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In Setours we are aware of the difficult situation that the world is facing due to the COVID19

outbreak. The following guidelines will be in place as soon as we resume operations and are
valid for all destinations in South America where we hold branch offices (Peru, Argentina and
Chile). Our protocols are constantly being updated to the upcoming regulations

Our Goals
Establish clear guidelines that allow travelling in a safe way.
Align our processes to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World
Travel Tourism Council (WTTC).
Put the health and safety of travelers at the core of our protocols.

Our approach
Contactless guest service.
Paperless travel documentation.
Environmentally sustainable philosophy.

Guest contact

Physical contact between guests and staff will be avoided at all time.
Greetings such as handshakes or hugs will be replaced by a casual wave and a big smile.
Social distancing of minimum one meter will be respected during all touring.
No printed documents will be handed over to the guests by our staff. Everything will be sent
electronically beforehand or upon arrival to the destination.

Guides & staff

Our guides & staff will wear personal protection equipment (PPE) during all services.
The use of a face mask will be mandatory in all our destinations.
Guides will keep one meter distance with the guests during all touring.

Land transport
All our vehicles will be properly disinfected before and after each service.
The vehicles’ capacity is to be reduced: seating will be sorted in such a way that one meter
distance is kept between the passengers.
The driver will wear a face mask all the time.
Hand sanitizer will be available in all vehicles.

Tourist sights
Touristic attractions across South America are implementing different precautionary measures.
However, they are all intended to reduce the risk of contagion.
Visit hours might be changed or staggered and daily number of permitted visitors could be
reduced to avoid crowding.
Regarding Machu Picchu: a preliminary protocol has already been approved by the Peruvian
The main guidelines are the following:
The daily number of visitors will be reduced to 675 persons per day.
Capacity of trains will be reduced to 50%.
Groups in Machu Picchu will be capped to maximum 7 persons per group. A distance of
twenty meters between groups is to be maintained during the visit.

Hotels & accommodation

Hotels have very strict protocols implemented by local governments. The specific measures will
vary according to the country, but the main guidelines are the following:
Reinforcement of hygiene: All the hotel’s premises such as lobby, common areas, warehouse,
kitchen, and guests’ rooms will be disinfected more frequently.
Improvement of food & beverage sanitation to reduce cross-contamination risk.
The use of personal protection equipment (EPP) by all Hotel staff.
Adapting the hotel’s procedures to the sanitary guidelines of the official authority.
Setours is only working with hotel brands and restaurants that are aligned to international quality

Restaurants also have very strict sanitary protocols in each country. The specific regulations
vary according to the location, but the main guidelines follow this pattern:
Disinfection of all products and ingredients.
Periodic testing of staff directly involved with food manipulation.
Adaptation of delivery logistics.
For now, restaurants in South America are only allowed to provide meals via delivery. Regular
salon attention is yet to be reviewed.

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