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GRADO 8 -1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4
Ejes transversales: Ciencias naturales, Medio ambiente, Ética y valores, Artística
 Usa tu diccionario o la herramienta de apoyo para el desarrollo de esta guía.

1 .Tres amigos están creando un boletín ecológico en línea. Completa los perfiles con la forma
correcta del verbo entre paréntesis. Luego combine cada perfil con una ocupación .

2.Complete el esquema con información personal.

3. Luego de completar el esquema anterior escribe un párrafo que relate tu perfil ( observa el
modelo del punto 1 )

Hi , my name is ____________________________________I´m ________years old. I live

in______________ with my ________________. I like ________________and
_______________.I´m good at __________________________,I´m concerned about
_________________________. I´m interested in ______________________________I would
like to ______________________________________________________________________

4.Relaciona las fotos con las palabras del Word bank .

5. Crea / dibuja un poster presentando un problema ambiental de tu localidad, municipio o

país. Escribe un enunciado o un lema llamativo alusivo al tema para tu diseño.

6. Completa las oraciones con las preposiciones correctas: ABOUT ( x2) – AT -- IN

 We are worried ____ABOUT _____the levels of contamination.
 He is interested ________________saving the Andean spectacled bear.
 They are concerned _____________erosion.
 She is good ____________________taking photos.

7. Lea y complete los párrafos 1–3 con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis. Luego
combine con las fotos A – C.
8. Relaciona la columna A con la B


*When communities of organisms share mutual

needs and benefits,_____

*When there are a variety of different organisms

living in the same area,______

*When people cut down lots of trees, ______

*When an animal lives in its natural habitat,______

*When an ecosystem is capable of supporting itself,____

*When everything is connected and interdependent,____

9. Lee el siguiente texto. ( Traduce en tu cuaderno )

Regional Environmental Problems

Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world, after Brazil. This is because of the
variety of different ecosystems like tropical forests, mountain habitats, grasslands, páramos, and
deserts. Amphibians, birds and plants are just some of the species that make up a large part of
Colombia’s biodiversity. In fact, Colombia is known for having more bird species than any
other country, with more than 1900 species.
Now for the sad news; Colombia is facing a major ecological problem because of illegal logging,
the agricultural industry, the mining industry, cocaine production and the development of hydro-
electricity energy resources. Deforestation costs the country 2,000 km of forest each year and this
figure is rising.
Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment, including habitat loss, a decrease in
biodiversity, the extinction of animal and plant species, soil erosion, air pollution. There are many
others, too. Today, almost one-third of Colombia’s original forest has been destroyed by
deforestation, so as you can imagine, this is a serious problem and urgent action is required. It is a
problem that affects us all, so please, educate yourselves and take action now. Who knows,
tomorrow might be too late!

10. Según el texto responde las siguientes preguntas :

a) What is the first country with the highest biodiversity in the world?

b) How many species of birds are there in Colombia?


c) What is the great ecological problem that Colombia is currently facing?


Escoge la opción correcta :

Webbliografia :
Oxford DIctionary II
Way to go student book 8 grade . MEN

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