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The Whole You

Completely cleanse and re-balance your body, mind, and
emotions with Healing Foods, Healing Movements,
and Healing Meditations...
No portion of this manual may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including fax, photocopy, recording or any information storage and
retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use. This manual may not be
reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who
wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine or
newspaper and has written approval prior to publishing.

© 2018 All rights reserved.


2 © 2018

This book is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical
treatment. Programs mentioned herein should not be adopted by any purchaser without review
and consent with your health professional. The authors are neither responsible, nor liable for any
harm or injury resulting from these programs or the use of the exercises described herein.


Table of

Meet Danette May 5

Introduction 7

I have a better way for YOU: 9

8 Common causes of Toxic Build-Up in Your Body: 10

The Goal 11

The Shopping List 14

Here is Your The Whole Healing Detox Breakdown 15

Phase 1 - Day 1 16

Phase 2 - Day 2 19

Phase 3 - Day 3 23

Congratulations! 27


4 © 2018

Founder of Mindful Health, LLC, has created this platform

to provide millions of people around the world the tools,
knowledge, and inspiration to look and feel their best
while living more healthy and zestful lives. Her most recent
accomplishment, The Whole You Healing Detox, was
created for busy men and women who have a true desire to
lose weight and be healthier, but simply don’t have the time
or the knowledge to prepare nutritious meals.

Being a single, working mother Danette fully understands

how precious time is, so she created a recipe book with
over 150 delicious recipes with only 5 ingredients to create
wonderful meals with. The book was specifically designed
for busy people who want to save time in the grocery store,
save time in the kitchen, and have more meaningful time with
families and loved ones.

Danette also recently launched an online coaching and

membership program Fit Rise for individuals who want a
more personalized system to achieve their weight loss goals.
The coaching includes a loving community of support,
new recipes, mentor support, and live coaching calls
each week.

After graduating with a degree in pre-med and nutrition,

Danette opened her own gym and began focusing on her
lifelong passion of helping people lose weight. Over the last
13 years as a certified fitness professional, PiIates instructor,
and nutritionist, Danette has changed the lives of thousands
of people by transforming their bodies and helping them
achieve their weight loss goals.


She was also an executive with Icon Health and Fitness, the largest global distributor of fitness equipment where
she created several fitness products that are sold around the world today. She has been a fitness model for US
Magazine and Women’s Health Mag, and a frequent guest on Studio 5 and KSL-TV.

Additionally, she has starred in some of the top selling

fitness videos including “Flat Abs Fast”;”Bootcamp Bikini
Body”; and “Get Me In My Skinny Jeans”.
And she created and starred in the workout video series
XFactorST, which is sold in stores worldwide. She also
wrote the nutrition book for Rip 60 and has worked
with some of the top fitness professionals in the industry
including Jillian Michaels and George St.Pierre.

On a personal side, Danette has been dealt her own difficult hand of cards to deal with- making her an ideal
candidate to help millions of people get passed their own self-sabotage and the power that their created excuses
hold over their health. She has had three children. Nine years ago, she lost her son at birth. It was her first
experience with deep depression as her dreams of being a mother to a boy vanished in an hour’s worth of time. She
had to deal with not only the mental aspect of losing a child, but also the physical ones. Her body was ready and
willing to care for her newborn, only she never got to bring him home with her.

Danette had to learn to pull herself out of the darkness that claimed her mind and darkened the world around her,
and she did it one step at a time. If this personal strike wasn’t enough for one person, Danette has also been struck
with divorce, financial struggle, and being a single mom to two beautiful girls. With all of these moments that can
break a person down - and they did a little bit - she has developed a deeper appreciation for the power of eating
healthy, staying active, and focusing on looking and feeling her best.

She’s dedicated her life to creating health and happiness in body, heart, mind and soul. Her mission is to instill the
same lifestyle in her children, as well as millions of people.

To get free recipes, workouts and a serving of soul stirring love, go to



6 © 2018
The Whole You

I see so many people “punish” their bodies thin. We become desperate to lose the excess weight we gained over
the holidays or throughout the year. Too often in our quest to look good in our swimsuits, we find ourselves depriving
our bodies, doing ridiculous cleanses that leave us feeling depleted, low on energy, on the toilet, or sick.

I have a better way for YOU and I know you’re going to LOVE it! Instead, let’s get the results we’re after using
LOVE, positive energy, and healing! No diet drinks, yucky protein drinks or bars, and certainly no deprivation or
starving ourselves!

Through science, we see how these actions can hinder your results and leave you, your skin, and hair depleted,
malnourished and anything from beautiful and sexy. Before I jump into all the benefits you’ll see by implementing
this plan and the foods in this synchronized order, let’s explore how and why subjecting ourselves to diet pills,
protein drinks and deprivation actually takes us further from our goals of attaining that beautiful,
confident bikini body.

Diet drinks, even protein drinks can be loaded with artificial sweeteners, soy, and chemicals. All of this is a recipe for
breakouts on your skin, cravings, and imbalanced hormones, which contributes to weight gain, lack of energy and
not feeling full! This industry is a money making machine and they do a good job of misinforming you and leading
you to believe this is the answer to increasing your energy and slimming your waistline which is just NOT TRUE!


Protein bars are just as bad and can actually make you fatter and derail your health and fitness goals. Here’s the
“truth” about diet/fitness bars. Slimfast, Cliff bars, Luna bars, etc. are some of the biggest culprits and the ones you
see readily on the market taunting weight loss. In my opinion, these “slim fast” type of bars are WORSE for you than
a candy bar!

The 1st ingredient in these “weight loss” bars is corn syrup! Then the 2nd ingredient is sugar (yay more sugar!),
followed by hydrogenated oils, trans fats, and then the list goes on with nothing but junk such as artificial flavors,
colors, more hydrogenated oils, nasty artificial sweeteners, and rounded out with some highly processed soy protein
isolate just to give your body some more junk.

By the way, you should stay away from processed soy products like the plague if you care about your health... and
your waistline. Just remember when it comes to soy that it’s a HUGE multi-billion dollar industry, so they have a lot
of power in trying to portray soy as a “health food,” so most people will be eager to devour this fake food in almost
every form. In reality, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Sugar, artificial sweeteners, soy and hydrogenated oils all
will leave you in craving mode, increasing your calorie consumption, and will alter your hormones so you will have
a hard time burning stubborn body fat.

Deprivation and cutting down your calories below 1000/day is a recipe for disaster as well. As soon as you
deplete your body of necessary calories, your body goes in to “survival” mode, holding on to fat and decreasing
your energy, leaving you depleted, angry, and so far from your goals.


8 © 2018
I have a better way
for YOU:
If you have found yourself feeling heavy- not only in
your body, but in your mind and soul, then this cleanse
is your answer. Our goal is to lovingly cleanse your
body from stored up toxins and stubborn body fat, by
providing it the right combination of toxin eliminating
foods that will sluff off unwanted fat and start balancing
your hormones, so you can drop excess weight and
increase your energy!

You’ll also be equipped with the right, loving,

energizing movement plan that will leave you feeling
invigorated, refreshed and cleansed! The movement
plan works in conjunction with the meals to maximize
your results in a safe and loving way.

I mention “loving” because too many programs are

about “punishing” your body for all the “wrong” foods
you ate. Guilt, punishment, and grit are no match for
the power of love in transforming your body. Everything
we are going to be doing will be with a loving
approach so that your body feels nurtured, safe and
ready to let go of all that is not serving it.


8 Common causes of Toxic Build-Up
in Your Body:
It’s important to know how your body actually becomes toxic. Below is a list of the 8 most common causes
of toxic build-up in the human body.

(1) Constipation
The colon is your body’s sewage system. If the sewage system backs up, toxins become trapped in your colon.
Chronic constipation means that toxins are fermenting and decaying in the colon, being reabsorbed into the
bloodstream, polluting our tissues and cells.

(2) Poor Diet

Poor diet includes: dead, cooked, devitalized, low fiber foods, fried foods, junk foods, over-processed foods, etc.
As a modern society, we have drifted away from eating raw, organic fruits, vegetables and whole grains high in
natural fiber, nutrients and enzymes. During the holidays, you are bound to find yourself consuming more of these
types of dead foods.

(3) Over-Consumption
Overeating puts a tremendous strain on your digestion system. Most people eat too much food, too fast. Foods are
not properly broken down and lodge in the lower intestines, causing vital nutrients to NOT be absorbed.

(4) Lack of Water

Water makes up 65% to 75% of the human body. It’s second only to oxygen in order of importance to sustain life.
Water cleanses the inside of the body as well as the outside.

(5) Stress
Stress affects every cell and tissue in the human body. Stress breaks down the immune system as well as all of the
major organs. Stress is TOXIC to your bodiy.

(6) Antibiotics
Antibiotics, despite their benefits in fighting certain bacterial infections, have a damaging effect on the intestines.
Their intended purpose is to eliminate unhealthy bacteria in the body; the bacteria that causes illness. Unfortunately,
they not only eliminate the bad bacteria but the good bacteria as well.

(7) Lack of Exercise

Exercise strengthens your entire body. It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, building stronger muscles,
nerves, glands, lungs, and heart; invigorating blood, brain, mind and mood.

(8) Lack of Sleep

The human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore itself. In essence, your body uses the sleeping hours to
cleanse, and to build strength and immunity.


10 © 2018
The Goal
The goal is to serve the body loving, healing foods with powerful healing and loving movements, so it can let go
of all that is holding it back from becoming a sexy, beautiful body. We will be cleansing the liver, decreasing
inflammation and re-setting your metabolism. All of this will help you clean out any toxins that are making it hard for
you to lose weight and feel great.

You don’t need to buy into the hype of spending money on magic drinks or pills to do an effective detox.
Nothing is more powerful than healing foods to clean out your system. Food is medicine and you’re about to learn
exactly what you need to grab at your local supermarket to have the greatest benefit on your health, skin, and
organs. Not to mention the way you look and feel!

Before we get to your detox, let’s look at some amazing facts about what’s going to help you
feel so wonderful!

The healthy fats in kefir will help you absorb the fat soluble vitamins in this drink.
Kefir is loaded with 10x the probiotics as Greek yogurt and helps with gut
inflammation as well as boosting your immunity. The high percentage of protein in
kefir will also help you stay satiated and feel fuller longer.

Berries are loaded with antioxidants as well as citrus and vitamin c which will
help you absorb the iron that is in the spinach or kale.

Limes help with digestion, and constipation. It will help you eliminate all the toxins
and build up.

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and fiber (which will help you
flush out unwanted waste), antioxidants, and help flatten your gut.


Kale and Spinach
Kale & spinach are two of the best superfoods for detoxing the liver as well as
other organs in your body.

Bananas help with inflammation and naturally sweeten your recipes.

Cucumbers are a great source for clearing out the internal system, and are
loaded with rich vitamins that help with arthritis, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Not only do pineapples taste amazing, but they contain bromelain which has
amazing anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits; as well as protects against
macular degeneration.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil will help your skin all around. The healthy fats in this superfood will
help you feel full as well as eliminate all the toxins built up in your body.

Cacao is loaded with antioxidants and tastes delicious. Some of the recipes in this
detox call for cacao. I recommend Cacao Bliss.


12 © 2018
Avocados contain a wonderful fat that helps you release weight.

Warm water
Warm water throughout the day helps the body flush out unnecessary fat,
keeps it hydrated, and is easy on the internal system.

Maca is found in pill or powder form and increases energy, endurance
and libido.

Quinoa is one of the most protein and fiber rich foods we can get. Loaded with
iron, this superfood will leave you feeling fuller longer.

Hemp seeds
Hemp seeds contain all the 9 essential amino acids and are a great
protein source.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is used as a natural remedy to treat everything from
indigestion to easing your stomach cramps. ACV is also known to aid in teeth
whitening and weight loss


The Shopping List
Plain organic Kefir
7 Lemons
2 Limes
Kale or Spinach
Cayenne Pepper
Cacao Powder
2 Bananas
2 Cucumbers
1 Avocado
n be any flavor or type)
3 Packets of Green Tea (ca
Chia Seeds
Se ed s (o pti on al if us ing chia seeds or kefir or yogu
Coconut Water (optional)
Coconut Milk (optional) ot) in it)
eg ar (o r ap ple cid er vin egar with the “mother” (ro
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vin
Maca Powder (optional)
1 mango or Papaya
Cumin Powder Recommended)
Raw Cacao (Cacao Bliss
Black Pepper
Coconut Oil
Sea Salt coconut milk
Unsweetened almond or
Red Pepper Flakes
Fresh Parsley Leaves
Fresh Mint Leaves
1 Pear
Cilantro Note:
Buy organic
Dandelion Tea


14 © 2018
Here is Your The Whole You
Healing Detox Breakdown:
Notes to consider

Drink two 1-cup servings of dandelion tea each

day of your detox.

Drink 3/4 -1 gallon of warm water throughout the

day. If you can’t stomach warm water, then make
sure the water is no colder than tap temperature.

If you have work during the day, you can make

these foods ahead of time and take them with
you. I recommend getting up 20 minutes earlier
to prepare your meals for the day. Every one of
these meals is portable, do not take a lot of time,
and taste delicious on the go.

Quinoa is the only dish that requires more than 5

minutes to cook. I recommend preparing 2-4 cups
(depending on how many days you will be doing
the cleanse) ahead of time and then storing it in
your fridge so it is ready to go. Prepare Quinoa
according to package instructions.
Super easy to make!!

This cleanse can be done for 3 days, but up to 6.

Three days on the cleanse is great for the body.
This is an ideal amount of time for the average
person. If you feel like your body is extremely
toxic and your hormones are unregulated and you
have the time to dedicate, then you can repeat the
cleanse for a total of 6 days.



This phase is all about prepping the body. You’ll begin to slough off toxins that
have attached to cells in your body. Your hormones will begin to realign.

Upon Waking
Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper & Bragg’s
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. warm water with the apple cider
vinegar with the Mother Root and a pinch of cayenne pepper

BENEFITS: Lemon is a phytochemical that helps to detox your liver. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which
boosts your metabolism by slightly raising your body temperature while boosting your immune system and
decreasing inflammation which occurs in your gut. This is a great way for you to begin your day as well as reset your
pH levels and start the cleansing process.

1-Hour Later
Lemon Green Tea
• Green Tea (flavor of your choice)
• 1 c. Hot Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon

Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. hot water and steep

green tea to taste

BENEFITS: Catechins, the major component of green tea extract, have various physiological effects. They help
remove toxins as well as having a significant impact on reducing body fat. Green tea can also alleviate caffeine
withdrawal headaches.


16 © 2018
Wake Me Up & Shrink Me Down Smoothie
To decrease inflammation, we need to get the bowels moving. The reason
we drink this breakfast meal is to help the body break down all the macro-
nutrients into the smallest particles of fat, proteins and carbs which will
help with the digestion process.

• ½ c. Kefir • ¼ c. Spinach or Kale
• ½ c. Water • 1 tbsp. Chia seeds (optional)
• ¼ c. Berries ½ c. Ice (optional)

Put all together in the blender.

Between breakfast and lunch drink as much water with fresh lemon juice as you want, but a minimum of 1 cup.

Detox Pina Colada Smoothie
• ½c. Kale
• 1 c. Water or Coconut Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1 lime
• ½ cup Organic Cucumber
• ½ c. Fresh Pineapple
• 1 tsp . Coconut Oil
• Handful of ice (optional)
Mix all together in the blender.

1-Hour Later
Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir
with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon (optional)


Fired Up Metabolism Drink
• ½ c. Kefir
• ½c. Kale
• 2 tbsp. Cacao Powder (100% dark chocolate)
• 1 Ripe Banana
• ½ Avocado
• 1 c. Water
• ½ c. Ice
Blend all together in the blender.

Before Bed
Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper & Bragg’s
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. warm water with the apple cider

vinegar with the Mother Root and a pinch of cayenne pepper

Reminder: Remember to drink two 1-cup servings of Dandelion Tea each day


18 © 2018

This phase is all about adding gentle, non-inflammatory foods in your body.
This will give the body the chance to digest fully. Often times when our digestive system is not able to
fully breakdown fats, protein, and carbs into their smallest particles, toxins build up. By eating some
meals that are cooked instead of raw, we make it easier on the digestive system and allow the body to
fully absorb all the nutrients from these healing foods.

Upon Waking
Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper & Bragg’s
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. warm water with the apple cider
vinegar with the Mother Root and a pinch of cayenne pepper

BENEFITS: Lemon is a phytochemical that helps to detox your liver. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which
boosts your metabolism by slightly raising your body temperature while boosting your immune system and
decreasing inflammation which occurs in your gut. This is a great way for you to begin your day as well as reset your
pH levels and start the cleansing process.

1-Hour Later
Lemon Green Tea
• Green Tea (flavor of your choice)
• 1 c. Hot Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon

Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. hot water and steep

green tea to taste


Refreshing Mint Drink
• 2 c. Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1 lemon
• 1/2 cup Organic cucumber
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1 lime
• 1 tbsp. Fresh Ginger, grated
• 10-15 leaves Fresh Mint
Blend all together. Enjoy!

BENEFITS: Mint helps the digestive track. It allows the system to breakdown fats, proteins, and carbs into their
smallest particles. Mint also helps alleviate any gas build up that come from eating raw vegetables.

Between breakfast and lunch drink as much water with fresh lemon juice as you want, but a minimum of 1 cup.

Love Smoothie
• ½ Pear
• ¼ Avocado
• ½ cup Organic cucumber
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• Handful of Cilantro
• ½ c. Kale
• ½ in.Ginger
• ½ c. Water or Coconut Water
• ½ c. Greek Yogurt/ Kefir or
• 2 tbsp. Chia Seeds/Hemp Seeds

You can add more water or coconut water if you need to thin it out.

Blend all ingredients.


20 © 2018
Optional Snack
Sacred Hot Chocolate (Optional)
• 1/2 c. Boiling Water
• 1/4 c. Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
• 1 tsp. Coconut Oil
• 2 tbsp. Raw Cacao

Whisk together or blend for a more frothy brew. Enjoy!

Coconut Kale
• 2 tsp. Coconut Oil 1
• ½ c. Fresh Kale
• 1 c. Cooked Quinoa
• 2-3 tsp. Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• ¼ tsp.Cumin Powder
• Black pepper, Sea Salt, and Red Pepper Flakes to taste.
* Cook another cup quinoa for tomorrow’s lunch!

Saute coconut oil, kale, and quinoa on medium-high heat in skillet until the kale starts to wilt.
Approx. 3-5 minutes

Drizzle on top:
Mix together 2-3 tsp. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar with the Mother Root, ¼ tsp. cumin powder,
black pepper, pinch of red pepper flakes, and sea salt.


Before Bed
Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper & Bragg’s
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. warm water with the apple cider

vinegar with the Mother Root and a pinch of cayenne pepper

Reminder: Remember to drink two 1-cup servings of Dandelion Tea each day


22 © 2018

The final phase is all about flushing toxins through the system effectively.
We are also sending our body absolute love today. Giving it the energy it needs and the confidence
to let go of all the toxins, chemicals and added body fat that does not serve it.

Upon Waking
Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper & Bragg’s
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Pinch of Cayenne Pepper
Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. warm water with the apple cider
vinegar with the Mother Root and a pinch of cayenne pepper

BENEFITS: Lemon is a phytochemical that helps to detox your liver. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which
boosts your metabolism by slightly raising your body temperature while boosting your immune system and
decreasing inflammation which occurs in your gut. This is a great way for you to begin your day as well as reset your
pH levels and start the cleansing process.

1-Hour Later
Lemon Green Tea
• Green Tea (flavor of your choice)
• 1 c. Hot Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon

Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. hot water and steep

green tea to taste

BENEFITS: Catechins, the major component of green tea extract, have various physiological effects. They help
remove toxins as well as having a significant impact on reducing body fat. Green tea can also alleviate caffeine
withdrawal headaches.


Green Goddess Smoothie
• ½ c. Kale or Spinach Leaves, chopped
• ½ c. Berries (Frozen or Fresh)
• 1 c. Water or Coconut Water
• ¼ c. Flat-Leaf Parsley, chopped
• ¼ c. Fresh Mint, chopped
• 2 tbsp. chia seeds
• Combine all ingredients in blender.

BENEFITS: Parsley is known as one of the healthiest foods we can eat. Loaded with vital nutrients, it helps flush out
excess water and supports kidney functions.

Between breakfast and lunch drink as much water with fresh lemon juice as you want, but a minimum of 1 cup.

Belly Bliss Meal
• ½ c. Papaya or Mango
• 1 c. Kale or Spinach
• 2 tsp. Coconut Oil
• 1 c. Cooked Quinoa
• ½ c. Pure Coconut Milk (optional)

Saute coconut oil, cooked quinoa, kale and coconut milk (if used) together in skillet until kale starts to
wilt. Top with fresh papaya or mango. Sprinkle black pepper to taste.


24 © 2018
Optional Snack
Sacred Hot Chocolate (Optional)
• 1/2 c. Boiling Water
• 1/4 c. Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
• 1 tsp. Coconut Oil
• 2 tbsp. Raw Cacao

Whisk together or blend for a more frothy brew. Enjoy!

Sensual Warrior Drink
• 1-2 tbsp. Cacao Powder
• 1 Banana
• 2 tbsp. Hemp Seeds or Chia Seeds
• 1 c. Water or Coconut Water (can substitute
coconut milk for creamier texture)
• 1 tsp. Maca Powder (optional)
• Handful of Ice

Blend all together in the blender.


Before Bed
Lemon Water with Cayenne Pepper & Bragg’s
Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• 1 c. Warm Water
• Freshly squeezed juice from 1/2 of lemon
• 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother Root
• Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

Squeeze ½ fresh lemon in 1 c. warm water with the apple cider

vinegar with the Mother Root and a pinch of cayenne pepper

Reminder: Remember to drink two 1-cup servings of Dandelion Tea each day


26 © 2018
Now that you have completed The Whole You Healing Detox, your body is in prime fat-burning mode. Your organs
are cleansed and your hormones are back in balance. You should also notice an increase in energy, renewed glow
in your skin, and a boost in your ”feel good” hormones.

I’d like to invite you to the NEXT STEP in your journey. In case you don’t already know, this detox is actually the first
3 days of my New You 30 Day Challenge. The 30 Day Challenge takes the results you’ve seen during this detox,
and multiplies them over 30 days!

You’ll get step-by-step meal plans, workouts, and mindset training, just like you did for this detox. Plus you’ll also
gain access to a private Facebook community where you’ll receive support, make new friends, be inspired by the
results of others, have your questions answered, and SO much more.

The 30 Day Challenge delivers incredible results, and I hope to see you in the group!

>> Click here to learn more about the New You 30 Day Challenge <<



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