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Mathematics is often considered to be the one of the most challenging subjects is

school . Math requires deductive reasoning, and passive learners often struggle with this

kind of active problem solving. Student with memory and attention problems also may

struggle since both skills are necessary for mathematical attitude. Other problems

common to math students include computational weaknesses, difficulty in

conceptualizing mathematical principles and language challenges in word problems.

Why do I struggle with math so much? There may be a number of reasons, from

attention difficulties to learning gaps from past math classes or even just lack of

practice. Technology is everywhere these days. The integration of technology is not

necessarily new trend in the field of education. Using Online Calculator are the one of

the latest examples of learning mathematics. Many experts now agree that reforming

teacher preparation in postsecondary institutions is central to sustaining and deepening

efforts to provide quality mathematics education for all students. In mathematics

education, Online Calculators includes; EquatlO; Graspable Math; Math learning center;

and Wolfram Alpha. These Online Calculator support students in exploring and

identifying mathematical concepts.

According to (Tim Geisweit 04,27,18) Others say that the student’s use of

technology in their math classes enhances their understanding of underlying concepts.

All schools and mathematics programs should provide students with access to
instructional technology-including classroom hardware, handheld and lab-based devices

with mathematical software and application, and web-based resources-together with

training to ensure its effective use. (Hollebrands, 2011). While the focus of this paper is

on Perception of Grade 10 Student in Learning Mathematics in Trece Martires City

National High School.


1) What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

a) Age

b) Economic status

2) What is percentage of the usage of online calculator among the


3) What is the perception of the respondent in the use of Using Online

Calculator in Learning Mathematics of Grade 10 Student in Trece

Martirez City Nation Highschool S.Y. 2010-2020?

Conceptual Framework


The demographic profile of

the participants in terms of OUTPUT
Age & Economic status
The percentage of the 10 STUDENT USING
usage of online calculator ONLINE CALCULATOR
among the participants. IN LEARNING
The perception of the
respondent in the use of
Using Online Calculator in
Learning Mathematics of
SCHOOL S.Y. 2019-2020
Grade 10 Student in Trece
Martirez City Nation
Highschool S.Y. 2010-2020.
Theoretical Framework

Since the 20th century, some major educational theories, such as Behaviorism,

cognitivism, constructivism and multiple intelligence.(John Ronghua Ouyang).

Calculators have been used for decades to help students better solve problems.

Mechanical Calculators have been used for applications such as addition for most of the

last century (Robert M. Losee). Electronic calculators were developed in the 1960s and

portable handheld electric calculators became popular in the 1970s.

Theories of technology attempt to explain the factors that shape technological on

society and culture. Technology integration is a complex and multidimensional

process .Development of a program for teachers to acquire relevant and necessary

skills for a successful integration of technology is a phenomenon comprised of complex

relationships as well (McDougall and squires,1997)Hence, it is not suprising to see that

there are considerable differences in the implementation and the efficiency of the

programs developed for technology integration. During the design,conduct.

The programs aiming at technology integration are usually designed and

conducted on the basis of program development principles or of the perspective of the

subject area (such as mathematics) in which the program is implemented.

Chapter 2

Review of the Literature

Research indicates that teachers believe that technology, especially graphing

calculators, would be helpful in the mathematics classroom. (Jeff Clark), found that

technology “gave participants to have a chance to make a conjecture, an opportunity to

try that a conjecture with the help of the dynamic features(GSP, spreadsheets) and to a

evaluate.” In the same study students are allowed use calculator after exhausted their

pencil and paper technics. The calculator serve a higher bridge in mathematical ideas.

Students would heat a dead end with paper and pencil representation are allowed to

use to get further solving problems.

In a study done in Australia where technology has become a mandatory element

of an instruction, teachers were surveyed on the topic of the technology use during

construction. Nearly 68% of respondents felt that it was difficult to get access to

computer laboratories, and over 54% agreed that there were not enough computers

available in their schools. (Goos and Bennison). Online calculator helps students for

making easy their critical thinking. Online calculator help the primary age to expand their

knowledge and creativity. Using online calculator should allowed for change and how

we approach teaching mathematics and modern math classes were able to use online

calculator specially to those students engage in critical thinking

Online calculator technology has frequency been viewed as widely useful asset to is only recent years that concerted efforts have been undertaken to

mandate the inclusion of technology in educational settings. Prior to recent reform

movements to incorporate technology and recent technological advance. (Seymour

Papert mindstorms 1980). Presented insights into future education with the advent of

personal computer. Papert describe, major research themes from the early 1980s that

are relevant to research in technology and education even today. The student have

shown history of struggling in Math,so that they use online calculator to order to pass

the test. According to tine Wedege (2010) real word mathematics is broke up into two

categories. The first “knowledge developed in everyday life” every day we developed

how to use it and how to apply it to daily life, and the second is “knowledge wanted in

everyday life” (wedege,2010,p.34) every day we learn a new problems in mathematics.

He states that the first type of real world mathematics that the mathematics is the

people everyday used so that they have to develop because they need to use it.

The second type of real world mathematics is a type of mathematics that people should

know because it can help them function in life.The first type usually learned outside of

the classrooms while the other type learned inside of the classrooms(Wedge ,

2010).Suddenly,the first type of real world mathematics usually forgotten as the second

type is learned.According to wedege(2010) in Sweden it does a study showed that adult

learners mathematically skills were ”algorithmetised through schooling and their

problem solving ability decreased”(p. 37).Instead of thinking outside of the box that is

needed to find different ways to solve any problem, students just turn to the algorithms

they know in the classroom and give up when they do not work.This is not the problem
except those mathematics in the real world are often not as simple as mathematics in

the classroom.Using a different ways to solve a problem such as mental computation

others will improve their skills on both types of real world mathematics.
Definition of Terms

EquatlO- With EquatlO, kids can type or handwritten virtually any mathematical

expression directly on the keybord. They can create mathematical equations, formulas,

graphs without needing to use complicated code.

Graspable Math- open in a side bar window chrome. It lets kids manipulate math


Wolfram Alpha-

Common Core-

Information retrieval- an act or process of retrieving.

Quantitative terms- involving the measurement of quantity or amount.

Chapter 2

Review of the Literature

Foreign Literature

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