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the auditor 137 - july 1977

Volume 14, July 1977, Published Monthly for the Church of Scientology of California, The American Saint Hill Organization, 2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90026. (213) 380-0710.
2nd Class postage paid in Los Angeles, California

by L. Ron Hubbard
This planet has actually never developed a see that it is, in its broadest sense, a communica- school ever teaches, no engineering school ever
system of education. That's the first thing which tion, no more than that. But with this one single teaches: a guy's got to be able to do something
you have to face when you suddenly find your- difference: in education, there is an insistence with the data. That's the missing step in Earth
self in the midst of trying to educate. on receipt. If you just take the definition of education!
The closest thing there is to a science of communication and put an insistence on receipt The first thing you ask is "Is the information
education is found in the Logics of Scientology. at the end, you get education as it is today. being communicated?" Then you'd ask "Is there
There are 24 of them, and if you look at these, Earth education stops at this point, but that's a guarantee that the information is being
you will find that they are an outline of the not far enough. It falls short. received by the student?" Then "Can the
whole science of education. Look at the universities and the schools. student now perform effectively this taught
I worked on this some time ago, and was People go to these schools and they take exam- skill?"
going to write a textbook on education, but I inations and have therefore "shown they've The first thing we'd ask a psychiatrist is
didn't bother, because the outline is right there received it". That's as far as it goes. And then "Can you make people sane?" He's liable to get
in the Logics. If you want to know what educa- they give them a tie; an old school tie. real mad. "What do you mean? I have a certifi-
tion is all about, you can put a whole science of When you begin training in Scientology, you cate here from the Washington School of
education together right straight out of the run into all of your habit patterns and expec- Freudian Appendectomies! What do you mean,
Logics. tancies of basic Earth education. can I make people sane?" He's liable to not
Let me give you an understanding of what You've got the communication formula, and understand what you're talking about. He
education is. Education is basically the relay of the guarantee of receipt, but now in Scientology actually has never moved his understanding that
an idea, concept or datum of some kind or we have added something new — something no extra step, and he doesn't realize that anything
another from one being to another being. You medical school ever teaches, no psychiatric is ever expected of him with this information.
And there is the trouble you have with the
Scientology student in teaching Scientology
skills. The guy says "Well, I guaranteed to you
that I received it. I have proved it utterly. You
communicated it; I received it; and I certify that
I've received it and I can pass an examination on
it, so therefore I have fulfilled all of the require-
ments of Earth education and I ought to be
And I come along and say, "Yes, but can you
make somebody sane?"
Realize that on this particular planet, that
question does really not form part of the pro-
fessions. In artisan work, they very seldom let
anybody get out of the doingness because
they've got the bricks right in front of them.
They say, "Build a pier. Build a lancet arch*."
If the guy has been around, he can do it.
But professional activities are not looked on
in this light at all.
In Scientology education, we are trying ah
three of these steps. We're trying to commute
thought to understanding to performance.
That's communication, the guarantee of receipt
of the communication, and the performance of
the skill.
So we have altered the educational pattern.
And that's the reason why we have our educa-
tional pattern and why you must have at least
three stages for any type of Scientology train-
ing that is in earnest. Those stages are repre-
sented in the three sections: the theory section,
the practical section and the auditing section.
These are not three grades. We are so used to
going into the first grade and then the second
grade and the third grade - on a gradient — that
you might think this is done with these sections.
You don't do that. You're in all three sections
at the same time, in Scientology training.
The theory is that anything a person learns he
can learn to do better. However, there is a limit
Continued on page 7
A glimpse of the modern four-story building soon to house expanded classrooms of the American Saint Hill Organization (ASHO) in Los
Angeles. The building is part of a nine building complex which will be the largest Scientology educational center in the world. * Lancet arch: A narrow, sharply pointed arch.
The Training Route to Clear


Ineffective education has given self and to help others.
all of us bad experiences with THE TRAINING ROUTE IS
In teaching the Saint Hill Special HUBBARD RECOMMENDS. On
Briefing Course in England, L. Ron this route you not only gain the
Hubbard observed that most increases in awareness available
students had never learned in through processing (auditing), you
school how to study successfully, learn the data behind the techniques
to easily absorb data and be able to which will speed you on your own
apply it. So he researched the sub- way to Clear as well as enable you
ject of study itself. to better confront and counsel
His breakthrough discoveries in others.
this field are popularly known as STUDY TECH paves your way
STUDY TECH. to success on the training route.
STUDY TECH can be used to Even if you have had difficulties in
resolve past study troubles in study before, with STUDY TECH
adults, or to demonstrate the most you are assured a smooth journey
effective methods to young stu- on the Training Route.
dents right from the start. Anyone, After your lower level training to
uirough STUDY TECH, can recover Class IV Auditor, you will come to
the full benefits of his past educa- the American Saint Hill Organiza-
tion and gain the ability to learn tion in Los Angeles. ASHO is the
new things in his current life. This home of the most important part ASHO is where you do your upper level training, starting with the famous Saint Hill Special Briefing
is extremely valuable since the Course and continuing up through ClassIX, Highly trained ASHO Auditors deliver Expanded Dianetics
of the training route, Ron's famous and Power Processing (Grades V-VA) to preclears who come from all over the United States, Canada
ability to learn is the index of one's Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. and Mexico.
potential for success in almost any This course lays out the whole
career. fascinating story of Scientology,
You can be trained in STUDY answers your questions, and briefs
TECH at your nearest Scientology
Church or Mission. This course is
you thoroughly on the road to
Clear and beyond.
Recent A S H O Graduates
offered FREE to those on the route As well as being more rewarding, GRADUATES RELEASES
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Power
to becoming fully trained Scien- the training route is by far the most Karen Rose, Jo Plunkett, Missy Shea, Robin Moon, Patti Grant, Stephen A.
tology or Dianetic practitioners. economical route to Clear. Glenn Johnson, Carolyn Burgess, Susan Davis, Bill Methvin, Ann Larson, Dothie
Spencer, Carol Morse, Chuck Reed. Null, Jo De Winter, John Volk, Doug
(See your local Registrar for For more information and help Keith, Sue Carlin, Betty Francisco,
details.) in making your plans, WRITE TO- Senior Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Peggy Hitchman, Mike Murphy, Mike
Inge McKee, Don Strom, Forrest Dockery, Christy, Frank Casik, David Gilhouly,
SCIENTOLOGY AND DAY to: Letter Registrar, Church Bill Horwich, Tom Price, Beatrice Payne, John Lichtensteiger, Carol Garrity, Joe
DIANETIC TRAINING of Scientology of California, ASHO, Jim Patterson. Carlin, Bonnie Kincaid, Frank Davis,
2723 W. Temple, Los Angeles, Susan Davis, Steve Cashion, H. Steve
Learning how to learn comes Class VI Internship Barrera.
first in Dianetics and Scientology California 90026. Lois Robin, Mary Jo Slatkin, Lesley
Deluz, Bill Howey, Anders Hackmar,
training. Evelyn Bowers.
The rest of your training is for
application in life, to help your-

The Monthly Journal of Scientology
Edition for the Americas
Volume 14, Issue 137
July, 1977
FOUNDER: L. Ron Hubbard
Editor: Diane Colletto
Assistant Editor: Leticia Smith
Copyright (c) 1950, 1961, 1962, 1971,
1973, 1977 by L. Ron Hubbard. All
rights reserved. Published monthly by
the Church of Scientology of Califor-
nia, Publications Organization, 2723
West Temple Street, Los Angeles,
California 90026. 213/380-0710.
A non-profit organization. Scientology is
an applied religious philosophy. Scien-
tology® and Dianetics® are registered
2nd Class postage paid at Los Angeles,

Donation Notice
Donation figues listed are as of July, 1977.
Note that all donations are increased at the rate
of 5% monthly at midnight on the last day of
each month.
For current * donation, multiply by 1.05
for each month passed. Fractions are rounded
Where the donation for any item or service
is made in full in any month but not taken until
some later time, it will be delivered for the
donation already, made.
Full donations sent by mail, if postmarked
prior to midnight of the last day of the month,
will be accepted at that month's rates (U.S.A.
Mail orders postmarked prior to midnight
of the last day of the month will be accepted
at that month's rates. (U.S.A. only).
Usual discounts apply on the full price for
that month.

Page 2 Issue J 37 THE AUDITOR

In the face of continued dwin- DON JENSEN, also an ASHO
dling of educational effectiveness in graduate (Class VI Auditor), is
the United States, maintaining that assistant director of the school
all children can become "A" and teacher in the upper grades.
students might seem unrealistic. Teri believes that a sanely and
But TERI SPICKLER of Los meaningfully educated child will
Altos. California, doesn't think so grow into a sane and responsible
and she is applying the brilliant adult. Over and over again, she and
educational discoveries of L. Ron her staff have observed that L.
Hubbard to make it happen. Ron Hubbard's Study Technology
A graduate of the Class VIII is by far the most workable educa-
Auditor's Course at ASHO, Teri tional tool they've ever used.
has for the last few years been
successfully applying the Study
Technology at Sunreach School
which now has about 100 students.
"Without my ASHO training," she
writes, "I would have gone into
apathy about the low level of pro-
duction in the public schools.
Instead, with a group of very able
Scientologists, we've started our
own school and are handling the
problems of education."
. And handling them they are.
On the Iowa Basic Achievement
Tests (used by most public schools
nationally), Sunreach children score
consistently in the 80-90% bracket.
All lower grade children are work-
ing at least one to two grades ahead
of their age group, some even three.
In the upper grades, where students
have brought their study problems
with them from their former
"education" at other schools,
jumps of three years in ability are Class VIII Graduate from ASHO TERI
SPICKLER has found that applying L. Ron Seventh grade teacher DON JENSEN, a Class VI graduate from ASHO, helps JOLIE MATTHIESEN
routine after rehabilitation with L. Hubbard's Study Technology in her school and KEALA CAMPTON with an experiment. Both girls are also studying the Hubbard Standard
Ron Hubbard's Study Tech. makes education a rewarding experience. Dianetics Course in addition to their regular classes.

CORRECTION DEFINITIONS ponse basis, which is n o t u n d e r his volitional
c o n t r o l , and which exerts force and the p o w e r
of c o m m a n d over his awareness, purposes,

An alert reader has called to our Partial Cash ASHO American Saint Hill Organization, H o m e
t h o u g h t s , body and actions.*
SCIENTOLOGY An applied religious philo-
s o p h y , dealing with the study of knowledge,
attention that a quotation from DIA-
NETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE OF Scholarships of upper level training and processing.
A U D I T O R A person who through church
training b e c o m e s skilled in the successful
which through the application of its t e c h n o -
logy, can bring about desirable changes in the
c o n d i t i o n s of life.*
MENTAL HEALTH in Auditor 135 con-
tained a typographical error. are being application of Dianetics and Scientology to his
family, friends and the public to achieve t h e
ability gained as stated on the Gradation Chart
SHSBC Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.
TECH or T E C H N O L O G Y The m e t h o d s of
With our sincerest apologies to its
author, L. Ron Hubbard, here is the
offered to for his class of training.* A Minister.
CASE S U P E R V I S O R That person in a Scien-
tology Church w h o gives instructions regarding,
application of an art or science as opposed to
mere knowledge of the science or art itself.*
T H E T A N The person himself — n o t his body
correct version of the quote:
There is a higher goal, a better
upstat and and supervises the auditing of preclears.*
C L E A R A t h e t a n w h o can be at cause knowing-
or his n a m e , the physical universe, his m i n d , or
anything else; that which is aware of being
a w a r e ; the identity which is the individual.*
ly and at will over mental m a t t e r , energy, space
goal, a more glorious victory than
gutted towns and radiation-burned
important and time as regards the first d y n a m i c (survival
for self). The state of Clear is above the release
TRs Training regimen or r o u t i n e . *
UPSTAT One w h o has high statistics.
*Taken from the Dianetics and Scientology
dead. There is freedom and happiness
and plenty and a whole Universe to be
•people which grades (all of which are requisite to Clearing)
and is attained by c o m p l e t i o n of the Clearing
Course at an Advanced Organization.*
Dictionary by L. Ron H u b b a r d .

He who would not see it is far from
count on their D I A N E T I C S DIA (Greek) t h r o u g h , N O U S
(Greek) soul; deals with a system of m e n t a l
image pictures in relation to psychic (spiritual)
worthy to rule. He who would indulge
his hates is too insane to advise.
course dona- t r a u m a . The mental image pictures are believed
on t h e basis of personal revelation to be com-
prising m e n t a l activity created and formed by
How much can Man conquer? He tions. See the the spirit, and not by the body or brain.*
HASI H u b b a r d Association of Scientologists
loses if he conquers Man. He wins if he International.*
conquers his own fears and conquers Registrar for OT (Operating T h e t a n ) A Clear w h o has been
refamiliarized with his capabilities.*
then the stars.
L. Ron Hubbard, p. 407, Application. P R E C L E A R a spiritual being w h o is n o w on
the road to becoming Clear, hence preclear.*
R E A C T I V E MIND A portion of a person's
DIANETICS. mind which works on a totally stimulus-res-
Fourteen hundred pupils this year are
being exposed to the educational dis-
coveries of L. Ron Hubbard in the public
Forty-six Supervisors from the
schools of Beer Sheva, Israel.
Department of General Direction for the
The program began in 1974 with Improvement of Teaching Professionals,
TZ1P1 GIVE'ON, then vice-principal and under the Secretariat of Public. Educa-
now principal of the Tsee Lim elementary tion, are now training on teacher's
school. When two supervisors from the courses in Study Technology at the
government ministry of education visited Institute de Technologia para la Educa-
the school, they were so excited they cion, an affiliate of Applied Scholastics.
increased the school budget for such Each supervisor is responsible for a
activities! district of 30 public schools.
The principal of the second school, The course is fully accredited and
Mitspeh, took a course in L. Ron counts toward salary incentives given
Hubbard's technology herself and asked teachers for advancing their qualifica-
to have the program in her school. tions. A graduation was held June 24th
BOOKY GRINFELD is now in charge of by the Department of Education, at
these enrichment programs at both which L. Ron Hubbard was awarded a
schools. The program is being offered to plaque in recognition of his major con-
all pupils during the regular school day. tributions in the field of education.
Tzipi's husband, SHAFEE (a Class IV Arrangements are underway to make
All students in two large public schools in Beer Sheva, Israel, do special communication drills Auditor), Associate Professor of Mathe- the teacher's course in Study Tech part
developed by L. Ron Hubbard to increase learning ability. matics at Ben Gurion University of the of the requirements at all teachers
Negev, also uses L. Ron Hubbard's tech- colleges in Mexico.
nology and philosophy in his classes. He
and Tzipi have spent the last year in Los
STUDENTS FIND PURPOSE Angeles advancing their training in this
technology, as well as offering very
IN LEARNING popular lectures on it in Hebrew in the
Los Angeles area.
Continual trouble is what brought 95% the results of L. Ron Hubbard's Study
of the students to Innovative Programs Tech. It sounded very workable — which
School (IPS), an "Alternative" school in was quite a relief, as he and his fellow
Westwood, California. teachers had tried just about everything
It wasn't that they were unintelligent. else.
Their IQs tested out well above average And it did work.
even when they took the tests while on It worked so well that training in
drugs, which they usually did. It was just Study Tech is now required of all the
that they were completely turned off to school's teachers!
school. Since the application of this Study
The expectations for success IPS was Tech, an amazing thing has happened to
meeting were not very high - most of the the 160 students at IPS. They have
kids came to school "stoned" every day become interested. In class after class,
but at least they were still in school, students have been discovering a sense
and they weren't committing suicide. of purpose, of the future.
Little progress was being made on an In fact, students are now asking for
academic level. Students went to class advanced classes after their basic gradua-
only if they wanted to. tion requirements are done.
Teachers were unsuccessfully trying to This year, every student was able to
solve this by finding what the kids WERE conclude honestly he had accomplished
interested in, in order to align their something.
teaching with that. This, however, missed But perhaps the biggest indicator of
the whole problem: the kids weren't the effectiveness of the technology is that
interested in anything. They were students aren't coming to school "stoned"
purposeless. anymore. They don't have to. They
Then, in 1976, FRED HOLTBY, know they're doing something worth-
lead teacher (he would' be called the while now and for the first time, they're
principal if the school had one), who winning at it.
had been there seven years, heard about

An astounding average gain of 2.4 stories. One mother cried with joy at the
grade levels in reading comprehension change in her son, who had previously
after only 26 classroom hours of instruc- been flunking out of school with no hope
tion (spread over 3 weeks) was the result of improvement!
of a recent pilot reading course using L. A similar pilot was completed in June,
Ron Hubbard's Study Technology. The 1975, with younger students (7-13 year
level of the control group, who continued olds) in England. After only 10 classroom
their regular studies, remained the same hours of the same course, the pilot group
over this time period. showed an average increase of one year in
The pilot, done on 10th through 12th reading comprehension.
graders with low reading scores, was com- Results of this year's pilot are now
pleted this May in Los Angeles. being formally compiled to expand the
Teachers also reported a marked use of this program throughout the Los
Angeles area school system. FRED HOLTBY, standing, has had great success using L. Ron Hubbard's Study Tech in the
change in the special reading group's Innovative Programs School of the University High School at UCLA (University of California
behavior, participation and motivation. Los Angeles).
Students in the group wrote rave success

Hear the priceless data on STUDY TECH

in Ron's own voice
Buy the famous STUDY LECTURES on tape!
These are the learning tech- Listening to them is like having STUDY AND EDUCATION
niques that are startling educators Ron right there in the room as A REVIEW OF STUDY,
around the world with their your personal tutor. STUDY AND INTENTION
amazing effectiveness! Eight exciting lectures, 90 Price for the set: $310.24. 20%
Now you can learn them for minutes each: discount for Scientology members.
yourself in the comfort of your STUDYING -
own home, straight from Ron. INTRODUCTION ORDER TODAY
Learn HOW to learn any skill STUDYING -
or subject faster and more easily DATA ASSIMILATION Send your check to Dept. 137,
than you have ever dreamed A SUMMARY OF STUDY Church of Scientology of Califor-
possible! STUDY - GRADIENTS AND nia, Publications Organization,
All the warmth and vitality of NOMENCLATURE 2723 W. Temple, Los Angeles, CA
expression in these lectures is 90026.
faithfully reproduced for you on INFORMATION
high quality reel-to-reel recordings.
L. Ron Hubbard's Study Technology is the
emphasis at Golden Gate Apple School in
Oakland, California, and the results have been
GAIL HOLLAND opened the school in the
fall of 1976, after graduation from Saint Hill
Special Briefing Course and Senior Briefing
Course training at ASHO, to which she attri-
butes her success. Golden Gate is currently an
elementary school with more than 50 enrolled,
and plans are underway for expansion into high
school facilities soon.
The application of L. Ron Hubbard's educa-
tional discoveries at the school gets students
actively learning rather than passively being
taught. All school faculty regardless of other
qualifications, are trained specialists in these
"We teach children how to study so they can
become more independent and learn at their
own speeds," explains Gail, and this approach
has proved highly effective. When the school
first opened last fall, most children were reading
below grade level. They disliked the subject so
much in fact that the state tester could barely ASHO GRADUATE GAIL HOLLAND shows one of her students how to use a dictionary.
get them to sit still. This spring, however, not
only were all the students found to be reading at
or above grade level, but the tester was quite
surprised to see their attitude completely
Despite its obvious impact on good student- As a teacher teaching in the field of special education, I am listening to the Study Tapes in the context of
teacher relations and the role it plays in really I can firmly validate the workability of L. Ron Hubbard's the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and realized why
understanding what is being taught, communica- Study Tech. Children achieving 2-4 years below grade my life changed' so much after I heard them the very
level and who have very poor self-concepts, have made first time. I had been a straight A student in high school,
tion as a subject is generally neglected in miraculous gains since Study Tech was introduced. but in college I used to watch the other students under-
education today. But through a training program Educators must look at pre and post testing. Every lining parts of their books and taking notes on lectures
developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Golden Gate student has improved. One has increased two full grade and wondered how they knew what to underline or note
students are given those fundamental levels in oral and silent reading. Multiplication and down. I used to underline passages at random or try to
communication skills necessary to good learning division, two hatreds, are now mastered because of find used books that were already underlined. In lectures
the Study Tech. Misunderstandings such as "Germany is I usually wrote down the professor's jokes or tried to
and success in life. located in the Rocky Mountains" and "Martin Luther 'write down everything he said. The problem was that I
Another feature that differentiates the King was a president during the Civil War" are now didn 't know how to evaluate the information.
school is the stress on establishing a sense of gone! In high school it was easy because there was so little
ethics in the children. The meaning and impor- Before I learned the Study Tech I thought I knew to learn that I could learn it all and therefore I didn '!
tance of honesty and responsibility are learned why slow learners were slow. Now I really know - and have to evaluate importances.
applying what I know produces results. Since learning Study Tech I know how to evaluate
by students on a day-to-day basis. Jane M. Knapp, St. Lt>uis importances and this has helped me tremendously.
The original Apple School was started in Sioux Bushman, San Francisco
February 1974 by BONNIE BISHOP, another Study Tech saved my grades at final time last
ASHO graduate, witli 15 students and two semester. Now, after 7 weeks in school this semester I'm
There's not room enough to tell all the gains I've
small classrooms. Today the original school has gotten from learning Study Tech, so I'll say this if
very close to getting straight A 's! What is neat about this
you would walk the road out of confusion and mystery,
more than 200 students and a 4.2 acre campus is I don't have any reason to fear that this progress will
this technology is your shoes, compass, flashlight and
in Los Angeles, Golden Gate was one of four cease. If I just keep applying Study Tech I can 't lose!
new Apple Schools, all employing Study Tech, Jeff Magee, Illinois
Dick Spear
opened in September 1976.


Get rid of them for good on the E METER REPAIR
If the very mention of STUDY makes you as a co-audit. (Method One Co-Audit training
feel tired, bored, uncomfortable, and like course, $194.14.)
being somewhere else, the Primary Rundown
is for you! The second part, a life-changing study
action unmatched by any other course in
This Rundown is a thorough, personal Scientology, is given for a donation of
experience in L. Ron Hubbard's Study Tech- $542.97.
nology. To help Auditors keep their E-Meters 100%
Don't let study troubles bar your road to STANDARD, the Hubbard Electrometer Manufacturing
Its first step shakes out all the dust, cob- discovering the truths of Dianetics and Department of the Publications Organization has just
expanded into the field of E-Meter Repair.
webs and confusions from your entire past Scientology. Clear the road with the Primary This unit will now repair your E-Meter no matter
education, leaving you fresh and sparkling Rundown and open a whole new world for where you bought it originally at about HALF what
with new curiosity. yourself. auditors have had to pay in the past!
If you have any doubts about your E-Meter's per-
formance, send it to Pubs. Include your name, address
The second step gives you a powerful When you get done with this Rundown, and phone, the meter number, and what you have
technology of study that enables you to grasp observed needs attention. Your Meter will be repaired
you will be able to study with the ease, fun, to meet 1007r STANDARD performance.
written material in an instant. This isn't just and clarity you've always wished for! Send to: Hubbard Electrometer Repair. Church
speed reading or a memory trick — with these of Scientology of California. Publications Organization,
2723 W. Temple. Los Angeles, CA 90026.
methods you can turn what you read into SIGN UP TODAY. Write LETTER REGIS-
ACT/ON! TRAR, Church of Scientology of California,
ASHO, 2723 W. Temple, Los Angeles, CA
Method One Word Clearing, the first step 90026.
of the Primary Rundown, may be received in
the Hubbard Guidance Center for donation of IF WE CANT FIX IT..
$387.83 per 121/2 Hour Intensive for students
on professional training, $775.67 per 121/2
Hour Intensive for others. Or it may be done

Page 6 - Issue137 THE AUDITOR '•

continued from front n*at>
to this. There is a ceiling, and that is the point
At San Diego, California
CRISS L I C K E R T and S T E V E H A L S E N were married on April where a person is no longer improving because take place. Look at the nuclear physicist, foi
16, 1977 by the Rev. Sharon Papike. he's not doing. There is nothing more ghastly example. He's being trained to blow up the
At New York, New York
E V E L I N E M O R G A N and F R E D R I C K C A R P E N T E R were than to practice, practice, practice with no planet, and there's only one planet!
married on May 13, 1977 by t h e Rev. Richard D. Alexander. doingness. However, we're not in that state. I want tc
At New Y o r k , N e w Y o r k
H E L E N R H O D E S H O C H M A N and T H O M A S R E G N I E R were They found this out during World War II, point out to you that there are two and a hall
married on May 17, 1977 by the Rev. Richard D. Alexander. billion homo sapiens and we're not going to rur
At San Jose, California training commandos in England. They trained
D E D E DIZIK (Class VI, OT IIIX) and DREW J O H N S T O N them, early in the war, in order to make a out of preclears. '
(Class VIII, OT IV) were married on April 2, 1977 by the
Rev. Tim Melchoir. strike back, and they did. They made a couple So the theory section is the first part of it
At Phoenix, Arizona of minor strikebacks across the channel after the communication. The practical section is the
married on April 8, 1977 by the Rev. Jim Bennett. Dunkirk. demonstration that you can put it into action
Af Scottsdale, Arizona This was the Army commando that they and the third part of it, the auditing section, i;
G E O R G A N N M c B R A Y E R and ROB M A T E were married
on April 2 4 , 1977 by the Rev. Gary Minniss. were developing, but the army said, "What the demonstration of your absolute and complete
At Mill Valley, California can these commandos do that any platoon in ability to get results with it. And that sums up
TINA MAE LEE and C H A R L E S R I C H A R D S were married on
March 4, 1977 by the Rev. Eric Barnes. my regiment can't do?" And so the commandos the purpose of the training we're doing.
At San Francisco, California
J E A N N E L E I L O N I E R A G S D A L E and F R E D E R I C K K A R E L
stayed home. They were restrained thoroughly We're approaching a point here at Saint Hili
S C H O O R D Y K were married on April 30, 1977 by the Rev. from further action until almost two years had where the precision with which a session can be
Eric Barnes. done is not to be trifled with. We're in a type ol
At New York, New York
gone by. And those poor guys were so over-
S Y L V I A B O R N F R I E N D and C H A R L E S F. PHILIP were trained with no doingness that they were just auditing today where you can't miss, where you
married on May 2 2 , 1977 by the Rev. H o w a r d Rower. must not miss.
At Davis, California going to pieces. They had been trained and
L U C I N D A HOWE and R U S S E L L M c K E V I T T were married on trained but they never got a chance to perform There is no almost right action in Scientolog>
May 14, 1977.
At Vancouver, Canada any of their skills. auditing. There is no number four ring in the
C A R O L I N E L E T K E M A N (Class IV, Dianetic C/S) and Rev. • The point here is that you can't practice, target.
ERIC R E I N E R T S E N were married on April 2, 1977 by the Rev.
Jeanne Henderson. practice, practice with no doingness. So we must There's only a bullseye.
ENGAGEMENTS not regard the auditing section as an inter-
At C h a r l o t t e , North Carolina changeable practical section. In the practical
MARY S T E W A R T and R O B E R T W R I G H T wish to a n n o u n c e
their engagement to be married on J u n e 12, 1977. section you get him to do it long enough to find
At O t t a w a , Canada
E I L E E N G L E A S O N and KEN W A N K E wish to a n n o u n c e their
out if he knows how to do it. The auditing
engagement to be married July 2, 1977. section must hold up before the student at all L. Ron Hubbard
At Champaign, Illinois
C O N N I E S A D E W A T E R and Rev. R O N A L D P E N N E R wish to times that this is for blood and nobody is going From a lecture to the
a n n o u n c e their engagement to be married on J u n e 12, 1 9 7 7 . to hold his hand. Saint Hill Special Briefing Course
BIRTHS But also, in Scientology training, you must
At Davis, California 22 May, 1962
To ROHN and VIKKI W A L K E R , a d a u g h t e r , A R I A N N A , born not have doingness with inadequate practice.
on May 4 , 1977. There is a happy balance educationally.
At San Diego, California
To R I C H A R D and DEBBIE F U R R Y , a daughter, WENDY There are fields of endeavor here on earth
ANN, born on April 15, 1977.
At H o l l y w o o d , California
where you couldn't permit these three steps to
To WEBB (Clear 5 5 3 4 ) and N O R V A B A U G H , (Clear 5 4 7 9 ) a
son JACKSON WEBB, born on May 1, 1 9 7 7 . He was born at
At Bay S h o r e , New York
To C A R L and E L L E N S A N D I N , a s o n , N E A L P H I L I P , born on
January 2 3 , 1977.
At the Flag Land Base
R A N D A L L S H E R I D A N , son of J E R R Y and C L A I R E P A R Z was
named and w e l c o m e d on May 7, 1 9 7 7 , by t h e Rev. Alycia
At Elbertsville, N e w York
LOUIS BUCHMANN, (Power Release) left his b o d y on April
26, 1977.

G e t the o u t l i n e of e d u c a t i o n Ron refers to in this month's article:

by L. Ron Hubbard'
Scientology 0-8 contains the Logics,
PreLogics, Axioms of Scientology and
Dianetics, and all the Codes and Scales
that give you the basics of Scientology
technology in a nutshell.
This handy reference is essential for
any student of L. Ron Hubbard's work.
Just get it, read it, and USE it. Your life
will never be the same again!
$7.76 hardback.
10% discount for Scientology members,
ORDER TODAY from Dept. 137,
Church of Scientology of California, Pub-
lications Organization, 2723 W. Temple,
Los Angeles, CA 90026.

Order your copy today !

CLASS V Graduates & Releases
Missy Shea, Glen Johnson, Carolyn
Delores Stokes.
Burgess, Susan Spencer, Carol POWER RELEASES
Morse, Chuck Reed, Eva Blake, Steve Cashion, Steve Barrera, John
Glen Schenerman. Frencher, Glen Libhart, Tony Miro,
CLASS VI Leona Gonsonlin, Dick Davies,
Bill Howey, Bill Horwich, Tom Dawn Murley, Lee Lipton, Diana
Price, Beatrice Payne, Jim Patter- Greeves, Peter Hanlan. Simon
son, Coleen Tanko, Anne Barnett, Meadmore, Travis Straeener, Phil
Ed Lang, Lois Robin. Wilson, Toni Knowles, Sally Malm;
CLASS VI INTERNSHIP: Lois Robin, Chris Many, Melmda
Anders Haikman, Evelyn Bowers. Bullerdick, Ann B. Davis, Jan
CLASS VIII Welchi, Mike Andres, Araceli Racio.
Ted Cormier.

Now there are 6106 Clears

West End, New York Clear 6088 BOB A N D E R S O N , Santa Clara
Washington, D.C. Arden Way, California
Clear 6070 VIVIAN BAKER, Clear 6090 MARTHA E. TATUM,
Washington, D.C. Salt Lake City
Clear 6071 HELEN COHEN, New York Clear 6091 BONNIE KOSSUTH,
Clear 6072 WILLIAM A. METHVIN, St. Louis
Castro Valley Clear 6092 JOSEPH A. CAULFIELD,
Clear 6073 TONY MILANI, Castro Valley St. Louis
Clear 6074 DOTTIE N U L L , Las Vegas Clear 6093 FRANK DAVIS, New York
Clear 6075 SUE Z E N G E R , Salt Lake City Clear 6095 ALLEN GRONDIN, ASHO
Clear 6076 JAMIE SALVAIL, Clear6096 CAROL IKAMI,
Los Angeles San Francisco
Washington, D.C. Auckland, New Zealand
Clear 6078 EVELYN KREYLING, Clear 6098 JOHN THOMAS, Los Angeles
Las Vegas Clear 6099 THERESA GARCIA
Fort Lauderdale Clear 6100 ESTHER MACPHERSON,
Clear 6080 CHRIS MARTELLI, Toronto
Davis, Calif. Clear 6101 HARRIET HUGHES,
Clear 6081 BRENDA L. YATES, Boston Washington, D.C.
Clear 6082 DAVID GILHOOLY, Clear 6102 D A V I D L E O N A R D ,
Davis, Calif. San Francisco
Clear 6083 JOHN LICHTENSTEIGER, Clear 6103 CARL MYCOFF, Denver
Denver Clear 6104 BOB MEINSMA,
Clear 6084 R. CRAIG WHALIN, San Francisco
San Francisco Clear 6105 S U S A N D A V I S , New York
Clear 6085 TIM G I F F O R D , Vista, Calif. Clear 6106 CAROL GARRITY, Las Vegas
San Francisco

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