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CHAPTER 7: The PATHS® and HOSO Curriculum


Identify the conceptual unit that is being developed in the given situation, whether it is:
emotional understanding; self-control; social problem solving; peer relations and

___________________ 1. Students spend the next week considering what they will do
and how much energy they will need to do it. Being mindful of when to spend and
when to conserve their mental energy will help students navigate their environment
and achieve their goals.

Social Problem Solving 2.  Using open-ended questions, such as “How could you fix
this problem?” “What would be a fair solution?”, “What would happen if you used
that solution?” to solve their problem independently.

Peer relations and

___________________ 3. Children are becoming better at resisting negative peer
pressure and influence because of their established self-esteem.

___________________ 4. Practicing a habit of tuning in to how you feel in different
situations throughout the day.

___________________ 5. Have students use an “I” sentence frame, such as, “I feel
Social Problem Solving
(insert feeling word) when (identify what made you feel that way).

___________________ 6.  If the student doesn’t feel safe, someone is being hurt
Social Problem Solving
physically or emotionally, or if they tried to solve a problem independently but it
didn’t work and they need help, they know that it’s okay to tell an adult.

___________________ 7. If the students are motivated to lose weight, they do not bring
junk food into the house. 

___________________ 8. Students can simply notice whatever emotion they feel, then
they name that emotion in their mind.

Peer relations and

___________________ 9. Our student’s friends might be encouraging her to try
smoking. Rather than simply saying ‘No, thanks’, she could say something like,
‘No, it makes my asthma worse’, or ‘No, I don’t like the way it makes me smell’.

Peer relations and

___________________ 10. If a child has the chance to develop friendships from many
sources, including sport, family activities or clubs, it will mean he’s got lots of other
options and sources of support if a friendship goes wrong.

___________________ 11. Students are able to openly share their feelings with the
people closest to them without feeling ashamed and guilty about it.

Self-control 12. To achieve an academic goal, students might say, “When I
get home from class, I will read Chapter 5.” Now the decision-making is done. They
know when they will study. It sounds simple, but it works.

Social Problem Solving 13. Students can communicate how they are feeling using
honest and open communication. Teaching students to appropriately communicate
their emotions can help solve some social problems from the beginning.

Self-control 14. If the students are driven to write 2,000 words a day, they
mute their social media accounts to prevent distractions.

Peer relations and

___________________ 15. Good communication and a positive relationship with their
parents might also encourage children to talk to them if they feel that they are being
influenced negatively by their peers.

___________________ 16. Students are aware that they don't have to dwell on their
emotions or constantly talk about how they feel.

Social Problem Solving 17. Treating someone with respect means to not call them
names, ignore them, yell or hit them.

___________________ 18. Students can identify one way that they can change their
environment to help them achieve a specific goal.

___________________ 19. Students are able to recognize, respect, and accept their
feelings as they happen.

Peer relations and

___________________ 20. Wearing certain clothes or having a hair cut in a particular
way can help a child feel connected to his/her peers.


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