “typical” examples of hu- clearly revolved around emotional states. Moreover,
manity, with (as a population) few of the potentially these emotionally determined dynamics caused impor-
confounding issues of aberrant development that so tant aspects of the cognitive processes involved to be-
often occur in psychiatric disorders (Bentall, 2003, come unconscious. By intervening psychoanalytically
140 Mark Solms & Oliver H. Turnbull

in these dynamics, moreover, it was possible to reverse to words that refer to paralysis and disabilities, despite
the dynamic process in question and return the re- denying that they are disabled and paralyzed (Nardone
pressed cognitions to consciousness. This empirically et al., 2007).
demonstrated the validity of our conclusions and re- These lines of work have been an important contri-
quired students of this clinical phenomenon to radi- bution to behavioral neurology, taking the ideas gener-
cally reconceptualize its nature. ated in neuropsychoanalysis beyond our own sphere of
Kaplan-Solms and Solms (2000) concluded that interest. As a result of these efforts, a psychoanalytic
self-deception in right parietal-lobe damage might well point of view is now included in conceptualizations of
be attributable to narcissistic defensive organizations, these phenomena in mainstream neuroscientific jour-
such that the patients avoided depressive affects, using nals, and the influence and contribution of psycho-
a range of primitive defense mechanisms. This regres- analysis to the neurosciences is spreading, apparently
sion to narcissism appeared to be attributable to a loss for the first time in history (e.g., Carhart-Harris & Fris-
of capacity for whole-object relationships (Kaplan- ton, 2010; Fotopoulou, Conway, Tyrer, et al., 2008;
Solms & Solms, 2000, pp. 148–199). These patients Fotopoulou, Solms, & Turnbull, 2004; Fotopoulou,
also appeared to have disrupted cognitive processes Pernigo, Maeda, Rudd, & Kopelman, 2010; McKay &
that represent space correctly, as acquired through nor- Cipolotti, 2007; McKay, Langdon, & Coltheart, 2007a,
mal development. Of course, this begs the question 2007b; Solms, 2000; Turnbull, Berry, & Evans, 2004;
of why these effects should be seen typically with Turnbull, Jenkins, & Rowley, 2004; Turnbull, Owen,
right-sided lesions. A likely explanation is that the & Evans, 2005; Turnbull & Solms, 2007).
sort of emotion-regulation systems that are mediated Simultaneously, psychoanalytic observations on
by the right-hemisphere convexity are lost in such how the mind is altered by damage to different parts of
patients, disrupting their ability to tolerate powerful the brain has enabled us to begin to build up a coherent
negative affects (Fotopoulou, Conway, Solms, et al., model of how the mental apparatus, as we understand
2008; Fotopoulou, Conway, Tyrer, et al., 2008; Foto- it in psychoanalysis, is realized in anatomy and physi-
poulou, Solms, & Turnbull, 2004; Turnbull, Jones, & ology, providing what we might call a new “physi-
Reed-Screen, 2002; Turnbull, Owen, & Evans, 2005) cal” point of view in psychoanalytic metapsychology.
These findings can be seen to confirm the relationship We have made especially remarkable progress in this
between realistic spatial representation (of self/object respect in relation to the psychoanalytic theory of
boundaries) and maturation of object relationships. It dreams (Solms, 1997b, 2000, 2011), by using multiple
also pointed to the neural correlate of what in psycho- converging methods. It has been gratifying indeed to
analysis is termed “whole-object” representation, the rediscover the Freudian conception of dreams in the
metapsychological foundation of mature object love. neurodynamics of the sleeping brain. So much so that
However, while this approach of applying clinical in 2006, at the “Science of Consciousness” confer-
psychoanalytic methods to the study of neurological ence in Tucson, Arizona, a formal Oxford-Rules debate
patients has many strengths, it also has limitations. Be- (Solms vs. Hobson) on the contemporary scientific val-
cause clinical observations necessarily involve limited idity of the Freudian conception of dreaming resulted
experimental control and are open to confirmation bias in a 2-to-1 vote in our favor. While such renewed dem-
(Kahneman, 2003), it is a relatively weak method for onstrations of confidence in our most basic theoretical
determining the precise causal mechanisms involved. propositions may be regarded as merely sociological
Experimental studies, following on from those phenomena, they are not unimportant for the future
purely clinical observations, were therefore employed viability of our discipline.
to provide fuller empirical support and refinement
of the above hypotheses. A series of publications
(Fotopoulou, Conway, Solms, et al., 2008; Fotopou- What neuropsychoanalysis is not
lou, Conway, Tyrer, et al., 2008; Fotopoulou, Solms
& Turnbull, 2004; Nardone et al., 2007; Tondowski, We have described what neuropsychoanalysis is—in
Kovacs, Morin, & Turnbull, 2007; Turnbull, Jones, & terms of its historical foundations, philosophical prem-
Reed-Screen, 2002; Turnbull, Owen, & Evans, 2005) ises, and empirical underpinnings. We turn now to
have now conclusively demonstrated the powerful in- what neuropsychoanalysis is not, by defining some
fluence of emotions and unconscious cognitions (and boundary conditions.
associated defensive processes) in the neurodynamics The first boundary is a methodological one. We
that underpin the false beliefs of right parietal patients. have especially recommended the clinico-anatomical
For example, such patients show excessive attention method of making direct psychoanalytic observations
What Is Neuropsychoanalysis? 141

on patients with focal brain lesions, in a clinical set- and observing that the new findings are vaguely remi-
ting. However, this is just a starting point. We have pio- niscent of such and such phenomenon or theory in
neered an example of how such clinical observations psychoanalysis. They then claim that this or that neu-
can be extended, using experimental neuropsycho- roscientific finding discloses the biological correlate or
logical tools. We have already alluded to the multiple underpinning of some aspect of psychoanalytic theory.
converging methods that were used to establish the In our view, “armchair” speculation such as this does
neural organization of dream psychodynamics. But not represent the way forward for our field. The last
numerous other approaches are possible. Thus, to take century saw more than enough speculation in psycho-
a relatively extreme instance, one might manipulate analysis, leading to the formation of multiple “schools
different neuropeptides, in research participants who of wisdom” but remarkably little scientific progress.
are themselves psychoanalysts, and then have them There is only one way to decide between theories, and
describe their subjective states, using their expertise in that is to test them against reality, in such a way that
doing so (with reference to the theoretical concepts that the alternative predictions can be either confirmed or
we use). Approaches such as this are rather radical, but disconfirmed. Freud’s “Project” (1950 [1895]) was a
they have huge potential, and appear to be remarkably notable early instance of such speculative guesswork,
underutilized. To take a less radical example, why do which is why he himself so strongly resisted its publi-
we not have systematic psychoanalytic studies of the cation, describing it as an “aberration.”
manipulations of the different classical neurotransmit- One further instance of what neuropsychoanalysis
ters that psychopharmacologists regularly tinker with is not is worthy of mention. Neuropsychoanalysis is
in conventional psychiatric settings (cf. Kline, 1959; not (in our opinion) a “school” of psychoanalysis, in
Ostow, 1962, 1980; Ostow & Kline, 1959)? the way that we currently speak of Freudian, Kleinian,
Other psychoanalytically informed neuroscience Intersubjective, and Self Psychology schools. Neuro-
comes from the use of neuroimaging methods—for psychoanalysis, we feel, is far better conceptualized as
example, studying Freud’s theory of mourning (Freed, a link between all of psychoanalysis and the neurosci-
Yanagihara, Hirsch, & Mann, 2009), psychodynamic ences. Alternatively, it might be described as an at-
aspects of confabulation (Fotopoulou, Conway, Solms, tempt to insert psychoanalysis into the neurosciences,
et al., 2008; Fotopoulou, Conway, Tyrer, et al., 2008; as a member of the family of neurosciences—the one
Fotopoulou, Solms, & Turnbull, 2004; Turnbull, Berry, that studies the mental apparatus from the subjective
& Evans, 2004; Turnbull, Jenkins, & Rowley, 2004), or point of view.
tests of Freud’s dream theory (Solms, 1997b, 2000). We Finally, we would like to make it clear that neu-
might wonder, of course, whether work of this sort can ropsychoanalysis (or neuroscience in general) is not
legitimately be called “neuropsychoanalysis,” given a final “court of appeal” for psychoanalysis. Psycho-
that the data collection uses merely neuroscientific and analysis cannot look to any other science to find out
psychological, rather than psychoanalytic, methods. what errors it may have made in its methods, theory,
Such work might best be described as psychoanalyti- and practice. This is not to say that neuroscience brings
cally informed neuroscience. But does it matter what no information to bear on what may have been errone-
label is attached to it? On balance, we prefer to take ous or misleading paths in psychoanalysis.
the “broad-church” approach to this issue—such that We have been criticized (Karlsson, 2010, pp. 50–51)
neuropsychoanalysis represents all work that lies along for not offering concrete instances of such erroneous
the psychoanalysis/neuroscience boundary. It may at paths. Thus, to take one powerful example, there is
times involve psychoanalytically inspired neurosci- abundant evidence in neurobiology for the existence
ence (using purely neuroscientific methods to test psy- of what we refer to as “drives” (Panksepp, 1998; Pfaff,
choanalytically informed hypotheses), at other times 1999; Rolls, 1999). For some students of psycho-
the direct psychoanalytic investigation of neurological analysis, drive theory has been rejected as outmoded
variables (brain injury, pharmacological probes, deep- and inappropriate (Kardiner, Karush, & Ovesy, 1966;
brain stimulation, etc.). What unites these approaches Kohut, 2009; Siegel, 1996). Do recent neuroscientific
is that they are attempts to do neuropsychoanalytic observations invalidate this conclusion in psychoanal-
research. ysis? They may not, but they are highly relevant to
There is another way of doing “neuropsychoanal- our ongoing thinking. It may be that the term “drive”
ysis,” which relies entirely on speculative imagin- is used in a quite different way by the psychoanalytic
ings, transpositions, and guesses. The classic instances and neuroscientific communities (Fotopoulou, Pfaff, &
of this arise from psychoanalysts reading something Conway, in press), or that the concept of drives is more
about the latest developments in the neurosciences relevant to some aspects of mental life than others, or
142 Mark Solms & Oliver H. Turnbull

perhaps that it is only the psychoanalytic taxonomy of unpredictable ways. Nevertheless, we would like to
the drives that needs revision. Other interpretations are sketch a general outline of the way in which we would
also possible. Nevertheless, it seems appropriate that like the field to move toward.
the psychoanalytic community look again at the data Our own vision is one of collaborative investigation
that led them to reject Freudian drive theory and inves- of phenomena of common interest, approached using
tigate whether drives may play a more substantial part the rigor that is associated with all good scientific en-
in mental life than they had previously thought. quiry but also respects the methodological tools (with
Plainly, this is not the whole story; it is merely the all the advantages and disadvantages) associated with
beginning. Once we have started to ask ourselves these each distinct field. An ideal outcome would be for neu-
questions, based on our reading of the current state of ropsychoanalysis to avoid any suggestion of being an
drive theory in neurobiology, we must test their con- armchair activity, or a field that is based on speculation
clusions using our own, psychoanalytic techniques. rather than empirical work. Moreover, we envisage an
This is bound to lead to new observations, not only of interdiscipline in which the acquisition of knowledge
psychodynamic phenomena or continuities that we had is bidirectional (psychoanalysis informing neurosci-
not noticed before, but also of possible limitations or ence, and vice versa), and a discipline that retains the
errors in the neuroscientific conceptions at issue. It is, deep respect for subjective experience that is the hall-
after all, more than possible that behavioral neurosci- mark of psychoanalysis.
entists might have missed something important about We are confident that this will be the outcome for
the drives, deprived as they are of much of the data of our field—for, as Freud told Einstein 83 years ago,
subjective experience. “There is no greater, richer, more mysterious subject,
Thus, in our opinion, the interface between psycho- worthy of every effort of the human intellect, than the
analysis and neuroscience is a rather dialectical one. As life of the mind” (quoted in Grubrich-Simitis, 1995,
analysts, we may learn something new about the brain p. 115).
that seems relevant to psychoanalysis. We may think
about it, keep it at the back of our minds, entertain the
possibility, but above all test it psychoanalytically, as REFERENCES
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