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Encoding Examples

1996 paper authored by Microsoft researchers: “The Virtual Cinematographer: A

Paradigm for Automatic Real-Time Camera Control and Directing,” the goal of
research is to encode “cinematographic expertise,” translating “heuristics of
filmmaking” into computer software and hardware. (In Manovich)

In Legible City, the memory of the real city is carefully preserved without
succumbing to illusionism; the virtual representation encodes the city’s genetic
code, its deep structure rather than its surface. Through this mapping Shaw
proposes an ethics of the virtual. Shaw suggests that the virtual can at least
preserve the memory of the real it replaces, encoding its structure, if not aura, in
a new form. (In Manovich)

Parisi 40 simple cellular automata, determined by the same rules or by the

same finite algorithms, generate complex structures; there also remains no trace
of uniform simple cellular automata in the varied complex structure to which they
give rise. This means that despite being determined by the same rules, cellular
automata do not do the same thing: while some maintain a regular pattern, others
become part of other localized structures, developing different configurations of
cells, changing, for example, the sequences of colors, and thus producing
behaviors that are totally different from those established by the initial rules.
Therefore simple programs do not merely generate complex forms, but are also
encoded in all forms, processes, and matter in different ways. Yet the view that
original codes evolve in unrecognizable ways may not be enough to explain how
infinite states are still a problem for computation, no matter how complex the
evolutionary journey of a set of codes can be.

Kittler 141 2 Poets would henceforth “ educate and inspire young men and
women.” Their texts, encoded so as to lead to the author, generated ever more
Encoding Examples 1
authors-asyoung- men, and, being written for young women, ever more feminine
readers. The new crop of authors made the programmed move into the position
of the author-hero; the feminine readers identified the author-hero with the
author, and the ambiguous description of women with themselves.

Flusser: 79 Both photography and telegraphy rely on the programming of

particle elements that they encode, the camera on a two-dimensional pictorial
code and the telegraph on a linear Morse code.

(Fuller) PIN codes: "uniquely encoded private bank cards"

Encoding Examples 2

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