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Ruhi, PGP35035, Section A Assignment: Akamai Technologies

Question. Do you think Akamai has a role to play in the Telecom value chain?
Akamai have very important position in value chain and play an important role.
Services provided by Akamai:
Content Deliver Provider- Freeflow: FreeFlow facilitated bandwidth intensive delivery of content like
ads, banner, picture and software downloads. FreeFlow protected site against sudden traffic bursts.
FreeFlow prevented customer payments to ISPs for bandwidth since website is served from the
servers of Akamai.
When ISP hosted on CDN server ISP realised transit bandwidth cost saving as well as data delivery
performance benefit valued by the subscribers.

Content Assembly, presentation and delivery of customers’ internet data & application: Center of this
services includes Edge Suite Includes which is markup language which enables dynamic and web
based application at internet edge. Edge Suite cache the content of website, ads etc. on the server
and serve customers directly without reloading the content from the original website. Edge Suite
decreased the loading time of website on the user end, enabled origin website cost saving, bandwidth
saving, scalability and security to the content provider.

Edge Computing: Edge Computing customers could run Java application provided by IBM
WebSphere software development tool from Akamai’s edge suite.

Demand for online content like provided by Netflix has increased the demand of Akamai service.

Netli: Akamai acquired Netli, Web Application Accelerator thus increasing the speed and reliability of
remote access to application that needed to run on company (airline reservation) central server.

Internet Value Chain and Akamai position

technology User
Content service Connectivity
and service interface
rights (BBC) (Google, (Vodafone)
rights (Apple)

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