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Supakorn Srisawat

6110210410 Faculty of Science

Two Wild Kitties

Huge sharp teeth, pointy claws, or even loud roars are terrifying for children. In fact,

there are two wild animals that have frightened kids for centuries: tigers and lions. These

two beasts have various things in common.

Lions and tigers are both cats. Taxonomically, lions and tigers are in the family of

Felidae. They both have paws, whiskers, sharp teeth, and large eyes. They can purr during

respiration, growl when being aggressive, and meow like domestic cats. With those

characteristics, lions and tigers are absolutely related.

Besides their looks, lions and tigers are both carnivorous. They hunt and eat living

animals in nature such as zebras, buffaloes, gazelles, deer, wild boars, or even elephants.

Surprisingly, lions and tigers are both nocturnal.

Although their looks and some points of their lives are different, lions and tigers are

both famous beasts in the wild and the zoo. They are still popular amongst children as scary

or fiercely animals, but they are currently quite endangered, so everyone must preserve

these wildlife to save the environment.

Word Count: 175 Words

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