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msnitiog g Tana a are TRIN 4 Goats ease ae ae ae ears Trinom d.o.o., Melita Jurkovié, prof. rinom d.0.0., Strojarska cesta 24, Zagreb 9, dopunjeno izdanje studeni 2018. Nijedan dio ove skripte ne smije se preslikavati ni umnozavati na bilo koji nadin, bez pismenoga dopustenja nakladnika. Zainternu uporabu. ENGLESKI JEZIK - VISA RAZINA ZA DRZAVNU MATURU U RH SADRZAI 1. OSNOVNE INFORMACDIE © ISPITU 12 ENGLESKOGA JEZIKA.. -RIPREMA ZA 151 1 PRUMIER ISPITA(OREAVHA WaT 3813, SESENSKT RO) 2.2! KAKO SE PRIPREMITE ZA ISPIT CITANIE? 2.3, KAKO SE PRIPREMITI 28 ISPIT SLUSANJE? 3. ISPIT PISANTE.. EL RAROSE PRIPREMITI Za ISPIT PISANDE? 312 PISANIE ODLOMKA... 233 PIsaNie ESEIA, 308 PRIMER STRUR 5355 PRIMER RASPRAVIAGKOG ESEDA 36, Shue 2a rsa UsPrEaNOGA ESE 37. Ve2BE PISAWA ESEIA 518, INTERPUNACDSKT 2NAKE. 313, Vezna sREDSTVA. 3.20, PAINDERI ESA |4, PREGLED I VBEZBE JEZIENIH STRUKTURA. “at. NOUNS. 42, PRONOUNS 43. QUANTIFIES. 44, ADJECTIVES 355, aovetas. 4s, ARTICLES. 49, PREPOSITIONS. 0. Tenses: 4.9, SYNTAX 30. PASSIVE. S11, MODAL VE 44.12, VERB PATTERNS... 323, ADVERDIAL CLAUSES. 4.34, CONDITIONAL CLAUSES. 325. RELATIVE CLAUSES. 3.36, PARTICIPLES 3.17! RepoRTeD SPEECH. 4.48, enhanc STRUCTURES (CLEFT SEHTENGES) 8.19, INVERSION wnrorennnrenn 4.20. NUMBERS. crooner. 9.21; PHRASAL VERBS 4.22. WORD FORMATION ‘5. ISPITNE MATERDALE Sl. DRZAVHA HATURA (3015, LIETHEROK) 5.2, DRZAVIA NATURA (2016, DETNT ROK) 5.3: DRZAWIA NATURA (2014 JESENSKI ROK). DRZAVNA HATURA (2016., LETH ROK) ORZAVNA MATURA (2016., JESENSKI ROK) DDRZAWNA NATURA (2017, LETHE ROK) DRZAVHA NATURA (2017, JESENSKT ROWS. ISeTT CrrANJE (ZADACT 5} CGRAMATICNE STRUKTURE ZA Visi Nena lalog pute da waft, Uy nade pomed bo de mange iho.» ting "HINO de. 9 rien deo eh pei TRIN 2 tneatnusrava ef cats INNSE Taso /eoe don sna 1. OSNOVNE INFORMACIJE O ISPITU IZ ENGLESKOGA JEZIKA 1.1, Podruéja ispitivanja Ispitom iz Engleskoga jezika na viso§ razini provjerava se komunikaciska jeziéna kompetencija u ditan{u, pisenju sluSanju prema nastovnem planu i programu iz Engleskoga jezika za gimnazije. Isp iz Engleskoga jezika saxoy $¢ 0d triju ispitnih cjelina: Citanje, Pisanje | Slusanje. Citanje - Ovom se ispitnom gjelinom ispituje Eitanje, odnosno vjestina razumijevanja titanoga tekst, U ovo} se ispitnoj celinispituje moze Ii pristupnik: * opéenito razumjeti o Gemu je rije€ (uoéiti osnovni smisao) + pronadi specifigne informacife + detalino razumjeti tekst kako bi shvatio implicitne znagenje I sl. + razumjeti odredene leksigke i/il strukturalne obrasce * prikladno i to&no upotrijebiti odredene leksizke i/ilstrukturalne obrasce. Pisanje - Ovom se ispitnom cjelinom ispituje vjestina pisanja, odnosno pisana produkcija U ovo} se ispitnoj cjelini spituje mode i pristupnil * napisati sastavak U kojem sustavno razvija neku temu navodedi razloge za | protiv nekoga glediéta objanjavajuéi prednosti i nedostatke razliditin reSenja naglaZavajuel bitne argumente i navodee! pojedinosti koje podrZavaju lznesena shvacanja uz uporabu relativna Sirokoga raspona vokabulara i uz manic, nesustavne gramatiéke pogreske. Sluganje - Ovom se ispitnom cjelinom ispituje vjektina sluganja, Ispituje se moze li pristupnile razumjeti opée poruke, glavne misi | specifiéne informacije na ovim vrstama tekstova: + razgovori i rasprave + predavanja, i2laganja | ievjeStaji + obavijesti poruke konkretnoga ill apstraktnoga sadréaja, Tekstovi govore © poznatim i nepoznatim temamaykoie se obiéno susrecu u osobnome, drustvenome ili obrazovnome podruéju izneseni su na standerdnomie eo Use, No, aig 1.2. Struktura ispita = BA E 3 s 1.2.1. Gitanje %, OR np Ova Ispitna celina sastoji se od za vezanin uz razlitite potazne tekstove., Ze svaku ispitivany podvjestinu navedeno je kojom ée se vrstom zadataka zadataka vezano uz te tekstove. itivati i na kojoj vrsti tekstova te koliko je ‘Tablica 1. Struktura ispitne cjeline Citanja _ VRSTE BROD ISPITIVANE PODVJESTINE \VRSTE ZADATAKA Eth, Meaney. 5 “= Tanak od 550 do razumijevanje specifignih informacija | zedaci povezivanja 600 rijeéi 12 razumijevanje osnovnoga smisla, zadaci viSestrukoga izbora él o 2. | Seecnin inormacioimctnon>| Gemedu eeu penudenm | onekod 35040 |g znagenja edgovore) etalno razumijevanje Tekta ioral 3. (kohezije | koherencije) sdaci povezivanja & daa vestrakega bors), detalino razumievane teksta ae dlanak od 220 40 He ie teksto femeduéetiriju ponuenih 8 (leksi¢ki /ili strukturalni obrasci) ‘odgovora) 250 rijegi Uporata prikidihtotnih TIGER nse sonoma anak od 200-66 | 5. | vii strukturainih obrazaca 'daci dopunjavanja 230 rijeti 2 j Napomena: Tekstovi u ispitnojcjelin! Ctanje Sadrde 6d 2100 do D250 rie, 1.2.2, Pisanje va ispitna cjelina sastoji se od zadatka eseia. Pristupnik mora napisati esej od 200 do 250 rijedi na zadanu temu. ‘Tablica 2. Struktura ispitne cjeline Pisanja 3 xa |, BROT ~ BROS ISPITIVANE PODVAESTINE vasta zapaTwa | 2,580 | BRO} 1, | evrSenje zadatka, Koherencija i kohezija uz odgovarajud’ | ese] od 200 do 250 7 oa * | opseg | tognost leksizko-strukturalnih obrazaca rijeti Nea abs pte da expen. Up nike pomel ik de manfe teler> <2 pripreme za drtovn moturaiprijemne iepite mete sano ao, TRING 3 ee eo TaaT Ata Sistame oo srw fring he TEL. O1/ 6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 333 1.2.3. Sluganje Ova ispitna cjelina sastoji se od 4 skupine zadataka (tasks) vezanih uz razlitite sluSane tekstove. Za svaku ispitivanu podvjestinu navedeno je kajom ée se vrstom zadataka ispitivati i na kojoj vrsti tekstova te koliko je zadataka vezano uz te tekstove. Tablica 3. Struktura ispitne cjeline Slugenja_ TSPITIVANE PODVJESTINE | VRSTEZADATAKA | VRSTETEKSTOVA | zabnOaKa Tazumijevanie glavne mai aE 5 1, | eemeeri seve zadacipovezwanja_|kratkeprige 5 5, [aumifevanieglovne msi Tadacl vestrakoga | rate pite/Rrat 5 specifi iformadja isbora razaoverl 3, | rezumijevane spectrin intrmaci | 22020 VECSTURESE | eeqoyorrasprave ¢ = cain formosa | 220841 VERREISGW | predavorie/ wlegorie7 «- [reuievnie pean bron [SSS ARS | Palen 6 % Seiten Sey, 1,3. Trajanje ispita 33, ‘Oy Ispit iz Engleskoga jezika traje ukupno 180 mi) gelina Sluganje traje pribllno 35 minuta ukljucuifadi dok ispitna cjelina Pisanje traje 75 minuta. i Siminuta za oznatavanje odgovora na listu 2a odgovore PRIBOR ‘Tijekom pisanja svih dijelova ispita lz Engleskoga jezika dopusteno je upotrebljaveti samo kemilsku olovku kofom se pie plavom ili crn lk, 1.4. Opis bodovanja COstvareni bodovi u svakoj od triju Ispitnih cjelina u ukupnom rezultatu sudjeluju u ukupnome rezultatu s jednom treéinom. Time se odreduje uspjeSnost pristupnika. Eitanje [1/3 Pisanje | 1/3 Stuganje [1/3 Ukupan broj bodova u ispitu iz Engleskoga jezika na viSoj razini je 85. 1.4.1. Vrednovanje ispitne cjeline Citanje ‘Svako pitanje donosi jedan bod. Ova Ispitna cjelina donosi ukupno 40 bodova. 1.4.2, Vrednovanje ispitne cjeline Slusanje ‘Svako pitanje donosi jedan bod. Ova ispitna cjelina donost ukupno 25 bodova, ‘Vaino je pozorno profitati tekst opéih uputa i tekst uputa za riesavanie zadataka | oznatavanie totnih edaovora.. 1.4.3. Vrednovanje ispitne cjeline Pisanje Te Ova Ispitna cjelina donosi ukupno 20 bodova. Ese} se ocjenjuje prema ljestvici za ocjenjivanje koja fF se sastoji od tetinju kriteria: tzvrSenje zadatka, | ae Koherenciia | kohezja, vokabular i gramatika. Po _ eae svakome kriteriju moguée je dobiti maksimalno 5 bodova. Coe) (Ciatsresio_] ania] Task 4 Questions 25-32 Read the text Slimmers need to eat less. For questions 25-32, choose the answer (A, 8, C or D) that best fits each Space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Slimmers need to eat less Peery eammer Knovis, when the diet ends, the hard (0) A really begins. (25) __ the best of intentions, oni ay fett Manage to avoid piling the pounds straight back an ~ end it has nothing to (26) with’ lack of willpower, jtinen @ diet comes to (Z7) __, a long-term cut in calories is needed to keep the weight off. To stay at their remaucight, slimmers need to eat less than someone of the same weight who has not dleted. (28). they need { at least 300 fewer calories a day. And over the (28) of a week, it amounts to 17 slices of buctered toast. 20 why do siimmers need to eat less? In slimmers, a muscle uses fewer calories to do its work than in Far cg 2°) ae Of 2 similar weight who has not dieted. Changes in hormones, metabolism and appetite alee play (31) rele, An addition, studies show that after dieting, the areas of the brain that perceive food as rewarding are more SSive, (32) those that generate feelings of restraint are less so. As a result, former dieters have to est more to feel satisfied, but think they have eaten less, ° 2s 26 28 A work A aAtthoush Ahave » JA On the other hand B job B Unlike 0 0 be precise C occupation CAs much as be = € similarly D attempt C@pespite D make, ic D Furthermore 29 30%, 32 A length Ise. % Awhen Bterm opposite B like time C another Cone mite ourse D different Do as Task 5 Questions 33-40 (on? 2nd complete the text below. Fill each space (33-40) with one word.There is an example at the beginning (0). Teen employment see wecugh Job market for teens. Take the (0)____ of Jason Borovits, 19. Last year, he wes working for ctaler Best Buy but (33) ___ is hours cut. Then he Tost his job altogether. For months now, he hag been tying Feat 2 daytime job oF one with evening hours (34) he can go back to school, but ne hasn' been (38) ta find either. Vere ude sri Realy manufacturing and construction sectors, which are usually key (36) ___ bf yourig wolicershae Zgen hit hard by the economic downturn. In addition, older workers are setting Tor JOBSthat used to go te toons, Eos MBmPle, as recently as 10 years ago, nearly 60% ofall newspaper carriers in the US were teans; these daye, that figure fs less than 20%--The result of this trend: the teen unemployment (37) _ was near 28% In Octooer” yreens now theke-(28)-\he Just 3.2% of the nation’s working population, down from a high of nearly 9% in the ‘mid-1970s. Overall employment in the US rose (39) 72> about 7% between 2000 and early’ 2008}, teen cimplovment, in (40) —__, headed in the other direction. Today, 4.5 million teens have some form of emplovment, ZPout hall the 8.2 milion who were employed three decades ago. This trend is sure to have a negative effect of the economy long-term. Se. se ser QS emplaucrs 0 __case sa nctfhad 4_ Ske. as_sekG 3g ce ° 37 se 38 Ge ee ‘3 39 Aas, 40 Cure Croce ve og Contin + “Khon oboe do epi. Uy 3H posad lt U man thas TRING e Task 1 Questions 1-5 You will hear 5 people talking about learning a foreign langu “TRINOM d.0.0, © pripreme 20 dow maturuiprlenne spite LUREDE i NASTAVA: Strajrcia cesta 26, Zagreb TEL. OL/ 6672404, 65M: 95/1 333.323 fage. For each recording (1-5), decide what each person found most important when learning a foreign language. Choose from A to H. Write one letter next to the umber of the recording, Do net use any letter more than once. There are three letters that you do not need. You will hear the recording twice. A Learning grammer. 4 D Their teacher. B Reading. (\c Repetition. ‘Task 2. Questions 6-13 You will hear people talking in efght situations. For each situ: will hear each recording twice. 6 You hear Reece talking about a film he saw. What does he say about the film? it was disappointing. it was entertaining. It was unoriginal. 7 You hear Emilia talking about her shopping experience. hy did she G0 shopping? 5 therapy. B For food. C To help a friend. 8 You hear two interviewers talking about job epplicant. Why doesn't the applicant get the ob? over quae. She tocks matvaton Cie lacks experience. 9 You hear two people talking. What Is the main topic of thelr conversation? lobal warming. lothes. € Shopping. ‘Task 3. Questions 14-19 E Watching television, J) F Socialising with people who speak the language. J. G Visiting the country where the language Is spoken. H Working in the country where ‘the language is spoken. jation (6-13), choose the correct answer, A, B or C. You 10 You hear Jessica talking about her exam results. How does she feel about them? ‘A Worried, axindifferent. KS = Helleved. 11 You hear Jack talking about a T-shirt he didn’t buy. What does he say was wrong with the T-shirt? ts design. 1 By ‘ts price. ts size. 12 You hear Olivia talking about a website. nat does she say about the website? it is out of date. B It contains too much information. € It is difficult to find. 13 You hear Aiffe talking about visiting relatives abroad. What does he have a problem with? A The food. The language. (Cyne time aifference. You will hear two friends talking about which book to give to Bridget. Listen to the conversation and decide which book (A-C) each question (14-19) refers to. Write A for Aldi will hear the recording twice. Which book. 14 is a historical novel? 15 has illustrations? 16 has a film based on 17 has a difficult style?, ‘Task 4 Questions 20-25 You will hear an interview with Ra} B or C. You will hear the recording twice. 20 Ray learned the basics of photography him find out about at home. > Rega oe toy ee Rings. (Biecuses you on the beauty of ‘the everyday. C helps you forget your worries. distinguishes from ordinary er 25 Ray would like to A become a professional photographer. 8 start taking wildlife photos. Ctravel. Nena lalog pute do wrfjthe. Up rain fomed C3 de mane ike.» TiN S ' ‘TRINOM doo. peipreme za dre matiruprjenne spite TRIN 8 UREDE NASTAVA: stupa ieoe es noise Tot are on com oaniasoae 2.2. KAKO SE PRIPREMITI ZA ISPIT CITANJE? imal VieStina ditanja temelji se na nekoliko naéela vaznih za njezino uspje&no usvajanje. Potrebno je Sto vide i Zesée Gitati razne vrste tekstova | pokuSati odgovoriti na sadrZaj teksta, a ne se iskljudivo koncentrirati na struktura teksta. Znagenje | poruka teksta jednako su vaini kao i jeziéne strukture koje se nalaze u tekstu. Vazan cimbenike wicstine titanja je razvijanje sposobnosti_ predvidanja. Pogled na tekst (nasiov, padnasiov, izgled teksta) omaguéuje ti da shvatié o Gemu je rijeé | prije nego Sto potnes éitati tekst. Razumilevanje svih rijeti 1 gramatickin struktura nije potrebno za uspjeSnast u ovo) Ispitnaj cjelini. Potrebno je razumjeti kijuéne rijeci | odvojit| bitne od nebitnih informacija, Kako biti uspjeSan u vjestini Zitanja? + pozorno prozitaj upute za svaki zadatak + pozorno protitaj tekst/tekstove i pitanja u odredenome zadatku + primijeni adgovarajuce strateaiie za pojedinu vrstu zadatka + nakon sto rijesis sve zadatke, rijesi zadatke koje nisi rijesila/o u prvom ditanju | pokuSaj ih rijesiti * pozorno eznaéi odgovore na listu za odgovore i upi8i odgovore u ispitnu knjizicu u zadacima u kojima je to Potrebno * pravilno rasporedi vrijeme kako bi imala/o dovoljno vremena za rjeSavanje svih zadataka TASK 4 - Strategija za rjeSavanje zadatka viestrukoga povezivanja (matching) Za uspjesno rjeSavanje zadatka vigestrukoga povezivanja potrebno je paZljive protitati natuknice (prompts) | potraziti u tekstu/tekstovima kljuéne rijedi ili fraze koje povezuju natuknice i tekst/tekstove, * protitaj tekst zadatka u cjelosti HNEEBR odgovor + protita} prvo pitanje | podertaj kijutne rijedi * protitaj tekstove i pronadi tekst koji nudi odgovai ne rijgdi/ffeze koje ukazufu da je to toéan odgovor; povezi ys + prosite} tekst joS jednom vrio pazlivo | pronad kjuéne rijeéi pitanja s odgoverom », + ponov postupak za svake ptanje SMe e TASK 2 - Strategija za rfeBavanje zadatka vidgstlakoes izpofa (multiple choice) Za uspjesno rjeSavanje zadatka vigestrukoga izbira potrebnd’ je nakon izbora odredenoga odgovora u tekstu pronaci odgovarajuce argumente, Sispit™ + protitaj tekst zadatka u celosti + proditaj pitanja i podertaj kljutne rifet!_prije nego poénes detaljno éitatl tekst * pronadi gdje se u tekstu spominju podertane rijeti odnosno nijihovi sinonimi i detaljno procitaj taj dio teksta * pronadi kljuéne rijeti/fraze za koje misls da daju totan odgovor na pitenie; provjer! zat ostale til navedene Opeije nisu mogue! odgovert + ponovi postupak za svako pitanje TASK 3 - Strategija za rjesavanje zadatka povezivanja (gapped text) Za uspjeSno rjesavanje zadatka povezivanja potrebno je pailjivo proéitati tekst i obratiti pozornost na strukturu teksta, + protitaj tekst zadatka u cjelost! «= pazijivo procitaj dijelove teksta ispred i iza praznina * Wzaberi reCenicu za koju misli§ da bi najbolje popunila prazninu (primjerice po sadrZaju); obrati posebnu pozormost na kohezivna sredstva (vezna sredsta, interpunkcijski znakovi i si.) * provjeri za8to ostale navedene opcije nisu moguél edgovori = ponovi postupak za svako pitanje * po zavrSetku zadatka ponovno protitaj tekst u cjelosti i provjeri njegovu smislenost TASK 4 - Strategija za rjeavanje zadatka videstrukoga izbora (modified gapped text) U ovom tipu zadatka potrebno je izabrati totno rjefenje izmedu 4 ponudena odgovora. + progitaj tekst zadatka u cjelosti * razmisli © moguéem odgovoru prije nego Sto pogleda ponudene odgovore; imaj na umu da je toéno rjeSenje vjerojatno leksiékt i/il strukturalni obrazac + popuni praznine * provjeri zaéto astale navedene opcije nisu moguél odgovori * ponovi postupak za svako pitanje + po zavrSetku zadatka ponovno protitaj tekst u cjelosti provjeri njegovu smislenost TASK’5 - Strategija za rjeSavanje zadatka dopunjavanja (gapped text) U ovom tipu zadatka potrebno je dopuniti tekst koristeéi prikladne | togne leksitke i/ili strukturaine obrasce. * protitaj tekst zadatka u cjelosti * Popuni praznine; imaj na umu da je totno rjeSenje vjerojatno leksi¢k’ iil strukturalni obrazac + po zavrSetku zadatka ponovno protitaj tekst u cjelosti i provjeri njegovu smislenost Noa labs pte da wipe. Uy waka foneé U4 a monje like.» erry “TRINOM d.0.0, © pripeeme 20 drama maturui prijemne ispite TRIN 9 ‘soe rascunomnen oie tee Sonenie Taco agen emcee ie 2.3. KAKO SE PRIPREMITI ZA ISPIT SLUSANJE? —@ Za uspjegno razvijanje vjestine slu3anja potrebno je Sto vise i Ze8¢e uvjezbavati zadatke sluSanja. Prije jesavanja zadataka potrebno je pozomo protitati upute prije rjeavanja zadataka. Vrijeme predvideno za éitanje uputa izuzetno je vaino za uspjesno rjeSavanje zadataka. Upute sadrZe bitne informacije o temi koju Ceé sluSati | o tome Sto se o€ekuje u pojedinome zadatku. Razumijevanje svake rijeti tijekom sluSanja nije potrebno. Pozornost moras: obratiti samo na one informacie kofe su kijuéne za razumijevanje. Svakako treba naglasiti korisnost ponaviiania Kako biti uspjeSan u vje8tini sluSanja? + pozorno protitaj uputu i tekst svakoga zadatka + primijeni edgovarajuée strateaiie za pojedinu vrstu zadatia + ako ne odgovorié na neko pitanje, nastavi rjesavati iduca pitanja + tijekom drugoga sluganja pokuSaj odgovoriti na pitanja koja nisi rijeSila/o tijekom prvoga sluSanja + pozorno oznaéi odgovore na list za odgovere TASK 1 Strategija za rjeSavanje zadatka vigestrukoga povezivanja (matching) U ovom je zadatku potrebno razumjeti glavne misli/specifiéne informacije u kratkim prigama i povezati th s ‘odredenim govornikom. * prije prvoga sluSanja pozorno proéitaj uputu | pitanja (prompts) i podcrtaj kljuéne rijezi koje ti mogu biti kerisne tijekom sluSanja + budi pozomna/an tijekom slusanja jer Ce vetinu ope" mekoliko puta, ali samo je jedna totna * takoder budi pozorna/an tijekom drugoga sluSanja kako bt izaBrala/o totan odgovor ili potvrdila/o odgovor 8 Dobiven tijekom prvoga sluSanja hy "2% + ponovi postupak za svako pitanje 3%, z TASK 2 Bop eg oF Strategija za rjeSavanje zadatka vigestrukog@igbora ~ kratke priée/razgovori (multiple choice) Cover je zadatku potrebno. razumjeti glavne TflslpsBeelene informacje u kratkim priGama ili kratkim razgovorima | odabrati totan od triju ponudenth odgovora. ‘prije prvoga sluSanja pozorno progita) upUtu I pitanja podertaj Kijuéne rijei koje ti mogu biti Korisne tijekom Siuganja + budi pozorna/an tijekom sluSanja jer 6e Cuti sva tri ponudena odgovora, samo je jedan totan + takoder budi pozorna/an tijekom drugoga sluSanja kako bi izabrala/o tozan edgovor Iii potvrdita/o odgovor Dobiven tekom prvoga sluganja + ponovi postupak za svako pitanje TASK 3 Strategija za rjeSavanje zadatka vigestrukoga izbora - razgovor/rasprava (multiple choice) U ovom Je zadatku potrebno razumjeti specifigne informacije u razgovoru ili raspravi dvoje govornika | odabrati tofan od triju ponudenih odgovora. + prije prvoga sluSanja pozorno protitaj uputu i pitanja i podcrtaj kijuéne rijeti koje ti mogu biti Korisne tijekom sluganja + budi pozorna/an tijekom sluganja jer €e govornici spominjati sva tri ponudena odgovora, ali samo je jedan toéan + takoder budi pozorna/an tijekom drugoga sluganja kako bl izabrala/o tozan odgovor ili potvrdila/o odgovor dobiven tijekom prvoga sluganja + ponovi postupak za svako pitanje TASK 4 Strategija za rjeSavanje zadatka vigestrukoga izbora - predavanje/izlaganje/izvjesée/razgovor (multiple choice) U ovom je zadatku potrebno razumjeti specifiéne informacije u predavanju, izlaganju, izvjeStu ill razgovoru | odabrati toéan od triju ponudenih odgovora. + prije prvoga sluSanja pozorno protitaj uputu i pitanja I podcrtaj kljuéne rijeti koje ti mogu biti korisne tifekom slusanja + budi pozorna/an tijekom sluanja jer ée8 Cuti sva tri ponudena odgovora, ali samo je jedan to¢an + takoder budi pozorna/an tijekom drugoga sluanja kako bi izabrala/o to%an odgovor ili potvrdila/o odgovor dobiven tijekom prvoga sluSanja + ponovi postupak za svako pitanje Nema lakes puta do wap jibe, Up ran format UA cs mane ihe.» ses palalag 9 TRINOM d..0. © prprene 2a detonu natura pejenne spite TRIN 0 tacte hacnnn crane ee 3. ISPIT PISANJE rey 3.1. KAKO SE PRIPREMITI 2A ISPIT PISANJE? Najveiniji Eimbenik u pripremanju 2a ovu ispitnu cjelinu je Sto vike j ele uvjezbavati pisanje eseje, odnosno razvijanie navike pisanja. Posebnu pozornost treba obratiti padlivom ditanju | rasclambi zadatka. Nelspunjavanije dijela zadatka mode znatajno umanjiti uspjeSnost u ispitno} cjelini Pisanje. Prije samoga ispita Korisno je rjeSavati zadatak u vremeny koje je predvideno na ispitu. Pravilno rasporedivanje ‘vremena jedan Je od kljuénih dimbenika za uspjeh 0'6vo} ispitng} cjelini. it a 1 Jp, 2; 3, Kako bit! uspjeSan u vjeitin! pisanja? "hey, “es + pozorno protitaj uputu za zadatak 3 £ + razmisii 0 zadanoj teml | zablijedi neke ideje =. | potpora (zakijuéak) Nema lahos pote de wipjtha, Uy nan pomed bit & menje Yiha.» mening» TRIN 8 Cet save Srabeact 2 2apek ate pera premnprnrsriets 4, Adekvatni zakljugak sastoji se od: @ 1. sedetka glavnih argumenata u eseju il parafrazelteme:(teze) eseja 2 osobnog misiienja. 2 Primjer adekvatnoga zakijucka: In conclusion, intémnational sports events can help people learn more about other countries, However, nationalist supporters may see opposing teams and their ‘countries as enemies. Personally, I think that there will always be an element of war in international sports events. 3.4.1 Vjezba 1. Za8to se navedeni uvodni odlomei smatraju nedostatnima (not adequate) ili nerazradenima (undeveloped)? 4 The international, sports events, are very popular at the time. Nowadays, people |NELMO tee are in.a big, hurry 30 they need something to relax, and they often choose sports | hie \olae@. ‘events,..A sport event, like world football competition. in Africa will, connect this | “~'” J 3 Poor continent with the rest of the world and allow them to do.a big step forward. z ~£ee It is impoitait to do. sport. It makes people physically ft and healthier. The | “~~ advantages includé stronger muscles and loss of extra weight. It also improves ‘mental health and helps prevent depression. But do international sports events bring countries closer or cause problems between them? a ‘Some people say that International sports events bring countries closer, while others say that they cause problems between countries. International sports events have their advantages and disadvantages. 2. Zaito se navedeni zakljuéci smatraju nedostatnima (not adequate) ili nerazradenima (undeveloped)? 1 Th copiclusion, international sports events have their advantages and disadvantages. Every competitive sport must have winners and losers. In my opinion, it’s very important to do a competitive sport, because we learn how to win and also how to'lose. And this is important in life. In conclusion, international sports events, like everything in life, have their good and bad sides. In my opinion, there will always be international sports events. 3 Allin all, both sides of the argument have advantéges and disadvEntages. More or less there will be discussions about this toplc. think that is very good for all the world but they should choose there want they go play some sports. I don’t know where they want play some sports, 3.4.2 Vjezba Spot 1! Napigi uvodni odlomak (c. 80 rijeéi) na sljedecu temu: ‘Some people say that owning a business offers more advantages than working as ‘an employee in a company. Others disagree. 2. Zabiljedi dva ili tri argumenta s potporom na glavau ideju 1 (Main idea 1) iglaym (Main idea 2) i napigi dva odlomka (body paragraphs). . ‘Some people say that the World Wide Web can be very useful for various researches. (Main idea 1) Others disagree and claim it contains a lot of incorrect information. (Main idea 2) 3. Napigi zakljuéak (c. 80 rijedi) na sljedecu temu: High school graduates should take a year off before entering college. Others disagree. ideju 2 Nema lolog pte da wapjehe, Uy rae pomed Ut & manje tile.» meientiogs TRINOM dn. © pene ov aise pie TRIN “ Uaéornusravn sit carest topes show be aL 01/ ora on, ea on sn 9 3.5. PRIMJER RASPRAVLIACKOG ESEJA ‘Some people think doing homework has positive effects on children. Others think it has only negative effects on them. GENERAL STATEMENT:Many children today have to spend hours every evening doing homework. THESIS STATEMENT: Some people seem to believe that doing homework is beneficial because it helps children In thelr academic career while others feel that homework has unfavourable effects on them. TOPIC SENTENCE: There are several advantages to homework, if it is given in the reasonable amounts and at the right time.ARGUMENT 1: First and foremost, students do need some practice of new material learned in school. SUPPORT: This means they need to sit quietly at home and find out how well they understand the new information and ideas.ARGUMENT 2: Furthermore, homework helps the teacher to know what the students have or have not learned. SUPPORT: Accordingly, the teacher can then change the next lessons by elther increasing or slackening thelr paca. TOPIC SENTENCE: However, too often there’ are iégdtive aspects to homework. ARGUMENT 1: To start with, many teachers give too much homework and often do not coordinate the quantity given. SUPPORT: Due to this, children do not have free timé'to relax or play sports; which is also vital for their development. ARGUMENT 2:'4 further point is that unnecessary assignimients raise students stress level. SUPPORT:-Fhis can actually lower roductivity and performance instead of raising It since itis hard to work properly under pressure. SUMMARY: In conclusion, although homework can. be helpful in reinforcing of what has been learnt in school, if given in excessive amounts, it can also put unnecessary pressure on students. OPINION: It appears to me'that finding the balance between free time and homework. leads to a happy and successful school experience for al students. 3.6. SAVJETI ZA PISANJE USPJESNOGA ESEJA ZA 150) 1. Proutite liestvicu za ocjenjivanie esefa. Ljestvica za ocjenjivanje pokazuje Sto ocjenjivaé vrednuje u eseju, Uestvica 2a ocjenjivanje ima 4 kriterija: IevrSenje zadatka, Koherenci/a | kohezija, Vokabular i Gramatika, Prouéite objainjenja ijestvice za ocjenjivanje kako biste znali Sto trebate udiniti. qv!) Trebate: -odgovoriti na svaki dio pitanja (vidi kriterij IzvrSenje zadatkay “hapisati uvod, glavni dio i zakijutak (vidi kriterij IevrSenje zadatka) 5 Poduprijeti svoje glavne ideje argumentima, a argumente potporom (vidi kriterf Zevrsenje zadatka) ~Poredati svoje misil logignim slijedom koji je lako pratiti (vidi kriterij Koherencija | kohezila) ere ~povezati svoje misli tako da pomazu éitatelju pratiti ih (vidi kriterij Koherencija i kohezija) ~podijeliti glavni dio u prikladne adlomke (vidi kriterij Koherencija i kohezija) ~upotrebljavati prikladan vokabular za izrazavanje svojih misli (vidi kriterij Vokabular) ~upotrebljavati prikiadne gramatitke strukture (vidi kriterij Gramatika), Objainjenje : ‘Ako su opisivati unutar nekog kriterija (IZ, KK, VG) razigite Fazine, primjenjuje se niéa razina, npr. ako raspon vokabulara u eseju zesluzuje 5 bodova, a toénost vokabulara 4 boda, tekst ée za kriter} Vokabular dobiti 4 boda, “Tekst koji Je dobio 2 boda na kriterju IzvrSenje zadatka ne mote dobiti vise od 4 boda na ostalim kriterijima, ‘Tekst koi Je dabio 1 bod iz Izvréenja zadatka zbog nedovoline duljine ne mode dobiti vise od 3 boda na ostalim krterijima, FTekst kos je dobio 1 bod iz Izvréenja zadatke zbog irelevantnosti ne mode dobiti ve od 1 boda na ostalim krterjima. Tekst koyi Je dobio mula (0) bodova Iz IzvrSenja zadatka zbog nedovoljne dulfine ne moze dobiti vige od 1 boda na ostali kriterijima. Minimalan broj bodova ne kriteriju ZzvrSenje zadatka je nula (0). Brolanje rijeti Ako Je tekst nedovoljne dulfine, oduzet ée se boidovi za ksterij IzvrSenje zadatka na sljeded natin: 160-190 rijecis 4 bod; 130-159: 2 boda; 100-129: 3 boda; 50-99: 4 boda, Rijedl se broje prema nagelu kako th brofi ragunalo. Rijeé podrazumijeva sve zasebne elemente teksta odvojene Brazninom. Skragenice (npr. I'm, isn’t) broje se kao jedna rijeg, Ponavijanja, nabrajanja | ulomcl prepisant tz ispitne Geline citanje nee se brofati kao rife. Na lobes pte do enpjeda Uy nae fowl bt manip Wiha» serie vant S, bow RIND piprene zo dom: natura penne ite TRIN ees a ~ 15 UREDE I NASTAVA: Straersta cst 24, Zagreb Ory ASS) Te: 01/ 6672404, Go: 095/1 333 339 wor. triner he Staci jesivica za ocjenjivanje exeia RoW ORME Wekeus ky Tram AL pl 4 ° Uestvica za ocjenfivanje esej spines | GORE WO xq) THAN _ dt plik CN eae Rees aera BORoVA. | HVRSENIE ZADATKA “| | KOHERENCDA 1KOHEZEIA,)| |” VOKABULAR Tera |S, vis Seow sade tere] TK maf sen rok repon vokabulara | -Sv0kTspan air 1 Fadetok ‘else fonake axagen, | codoma su udnkovito Tata “Marie pogeste | ‘Shmertsticiene se | Sevier. Urabe “hase poo ete Moan ealacno «jana ‘iShestnn seceava Je Hsin cGy etna sBnkova. i hag uc gavachl a ‘Siroder-ateejdrata, "= | sOslomel su dobro seus | zodstoe “Tomuje poate u 4 [SEARERSRESES | porte eneshninsrecsva” | Sopvtuy se parse w | pores an et ne ‘slaveam = dbrom aba Gpersaabatelprevortca, | taka razumjevane teksts, seam Sine ajc fo iaaunievene. Tein Ta tars a Te] TRE TTT POPSET aan, | sDobarrsepon To Toast | ~OpCenO se asl a faraten Toslof nmnebo sracurrane’ | spoumeske Jesnonavne stridor, 2 | Brats motene sus | eolomta: Uporsba Faves | Yprab/sbia/ prvopisy | tours vuporati/bhiky Scvoinom petoorom/sve | sreamava je ovale Ponckow ute e ake | poneiad sted na ko Soon me rear feamiewnie Frzumfevanie testa See tcane tone oat | ARE RIT Gano reasan, | -Dovolon respon zo Osta se ma uporo00 ‘inieuyfeljeusivran | Stukcirnje odemae! | Zasotak jeunesovnin sur, fcr Sporn tohervainsrecce | sPoggeikew forjedke v users ‘Givaim misime nesosaje | jeogrntens. ‘percavebitay praise | ponsead waromguteace v 2 | potpor SSltjesooypooriéata oa | ponesad vara tebkoce | rumbevanh Frise bog poaseaka no | mestme tenis ocumiy. | Urauraevant ‘esta tothe ‘anu Nepaden {ers oye tac er a —Raspon erecta a | aaa J io oo Sedan tome e esr. dor tee ‘Popneite u uporabyobimy testo ennsn "Siva calomaes | oat etrogucu ommend 1 | Sema oo tenn pono Nohezvnth ay | cpersoVobi pavers somere ora som ete seen ‘rete sto pogrtaka | Tat je sbee peugeot Cee | Tagmicvon {eco raza Le Mol Tekst Je uglavnom Tay || ae Pogrjetke © oporabi/abiics a | sesmunit Mra mane of | trait Op, | eager sea | Sta Sno Sores Speen oremeautaye | razomievone ops Seria Sg tg 7 iso Tounrs | vase Gonrison | So neRENREAND Coneston [ily Vootwuuny UU [Tle Sonn ee uO nee e oe “Allgars othe pram Tarty | -Cesr flow of eos. We range forthe | «ide enge for the 55. = _| equsiy coveonea rfecive se of prosraping | ask Sihor enor, Sum leeaccenstenay we | Bnd conesve dense ior ero Sugnoted SEIS Ft prompt] Senay lear Wow af Ws | Wary p00 rage forthe | ~Good range or the sk | Sevdoner ntunensty. | Senod ee of poreraping and _| tase ‘Errore do ot impede eoey SMtamioeas gene-ay weil Cohesive dewees- ‘Errors donot Impede | Uncerstondng Stoported ty uncecancing Gna part pT Ra] Faw af RE SaTeES Gand Tange forthe ~Ganeraly wees angie cares ‘Sevetpee incor on “Bron suatines impede easy 3 | Shain eas sunenty ‘Saelee use of pargraphing | servrs sometimes | Lnderstaraing. ‘Slpsueed nts wens | orcohesve deve, ingede cosy ‘sant sroerstandg, Hua aas aT Te prompt nat wow of eas San anda — Suite ange forthe | Raison simple seucores eveoceayTreesoy | Sutsd use of pregrphing or | tsk “Enos sumetines ease sey itroetareeren ‘nesve devces ‘Eto sometimes ense | Inuncersncia | ttamideerneuriensy | Ser eave icy in “Garcany Soporte. Understanding i places. rcerstandng ‘ors ese fet Thaersaning n ces “nappropia you ison prompt Me, + da raspravite prednost | nedostetke jedhnoga sledita = Wy 2 + da navedete argumente za i protiv jednoga glediéta, “ & (} 5 Odgovorite na sve dijelove pitani: Boh = Ne raspravijaite samo 0 jednome gledistu, ka Ne raspraviiaite samo o prednostima gledista, veé i o njegovim nedstaciths. Navedite argument i za i protiv glediSta. Ako se ne dr3ite navedenoga, ne¢ete moti dobiti vige od 3 boda za kriterij IeviSenje zadatka. ira} { prije nego Sto ga potnete Esej je oblik organiziranaga pisanja. Nitko ne moze napisati dobar esej, a da ga prethodno nije isplanirao. Osnova pisanja uspieSnoga eseja je planirenie. NEMOJTE ODMAH POCETT PISATI ESED, Prvo ga isplanirajte. Osnova uspjesnoga planiranja je pisanie bios. on © o temu éete pisati. Prousite aba dijela teme. Sto mozete reci o svakome dijelu? Zabiljezite svoje argumente. Ne pidite reenice, veé ‘samo zabiljezite natyknice. Proutite svoje argumente. Koje razloge ili primJere mozete dati da biste ih poduprii? Zabilfezite ih. To ée vain Pomoti da dobijete dobru ocjenu za kriterij Izvréenje zadatka. Ako imate puno vie za reci o jednome dijelu teme Rego 0 drugome, usredotodite se na ono Sto mozete redi o drugome dijelu teme. Ako posvetite puno vise Pozomosti jednomu dijelu teme nego drugomu, negete moti dobiti vie od 4 boda za kriterlj IzvrSenje zadatka. Jako je vatno posvetiti neko vrijeme pronalazenju argumenata i potpore. Kada budete zadovolini svojim argumentima i potporom, usredototite se na planiranje eseja, Kada budete znall Sto Zelite reci, usredototite se na to kako éete to rec 5. Grupiraite svoje ideie, Grupirajte svoje ideje na sljedeéi nagin: + Jedno glediste - drugo glediste + prednosti ~ nedostaci ‘+ argumenti za - argumenti protiv. 6. Poredaite svoje misli loaiénim sliiedom Nena lake pute do vapjthe. Uy nate pomed Ud de maofe Kiko.» mote pede @ ‘TRINOM 4.0.0, © pripreme za drdavnw maturu i prijemne ispite TRIN 7 tna innsonte rapoas oon gc ee can uriaon comer riien Wo taj éo nadn ocenivot lke sijed Vage ergument. Logitan sted mist je vatan ako Zelte deb ase pat eonarencin kanes. 7. Oblikuite svof ese w ao Sree onalke odlomaka Kaliko imate glavnih Ide} Ne plate glavaldio eseja u samo jednome odlonilsQdlomak se bavi ednom glavnom idejom Ine bl trebeo sadréavati reéenice o nekoj drugoj temi. ‘Qbkipyante cogjmbke je vaino ako Zelite dobiti veci broj bodova za P veel broj kriterij Koherencija / kohezija, 2p %, 8. Provierite sv61 plan 3 “Op. & Imaju li vade ideje logitki slijed? oe, - Jeau I vale ideje poduprte argumentima? ImajisiiW aegueiéht logit slijed? Jesu li vasi argumenti poduprti razlozima ii prinjérimagne Jesu i vase glavne ideje, argument! | potpora grupiranl u odiomke koje éete napisat!? Kada ste poredali svoje ideje logitkim slijedom | podijelili ih u odlomke, moiete se usredototiti na pisanje eseja. DOx PISETE ESE) Ovéi ss 9. Napisite uvod. Recite éitatelju Sto ée pisati u glavnome dijelu eseja, ‘Ako ete pisati o prednostima i nedostacima, recite éitatelju, Ako éete prvo pisatl o jednome gleditu, a onda o Grugome, recite ditatelju, Ako ne napiéete uvod, necete moti dobiti viSe od 3 boda za kriéerij Ievrsenje zadatka 10. Napiite adlomice, Recite éitatelju o emu ce biti rijeé u svakome odlomku. To je tematska regenica (main idea). Naglasite svoje argumente, Jedan je natin da upotrebljavate tematske recenice (main ideas), a drugi da upotrebljavate ove fraze: The main advantage is... ili Another important reason Why ... IS...» A major argument against on. 15 Fo ée vam pomoti da dobijete veti broj bodova za kriterij Izvrsenje zadatka. Povezujte svoje misil na primjeren nati “unutar regenica (npr. because, while, whereas, so, although ...), ~izmedu recenica (npr. For this reason, As a result, In addition, However “izmedu odlomaka (npr. A second major disadvantage is .., On the other hand ..). To ée vam pomoéi da dabijete veti broj bodova za kriterlj Koherencija i kohezifa. Zavréite sa zakijuckom u kojemu cete sazeti ono Sto ste rekil. To ée vam pomoéi da dobijete veci bro} bodova ze kriterif Izvréenje zadatka. Ako dobro sastavite odlomak, dobit éete vei broj bodova za kriterij Kohereneija i kohezija. 14, Naplgite zakliutak. U zakijuzku eseja ponovite svoje glavne mis i napisite svoje osobno mistjenje. ‘Ako ne napigete zakljutak, neéete moti dobit! vige od 3 boda za kriterij IzvrSenje zadatka. stall savieti 12. Pazite na rukopis. Gitak rukopis pomaze ocjenjivatu | ostavija dobar dojam. Razmislite Sto Gete napisati, a zatim to titko napisite. 13, Uvucite prvi red odlomka. Uviagenje prvoga dijela odlomka je vrlo vaino jer po tome ocjenjivaé moze jasno vidjeti da ste zapoteli no codlomak. > s221092.100%1000002090290900009090000%000900000000087H000000K 3990080001010001900009000090K1830000009039780292020000 IH AIIORNOHAEIATIOK > 792019011400000909000004990020000007079000000000001095A0HATAIOOIAK 2000100000000 XIIEIONHEXIDIANIHITITIII IIIA AAAI HII 23000000000000000000000000HINIK. 14, Ostavite prostor izmedu redaka. Ostavite prostor izmedu redaka kako biste mogli precrtati pogreske i napisati ispravak iznad precrtane rijedi NAKON STO STE NAPISALI ESE} 15 Provjerite vokabular i qramatilt ‘> Provjerite vokabular. Imate i pravopisnih pogresaka (npr. bed umjesto bad, then umjesto than, god umjesto good)? Provjerite jeste li zaboravili prepisati neku rijeé s lista za kencept na list. za éistopis. + Provjerite gramatiku. Imate li pogreske u srognosti izmedu subjekta i predikata (npr, they ... has been; it... were found)? Jeste li dodali nastavak ~5/-es na glagole u 3. licu za glagolsko vrijeme Present Simple? Jeste 1i to&no upotrijebill glagolska Uremena? Jeste li koristill upitnu konstrukelju kada niste trebali (npr. I don’t know why do they do this.)? Nema lahas jute da esp jib Up nan formed 6 ce mane iho.» went ‘TRINOM 4.0.0. © pripreme 20 driomnumoturuiprijenine ispite TRING ® UREDE I NASTAVA: Siro cart 24 Zope si ron. 01/4672 404, Cao Sod on 3.7. VJEZBE PISANJA ESEJA (WRITING PAPERS) 1. (2010., jesenski rok)Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclu: ‘Some say it would be better if there was only one language in the world. Others disagree. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 2. (2010., zimski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words, Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. ‘Some people say that globalization increases communication between cultures. Others say that it threatens local cultures. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. (2011,, etn rok) Task 6 Question 41 ite an essay of 200-250 words, Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, — Some people say that there shoul be limits to what students can wear at school Others s0y there should not. acter Discus both eFtese views and give our ann opinion, Dp. Mey ame’ 4, (2011, Jornatdrolp Task 6 Queston st 3 2 “Oy Write an essay of 200-250 words. Bre, ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, “2 "7% 6 jan ke ‘Some people say that tourism is beneficial toa country. 6Dlers say that it does more harm than good, Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 5. (2011., zimsid rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words Your essay must have an introduction, Body and conclusion. ‘Some people say that it is important to explore space. Others say It is a waste of time and money, Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion, 6. (2012, ljetni rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. ‘Some people say that 18-year-olds are too young to vote. Others disagree. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion, 7. (2012., jesenski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay-of 200-250 words: ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. ‘Some people say that violent video games stimulate aggression in young people. Others claim that they are harmless fun. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. (2012, zimski rok) Task 6 Question 41 “Winite an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. ‘Some people prefer to work in a group. Others prefer to work alone. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. “Nema lag pte de wapiba. Uy vai forad bk monje Vila.» winning {HINO de. prane zimmer es TRIN 9 (nest tnasrava: pase shes Rae TeLs01/ 46744, eh: oP a 9. (2013., ljetni rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. Some people say that a parent's responsibility for his/her child ends when the child reaches the age of eighteen. Others say that this responsibility never ends. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 10. (2013., jesenski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an Introduction, body and conclusion. Young drivers are a threat to road safety. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion, 11, (2014, ljetni rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. Some people say that social media like Facebook aré ee proper social life. Others say they enrich social communication. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. ip, 12. (2014, jesenski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, For some people success means money and status. For dtils it means personal happiness. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 13. (2015., Hjetni rok) Task 6 Question 41 ‘Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, ‘Some people say that watching a movie based on a book is far more exciting than reading the book. Others disagree. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. (2015., Jesenski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Terie on estay of 200-250 words Your essay must have an intraduction, body and conclusion, ‘Some people say that university students should take a job while studying. Others disagree. Discuss arguments for and against this view and give your own opinion. 15. (2016,, Ijetni rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. ‘Some people say that you can learn more about the world by travelling than by studying at school. Discuss arguments for and against this view and give your own opinion. 16. (2016,, jesenski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words, ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. Some people say that the more we use our smartphones the less we use our brains. Discuss arguments for and against this view and give your own opinion. Gala027., Hietni rok) Task 6 Question 41 rite an essay of 200-250 words, ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. Students and teachers should be friends on social networks. Discuss arguments for and against this view and give your own opinion. oNlona Uke pote do vapid. Uy wha fomed U8 & men Uo ‘TRINOM 4.0.0. © pripreme za driovnu matin i prijenneipite 20 [UREDE | NASTAVA: Strejrska cesta 24, Zagreb TEL.1O1/ 6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 353 18. (2017., jesenski rok) Task 6 Question 41 Write an essay of 200-250 words. ‘Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, ‘Some people think that spending lengthy periods away from home helps young people develop. Others disagree. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 19. (2018,, ljetni rok) Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, ‘Some people say that advertising has a negative influence on our lifestyle, Others say advertising is a useful service. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 20. (2038,, jesenski rok) Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion, All people should be paid.e regular monthly income whether employed or unemployed. Discuss arguments for and against this view and give your own opinion. Nema lies pte da wapjihe. Uy nade fomad bt de rere Hike.» Seto lily TRINOM d.o.c. € prpreme za defownu maturaiprijenne ispite TRIN a Vash nasravm Search dare ie Tala on eam oon a 3.8, INTERPUNKCIJSKI ZNAKOVI (PUNCTUATION) Knowing where and when to use the punctuation mark can greatly improve your writing skills. The most frequent punctuation marks in English are: @ period, a question mark, an exclamation point/mark, a comma, a semicolon, colon, an apostrophe and quotation marks. ‘Sentence Endinas ‘There are three punctuation marks appropriate for use as sentence endings. They are: @ period, a question mark, and an exclamation point/mark. A period (.) is placed at the end of declarative sentences and other statements thought to be complete, after initials and after many abbreviations. For example: » Asa sentence ender: Jane and Jack went to the market. » After an initial: F. T. Collins is a famous novelist. ‘= After an abbreviation: They went t0 the U.S.A. Use a question mark (2) at the end of a direct question (an indirect question if the first part is itself a question) and after a question tag. For example: When did Jane leave for the market? An exclamation point/mark (1) is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis. Within dialogue (a sudden outcry): "Holy cow!” screamed Jane. To emphasize a paint: My mother-in-law's rants make me furious! Comma, Semicolon ani ‘A comma, a semicolon and a colon are often misused because they can all indicate a pause in a series. ‘A comma {,) is a punctuation mark used to indicate a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. Additionally, it is used in letter writing after the salutation and closing, = Separating elements within sentences: Suzi wanted the black, green(,) and blue shoes. + Separation of two complete sentences: We went to the movies, and we went to the beach. (coordinating conjunctions: and, or, but, nor, yet, 50, for) + Letter salutations: Dear Uncle John, A semicolon (;) is used to connect independent clauses and indicating a closer relationship between the clauses than a period does. For example: John was hurt; he knew she only said it to upset him. A.colon (:) has two main uses. ‘The first is after a word introducing a quotation, an explanation, an example, or a series and often after the salutation of a business letter. For example: You will need the following items for class: paper, pencils, notebook and ruler. ‘The second Is within time expressions, Within time, Tt is used to separate out the hour and minute: 12 Apostrophe and Quotation Marks ‘An apostrophe (') is used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from 2 word, the possessive case, or the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations. Examples of the apostrophe in use includ + Omission of letters from a word: It isn't true! + Possessive case: Sara's dog bites. + Plural of numbers: Sixteen people were born on dates with 7's in them. Double quotation marks ("”) are used primarily to mark the beginning and end of a passage attributed to other people and repeated word for word. Single quotation marks (°') are used most frequently for quotes 5 p.m. in quotes. Capital letters A capital letter is used: = to begin a sentence for names of people, places and organisations for people's titles for nationalities, religions, historical times and languages for days of week, months, holidays, festivals and special days for the titles of books, plays, films, etc. (the first and the most important words) for abbreviations and acronyms the personal pronoun I eNlona lakes pote da wp fila. Uy nike porred UA mane io» ce plabogy 9 TRIN sw. einom. he 3.9 . VEZNA SREDSTVA (TRANSITIONAL WORDS/PHRASES) (wk eoehe} Coherence and cohesion is one of the four criteria for assessing your essay. Here°are some commen transitional words/phrases you should use while constructing both your paradraph(s) and essay Ps ‘TRINOM d.2.0, © pripreme za defowns maturu prijenne spite Cz UUREDI i NASTAVA: Stesjrsha cesta 24, Zagreb / TEL. 01/ 6672 404, GSM: 095/1 333 323 “LOctcAL onpen | ORDER OF iNPonTaNcEl” Abortion TU) GONNAAGy ‘firstly, secondly, the first and the most important. | in addition (to), however, thirdly, etc. reason Is... furthermore, in contrast, oan thelast snd the most important | moresnes, one oer hand, tt reeson' vesiaes ou fal, more Important /sgniteant, | net ely. bi aslo ve inadéiton, tmoct importantly /ionfeonty | £58 Sihoush maaaee obove ait oa even trough ae, orimeny, mar important, te anadational.._| frst ant oremast, mother whereas sretners ome important set's more, vite the mest portant spar orm aiterent trom the primary: both...and nevertheless, fone i trough [ despite inspteor % [oe for for example, because for instance, in'summary,, since such as in brief, as a5 a result / consequence an example of in short, to result from consequently, in particular, therefore; the first cause/reason | so. particularly thus, the effect of to result in like inthe end, because of the cause of especially indeed, due to the reason for for these reasons, asa consequence of | to affect all in-all, asa result of the cause of as 2 result in any event, in.short / brief, briefty, to put it briefly, TORINION T REFERRING TO. GRINS OPINION ounces In my opinion / view... ‘according to.. My opinion is that concerning. with reference to.. It Is my belief / opinion .. with respect/regard to.. Tt seems / appears to me. with reference to.. [As far as T am concerned, in regard / reference to. ‘The way I see it, 1 (strongly/firmly) believe I think / feel (not) conviced.. Tagree /disagree that/with, I am inclined to believe that... T couldn't agree more that/with Nema leg pte de esfjthe. Uy waa fomed 6 & mane Wika.» waists: peek das ope seen me ee TRIN e cat faricsme eee ee Se neat 3.10, PRIMJERI ESEJA Task 6 , Question 44 Write an essay of 200-250 words. Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. ‘Some people say that a parent's responsibility for his/her child ends when the child reaches the age of eighteen. Others say that this responsibility never ends. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. ESE3 1 19/20 Some people tend to think that parents should gain responsibility for their child/children up to.the time when they become eighteen years old, but others do not share that opinion and think a parent’s responsibility must be everlasting. ‘On the one arid, there are many'statements [n favour of the first mentioned point Of view. Firstly, many people point out that parents deserve to have their own life and spare time which they cannot fully enjoy if they look after thelr children after they reach eighteen as such a care denies them an opportunity for fully experienced ife, Secondly, itis felt by many that young people would become for more stronger. and independent persons if they knew their parentS are no longer responsible for them after they reach elghteen: (On the other hand, there are many who feel that a parent's responsibility could never end. The first thing many people point out that everlasting responsibility allows children to feel safe since they know their parents are ‘always there to support them ot to help them. In addition, there are many children with various Sorts od physical ‘or mental problems and they couldn't happily survive without loving care of thelr parents, ‘There are, evidently, both pluses and minuses od endless parents’ responsibility. Some will say it denies them a chance of 8 full and free life, but others see it as an example of parents’ love at its best. Personally, Tam in favour of the second statement, Task Completion (Izvrenje zadatka): 4 Although the main ideas are consistently well supported, th paraphrase, {(Premde su glavne mist ilo#ene dosijedno i s jasnom potporom, uvod je nedostatan jer Je samo parafraza, ‘odnosno drugim rijegima ponovlja tekst zadatka.) Qnrreme', Coherence and Cohesion (Koherencija i kohezija): 5 % ‘The flow of ideas can be followed with ease, There is also an appropriate range of cohe: ideas well = (ijk mis Je jasan. Uporaba kohezivnih sredstava je uéinkovita | ideje su dobro povezane.)S. 2). Vocabulary (Vokabular): 5 % Ope hy, ‘The range Ts wide for the task, While there are some inaccuracies, they are negligible (for fully @xperiénced lire, are not longer, without loving care of). Sispwee Ghaspon vowabulara za zadatak Je Siok. Pojavijuju se stanovite pogreske, all su neznatne - for fully experienced lite, are not fonger, without loving care of). Grammar (Gramatita) ‘There isa wide range of simple and complex structures that are used accurately. (Postoj Sirok respon jecnostavnih | sloZenih struktura koje su ispravno upatrijebijene.) roduction is inadequate. It Is not more than a e dediges tat ak the ESE) 2 16/20 Parenthood through whole life ‘Taking care of thelr children is a responsibility of every parent. They have to raise them, get them educated and prepared for life. But a lot of people keep doing that even when their kids become grown-ups. ‘Should or should not parenthood be a lifetime responsibility is the theme of the following essay. ‘To begin with, when you are making a big life decission, parents will always give you advise or support you, for example if you are getting married or changing your career. Secondly, they will help you raise your Children. For instance, they will gladly give you advices on parenting. Lastly, parents will always back you up Financially if you need it. Given the example, a lot of parents buy their children a house when they get married. ‘On the other hand, parents should not back you up through your whole life. As an example, a lot of children life completely of their parents’ money and that Is not normal. Finally, you can't live with your parents Forever. To back up with, a lot of people keep living with their parents while they want to be alone after all those years. Given these facts, parenthood Is something that you will be responsible until the day you die. In my opinion, parents should always be there for you with a friendly advice and a warming support and love. After all, they are your closest family. Nena ling pte de watch. Uy nada pomed UA de mane tile. ponies TRINON 4.0.0. priprene 0 crfoyns metry i prijee site TRIN 24 REDE i NASTAVA: Strolersta cesta 24, Zagreb ee TEL.s01/ 6672 404, 65M: 096/1 333 333 Task Completion (1zvrgenje zadatka): 4 The main ideas are generally well supported, the introduction and conclusion well developed, but there are occasional instances of an irrelevant or unsupported argument, for example in the second paragraph of the body. Coherence and Cohesion (Koherencija i kohezifa): 4 ‘There is an appropriate range of cohesive devices (despite the occasional misuse) that link the ideas well and the flow of ideas can be followed with ease but there are lapses in paragraph structure, in the second paragraph of the body and in the conelusion, which make the essay less coherent. Vocabulary (Vokabular): 4 ‘The range is very good for the task. While there are some inaccuracies, they do not impede understanding (decision, advices, a friendly advice, life instead of live, live of money). Grammar (Gramatika): 4 The range is good for the task. While there are some inaccuracies, they do not impede easy understanding (..t0 back up with, is something that you will be responsible until.) ESEJ 3 10/20 1 would like to start my opinion with fact, If you put two identical twins in two different countries, after fifteen years they will not look the way they would if they lived together. Some thing goes for their behaviour and gosis they want echieve in life, ‘Since you can‘t have two identical twins, you obviously can’t have two same persons, persons that live and think on the same way. This “person” will become a parent one day and since you don’t have two same persons, you.can't have two same parents, parents that live, think, and raise they children on the same way, ‘There Is many ways to raise.a child, but the most common ane isto give child too much attention and care. Mal him totally depends on his parents even after he reach twenty, or much wiser one where child can make more decisions and mistakes. Because we all know that if you went to learn, you need to make mistakes first, and if someone is not giving you the chance to make a mistake, how will you know, It was a mistake? Parents responsibility for child should never end, but the way they show it should. qhPreme Task Completion: 2 The essay rely lear he ete noducton and a sian secon ofthe boty). Py Mey {Esse wolavnor/uvele relevantan, odnosno nepovezenstemom'= vod u lela znaajnkaeeayhog dijela eseja.) 3 Or Coherence and Cohesion: 2 Bg he Prographing is limited (introduction and body paragraphs contain relevant sentences) and te fy «7 'B6a6 frequently unclear because ofa lack of cohesive devices, Also the body of the essay is 0 singe poresianienae (Strulduriranje odlomaka je ograniéene ~ uvod i odlomciu glavnom dijelu eseja sadrée irelevantne reéenicey tijek ‘isi Je desto nejasan jer nedostaju kohezivna sredstve, Glavni dio eseja je takoder napisan u jecnom odlomaku.) Vocabulary: 3 ‘The range Is good for the task. Inaccuracies (think an the same way, two same parents, they children) cause rereading, but the message can be understood with Ite effort. (Raspon vokabulara 2a zadatak je dobar. Pogreske - think on the same way, two same parents, they children uzrokuju penovne éitanje teksta eseja, ali se poruka uz manji napor moze razumiett) Grammar: 3 While complex structures are used, the type of inaccuracies cause you to pause while reading, but the message can be understood with little effort (there is many ways, make him depends, after he reach). (ako se koriste slozene strukture, vrsta pogreSaka - there Is many ways, make him depends, after he reach uzrokuju prekid u éitanju teksta eseja, ai se poruka uz manji napor moze razumijet) ESED 413/20 Some people claim that parent's responsibility ends when childrens reaches the age of eighteen, others disagreed. This essay will discuss that topic in detalls. To start with, there is a lot of advantages about it. Big number of eighteen old childrens started to live on their own. They care about themself without help of parents, Furthermore, they can realise their ideas like going on some college, get 2 work and thelr money. There is more oportunity to Success and tell what they think. Thirdly they get some specific kind of freedom, because they can get marry, vote, drive a car or be a part of some important event or project where people will take their ideas very seriously. Some of them feels like young adult person who has totally control about everything. However, there are some disadvantages. Firstly, some children are not ready for living alone. They do not want to lose parents support and care. Secondly, some of the do not take some problems seriously and. they think that everything Is very easy. Thirdly, children ca not care about themself. They do not know cook, work ‘or get some big responsibility because parents always do everything for them, To sum up, there are lot of advantages and disadventages. It is time that children get a freedom when they turn to eighteen and care about themself but they do not take some problems seriously. I think that Parents responsibility never ends because they will always care about us, no matter how oid we are. Nema likes jute da wipjiha, Uy nae pomad bit 2 manje Via.» Besar {RIO dn. rene zehner ge TRINSH 2 Caeor thASTAA Sri chest aes tonne TEL.:01/ 6672 404, GSM: 095/1 333 333 ‘Task Completion (IzvrSenje zadatka} ‘The script has undeveloped introduction (copied from the task). In addition, some of the arguments are not adequately supported (3” paragraph) Coherence and Cohesion (Koherencija i kohezija): 4 There is a logical progression to the overall argument, but there are occasions when the relationship between Ideas within sections is not clear. The 2% paragraph lacks a clear topic sentence. Vocabulary (Vokabular): 3 ‘The range is good for the task but the type and density of inaccuracies causes rereading (big number of 18 old childens, themself, going on college, get a work, turn to 18, get a freedom) Grammar (Gramatika): 3 While complex structures are used, the S generally uses simple structures. Errors sometimes cause you to pause while reading (they can get marry, some of them feels, has totally control about, they do not know cook), but the message can be understood with little effort. ‘Hema likes pote do vafjila. Uy race fore Uk de mange tthe.» TRINH a NAS rent marten meets TEL. 01/ 6672 404, 6S: 098/33 353 4. PREGLED I VJEZBE JEZICNIH STRUKTURA 4.1, NOUNS, A noun is a word or group of words that represents a person, a thing, a place, an activity or an idea. Types: : Functions: Propertie 1 Common Nouns: desk, window, horse 2 Proper Nouns: France, Mrs Jones 1 Subject Tom arrived. | s Gonder 3 Colectve Noun: team, army, crowd, | 2 Complement (be, seem, appear, etc) Tom is an actor, | + Gender police, flock, herd, cattie | 3 Object Tsaw Tom,” | 2 Num 4 Material Nouns: wine, copper, milk, ice | 4 Object (of 2 preposition) T spoke to Tom, 5 Abstract Nouns: fear, courage, health Gender, 1 Masculine/MuBki rod: father, boy, uncle — - 2 Feminine/Zenski rod: sister, mother, aunt 3 Neuter/Srednji rod: picture, shoe, plum 4 Common/Zajedniki rod: pupil, friend, writer, cousin = Marking gender: I adding-ess:_ | __2)aprefin 3) irregular: 4) a different word lion = Tioness boyfriend ~ girfriend [master = mistress | man woman bachelor ~ spinster prince princess | tom-cat ~ she-cat. | duke ~ duchess father mother nephew ~ niece heir = heiress hero ~ heroine brother sister horse ~ mare but uncle ~ aunt bull = cow tiger ~ tigress king ~ queen groom ~ bride actor ~ actress : aprem Number) 4 Regular plural 0008S, + adding ~s or -es (-ss, -ch, -sh, -x + -es); vy chair chairs, window ~ windows, wish — wishes, church ~ churehedR/, + nouns ending in -0 + -es: 3 3. Op patta~ poate, tomato - tomatoes, van - vlaraes, ner Henge» Ne, zm” Bae os Plano ~ panos, photo - photos, kilo ~ kilos De igpn® Spelng changes Facing = Taos 2S sies ——J] tony lomes half haves tory consonant +y = + es hal - halves Stefeaweves —a = ae bay Boe root Wt er ore vowel +y-+nochange | SVE cheS | oe tap et or tf os : clit” ats | 2 Irregular pial) + changing the vowel(s) man — men, woman ~ women, foot ~ feet, tooth ~ teeth, goose - geese, mouse - mice, rouse - + adding -en or -ren: ox ~ oxen, child ~ children, brother - brethren ‘Some nouns have the same form in the singular and the plural. sheep - sheep, deer ~ deer, fish - fish, series - series, species - species, etc. but There are all kinds of fishes in the sea. (different kinds) Some nouns have the plural form, but singular meaning. news, billiards, mathematics, physics, mumps, etc. Physics was my favourite subject. (singular verb form) ‘Some nouns are alvays in the plural form and take the plural verb form. goods, trousers, scissors, arms, spirits, etc. Where are the scissors? We always use the plural verb form with the nouns: people, (the) police and cattle. Expressions: a sum of money, a period of time / distance ~ always use singular verb Three years is a long time to be without a job. Niwa lobes pte do expla, Uy nan fomed bd de manje he.» ae TRINOM 4.0.0, © prigreme 2a éovra motor i prijenne spite TRIN: 27 UREDE i NASTAVA: Strojorske cesta 24, Zagreb tino Je ‘TEL: 01/6672 404, G5: 095/1333 333 “FOREIGN PLURALS:) Some nouns of Greek and Latin origin have Greek and Latin endings. “crisis ~ crises stimulus - stimult analysis ~ analyses curriculum ~ curricula criterion ~ criteria medium ~ media phenomenon - phenomena bacterium ~ bacteria, etc. syllabus ~ syllabi (also syllabuses) Case is a change in the form of a noun showing its relationship to another word in the sentence. Object case (DATIVE) Give the students a longer holidays. (word order) ‘The tailor has made a new suit for my brother. (preposition FOR) Give this to.Tom. (preposition TO) Possessive case (GENITIVE) is used to express possession. Forms: 1) possessive's /s' 2) ‘of' construction: 1) possessive 's / 5! 1 after a singular noun (apostrophe + -s)/ Sally's 2 after a plural noun ending in -s, we add only *(apostrophe)/ my.parents! car 3 after a plural noun not ending in -s, we add 's (apostrophe + -5)/ the men's car 4 after proper names ending in -s /Sherlock Holmes's best friend or Sherlock Holmes" best friend but with classical names we usually add only apostrophe (") /Archimedes* Law 5 after a whole phrase/ Sue and Frank's house (they share the same house) but Sue's and Frank’s house (each ons has got 8 HOUSE). | 6 after the names of animals/ thecat's milk 7 in some expressions of time/ li with perioes of ime/ a weel’s holiday 2) tof’ construction | 1 with inanimate possessors/the walls of sates re hae 2 with longer phrases/ took the advice of the couple { et on the train. “Sarah fea friend of rine. (one of my friends) Peter is a friend of Simon's. (one of Simon's friends) | Countable nouns / Uncountable nouns Countable nouns are nouns which we can count. They have singular and plural form. They always go with a/an/the/my, ete. in the singular and some/any/many, etc. in the plural. Uncountable nouns are nouns which we cannot count. Uncountable nouns include: proper nouns, abstract nouns and material nouns. They do not have different plural forms and always take singular verbs. They do not go with 2/anfone/two, etc. but can be used alone or with some/any/much/the/my, etc. in the plural. We can use 2/an or one/two with uncountable nouns such as coffee, tea, beer, etc. when we order something restaurant. We'll have three coffees, please. (three cups of coffee) ‘Some nouns are uncountable in English (advice, evidence, homework, information, news, etc.), but countable in Croatian, Here are some of the most common of these uncountable nouns, together with some related countable expressions: ‘accommodation - a place to live traffic - a car, bus, etc. work - a job luggage - a suitcase/bag travel - a journey/trip scenery ~ a view, etc. We can use certain phrases of quantity (partitives) to make uncountable nouns countable: a piece of cake/paper/news/advice/furniture/information, etc. a glass/bottle of water a jar of jam a loaf/siice of bread a packet of rice/tea a tube of toothpaste a bar of chocolate a carton of milk, etc. ‘Some nouns can be used as countable or uncountable with a difference in meaning. a glass (a container used for drinking) /glass (material) ~ glasses (spectacles) 2 paper (newspaper) - papers (documents) 2 hair (one of the long fine things like thread that grows on people’s head) - hair (ail the hair on somebody's head) an iron (for ironing clothes) ~ iron (the material) Nena lakes pte do wap. Uy wan poral Uk k merge Wiha.» montis 0. © rhrent2detomu net pllemne iie TRINSH 28 munone een uvavas stejonntceeee nae ena he TEL.:01 / 6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 333 a room (a part of the inside of a building) ~ room (space) a stone (a small piece of rock) - stone (the material) wood (the material) - woods (forest) experience (length of time doing something) ~ experiences (events) time (the thing that is measured in minutes, hours, etc.) - times (occasions) custom (a traditional activity) - customs (where goods are checked) ‘arm (a part of a body) ~ arms (weapons), etc. “Compound nouns _ Compound nouns are nouns that are made of two or more parts and are formed as follows: 1) noun + noun // ticket inspector ~ ticket inspectors // (adding “5 or -ess to the second nour) 2) ~ing form/adjective + noun // swimming pool - swimming pools // (adding -s to the noun) 3) noun + adverb/preposition // runner-up ~ runners-up // (addlng -5 to the noun) but //man servant ~ men servants //(if a word man/woman is the first part of the compound both parts are put into plural) Group nouns Group nouns such as: family, jury, group, team, governmient, council, etc. can have elther the singular or the plural form of the verb. When we mean the group as a unit, we use singular verbs. If we mean the individuals who make up the group, we use plural verbs. The jury Is ready to give the verdict. The jury are staving at the Park Hotel. VJEZBE (NOUNS) 4.4.1 Write the plural of the following nouns. 1 play «plays. 6 toy 11 tooth 16 cit 2 dish 7 man ‘Spelling: = any, : @ 1 silent -e is dropped (nice - nicer ~ the nicest) S. 2 consonant + y =i + er/est (easy ~ easier ~ easiest) Can - 3 doubling of final consonant after a short vowel (hat; hdfter.~ the hottest) IRREGULAR FORMS [good better best bad [i Worse ‘worst little (amount) less. Teast little (size) smaller smallest much / many, ‘more most far (piace + time) further furthest Far (place) farther farthest Tate (time) later latest late (order) latter last. near (place) nearer nearest near (order) 2 Text ‘old (people and things) _| older [oldest ‘old (people) elder [eldest Adjective order Opinion adjectives (bad, pretty, etc.) come before fact adjectives (red, ancient, etc.).. Adjectives used as nouns the + adjective = groups of people in general (the blind, the dead, etc.) -ED and -ING adjectives We felt excited. (past participles describe how somebody feels.) The match was exciting. (present participles describe what something is like.) Types of comparisons 1 Comparison of Inferiority (Jess, the least) Mary is less strong than Ann. This is the feast interesting of all the books I have read. 2 Comparison of Equality (as as: not so/as as) Judy isn’t as tall as Martin. Judy isn't as/so fall as Claire, 3.much, a lot, far, 2 bit, alittle, slightly, any, no + comparative Let's go by car. It's much cheaper. 4 the + compat the + cor The earlier we set off, the earlier we'll arrive. Nema laos pote ds wapjiba, Uy wae pomed UA ce mare Wile» te pala "HINOM da, © pretense ite TRIN “ Cneoe ava Saja cence tors ASE Teel/enrsu, com ps aneae 5 combative + and» campacatve The weather geting warner and warmer LIKE LAS LUKE is used: AS is use ~ “or smiaries (She swims ike 9 ish.) ‘To Soy what sb or sh eal is Jobs or role) + ster Pe oo sun, sel taste noun (She works a8 9 tour guide) (fea ke ste) ster ‘accept, be how, ss, describe, reer to, + th nouns, pranouns. or thesing forms to express |" rapa use, Siento conta (No one can sng ike hm) | (e's Rona the father of madera medicine, expressions as usualy es much the smn gore VJEZBE (ADJECTIVES) 4.4.1 Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. went to the auction last Saturday. It was held in (1) (large) house in the village and the items were far (2) (beautiful) than I could imagine. T saw (3), (pretty) vase I've ever seen, but it was also (4) (expensive) thing there, so I couldn't afford it. Ibid for a nice rocking chair. It was far (5) (nice) than mine, but unfortunately ‘someone made a (6) (good) offer than me and again I couldn't afford to make a (7) (high) bid to get it. In the end, I bought (8) (small) item of all, although it was not (9) (cheap) of alll It was @ music box, which I'm going to give to my (10) (old) nephew for his birthday. I think it’s (11) (lovely) music box I've ever seen and it was (12) (easy) to carry home than a racking chair. in the blanks using various types of comparison. (tall) as her brother. (hard) she works, (successful) she becomes. 3 The noise got (loud) and I finally closed the window. 4 Itis not (hot) as yesterday. 5 The weather is becoming (unpredictable), 6 (young) you are, (quick) you learn new things: 4.4.3 Fil ke”, 1 Although it fives in the sea, the whale is classed a mammal. It may look a dangerous beast, but it is really gentie alamb, 2 My friend George describes himself a great singer. He thinks he has a voice an angel, but when he sings it sounds a cat wailing! He works a taxi driver and everybody keeps telling hhim not to give up his job! in “as” or 3 McTaverty's Tavern has been described _____ the best restaurant in Perthshire, with dishes that smell delicious and taste — they have been made with only the finest ingredients. Surprisingly, the prices are not __ high _ you might expect. 4.5. ADVERBS, Adverbs normally describe verb8;‘aujectes, other adverbs or whole sentences. Kinds Ve, % 1 Manner (how?) 7% 2 Place (where?) 3 Time (when?, how often?) 4 Degree (how much?, to what extent?) 5 Sentence Form: serious + ly =seriously [adjective + ly Speling: 1 consonant + y = ily (happy ~ happily) 2 ending in ~ic add -ally (drastic — drastically) but public - publicly 3 ending in le drop -le and add -ly (horrible horribly) 4 ending in ~e add -Iy (extreme ~ extremely) but truly, duly, etc. 3 ending in -ly (friendly, lonely, silly, ugly, elderly, etc.) sin’a(n) «x 6 ending in =Il add -y (full - Fully) way/manner silly ~ ina silly way Nema lai pote de wapiibs. Up rain femal bd ce marje Wik.» TRINOM da. = pripreme zo deta maturui prijenne spite TRINSH * alfa ann res ‘won frinor.r TEL. O1/ 6672 404, GSM: 098/1 333 383 Some adjectives and adverbs have the same form (back, yearly, best, Kindly, etc.). There are same adverbs with nces adjective ‘adverb (meaning) E deep _| deep (a long way down) The treasure was hidden deep in the forest. _| TI direct | direct (by the shortest route) sc i This bus goes direct to Ikea. iE i easy easy (gently and slowly) i Linjured my leg s0.the doctor told me to take it easy. un free free (without cost) Airline staff can travel free. full full (exactly, very) 7 Sandra kissed Mark full on the lips. d she We hard hard (intently; with effort) Ifyou work hard, you will get the promotion. high igh (at / to a high level) The plane flew high above the clouds. Tast Tast (after all others) it He finished last in the race. and. Tate Tate (after usual time) The match started late bétauise orie team” ve had problems with equipment. most | most (superlative of much) = Is that the most you can do? If s near nea (close) My grandparents live quite near. pretty | pretty (fairly) My new office is pretty big. short | short (suddenly; off target) ‘The lecture was cut short because the fire alarm went off. ‘sure ‘sure (certainly) Can you help ie with the bags? ~ Sure! wide wide (full; off target) Itwas a hot night and we left the windows wide open. wrong | wrong (incorrectly) You spelled that last word wrong. Comparison qunreme, ‘one-sylable adverbs: Ne, *, IRREGULAR FORMS Sad -er/-est(long-longer-Iongest) aK 7 ae TSE a Rar woe [west 2 two-sylale or compound adverbs: 3 5 worse | wont Sten tore/moettpatenly-more pavientiy-mai i woe wor a tare —— fae Tae race Tome) — Harter —[ ore farses) tanner —f are Tae tne fee p a Order of adverbs Adverbs can be used in front (at the beginning of the sentence), mid (normally before the main verb or after the auxiliary) or end (at the end of the sentence) position in a sentence. ‘The usual adverb order is: __manner= place - time He watched TV quietly in his room until 5.00. When there is a verb of movement in the sentence the order is: = manner = ‘Ann was rushed to hospital suddenly an hour ago. Nema loos pute da ape, Uy rake permed bet de mange tik.» a TRINOM das pyrene ae tom nts pene te TRING 36 URED NAstAMs Srapraocetean eee ‘sow fier be TEL.:01/ 6672 404, 65: 095/1 333 333 Adverbs of manner go before the main verb, after the auxiliary verb or at the end of the sentence. ‘She easily passed the exam. We are eagerly walting for his letter. He acted foolishly. ‘Adverbs of place usually go at the end of the sentence, There is a supermarket nearby. ‘Time adverbs go in’end position. They also go In front position to emphasise the time. ‘She goes to the gym on foot every day. Every day she goes to gym on foot. ‘When there is more than one time adverb, we usually put the more specific before the more general one (time ~ day ~ date - year). He died at 22.15 on Friday March 17th, 1960. Adverbs of frequency (often, seldom, never, ever, usually, always, etc.) come after the auxiliary verb but before the main verb. Usually, sometimes, often, occasionally and normally can also go in front or end position. ‘She never comes on time. She is often late. ‘Adverbs of degree (almost, quite, hardly, etc.) go before the words they modify. I've almost finished. Sentence adverbs modify the whole sentence or clause. In affirmative sentences, these adverbs usually come after the verb BE or after the auxiliary. In negative sentences, they come before the auxiliary. Til probably be late, I certainly won't be early, ‘Some adverbs often come at the beginning of the sentence and may be followed by a comma. “Clearly, the situation is serfous, ‘These adverbs can also come before the verb, after the verb BE or after the auxiliary. Figures clearly show a drop in'sales. The situation is obviously serious, VJEZBE (ADVERBS) 4.5.1 Change the words in brackets into adverbs and put them into the correct form. Finally, @ new washing powder that gets rid of stains 41) ..effectively... (effective) and leaves your clothes 2) (riliant) white. New “All-shine” cleans 3) the market. It gets the dirt out 4) (quick) and 5) (thorough) than any ordinary Powder. Indeed, in no time at all new “All-shine” will be selling 6) (g00d) than any other brand (extensive) by our scientists than any other product, success Is guaranteed. With new “All-shine” your money will go 8) (far) than it’s ever gone before. So pick up your box of new “All-shine” today! (powerful) than any other product on ‘at your supermarket. With @ prize-winning formula that has been researched 7) 4.5.2 Underline the correct item. 1 I managed to get to New York easy/easily by flying there directly/direct 2 She has been deeply/deep upset by his behavior /ate/lately. 5 Lately/Late the cost of living has been increasing; things generally are not nearly/near as cheap as they used to be, 4 It Is wide/widely believed that he was wrong/wrongly accused. 5 Lionel is @ very shy person who rare/rarely goes out and he does not mix free/freely with the other students. 6 She Is highly/high regarded in the school as people can get on with her easily/easy, 7 Twas not full/fully satisfied with the doctor as he had wrong/wrongly diagnosed my previous iliness. ‘8 "Do you intend to leave shortly/short?" “I think so. I've nearly/near finished.” 9 She'll surely/sure get good grade; she’s been studying very hardly/hard for the past two years. 10 I was prettily/pretty embarrassed when I realized that I had hardly/hard enough money to pay the bill. 4.5.3 Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs in the correct place and making any other necessary changes. 1 Ferries sall to the island. (weekly, twice, only, during the winter) ..Aerries sail to the island only twice weekly during the winter. 2 The little girl ran. (excitedly, from the room, suddenly) 3 He turned up looking annoyed. (at the party, unexpectedly, terribly) 4 She studied. (hard, all morning, in her study) 5 He looked at his reflection. (for ten minutes, carefully, in the mirror) 6 The children sit and play. (in thelr room, for hours, happily) —_ Nena lobes pote do wapjche. Up nace pomed Ul ce manfe Wile» 2 piprene 2a driv motu prijerneispite meetin « TRING 2 Rane ee ee ‘. teinor. he “TEL: 01/6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 333 7 She waved goodbye. (to her friend, at the airport, sadly) 8 The old boat sailed into the harbour. (slowly, through the water, in the afternoon) 9 He ran to answer the phone. (down the stairs, to the hall, quickly) 10 Patty sat reading a book. (all day, lazily, by the fire) 4,6. ARTICLES ‘There are two articles in English language: A/AN (Indefinite Article) and THE (Definite Article), Generic use Tigers are wild animals, ( ALL the representatives of the species ) A tiger is a wild animal. ( an individual representative of the species; ANY ) The tiger Is a wild animal. ( the species as a whole class, general/typical of the whole class ) ‘THE INDEFINITE’ ARTICLE 4 with a singular, countable noun mentioned for the first time ‘They live in a flat. 2 with a noun complement / including names of professions Te was an earthquake. He Is a doctor. 3 in certain numerical expressions: sixty miles an hour; SOp a kilo 4 in certain expressions of quantity: a lot of, a great deal of, a dozen 5 with certain numbers: a hundred, a thousand, a million ‘HE DEFINITE ARTICLE Fee ETrTTe er rirnas become definte becouse It has already been mentioned, or when the reference is obvious: His car struck a tree; you can still see the mark on the tree. He turned on the lights. SavOUS a ns iar ehced Oy Rncase ors cialse! The men with guns were police ofr Where’s the milk I bought. APFEMe 3 when the objector a group of objects is unique: the earth, the moun the sky, ee % sen itcowbec re choc: the butchers shop 2p, No, '5 with superlatives (adjectives): the tallest building 6 with ordinal numbers: the second day 3 > 5 with certain adjectives to refer to general classes of people: the rich, the unemployed; eet,“ Zy, 8 with certain public places: the cinema / opera / pub / theatre, etc. "ny fo 8 9 with the names of nations in the plural: the English, the French, the Japanese, the Swiss’® isp\® {10 with the names of the points of compass: the east / west / north / south 1 with the parts of the day: in the morning, in the evening 12 with family names in the plural to denote the whole femily: the Robinsons 13 with musical instruments: the piano, the violin, etc. 14 with certain place names ZERO ARTICLE {before plural / uncountable nouns (abstract / mass nouns) used In general sense: Men fear death. (*The death of the Prime Minister ........, Mik contains lots of vitamins. (*Where Is the milk T bought?) + Do you collect stamps? 2 with languages, school subjects: German, English, art, music, et 5 with colours: Ms Brown was dressed in black. 4 with games: He plays got. 5S with the names of diseases: He suffers from malaria. (#a headache, (a) toothache, (the) fu) 8 with the names of relationships: father, mother 4 with titles, ranks and names expressing relationships: Professor Jones, Lord Olivier (*the Duke of York) 8 with superiatives (adverbs): Who pronounces English best? 9 in exclamations with uncountable nouns / plural nouns: What lovely weather we're having! What beautiful eyes you've got! 10 with years, seasons, months: I was born in 1958. We go on holidays In August. “in the year of 1958, in the winter of 1988) 11 with special times of the year: We go away at Christmas. (We had a wonderful Christmas.) 12 with the days of the week: Yes, Friday will be convenient. (*The storm was on the Friday of that week.) 15 with part of the day and night: at sunset, at night, by day (*it was @ beautiful sunset.) (Cin / during the day / night ) 14 with meats: Lunch is at 1 o’lock. (*The lunch was very nice.) 415 with means of transport: by car / bus / train, etc. (*in the car, on the bus) 16 with: school, university, college, Jail, hospital, church (we talk about the purpose for which they exist) ‘School is over at four o'clock. (school activites) (The schoo! fs near the park.; the building) 17 with certain place names Nena ag pote de wffibs. Up wae pomed bit mani ibe.» RNG . ARTICLES WITH PLACE NAMES ‘TRINOM 4.0.0. © pripreme ze drlovnu metiru pierinelepite LUREDE i NASTAVA: Strjarsha cesta 24, Zagreb TEL: 01/6672 404, GSM: 095/1 333 333 ‘THE DEFINITE ARTICLE ZERO ARTICLE 1) countries: the UK, the USA, the Netherlands, etc. 2) regions: the Middle East, the Baltic, etc. 3) hills / mountains (ranges): the Alps, the Rockies, the Andes, etc. 4) seas, rivers, canals: the Atlantic, the Thames, the Suez, etc. 5) cities, towns (exceptions): the Hague, the Bronx 6) roads, streets, parks: (exceptions; with some main roads and streets in cities) the High Street, the Mall 7) bridges: the Golden Gate Bridge, etc. 8) stations, airports, buildings, palaces: the White House, the Houses of Parliament, etc. 9) theatres, cinemas, galleries, centres; the Globe (theatre), the Plaza (cinema), the Tate (gallery), etc. 10) shops, restaurants (no person’s name): the Steak House, ete. 1) continents, countries, counties: Africa, Portugal, Bermuda, etc. 2) regions (ending with a name of a continent/country): South Wales, Central Asia, etc. 3) hills / mountains; Mount Everest, etc, 4) lakes: Lake Michigan (*the Michigan Lake), etc. 5) cities, towns: London, Boston, ete, 6) roads, streets, parks: Central Park, Fifth Avenue, ete 7) bridges: Tower Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge, ete. 8) stations, buildings: Waterloo (station), Buckingham. Palace, etc. 9) theatres, cinemas, galleries, hotels: St Martin's Theatre, Durrant’s (hotel), etc, 10) shops, restaurants: Selfridges, Harrods, etc 11) “newspapers, magazines: the Times, the Washington Post, etc spree There is a Laura who works in our office, (a person called Laura) Pn es 4 Mr Clinton came to see you. (someone called Mr Clinton) s Wy 7 3, But it wasn't the (stressed) Mr Clinton, (the famous Mr Clinton) 34 a 3 ye S AVAN = ONE eg Mp 2/an ~ an unspecified thing (any one) Meine ‘one ~ to put emphasis on number (when we count) eispit a/an ~ one ~ there is no difference in meanin, (She will be away for afone year. VJEZBE (ARTICLES) 4.6.1 Fill in a, an, one or ones. 1 I'm making sandwich, Would you like __? 2 There was only cake left and he ate it. 3.We saw ___ rhino and _ crocodile in the Zoo, 4 These apples are sweeter than the bought last week. “) you 4.6.2 Fill in a, an, the, any or some where necessary 1 “Have you got ..any.. smoked ham?”* I ordered 1g when counting or measuring time, distance, weight, etc. 5 She paid million pounds for the estate. 6 of my cousins is_ firefighter. 7 heard amusing story yesterday, 8 We had exciting trip to the country. Tt was much better than the we had last month, last week, but supplier had run out so it'll be a while before I have "*Oh, okay. How much is boiled ham?" 2 When I opened door this morning man was standing there with ___ parce! in his hand. When 1 asked him if I could be of help he blushed, said, “I’ve got wrong house.” and ran away. 3 She's been in _ country for with learning language, please. 4.6.3 ‘the’ where necessary. 1 ..7The... Great Wall of China is said to be ‘only man-made structure seen from six months but she can’t speak English yet. Give her help space, 2 ____ Princess of York visited a shelter for_ homeless yesterday. 3____ Browns are holding a ball in_Hillsbrooke Castle Hotel on seventh of July. 4 When we arrived at . Liverpool Airport, Rachel was waiting for us at arrivals gate, 5 It’s interesting to look at. ‘old maps of world and see how _ borders have changed. 6 If you go to_ New York, you must visit__Central Park, and____ Guggenheim Museum, but don’t bother to visit____ Time Square. 7 AS soon as Jimmy got home from university he went straight to__ bed because he felt as if he had fu, 8 Margaret Thatcher, who was __Prime Minister of Great Britain for 12 years, Is now known as__ Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. 9 Many people enjoy__ snowboarding and hiking in Alps and Pyrenees. ‘Nona Ug pote de expjthe, Uy waka fond CA. manfe la» msatiet ns how din pipes rane TRIN 2 Ta narra ree INNS Teal ose, eonsovssy 10 1 was born in south of England, but when I was In Infant school we moved to Lewes, which Isin.____ East Sussex. 11 In___ office where T work _ most people have a degree in French, but my boss, who is___ nicest person I've ever worked for, has @ PhD in astronomy. 12 If you have good weather, ___ summer in Norway is beautiful. _ most people, however, Mediterranean. prefer guaranteed sunshine of 4.6.4 Fill in ‘the’ where necessary. 1 Tusually go to bed around midnight. 5 We saw the wedding as we past _ church. 2 The President visited prison yesterday 6 My dog always sits on bed. and talked to the prisoners. 7 T want to go to university when I leave 3 The ambulance took him to hospital after school. the accident. 8 The man who robbed the bank is now in 4 We must visit our friend in hospital. He prison. had an operation. 4.6.5 Articles (zero, the, a/an) New York City has grown Into (1) second largest city in (2) _North America. It is now 3) major business, cultural and shopping centre attracting millions of (4) visitors each year. Most tourists stay in (5) heart of the city, in Manhattan. You will certainly want to visit (6) Central Park , (7) huge open space ideal for relaxing on a hot summer day. The city is rich in (8) restaurants but remember that smoking is banned. One of (9). many boat trips goes to (10) Ellis Island where you may stop for a while to read about the history of immigration, The Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the modern world, and became (1) __ UNesco Heritage site in 1987. It is one of (2) longest structures in the world, and has (3) history of more than two thousand years. (4) building of the wall began in the 7th and 8th century as (5) means of defending most of China from (6) invading people. During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD) the wall was repaired and extended and took on the appearance it has today, with (7) ______ complex system of (8) __ forts and towers. It has (9) average height of ten metres and (10) width of five metres, 4.7, PREPOSITIONS ‘A preposition is a word or a group of words used before a noun or a pronoun to show time, place, position, method or other semantic relationships. Structur 1 Simple preposition (one word) 2.Complex preposition (more than one word) PREPOSITION! Ul IME PLACE a MOVEMENT, the age of the bus stop arrive at Zovelock the top ofthe hill 99 (imt0/ tof over/past/across breakfast the comer from... to oon /(mid)night hnome/school/churech Fema last/least Brenda's at the latest the funeral/wedding Vo, % weekends 20 lica Street 3 Christmas (holiday) aoc ye 8 the beginning the door 8 the end the front “Me present work 2 the timertimes Ee ‘Nana lag pute do wapjiba. Uy rake pomed bit de mane Hilo.» TRING 40 TNO Ae Ren stan: Seopa ta tees sono be TeL02/ 6572404, GMs 095/1393 993 | "PREPOSITION "awe PLACES E MOVEMENT the morning / afternoon | the office arrive in January, ete. a chair set in summer, ete School/hospital/church talk in(to) 2003 prison/court the 20th ct the news the beginning the rein in the ene the way (obstacle) 2 days/weeks/ .. the suburbs time (early enough) the North/East te the night the mountains By Rey hp an hour the pleturethe sy Pe igptt® bin one’s birthday the Islnd of get on / off the way board rely on Seturday a cruise on foot Christmas (Day) an excursion anice day 2 trip/a tour on time (exactly) Earth weekdays the outstrts ‘August 20 the rightvlert the floor the street the radio/TV 9 o'clock (not later) Joyee / Mozart / Scorsese pass by by noon carftaxi/train the end of May aa 3 years @ reason 90 for ever/ good except for in 2001/ chitdhood ever since We do not use at, on or in before: 1 today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday 2 this, last, next, every, all, some, each, one, any ON TIME - at exactly the right time IN TIME ~ early enough AT THE END ~ at the point where something stops IN THE END ~ finally, after some time Prepositions of Time in / during ~ refer to a period of time We were in Rome in/during the summer. We were in Rome during the whole summer. (all through a period) During lunch I explained my plans. (refers to an activity) during / while (when something happens) during + noun during the flight while + clause while they were having a picnic until / till ~ ‘up to the time when’ from ....... to/until before ~ after ago (before now) ~ before (before a past time) John left schoo! three yars ago; Jane had already Jeft two years before. Prepositions of Place and Movement Qnereme inside ~ outside opposite up ~ down ‘among — between over ~ under (direct vertical relationship}'t Epear, next to, by, beside, above ~ below (when one thing is not 2:4. “77, along, across, through directly over or under another thing) past, (a)round in front of ~ behind > from to Means of transport BY + noun (how we travel) Igo to school by train, WITH - having IN my / a/ the car IN - wearing ON my bicycle / motorbike / public transport He is a tall man with brown hair. ‘get in(to) /out of a car He often goes to work in his jeans. get on(to) / off a bus, a train, etc. “Nea los pte do espe Uy waa fomod bd mange tba, mstraig » Taba dans hens m toga pS TRIN “ pene Nerrvacoeeae ceed egpa Tero carey, oon Orinda wor trim. he NOUN+PREPOSITION with of to from | about | between | in for on Jelationship [delay [damage [departure [quarrel [choice [decrease [excuse iadvice rouble description reaction protection |devate_— [comparison delay —_|reason ittack Iconnection [hope reply information |pesitation [connection expert reputation _ book contract idea solution fa lciscussion [contact failure respect lexpert lagreament ack lobjection extract [information |relationship increase responsibilty talk/discussion harmony |map thanks [phone eal argument linterest [admiration authority laternative leraving {comment attitude ldisregard _restrictioryban [exemation ‘sympathy _linfuence/effect ADJECTIVE+ PREPOSITION of about with at |on| to by for in from laraia lannoyed onary langry keen [addicted [bored eeriy/late |defident absent lashames anxious annoyed lannoyed eased [attentive |detained eligible experienced [derived laware lcertain [bored lpad/good lorateful distressed liable implicated diferent leapable excited —_|(in)compatible [surprised immune plagued {responsible jinterasted safe lconscious pleased obsessed indiferent [shocked |sorry involved |mssing frond lurset preoccupied liable surprised famous successful free Indicative confident disappointed Imarried skit lirespective careful fed up similar lealous/proud |right/wrong |blue/red... cold/anger [opposed lcomparea related VERB+PREPOSITION about with to for of at in from on agree | argue ‘apologise [excuse sb. | taste arive[arive | differ | insist dream — | agree agree apologise dream Taugh | succeed | resign | rely hear deal apply apply accuse | look | believe | suffer | congratulate Jaugh | compare belong watt remind | shout | include | stop sb. | be know | discuss: compare | admire die joke | involve | recover | decide forget | cope 90 forgive ‘smell stare | persist. [come | count quarrel | provide refer punish consist | marvel | meddle | hear lecture worry | sympathise | speak work taste throw | result | prevent | concentrate decide | colfide shout Tike runout | yell a0]°™Me, J deter | focus/ptan protest | provide contribute | pay convict benent | depend concer | cope listen blame ‘suspect base Joke associate | appeal like sby/sth. | take care deal attribute | provide approve PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES at by for in on up from lai umes [accident ja change Iconclusion [behalfof order _|some extent to date [Ato 8 lnrst sight heart. = fages the west feondition that practice fthe point to you {bad to worse Ithe moment chance _oreakfast Icontro!__|no account favour _|my surprise Jand down |place to place the age of — |mistake fear of ldanger my own the woods his advan- he hill [time to time lune beginning the way fur/pleasure favour of [purpose —ithe way tage lunvuntir —|marning to night breakfast [bus/train good lgenerat [second ftoucn jour lthe spout |now on’ ithe bottom of /sea/land/atejaranted lother words [thought work —_fammazement to no good|my point of view Itne bus stop example fever time ithe whole breath [your health fas fer as rour/wood/ plastic} lsea Isignt luck leash business feontrol__|some ithe comer |means of fire fo uniform [a diet laanger degree ldawn ino means nothing ja dress arrivat late you last icheque fever haste average —|doors ithe door | sale IGerman [foot fashion the end [Beethoven short pencil the other hand fuck first lair mail fa visit la group ine print lonce le-mail fa walk laddition duty light home ax/ohone fa while (to) lire lune farm's lenath far lnow lanswer (to) {horseback reac least live rules your birthday future the lefe/right earshot Ihe same time the arm the better or general the floor money (day break rand worse ithe news the phone |pocket hort relepathy [the moment fs ioud voice [holiday lime Imy sake jpatrs Ithe screen lexarple Nena Cig pute do waged. Uy nae ponad Cat de mane ibe TRING “ we trinom. he VJEZBE (PREPOSITIONS) ‘TRINOM 4.0.0. © peiprene 2a defo matury i prijenne epite LUREDE I NASTAVA: Stroorsho cesta 24, Zagreb ‘TEL: 01/6672 408, 65M: 095/1 333 333 4.7.1 Underline the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer. 1A lamp above/among/on top of the table. 2 The ball rolled along/among/between his feet and at/to/into the garden shed, where it got lost against/among/between the tools on the floor. 3 There's an envelope above/on top offover the fridge with some money in/inside/into it. 4 He could hear voices in/at/inside the garden below/beneath/past my window. '5 We could see something shining below/from/in the surface of the water. 6 If you're going by/next to/past my house, would you give me a lift? 4.7.2 Underline the correct answer. 1 It was by/past.midnight when the party ended and everyone went home. 2 Our father often works at/in night. We see him at/in the morning, 3 My grandfather fought during/for the war. He was in the army during/for four years. 4 They've only had the Volvo for/since two months. By/Until last year they didn’t own a car. 5 She caught malaria during/through her holiday In Africa. Before/By then, she'd never been abroad, —— 6 The film should be over until/by nine o'clock. We'll be home before/in an hour. 7 We're leaving for Berlin on/at 3rd August and we'll be there through/until the end of the month. 4.7.3 Underline the correct answer, 11 Bread is made by/from/about flour, water and yeast. 2 Only people by/trom/with plenty of money can afford to shop here. 3 She said something about/from/on leaving town. Is it true? 4 He went to hospital because he was suffering by/from/with stomach pains. 5 They attacked the old man by/from/with a knife. 6 Last night we watched a documentary on/with/about Egypt. 7 The house is made by/from/on bricks and timber. 8 I'd like to find some information about/from/with the subject. 4.7.4 Fill in the correct preposition. 1 Money isn't the solution every problem, 2 There has been an increase the amount of air pollution. 3 When T opened the letter, I was very pleased to find a cheque €3,000, 4 The advantage living in the city centre is that you don't have to use the public transport. 5 Everything can be explained. There is a reason everything in this world, 6 When Edith left home, her attitude her parents seemed to change. 7 There has been a sharp rise the past months. petrol prices in 4.7.5 Complete the conversation. Use prepositions. A: Tim really worried (0) B: Why's that? A: He's been absent (1)___ attend. 8: Yes, I've noticed. I also know he was confident (3) disappointed (4) not getting one. ‘Az Someone told me he’s got involved (5) atall friendly (6) _ out... Donald. quite @ few classes lately and he’s often late (2) 8 What was your mother's response the news? 9 What Is the answer. question 5? 10 The company has rejected the workers’ demand a pay rise, 11 Te was very nice you to help him, 12 You always prepare the same food. I'm fed up it. 13 I can't understand people who are cruel animals. 14 We were surprised during the concert. 15 Are you angry the way he behaved what happened? the ones he does getting an A for his last exam and was really ‘some strange people. i saw him the other day and he wasn’t me ~ in fact, he was rude (7) me. Nea labs pute da capil Uy vata fonak i arf Hike.» «> prpreme 2a drSawra matory iprlemne epite sensi TRINGY 2 saree eee ‘mention fe TEL.:01/ 6672 404, GSM: 095/1 333 333 Bi I’m surprised (8) __ that. That's not like him. And have you noticed that Cecil's been acting strangely too? A: I think he’s keen (9) Miranda but he’s afraid (10) asking her out in case she says "no". B: Well, they should both be more careful (11) how they behave. Some of their friends are getting fed up (12) __ them. 4.7.6 Complete the following e-mail. If no preposition is necessary, write (~) in the gap. Hi Brenda, Have you heard (0) ....from.... Maurice recently? I telephoned (1) him last week and also sent (2) hhim an e-mail but he hasn‘t got back to me. I want to apologise (3) him (4) forgetting to water his plants while he was away at half term. He left me the keys to his room but I completely forgot. I don’t suppose he'll ever rely (5) me for anything. ‘Are you going to take part (6)__ the music concert at the end of term? I am, Rehearsals start this week and I'm going to sing a traditional song from my country. I think it’s 2 great way to make friends (7) people I wouldn't meet otherwise. By the way, I must congratulate you (8) your test results! I wish someone would explain (9) me how to get an A on a grammar test! Seriously, though, you worked hard and you deserve it. Take care, Mario 4.8. TENSES Verbs are words or phrases expressing a state, an action or an event. ‘There are three classes of verbs (division by function): 1 lexical / full / ordinary verbs (play, sing, learn, etc.) 2 auxiliary verbs (auxiliaries) 1 principal / primary auxiliaries (be, do, have) 2 modal auxiliary verbs (can, could, may, might, must, have to, shall, will, should, would, ought to, need) Auxiliary verbs are used: 1 to make different verb forms Go present Simple, Past Simple (questiongsF@ESte9), be _ — continuous verb forms, passive have = perfect verb forms 2:to form negatives 3 to form questions 4 in short answers / question tags / reply questions; 5 for emphasis (I do like tennis.) 6 to avold repetition (Illke horror films aid so does my’6 a5 Do, be, and have can also be used as full verbs with their own meanings. Ido my washing on Fridays. We are in the class now. I have a lot of problems. PRESENT FORMS 1) PRESENT SIMPLE infinitive + -s, -es (only 3 person) I exercise every day. She lives in Madrid. ‘QUESTIONS: do/does + infinitive Do you exercise every day? Does she live in Madrid? NEGATIVE: don't (do not), doesn’t (does not) I don’t exercise every day. She doesn't live In Madrid. USE: 1 permanent situations or states He lives in a caravan. 2 permanent truths or laws of nature Water boils at 100°C. 3 repeated habitual actions (especially with frequency adverbs: often, usually, etc.) He always does his homework. FOR! 4 reviews/sports/ commentaries/ dramatic narratives Ford acts brilliantly in this musica. 5 timetables/programmes (future meaning) The race starts at 4.00. TIME EXPRESSIONS: every day/week/month/year, usually, sometimes, always, rarely, never, often, at night, on Mondays, etc. SPELLING i -S/eS 1-55, -ch, -sh, -x and -0 + ES (wash — washes) 2 consonant + y = ies (try ~ tries) vowel + y > play ~ plays Nene Ui pote do wap jie Uy wate fomad Uh manje Wile.» ‘TRINOM 1. « pripreme za drawn matury i prijemne ispite UUREDE | NASTAVA: Strojrsha cesta 24, Zagreb ‘TEL: 01/6672 408, 65m: 095/1 335 993 a TRING “ Lash 2) PRESENT CONTINUOUS: EORM: to be, present form (am, are, Is) + Present Participle (- QUESTIONS: inversion Are you preparing for the test? USE: ing) We are preparing for the test. 4 actions happening at or around the moment of speaking 5 fixed arrangements in the near future ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, today, etc. ‘SPELLING 2-ING ‘Tending in -@ drop -e + “Ing starve ~ starving but see —seeing 2 ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant rub ~ rubbing ‘two-syllable verbs if the second syllable is stressed begin ~ beginning "but listen -slistening (the first syllable is stressed) 3 verbs ending in -I double I + ing 4 verbs ending In -le dro quarrel - qurrelling lie — ying 9p -ie and take.-y + Ing VIEZBE: 4.8.1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continous Some teenagers Sarah 100 countries. Even though she State verbs (train) together which The relay began April 22 at Times Square in New York. The four-month event un through all 48 continental states. The relay (run), (take) part in the World Harmony Run. The run is a global relay that (seek) to promote international friendship and understanding. The relay (be) too busy thinking about themselves to worry about the world Issues. But ‘Sarah Cramer is not and average teenager. Instead of spending her summer at the pool, this 14-year-old (not participate) in this year's Run due to the injury, Sarah's mother Emma (run). Emma said that Sarah showed interest in running as early as 6. They frequently (bring) them closer together. There are certain groups of verbs that are usually only used in the simple forms. 1 Verbs of thinking and opinion (believe, think, know, suppose, expect, promise, deserve, imagine, 2 Verbs of emotions and feelings (like, love, wish, care, adore, prefer, etc.) 3 Verbs of having and being (have, belong, own, possess, need, etc.) 4 Verbs of senses (look, hear, taste, smell, feel, sound) Some of these verbs can be used in the continuous forms, but with a change of meaning. ‘SIMPLE — | continuous [THINK opinion mental activity (COME was born, live in ‘travel from ‘SEE understand consult HAVE: possess various activities BE Identity / character behaviour ‘SMELL TASTE Perception - measurement act of perception - measurement Weich CONSIDER | opinion. imental activity LOOK ‘appear phrasal verbs believe ‘experience FEEL have a soft texture touch MIND “Tobject to — [take care of DEPEND ON_| require rely upon FIT be the right size ‘put on ‘APPEAR ‘seem take part EXPECT ‘Suppose be pregnant — Na Cokes pla do wails, Uy naka foal bt mange Wile» (take) place in more than (feature) teams who (finish) August 22 back in New York, sisi pd Hy “TRINOM 4.0.0. pripreme za dean matruprilenne pie TRIN 4% neo craves srjse h ae soy one Tot ere on, Conon 30998 SEE - LOOK AT tein, HEAR ~ LISTEN TO siete 2. ENJOY ~ general / specific preference Tenjoy going to the parties, Tipp I'm enjoying this party 3 tot. = “Vey 3am. HURT/ACHE/ LOOK (appearance)/FEEL (experience) % "6 . You look / are king great. (oases i@ mening) wezea: * 4.8.2. Fill in with the Present Simple or Continuous. 2A: seeing.. (see) an old school friend tonight. 1 (see) ~ s0 you won't be able to meet me after work, will you? Why (you/smel) the milk? rt (smell) abit strange. I think it might have gone off, _—(youenjoy) reading David Lodge's novels? (enjoy) this particular one. Not usually, but 1 4A: Why (GQamie/be) so bad tempered today? B: I don’t know. He (be) usually so easy to get on with, 5A: Carry andT (think) of getting married. 8: (you/think) that’s a good idea? You haven't known each other for very long. 6A: (you/have) the phone number of a good business consultant? B: Why? (you/have) problems at work? (the singer/appear) tonight? (appear) to have lost her voice. (you/taste) the baby’s drink? (taste) a little bitter. I think Il add some more sugar. hear the Sheridans (look) for a bigger house. Yes, it (look) as if they are going to move. How much (the box/weigh) ? (eight at the moment, Unfortunately not. She why It B: I’m not sure. The assistant 3) PRI PLE FORM: to have + Past Participle I have visited Paris twice. ‘QUESTIONS: inversion Have you ever been to Paris? NEGATIVE: havejhas + not Past Participle I haven't visited Partis yet. = USE: 1 recently completed actions He has cut th grassi® 2 completed past actions connected to the present with stated or unstated time reference He has sold his car. 3 personal experiences/ changes which have happened Thave learned a lot this past month. 4 to put emphasis on number He has read three novels this week. TIME EXPRESSIONS: Present Perfect (Simple & Continuous) - just, ever, never, already, yet, recently, since, for, today, this week/month, etc 4) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS, FORM: have/has been + Present Participle Mark has been studying hard lately. ‘QUESTIONS: inversion Has Mark been studying hard lately? NEGATIVE: have/has + not + been + Present Participle He hasn't been studying very hard lately. USE: ‘Lactions started in the past and continuing up to the present He has been washing his car for an hour. 2 actions of certain duration having visible results or effects in the present He has been fighting. (He's got a black eye.) 3 to express anger, irritation, annoyance or criticism Someone has been lying to me. 4 to. put emphasis on duration He has been waiting since 5 o'clock. aN lebag pla do capa Uy van pomed TTRINOM d.o.0. © prpreme 20 draw matiru peljenne iste 46 UUREDE | NASTAVA: Strojrsha cesta 24, Zope TEL. 01/ 6672 404, GSI: 095/1 333 333 VoEZBE: 4.8.3, Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. 11___._____(not see) the movie you lent me yet, so I'l return it on Wednesday, if that's OK, 2 Sheila looks exhausted, (she, work) hard lately? 3 How long (Alan, learn) Russian? He's quite fluent. 4 My parents (plan) to visit Spain for years and they (finally, save) enough money to go, 5 You are completely wet! What. 6A B Yes, I 7 There you are! We 8 Terry can't get into his flat because he. 9 Me and my boyfriend my parents because I'm afraid of thelr reaction. 10 Susan Gust, go) out and she'll be back after lunch, 4.8.4, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms. Dear Mr and Mrs Willis, 11) writing... (write) to thank you for coming to our wedding last month. I hope you enjoyed yourselves, Shella and 12) Gust/return) from our honeymoon in Japan and 3) (now/look forward to) starting our new life together. We 4) (ust/move) into our new house and since our honeymoon we 5) (spend) all our free time decorating. The house 6) (actually/begin) to feel like home now and we 7) —___ (gradually/settle) into a routine. We 8) (have) breakfast together in the morning, but then we 9) (not/see) each other until late in the evening when we 10)_______ (get) home from work. Ihope both of you 11) (be) well since we last saw you. Love, Dennis and Sharon (you, doy?t (you, have) a nice evening? (watch) documentaries on the Discovery channel. (look) everywhere for you, (leave) his keys at work again, (think) of moving in together but T stil (tell) 2) PAST SIMPLE FORM: infinitive + ~d, -ed, IRREGULAR VERBS!!! Carol finished her homework. He bought a new car last year, QUESTIONS: did + infinitive Did Care! finish her homework? Did he buy a new car last year? mb NEGATIVE: did + not + infinitive Carol didn’t finish her homework. He didin’t buy a new car lase yeah" ° 6. USE 1 past actions which happened one immediately after the other Thy Met tnt std tne engi and ervey 2 past habit or state He vised (used to vist) us every weekend. ej 3 completed past actions not connected to the present with a stated of implied time reference “3, "© Elvis Presley made a lot of records. TIME EXPRESSIONS: yesterday, last week/month/year, ago, then, in 1987, etc. 3-ED 1 verbs ending in -e or -ee take only -d (improve - improved) 2 consonant + y = ied (try ~ tried) vowel + y ~» play ~ played 3 ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant rub ~ rubbed two-syllable verbs if the second syllable is stressed Prefer preferred but listen listened (the first syllable fs stressed) 4 verbs ending in -I double | + ed quarrel ~ qurralled Nene lehog puta do wapjthn. Uy nate pomed bok ce mane tile.» cen pitigy ‘TRINON 4.0.0, © prgreme 20 dedawramatura | poliemme pit TRIN 47 UUREDE | NASTAVA: Strojoria caste 24, Zag ee ‘TEL.:01/ $672 401, 65M: 090/1 233 333 2) PAST CONTINUOUS FORM: to be, past form (was, were) + Present Participle (- Ing) She was washing the dishes when he came. QUESTIONS: inversion Was she washing the dishes when he came? NEGATIVE: was/were+not+verb+ing ‘She wasn’t washing the dishes when he came. USE: 1 action in the middle of happening at a stated past time Iwas living in London this time last year. 2 past action in progress interrupted by another past action Twas reading a book when the phone rang. 3 two or more simultaneous past actions of certain duration He was sleeping while she was reading. 4 background description to events In a story/description They were travelling £0 ....-. ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: while, when, as, the moment that, etc. 3) PAST PERFECT SIMPLE FORM: to have, past (had) + past participle My father had worked as a salesman before he met my mother, QUESTIONS: Inversion Had he worked as a salesman before they met? NEGATIVE: hed + not + past participle He hadn't worked as a salesman before they met. USE: 1 past action which occurred before another action or before a stated past time He had finished his project by the end of the month, 2 completed past action which had visible results in the past He was delighted because he had found a new job. ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous = for, since 4) PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORM: had been + Present Participle (- ing) QUESTIONS: inversion NEGATIVE: had + not + been + verb+ing USE: ‘L action continuing over a period up to a specific time in the past ‘She had been trying to get a visa for months before she gave up. 2 past action of certain duration which which had visible results in the past Her fingers hurt because she had been playing the guitar all day. VoEZBE: 4.8.5, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms. When she 1) ...was... (be) only fifteen Hana 2) (leave) school without any qualifications. Nevertheless, she 3) (be) very ambitious and 4) (want) to work in the fashion Industry. Luckily she 5) (find) a job Immediately as an assistant in a small fashion company. while she 6) (work) there she 7) _ _(decide) to go to evening classes to get a qualification in business studies. Once she 8) (Successfully/complete) the course she 9) (be) promoted to the position of an assistant manager. After she 10) (do) that Job for some years she 11) (want) a change. She 12) (think) of moving to Paris for some time, so she 13) (epply) for a job which she 14) (see) advertised in a fashion magazine, Hana 15) (get) a job as the manager of a small but prestigious fashion company in central Paris. She 16) (achieve) her ambition of becoming a successful businesswoman at last. 4.8.6. Fill in with the Present Perfect or Past Simple. A Gordon 1) (arrive) late to work again this morning. He 2) (be) late at least five times this month. The supervisor 3) (speak) to him about it yesterday but he obviously 4) (not/pay) any attention, 2 John Keats, who 1) (die) when he 2) (be) only 26 years old, 3) (write) a lot of beautiful poems. I 4) (read) most of his poetry, but T 5) (never/manage) to get to the end of Endymion. 1t’s too long for me! 3.cynthia 1) __. (be) in Los Angeles for almost a year now. I 2) (go) to visit her tast month and I have to say I 3) (be) very impressed. I 4) (Visit) most of the major cities in Europe but 1 5) (never/see) any place as exciting as LA. 411) (see) five films this month, but I 2) (not/like) any of them very much. Actually, T think the films they 3) (make) ten years ago 4) (be) much better than anything I 5) (see) for ages. “Nera lakes pte do wapiida. Uy vain poral Ut de mane Wika.» te pal TRIN 48 ‘TRINOM d.o.0. © prpreme 30 defn matury i peijemne spite ‘UREDE | NASTAVA: Strojrsha cesta 24, Zagreb sem. Arno he TEL 01/6672 404, GSI: 095/333 993 IRREGULAR VERBS Ini Past Past Participle | Infinitive Past Past Participle be was been let Tet let bear bore borne) lie lay lain beat beat beaten light lie i become became become tose lost lost begin began begun bite bit bitten make made made blow blew blown mean meant meant break broke broken meet met met brought brought buat buitt pay paid paid burnt(buried) —burnt(burned) | put put put burst burst ought bought read read read ride rode ridden can could (been able to) ting rang rung catch caught caught rise rose risen choose chose chosemapreme., | run ren run come came comer % - cost cost Pray said said cut cut < saw ‘seen eck sought sought deal dealt {Sei sold sold aig dug send sent sent do aid set set set draw drew sew sewed sewn dream reamt(dreamed) dreamt(dreamed) | shake shook shaken drink rank drunk shine shone shone rive drove driven shoot shot shot show showed shown eat ate eaten shut shut shut sing sang sung fall fell fallen sit sat sat feed fed fed sleep slept slept feel felt felt smell smett(smelied) _smelt(smelled) fight fought fought speak spoke spoken find found found spell spelt(spelied) spelt(spelled) fy flew flown spend spent spent forbid forbade forbidden spill spilt, spilt forget forgot forgotten split split split forgive forgave forgiven spoil spoit(spoiled) spoit(spoited) freeze froze frozen spread spread spread spring sprang sprung get got got stond stood stood sive gave given steal stole stolen 90 went gone stick stuck stuck grow grew grown sting stung stung strike struck struck hang hung(hanged) —hung(hanged) ‘| swear swore sworn have had had sweep swept swept hear heard heard swim swam swum hide hid hidden hit hit hit take took taken hold hela held teach taught taught hurt hurt hurt tear tore torn tell told told keep kept kept think thought thought know knew known throw threw thrown lay lola laid Understand understood understood lead led ted learn learnt(learned) —_learnt(learned) | wake woke woken leave lee left wear wore worn lend lent lent win won won write wrote written Nema lake jute do wapjehe. Uy rata pomed bce manje tile» 0. © pipeeme za dea natu prijemne site vse . TRINGY mw Sarees jnagil TEL.101/ 6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 333 FUTURE FORMS, 1) watt FORM: shall / will + infinitive USE: 1 decisions taken at the moment of speaking (on-the-spot decisions) It's dark. I'l turn on the lights. 2 hopes, fears, threats, offers, promises, wamings, predictions, requests, comments, etc. (with expect, hope, believe, I'm sure, I'm afraid, probably, maybe, perhaps, etc.) T hope he'll ike his Christmas present. Shall I/we help her? (1st person sing./pl.) 3 actions or predictions which may (not) happen in the future She'l probably win. 4 actions we cannot control and will inevitably happen Tomorrow wil be Tuesday. agteme ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: Future Simple & Be going to — S8morroy, ‘Bright, next week/month; in two/three days, the day after tomorrow, in a week, etc % >; ay %, 2) BEGoINGTOyGomstoFUTURE 5. % g FORM! be going to + ftintive Zeus ust "Rey 1 actions Intended to be performed in the riear future). Kay going to buy some new clothes next week. 2 evidence that something will definitely happen in the near Future ‘think I'm going to be sick. 3) FUTURE CONTINUOUS oa ORM: to be, future (will, shall) + present participle (-ing) usi {actions in progress at a stated future time Til be flying to the US this time tomorrow. 2 actions which are the result of a routine Til be seeing Jack in the office tomorrow and I can give him your letter. 3 when we ask politely about people's arrangements Will you be driving into town this afternoon? Can you give me a lift? 4) FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE FORM: to have, future (will/shail have) + past participle USE: 1L action finished before a stated future time They will have finished building this shop by April ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: before, by, by then, by the time, until (only in negative sentences) 5) FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORM: shall/will have been + present participle (-ing) USE: 1 duration of an action up to a certain time in the future By this time next year I will have been studying the piano for two years. ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS: by for 8) Present Simple (timetables/programmes) 7) Present Continuous (fixed arrangements in the near future) v3EZBE 4.8.7, Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future form. 1 Why do you need so much sugar? I (to make) a cake. 21'm hungry. 1 {to cook) something to eat. 3 This time next year she (to run) her own business. 4 Thope you___(to keep) in touch with me. 5 She (to meet) her uncle this weekend. 6 By her sixtieth birthday she (to work) for 35 years. 7 The play____ (to start) at 7.30 this evening. 8 Those dark clouds mean it (to rain) 9 She (probably/to pass) her driving test. 110 By the year 2020 some big changes (to take) place. 11 __ (we/to go) home now? 12 (you/to go) shopping In the afternoon? Can you buy me some milk? ‘nei pomed bi & manfi ihe.» mse sel ‘TRINOI doo. © pelpreme 20 deform maturs ipeijeneipite TRIN 0 jor havin emenctin ne INGE Teun /woamn camemnrs 4.8.8, Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate present or future forms. 1 Wiliam Hayworth, author of the immensely popular novel “Black Roses”, 1)_____(write) a new novel 12) (tart) next Friday ~ or at least that’s the plan,” says Bill "Is amazing to think that by next year it3) (be) ten years since I last picked up a pen.” Despite his long break, Bill Is confident. “I think this book 4) (be) even better than "Roses", 15) (include) the usual elements of action and adventure but this time there 6) ____(be) some romance too, I hope it 7) (be) successful.” OF course, we 8) (not/know) until it 9) (be) published next year 2 The staff of Corner High School 1) (hold) an open day on August 21*. In the morning you 2) (be able to) meet your child's teachers. At 12.30 the Headmaster, Mr Pooley, 3) (show) the plans for the new adventure playground. We hope that this 4) (finish) by Christmas. If your child 5) (start) school this September, bring him or her along! The progremme 6) (begin) at 9 am. See you there! MIXED TENSES - VJEZBA: 4.8.9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, 1I (see) three films this week. 2.Why you (taste) the stew? 3 Where is Tom? He (g0) to the park with Bill. - 4 1 would like a new bike, My parents (buy) me one for Christmas, 5 T haven't seen John a long time, He (study) a lot since October. 6 Ron paid for the cinema tickets last night. Oh, he (be) very generous these days. 7 Children are very tired because they (play) for hours. 8 The guests (be) here in ten minutes, 91'm very excited about my trip. This time next week, T (sail) across the Pacific, 10 I had @ very bad day at the office yesterday. First, the computer {break) down and then 1 (spill) coffee on some papers. 4.8.10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. AA: 11) (think) of going to that new Japanese restaurant in the city centre to celebrate my birthday. 2) (you/be) there yet? B: No, 13) (not/be), but people 4) A: Would you like to go there next weekend? B: Yes, that’s a great idea. 15). (write) it in my diary now, 2He 1) (leave) the house in a rush this morning. As he 2) (drive) to work he suddenly 3) (remember) that he 4) (be/asked) to speak at a meeting. He 5) (look) at his watch and 6) (see) that it was nearly time for the meeting to begin. 3 Last March Stephen 1) (decide) that he 2) (have) enough of working in a bank and that he 3), (Fide) around the world on a bicycle, He 4) (leave) Scotland two weeks later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent, He 5) (be) away for six months now, and no one 6) (know) whether he 7) (return) or not. (say) that the food Is fantastic, 4.8.11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. ‘Ask hundreds of people what they (1) _ (do) on a certain day in August next year, or the year after, and there (2) (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (3) (ask) (4) (belong) to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll (5) (die) nearly two decades ago, his fans (6) (meet) every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee, to show respect for the singer they (7) (love) so much. Fans like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South London. Jean (8) (visit) Graceland, the house where Elvis (9) _ (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five years. “The first time I (10) _ (borrow) the money from my Mum, as I (11) (not work) then. But two years ago I (12) (get) married and since then I (13) —_______ (work) in my husband Chris's garage. Chris and I (14) ___ (go) together last year, and we (a5) (think) of spending two or three months in the USA next year. I (16) __ (always want) to visit some places where Elvis (17) (perform). Like Las Vegas for example.” Jean says that Elvis (18) (be) her obsession ever since she (19) (be) ten years old, and she (20) (own) every single one of his records, good and bad. Nema lakes os do ap jth. Uy nada pomad il manfe Wlhe.» TRIN st Une craves Sj cre, Za vena fe e017 7204, Gon Oar a0 8 ‘TENSE REVIEW SIMPLE ‘CONTINUOS PERFECT PERFECT CONTINUOUS to be+ to have + PRESENT | infinitive + -s, -es | Present Participle Past Participle Daveeeber (present - am, are, is) _| (present — have, has) _| Present Participle tohave# | 2 PPast Participle |) REFS Fas [UBS OD eee to haves shetyfwineeincitis’ | cere Bangs Past Participle shall / will have been + FUTURE | shavwittiniitive | Present Farecple | {fre ~ hal / wif Pesan Panto ‘GOING TO FUTURE be + going to + infinitive TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVE (to be + P.P. =ed/T1T) Present Simple Task=pitam Tam asked= pitana sam Present Continuous | I am asking Tam being asked= pitana sam Past Simple Tasked= pitala sam Twas asked= bila sam pitana Past Continuaus Twas asking= pitala sam Twas being asked= bila sem pitana Present Perfect Thave asked= Thave been asked= Simple a) pitam a) pitana sam b) pitala sam b) bila sam pitana Pres, Perf, Continuous | 1 have been asking=pitam Past Perf. Simple Thad asked= bijah pitala Thad been asked= bijah bile pitana Past Perf.Continugus | Thad.been asking= bijah pitala Future Simple Twill ask= pitat éu it Gu pitanay Future Continuous Twill be asking= pifat eu Going to Future. Tam going to ask= namjeravam pitati Tam going to be asked= bit &0 pitana Future Perf. Simple | T will have asked= pitat Cu Twill have been asked= bit Cu pitana Future Perf. Continuous [I will have been asking= pitat Gu S 4.9. SYNTAX (rules for building up a sentence / sentence building) CLAUSE is a syntactic unit that alone can be analysed into elements / sentence elements. SENTENCE is. the largest grammatical unit consisting of clauses or/and phrases. (ORD ORDER c sdverbial subject ~ verb ~ object complement: SENTENCE / CLAUSE distinction: 1 SIMPLE SENTENCE ~ contains just ONE clause (independent clause) 2 COMPOUND SENTENCE - contains TWO or more independent clauses 3 COMPLEX SENTENCE - contains ONE independent clause (MAIN CLAUSE) and ONE or MORE dependent clauses (SUBORDINATE CLAUSE) SIMPLE SENTENCE may be classified into four major syntactic classes which correspond to their different communicative functions: 1 STATEMENTS / declarative sentences We study English. 2 QUESTIONS / interrogative sentences Have you been waiting long? 3 COMMANDS / imperative sentences Stop that noise! 4 EXCLAMATIONS / exclamatory sentences What weather we are having lately! COMPOUND SENTENCE consists of two or more Independent clauses which are joined by coordination (2 grammatical device which involves linking of clauses in such a way that they remain constituents of the same level; they are units of equal rank). The weather was very bad; all classes were cancelled. (PUNCTUATION) Everyone was in the hall and the doors have been closed. (CONJUNCTION) Nema lakes pote do wiped, Uy vac pomad Uk de mange ibe. it felibegy ‘TRINOM ¢.0.0. « pripreme 20 drfavnu maturuiprijemne spite TRIN 2 Cneod ssTaVA Sra cosa tapee Maia Teuv01/ rau, ean on dost ‘coNUNCLONS THD] ANO THEN | OR / ETHER OR [FOR our NOA / NEITHER wor | Yer 50 Tom phoned and left the message. Tom phoned and Frank answered. (different subject) Jimmy fell off his bike, but (he) was unhurt. He couldn't find his pen, so he wrote in pencil. COMPLEX SENTENCE consists of one Independent clause and one or more dependent clauses which are joined by subordination - one clause (subordinate clause) is included in the other (main clause). hope (that) you will like this place. THAT Til be surprised ithe can do it. CONJUNCTION We asked where he had been all night. 2 WH-WORD Had Lknown, I wouldn't have come. INVERSION. ‘Thope fo see you tonight. NON-FINITE VERB CLASSIFICATION (according to the type): 2 ADVERBIAL CLAUSES - 2 RELATIVE CLAUSES 3 NOUN CLAUSES ‘THERE - IT There + be \s used for something mentioned for the first time or to say that something exists. ‘There are several parcels to be delivered, Personal pronoun + be is used to give more details about someone or something already mentioned. ‘There is someone in the hail. He wants to tell you something. It + be ~ identification (There is someone in the next room. It's your aunt.) It + be.... to-infinltive / that-clause — to begin a sentence It’s such a pleasure to see you again. TS a pity (thot) you can’t come with us. distance How far is it to the next town? temperature It’s 22°C, time expressions It’s May 2. . weather expressions It’s usuaily very warm here in the summer. IRseems that there ia problem with the fgureséot@ma (out we can also say: There seems to be a problem wit théfigures.) fey 8 Nope MIJEZBE (SYNTAX) 4.9.1 Fill in there or it. ey ee 1 ..Tt.’s such 8 pity you can’t come with us, _“Ci&sgaithat Paris is beautiful at this time of year. 2____'s such a lovely day today ~ let's go for 2 plenic. ___'s a good picnic site only two miles from here, 3 Let's go by car. ___will only take us 2 hours to drive there. 4's nothing on the television tonight. __'s a shame we didn't go to the cinema. 5 Mum, __'s a man at the door. He wants to talk to you. 6 ___'s so nice to see you. _ seems that we haven't had a proper chat in ages. 7 ‘sa pity you can't come to the cinema tonight.___'s a new film on. 8 ___'s someone waiting to see you. 9 ____are some new magazines on your desk 10 __ appears that she has quit her job. 11 This fax machine doesn’t work properly. seems to be faulty. 4.9.2 Rewrite these sentences, putting the words into the correct order. 1 her money has the all he pai 2 lovely brought flowers her of he a bunch, 3 give hoping job will new they am a me I, 4 timetable please find Timmy train can for the you? Nima eheg pte do wipes Uy wan fone’ bd manje Wilke.» «2 pripreme zo drBeyn maturiprijemne spite eeittias TRINGH mM aera win teinom. hr TEL 01/6672 404, 63M: 095/1 333 333 5 a everybody make for will drink she. 6 the show why garden him you don't? 7 me music made the sad. 8 with I my some phone pictures took. 9 he sat all the in through his morning quietly chair. 110 on they Sunday the in worked hard studio. 4.9.3 Make compound sentences. 11 took the groceries back to the shop. I complained about them. (and) 2 We got ready to get on the bus. It didn't stop. (but) 3 Your boss called this morning. He didn’t leave the message. (but) 4 He didn't want to get home late after the play. He went straight back. (so) 5 I can leave now. I can stay a bit more. ( either .... or) 6 For a moment the top of the mountain was visible, A cloud covered it. (and then) 7 Jane was a successful career woman. Her mother wanted her to be a housewife. (yet) 8 Sandy built her own house. She designed it herself. (not only ..... but also) IVE Only transitive verbs (followed by an object) can be changed into the passi Some transitive verbs (have, fit, etc.) cannot be changed into the passive Form: to be + past participle (of the main verb) Tom Invited me to dinner. (ACTIVE) Twas invited to the dinner, (PASSIVE) ‘The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. The active verb remains in the Same tense, but changes into passive form, The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent, and is either introduced by preposition by or omitted. The agent is omitted in the passive sentence when the subject of the ‘active sentence is one of the following words: somebody, people, he, one, etc. But the agent is not omitted when itis a specific or important person or when it is essential to the meaning of the sentence. by # agent (...... by Jane.) with + instrument/material /ingredient (. flour and milk.) Object pronouns (me, him, them, etc.) become subject pronouns in the passive. Somebody has rearranged the furniture. The furniture has been rearranged. The government will pass anew law, A new law will be passed by the government. with verbs which take two objects such as: bring, send, show, buy, write, award, owe, give, etc. we can make two different passive sentences, lim gave Sarah some flowers. ‘Sarah was given some flowers. (more usual) ‘Some flowers were given to Sarah. GET is used in colloquial English instead of BE to express something happening by accident. He got hurt last evening. Tense review ‘The parcels are delivered, “The parcels had been delivered. ‘The parcels must be delivered, The parcels are being delivered. | The parcels will be delivered, ‘The parcels must have been delivered, ‘The parcels were delivered. ‘The parcels are going to be delivered. | T object the parcels being delivered, ‘The parcels were being delivered. | The parcels will have been delivered. _| The parcels having been delivered ‘The parcels have been delivered. | Nena Ua pa da ipa Uy rae porrad Ut de mane Wie TRH Use: 1 when the person who carries out formal notices, etc.) TRINOM 4.0.0, © prprene 2 dete natura prijemne site 54 UUREDI | NASTAVA: Strojrska cesta 24, Zagreb TEL: 01/ 6672 404, 65m: 095/1 333 333 the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context 2 when the action itself Is more Important than the person who carries it out (news headlines, newspaper articles, 3 when we refer to an unpleasant event and we do not want to say who or what is to blame MPERSONAL/PEt \cTIONS = with verbs such as: think, believe, know, report, consider, expect, etc. ‘ACTIVE IMPERSONAL PASSIVE It + passive + that-clause PERSONAL PASSIVE subject + passive + to-infinitive People believe that he Is a lar. Itis believed (that) he is a liar. He is believed to be a liar. Present Present Infinitive People think that she lied in court. | It is thought (that) she lied in court. | She Is thought to have lied in cour Past Perfect infinitive wy METHING DO. E HA We use HAVE + OBJECT + PAST PARTICIPLE to say that we arrange for someone to do something for us; We had our house painted, We can also use have something done to say that something unpleasant happened to somebody. Paul had his bike stolen. ‘We can use the verb GET instead of the verb HAVE only in informal conversation. You must get your hair cut this week. VJEZBE (PASSIVE) 4.10.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. 1 Luxembourg ../s said. to be one of the prettiest 5 Doctors ought (pay) a higher salary, countries in Europe. 6 Hotel rooms must (vacate) by 12 noon. 2 She hates (tell lies. 7 The villa (sell) by public auction 3 My washing machine (deliver) next week. tomorrow. 8 She hopes her home (build) by 4 Their telephone (install) yesterday, September, 4-10.2 Change the sentences from the active into the passive, Omit the agent where it can be omitted, 1 The doctors will bring him in for an examination. 2 Fog has delayed all the flights. 3 She didn’t send me any letters, 4 She had cleaned the garage before I got there, 5 When he arrived at the hotel, they had filled all the rooms. 6 Why haven't you invited Mabel to the party? 7 Paul will help you finish your project. 8 The mayor is opening the new job centre next week, pana a, 9 We heard him complaining strongly to the manager. 10 You can leave your suitcases at the left-luggage office. 11 Workmen found some antique vases in the old house, 12 The architects have drawn up plans for the new supermarket. 4.10.3 Turn the following sentences into the passive a: 1 They think she is lying. She thought to be lying. the example. 4 They said the mayor had been shot. The mayor: - It is thought that she Is lying. It__ 2 They believe he got lost in the woods. 5 They believe he was taking drugs, He He t _ It 3 They say he has been very ill, 6 They expect she will pass her driving test. He She It It Nena likes ota do eapjiba. Uy rae pomad 0 de anfe Uiha» minal h ao TRINOM 4.0.0. € pripreme zo drawn maturu i prijemne ispite. TRIN ss Vaca rave Spee hoa coun Tes oirureso, aOaa8 4.40.4 Rewrite the following text in the passive. $re2itenr Compony no tray eeared the fim mich the pubic has been wong fr for so long: the Falcon. TRS Winter Compory wos orginaly gong to rlease the fm fn August but they deed to watt ut Octobe, 2s they know that fewer people go to the cinema in the summer, Robert Andrews directed The Falcon and critics are reeag pete trees Cinemes Fepor that Arnreanaualenees have Bough» tof Hoke and tht they sre aure The Flgon wil be # aves 4.10.5 Rewrite the sentences in the active. 1 The painting has been valued by an expert, 2 He likes being given presents. 3 The bill must be paid immediately,_—— : 4 Our newspaper is delivered by a boy every morning, 5 Their meeting was attended by several important art critics. 6 Preparations are being made by the event organisers. 4.10.6 Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure ‘have something don 1 We ..are having the house painted... (the house/paint) at the moment. 2 Tost my key. I'll have to (another key/make). 3 (you/a newspaper/deliver) to your house or do you go to the shop to buy one? 4 I would show you the photos from our holiday but I (the fllm/ not develop) yet. 5 If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you (your ears/pierce)? owe (swimming pool/build) in our garden this week. 7 You look different. B Her coat was dirty so she 4,11, MODAL VERBS CAN, COULD, MAY, MIGHT, MUST, HAVE TO, SHALL, WILL, SHOULD, WOULD; ‘SUGHT TO Use: to express poss 'y, willingness, ability, obligation, certainty, permission, advice, prohibition, etc. (General characteristic 1 no -s in the third person singular 2 negatives: adding NOT to the modal verb ‘Structures: MODAL VERB + be + Present Participle He must be going. 3 questions: inversion 4 followed by the infinitive without TO (except OUGHT TO, HAVE TO) 5 no infinitive or participle form MODAL VERB + have + Past Participle He could have done it. MODAL VERB + have been + Present Participle He might have been waiting Nema lobes pote do wapjela. Uy rede pomed Ui de mane tio.» TRINH 56 ‘TRINOM d.o.0.¢ peiprene 20 delet matin prjemne pte [UREDE I NASTAVA: Stroorsha cesta 24, Zagreb ee TEL 01/6240, Goh oso aa FUNCTION MODAL VERB EXAMPLE AY (more formal) May T come in? (asking permission) MIGHT ery forma) ight eave cary? can Can T use your phone? You can take my umbrela PERMISSION | couLD Could T have your number? D promiaerron | cant {im sorry but you can‘ take my laptop. nUSTWT Guests must leave the hotel by mah MAY NOF (more formal) You may not park you car ther BE ALLOWED TO She fs alowed to stay Gut after midnight cAN Tean run fest. COULD ability in the past ~aeneral He could read when he was five. asrurry | BEABLETO ability inthe past ~ spectic | Were you able to get the tickets? (managed, 1 succeeded) BUT! ‘see, hear, smell, taste, feel, I could smell the lavender when I entered the Understand’ remeimber = normelly 6 | 2% with COULD . MUST - strong obligation (nesessiy) ~ | Tmust nda hotel lo Slay at toniah, (Speakers [Speaker's decision decision) HAVE 0 - strong obligation (necessity) - | You have to sign your name. (someone else has genetal rule, law decided) DONT HAVE TO - absence of obligation | 1 don’t have get up early tomorrow. It's Sundey! SHOULD - (milder obligation, subjective | 1 think you should leave. opinion) OUGHT To - (mider obligation) You ought to stop smoking. OBLIGATION. | weep - canbe used nectSerry | -258 modal verb meaning have to | He need have no fear. “as regular verb meening require {you want to pass, You'l need to study herder. NEEDN'T - lack of necessity (don't/doesn't need to, don't/doesn't You needn't wash up. have to) Past: DIDN'T NEED +to-infintive 1 n't need to pay by check because Thad plenty nino action was done of cash, NEEDN'T HAVE + past participle You needn't have prepared so much focd. Only 2 “unnecessary action was done few people came tothe party. | caN Can I borrow your car? cou Could you say that bit louder? REQUEST WILL Will you please wash the dishes? wouLD Would you open the door for me? _| caN an T bring you something to eat? Can Ie you? ‘COULD. T could give you a lift, if you like. orrers | wilt a Tin give you 9 hond withthe legoge. wou 3 ‘Would you ike some more tea? SHAUL (ony in 1 perso) Shall Carry your bag? SHOULD : You shouldn't smoke so much, apvice | oucHT To You ought to thank her for helping you. FAD BETTER (strong recommendation) _| She'd better leave now or shel Iss her ih. CaN We can go t Spain on vacation next summer. coun You could takes tot EUSSESTION ‘SHALL, ‘Shall we go to the cinema? MIGHT You might want to take 9 breok, CAN The road can get very busy(general possibility ~ it is theoretically possible) rosstexsry | cout He coutaymight be (is posse ket MIGHT. /perhaps - present) He may/migh/eould have been Ml. (possibilty in the past) “Neona lbeg fle do wipjiba. Uy van foned bad manfe Wile 0. © pripreme za deBawu maturai prijerneipite snark as. cen cr TRINGM 7 eS rnin aioe wartime ‘TEL. O1/ 6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 333 SHOULD “Sally should be at work by now. OUGHT TO. You ought to pass your driving test. PROBABILITY They should have arrived by now. EXPECTATIONS He ought to have come by now. (we expected something to happen and we do not know if it happened) MUST He must be ill. (positive - present) Logica, —_ | CAN'T/COULDN'T He can’t be (couldn't) ill, (negative - present) ASSUMPTIONS He must have been iil. (positive ~ past) He can’t (couldn't) have been ill. (negative ~ past) V3EZBE (MODAL VERBS) 4.11.1 Fill in the correct modal verb (positive or negative form). 41 When Iwas young, T (stand) on my head. 21_____ (go) to the bank, I haven't got any money. 3 1 (borrow) your pen? 4 you (help) me with the shopping, please? 5 Although he felt ill, he = (finish) all the paperwork. 6 You (be) late for your job interview. 7 You (go) to the post office. I'l go later. 8 Liz (spell) her name before she was five. 9 What time. T (pick) you up? 10 Although it was dark, he (find) his way through the woods. 11 Don't worry! You (park) your car here. (talk) to your parents before you apply for this job. 12 If you want my advice, you 4.11.2 Fill in the gaps with needn't have or didn’t need to and the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 T went to college yesterday, but I (g0) as all the lectures were cancelled. 2We (hurry), so we stopped to have lunch on the way. 31 (buy) any food, so I didn’t go to the supermarket. 4r (pack) my shorts, as it rained all week. 4.11.3 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 Tom went on a three-day trip. He took more clothes than necessary. have Tim ,..needn't have taken.... So many clothes on a three day-trip. 2 He decided not to take his passport because it wasn’t necessary. need He his passport. 3 We bought more food than was necessary for the party. have we so much food for the party. 4 It wasn’t necessary for Gina to wash the clothes because Sarah had already done it. have Gina the clothes because Sarah had already done it. 5 It Isn't necessary to have a visa to visit Turkey. need You a visa to visit Turkey. 6 It wasn't necessary for James to accept the offer. have James __ the offer. 4.11.4 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words: 1 It's forbidden to feed the lions. not you ...must not feed.... the lions. 2 It isn’t necessary to cut the grass; it's still quite short. have You the grass; it’s still quite short. 3 It's prohibited to take pets into the restaurant. not You into the restaurant. 4 It isn’t necessary to dust the furniture; I'll do it later, need You ___ the furniture; r'l do it tater. Noma laos pte de wapjiha, Up wie poms bit & oranje iho TRINOM 4.0.0. © pripreme 2e detams mature priemne inte UREDE | NASTAVA: Strojorsa cesta 24, Zgres TEL: 01/6672 404, GSM: 095/1 333 333 eetintns TRING ve ee In the corridor, 4.11.5 Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 I'm sure he lost the race, have He ....must have lost... the race. 2 Perhaps he will phone us sometime today, may He 31 don’t think the Smiths have been living here long. been ‘The Smiths here tong. rr 4 I'm sure she has spent all his money. sometime today, have She all his money, 5 I'm sure Jimmy won't be seeing the boss tomorrow, be FA fil bom tomo 6 Perhaps she is feeling il, be She am. 4.12. VERB PATTERNS INFINITIVE -ING FORMS ACTIVE PASSIVE Present (to) aive (to) be given ‘ACTIVE | PASSIVE Present Continuous | (to) be giving x Present | losing | being fost Perfect (to) have given (to) have been given Perfect | having tost | having been lost Perfect Continuous | (to) have been giving | = eavrenig 4 verb + -ing (I-go shopping every day) 2 verb + to + infinitive (We have decided to leave early.) Jp Mey“, 3 verb + sb + to + infinitive (She asked him to help her.) ay. & 4 verb + sb + infinitive (bare Infinitive - without TO) (I helped him do the: shes} Op, 5 5 verb + -ing/to (no oF little change in meaning or a change in meaning) =: INEINITIVE ‘The TO - INFINITIVE Las the subject 2 after certain verbs - advise, agree, decide, promise, pretend, refuse, etc 3 after adjectives describing feelings, expressing (un)willingness, referring to person's character (happy, glad, willing, eager, clever, etc.) and also with adjectives lucky and fortunate 4 after ‘verbs and expressions (ask, lear, want to ‘know, explain, etc.) when they are followed by question words (who, what, how, etc.) 5 to express purpose “6 after too, enough ne 8, Rey Mp To smoke can damage your health He advised me to apply for the job, Tie is glad to be back, Tecan't decide where to 99. He went to the shop to buy some food. ‘She’S too shy to talk to the manager Z with it + be + adjective / noun 8 to talk about an unexpected event which can be Unpleasant (usually with only) Te was nice of him to help. ‘She came home to find her. Dafter be + the first / the second, etc. THE BARE INFINITIVE (without TO) 1 after modal verbs (can, should, must, ete.) 2 after the verbs: lel, make 3 after had better, would rather 4 “help” is followed by either the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive ‘He was the first to arrive. He should apologise to his parents. He made me do it, You had better see a doctor, She helped me (to) fill my application form, “Na lobes pute de wapjida. Uy nade pomed UA A man Wiha» ree GERUND Las 2 noun 2 after prepositions: 3 after expressions: busy, can't help, 4 after verbs: admit, advise, avoid, deny, postpone, “TRINOM d.0.0. © priprene 2a devs maturiprijenne spite UUREDE i NASTAVA: Strojrsha cesta 24, Zagreb TEL. 01/ 6672 408, 65M: 095/1 338.353 Cycling is a popular form of exercise. its no use, it's (not) worth, be con't stand, ete. suggest, risk, confess, etc. 5 after: spend, waste, lose (time, 6 after the prepo: ‘money, etc.) sition TO with verbs and expression: Iook forward to, be used to, object to, in addition to... He is interested in acting. She is busy writing .. They considered moving .. He lost a lot of maney investing in . He objects to working on Saturdays. JERUND @ INFINITIVE 7, no dference in meaning ~ no diference in meaning continue, | Z began to play WoWW2 years ago. Tejon lying WOW 2 ear 50 start, intend Eve started to learn Spanish when she was 4. _| Eve started learning Spanistt\Wt rages 4. Tike, tove, | - specie ~ general Pay Mer hate, enjoy, I like to read a book before going to sleep at | I like reading, Noy 2, dislike night. 3 Oy ~ nc forget 7 a remember | bid you'remember to Inform you collegues | She doesn’ remember leBvga, og oles = about the meeting at 5:00? your desk =nobremerber ~ nt recall forget Dont forsee t0 pick up Rita afer her pilates | 7 never forget sending the wrong SMS to my cass boytiona’s parent = be sorry about giving sb bad news = feel sorry about what (has) happened regret i egaret to inform you that your application | 1 rearet spending so much money on that has been rejecte foot T-stop one action and start another; then | - continue goon faitee Gamng her Homework, she went on to| She went on speaking for hours, evi forthe test. make an effort to achieve ath, ty one’s best | ~do sth as an experiment to solve 9 problem ty ive taed to solve the problem but T can't see | Have you tried caling you mother? She always tne solution has get ideas! _ ~ sop briefly to do sth ese = finish, give up P I stopped to smell the flowers. I stopped smoking many years ago. ~ intend ~involve mean wie meant t0 go on 2 plenic last weekend but | Ifyou move, that wil mean traveling to work the weather wes bad Ie least 45 rinutes Tonger everyday. like = think that sth is good or right to do = enjoy (general preference) Llike to pay my bills as soon as I get them. like going to museums on weekends. be sorry (for) ~ apologise for a present action Tim sorry to interrupt but I need to speak to you urgently. ~ apologise for an earlier action I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. be afraid (of) ~ the subject is unwilling to do sth If you don’t understand, don't be afraid to ask, “the subject is afraid that what is described by the -ing form may happen I'm afraid of being left alone in the woods. see, hear, feel, watch, listen to, notice = complete action’ I listened to James sing a song. ~ incomplete action I listened to James singing a song. need, require, want = necessity (active or passive) The flat needs to be decorated. Ineed to make a phone call. ~ passive meaning The flat needs decorating. “Naa leg pote do wage, Uy wake pod Ue de marti.» sae tlabegy 9 TRINOM d.o.0. & priprene 70 deJamumotiew jprjenne pte TRIN 6 Cae asrave Seon en topes Oe TeLs0ivaa su, eomc psn ase VJEZBE (VERB PATTERNS) 4.12.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the infinitive or the ing form. 11 suggest ..calling... (call) the cinema to find out what time the fim ends. 21s no use (try) to make excuses. He won't believe you. 3 Hook forward (see) the artwork in the museum's latest exhibition, 4 She spent a long time (talk) on the telephone so she didn’t finish her chores. 5 Freddy enjoys (listen) to musicals as ft helps him relax. 6 To tell you the truth, I don’t know how (dance). 7 We were happy __ ___(hear) that Nellie is coming to visit us, 8 The couple plan announce) their wedding later today. 9 Will you let me (read) you some parts to tell me if you like them? 10 We saw him (aint) the fence as we walked past his house. 411.1 would have preferred (change) my clothes before we went out to dinner. 12 It was s0 nice of him (send) me flowers, 413 Anne was the last _ (perform) at the dance recital. 14 For Brendan (retire) at such a young age was unexpected, 4.12.2 Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or -i 1 A: Till never forget ..travelling. B: Yes, but you forgot 2A: Thate (ask) you, but can you help me with the housework? B: Sure, but remember I hate (do) the vacuuming 19 form. (travel) across South America. (send) me a postcard, didn’t you? 3 A: The door wants (fix), : T know. I wanted (ask) the carpenter to come and have a look but I forgot, 4A: I'm sorry (put) you in such a difficult position. B: It’s OK. I'm sorry for (shout) at you, 5A: T'd prefer (spend) this weekend at home. B: Really? I prefer (go out) whenever I've got free time. 6 A: Did she go on (talk) about the same boring topics all night? B: No, she went on _ 7 A: Don't be afraid B: I can't. I'm afraid of 8 A: [meant : (tell) you there's a job vacancy at the baker's, show) us her holiday photos. (talk) to her in German; (make) mistakes, B: Well, I won't apply if It means (work) at the weekend, 9A: Why don’t you try (take) a different medicine if you're stil il? B: I think I'l just try (get) some more sieep. 10 A: Let’s stop (have) something to drink, 8: Again? I'd wish you'd stop (drink) so much! ‘The notice says that the gallery regrets (inform) us that the Van Gogh exhibition has finished, B: Oh, nol Now T regret (not/go) last week. id you remember (post) the letters? remember (take) them but I think I've left them on my desk. iL 12 4.12.3 Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets. Mind the tense of the infinitives, 1 She has lost her job. (seem) She seems to have lost her job. 2 Arnold was accepted to work there. (seem) 3 He is working hard. (appear) 4 They have been watching TV all morning. (seem) 5 Timmy missed the train. (appear) 6 They are moving house. (seem) Nema lies pute do wxpjle, Uy vai pomed Uh dk mane tha» anor {TRINOM 4... prpeme 28 remain pene iite TRIN a UREDT | NASTAVA® Sirsa cst 24, Zsreb sory ome TEL: 01/ 672404, 65h 095/308 909 7 He found the solution, ( claim) ce 8 It has been raining hard. (appear) 9 Sheila is reading a magazine, (pretend) 2 10 Sharon tells lies. (tend) ee ee 4.13, ADVERB! USES Types: 43.1 TIME expresses the time or duration of the action (WHEN?) 13.2 PLACE Indicates the place of the action (WHERE?) 13.3 CONDITION states the dependence of one circumstance or another 13.4. CAUSE / REASON indicates why an action was done (WHY?) 13.5, RESULT/CONSEQUENCE denotes the result of the action (WITH WHAT RESULT?) 1318 CONCESSION / CONTRAST denotes some obstacle which does not prevent the realisation of the action ( IN SPITE OF WHAT?) 13.7 MANNER expresses the manner in which an action is done (HOW?) 13.8 COMPARISON ‘compares two people/things 13.9 PURPOSE indicates the purpose of the action (WHAT FOR?, FOR WHAT PURPOSE?) 13.1. CLAUSES OF TIME Conjunctions used to form time clauses are: when, after, as, while, as soon as, before, by the time, once, since, unti/till, etc. Te always rains after I've washed my car. Have some coffee before you go. ‘Once you've learnt to swim, you'll never forget. A lot of things have happened since T last saw you. AEM WHEN, WHILE and AS refer to two things happening at the same time: ¥ % Thad a sudden idea when/while/as I was waiting in front of the cinemay. Va, > WHILE and AS suggest something continuing for a period of tim = Voy € While Ann was in hospital, she had a visit from her teacher. Bey As we were cycling along, we saw a fox. (We can also use WHEN here} “2c. Arp For a complete action we use WHEN. Wy Ove When I arrived, the party was in full swing. WHEN can also mean every time. When you dial the number, no one answers. WHENEVER and EVERY TIME are more emphatic: Whenever/Every time Max visits me, he brings me flowers. We can use AS (but net WHILE) to express the Idea that a change in one thing goes with a change in another: ‘As we drove further north, the weather got worse. JUST AS means at that exact moment. Just as we came out of the theatre, the rain started. ‘To emphasize the idea of one thing coming immediately after another, we can use these conjunctions: ‘As soon as/Immediately the gates were open, the crowds rushed in. The minute/The moment you hear any news, let me know. Martin had no sooner sat down than the phone rang. (OR: No sooner had Martin sat down than the phone rang.» inversion) Thad hardly started work when I felt a pain in my back. (Hardly had I started work when I felt a pain in my back. -+ inversion) 413.2 CLAUSES OF PLACE Conjunctions used fo form place clauses are: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere. T found the bag where I had left it. Where he lives is not known. 13.3 CONDITIONAL CLAUSES (see 4.14, CONDITIONAL CLAUSES) 13,4 CLAUSES OF CAUSE /REASON Clauses of reason are introduced by: as, because), because, for (=because), as long as (=because), the reason for, the reason (why), on the grounds that. FOR never precedes the main clause, it always comes after a comma: ‘she didn't come on time, for she was held up in a traffic jam. Reason can also be expressed with because of, due to, owing to +noun/-ing form and because of/due to/owing to the fact+that clause: Because of /Due to/Owing to the fog all train departures were cancelled. Due to /Because of/Owing to the fact that there was fog, all train departures were cancelled. Nea labs pla da opjida. Uy rain pored CA te mane Mike.» aC ‘ TRINOM ¢.0.0, © prpreme 20 d2amra metus I prijenne spite TRIN @ UaEDe nestave Secrets iN aL 201/ 667 4, ea 5359 3 E SULT / consEOUE! Result clauses are introduced by conjunctions such as: so, so... that, or such ... that. The lecture was boring and irrelevant, so some of the students began to fall asleep. Peter was having problems witii mathematics, so he went to see his tutor to ask for advice. There were so many books on the subject that Cindy didn’t know where to begin. There was such a Jot of material to cover that Ivor found it difficult to keep up with his studies. ‘There are many other ways of talking about the result of an action or a situation. In some situations you may prefer to use and as a result or with the result that. The lecture was boring and irrelevant, and as a result some of the students began to fall asleep. The lecture was boring and irrelevant, with the result that some of the students began to fall asleep. As a result/As a consequence can also be used at the beginning of a new sentence: The lecture was boring and irrelevant. As a result/As a consequence, some of the students began to fall asleep. The following words and phrases are used in the same way: Therefore, Thus, In consequence, Consequently, For this/that reason, Causal relations can be expressed by ing-clauses of result. The government increased the duty on wine. As a result, there was a fall in demand. The government increased the duty on wine, resulting in a fall in demand. 13.6 Es ES: conti Concession is expressed with: 4 althou ih/thouah (informal) Although /Even though she spent all afternoon on the project, she didn't finish it. THOUGH cannot be used in front position. ALTHOUGH, EVEN THOUGH and THOUGH can also be used in mid-position. He passed the exam, although/even though/though he didn't study enough, THOUGH can also be used at the end of the sentence: ‘She spent all afternoon on the project. She didn't fnish it, though. 2 despit f-tnoun/-ing form/the fa cl Despite/in spite of their wealth, they weren't happy. Despite/in spite of being rich, they aren't happy. Despite/in spite of the fact that chey are rich, they aren't happy. 3 whlle/wher and/vet-+cleu: He is tall while/whereas/on the other hand/but she is short. BUT/YET always come between the two clauses: Tom studied hard, but/yet he failed the exam. 4 nevertheless/however-cause John’s flat was on fire, Nevertheless/However, he didn't panic. 5 however/no matter howsa fadverb +subject+(may):+verb However/No matter how slowly he may speak/speaks, he can't make himself understood, 6 whatever/no matter whatt-clause ‘No matter what he said, she wasn't convinced. 7 adiective/adverb+-thouahs -verb/inay +hare infinitive Well qualified though he is/may be, he can.t.fpkaijob. Early though he lert/may have left he itn orrive ortime, 8 aiective/adv biect ver’ Ppp Vey 3 Careful as she is, she had an accident. ~ “'/) @ OM 3 13.7 CLAUSES OF Mal en Alyy Clauses of manner are introduced by: as if/as though/’as, frow, (in) the way, which, (in) the same way, (in) the same way as: 'sp\\" ‘They come after verbs: act, appear, be, behave, feel, lock, seem, smell, sound and taste, She looks as if she is sick. It seems as though there will be war soon, Do it as I've told you to. In clauses introduced by AS IF/AS THOUGH were can be used instead of was in formal English, ‘The verb usage following AS IF/AS THOUGH is normally similar to that in conditionals and depends on whether the Ideas are true or untrue, ‘She behaves as if she is rich. (She may be rich, she may not-she seems to be.) ‘She felt as if she had a high temperature. (We don't know but she seemed to have a high temperature.) 13.8 CLAUSES OF COMPARISON Clauses of comparison are introduced by: as He plays the piano as well as I do. ) the way that, the way in as, not as/so.... as, than. “Nema leks pe de wapibe. Up wan famed lik de menje Uh.» sievsttons TRINGH « ee «© pripreme za drawn mati i prijenne spite UUREDE | NASTAVA: Stojorla cesta 24, Zagr2 TEL. 01/ 6672408, 65§:098/1 333 333, Purpose is expressed with: 1 to-infinitive/in order to/so as to: ‘She wrote to tell him the news. ‘She wrote in order to tell him the news. He studied hard so as to be the first. 2 so that-rcan/may (present or future reference) Til help him so that he can finish early. 3 so that+could/might (past reference) T helped him so that he could finish early. 4 for+noun/-Ing for Let's go out for a meal. A kettle is used for boiling water. 5 with a view to-ting form We are gathered here with a view to reaching a decision. 6 with the aim ofing, He opened an account with the aim of saving money to buy 2 car. Negative purpose Is expressed with: 1 not/in order not+-to-infinitive He left early so as/in order not to miss the train. 2 so that-+won't/can't (present or future reference) Tl pick you up from the station so that you won't need to take a taxi. 3 $0 that+wouldn't/coulda't (past reference) He got a taxi so that he wouldn't be late. 4 for fear+might He locked all the windows for fear (that) he ‘might be burgled. 5 for fear of sth/doina sth ‘We don’t go out at night for fear of being attacked. 6 prevents un-+(from)+ ina fort He chained the dog up to prevent it (irom) biting the children, 7 avoid+ -ina form 7 In-case+present (present or future reference) \P"P Me, Ann got up early to avoid being late for work. Til take some sandwiches in case I get, ung. Mi - 8 in case-tpast (past reference) hy |r % took some water In case I got thirty. ~. fp. & > Baye VIJEZBE (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES’ %, Sag: “big 4.13.1. Underline the appropriate time phrase sha: pykthe verbs Into the correct tense. Dear Helena, ‘The Endangered Species Fund Is currently launct 19 its most important campaign ever to help protect our vanishing species of wildlife from extinction. 1) (Before/As soon as) the turn of the century there 2) (be) more than 40,000 tigers in India, while now there are around 3,750. 3) (Before/until) twenty years ago the numbers of Black Rhinos 4) (exceed) 60,000. Now, less than 2,500 remain, 5) (As long as/As soon as) animal habitats continue to be burned, polluted and destroyed, species 6) (continue) to disappear. 7) (While/When) there 8) (be) still a demand for illegal Thino horns and tiger bones, the hunting of wildlife will continue. 9) (By the time/Every time) people 10) (become) aware of the situation, it may be too late, We must act now 11) (before/unti!) these animals 12) (disappear) forever. That’s why ESF Is urging all governments to get tough on illegal traders, 13) (Every time/While) a crime against wildlife 14) (be/exposed), we are one step closer to our goal. If, like me, you believe that we must do all we can to stop this destruction, join the fight today and support the WWF campaign. Your gift will go directly to our vanishing species programme. Please support this crucial work. WWF can't fight alone. 4.13.2 Fill in where, wherever, everywhere or anywhere. 1 Wherever/Everywhere I looked, people were dancing. 6 Have you seen my watch in the house? 2 Rene goes, she always misses 7 You can see these advertisernents. you England. 90. 3 Now that Hilary has a car she can go 8 I couldn't find a parking space dose she wants. to the office. 4 Dave tends to be happy he Is living. 5 I don't mind ___we go to eat, as long as it’s cheap. 4.13.3. Join the sentences using the words in brackets. 1 Tt was raining, The match was called off. (due to) ..Due to the rain, the match was called off. 2 He left her. He couldn't put up with her complaints. (for) __ 3 We can't go on holiday. There's too much work to do. (since) 4 L can’t come with you, I have to visit my relatives. (2s) 5 She made mistakes. She wasn’t experienced. (because) Nona lah, pote ha erpjthe. Up nade pomed bit ce mane tile.» TRINGH “ wat rinom hr 4.13.4 Join the sentences using the words in brackets. that) 1 The test was difficult. Many students failed. (such TRINON 4. © pripreme 20 raw matiru i prijrne ite UUREDI | NASTAVA: Strajrska cesta 24, Zagreb TEL: 01/6672 404, 65M: 095/1 333 333 2 They fell behind with the project. They had to work overtime. (as a result) 3 Their fat is too smail, They are going to look for a larger one. (consequently) 4 The sea is cold. They can’t swim. (so) 4.13.5 Underline the correct item. 1 Yet/No matter what he does to please her, she always finds something to complain about. 2 Although/However I set my alarm clock for 6,00 am, it didn’t go off. 3 Despite/Even though the bad weather forecast, Sandra and Jim went climbing, 4 She tries hard, although/yet she makes little progress. 5 Timmy's wife drives better than he does, whereas/although he won't admit it. 6 Lots of people drive fast although/in spite of police warnings. - 4.13.6 Join the sentences using the words in brackets. ‘1 He's taking driving lessons. He wants to be able to drive to work. (so that) . He's taking driving lessons so that he'll be able to drive to work, 2 She left her jewellery in a safe deposit box. It may be stolen. (fear) 3 The beekeeper put on a veil and helmet. He didn’t want to be stung by the bees. (avoid) 4 She is on a strict diet. She wants to fit into her black dress for the party. (as) 5 He left home early, He wanted to be at the restaurant on time. (in order to) 6 I'll bring something for dessert. We may want to eat something sweet later. (in case) 4.13.7 Under! 1 You will get a seat, as long as you reserve a ticket, 2 There were such a lot of people on the bus that there were no seats left, 3 She studied so as not to fail her test. 4 He makes friends wherever he goes. 5 However clever you are, you won't solve this puzzle. 6 The manager explained how the organisation could increase productivity. 7 He is as stupid as he is lazy, 8 As a freelance writer she can choose to work whenever she wants. e the conjunction and then define the type of clause. 9 Everywhere she goes, she brings back loads of souvenirs. 10 She is as wise as her brother is foolish, 11 He knows he is damaging his health, yet he continues to smoke. 12 She locked the door so that burglars couldn't get in. 13 You can do it as you think itis right, 14 He speaks so quickly that hardly anyone can understand him. 15 You will get a good seat providing that you book the tickets in advance. aNuona lho pola do wapjtha. Uy main pomed bit & monje tibe. vn Fen ae eet ea TRIN 7 nal nctenmnacatiaen ee ase cou onan 4.14, DITIONAL CLAUSE! Conditional clauses consist of two parts If he runs, he will get there in time. He will get there in time if he runs. When the main clause comes before the if-clause, no comma Is necessary. ‘There are four types of conditionals: Type 0, Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. ‘TYPE 0 (ZERO CONDITIONAL) general truth; ‘no condition ‘TYPE 1 (FIRST CONDITIONAL) true or likely to happen in the present or future (real present); possible condition ‘TYPE 2 (SECOND CONDITIONAL) imaginary situation which is contrary to facts in the present (unreal present); improbable condition TYPE 3 (THIRD CONDITIONAL) imaginary situation which is contrary to facts in the past (unreal past); impossible condition IF + PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE General truth, "| if you heat ice, it melts. ‘always _ | Ako (Kad) zagrijes led, con se topi. IF + PRESENT TENSE r WILL + INFINITIVE esent simple, present continu, present Corwen erect pie continous) {coevnay/shoua) If you help me with the dishes, Twill help you with your homework. ‘Ako mi pomogne§ opratl sude, Ja éu ti pomoti sa zadacom. If you have finished with your lunch, | we can go. If you are working, don’t answer the phone. IF + PAST TENSE WOULD + INFINITIVE i (past simple, past continues) {couiaright) 2 _| Wi had more time, Twould visit you. Unreal present 2 | Da imam/kad bin imala vise vremena, | posjetila bih te. or future If you weren't driving so quickly, I wouldn't be scared. Af you had some time, we could go for coffee, IF + PAST PERFECT WOULD + HAVE + PERFECT INFINITIVE 35 (Gimple/continvous) (caulayight) Unreal past Ifyou had studied, ‘You wouldn’t have failed the exam, woreme Da si utio, ne bi bio pao ispit. Rs % MIXED CONDITIONALS All types of conditional can be mixed. If clause Main clause Type 2 | H they were working al day, | They wiLbe Gred now. (Pe 2 | They were working all day | so they are tired. Type 2 | Hi wate you, T would have accepted the job. You are not me ‘so you didn't accept the job. Type 3 | H she had finished earler, | she would be aoina to the party tonight Pe 3 | She aidn't finish earlier _| so she isn’t going to the party. Nena lag pte do wafijtha, Uy nade pomad Ut de mage Hike.» rat Bi, TRINOM do. © prone 2a romana pen TRING Ht # ote soy ane oun nea EXPRESSIONS THAT CAN BE USED 1 IE IEyou don't reserve a ticket, you won't get a seat. Unless you reserve a ticket, you won't get a seat. You will get @ seat providing/provided (that)/as fona as/only if you reserve a seat. Only if you reserve a ticket, will you get a seat, (INVERSION) Reserve a ticket, otherwise/or else you won't get a seat. What if it rains, will you still 90 for a picnic with him? Supposing it rains, will you still go for a picnic with him? Will you still 90 for a picnic with him even if t rains? But for him, I wouldn't have been able to survive, (If it hadn't been for him-without his help) We don't normally use WILL, WOULD or SHOULD in an if-clause. However, we can use them in conditionals to make @ REQUEST or express INSISTENCE, ANNOYANCE, DOUBT or UNCERTAINTY. Jf you will/would caim down for a minute, 1 will be able to help you. (REQUEST: Will you please calm down?) Ifyou will make a noise, I'l send you out. (INSISTENCE: If you insist on making a noise..) If you should need any help, ask me, (UNCERTAINTY: I'minat sure if you will need help.) We can omit IF”. When we omit IF, should, were and had come before the subject. If he should turn up, tell him to walt for me. SHOULD he turn up, tell him... If were you, I would speak to her. —» WERE you, I would speak to her. IFhe had known that, he would have told us.—» HAD he known that, he would have told us. After TF’ we normally use WERE instead of WAS in all persons in Type 2 conditionals in formal situattens. WAS is mainly used in spoken English. If T were/was you, I wouldn't do It. Wishes We use the verb WISH (or the expression IF ONLY ~ more emphatic) to express a wish. 1) wish / If only + Past Simple (Past Continuous) (we would like sth to be different in the present) _T wish I had a room of my own, 2) wish / if only + Past Perfect (regret that sth happened or did not happer 3) wish / if only + WOULD. polite imperative; a wish for a change ina situation or sb’s behaviour (it’s annoying) Twish you would stop shouting. I wish the wind would stop blowing. After the subject pronouns I/we, we can use COULD instead of WOULD. I wish I could travel abroad. the past) wish I;had got your message earlier. Lhope it doesn’t rain tomorrow. (possible ~ wish will be realised ) VJEZBE (CONDITIONAL CLAUSES) 4.14.1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, then identify the types of conditionals, 1 If you ..don’t do... (not/do) your homework, you won't be allowed to go to the cinema. ..(type 1). 2 If she (take out) a loan, she'd be able to buy a car, (hear) us, (improve) provided that there is a change of government. (come) with us, 3 Keep the noise down or else someone 4 The state of the economy 5 We won't go on holiday unless you _ 6 If you ____ (talk) less, you would be able to concentrate on your work. 7 If she (read) the newspaper, she would have known about the accident. 8 If the food (not/be) so good, we wouldn't have eaten so much. 9 Ifyou (stop) complaining, we would be able to get some more work done today. 10 Even if (phone) them, it would have been too late to change their minds, 4.14.2 Rewrite the following as conditional sentences. 1 You have to go to Rome to see the Coloseum. ...IF you go to Rome, you can see the Coloseum... 2 You need to pass your driving test before you can drive. Unless 3 You must study harder to pass your exems. If 4 As long as the rain continues, we can't play outside. Unless. 5 Trevor had to ask for a pay rise or he wouldn't have got one. Unless 6 You need all the right spices to make an authentic Chinese meal. If 7 Going there by bus will be cheaper than going by train. If 8 Entering this competition could win you a sports car. If _ 9 We will have to leave without him if he doesn’t arrive in the next 20 minutes. Unless 10 We will be able to go swimming If the weather improves. Unless “Nene likes pote da vile. Uy nai pone’ bt de ranje Mila » wrt a ela “TRINOM d.0.0. © pripreme 20 drtomu mahi prijemne ispite TRIN or eat ncmnamiene nae so. trina he Tes 16672 404, GSM: 095/1 338 393, 4.14.3 Rewrite the following as mixed conditionals. 1 He’s not a good worker, so he wasn’t promoted. ...If he were a good worker, he would have been promoted... 2 They walked 40 kilometres, so they're exhausted now. _ 3 You didn’t make an appointment, so we can’t see you tomorrow. 4 She didn’t take the medication and now she’s ill again. 5 They were working in the rain all day, so they're soaking wet now. 6 She didn’t study at all so she'll do badly in the test. _ 7 He's so gullible that he belleved everything you said, 8 She was talking all day, so her throat is sore now, 4.14.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. aT wish 1 (not have to) take the train to 4 1 wish you (tidy) your room more often. work every day. 5 I wish I (afford) some new CDs, 2 T wish 1______ (not shout) at the children like 6 I wish i (stop) raining that last night. 3 I wish I____ (be) back at school again, 15, RELATIVE CLAUSES Relative clauses are introduced with relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, which and that) and relative adverbs (when, where and why). ‘That's the man who/that owns the place. 1 t main clause subordinate clause (relative clause) The man who lives at No 10 plays golf. people The letter which you saw is for me. things, animals The letter that you saw is for me. people, things, animals Lmet a girl who / that Is from Japan. subject That's the hat (which / that) I bought last week. object (can be omitted) That's the boy whose brother won the prize. to show possession The woman smiled. I was looking at her. (preposition) The woman at whom I was looking smiled. The woman (wiho(m)/that) I was looking at smiled. WHOSE, WHOM and WHICH can be used in expressions of quantity with ‘of’ (some of, many of, most of, none of, halfof, etc,). She has a lot of money, most of which was inherited from her aunt. WHAT’ ‘the thing(s) which / that, ‘anything that’ I'm sorry about what happened. Relative adverbs WHERE - place WHEN ~ time WHY (THAT) - reason ‘There are two types of relative clauses : defining (identifying) and non=definina (non-Identifvina). A defining relative clause gives necessary information and is essential to the meaning of the main sentence. It is not put in commas. The family who lived next door moved here from Irelands, (The relative clause is necessary to identify which fainily is Meat.) Are you the person who telephoned here an hour ago? yr.“ That's the woman (who/that) I met at Tony's house. _“ This is the beach (that/which) I was telling you about. They are the workers whose jobs aré being cut out. ‘August is the month when a lot of tourists go on hol ‘That's the hotel where the President is staying. Vy... Lack of money is (the reason) why we are not going on'holiday. subject [object possession PEOPLE vwho/that ne-argagun / whose THINGS taat/which Ce whose/of which (The underlined pronoun Is more commonly used.) Nema Ung pote do wpe. Up wae pomed Ut de mane tie.»

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