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Matthew 3:1-6, 13-16 1547 • Stickers
Matthew 5:16 1818 • Blue painters tape
Matthew 10:32-33 1822 • Megaphone
John 3:16 • Crown
Philippians 2:15 YOUCAT • Bible
1 Peter 2:5-9 5
CCC 259
64 • YouTube: “That’s My King Dr.
166 KEY WORDS S.M. Lockridge (Official)” by
522 Priesthood Albert Martin
718-720 Anointed
783-786 Prophet
1142 Messiah

EDGE NIGHT GOAL room with the teaching on the priesthood display
The goal of this Edge Night is to help the youth some priestly vestments along with poster boards
understand how they share in Jesus’ threefold that have the words faith, hope, and love on them.
mission as priest, prophet, and king. In the room where the prophet teaching will be
given, have a table covered in burlap cloth with
a Bible displayed opened to the Old Testament.
EDGE NIGHT AT A GLANCE Also, have a picture of John the Baptist as well as
This Edge Night begins with a large group game
poster boards with the words Messiah, repent,
of capture the flag. The Proclaim is separated into
and salvation written on them. In the area for
three different teachings about being a priest,
the king teaching have it decorated like a royal
prophet, and king. The Break consists of a small
court with a chair up front with lush velvety cloth
group discussion and the Edge Night ends with a
draped over and around it, a red carpet leading
special blessing and a sending forth for the youth
up to it, and a crown on the chair. Also put up
to live out the call to be priests, prophets, and
poster boards with the words kingdom, chosen,
and sons and daughters.


For this Edge Night there will be three different
By our Baptism, as the People of God, we are
areas/rooms to be set up for each teaching on the
called to share in the three unique offices of

specific topics of priest, prophet, and king. For the

Christ as priest, prophet, and king. In doing so we


share in Christ’s mission and imitate Him in the • What can you do to share more in the prophetic
way that He loved and served others (CCC 783). office of Christ? Who are some people in your
Every baptized person shares in the common life who need to hear the Good News?
priesthood of Christ. This priesthood is different
than the sacramental priesthood of Holy Orders. • What can you do to share more in the royal office
In this sharing, by the Holy Spirit, we are called of Christ? Who in your life is poor or suffering
to live lives of sacrifice and forgiveness and to be and how can you serve them more?
holy (CCC 784). We too share in Christ’s prophetic
office in that we are called to follow and uphold • What are some ways to make this relevant to
the faith as well as share it with those around the youth? What are some practical ideas we
us (CCC 785). Finally, we are made to share in can give them to live these out?
Christ’s kingly office as a people gathered to Him
by His Death and Resurrection. We are called to TO THE PARENTS
share in His royalty by serving those around us This week at Edge we discussed how by our
particularly the poor and suffering (CCC 786). Baptism we are all called to share in Jesus’ roles of
Read the following excerpt from a sermon of priest, prophet, and king. As lay people we share
St. Leo the Great and reflect on the following in the common priesthood (different from the
questions: priesthood of Holy Orders) by living lives of faith,
hope, and charity. We share in Christ’s prophetic
The sign of the cross makes kings of all those role by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to all
reborn in Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit that we meet. Finally, we share in the kingly role of
consecrates them as priests, so that, apart from the Christ by imitating Christ the King in the way that
particular service of our ministry, all spiritual and He loved and served those who were poor. Here
rational Christians are recognized as members of are some questions to ask your son or daughter
this royal race and sharers in Christ’s priestly office. this week:
What, indeed, is as royal for a soul as to govern the
body in obedience to God? And what is as priestly • What does it mean to live out our role in the
as to dedicate a pure conscience to the Lord and to common priesthood?
offer the spotless offerings of devotion on the altar
of the heart? • What does it mean to live out our role as
• What can you do in your life to share more in
the priestly office of Christ specifically through • What does it mean to live out our kingly role?
sacrifice and forgiveness?
• What did you like most about Edge this week?

hand out the stickers and have the youth put the
stickers on their hands as they walk in. Try your
best to give out the same amount of each sticker.
Also assign Core Members to each of the three
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION groups and instruct them to stay with that group
(5 min) for the entire Edge Night.

Supplies Gather in all the youth, introduce any youth who


• Stickers are there for the first time, and recognize any
birthdays. Give a brief introduction to the night
As the youth walk in to the meeting space have and begin in prayer.
three different types of stickers, one that signifies

priest, one prophet, and one king. Randomly


MINI CAPTURE THE FLAG you will all have the opportunity to learn what these
(15 min) roles are and how to live them out in your life.

Supplies The youth minister should instruct all the youth

• Blue painters tape to go to their designated room for the teaching.
• Megaphone All the youth will begin at the teaching that
• Crown corresponds with the sticker on their hands.
• Rosary Then, after five minutes, they will rotate to the
next teaching.
Break the room into three even sections using
blue painters tape on the ground. Designate each “PRIEST” TEACHING
section to one team--the priests, the prophets, (5 min)
and the kings. In each section have a box taped
on the ground that will need to be guarded. In This teaching can be found on page 74 to 75. Here
the box of each section place a special item, for are the main points from the teaching:
example, a megaphone for the prophets, a crown
for the kings, and a rosary for the priests. Also • There are two different types of priesthood,
have another box in a separate corner of each that which is celebrated through the Sacrament
space to be the jail. of Holy Orders, and the common priesthood of
the people.
Begin by breaking the youth into their three teams
depending on their stickers. The goal of this game • All who are Baptized and Confirmed are called
is to be the first team to have all of the items in to live out the common priesthood.
their own box. If a player is tagged in the section
of another team trying to get the special item, • We live the common priesthood by building up
they must go to jail until someone on their own the Church and by living lives of faith, hope, and
team comes and tags them out. Once a team’s charity.
special item is taken; that whole team is out. For
example if the kings get the megaphone from the “PROPHET” TEACHING
prophets, then all the prophets are out and it is (5 min)
just between the kings and priests. Have a prize
for the winning team. This teaching can be found on page 76 to 77. Here
are the main points from the teaching:

PROCLAIM • A prophet is someone who proclaims the

coming of the Messiah and calls for repentance.

• There were many prophets in the Old Testament,

TEACHING INTRODUCTION and the last prophet was John the Baptist.
(5 min)
• We are all called to be prophets and to proclaim
During this time, the youth minister will give a
the Good News of Christ in our world today.
brief introduction to the teaching of the Church
on all of our roles as priests, prophets, and kings.
Here is an example of this teaching: “KING” TEACHING
(5 min)
Jesus Christ has a unique role of being a priest,
prophet, and king; these roles are given to Him This teaching can be found on page 78. Here are

through God the Father and by the anointing of the main points from the teaching:
the Holy Spirit. When we are baptized, we too are
anointed by the Holy Spirit and called to live out • Jesus Christ came as our King not to be served
these three roles of priest, prophet, and king. We but to serve.

are now going to split up into our three groups, and


• We are called to participate in the kingly role of • What are some things that you can do to live
Christ by imitating Him in His love and service out the three-fold office of priest, prophet, and
to others. king?

• We live for the Kingdom of Heaven where we

will live in eternal happiness with the Great King.
(5 min)

SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION Play the video “That’s My King” from the Media
(10 min) Suggestions.

Break the youth into small groups, begin in prayer, CLOSING PRAYER AND BLESSING
and use the following questions for discussion: (10 min)

• What does it mean to share in Christ’s Bring all the youth back in for a final prayer. Invite
priesthood? As a prophet? As a king? your parish priest to come and give a blessing to
all the youth for special grace to live out the call to
• What are ways that we live out these share with Christ in being priests, prophets, and
characteristics? kings.

• What is the difference between our parish priest

and how we share in the priesthood of Christ?
• If you are unable to play the large group capture
the flag, do a relay race with the three teams.
• What can we do in our everyday lives to be like
Have each team run to pick up an item that
represents their team or a slip of paper with the
word priest, prophet, and king written on it.
• How was Jesus a King unlike any other?


For your 8th grade youth who are looking to go
deeper, utilize the following questions in place of
the ones above to foster a deeper conversation.

• What is the difference between the priesthood

of Holy Order and the common priesthood?

• Have you ever thought about or prayed for your


• How can you share the Good News of Jesus

Christ at school? What are you afraid of when it
comes to evangelization?

• Have you ever viewed Christ as a King? What

makes His kingdom different from the kingdoms
on earth?



KEY WORD Anointed – Anointing with oil

in the sacraments is a symbol
DEFINITIONS of the Holy Spirit filling a
person with the graces and
Priesthood – Referring to
gifts of the Holy Spirit. (CCC
both the priesthood conferred
through Holy Orders and the
priesthood of the faithful
people conferred through
Baptism and Confirmation.
(CCC 784, 1547)


When many of us think of priesthood, we think of the pastors of
our church, the men who have given their lives to serve Christ and
to serve the Church. These men through the Sacrament of Holy
Key Word
Orders are given a specific role as the leaders of the Church and
CCC 1547
are called to live their lives building up the Church. Through the
CCC 1142
Sacrament of Holy Orders, they are given the authority of Christ to
confer or perform the Sacraments, and live their lives in imitation
of Christ.

It is important that we recognize the great role of our priests and

the sacrifices they make for us to help lead us to Christ. Be sure to
pray for our priests and thank them for all they do for us.

As we said earlier, when we are Baptized and Confirmed we are
anointed with the Holy Spirit and we too come to share in the
roles of Christ as priest, prophet, and king. To be clear this type Key Word
of priesthood is not the same as the priesthood we just talked YouCat 259
about. They are two very distinct things. So, how do we share in the
priesthood of Christ?


For us as Baptized believers in Christ we are called to live out the
CCC 1547 common priesthood by allowing the graces we received in our
CCC 1268 Baptism to work in our lives. This means that we live a life of faith,
CCC 784 hope, and charity. We are called both individually and together as
1 Peter 2:5 a community to grow together in love and service of God. We are
1 Peter 2:9 God’s chosen people, and we are called to bring Him honor and
praise in all that we do.


So, how do we live out our role in the common priesthood? As we
said before, when we are anointed in the Sacraments of Baptism
and Confirmation we are given the graces to live out this role. But
how do we live out these virtues of faith, hope, and charity in our

We can do this through prayer. We can pray and ask God to increase
these virtues in us. At the beginning of the rosary on the three
beads before the decades start, we ask for an increase in faith,
hope, and charity. We can also live these out by doing acts. We can
act in faith by choosing to believe in God and all that He has shown
CCC 166 us through Jesus Christ. We can do this by fully participating at Mass
Matthew 10:32-33 and actively listening and responding. We can read the Gospels and
CCC 1818 share what we learn about Christ with others. The virtue of hope
CCC 1822 gives us a desire for eternal life and the happiness of heaven. We can
act in hope by doing things in our lives that are worthy of heaven,
by avoiding sin, and frequenting the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In
charity, we love God above all else and love our neighbor. We can
live out this aspect of our common priesthood by loving God first,
then those around us, in our family and our community.

We have been given the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit to live out
our role of the common priesthood, all we have to do is trust in God
and seek to build up and love those around us.




KEY WORD Messiah– “A Hebrew word

meaning anointed.” This
DEFINITIONS is one of the titles of Jesus
who accomplished his divine
Prophet – One who is sent
mission of being priest,
by God to form people in the
prophet, and king. (CCC 436)
hope of salvation

A prophet is someone who is sent by God to preach the good news of
salvation. The place that we are most familiar with seeing prophets Key Word
is in the Old Testament. These prophets of the Old Testament – YouCat 5
people like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel – preached the coming of CCC 64
the Messiah and the salvation for all the People of God. They are Key Word
the ones who foresaw the coming of Jesus and called all the people CCC 522
to turn away from their sins and to turn to God the Father.

One of the last prophets, and one who is in the New Testament is
CCC 718-720
John the Baptist.

Read the account of John the Baptist from Matthew 3:1-6

John the Baptist is known for preparing the way for the Lord; he
preached the same message of repentance and preparation for the
coming of Jesus as many Old Testament prophets– but he lived to Matthew 3:13-16
see Jesus. John went out into the desert to baptize people, and he
baptized Jesus Christ Himself.


So, what does this mean for us? Are we supposed to go out into the
desert and eat bugs and only talk about Jesus?

As we are learning, we are called to share in Jesus’ role as a prophet.

This does not mean that we have to act like the prophets in the

Old Testament – but we are all called to proclaim the Good News
of Jesus. We are no longer preaching the coming of Jesus, like the CCC 785
prophets of old, but we are preaching the Good News that Jesus John 3:16
came and saved us from our sins. We are preaching the hope of
heaven and the call to live lives of greatness. We are called to be

witnesses to the love of God in our everyday lives.


How do we do this? How are we to be modern day prophets? We
can do this by talking to our friends and family about Jesus and what
Philippians 2:15 He has done in our lives. We can do this by inviting our friends to
Matthew 5:16 Mass and to Edge. We can also be prophets through our actions
by avoiding sin and putting our hope in Christ and not thing of this
world. Simply through loving others, treating them well, and being
kind to those around us we can shine the light of Christ into the
world around us.
























What comes to mind when you think of a king? A crown? A castle?
(Let the youth respond with some ideas).

What are some examples of kings we see? In the movies, on television

shows, in books, etc. (Let the youth give some ideas).

When Jesus came, He was not like a king that the people were
expecting. Many of the Jewish people were looking for someone
much like the king we have described. The thought the king would
be someone who was famous, wealthy, and powerful, but Jesus
came with humility and lived a simple life. He did not have a fancy CCC 786
crown, and He did not have a big castle to live in. Rather, His type of
kingship was one of service and love. He is a King much greater than
any other king in the world because He is the King of the Universe,
yet He did not flaunt this. Rather, He spent His time with the poor,
the sick, and the suffering.

He is a King who did not come to the earth to condemn us, to boss
us around, and to make us slaves. He came to serve us and show
us His great love. This love is ultimately shown when He dies on the John 3:16-17
cross for all of us and for our sins so that we would one day be able Romans 5:8
to live in the Kingdom of Heaven with Him.

We are all called to participate in the kingship of Jesus by imitating
Him in acts of charity. We exercise our kingly role by serving the
poor and the suffering around us. What are some practical ways we
can do this? We can help those who are physically poor by donating
clothes, food, or money to those in need. We can serve those who are CCC 786
spiritually poor by praying for them, praying with them, and inviting YouCat 139
them to Church. Are there people in your life who are suffering from
loneliness? You can be a friend to someone in need at school, you
can smile at someone who seems to be sad, or you can spend time
with an elderly relative who is lonely.

There are so many ways that we can participate in the kingship of


Christ. Even if it may not seem like the kingdoms we know, it is a

far greater kingdom to be a part of. This is a kingdom of eternal
happiness far greater and far more beautiful than any kingdom on
earth. It is a kingdom ruled over by our God who loves us more than
we could ever imagine.































____________________________________________ ⃞ Hand out/email the Edge Night to the Core

⃞ Assign duties to the Core Team
⃞ Pick videos and/or songs

CORE TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: ⃞ Gather all the supplies

Environment ________________________________ ⃞ Email Core Team the Edge Night Core Formation

Opening Prayer ______________________________

Games _____________________________________
⃞ Prep for games and the environment
Proclaim ____________________________________
⃞ Meet with the Core Member doing the Proclaim
Closing Prayer _______________________________ (if applicable)

Videos: ____________________________________ DAY OF THE EDGE NIGHT:

____________________________________________ ⃞ Email parents the information about the Night
and any announcements
⃞ Gather and set-up for the night
Songs: ____________________________________
⃞ Pray!










Evaluation is a key to successful ministry. Use the following questions to discuss
and evaluate your Edge Night.

What is going well at our Edge Nights? What can Would you be interested in leading prayer,
we improve? explaining games, or giving a Proclaim teaching?

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Was there one particular part of this Edge Night Are our Core meetings effective? How can I
you did not think was necessary? What and better serve you as a youth minister? What can
Why? we do to better serve our youth?

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________


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