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Carlos A.

Gomes Home Blog

Front-end engineer

Hi, my name is Carlos

I´m 99% front-end but that 1% is back-end 
Advocate of tests, both unit and end-2-end, there is no such pleasure like see the coverage percentage going to the sky.

My Skills
 VanillaJS  pixel-perfect
 Karma
 Angular  Bootstrap
 Selenium
100%  jQuery 100% 100%  Materialize
 chaiJS
JavaScript  TypeScript Tests CSS3  Animations
 Jasmine
 Promises  Transitions
 Jenkins
 Reactivity  Responsive

 Grunt  OO
 Generics
 Gulp  MVC
60% 90% 20%  Spring
 Express  Codeigniter
NodeJS PHP Java  H2
 Connect  Laravel
 Flayway
 Compass  Phalcon

Main projects
Panteota Site Novatech Site Hexo Theme Materialize
A company site to show information about A metal structure company that works It is a material theme for Hexo, a static
their products. with cutting and folding of metal. blog generator.

The company works with metal structures Laravel framework for PHP and It can be served on github or any other
for pictures. Materialize CSS http server.


© 2020 Carlos A. Gomes Powered by Hexo

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