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The Kinds of Research

The method in this researcher was the descriptive qualitative method. According to

Sugiyono, qualitative research is called naturalistic research, because that research goes in

natural setting.45 Two of characteristic of qualitative research based on Boglan and Biklen

(1982) in Sugiyono are that qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source

of data and researcher is the key instrument. 46 Qualitative research is descriptive; the data

collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number.47 The current status of

phenomenon in this study is Debaters' Speaking Problems at English Education Debate

Club period 2019-2020 IAIN Padangsidimpuan.

C. Research Instruments

Instrument is methodological research tool used in research to collect the data.The

researcher needs some instruments. The instrument which is used in this research is

interview guide and questionnaire.

a. Interview guide

The researcher uses interview guide to get information about students‟ problems in

speaking English. Interview refers to a dialog which has been done by the interviewer

(researcher) to get the information from the interviewer (respondent). 48 In this

research, the researcher interviews the in speaking class to get the information about

students‟ problems in speaking English, and why the problems occur.

b. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher uses questionnaire because by using questionnaire, the

answer will be well organized. In this case, questionnaire is used to answer what is

students‟ problems in practicing speaking English at fifth semester of English

education department at IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and why do the problem faced
by English at fifth semester of English education department at IAIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya occur. According to Nasution, questionnaire is a research tool in a form of

questions list to gather information from the respondents.49 In addition, there are three

kinds of questionnaire:

a. From the style to answer

1. Opened-questionnaire, which gives respondents the opportunity to answer by their

own words.

2. Closed-questionnaire, which the answer has been prepared by the researcher, and

the respondents just choose it.

b. From the given answer

1. Direct questionnaire means the respondents answer about their ownselves.

2. Indirect questionnaire means the respondents answer about the others.

c. From the form of questionnaire

1. Multiple choice questionnaires mean closed-questionnaire.

2. Essay questionnaire means opened-questionnaire.

3. Check list, a list, which the respondents give the check mark ( ) on

available column. 49Nasution, Metode Research, (Bandung: Jemmars,1987),

p.165 35

4. Rating scale is a statement followed by columns which show the rating. For

example, start very agree until very disagree.50 In this research, the researcher uses

closed-direct questionnaire. The researcher uses questionnaire for collecting

information about their behavior or their problems in speaking English and why the

problems occur. The researcher distributes questionnaire to the students. Then, the

researcher counts, analyzes the questionnaire and percentages.

D. Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis from this research is the following:

1. Doing interviews with debaters about their problems in speaking english.

2. Describing the results of the interview

3. Distributing questionnaire to 25% of the total students to answer the questionnaire

4. Identifying the result of the questionnaire

5. Analyzing the data after being identified to the percentage. Percentage is rate of something

expressed as if it is part of a total of which is 100. In this research the percentage is used to

calculate how many students get problems in speaking English. To get the percentage of each

item questionnaire, the The researcher used the formula as stated below: 51


X 100%


P = the percentage of students' problems

F = the number of frequencies of the respondent answer

N = the number of respondent

This formula is only used to know the percentage, but overall this study uses qualitative

A. Review of Related Findings

Related to this research, some researchers had been done as below the first,a

thesis of Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Debate Technique (A Classroom

Action Research with First Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department

Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). It

can be concluded that, in the first cycle the average of the students’ achievement was 65.3.

In the second cycle the average of the students’ achievement was 76.6.Students’ speaking

skill increased as well as their motivation in speaking and they were interested speaking

through debate. Result of the research show that the students improve their speaking skill

efficiently and effectively.1

The second is “ Teacher and Student Problems in Teaching Learning Process of

Speaking in MA Darul Ulum Waru Sidoarjo”, by Yuyun Eka Andraini year 2011 from

State Institute of Islamic Studies Surabaya. The subject are the teacher, and the students of

first, second, third class in MA Darul Ulum Waru Sidoarjo. She concludes that the teacher

in MA DarulUlumWaruSidoarjo faced the problems. Among them: students passiveness in

speaking class, students often used their language, students feel afraid of expressing their

opinion, and the number of the students in the class is too big. Student faced any problem,

they are: student has limited vocabulary, student gets difficulties in using the right

grammar, student gets difficulties in choosing the appropriate tenses, student gets

difficulties in pronunciation, student gets difficulties to express their opinion, and there is

no partner in speaking English.

In her study, the researcher finds the relationship between her study and the

researcher‟s study. Related to the researcher‟s study, her study also focuses on problem

Richa Rubiati, “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Debate Technique (A Classroom Action
Research with First Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN
Walisongo Semarang in the Academic Year of 2010/2011),” 2011,
teaching process in speaking, she does not give strategies to overcome the problems as the

researcher‟s study. This study tries to find the causes of the factors, but she does not. Her

explanation is systematically, but lack of detail. Because in her abstract, she doesn‟t

mention how many percent of each factors faced by the teacher and student. In her study,

she mentions two things, that should be one. That is tense factor and grammar factor. It

should be the only one factor. That is grammar which tenses include there.2

The third, Junaidi. It can be concluded that using critical debate techniques to

improve students’ speaking ability. It was proved from the improvement of the speaking

score obtained by students. The speaking score increases every cycle. Speaking score in

cycle 1 is better than before the research was carried out. The speaking in cycle 2 is better

than cycle 1. It is also much better in cycle 3. Critical Debate technique can improve

students’ speaking scores in some aspects.

The improvement in speaking ability can be recognized from the improvement of the

students’ pronunciation, grammar, content, organization, and fluency. The improvement

automatically improves the speaking ability of the students which are reflected in their

speaking ability. The average score those aspects also show good improvement. Every

score of pronunciation in cycle 1 is better than in pre research. The pronunciation in cycle

2 is better than cycle 1. The pronunciation in cycle 3 is better than cycle 2. The average

score of content, organization, grammar, and fluency also show good improvement in each


Yuyun Eka Andirian, “Teacher And Students Problems In Teaching Learning Process In Speaking In MA Darul
Ulum Sidoarjo” (State Institute Of Islamic Studies Sunan ampel Surabaya, 2011).
Eleventh Grader et al., “Using Critical Debate Technique To Improve Students ’ Speaking Ability
Written To Fullfill One Of Requirements Of Graduate Degree Of English Education,” 2011. P.156.

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