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Habitat Structure, Patchiness, and Avian Communities in North American Steppe

Vegetation: A Multivariate Analysis

Author(s): John T. Rotenberry and John A. Wiens
Source: Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5 (Oct., 1980), pp. 1228-1250
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Ecological Society of America
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Accessed: 26-03-2019 15:11 UTC

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Ecology, 61(5), 1980, pp. 1228-1250
? 1980 by the Ecological Society of America




Shrubsteppe Habitat Investigation Team, Department of Biology,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 USA

Abstract. We investigated the relationships between vegetational structure, spatial heterogene-

ity, avian community structure, and the ecological responses of the breeding bird populations in the
structurally simple steppe vegetation of North America. We examined the effect of variation in several
measures of both horizontal and vertical patchiness in vegetation distribution on bird distribution and
abundance, then integrated these measures into a smaller subset of variables using Principal Component
Analysis (PCA). We interpreted the new PCA variables as reflective of proximate niche parameters
to which bird species responded.
Out of 550 structure/bird abundance bivariate correlations, 18.5% achieved a significance level of
at least P < .05. Virtually all individual species responses to vegetation habitat measurements were
straightforward: all "typical tallgrass prairie" birds attained highest abundances on plots with highest
percent coverage of grass, "typical shrubsteppe" birds attained their highest abundances on plots
with the highest values of shrub coverage, and so on. In the PCA of vegetational features, the first
axis (which accounted for 41.0o of the total variation) represented variation in horizontal structure
and heterogeneity of vegetation, with high positive factor loadings for 9 of 10 horizontal measures.
The second component (22.4%) represented increasing vertical heterogeneity, with significant cor-
relations for five of five vertical measures. The third component (10.7%) reflected variation in the
density and coverage of low forbs. The segregation of horizontal and vertical measures on orthogonal
axes indicates that variation in horizontal vegetation patchiness is largely independent of variation in
vertical patchiness in these steppe systems.
The abundances of all typically tallgrass prairie bird species were negatively correlated with in-
creasing horizontal heterogeneity and partially correlated with increasing vertical heterogeneity. Sev-
eral shrubsteppe bird species were also positively associated with increasing vertical heterogeneity,
but unlike tallgrass birds their abundances were also positively associated with increasing horizontal
patchiness. Shortgrass prairie birds were generally negatively correlated with vertical patchiness.
Only bird species associated with montane meadows varied significantly with changes in the third
principal component, forb abundance. At the community level, species diversity increased as vertical
heterogeneity increased but appeared to vary independently of horizontal patchiness. Temporal vari-
ation in overall vegetation structure was not closely mirrored by correlated changes in bird community
composition at the shortgrass prairie site for which yearly data were available.
Analysis of species' niche overlaps along the synthetic vegetation axes defined by PCA revealed
a significant lack of niche complementarity; species with high overlap on one axis were quite likely
(P < .001) to have high overlap on a second, independent axis. Analysis of niche metrics across
communities indicated that while average niche breadths of co-occurring species were independent
of a sample's position on any multidimensional axis, average niche overlap increased at the nonmon-
tane grassland sites. Tests of current theories of "diffuse compeition" vs. "niche breadth compen-
sation for low alpha-diversity" were inconclusive. We suggest that the conventional sorts of data
collected to test these hypotheses are inappropriate.
Our results suggest that individual bird species responded independently to the environmental
gradients we derived, and that higher level species interactions were not necessary (and in some cases
statistically improbable) to explain the patterns we observed. These results are consistent with our
contention that even though such biotic interactions may be taking place, they are unlikely to be
detected in our systems because (1) environmental variation obscures relationships between local
populations, (2) populations are not resource limited or equilibrial during large portions of their
history, and (3) individuals are not "fine tuning" their responses to local habitat variation.
Key words: biogeography; birds; community structure; gradient analysis; niche metrics; North
America; principal component analysis; spatial heterogeneity; steppe; vegetation structure.

structuring or physiognomy has repeatedly been
Vegetation gives terrestrial environments their char- shown to be important in determining the distribution
acteristic physical configuration. In turn, this spatial and abundance of birds, acting as a proximate factor
in guiding habitat selection and, presumably, as an
1 Manuscript received 2 August 1979; revised 13 February
ultimate factor by its association with critical re-
1980; accepted 20 February 1980.
sources such as food, nesting sites, or cover from
2 Present address: Department of Biological Sciences,
Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio predators (see Hilden 1965 for review). Given such
43403 USA. influences, aspects of vegetational configuration of

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TABLE 1. Features at sample sites shown in Fig. 1. Site numbers refer to Fig. 1.

Number Total
Site breeding of density
Code Grazing Year bird (indi-
Number Name (by plots) treatment sampled species viduals/km2)

Tallgrass prairie
1 Osage OSAG Moderate 1970 4 250
2 Elmdale ELMA Moderate 1967 3 284
ELMB Moderate 1968 4 276
3 Donaldson DNLD Moderate 1968 3 206
4 Fitchburg FTCH Moderate 1966 7 622

Mixed-grass prairie
5 SandhillsSANDA Heavy 1968 3 100
SANDB Ungrazed 1968 5 316
6 Cottonwood COT68 Heavy 1968 4 272
COT70 Heavy 1970 3 153

Shortgrass prairie
7 Pantex PANU Ungrazed 1970 4 212
PANG Heavy 1970 4 267
8 Pawnee PN68A Heavy winter 1968 5 232
PN69A Heavy winter 1969 4 332
PN70A Heavy winter 1970 3 277
PN68B Heavy summer 1968 3 204
PN69B Heavy summer 1969 3 261
PN70B Heavy summer 1970 6 270
9 Laramie LARM Light 1969 2 263

Montane grassland
10 Bridger BRDG Light 1970 4 109
11 Cliff Lake CLFLK Ungrazed 1969 6 551
12 Bison BISN Moderate 1970 3 145
13 ALE ALE1 Ungrazed 1971 3 214
ALE2 Ungrazed 1971 4 291
14 Cabin Lake CABLK Light 1969 4 458
15 Chewaucan CHEW Light 1967 5 140
16 Steens Mountain STEN Light 1967 4 191

habitats are obvious candidates for inclusion as critical relationship have been imprecise, and no one has yet
dimensions in analyses of avian niches (e.g., James successfully merged variation in both planes into one
1971, Shugart and Patten 1972). The emergence of index of heterogeneity.
multivariate statistical techniques as analytical tools Here we take a multivariate approach to describe
has fostered an approach to quantification of the mul- habitat niche relations among a small assemblage of
tidimensional Hutchinsonian niche (Green 1971), not birds in the structurally relatively simple steppe vege-
only for birds (James 1971, Anderson and Shugart tation of North America. We describe simple bird/hab-
1974, Whitmore 1975, Smith 1977), but for a variety itat correlations, examine species distributions and
of other organisms as well (e.g., Green 1971 [bivalve community attributes along gradients in vegetation
molluscs], Miracle 1974 [plankton], Johnson 1977a, b structure and heterogeneity in both planes, and esti-
[bog plants], Dueser and Shugart 1978 [small mate niche parameters of each species in a multidi-
mammals]). mensional environmental space. We then examine
One of the most important components of habitat niche relationships among coexisting species and test
structure is spatial heterogeneity or patchiness, which predictions of species and community relationships
integrates not only the absolute values of vegetation derived from niche theory.
characteristics but also their variation in space (Wiens
1976). Other than for vertical foliage height diversity METHODS
(e.g., MacArthur and MacArthur 1961, Willson 1974),
Study areas
whose precise relationship to patch structure is un-
clear, few attempts have been made to relate quanti- Data for this study were collected from a diverse
tative measures of patchiness to changes in avian com- array of grassland sites scattered throughout middle
munity composition (but see Wiens 1974b, Roth 1976). and western North America, representing virtually the
Although some relationship between horizontal and entire range of steppe vegetation in this region. Six-
vertical patchiness is expected, explanations of this teen sites (Fig. 1) were sampled irregularly during

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1230 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5




~?J Shrubsteppe

FIG. 1. Locations of avian breeding censuses included in this analysis, numerically keyed to Table 1. Steppe types
generalized from Kuchler (1964). Montane grasslands are not shown because of their disjunct distribution.

1966-1971; as some sites had several plots, and some not only allowed estimation of population densities but
plots were sampled in subsequent years, a total of 26 could also be used to detect which vegetation sampling
samples was available for analysis. Plots included tall-, points (see below) fell within or outside of a species'
mixed-, and shortgrass prairies, montane meadows, territorial boundaries, permitting a more precise esti-
and several Great Basin Artemisia shrubsteppes. A mation of the species' habitat correlations. These
variety of grazing regimes was superimposed upon this points were also used to estimate within-plot territorial
array of natural vegetation types (Table 1). Sites were overlap, or the average number of species' territories
chosen without regard to the number or species of overlapping at each sample point (Roth 1976). Table
birds present, but instead reflect our desire to include 2 lists all species found breeding on the study plots
a range of structural types sufficient to generate strong during the sampling periods. The results of all plot
gradients in vegetational heterogeneity. censuses are available upon request.
Vegetation structure. -Features of vegetation
Data collection
structure were recorded at sampling units located ran-
At each site one or more 9.2- to 10.6-ha study plots domly within each 61 x 61 m block of the sampling
were delineated by a staked grid with 61-m grid inter- grid. At each sample unit, four sample points were
vals. All plots were surrounded by a "buffer zone" of located at the corners of a square with 2-m diagonals.
at least 100 m of similar vegetation to reduce edge Using techniques modified from Wiens (1969), a va-
effects, and were positioned so as to minimize major riety of vegetational attributes was measured at each
changes in vegetation types within the plot. These point or for each sample unit. The vertical distribution
plots formed the basis for both bird population esti- of vegetation was measured by recording the number
mation and vegetation sampling. of contacts or "hits" in each decimetre (10-cm) height
Bird populations.-Population densities of all bird interval of a thin (5-mm diameter) rod passed vertically
species breeding on the study plots were estimated by through the vegetation at each sample point. The type
mapping individual territories using the "consecutive of vegetation making contact and the depth of litter or
flush" procedure (Wiens 1969). These territory maps mulch was also noted. The point-centered quarter

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TABLE 2. Breeding birds censused on steppe study sites.

Number Density range

Typical of plots (where present;
Species Code habitat* occupied individuals/kM2)

Mountain Plover (Eupoda montana) MTP SG 1 5

Upland Plover (Bartramia longicauda) UPP TG 4 7-10
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) MDV SG-SS 1 9
Common Nighthawk (Chordelis minor) NHK SG 1 7
Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris) HLK SG 17 18-197
Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus) RKW SS 1 49
Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) SGT SS 2 15-49
Robin (Turdus migratorius) ROB MM 1 21
Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) MBB MM 1 16
Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) LGS SS 1 15
Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) BOB TG 1 54
Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) EML TG 5 74-93
Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglect) WML MG-SG 16 6-71
Dickcissel (Spiza americana) DCK TG 4 46-91
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) SVS TG 2 235-255
Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) GRS TG 12 4-185
Henslow's Sparrow (Passerherbulus henslowii) HNS TG 1 25
Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys) LKB SG 8 2-165
Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) VSP SS-MM 2 7-134
Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli) SGS SS 4 57-145
Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina) CPS TG-MM 1 19
Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri) BRS SG-SS 6 5-252
White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) WCS MM 1 45
McCown's Longspur (Calcarius mccowni) MCL SG 4 76-150
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Calcarius ornatus) CCL SG 1 62

* TG = tallgrass, MG = mixed-grass, SG = shortgrass, MM

method (Cottam and Curtis 1956) was used to estimate (EFFHGT-the height to which the surrounding vege-
densities of forbs and woody vegetation using the cen- tation obscures view of a board 3 cm wide). While
ter of each sample unit (intersection of the 2-m diag- these measures are not direct indices of vertical patch-
onals) as the point. The height of the forb or shrub iness (see below), it is clear that the magnitude of these
nearest to the point was also measured. means is strongly associated with their variation and,
These measurements describe features that fall into hence, indirectly reflects spatial variation in vertical
two basic categories: coverage and structural (Table structure.
3). "Coverage" is simply the percent coverage of var- As the sampling points were arrayed over horizontal
ious physiognomic classes (grass, forb, shrubs/cacti, space within a plot or area occupied by a species,
bare ground/rock, and litter), and was obtained from the between-point variation in these vertical struc-
the frequency of occurrence of these types at all sam- tural variables measures or indexes horizontal struc-
ple points within a plot. Also included in this category tural heterogeneity. To measure such variation we
are the total density of all forbs and woody vegetation used the coefficients of variation (CV) of total hits
(i.e., shrubs and cacti) and the density of woody plants (CVTOTHIT), of the maximum height interval with
alone, estimated from the point-quarter method. hits (CVMAXHGT), of average forb or shrub height
"Structural" variables have the additional property of (CVTOTHGT), and of litter depth (CVLITDEP),
"dimension;" that is to say, variation in a structural based upon all sample points.
index is generally associated with spatial variation in At this point we should note the problem of scale
either a horizontal or vertical plane. For example, the that arises when we attempt to define "heterogeneity"
average number of hits in the first 10-cm height inter- or "patchiness" or even vegetation structure using the
val (HITlO; Table 3) or the average litter depth (LIT- above measures. As we have based these measures on
DEP) is associated with vegetational variation in the means and variances over all sample points, we have
horizontal plane, while the average total number of described heterogeneity on the scale of ==60 m (the
hits per sample point (TOTHITS) varies more as a mean distance between sample units). While this scale
function of the changing vertical distribution of vege- is perhaps appropriate for estimating variation on the
tation. Other expressions of vertical vegetation struc- order of individual territories, we also desire some
ture include the average maximum decimeter height measures of variability approximating the scale of a
interval recording vegetation contacts (MAXHGT), localized activity area of an individual. To do this we
the average height of the nearest emergent forb or follow the approach of Wiens (1974b), which defines
shrub (TOTHGT), or the average effective height a heterogeneity index based on within-sample-unit dif-

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1232 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

TABLE 3. Description of vegetation structural variables measured on steppe study plots. See text for details of measurement
and calculation.

Range of observed values

Variable Code Min Max

1. Percent cover grasses GRASSCVR 0 lOo
2. Percent cover forbs FORBCVR 0 53%
3. Percent cover shrubs/cacti WOODCVR 0 40o
4. Percent cover bare ground/rock BARECVR 0 54%
5. Percent cover litter LITCVR 2 83%
6. Total forb + shrub density TOTDENS 26.9 3431.5/M2
7. Shrub density WOODDENS 0 436.4/M2

8. Total number of hits TOTHITS 1.8 9.3 hits
9. Maximum decimetre interval containing hits MAXHGT 0.8 3.6 dm
10. Effective height EFFHGT 0.4 18.0 cm
11. Average height of emergent forbs and shrubs TOTHGT 6.4 40.1 cm
12. Forb + shrub height heterogeneity index HGT-HI 0.16 0.76

13. Total number of hits in first decimetre HIT10 0.7 5.4 hits
14. Litter depth LITDEP 0 3.6 cm
15. Coefficient of variation of total hits CVTOTHIT 0.4 2.1
16. Coefficient of variation of MAXHGT CVMAXHGT 0.3 1.5
17. Coefficient of variation of LITDEP CVLITDEP 0.8 3.7
18. Coefficient of variation of TOTHGT CVTOTHGT 0.4 0.9
19. Coefficient of variation of Max-Min
emergent forb/shrub height CVHGTDIF 0.50 1.35
20. Total hits heterogeneity index HITS-HI 0.79 2.85
21. Litter depth heterogeneity index LIT-HI 1.38 4.80
22. Point-to-plant distance heterogeneity index DIST-HI 0.05 1.07

ferences (a scale of =2 m) averaged over an entire ation of the average Max - Min for emergent forb
plot. Thus, for any attribute we wish to measure at a and shrub heights (CVHGTDIF).
sample point, a heterogeneity index may be defined as
Environmental predictability

H (Max - Min) ? - x (Max - Min) Climatic instability has been suggested to limit op-
HI= ~~N N YT portunities for niche diversification (Pianka 1974,
MacArthur 1975) and thus is of concern here. We used
where Max = maximum value of the attribute within time-series autocorrelation (Kendall and Stuart 1967)
a sample unit, Min = minimum value of that attribute to analyze predictability of rainfall regimes. Employ-
within the unit, N = the total number of sample ing data from Wiens (1974a), we calculated autocor-
points, and x = the mean value of the attribute within relation of monthly precipitation with lags ranging
a sample unit. This within-sample-unit variation in at- from 1-12 mo, with lengths of record ranging from 30-
tributes is weighted by dividing by the overall average 60 yr. In essence, this estimates the likelihood that
of that attribute, on the premise that the biological rainfall in any 1 mo will be very similar (or very dis-
importance of a given amount of variation is inversely similar) to rainfall in any of the 12 previous mo. This
related to the magnitude of the overall average (e.g., approach thus looks at climatic predictability by ex-
a 2-cm difference in vegetation height is likely more amining the monthly correlations of rainfall amounts
important in an area with an average vegetation height both within seasons and from one year to the next. To
of 4 cm than an average height of 20 cm). reduce the information from these correlations to a
The within-sample-unit attributes we have indexed single index for each site, we calculated their standard
in this fashion are total hits (HITS-HI), litter depth deviation based on the 12 mo. Thus a high standard
(LIT-HI), distance to nearest forb or shrub (DIST-HI), deviation indicates substantial departure from zero
and height of nearest forb or shrub (HGT-HI); the first autocorrelation and, hence, relatively high predict-
three are horizontal indices, while the fourth is a ver- ability; a low standard deviation indicates the oppo-
tical index. DIST-HI is similar in concept to the spatial site. This measure of predictability is independent of
heterogeneity index derived by Roth (1976), while both average annual rainfall and its coefficient of vari-
HITS-HI has been used by Wiens (1974b). As a final ation at these sites (r = .20, p > .35; r = .01, p >
horizontal index, we calculated the coefficient of vari- .90, respectively).

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Statistical methods the two criteria any niche quantification method must
Descriptive statistics for the bird communities sam-
meet (Shugart and Patten 1972): (1) it provides a meth-
pled on each plot were calculated according to Hill od of testing for niche overlaps among species; and
(1973). Diversity was measured as (2) it expresses the size of a species' niche (niche
breadth) in a simple manner but with minimum loss of
information. For these reasons, we employed PCA in
N2 = I/ Pt2,
our analyses.
where pi is the proportion of the ith species in the The patterns present in the 26 sites x 22 vegetation
sample. Richness was expressed as the number of variables matrix were unraveled by means of PCA per-
species observed in the sample. Evenness, E, was formed on the 22 x 22 vegetation variable correlation
calculated using the ratio proposed by Hill (1973): matrix. This matrix is identical to a variance/covari-
E = N21N1, ance matrix of standardized variables (Cooley and
where Lohnes 1971). This procedure reduces the number of

N, = exp(-Ypilnpi). environmental variables from the original 22 to a

smaller, more manageable set of orthogonal variables
(components) that still accounts for a large part of the
We have elsewhere (Rotenberry 1978) provided justi- total variation in the environmental data set. To the
fication for the use of this series of measures. extent that the original variables are highly correlated
While many variations on the general theme of with the resulting components (high factor loadings),
multivariate manipulation have been used to elaborate these axes may be interpreted in ecological terms, and
niche structure, most studies rely largely on either dis- the sites (along with individual species' abundances at
criminant function analysis (DFA) (e.g., Green 1971, those sites) may be ordered along the gradients defined
1974, James 1971, Dueser and Shugart 1978) or prin- by these axes.
cipal components analysis (PCA) (e.g., Miracle 1974, This use of PCA differs from so-called "indirect gra-
Johnson 1977a, b), with the technique chosen being dient analysis" (Nichols 1977) in that we are con-
largely determined by the investigator's conception of structing environmental axes (=gradients) directly
what niche axes ought to represent. Those studies di- from environmental data (e.g., Johnson 1977a, Roten-
rected toward determining the ecological "separa- berry 1978) rather than inferring environmental axes
tion" of species or the characterization of their eco- indirectly from species distributions. The problems
logical differences chose DFA. The rationale for such associated with nonlinear or discontinuous species re-
a choice has been stated by Green (1974), who, fol- sponses (Austin 1976) are largely circumvented by the
lowing Levins (1968), avers that niche dimensions are use of continuously distributed, standardized environ-
not the number of biologically relevant factors in the mental variables.
environment, but the number of factors that can best Methods similar to those of Johnson (1977b) were
be used to separate species. DFA is clearly the opti- employed to estimate niche breadths and overlaps.
mum technique for identifying variables that contrib- Each principal component axis was divided into five
ute to differences between species. The approach of equally spaced intervals, without regard to the number
searching for niche differences, however, is subject to of sample plots that fell into each interval. It was
conceptual limitations. Traditional niche theory pos- straightforward, then, to estimate the relative abun-
its, in essence, that species differ in niche features. dance of a species across intervals based on its total
Because the power of DFA is in its ability to produce abundance in plots within the intervals. A species'
linear combinations of variables that maximize differ- niche breadth was estimated by the diversity of its
ences, it is predisposed to show (and emphasize) distribution (a variance measure) along a resource (=
species differences. It thus does not provide an objec- component) axis, and in our case is calculated accord-
tive "test" of the theory, and in fact contributes to ing to the simple diversity formula previously pre-
the trivialization of niche theory embodied in the state- sented. Now, however, pi is the proportion of that
ment that different species are, in fact, different, if one species' total abundance that occurs in the ith interval.
looks hard enough (Wiens 1977a). As a measure of niche width, this index was originally
PCA, on the other hand, may to a considerable ex- proposed by Levins (1968). Niche overlap between
tent avoid such difficulties by representing what is es- two species was estimated by the similarity of their
sentially the approach of gradient analysis (Whittaker distributions along a resource axis, and was calculated
1967, 1975). Sites are directly ordinated along a mul- as
tifactorial gradient defined by PCA, and the abundance
distributions of species plotted and compared. While 0= E xiyi
such a technique avoids focusing on (i.e., maximizing) VI X,2 >2y,2
species differences, it nonetheless allows them to be
estimated, based on the reciprocity of their distribu- where xi and yi are the relative abundance
tions. While avoiding the pitfalls of DFA, it still meets species x and y in the ith interval (Stander 1

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1234 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

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1974, May 1975). This index ranges from zero (no over- spur responded much less strongly to the same ver-
lap) to one (complete overlap), and is symmetrical for tical indices and showed a positive relationship with
any pair of species. WOODENS (in this case, Opuntia cactus on several
Relations between two sets of variables were tested of the heavily grazed sites on which the longspur was
using product-moment correlation coefficients, while abundant).
comparisons between means were carried out using Table 4 indicates that every vegetation variable
the t' test (Sokal and Rohlf 1969), which requires no measured was significantly associated with the abun-
assumption of homogeneity of variance nor equal sam- dance of at least one, and usually four to five, bird
ple sizes. The convention adopted throughout the fol- species. The existence of these correlations sug-
lowing text is that * implies statistical significance at gests at the least that these variables are relevant to
the .05 level, ** at the .01 level, and *** at the .001 the sorts of questions we are asking. GRASSCVR,
level. All correlations and multivariate analyses were BARECVR, and HITS-HI showed perhaps the
performed using the Statistical Analysis System strongest patterns, serving to separate the responses
"SAS76" (Barr et al. 1976). The confounding effects of the tallgrass species (lots of grass, little bare ground,
of covariation between two variables and their inde- low horizontal heterogeneity) from those of the shrub-
pendent relationships to a third were removed by use steppe species (little grass, extensive bare ground,
of partial correlations (Steele and Torrie 1960). high horizontal patchiness). Another pattern was
shown by FORBCVR, which was highly correlated


with those species that reached their maximum abun-
dances at the montane sites (Vesper, Chipping, Sa-
Bivariate correlations
vannah, and White-crowned Sparrows, Mountain
The initial step in extracting bird/vegetation rela- Bluebirds, and Robins). These mountain meadows are
tions is to examine the correlation matrix between often thickly carpeted with wildflowers in the spring,
both sets of variables (Table 4). Out of 550 possible and while these bird species may be responding to
correlations, 18.5% are * or better, 9.6% are ** or other features of the environment, their association
better, and 5.5% are ***. These percentages of signif- with the forbs is nonetheless significant.
icant values are far higher than those expected by Beyond these relations of individual species' re-
chance, strongly suggesting that most of the described sponses to vegetational habitat parameters, the eco-
relationships are not spurious. logical literature suggests that aspects of overall avian
Several patterns begin to emerge at this level. For community structuring, such as diversity, should be
example, there was a clear association between the closely related to vegetation structure (MacArthur
abundances of Dickcissels, Eastern Meadowlarks, and 1958, 1972, MacArthur and MacArthur 1961). Most
Grasshopper Sparrows (typical tallgrass prairie species) causal explanations of this relationship draw attention
and variables describing tallgrass plots-dense grass to the role of environmental complexity, patchiness,
and deep litter (TOTHITS, MAXHGT, LITDEP, LIT- or heterogeneity in promoting niche diversification,
CVR, EFFHGT, and GRASSCVR). On the other and thus diversity (Willson 1974, Roth 1976), and in
hand, there were strong negative relationships with fact such relationships have been explicitly empha-
BARECVR and several other variables associated sized to explain species numbers in grassland habitats
with increasing horizontal heterogeneity (CVTOT- (Cody 1968). As such heterogeneity is measured in
HIT, HITS-HI, LIT-HI, and CVHGTDIF). The fourth some of the vegetation variables we considered, we
typical tallgrass species, Upland Plover, did not dem- might expect to be able to define some key habitat
onstrate these relationships as strongly. components that enhance diversity in our system. Ex-
Covarying in a different manner are several of the amining the straightforward bivariate correlations,
shrubsteppe species, particularly Brewer's and Sage however, adds little to our understanding. Species di-
Sparrows, Sage Thrashers, and Loggerhead Shrikes. versity was significantly positively correlated only
These species evidenced high positive correlations with MAXHGT (**), EFFHGT (*), and FORBCVR
with coverage values of woody plants and bare (**). This observation is similar to that made by Cody
ground, and with several indices relating to horizontal (1968), who found that he could predict diversity using
heterogeneity, but, conspicuously, not with the den- average grass height and its variance. Although it has
sity of woody vegetation (i.e., shrubs). As grass cov- been suggested that species diversity should decline
erage increases, the abundance of these species de- as environmental "noise" (i.e., unpredictability) in-
creases. creases (MacArthur 1975), we detected no significant
Another species showing a definite pattern is the relationship between diversity and our measure of cli-
Horned Lark, with strongly negative relationships to matic predictability (r = -.24, P > .25). We also
several vertical indices (MAXHGT, EFFHGT, and found no correlations between species richness or
TOTHGT). Other shortgrass prairie species, how- evenness considered separately and any environmen-
ever, exhibited less clear patterns; McCown's Long- tal variables.

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1236 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

TABLE 5. Factor loading of vegetation principal components. Only those values that are significantly correlated (P < .05)
with a component are shown; only factors with eigenvalues > 1 are shown.

Factor: I II III IV V
Eigenvalue: 9.02 4.94 2.35 1.40 1.03
Vegetation % a: 41.0 22.4 10.7 6.3 4.7
variable L o% : 41.0 63.4 74.1 80.5 85.2

FORBCVR 0.40 0.76
LITCVR -0.84
WOODDENS 0.45 0.74
TOTHITS 0.56 0.56
HGT-HI 0.70 0.40
HITIO 0.46 0.44 0.64
LITDEP -0.71 0.52
CVHGTDIF 0.68 0.46
HITS-HI 0.93
LIT-HI 0.69 0.47
DIST-HI 0.73

Vegetation factor analysis

greater than the fifth had eigenvalues <1. In subse-
Most species, excepting a few that occurred at only quent analyses we restrict attention to the first three
one site, demonstrated some significant population components, which combine to account for almost
variability associated with at least one vegetation three-quarters of the variability in the entire vegetation
character (Table 4). The perceptive field ornithologist data set.
will find none of these correlations counter-intuitive. Not only do just three components account for the
However, correlation does not imply causation, and bulk of the variability in the original data set, but these
we should emphasize that we have not demonstrated components are also readily interpretable, in a some-
habitat "selection" but have merely pointed out hab- what unanticipated fashion. The first component in-
itat "association." A particular complication is that cludes significant positive values for 9 of the 10 hori-
many of the vegetation variables themselves are in- zontal structure measures. As seven of eight horizontal
tercorrelated; in this data set, almost half (107/231) of heterogeneity indices load high on this axis, it seems
all pairwise comparisons were significantly (* or great- clear that this factor represents increasing horizontal
er) different from zero. Thus, a bird species may vary spatial heterogeneity. This horizontal spatial patchi-
significantly in abundance with respect to one variable ness is associated with increasing coverage of bare
when in fact it is selecting or responding to some other ground and woody vegetation (largely shrubs), in-
variable that is highly correlated with the first (e.g., creasing shrub density, decreasing coverage of grass
the FORBCVR/montane meadow example mentioned and litter, and decreasing litter depth. The second
above). One of the virtues of multivariate analysis, axis, on the other hand, clearly represents a vertical
such as the PCA we employ here, is that it extracts component, with high positive correlations with all
independent patterns of covariation from such inter- five vertical structure measures. Of the coverage mea-
correlations. sures, this vertical component is associated only with
Derived gradients.-The component patterns re- forb coverage. Interestingly, it shows a strong covaria-
sulting from PCA are summarized in Table 5, which tion with DIST-HI, a heterogeneity index that we ini-
lists all statistically significant factor loadings for each tially presumed reflected horizontal variation (see be-
vegetation variable. No variable reached a high load- low). The third component reflects variation in the
ing beyond the fifth component, and all components density and coverage of low forbs (mainly wildflow-

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Lxi 1.00 DNLD

0 ELMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~CLFLK ALE2 STEN

FTCH H~~~ ~~~~ISN
0 I~~~~~~~~~~~4
<:V 0 I

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~SANDS

set8A ( l T5lgrlss
-1.00 COT7OT.~ PN708 LARM A Mixed-gross
PN695 C)C Shortgrass
PN68 P69AShrbstpp

- .0 - II5 .0-05 .010 .020




-2,00 -1.50 -1.00-00 00o0.50 1.00 1,50 2.00


FIG. 2. Site factor scores based on vegetation principal components. See text for a complete interpretation of the axes.
The axes are scaled by the relative contribution of each component in accounting for variation in the total vegetation data
set (Table 5). Plot names are coded as in Table 1.

ers), while the fourth loads high only for the density variables that are shared on both axes (TOTHITS,
of and heterogeneity indices associated with woody HITlO, LITDEP) are only weakly reflective of heter-
plants. The fifth component is associated only with ogeneity per se. It appears, then, that variation in
variation in the distribution of litter. The increasing vegetational patchiness follows different patterns in
vegetational patchiness observed on the first two prin- horizontal vs. vertical space, at least in steppe vege-
cipal axes is also associated with decreasing climatic tation, further implying that the search for a single
stability (r = -.42* and -.62**, respectively). The index that combines both dimensions (Roth 1976) may
mechanism underlying this observation, that predict- be long and difficult.
able steppe habitats are structurally less complex, is The distribution of sample plots along these multi-
unclear. variate gradients in habitat structure, heterogeneity,
Perhaps the most surprising aspect of this multi- and forb abundance is illustrated in Fig. 2. These fac-
variate vegetational analysis is the distinct separation tor scores are used to quantify a plot's location on
of vertical and horizontal components. Although most each axis for subsequent correlations with other plot
studies detailing habitat patchiness/bird species diver- characters (e.g., species diversity). The tallgrass sites
sity relationships have focused on only one dimension evidence substantial vertical heterogeneity but rela-
(e.g., Wiens 1974b for horizontal, Willson 1974 for tively little patchiness in a horizontal plane. Shrub-
vertical), the assumption has always been that the steppe sites generally show as much vertical hetero-
patch structure in one dimension is generally associ- geneity as the tallgrass ones, but differ markedly in
ated with that in the other. Our results suggest that being much patchier horizontally. Shortgrass sites are
these two dimensions that are perpendicular in phys- intermediate in horizontal heterogeneity, but, as one
ical space are largely perpendicular (i.e., orthogonal) would expect, show very little vertical variability. The
in multivariate statistical space, at least for indices mixed-grass sites are the most varied in their struc-
such as those we have calculated. Those few structural ture, with Cottonwood and the ungrazed Sandhill plots

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1238 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5



B. COT70 D. PN69A

FIG. 3. Photographs of plots that illustrate the extremes represented by the first two axes of the vegetation principal
components (Fig. 2). A. Osage (OSAG)-high vertical, low horizontal heterogeneity; B. Cottonwood (COT70)-low vertical,
low horizontal heterogeneity; C. Cabin Lake (CABLK)-high vertical, high horizontal heterogeneity; D. Pawnee (PN69A)-
low vertical, high horizontal heterogeneity. See Table 1 for plot details.

positioned intermediate to the shortgrass and tallgrass considered "typical" of tallgrass prairies reach their
plots, while the heavily grazed Sandhill plot more highest abundances on plots that exhibit lowest hori-
closely resembles the shrubsteppe sites in structure. zontal patchiness while exhibiting substantial vertical
The montane meadows are horizontally and vertically development. Shrubsteppe species show a generally
intermediate, but separate from the other sites along similar response to increasing vertical structure, but
component III, forb coverage and density. differ antithetically from the former set of species in
To illustrate the nature of these gradients in the real their response to horizontal heterogeneity. The short-
world we have included photographs of plots that rep- grass species do not differ in abundance with respect
resent the extremes (Fig. 3). Osage is a mostly contin- to changes in horizontal variability, but all three
uous tallgrass sward. Cottonwood is also continuously shown are significantly negatively correlated with in-
covered with grass, but demonstrates little vertical creasing vertical variability. The third vegetation axis
variability in this coverage. Pawnee also demonstrates is correlated only with the abundances of two of the
little vertical variability, but is substantially more bro- montane meadow species (Robin and Mountain Blue-
ken up horizontally. Cabin Lake has as much or more bird) and the Vesper Sparrow.
vertical relief than Osage, but the resulting patches are We should note, however, that these correlations
considerably more unevenly distributed horizontally. are perhaps less reflective of linear habitat responses
Species distributions.-The abundances of several than simply the presence or absence of these species
species of birds are strongly correlated with the PCA at one end or the other of the derived gradients. Con-
vegetational axes, and those relationships that are sta- versely, the absence of a significant correlation does
tistically significant are depicted in Fig. 4. This plot not necessarily imply the absence of a habitat re-
yields fairly distinct clusters of species that respond sponse, for of the 11 species showing no significant
numerically to changes in habitat structure in a similar correlation with any component only one, the Western
fashion. All of the species that we have previously Meadowlark, occurred on more than one plot. Even

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s | ~~~~~EML
Z | - ~~~~~DCK
o ~~~~~~~GRS SGT
- 1.00 - 0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0 0.250.500.751.00LGS

. a 0



Lii 0 Shortgrass
LuJ * Shrubsteppe

0.50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~montane


-1.0 0 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



1.00 - _ _ _

-100 0750.0025002 5 0.75 1.00


FIG. 4. Correlations between bird species abundances and site factor scores based on vegetation principal components.
The axes are scaled as in Fig. 2. Species names are coded as in Table 2; species that were uncorrelated with any factor (P >
.05) are not shown.

if a one-plot species were strongly affected by some plexity should be associated with species richness; the
of the measured habitat variables, the statistical like- diversity association we noted above with respect to
lihood of detecting such a relationship would be small. increasing vertical heterogeneity was not, however,
Community attributes.-As with the bivariate cor- parallelled by either component (r = .17, -.13; P >
relations, we can also examine environment/species .40). Our data do not constitute a fair test of either
diversity relationships in multivariate vegetation prediction, however, because of the substantial differ-
space. As in so many other studies (e.g., MacArthur ence in the scale of measurement; both Willson's and
and MacArthur 1961, Karr 1971, Karr and Roth 1971), Rotenberry's gradients included the full range between
we observe species diversity to increase significantly steppe and mature forest vegetation, while the data
as vertical complexity increases; the correlation be- here encompass only a very small portion of that
tween diversity and component II is .48*. There is, range.
however, no detectable relationship to horizontal Roth (1976) has provided a theoretical framework
patchiness (Component I; r = .11, P > .60), nor to in which to look at patchiness/diversity relations that
any other multidimensional vegetation pattern. We is more appropriate to the scale of measurement used
have predicted elsewhere (Rotenberry 1978) that sig- here. Roth proposes two alternative explanations for
nificant changes in diversity along a gradient in hori- complexity/diversity correlations: (1) horizontal over-
zontal spatial heterogeneity should reflect changes in lap between species does not increase with increasing
evenness rather than richness. However, not only did species richness, implying that the number of percep-
we detect no change in overall diversity along the hor- tible (to birds) patch types increases in the habitat,
izontal component, but neither of the components of and that utilization of them is coarse grained; or (2)
diversity was correlated with that component (r = overlap does increase with increasing numbers of
-.13, .02; all P > .50). Willson (1974) predicted that species present, suggesting that increasing heteroge-
diversity changes along a gradient in vertical com- neity does not measure the addition of coarse-grained

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1240 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

patches, and that birds stratify vertically and/or use vary more as a vertical than a horizontal measure
other resources (e.g., food) in a coarse-grained way. (Table 5). We are led to suggest, however, that both
Implicit in these alternatives, of course, is the as- indices in fact measure vertical complexity rather than
sumption that some resource is in short supply and horizontal patchiness as Roth and we initially thought.
that ecological partitioning is necessary to permit This likely results from the facts that these indices are
species' coexistence. generated from point-to-plant measurements, and that
Our data certainly lead us to reject alternative (1): the plants measured (forbs, shrubs, and trees) contrib-
the number of species overlapping at a point is clearly ute more to vertical complexity than to horizontal
a function of the number of species (r = .61***) and/ patchiness. This implies that the significant diversity/
or the diversity of species (r = .49**). Additional complexity correlations observed merely continue the
species are accomodated in the community by increas- trend initiated by the MacArthurs (1961).
ing overlap, not increasing patch segregation. This is We are left to conclude that, given the largely or-
further buttressed by the observation that overlap is thogonal nature of structure and heterogeneity in the
independent of increasing horizontal heterogeneity two dimensions, a consistent body of theory relating
(Component I; r = -.28, P > .20). This leads us to changes in bird species diversity to horizontal spatial
alternative (2), which suggests separation along heterogeneity is still incomplete. Such incompleteness
another ecological dimension. We have elsewhere sug- may stem from (1) our inability to measure horizontal
gested that food resources are rarely limiting in grass- patch structure correctly, and on the proper spatial
land or shrubsteppe habitats (Wiens 1977b; Rotenber- scale; (2) our inability to assess vertical segregation
ry 1980), and have demonstrated substantial levels correctly; and/or (3) the fact that species in this system
of dietary overlap in the very species considered here may not be resource limited, and hence spatial overlap
(Wiens and Rotenberry 1979, Rotenberry 1980). and diversity become random variables with respect
Although we have not explicitly considered other re- to patch structure.
source relationships, it is difficult to imagine what oth-
er resources might be potentially limiting in this sys-
tem. Niche relationships

It has been suggested that where territorial or hor- Niche breadth.-The multivariate orderings of
izontal overlap is great, ecological separation may be vegetational features documented above also permit
accomplished by vertical segregation (MacArthur an examination of the niche patterns of the bird
1964, Cody 1968). While this appears a useful axis for species in this vegetation space. The distribution on
resource division in a forest or brushland, we question the first two vegetation components of each species
its feasibility in vegetation that rarely averages over occurring on more than one site is plotted in Fig. 5.
1 m tall. The activity budget information that we have The components have been divided into five equally
gathered (J. T. Rotenberry and J. A. Wiens, personal spaced intervals (cf. Johnson 1977b). The number for
observation for species in shrubsteppe, short-, and each species in the figure is a measure of the species'
mixed-grass prairies) reveals no stratal specialists and, "niche breadth" along that environmental axis, and
given the list of species with which we are dealing is essentially the diversity of its distribution among the
(Table 2), there are no intuitively obvious candidates. intervals. Species found at only one plot, and hence
Nevertheless, while diversity is correlated with in- in only one interval, would have a niche breadth of
creasing vertical complexity (see above), the number 1.00, while species found equally distributed among
of species overlapping at a point is essentially random all intervals would have the maximum possible
with respect to this component (r = -.22, P > .90). breadth, 5.00. The location of each species along the
But if the number of overlapping species is divided by component reflects the correlations outlined in the
diversity (Roth 1976), this new index (representing the previous section. The third component is not shown,
percent of the entire community that overlaps at a but most species were not widely distributed along it,
point) varies in a significantly negative fashion with with niche breadths ranging only from 1.38 to 2.65 for
increasing complexity (r = -.41*), as Roth also ob- those species shown in Fig. 5.
served. The lack of correlation of the abundant Western
What is clear from the foregoing is that there is sub- Meadowlark with any component is associated with
stantial inconsistency in our results when they are their wide-ranging, rather general response to the en-
couched in Roth's construct. We observe a corollary vironmental parameters we have measured; meadow-
result (decreasing percent overlap with increasing larks had the broadest niche of any species on all three
complexity) without confirming a primary prediction components. Species such as Grasshopper Sparrows
(independence of overlap and richness). The problem and Horned Larks showed a pattern of relatively wide
appears to lie more with the nature of the indices rath- niches on one axis but relatively narrow ones on the
er than the soundness of the model and its predictions. opposite (the axis of "specialization"). Other species,
We did not use precisely the same index as Roth, but such as McCown's Longspurs, were not widely dis-
only one analogous to it, and our index was shown to tributed with respect to either axis and, as will be

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0.8- Dickcissel .-.. Eastern Grasshopper Upland Plover Horned Lark Western
Meadowlark Sparrow Meadowlark

W044422.77 227 /70 293 390

o 062

> 0 8 Lark Bsnting Brewer's Sparrsw McCown's Longspsr Vesper Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Sage Sparrow


04 2.28 2. 178 222 2.00 200

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


0.8 Dickcissel Eastern Grasshopper Upland Plover Horned Lark Western

Meadowlark Sparrow Meadowlark

0.4- 1.55 2.19 4.03 2.66 1.87 3.99

< 0.2-

W 1.0 Lark Bunting Brewer's Sparrow McCown a Vesper Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Sage Sparrow
0.8 Longspur

W 08 --
1.90 2.44 1.00 1.92 2.00 ] 2.00

0.2- . 1 ...L.. . . 1 S ,

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 -2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


FIG. 5. The relative abundance of bird species in each of five equally spaced intervals along the first two vegetation
principal components. The number in each graph refers to the niche width of that species along the axes. See text for details.
Only species that were observed on more than one plot are shown.

shown, had very low overall niche breadth even While uncommon species tended to have small niche
though they were abundant when present. breadths as measured here, the opposite was not al-
Overall niche breadth can be taken to indicate a ways apparent. Within groups of habitat-typical birds
species' performance on several niche dimensions no real trends were apparent. Each group had several
combined. Because the axes described here are by species with minimal breadths of 1.00, several average
definition orthogonal and hence independent, overall
niche width is simply the product of a species' niche
widths on each single axis (May 1975, Pianka 1975).
TABLE 6. Overall niche breadths for those species occurring
These overall widths are presented in Table 6 for those on more than one plot, based on the first three vegetation
species occurring on more than one plot. The maxi- principal components. See text for method of calculation.
mum possible breadth is 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 equally oc-
cupied intervals. Species that were sampled on only Overall
Species niche breadth
one plot have an overall width of 1.00.
Quite clearly the Western Meadowlark was the most Upland Plover 6.74
Horned Lark 12.88
generalized of all the species considered.This is not,
Eastern Meadowlark 4.54
however, a consequence of its "dominance" (sensu Western Meadowlark 41.24
McNaughton and Wolf 1970), for it was neither the Dickcissel 4.86
most ubiquitous species in these samples (the Horned Savannah Sparrow 8.00
Grasshopper Sparrow 15.19
Lark was) nor the most numerically abundant, either
Lark Bunting 8.63
where it occurred (the Savannah Sparrow was) or over Vesper Sparrow 11.76
all plots combined (the Horned Lark was). It did, how- Sage Sparrow 5.52
Brewer's Sparrow 14.58
ever, account for the greatest proportion of bird bio-
McCown's Longspur 3.17
mass on over half the plots on which it was present.

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1242 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

members with breadths of -5-6, and a more general diverge strongly along another in order to permit co-
member with a width of 12-15. We should emphasize existence (May 1975, Pianka 1975). As these niche
that these derived gradients appear to be fairly realistic dimensions are truly independent, overall multidimen-
with respect to species' distributions, and hence are sional overlap is calculated as the product of the sev-
not unreasonable "niche" axes. Although many of eral separate one-dimensional overlaps (May 1975).
these species occur at geographically widely separated However, although the two axes are by definition in-
sites, most show a continuous distribution along these dependent from one another, species-pair overlaps on
gradients. To some extent this is an artifact of dividing the first axis are highly correlated with overlaps on the
the components into equally spaced intervals, but second when the effects of spatial co-occurrence are
even within intervals occurrences tend to be contig- partialled out (rpar, = .59***). Apparently, then, these
uous. While the criticism might be made that these species are in fact not independently distributed from
intervals are unweighted with respect to actual utili- one another in the different niche dimensions. The
zations by individual species (e.g., Colwell and Fu- mechanisms) that would produce this nonrandomness
tuyma 1971), other studies have suggested no a priori is not detectable with these data; however, we shall
reasons to assume Gaussian response curves along all offer some speculations concerning its nature in our
environmental gradients (see especially Terborgh concluding remarks.
1971). Likewise, no species is given a wider niche be- The niche overlaps of all species that occurred at
cause we inadvertently sampled many vegetationally more than one site along the first three vegetation
similar plots on which it was abundant; such plots components are graphically summarized in Fig. 6. The
would tend to cluster within the same interval. dendrogram was formed by simple weighted pair-
Niche overlap.-Niche overlap is a measure of the group cluster analysis (Sokal and Sneath 1963) of the
degree to which two species co-occur in the intervals overlap matrix based on the first three axes. Three
defined along the components, and is calculated ac- distinct groups were distinguished at the .50 overlap
cording to the similarity formula presented earlier. An level: birds with affinities for tallgrass, for shortgrass,
intuitive grasp of the relationships defined thereby can and for shrubsteppe habitats. These groups are not
be gained from comparison of species' distributions in precisely congruent with those we have used in earlier
Fig. 5. For example, Eastern Meadowlarks and Dick- treatments. For example, Savannah and Vesper Spar-
cissels were almost identically distributed along the rows demonstrate niche responses more like tallgrass
first component, and their calculated overlap (0.98) species, and Western Meadowlarks were more closely
reflected this. Sage Sparrows, however, were distrib- allied with shortgrass species. However, if we choose
uted exclusively of those two species along the first to define a similarity level for group formation that
axis, and hence had zero overlap with both. Most splits off those three species (i.e., a group-defining
species pairs lie somewhere between these two ex- level of .60), then Sage Sparrows, an obvious shrub-
tremes. Similar relationships between species can be steppe bird, must be segregated from the shrubsteppe
seen on the second axis as well. group. Inclusion of all species in construction of the
Overlaps calculated in this manner are of course dendrogram serves mainly to increase the within-clus-
confounded by the spatial co-occurrence of species in ter heterogeneity without altering any of the basic re-
plots; such aspects of local and geographic distribu- lationships we have already observed. It should be
tions may be at least partially unrelated to the rela- pointed out, too, that this dendrogram does represent
tionships of species on the vegetational gradients we multidimensional overlap largely independent of spa-
have derived here. For example, for all species that tial co-occurrence, for the correlation between spatial
occurred on more than one plot, species-pair overlaps overlap and a matrix of overlaps derived from the den-
on the first niche axis (component) are significantly drogram is only r = .04 (P > .70).
correlated with overlap based on spatial co-occurrence
Mean habitat vectors
alone (r = .71***). There still exists a substantial
amount of variation in "niche overlap" that is inde- Another way to synthesize bird/habitat relationships
pendent of "space overlap," however, as the coeffi- in a form that can be viewed simultaneously for all
cient of determination (r2) is only .50 (that is, half of species is Principal Components Analysis of the mean
the variation in niche overlap along the first axis is habitat vector for each of the species (Anderson and
independent of spatial co-occurrence). Where appro- Shugart 1975). Each vector consists of the average
priate in the following analyses, the residual effects of value for each environmental parameter for each bird
this relationship with spatial co-occurrence will be re- species, estimated only from those sample points lying
moved by the use of partial correlations. within a species' territorial boundaries (i.e., areas ac-
Of perhaps greater interest is not merely the overlap tually occupied by individuals within plots). In gen-
between two species on one niche dimension but their eral, the factor loadings and major component axes
relationships when several axes are considered simul- resulting from this PCA of mean habitat variables
taneously. Conventional niche theory predicts that closely conform to those of the overall site habitat
species that overlap extensively along one axis should variables and, in fact, closely duplicate the informa-

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0 0.50 1.00


Eastern Meadowlark

Grasshopper Sparrow
Upland Plover

Vesper Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

Western Meadowlark

Horned Lark

Lark Bunting

McCown's Longspur

Brewer's Sparrow
Sage Thrasher
Sage Sparrow

FIG. 6. Dendrogram of the niche overlap relationships among all species that were observed on more than one plot. Niche
overlap is measured by the co-occurrence of two species in the intervals defined along the first three vegetation PCA axes
(Fig. 5 and text).

tion in Table 5. The first component derived from the habitat selection is the more important variable driving
mean habitat vector (o- = 41.6%o) is very similar to the where a species occurs (as has been stressed through-
first component in Table 5; the correlation between out these and other analyses), then it seems likely that
factor loadings resulting from the two analyses is r = the first alternative proposed is the more logical one.
.87***. Likewise, the second (a = 24.1%) and third
Temporal variation
(a = 10.6%) mean habitat vector components are very
similar to the second and third site vegetation com- Throughout, we have treated spatial heterogeneity
ponents (r = .87*** and .82***, respectively). The as temporally invariant, changing only from plot to
fourth (a = 8.0%) and fifth (a = 4.8%) components of plot. As the two Pawnee plots were sampled for three
the second analysis (the only remaining ones with ei- consecutive years, we can use them to examine the
genvalues >1) become increasingly less similar (r = change in multivariate space relations through time.
.40* and .32, respectively). The great similarity be- Fig. 8A, which is a magnification of a small portion of
tween the results of these two analyses strongly sug- Fig. 2, shows the degree to which temporal variability
gests that the two data sets being analyzed are in fact in vegetation is expressed (although this variation is
very similar. We infer from this that there is very little necessarily less than that exhibited between sites; cf.
within-plot habitat selection in these species, which Fig. 2). On Pawnee B most of the temporal variation
may be a consequence of our attempt to minimize represented a steady progression toward less horizon-
overall within-plot heterogeneity when initially se- tal patchiness. Pawnee A, on the other hand, fluc-
lecting plot locations. tuated in both dimensions, although most of this vari-
Species are shown in the mean habitat space (three ation was likewise concentrated horizontally. While
dimensions, 76.3% of the total variance) in Fig. 7. undoubtedly some part of the difference between the
Comparison with habitat/abundance relationships two Pawnee plots represents the difference in grazing
(Fig. 4) shows little change for those species depicted regimes (winter vs. summer), both plots had similar
in both, although the inclusion of previously uncor- stocking rates and had undergone continuous grazing
related species in Fig. 7 reduces the clustering appar- treatment for many years prior to our sampling (D.
ent in Fig. 4. We observe no particular dispersion of Jameson, personal communication).
species with rather similar ecologies as did Anderson Did bird populations mirror these temporal shifts in
and Shugart (1974); most species that eat the same vegetation structure? The changes in Pawnee plot bird
things (Wiens and Rotenberry 1979, Rotenberry 1980), composition is best shown, as for vegetational
for example, tend to be close in habitat utilization as changes, in multidimensional space. Fig. 8B represents
well. It is, however, difficult to separate the cause- the location of 3 yr of Pawnee censuses along principal
effect relationships involved here; it is unclear wheth- component axes defined by the bird species data sets
er these birds eat the same things because they live in for both plots. Rather than representing "indirect gra-
the same places, or live in the same places because of dients" per se, these axes merely define patterns of
the availability of certain items. If in fact structural covariation in species' abundances (Nichols 1977).

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1244 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5



LU EML WCS Tollgrass

- 1.0-10 -05 .HN0 0 Short1r0ss
BOB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0Shrubsteppe
o A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~montane
ov RKW








0 1 1 t00


(~~~~~~~~~~O 1.00 { ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.00

0.00 200

-1I.50 -1.00 -0.00 0 00;0 1060 1.50 0.00 2.500


FIG. 7. Bird species factor scores based on principal component analysis of mean habitat vectors. See text for a comp
interpretation of the axes. The axes are scaled by the relative distribution of each factor in accounting for variation i
total mean habitat data set. Species names are coded as in Table 2.

The first axis (52.4% of the total variation) represents (bird I/vegetation III) was significant (r = -.87*); as
a dine from high abundance of McCown's Longspurs forb coverage and density increased, buntings and
and Homed Larks (positive end) to high abundance of Brewer's Sparrows increased while larks and long-
Lark Buntings and Brewer's Sparrows. The second spurs decreased. The average for the nine was F = .49
axis (21.6%) has high positive loadings for Homed (average P > .35). In general, then, changes in vege-
Larks and a high negative loading for Western Mea- tation structure were not closely matched by changes
dowlarks, while the third (14.8%) weakly contrasts in the avian community. Assuming that the bird PCA
longspurs (low) with meadowlarks (high). Their com- is an appropriate description of the multispecies com-
bined variance is 88.8% of the total. munity, we suspect that these observations stem from
Statistical comparison of the location of the plots in a lack of fine tuning of birds to their "niche gestalt"
multivariate vegetation space and multivariate "bird (sensu James 1971). Moreover, to the extent that any
space" reveals little in the way of associated trends of these species display site tenacity, fine-scale envi-
between the two. Of the nine correlations possible be- ronmental tracking may be even more blurred. Birds
tween plot/year factor scores based on vegetation axes may return to the same territory in subsequent years
I, II, and III, and bird axes I, II, and III, only one despite changes in habitat features, especially if their

FIG. 8. Temporal (yearly) variation on two shortgrass prairie plots (Pawnee). A. Variation in vegetation structure based
on factor scores of vegetation principal components. The axes are scaled as in Fig. 2, but here only that portion of the
multivariate space including these shortgrass sites is shown, magnified =4x. B. Variation in bird communities based on
factor scores of avian community principal components. The axes are scaled by the relative contribution of each factor in
accounting for variation in the total Pawnee bird census data set. See text for details and interpretation of the axes.

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LLi -0.75



-0.25 0 0.25 0.50 0.75


B 9
A~~~~~~ PN69A~~~~~~~~~~N8
PN77 A

A, '\-05

0 2568 PN02569B .


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1246 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

previous breeding attempt was successful (Hild6n Neither average niche width nor average niche over-
1965). What we see in any one season will be less a lap of coexisting species is correlated with a site's po-
function of a close degree of habitat selection as the sition along the axis of horizontal heterogeneity (r =
environment varies but more an expression of survi- .18 and -.20, both P > .30), and the partial correla-
vorship and reproductive output of the previous year. tions are even worse (r = .10 and -.13, both P >
All of this is to suggest that while many species may .50). (In the following examinations of relations among
show the appropriate responses on the regional level niche metrics and various site attributes, we will at-
(within-site variation at Pawnee is much less than be- tempt to reduce the effects of the inverse niche
tween-site variation over this entire study), there still breadth/overlap relation by use of partial correlation.)
exists fuzziness at the local level (within-site variation Likewise, we observe no absolute correlation between
remains). This may be expected to obscure predicted niche metrics and either of the other two PC vegeta-
relationships between coexisting populations and sug- tion axes (r = -.33, -.13, -.09, -.37 for breadth and
gests a lack of environmental fine tuning. overlap on axes II and III, respectively). However,
partial correlations reveal two significant patterns.
Niche relationships between communities
First, statistically controlling for overlap yields a sig-
The determination of the niche parameters of width nificant partial correlation between average niche
and overlap in multivariate space enables us to ex- breadth and vertical heterogeneity (r = - .46*);
amine how these parameters vary with respect to each species coexisting at vertically more complex sites
other, the position of communities along the derived tend to have narrower overall habitat niches. The sec-
vegetation gradients, and the number of species in a ond and perhaps more interesting pattern is that when
community. In particular, we can test predictions variations in niche breadth are partialled out, niche
about niche relations that have been made from con- overlap among species is significantly negatively cor-
siderations of resource partitioning, diffuse competi- related with position on axis III (r = -.48**); sites
tion, and environmental predictability. The methods that are toward the negative end of this axis have
we use are similar to those of Johnson (1977a, b). species with high niche overlap. Reference to Fig. 2
We should note first that there is a strong negative indicates that the majority of the true grassland (i.e.,
relationship between the average three-dimensional nonmontane) sites have negative values for Factor III.
vegetational niche breadth and the average niche over- Pianka (1974) has pointed out that extensive niche
lap of all species coexisting at any given site (r = overlap is likely associated with reduced competition;
-.49**). In other words, the pattern at a site is for co- if resources are not in short supply, organisms can
occurrence of relatively generalist species that other- share them without detriment to one another. We have
wise overlap little in habitat utilization outside the site, suggested elsewhere that resources are rarely in short
or, conversely, for co-occurrence of specialist species supply in typical grassland and shrubsteppe habitats
that also share the same specialities (i.e., have high (Wiens 1974a, 1977b, Rotenberry 1980) and this result
niche overlap). Both imply conditions of nonlimiting is consistent with that suggestion.
resources with subsequent opportunistic exploitation Cody (1975) has proposed that resource-limited as-
of those resources by coexisting species, conditions semblages of birds where habitat overlaps are high
we have elsewhere argued as being normal for grass- should evidence separation in another dimension; if
land bird populations (Wiens 1974a, Rotenberry 1980). this alternative axis is food, he predicts a correlation
This inverse relationship is, however, at least partly between increasing habitat overlap and increasing sep-
confounded by inadequate sampling for some species; aration in body sizes. Taking masses from Wiens
that is, a species may be characterized as narrow (1971) and R. E. Ricklefs (personal communication),
niched not because its spectrum of vegetation struc- we calculated average ratios between adjacent pairs
ture utilization is narrow, but because only one or a of birds on the body size spectrum in each plot. How-
few of our sample plots fell within that species' oth- ever, we found no correlation between this ratio and
erwise large biogeographical range. Such seems likely those species' average habitat overlap (r = -. 12, P >
to be the case for Robins, Mountain Bluebirds, Com- .50). We have shown elsewhere (Wiens and Roten-
mon Nighthawks, and White-crowned Sparrows, for berry 1979, Rotenberry 1980) that body size (or bill
example. On the other hand, the relatively low ob- length) is a poor predictor of either the size or taxa of
served niche breadths of Mountain Plovers, Hen- food taken by members of this same set of grassland
slow's Sparrows, and Bobolinks probably do reflect birds; these results, when combined with the above
a rather narrow range of habitat specificity. The ex- indication of resource nonlimitation, suggest that the
ample of the Bobolink points out, too, that relative basic premise of Cody's speculation, that body size
habitat specialization (certain types of tallgrass prai- separation should index trophic niche divergence, is
ries [Tester and Marshall 1961]) need not result in geo- suspect.
graphic restriction, especially if such habitat is wide- Elements of the "niche overlap hypotheses" of
spread. Pianka (1974) have been associated with the concept

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of "diffuse competition" (MacArthur 1972, Pianka rection, Leigh (1975) came to essentially the same con-
1974), ahnd lead us to examine the relationship between
clusions, deriving from his model the prediction that
these niche metrics and species diversity. Pianka pre- increased specialization rather than increased niche
dicts that under conditions of diffuse competition, overlap will characterize species in more constant en-
niche overlap should vary inversely with respect to vironments. May and MacArthur (1972) also predict
diversity, while niche breadth should remain relatively that niche overlap should not increase as predictability
unchanged. Under conditions of classical resource increases.
partitioning, however, one expects to find what Cody Correlations from our habitat data show that species
(1975) describes as niche breadth compensation for existing at more climatically predictable sites have
low alpha-diversity: under conditions of low diversity, greater average overlap among themselves than those
niche breadths should be broad, narrowing as diversity at less predictable sites (r = .41*), while their niche
increases. Niche overlap, on the other hand, is ex- breadths seem independent (r = .15, P > .45). Partial
pected to remain unchanged. correlations indicate that both overlap (r = .56**) and
Using the same methods as Pianka and Cody we width (r = .44*) increase significantly as climatic pre-
find that our data may be used to support (or refute) dictability increases. If we assume that productivity
either hypothesis; the partial correlations indicate that or habitat quality and environmental stability are as-
both niche breadth (r = -.57**) and niche overlap sociated on the scale that we measured it, then these
(r = -.43*) decrease as species diversity increases. results are in accordance with what we have elsewhere
However, these correlations do not indicate that in- described as an opportunistic fine-grained response to
dividual species have "adjusted" their niche metrics abundant nonlimiting resources (Wiens and Rotenber-
in the face of changing competitive pressures. We sug- ry 1979). As the abundance of resources increases,
gest that it is much more likely that data such as ours species responding in a fine-grained manner will dem-
are largely inappropriate for a proper test of these hy- onstrate relatively broad niches. As most of the
potheses because species' niche widths and overlaps species present will be capitalizing upon the same set
are estimated from geographical data, rather than at of resources, their mutual overlaps will be high also.
the population (i.e., within-site) level, where compet- We suggest that most of the results presented above
itive interactions presumably take place. Our gener- are consistent with this interpretation of these species'
alizations from the higher to the lower level may be responses throughout the steppe habitat.
confounded by a variety of interpopulation interac-
tions (e.g., niche compression) that are simply unde-
tectable between sites. We feel that these hypotheses Our results have clearly shown correlations between
have been inadequately tested by Cody (1975) and the abundances of many species and physiognomic
Pianka (1975), for the same reason. The most straight- features of their habitat, both for univariate (Table 4)
forward interpretations of such results are that (1) the and multivariate (Figs. 4, 5) characters. Although we
species present at sites with high diversity tend to have fully recognize that correlation does not imply caus-
narrow niches, while those at sites with low diversity ation (habitat selection, in this case), we infer that
tend to have broad niches; or (2) average overlap is birds are responding either to the variables we have
less among species at high-diversity sites than at low- measured or at least to unmeasured features that are
diversity ones. We must stress, however, the statis- strongly associated with those variables. Given that
tical independence of the observations that results most considerations of the effects of spatial hetero-
from the use of partial correlations. These results do geneity have been focused on community structure
not imply that species at high-diversity sites have nar- (MacArthur 1964, Willson 1974 for vertical heteroge-
row, nonoverlapping niches while those at low-diver- neity; Wiens 1974b, Roth 1976 for horizontal), we find
sity sites are broadly overlapping generalists. They do the fact that individual species apparently respond to
indicate, however, that within sets of sites of species gradients in patchiness and structure (Figs. 4, 5) of
with similar breadths, overlap decreases as diversity interest. This means that we are not constrained to
increases; likewise, within sets of sites of species with think of variation in community structure along such
similar overlaps, average breadth decreases as diver- gradients as reflecting higher level interactions among
sity increases. species that co-occur at a site (although we certainly
Finally, we can examine variation in the niche met- cannot preclude their existence), but are free to ex-
rics of coexisting species at sites that vary with respect plore alternative hypotheses that may account for the
to climatic predictability. For example, Levins (1968) species assemblages we observed.
has predicted that wide-niched species are better The synthesis of avian responses to both horizontal
adapted to uncertain environments; likewise Slobod- and vertical heterogeneity in vegetation structure has
kin and Sanders (1969) suggested that environmental led to observations that were not immediately pre-
unpredictability selects for organisms with wide tol- dictable from the results of previous efforts that were
erances. Approaching the problem from another di- mainly concerned with the horizontal or vertical di-

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1248 JOHN T. ROTENBERRY AND JOHN A WIENS Ecology, Vol. 61, No. 5

mension alone. For example, it was generally antici- More important, however, are those statistically sig-
pated that variation in patchiness in one dimension nificant relationships that we observe that are counter
was correlated with variation in the other; the results to conventional predictions. The example of correla-
of the PCA clearly indicate that such is not the case tions between overlaps on orthogonal axes is partic-
for the indices we have used. Conventional theory also ularly compelling. Neither did we observe any partic-
predicted that, given two independent niche dimen- ular overdispersion of ecologically similar species in
sions, high overlap between two species along one axis the multidimensional space defined by the mean hab-
would be "compensated" by reduced overlap along itat vectors; species with similar ecologies tended to
the second; the observed high positive partial corre- be found in similar habitats. This observation, based
lation between all pairwise overlaps on vegetation on within-plot data, was further supported by the be-
axes I and II is strong evidence that such is not the tween-plot results, which indicated that species at typ-
case in our system of birds, at least for these dimen- ical grassland sites tended to have high multidimen-
sions. sional niche overlap.
Indeed, the common thread that emerges from vir- There is yet a third class of results we observed,
tually all of our analyses is the apparent lack of close those that were statistically significant but gave sup-
interactions or biotic coupling between coexisting port either to a competition-oriented or to a biologi-
species. We have argued elsewhere that assemblages cally decoupled explanation of the data. For example,
of grassland and shrubsteppe birds are not likely to be our examination of Roth's model of spatial overlap/
equilibrial, largely because climatic variability serves species diversity/habitat heterogeneity falls into this
to prevent species abundances from rising to the point category. We observed that while the percent spatial
where resources become limiting or, alternatively, overlap among species decreased with increasing
provides frequent conditions of resource superabun- vegetational complexity, the number of species over-
dance (Wiens 1974a, 1977a, b; Wiens and Rotenberry lapping at a point appeared to be a direct function of
1979; Rotenberry 1980). In neither case are competi- the number of species present; the first result implies
tive relationships expected to be important on a year- some sort of biotic compensation (Roth 1976), the lat-
to-year basis. ter some large element of biotic independence. Also
While our data suggest that intracommunity struc- falling into this third class of results are the observa-
ture is not a function of close biological relationships tions from the partial correlations of niche widths and
among coexisting species, we nevertheless do observe overlaps with species diversity.
clusters of species and communities along our derived The prevalent approach to understanding commu-
gradients that appear different (that is, we have "typ- nity patterns applies data taken from broad geograph-
ical" tallgrass species, "typical" shrubsteppe species, ical areas to test hypotheses that are founded upon
etc.). We suspect that most of these species tend to interactions between individuals and populations: for
follow more or less independent distributions with re- example, in a recent book devoted to the explication
spect to one another, but are drawn together by their of community patterns using arguments based on in-
common response to similar features of the habitat. terspecific competition (Cody and Diamond 1975),
The broad-scale patterns we see are modified from the most of the evidence offered to support those argu-
pure Gleasonian individualistic distributions by the ments came from comparative biogeographic studies.
very real presence of environmental discontinuities A potential difficulty in this approach is that obser-
(Terborgh 1971, Whittaker 1975), which are evidenced vations gathered over broad geographic regions are
by the fact that site clusterings are apparent (Fig. 2) used to draw inferences about mechanisms, such as
even though PCA attempts to define statistically con- competition, producing large-scale patterns. But the
tinuous gradients in multivariate space. processes ultimately responsible for such distribution-
Much of the evidence we offer in support of our al phenomena (predation, birth and death schedules,
position that these species are largely decoupled from physiological limitations, etc., as well as competition)
direct interactions with one another is negative; that go on among individuals and populations at a local
is, many of the relationships predicted from theoretical level, and the most appropriate observations with
considerations of community structure based on com- which to examine community hypotheses would thus
petition and subsequent resource partitioning are not seem more likely to come from examining population
apparent in our collection of data. We suspect the fail- dynamics at the within-site level than from broad geo-
ure of these predictions is a result of a breakdown in graphic comparisons. In our systems, however, the
the assumptions of the models applied, assumptions detection of such processes at a local scale is unlikely
that are too often accepted without close examination because (1) populations are unlikely to be resource
(Wiens 1977a). In particular, we suggest that the im- limited or equilibrial during large portions of their his-
plicit conditions of resource limitation are seldom met tory, (2) individual populations may not be fine tuning
and that, in general, we are dealing with nonequilibrial their responses to subtle habitat variations, and (3)
populations that exist in habitats that are temporally differences in patterns of environmental variation be-
variant. tween different areas may obscure relationships be-

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