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Take the limits off what God can do in your life!

God loves to bless you. It brings Him joy to give you the desires of your heart. God
wants to do more than “ordinary” in your life.

When you ask for God’s goodness and abundance in any area of your life, He delights
in answering your prayer. He loves to see you receive His goodness.

If you want to build your faith and believe for more blessing than you ever thought
possible, if you want to take the limits off yourself and off God, request Joel’s brand-
new devotional, God’s Best for You. This new devotional will equip you to pray bigger,
bolder, uncommon prayers and live out God’s best for your life.

God wants to pour out His favor, His provision, and His blessings—He’s not holding
anything back.

Your gift today will bring the message of HOPE to people who need it.

THANK YOU for your gift that will bring HOPE to the World.

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