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Reaction Paper in

Chemistry for Engineers

Number 2 Date: 11/18/2019


-Energy Crisis-

Cristine Bellen
Chemical Engineering Department, Bicol University, Legazpi City 4500, Albay

Our world’s oil reserves are quickly diminishing and our population is expected to
double by 2050. At the rate our world’s consuming energy we will not be able to sustain
ourselves for future generations. Oil and fossil fuels are costing our economy 6 billion
dollars per day. With oil, we also face the problem of wealth distribution. Large companies
tend to take over the oil industry and dominate the economy making it a few men
phenomenally wealthy also not benefiting the economy for the greater good. Cheap
plentiful oil is going to be hard to come by in 20 years’ time and we are depleting the
world’s oil reserve so fast that the earth cannot keep up with our growing human demand.
Oil has become so deeply entwined with our modern way of life. We can found oil than
anything from plastic to toothpaste to linoleum. We as humans have already pioneered to
create a solution that would remedy our oil obsession and would slowly wean as off of our
dangerous addiction to fossil fuels.

The future may look grim if we continue the path we are on however many people
are creating new and innovative solutions to counter this ever-expanding crisis taking us
down a different path a new future. The best and the brightest in our population are
currently grappling with the issues pertaining to energy use and consumption. These
brilliant thinkers are creating machines that are increasing the chances that human race
will survive and thrive as a sustainable population.

One of the many new solutions is to create more green spaces in vast urban schools
not only this lessen the amount of carbon dioxide that retreats into the atmosphere it will
also make buildings cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. One of the most
promising renewable energy solution is solar power. Not only is it 100% renewable, it is
power by the most powerful thing in our universe-the sun. Solar panels will reduce urban
smog and will be a reliable source of energy for the future. As climate change becoming
more and more of a worldwide threat, the largest governments on earth are responding to
the climate change with bold new initiatives start producing more renewable energy. One
of the biggest pollutants in our modern lives today is vehicles. Whether it is cars or planes,
boats or trains we are in desperate need of energy to power our vehicles. Electric cars are
becoming more and more common with them excreting in the zero emissions. A theory has
been circling around for a long time that is making vehicles out of carbon fiber which is a
strong lightweight material.
As oil is destroying the natural environment and our economy, we need full
cooperation with the entire population to turn this alarming trend around and create a safe
future with the best renewable sources we can obtain naturally so that we can have a safe
world for our future generations.

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